Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Jacean245 wrote: »
    Diptyque eau rose sounds good if I can find it.

    That one looks pricey on Amazon.

    Looks like several paces sell a bottle (100ml) of it for $98USD...........

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Ah LIN - Not exactly an old age pension purchase I guess! Maybe I'll get a free sample, dream on, oh hopeful Anne.
    Things are even dearer in Canada as well. Anyway, I will go and see if I can find it and maybe get a free squirt. That sort of cash keeps Tabitha Daisy in cat food and kitty litter for a month!
    As we say, I have champagne tastes on a beer salary.
    Thanks LIN for your precious time, you are a real doll for sure.
    Incidentally I've got Tabs on organic cat food as well as my own groceries. The general stuff was causing her 17 year old insides trouble, re. additives in food earlier. She's eating "Lick your chops" with no problems. It's from the USA.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Thanks for the link.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited March 2015
    CALIECAT wrote: »

    Jeri glad you are still here and not out on one of your trips. Sorry to hear you are not up to pare Get well soon. but you are cute as a bug in the photo with your grand kids

    Are you still on a gluten free plan. I had to go back to it for I went thru a terrible time with my guts. and knew I had to get back on it. that was 4 weeks ago. Within a couple days I have had no more Problems

    Thanks - it was lots of fun. Yes Marie, I'm back to gluten free too. I just feel so much better. When I do have some gluten, if I can't avoid it, I pay the price. My daughter too, she is going back to gluten free as well. Oh well.

    Lin -I wore the same perfume too. But now I never wear it at all. Very seldom wear make up either. Now that I am retired, I've gone very natural.

    Ed and I booked a timeshare vacation in Pagosa Springs Colorado in June today. That will be so much fun, we loved the 5 years we lived in Denver.

    Bob - I'm having real foot problems these days too. I was walking about an hr a day in the treadmill but my feet are acting up and tonight I tried the recumbent bike instead. I'll see how that goes. Isn't it so frustrating when we are motivated to exercise but injuries hold us back.

    Hello to all

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2015
    Gosh, another weekend already.... where does the time go?? A grey start here but hopefully a rather strong breeze will break up the clouds so we'll see some sunshine later. Yesterday I spent the afternoon at the allotment pruning our raspberry canes, not before time. Only problem is the Autumn fruiting have mingled with the earlies so it's difficult to know what needs cutting back as they require different approaches. That's nature for you! LOL My bees were out and about in the mild temperatures and seem to have survived our topsy turvy winter so hopefully they'll build up numbers and produce some decent honey later this year. I know it's Gayla that loves to watch tennis but don't know if any of you watched the Davis cup games yesterday between GB and USA. Fabulous tennis, and not only because GB won both matches, honest!!

    Bob ~ I meant to comment about the pics of your wife included in your video, at least I assume that's who the wonderfully smiling and laughing lady is and not the temptress who offerred sticky buns LOL When I viewed them I thought that lady looks an absolute scream (that might be a British term, don't know) and must be amazing company. You're a lucky man, but then I know you know that already! Just like Anne I don't know that condition you are suffering but it must be painful if it's curbing your exercise so do hope it improves soon.

    Shirley ~ Assuming you're on a water meter I trust you and Dave will keep a sharp eye on those drips for your rebate.

    Anne ~ My snowdrops have been twinkling their delightful flower heads at me for a month now and although I had worried our little bit of snow and ice would flatten them they seemed to thrive so hopefully yours will sit up once the snow melts. My gran always used a rose based perfume but I couldn't tell you which one. Perhaps you could do as Bob did on the cruise and make your own!! George had a delicate tummy from day one so like Tabitha Daisy I got him on to a natural dog food made up of lamb, rice and a few veggies grown on the producer's farms that works really well for him and my carpets! No accidents since he's been enjoying them.

    Lin ~ That's quite a list of rose perfumes you conjured up, well done. I'm going to do a Google search myself on some of them and see if, like Anne I go for the most expensive. It's the usual case when I go shopping and pick out anything I like the look of until I see the price tag! I'm with you on the daylight saving which we're told assists children in Scotland to find their way to school in the early mornings, at least that's the story our politicians give us in the UK whenever the question is raised as to whether we really need to be doing it every year, no doubt looking for a sympathy vote! My hens hate it because I'm either dragging them out of bed too early or they have to hang around in the house for an extra hour waiting to be let out!!

    Oops, already 9.30 am in the UK so must get on with a walk and then housework before more Davis cup tennis. Nearly forgot to mention my weight is back up a couple of pounds, and that's after a week of walking, swimming and gardening so something wrong being done by me and I'll have to keep a close check on my diet.I did make a tray of muffins to mix in a fruit pulp left over from juicing but can't think one a day would have such an affect.... ho hum!


