Senior Golden Sneakers



  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Sandy – So sorry for the loss of Cruzer and the pain Rob has had to go through. Great photos that show 1) You looked great & 2) You had a fabulous time! As for Eastern v. Western – we loved both. Western gave us the Tulum Ruins (and other historical adventures) & my delicious 100% Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee (lol); Eastern gave us some of the most gorgeous strands of beach available anywhere (we hit at just the right time without lots of other ships). I’ll take either. Glad we were both blessed with losts of sunshine / warmth.

    Phoebe – Yes – like most cruises the only issues with food related to “restraint”.

    Buzz – Sounds like you have your hands full. I’ll heed your Plantar Fasciitis advice – fortunately I have seen improvement faster than I expected. I did cut back walks to 45 minutes temporarily….but still doing strength exercises. Hang in there.

    Today started with – Burning 325 calories doing 60 minutes of cardio exercises, including "walking 3.1 and strength exercises; BREAKFAST: Blueberries Raw 1 oz; Dannon - Light & Fit Carb & Sugar Control Vanilla Cream Yogurt, 2 oz.; Banana 0.5 oz.; Driscolls - Strawberries - 4 oz; : Spices - Cinnamon, ground, 0.1 tbsp (sprinkle); Total Calories: 150 (that puts me at -175 for the day --- so far) Might have some fried fish today..hmm.

    Heading out now to say goodbye to relatives heading back to their home in Florida and then to the hospital to see close family friend in hospital....

    Enjoy the DAY!
    Bob :)
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    We are having spring-like weather. Showers for the flowers! Doing some research on some deer proof planting where the Rose bushes used to be. They aren't too fond of dandelions but...
    Enjoy the day everyone. It does seem like a lot of us dealing with foot issues. I am also looking at getting new insoles and maybe a new pair of slippers that can accommodate insoles. We can't take feet for granted anymore.
    My reading is more in the gardening area now. I also have vocabulary exercises in Spanish lessons. This is fun. Spanish is a very interesting language. It takes me twice as long to say any thing in Spanish. That must be why. Spanish speakers talk 100 miles an hour.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Sandy, tthanks for the explanation, I bookmarked that website too. So, it was something that nothing could help, that is sad. I'm glad Rob is moving forward.

    Patsy, we have lots of deer, and not a lot of things that they won't nibble when they are hungry. There are some things that do well in the northwest that might work.. rhododendrons I think.
    back to paperwork today. Should finish up if the computer can manage to behave!!

    Marie, sorry to hear about your family's loss, I forgot the name of the man who had a stroke, I know you must be busy too.

    Shirley, I was thinking about all of that really big snow piled up in the places that got so much this year, will it ever dry out??

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Phoebe- I went for a walk today and the sidewalks are finally melting. The piles are getting smaller and you see cars coming now without straining our necks to see above the piles. It will be in the
    - high 40's tomorrow so lots of snow should be melting. We won't be getting the sailboat in the water too soon since the lakes are about 80% frozen. So bring on the sunshine!

    I went for a nice walk this morning and it is getting better to walk now with the snow melting finally.
    March usually brings one more storm before it ends so we shall see.

    I talked to my daughter Kathy this morning and she will be 37 weeks on Sunday. So the doctor said if she goes early it won't be considered a premature baby but a full term baby. So she is due April 6th now just the waiting to be grandma and grandpa.

    Dave is counting the weeks and days now for retirement this month. He will be ice fishing this week end with our friend Tom who is excited to go. So it will be just me for the weekend. I have no plans but always find things to do.

    I have an apt. at 3:30 for a parrafin wax on my hands at the Spa. I am hoping to get some relieve
    from the arthritis and to get my skin looking nice again. I had this done years ago and if I remember it was pretty nice.

    Enjoy the day

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy so sorry about Rob's dog. that so hard to take..

    Shirley Won' t be long now. And you will be Grandma.

    Phoebe it was Kathy's my youngest doughter Father in Law he had a stoke or was Father in lw before her and Ricky got a divorced. They are now just shacking up together. I put all the blame on Kathy. Ricky is a very nice guy, They go to see a lawyer about their will the first of the month. Ricky's Dad did not have a Will.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Shirley – Isn’t the slow warming wonderful? Funny how just getting out of the 30’s and the time change can affect mood. I love it still being light out at 7pm.

