Senior Golden Sneakers



  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Gotcha BOB, especially as one of my veggies today IS cabbage.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    What a grand day it is to be irish! Just for fun I got out my photo copy of my great grandmothers immigration papers. I also have a rather strange copy of a photo portrait of her. Unsmiling and with a look that makes me think she either had a tummy ache or she was very angry at my grand grandfather?

    Anne, I am so sorry your kitty is sick. I know how it is when your best pal is getting older. Our old furry sweethearts are so fragile. Can you get her into see a vet? My friend I wish I could help in some way. I do understand your worry and fear.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member

    I still love good old Snoopy........

    Bob---great picture. Our parade is going on right now. A quick bit on noon news shows the streets are just slammed with people and my gosh, it's pretty chilly out there after our high 84 degrees yesterday.

    Anne - I hope your dear kitty feels better soon. And sorry the snow isn't gone. We may get some more before spring really arrives but at least we don't have months of cold ahead.

    Marie - hello, I was at Walmart this's been so long since I was there since I don't have to pick up supplies for my dad now. I walked and walked all over that store and got nary a step on my Fitbit because I was pushing a cart the entire time. Kind of a problem with the Fitbit Charge HR. Harumph. Well, doesn't matter, just moving matters!

    Patsy - don't you think most of the pictures from way back show more solemn people? It was usually formal portrait taking and they sure didn't have fast shutter speeds so people just froze in place. I have a bit of Irish in my background. My grandmother's people were Irish, Scottish, English and German. So I have my green on today.

    Shirley - I hope you feel better soon. I am sorry you are not at your best. Do you think you have a little virus?

    Barbie - sorry you have a cold. I see you are still going on as if you are well.


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    PATSY, thank you for your concern. Tabitha's eaten a little today and managed to keep it down. Tabs can be one greedy puss, and that may be the problem because at 17 she needs to slow down. Aging innards. Anyway, I'll leave her alone a little longer, but if she has more trouble I will see the vet. I was upset last night because she will be my last pet at my age, it wouldn't be fair to get another one. I've had pets my entire life so it will be very strange when I have to live alone. We chat, her and I, she's a very vocal cat, so I can see me ending up being an eccentric old dear who mumbles to herself! Thanks again, you're a dear and I know you understand from what you've said about your own furry friends. ANNE.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :D Now I know I shouldn't admit this but after picking up Cruzer's ashes from the Vet I stopped at the slot machine place. I started out losing but then started winning and left with $2000. Never has this happened before and although I know it will never happen again it sure made me happy. The van people in Florida also called yesterday to tell me they found Bryanna's jacket so it was a terrific day yesterday. Please don't do as I do as I only take what I can afford to lose and would never suggest anyone to gamble or drink. Do as I say not as I do. :D

    Barbie, hope you are feeling better today and not giving in to that cold. The dancers need you and so do the puppies and Jake.

    Lin, Walmart is my favorite store for groceries as well as other good bargains.

    Shirley, love your picture of you and your hubby, you make a great looking couple.
    Hope you are feeling better today.

    Anne, so sorry about your kitty, I hope she is feeling better today. It is just too sad when our pets get older, they should live as long as we do meaning a long, long time.

    Bob, I love your sense of humor and I am sure your wife laughs at your jokes a lot.

    Marie, you seem to be quiet lately, are you feeling okay?

    Hopefully Robby is down for his afternoon nap, I hear him talking. I will either nap or ride the bike but either way I will get on the bike sometime today. I did lose a little but I don't count it unless it is on Friday weigh in day.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Sandy - We do laugh a lot --Jean is at the nursing home now visiting a long-time I threw together something quick for her dinner with an Irish touch. She isn't big on corned beef, so I substituted ham.

    As for Cruzer's ashes -- whatever brings comfort. We have "TC's" at home too. (TC was a 20 yr-old cat). Did you say $2000.00 and you wanted my mailing address? LOL

    Lin - Still jealous weather wise -- they just lowered our projected "high" for this coming Sunday to 28 or 29F. Brrrrrrr. Not exactly spring!

    Anne -- Looks like more cabbage in the future today - here is Jean's meal she has yet to see.


    Have a great day everyone!
    Bob :)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    Sandy - WOW!!! What a win!!! Congratulations........

    Bob - astounding meal you've put together. You have the soul of an artist in all things.

    I am thinking of eating. I need to get back to being PERFECT in eating only when hungry rather than just eating because it is time to eat or I think---wow, I'd better eat because my kitchen closes at 7pm and any snacks constitute a *fail* day for me. So wish me well. I have my salad ready but am not really really hungry so I'll wait a while longer.

    Lots of GREEN stuff in my salad but it is not photogenic so I will pass on pictures....