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello sneakers, it's me again. I'm like you JACKIE I always pick out the most expensive items, it's a gift! lol. I'm noted in my family for this tendency which of course I can't follow through! Both of my DILs are very frugal when it comes to sales etc. but me, I tend to do without rather than get something I don't really love. JERI I admire you gals who can go natural. I've worn makeup all my life, very minimal and NO animal tested products, I must admit, and STRESS - very minimal. I have a reason though for a touch of face cream, a dusting of powder, and a smear of lipstick. I have a very fine sensitive skin. Light makeup protects from the elements in my book. When folks come to my place they'll use the washroom and come out commenting, "oh, do you use makeup, I don't". That's how minimal mine is, barely noticeable. Whilst saying this they are putting hand cream on their washed hands. Then, they put on their gloves over their cream protected hands and go out to greet the harsh weather with unadorned unprotected faces! Mine would be red and raw in no time. Sure saves money though if you can do without!
    - LIN I mentioned the perfume to my eldest and your appreciated efforts and he's going to see what HE can find! It's a long way to my birthday though - (for which I'm grateful!)
    - 32 F today, and very lightly snowing.
    - cheers, ANNE
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Today is Dave's birthday he will be 65. We are planning dinner tonight with friends from the
    sailing club at a restaurant across the border.

    I am finishing up vacation laundry today and trying to get back to normal. My E Test is today for my car so I can renew my plates. My health card and license renew all good now. Now just waiting for the final cards with my picture.

    A cloudy day but the temps are rising so maybe some of this snow will disappear, we can only hope.

    Jeri - Your vacation sounds like fun. Something to look forward to.

    Anne - I use different colognes so I am not much help on that. I see Lin has you well informed.

    Jackie - the Town is watching our continual dripping water and we will not be charged for consumption rates.


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    good morning dear sneakers. Even though we have been retired for years, Saturday always feels special somehow. Back when raising our children, Saturday's were crazy with activities. Now I tend to manufactor things to keep it special and busy.

    It is sunny and mild so we are in and out of the house, will get a few tasks done before settling in for dinner and exercise and TV. We normally try to get in touch with our grown children on weekends. That is another thing that bothers me about retirement. I don't want to sound needy to our children. They are busy and I think we should be busy as well. But I admit, I dearly love to chat with them about nearly everything. We have only one grown grandson. We are a small family.

    I admit to enjoying makeup and perfume and use it regularly. It is one of my indulgences. I don't use any of the really expensive cosmetics, but I probably would if I could afford it.

    It is distressing how delicate we have become when it comes to food. Both my husband and I have problems with certain foods. We seem to get easily sick when we eat in restaurants. We must choose carefully. What a bother! I don't think we have a problem with glutin but perhaps like some of you we are having difficulty with additives...which is everywhere!!!!!

    All of my house plants need attention. They know it's spring and want repotted and a bit of plant food. I have a large plant that touches the ceiling. I am not sure about how to prune it or exactly what it is. I have had it for at least 20 years. Seriously! I named it Frank. Frank isn't necessarily great looking, but he is faithful.

    Sorry about all my nonsense, I admit it...I am a silly.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Nonsense? No way. No more than me PATSY! I Just want to tell LIN about something I had for lunch today and was REALLY delicious and won an award from The Celiac Sprue Association. I fancied a non cook day AND a pizza. So from the organic grocery I bought Daiya margherita pizza, dairy free.
    It's for 3 meals and 370 calories for each meal. It was really tasty LIN if you like pizza and if you can get it in the states. Vancouver manufacturer, and it's a poor way from me to say thank you for your perfume research.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Thank you Anne but I no longer eat processed foods as I am no salt, no oil, no sugar, no additives, etc. But I thank you for the thought. It was very kind. This is why I am in my kitchen often. I have soy yogurt in the yogurt maker, have my homemade flax crackers in the oven, made broccoli slaw, and zapped some sugar snap peas this morning.

    I am on my iPad right now. My laptop failed again this morning but finally got it working again and copied new files I want to keep over to a UBS stick. It seems to be working again but I'm letting it rest for now.

    I checked and I am already 1/3 of the way through my Mb allotment for the month with my Internet provider. I need to really cut back or I suspect I will find out about heavy overage fees.

    I need to zip along. I am already trying to spring forward in advance of tomorrow. So shifted my lunch forward, will take my shower tonight and go to bed early. Over half of my clocks are changed and my wristwatch. I'll do the vehicles as I drive them.

    Am going to a special presentation at our library tomorrow. A performer billed as a Celtic guitarist. Sounds intriguing. I have received two notices reminding me to show up or cancel if I am not coming. Must have lots of folks hoping to get a spot!