    Buzz – I hope Mike’s VA appt went ok.

    Patsy – good luck with the Spanish! I took it in high school, but only remember a small amount (including the Hail Mary – yup Catholic school). Lol

    As mentioned, Jean and I went to the hospital this afternoon to visit a close family friend (My wife has known her since her teens). She wasn’t at the hospital and we found out later she was discharged to a local nursing facility. Apparently, she wasn’t looking well at went to the dr while we were on the cruise. Turns out there is a cancerous tumor etc. & she is not going for chemo, as it will extend her life by only a month or so. She is 86, but right up until a year ago she was super active at church etc. She is a wonderful person.

    We have school bus duty in the morning. My daughter just texted that my grandson is a bit under the weather – so that might mean a bit of “extra duty” – won’t know until tomorrow.

    Jean has to go to the dr’s with her dad in the afternoon and she works the church Fish Fry throughout Lent on Fridays too.

    Have a good night everyone.
    Bob :)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited March 2015
    My trip yesterday was to get a haircut and then work in the house again. I made a bit of progress and sorted through and packed a few boxes to take to charity. I put a call into a company who helps to dispose of household goods but no one was available to talk with me. This is the company I hired a couple of years ago to clean out the basement and a bit of the garage. Anyway, I did what I could and then found myself wandering around rather than accomplishing anything so I headed out. I was very tired when I got home. It seems I don’t sleep much the night before I make one of these trips now.

    This morning I got through all my errands, cooked beans, made almond milk, cooked vegetables, dropped off boxes at Goodwill, filled the vehicle with gas and got a car wash. Even towel dried it when I got home. Walking over 16,000 steps today. And plowed through the hundreds of emails that had accumulated.

    I sat outside for a while tonight while eating part of my supper. Oh, and I did finally see a robin today. Yeah! Tomorrow I need to pick up some mushrooms and will hopefully get the other vehicle into the car wash if the lines aren’t insane. I have a pile of paperwork to attack as well but as usual, I am dragging my feet again. Since I still seem to have the perception that I have too much stress I did finally take my blood pressure a few times today and although it was not outstanding, it wasn't bad which is nice to know. I hadn't taken my blood pressure at home for more than a year. Either it didn't occur to me to check on it or I didn't want to know. Ha.

    I walked while I played the DVD movie—The Equalizer. Wow, over the top violence. Glad I borrowed it from the library.

    Oh and the lady from the property disposal company did call me back today and we made an appointment in April (they are going on spring break vacation so had to be in April). I decided to sell the two remaining sets of my mom's dishes in their online auction. So we'll photograph the dishes and then pack them up and they'll put them in storage until they are sold. I also want her to look at all the glass bits and bobs to see if any of that would be appropriate for the online auction as well. I have to sign an agreement so this looks like it will take quite a while. I also want to discuss what other services they offer and the associated fees.

    Jeri – sorry about your continuing foot problems. I did get a pair of the inserts Bob mentioned and I don’t think they will work for me because the orthotics I have to wear don’t seem to be compatible with them. Sorry about the medical issues and very sorry you have to wait a week. I’ve not had a mammogram callback but last year with all the tests I had I was careening from one potential problem to the next as I went through the tests and I was always in limbo. It is not a comfortable place to live.

    Phoebe – working on the taxes now? It must be difficult to try to fit in so many of these things while you’re home. Sort of forces you to get to things in a short time frame. Glad your labs were good. Excellent!!

    Shirley – glad the temps are on the increase and you’re now able to get outdoors for a while.

    Bob – and so glad you are experiencing warmer temps as well. Good luck on bus duty and I hope no one is ill tomorrow.

    Barbie – glad you are home again. Home is best!!

    Sandy – LOVE the vacation pictures. Such a gorgeous family! And I am very sorry that your son lost his beloved greyhound. Such a shock! I hope your son's heart will heal.

    Patsy – it is wonderful that you are studying Spanish. Lovely!! How are you approaching it? An online course? Adult learning classes?