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,985 Member
    :D Lin, I eat on a planned schedule because I have no idea what being hungry means. My meals are either identical or similar from day to day and I eat at almost exactly the same time every day.

    :'( My cold is hanging on. Jake slept in the guest room so we wouldn't keep each other awake. I walked the dogs as usual and took an afternoon nap. I lowered my step goal for the day rather than push myself too hard.

    :D We opted out of corned beef and cabbage today because of the enormous amount of sodium

    smiley-sleep012.gif.I'm off to bed early again.

    <3 Barbie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Blue skies,sunshine, warm temperatures and my bees are a-buzzing. What more could a girl ask for? LOL This morning I visited the local leisure centre and swam 20 long lengths before coming home to plan a bit of gardening.

    Anne ~ My cat Boris is 17 and does incredibly well including visiting the cottage next door for extras! On my way home from my swim I dropped into the vet practice for a supply of senior cat biscuits and discussed whether I should be worrying about taking him in for booster jabs at his age. The decision is to not bother as he doesn't go far and just keep an eye on his weight and drinking habits.... sounds like us seniors doesn't it LOL. I do hope you see more improvements in Tabitha today.

    Bob ~ I can see why you and your wife laugh so much, what an amazing meal you set out for her.

    Sandy ~ That's some win and well done for walking away before it got spent!

    2 pm here so I must get outside and do some pruning etc. to work off the Cornish pasty I enjoyed for my lunch. A very light salad this evening and my calorie count for the day will be fine. BARBIE ~ I wish I could be as disciplined as you but my body shouts at me after a few days of healthy sameness. Lack of self control I expect!!

    Hello to everyone I missed.

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Lin - wow - "soul of an artist in all things" that might be just a tad generous -- although if I could have a life do-over; I would have done something more creative.

    Must admit I could have stayed in bed another 30 min this morning, but we had “get the grandkids off to school” duties. Had fun playing early morning air hockey & foosball first. We also played with small Nerf darts that (couldn’t hurt a flea) and went after grandma.

    Guess treadmill will be later.

    BREAKFAST: Large Brown Organic Eggland's Best, 1 egg (50g); Lite toast, 0.5 slice; Broccoli 1 oz; Jimmy Dean - Fully Cooked Turkey Sausage 1 Patty; Small Potato, Boiled, 1 oz; Blueberries 1 Oz (28g) CALORIES: 181

    Heading out within the hour to visit Jean’s uncle. He is a “young” 84 y/o – & looks mid-70’s. His wife passed away last September at 82.

    He also lost his daughter (age 52) in 12/11 after a lifetime of disability (he was a hands-on caregiver) and now lives by himself. He misses both greatly – but has no self-pity. Guess you would call him a mans man (but with a big heart). He stays active building things, visiting with neighbors, walking through Costco etc. We are going to check out his latest project (he and a friend tore apart the bathroom etc.). Sharp as a tack and very engaged.

    Clock is ticking - I better get ready to leave soon.

    Happy Hump Day everyone! :)
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Jackie, thanks for the comments on old Tabitha Daisy. Like you I've given up on the booster shots because Tabs no longer roams far. I honestly think it's the usual old age problems! She's yowling at me right now because she wants her food bowl filling up. From that you will gather she is back on her food! I am trying tough love, hard when ones got a moggy howling in ones ear! Pity we can't introduce Boris and Tabitha Daisy! As son Mike said, "don't tell me the old gals rallied again" and my secret snivelling was uncalled for.
    BOB, Lin's right, you DO have the soul of an artist! And as for SANDY, wow Lady Luck smiled on you. In my entire life I have only had a windfall once. A bottle of wine that was a door prize. I couldn't carry it home so I asked the grumpy old photographer I knew if he would take it home to his place and bring it to work the next day for me. Well, when I went over to ask for it, he said "oh I thought you gave it to me and I've drunk it". Lucky in LOTS of ways, me, but not in love or windfalls. LOL.
    Cheers everybody, ANNE.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I just lost my post. MFP is doing crazy things today.

    ANNE - Sorry your fur baby is sick. <3

    SANDY - Congrats on the win!! I started doing Candy Crush on my tablet. OMG hooked.


    I will start again. I am feeling better today, got myself to Yoga Class this morning and then cleaning the downstairs because we will have company for the weekend.
    I think I did have a virus of some sort, intestinal and had some bathroom issues.

    I had lunch yesterday with a friend and we had a good chat. She had been struggling with some depression but was feeling much better. She thinks its chemical because she is always bouncy and positive. It has been a tough winter for a lot of people.