    Onward. Bills to pay and I am dragging my feet because I really do not want to see my bank balances. Bad girl. Very bad girl.

    Hugs to all.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Shirley61 wrote: »

    Today is Dave's birthday he will be 65. We are planning dinner tonight with friends from the
    sailing club at a restaurant across the border.


    happy birthday Dave you have a wonderful wife. Happy birthday to you
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member


    Have a great celebration Shirley and Dave.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Fabulous video; almost makes me want to go on another cruise! My cursor is jumping around again, and it's too frustrating to try typing! Nothing new here, but am loving all your posts! Cousins visiting from Cape Cod, so I'll be busy, but will check in daily to keep abreast of your happenings! Glad LIN is feeling better!
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,192 Member
    Happy Sunday to all ---

    Off to church, home for a bite to eat and then leaving again to the guitarist performance.

    It is EARLY isn't it? Glad I started a day ahead.........!!


  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    NikonPal wrote: »
    Jacean – Good to be back – not that exile for another month would have been bad. As for the sirens call – wee did get together a few times in week #2. I hope you are right about “spring” being in the air. I know when I left we were on track to beat the record set in 1934 with an average Feb temp of 11.8 degrees F . I do love the Caribbean weather – but couldn’t live there. When you go behind the scenes and look at it from a native perspective – it is still a 3rd world environment for many.
    Lin – Thanks for the “welcome home”. It’s amazing how quickly the time passed. We were very active at each port. One favorite excursion was on St. Martin…we attended a 3 hour lab “course” and were able to choose from over 300 oils to design our own fragrance.
    If I had not researched before going, I might not have selected it, but the reviews were all excellent. It was a unique experience. I now wear my own signature cologne…I named it “ADDICTED” (I was actually thinking of the Robert Palmer song) LOL

    As for “weight” – I am glad not to be around high-calorie food available 24/7 with no limitations. In one presentation someone asked about calorie counts on the food – everyone laughed when the ships officer said – you don’t want to know.

    Buzz – thanks for the compliment and as you can see from the above, it was a wonderful time. Glad to be back to my routine. Again – the 1st week wasn’t bad…but week #2 – was more challenging.

    Jackie - I did take a lot of photos and have enjoyed educating myself about composition, lighting, bracketing, aperture / shutter speeds etc. over the years. I always tell people that I take both “snap-shots” and “photographs” (when lighting is most important and editing can take hours – eg. a wedding). As for those “glorious blue azure skies” – they required no editing – just gorgeous! The gym and food was great.

    Shirley – Hope you are having a great time on your cruise. I can’t wait to see some photos. Wishing you the best with regards to weather .

    Time now to get ready for “Person of Interest.”
    Bob B)

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi Everyone.
    I don't know about the rest of you but I find this format really confusing. I can't seem to find all the posts that everyone has written. Just the last couple of them. Anyway. I will write a little and then push send. I am waiting for the little girl I tutor to arrive. She comes every day of the week except on Fridays. That is our holy day and we pause that day here in Cairo. Like your Sunday in America.
    I am getting so excited I can't stand it because I travel on Tuesday to my daughters' house to help out with the baby. But the baby has not been delivered yet. Cross your fingers that the little one will appear soon.
    My bags are all packed and I can't wait to hug and kiss my other little grand daughter. She is 2 and a half now. cuter by the day. I'll send pictures when I get there.
    Hope all is good for all of you. If anyone can give me some directions on how to get the other post that would be helpful. I see the word first and then a number that is 72 today??? And some arrows on each side of the post. But can't figure out how to get recent posts except the 2 or 3 that show up on this page.
    Love ya all. Phyllis
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    For phoebe who I know loves bananas

    I would love to make thi for I can get a Gluten free cake mix but do not know about the banana pudding But going to do some reseach on it.
    Good morning phoebe
    Good morning all sneakers
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello sneakers from balmy 34 F Canada! Where are my (strictly for gardening and privacy) shorts!
    Just a comment. When I first joined you all I mentioned my hair was coming out. Well, I increased the protein in my diet and it stopped. Now it is getting thick again BUT - and here comes the comment. Prior hair loss I had very few if any grey hairs but the new hair is growing in grey. It's getting really noticeable and actually I don't mind at all, for as my dear youngest said, "about ruddy time mum". Maybe I'll now get the respect I deserve! Hah, dream on!
    cheers from ANNE.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    Greetings from beautiful Utah. We are here for a long weekend with many friends and long days of meetings. So far I have eaten well including some special treats (toast and peanut butter, corn muffins). Walked over my step goal every day. Brought some of my own food. Best restaurant meal was broiled wild salmon lettuce wraps with capers and salsa . We're almost a mile high so Jake has gotten out of breath easily. No snow, but colder temperatures than at home.