    Buzz – I saw your news feed post. Let us know what’s going on when you have a chance. I hope some day you have time for yourself. Love you---hugs.

    Marie – I am sorry for the loss in your extended family. It’s good to be prepared for whatever may come. I am always surprised to hear of people who die without a will. Seems like such a basic thing to do. I still have several friends who think it’s bad luck to make a will. Can’t believe it.

    Time to get up and move around again. Wishing everyone well.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :o Jake is still recovering from his bad cold so he wanted to spend the day resting. Since I got home from line dance, we've been watching TV---Jake in the recliner, the dogs on the couch, and me knitting and riding the exercise bike.

    <3 Barbie 569147nmlfkdnzlz.gif
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Friday!! :D It seems like I have no time to post or get my pictures from my cruise organized. I hope to be be back to normal by tomorrow when I don't have Robby. This has also been a bad week for food and exercise since it is my birthday week. I was pleased I have only gained 1.1 pounds even with the cruise, but I have not ridden my bike all week. Rob's parents came with him last night and brought pizza to celebrate my birthday. Bryanna came on Tuesday and brought my favorite dessert which is key lime pie, thus the weight gain. It has been a great birthday week but now it is time to get back to basics and work my MFP program.

    Barbie, sorry to hear Jake is sick with a bad cold, hope he feels better soon.
    Lin, it seems you are busy everyday, I hope things get settled soon and you have time to do just nothing.
    Bob, I made a movie of my pictures and then my granddaughter said no one can tag themselves or copy any pictures so I am back to square one and will just post them on facebook. I did enjoy both Eastern and Western cruises, let's face it, any cruise would be wonderful.
    Marie, I know you understand about Cruzer when you have just lost Sammie. I too, am sorry about the illness in your family.
    Shirley, I apologize for missing Dave's birthday but hope it was wonderful. Please pass on my birthday wishes to him.
    Phoebe, no one to blame for Cruzer although it felt like we should. It was his time and he is happy on rainbow bridge.
    Patsy, I used to love my flowers when I was in the house but balcony flowers aren't the same. We never boarded any of our dogs which is why my husband doesn't like to travel so I do most of my traveling alone or with my granddaughter.
    Buzz, you are another busy person who has to have some time for herself. I hope you got time to use your leg pump. Sorry about all the mix up with the VA.
    Jeri, I do hope all is well with the redo and you can breathe again.
    Phyllis, so exciting waiting for a grandchild.
    Jackie, give George an extra hug from me today.

    I know I am missing others but this is the first chance to let you all know I am thinking of you and love being part of this group.

    We are expecting temps in the 60's today, I think I will take Robby for a walk in his stroller.
    Enjoy your day, it is the first day of the rest of your life.

    One Day at a Time

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Yesterday's paraffin wax felt good. They don't do it like they used too. I used to dip my hands in some warm wax and hold them there until covered. I guess because of sanitary reasons now they just wrap the hands. My skin is very soft now but I needed more heat for the arthritis.

    Dave left early this morning to pick up Tom and go up North ice fishing. I did it a couple of times, kind of boring for me. I bring a book and read and wait for the fish. I like being out in the boat and in the fresh air and sun more. Tom is so excited he's like a kid in a candy store. He didn't do much guy stuff when Elli was alive.

    So I have the weekend to myself. I think I will do some cardio this morning and maybe some grocery shopping. Tonight I am taking my MIL out for dinner since its our usual
    ritual for Friday night's.

    Another beautiful day high of 47F and I hope it makes the snow go fast! Not as warm as
    Sandy's day but I will take it. We are not far from the lake so its always colder here than
    the inland cities.

    Lin - You have your work cut out for you. It sounds like a long process. Enjoy yourself in between the work. Don't let the stress take you over. I too check my blood pressure at home. Only when my doctor wants some of my readings. I am bad at that too. I hope things ease up a little for you. The weather is cooperating now and getting outside may help with the stress. <3

    Sandy - You did fantastic on your cruise and only gaining 1.1 pounds. I am so proud of you. I can't say that for my vacation, still working on that. Now it seems when we gain weight at our age its takes forever to drop it again. You look fantastic in your pictures you are very petite. Happy Birthday again.