    I had to cross the border to see her and I had a 45 min wait on the bridge. She was wondering where I was. I should have known better its March Break here for the kids and the bridge was jammed. :(

    Dave had a chiropractic apt yesterday and was all smiles because he pays less now because he is 65. So I went really? I have been 65 for a year now and i pay more. So I got on the phone and asked Charlene why am i paying more when I am older than he is? She checked her computer and they had the wrong year down for me. It wasn't her fault it was the previous girl that put it in the computer wrong. So she said she would adjust the cost for me. I said that was fair. Next apt. I
    don't have to pay. :D

    It has not been a good week for weight loss. Yesterday lunch, last night St. Patty's dinner, corn beef and cabbage, they ran out. Huh? So ordered something else.
    Tonight dinner out again with Dave's coworkers because of his retirement. Dinner out again on Saturday night taking one of his customer's out who is retiring. A losing weight battle this week.
    I hope next week is better.

    So I have to have some lunch now and then get cleaning.
    Enjoy your day.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :D Robby has a cold so is not sleeping well. He only slept an hour this morning and really fought me for this afternoon nap. I hope he sleeps for a while, he is really over tired and Lisa said he didn't sleep well last night. I have bingo tonight and hope my luck is still good and I can come home with some more money. I have still not been on my bike but losing in spite of no exercise. Actually watching Robby is a lot of exercise so that might be why it is coming off. I am pretty tired so I think a nap might be in order.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    Good day Sneakers –

    I was off to Trader Joe’s this morning and a bit sad that 2 or 3 things I wanted were out of stock. I was told some things *might* be in tomorrow but I’m sure if I’ll go back that soon. I do have to go and get vegetables for my veg tray for the church. I’m waiting for a phone call to I can go and pick-up my one and only Rx (had my thyroid surgically removed and need my synthroid) and I’m starting to think they forgot to call me. I cooked a pound of kale this morning, a head of cauliflower and baked some sweet potatoes. My salad is prepared and ready to chomp on but I am waiting a while.

    Barbie – it’s interesting that we each have our own methods. Since I live alone I do not have to schedule meals to eat with anyone, I only eat outside of true hunger if I have something scheduled with other people. A part of the program/principles I follow is that food is fuel for the body and we eat when we are physically hungry—a distinction is made between true hunger and head hunger. It is difficult to discern actually. One thing I still struggle with is fear of being hungry so it’s very important for me to address this issue. Some days when I don’t do as much exercise, I am not as hungry I eat less, when I am very busy and active, I eat more. I am trying to listen to my body’s signals but I do not trust it completely. Life is about learning.

    Jackie – sounds like a lovely day and hope you got outdoors to do your pruning. We’re back to cold and cloudy. I hope your darling bees are doing well and they have a good year. I worry about bees! Hugs to your darling Boris. Wow---17 years old! Stupendous.

    Sandy – sorry Robby is having a bad day. I hope you don’t wear yourself out and that you have a wonderful time at bingo this evening.

    Shirley – oh yes, spring break! Everything is busier with all the children out of school. Even the stores like Walmart and more traffic to the mall! That is great that your friend is doing better. And that you got your records straightened out so you won’t be overcharged at the chiropractor.

    Anne – so no more pets for you? I understand the issue. I often wonder if I’ll ever get another dog. I was paranoid enough about leaving a pet behind that I have 2 people specified in my will (one primary and if that person isn’t in position to carry it out, a second one) to either take or place any pet(s) that I may have and I’ve left money for any such pet’s care. How’s that for insane?

    Bob – I think that’s the first time I’ve heard you say you put off your super early treadmill time. Wow. Now the gym will be more crowded right? And yes, I think you are artistic. If you don’t like that word, how about I think you live your life with flair……….any better??

    Time to love along. I have my minimum steps in and need to get moving on my next chores.

    Oh and I have started meditating again, it is a really wonderful thing to do and I keep wondering why do I always give it up? My life would be better if I made this stick…….

    Hugs to all. Marie, where are you??

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Yes, I'm worried about MARIE too!

    LIN, a lovely lady I once knew did exactly that for her cat, and left money for the cats care should she die before it. She died of ALS, but her cat lived on for a good many years with my friend and with enough cash in the bank for the cats care and keep. So no, not insane. My problem is I've either outlived my lovely friends or the ones left are the same age as me. My sons families are allergic to cats. However, both my sons are thinking of getting a dog, and that would be lovely, so although if no longer an owner myself I would be around to take care of a dog when they go on holidays or even during the day when they all work. We'll see. My youngest lives fairly close.

    Meditating. Yes, I meditate, and it IS a wonderful thing to do. Something very strange happened to me once, which has sort of scared me a bit though. Wonderful, but strange and rather scary too. Long story so I won't bore you, but I try not to go too deeply into it now.