    Barbie - Sorry to hear Jake is not feeling well. Tis the season for colds and flu. Here's
    hoping he feels better soon.

    Bob- I had P.F years ago and it was very painful. I had a cortisone shot for it and was ready to start wearing the boot at night when I started taking Omega 3 supplements.
    I don't know if I was on my way out of the pain but it started to feel better and I have not
    had the problem since. Just a thought.

    Well time to get some breakfast and get my exercise in for the day.

    Enjoy the day!!


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    just a hello Before we get out in this cool raining morning What a nasty day for a funeral.
    We got our grocer shopping done for today.
    Marie******have a wonderful day.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Thanks for the compliment the way that blouse I bought in Florida at a Good Will shop for $ investment I ever made. LOL
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    SANDY - Just a quick note because I'm dashing all over the place today. I LOVED that blouse too, wow, what a bargain. I must say also that you look very young and honestly don't appear to need to slim! It was a shame about the doggie, they really are family! But I have a feeling that the life span of a greyhound is only around 12 - 14 years. I'm amazed I've still got my Tabitha. ANNE.
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Dear friends,
    Just read the posts and everyone seems to be doing fine. The weather here has been in the 60's, we are expecting rain today and the farmers need it.

    My day today
    Breakfast, 1/4 c egg beaters, 1/2 an apple, a few blueberries, and my black coffee.
    Sewed on the bags I am quilting, when I finish some things I will post them.
    Snack, 1/2 apple and cheese stick
    Going to dentist
    Lunch, salad and water
    walk with Leslie's dvd exercise tape
    coffee break
    Going to dinner at a friends house, I hope it will not be overly fat or sugar. My plan is to eat half.

    I am getting mentally better about watching what I eat now. That is where it starts for me. I have not been mindful of my eating.

    It took me over an hour to get on the internet today so I am not sure when I will post again but I do try to read the posts.

    Take care,
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Chris - You are always welcome whenever you can get on. Glad to see you are back on track. Way to go!

    Sandy - Love those kinds of bargains, but I never seem to find them. That blouse is lovely.
    We have a consignment store here in our area and it is name brand clothes that people don't want anymore. Maybe I will take my MIL tomorrow and check it out.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Well now it is official!!! SPRING! We had our special chorus of frogs last night as we walked MoMo before bed. It is such a glorious sound. We always hear them down in the raspberries. I have had them actually jump into my bucket when I was picking raspberries. But that will not happen for a few months yet. We are to have a drenching rain this weekend. Getting ready to make chicken chili so that will be the meals for the weekend. Not too bad as far as calories. I will need to skip chips or crackers however.

    Learning Spanish is fun but I can see a real class would be helpful. I will check on the offerings at the community college next quarter. In the meantime, I am using an app. The reason I am doing this is that I might be adding a new daughter in law from South America soon. Life is full of interesting possibilities these days. I am excited and ready for anything that comes my way.

    I have also been trying to shave off that 2 lbs. that showed up when I wasn't watching. What a disappointment! Shows me how easily I can gain. I really didn't eat that differently, just maybe a bit more and not enough exercise. Lost focus I think, not good!

    Sandy, I have a friend that in a fury of housecleaning, she donated some clothes to Goodwell. She got really busy out in her garden recently and needed a good work jacket. She went to Goodwell and bought her old jacket back again. Even then, she decided it was a good deal. It is interesting how our tastes and preferences run true always!
    On to the chicken chili...

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Hello friends – another day of little things I guess. Got my couple of things from TJ’s, did get the other car washed (and lucky I went early because half of the wash stalls were closed for maintenance), towel dried it when I got home. I have yogurt in the yogurt maker which should be finished around 8 or 9pm tonight. Cooked some more vegetables, made a gigantic salad for lunch, got the rest of my car maintenance scheduled in early April, and read over some of the other paperwork. My church is having a scrapbook day tomorrow and I had been thinking of going just for the companionship but I’ve decided it would be a silly way to spend the money when I don’t even have a project to work on so I’ll stay home for Pi day. I have a t-shirt to wear. I’ve already worn it once but then after tomorrow I guess it will be obsolete!