    Living alone like you, I am with you all the way on the eating issue. With no one to schedule for and can eat what and when it pleases me. Different strokes for different folks, eh!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    <3 Lin I would think the fit bit would work pushing a buggy. unless you are flying over the floors. . Which knowing you may be doing so. ha ha

    <3 how lucky can you get. 2,000.00 just look at all of those bucks. Congrats

    <3 Barbie you are a creature of habit I freeze my left overs to have another day. today it was lima beans soup today

    <3 patsy What a treasure you have in your grandmother imiration papers and a nice picture o her . Care to share the picture?

    <3 Shirley so you are going to have Dave on a full time base real soon. How nice

    <3 Bob what a nice husband you are. to tis day Jerry has not ever cook me a meal. Just when I was not able to cook. Which I am pretty close to that now. he will heat up a TV dinner or buy a hamburger, So healthy.

    Bye for now
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello dear folks, I was so interested in the bees, Jackie! We live in an area near some cranberry farms. For several years now, they have struggled with not enough bee activity. We have some bees currently buzzing around some flowering shrubs. I admit, I am rather scared of them, so I give them a wide berth. I say to them, "they are all yours, my darling. Don't worry, I am not in the least interested in your flowers!"

    Lin, I also try meditation. I am not really very efficient with it. I often fall asleep or sadly, start thinking of tasks I should be doing. I am constantly reading or watching things on YouTube on perfecting this wonderful source. A worthy goal.

    Anne, our old furry pals are true family members. They know everyone and would love visiting any one of the family. However, no one would do the crazy things we do. We truly spoil these dogs to such a degree that we created our own monsters. They run the place. But something to keep in mind...if you ever decided to add another pet, there are animals that have lost their people for one reason or another, who need a home. They are older animals, settled and gentel but needing a home. Most shelters know of such animals in need.

    Saw a program on PBS that was really thought provoking. I tuned into the middle of the program, so I don't know who was giving this talk on ageism. The woman was talking about how we are victims of our own ageism thinking. She was saying there were 5 ways we promote this. Now the challenge is to find out her name and when the program will be repeated. I was telling my husband about the program and he doubled over laughing. "Let's see, Patsy, you don't know the person giving the talk, you don't exactly know the name or the program, or what was being said or what time it was are going to be doing some serious research!" True story!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I'm feeling spoiled as another beautiful day has appeared. This morning I took George on a long walk through the woods and because the river levels have now fallen felt confident to follow its course for quite a distance. George had a great time splashing in and out of the water without me worrying he might get washed away in the current. It's such a peaceful spot and makes me feel wonderfully relaxed which is good because some locals say they feel uneasy in the woods, possibly because historically a great Cornish king was either murdered or died in battle amongst the trees. I'm charging my camera battery and will see if I can shoot a short video tomorrow, especially as we expect a partial eclipse of the sun around 9.30am.

    Shirley ~ Like you, I'm not looking forward to my weigh in tomorrow morning but know I have to take the bad with the good otherwise there'd be no motivation for me to eat healthily. Seeing the pounds go up is always a good kick up the backside for me! LOL

    Lin ~ My appetite seems to decrease when I'm busy which must mean a lot of my so called hunger is all in the mind.... keep occupied and I sometimes forget to eat until a pang hits me. In the winter, if I'm home a lot more it's too easy for me to pick at extra food just because it's there. I know where I go wrong but don't always find it easy to discipline myself. For you, that fear of going hungry must be an even bigger emotional battle so more kudos to you for having lost the weight you have.

    Patsy ~ Try not to feel afraid of honey bees because unless they feel you are a threat to their home they're far too busy to take notice of you walking past although I know they'll be appreciative of a friendly word or two! I talk to mine all the time and have been told by seasoned beekeepers that just like other creatures, bees pick up on our feelings so I do my best to remain relaxed when I inspect the hives and it does seem to work!

    Anne ~ Boris was 10 years old when I adopted him through the Cats Protection League and although I had intended to find a younger cat to see me through so to speak, I couldn't have found a more adorable, affectionate and funny boy to keep me company so just enjoy each day I have with him. His previous owner had to go into a care home so of course his story touched my heart rather than his fierce dark looks and I like to think if something should happen to me there will be another soft touch out there to take my menagerie on! Living on my own I've become very independent and love the fact I can eat when I want rather than follow any routine. The friend I swam with yesterday was telling me about a BBC documentary she watched this week following a family who had their home changed into a 1950's one and how mother stayed home all day doing housework and cooking and then dad came home and expected a meal on the table. Sound familiar?? I'm going to search it out to watch and feel a great deal of empathy for my mother!

    Time to get on and see what I can continue to tidy in the garden. I've noticed the grass has started to grow too so that'll be another chore to get to grips with before long.

    Have a lovely day everyone.