    Sandy – I think all of your outfits were very attractive! You certainly have a full-time job looking after little Robby. I hope you can relax and catch up on some things over the weekend. Isn’t the weather fantastic? I am LOVING it. I agree, your blouse was a great buy.

    Shirley – I hope you enjoy your weekend while the guys are off doing their guy things. Nice of you to take your MIL out to dinner. I hope you have a lovely time.

    Barbie – sorry Jake is not feeling well. I hope by now he is doing a bit better.

    Marie – are you home now? Glad you got your groceries. Did you go to the funeral?

    Jeri – hope you are feeling better. Darn feet! We sure need them for everything don’t we?

    Diane – good to see you. I keep praying you’ll get some rain to break up that drought.

    Chris – I am sorry it is so difficult for you to get internet service. What great news that you are more mindful of your eating. That is so important.

    Anne – I hope your dashing around included some fun activities.

    Patsy – ribbet, ribbet back at you. No frogs around here. Just the one Robin yesterday. Oh, and a very unusual site this morning ONE long Canada goose flying and honking. We are almost plagued with Canada geese---hordes of them and I don’t remember another time seeing one flying solo! It would be nice to find a local Spanish class. I took a few semesters in my undergraduate program and a big component of the classes even way back then consisted of sessions of speaking in the language each day. And you bet, ready for changes, that is very good.

    Hugs to all and best wishes always.

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Lin – That was a busy day you had yesterday. That type of sorting and clearing things out can be exhausting…and you got in 16,000 steps! I can’t wait to see my first robin around here. Love to have the windows open and hear the birds.

    We saw the Equalizer at the movies when it first came out…not too violent. LOL….not exactly like his movie “Remember the Titans.”

    Your comment re: your mother’s dishes reminded me of something I said to Jean awhile back. We have this somewhat elegant / expensive “fine china” and I said “what are we going to do, just use it 3 times a year and then let someone buy it when we are dead?
    Turns out that must have been rhetorical because I still can’t bring myself to use it except for special occasions for fear of breaking a piece. It all makes me laugh.

    Sandy – I know what you are saying re: photos. I loaded mine to FaceBook for friends/family. I also have a photography website and uploaded a set (without protection), so people in the photos (not real friends or family) could simply download. One couple emailed back joking (I assume) that they want to cruise next year for more photos etc. As for temps in the 60’s – SUPER jealous!

    Speaking of the cruise – I never did mention that we found someone’s wallet on the streets in Tortola and when we opened it – it was a person on our cruise ship! It had drivers license, Cruise card ID (with full beverage package) and much more. We turned it into the ship and that guy had just reported the problem. Lucky guy.

    Shirley – The podiatrist offered a cortisone shot – but I told her I wanted to wait and see what happens. I take several mandatory drugs a day etc., so I try to limit when I can. It is still present – but much improved. If it gets worse, I will take the shot. Thank you!

    Have a wonderful evening!
    Bob :)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    edited March 2015
    This is me, my son, his girl and Bryanna swimming with the Dolphins.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello everyone, all this chat about Lent, church, goodwill stores etc reminded me of something which might give you a smile. My uncle, the retired navy captain, after he and my aunt (she a teetotaller) returned to England, enjoyed a pint of beer in one or other of our village pubs. He was an atheist and my aunt was a VERY devoted church woman. However, to please my aunt he gave up his pint for the length of Lent every year, and went to church with her on the first and last days. He always wore a trilby hat, do you call them that over here? The sort worn by detectives in old movies. Anyway, this particular last day of Lent he went with auntie to church as usual, and when the service was over and freedom obtained for another year, left her walking home, whilst he galloped off to his favourite pub which is conveniently located next to the ancient church. There he spent a couple of hours with his cronies and when about to leave discovered his favourite hat was missing. A search was conducted and it was sadly decided someone had taken off with it. The next day he went into our nearest town and purchased another hat. A year passed and Lent came around again as it always does. He and my aunt sallied forth to church and he went into the cloakroom to dispose of hat and coat, and there, sitting on a coat peg, was his old beloved and slightly dusty hat. The last place he thought to look! I guess all things come to those who wait!