Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    BOB, I loved that poem as a kid too, then I moved on to the young "Lochinvar, by Sir Walter Scott. Oh the romance of it at 12 years old!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited March 2015
    Just stopping by to offer wishes for a good day to all my dear Sneaker friends. First day of spring (and my condolences to those who are still suffering through winter's bitter dregs) while here we have sunshine and the possibility of 60 degrees today.

    I zipped off early this morning to get lots of celery, carrots, radishes and grape tomatoes for the church relish tray. I'll wash and cut everything tomorrow and then put the tray together early Sunday before I leave for church. BUT while I was there I got several pots of herbs to put in my kitchen window. They smell sooooooo good!

    My pot of beans is cooked and now I need to get some walking in and have bills to pay and cards to address. There are several people who have terminal conditions and I try to send a card every couple of weeks just so they get something in the mail. I find it difficult some days to find words to add to the card. So hoping for inspiration later.

    Tomorrow morning I'm going over to a friend's home to meet her 2 kitties. She reminded me on the phone the other day that I'd not met them. She says they do not hide when people come to visit (her last two were never to be seen). Then we may go out to coffee. I'd rather shop for pens and markers but whatever, it will be fine. I also finally will give her the little Christmas gift I have for her. Ha. Truly better late than never right?


    Hope to get back later on but meanwhile I love the pictures Jackie!! I also learn much from you and Anne. Bob, enjoy the movie. Sandy, my gosh, you are a lucky gal! Wow. Shirley, are you still letting the water run? Patsy, your country sounds beautiful. We always love pictures (hint, hint). Buzz, good to hear from you and happy to hear you've found a doctor even though you must wait until April. Phoebe, I hope all is going well. Marie, hugs to you and I hope your weather is as lovely now.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member


    Lin - yes the water is still running. Kind of annoying at times but I just shut the door to the laundry room.

    I talked to my cousin yesterday who is suffering from cancer. He always sounds great on the phone. I worry of not knowing what to say but he ends up making me feel better with his attitude.

    His last MRI showed some tumors enlarging and now the next step is going to Sloan K. hospital in NYC for a trial treatment. I talked to his wife too and she has a lot on her plate with him and also his mom is living with them now. I told her if she ever wanted to talk to just call me. Mark is excited to go to NYC and see this new doctor. He has a very positive attitude.

    Yoga class was good this morning and made me sweat. Now lunch and getting some groceries and taking my MIL's extra knitting and threads to St. Vincent DiPaul so they can use them for other people.

    Have a good weekend.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hello. so love reading all of your posting today.
    happy First Day of spring
    marie to you all
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    still behind, going to pick up Honey. They say she is fine. Vet will go over everything and instruct me on her medications. talk to you later,
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    still behind, going to pick up Honey. They say she is fine. Vet will go over everything and instruct me on her medications. talk to you later,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    edited March 2015
    Happy Friday!! :D TGIF...I am a working girl now so love the weekends!!! I am feeling much better but still not up to par. I am hoping to stay home today but I might have to meet a friend and pick something up from her before she leaves for Florida on Sunday. Love hearing from Buzz, glad you found a doctor under your insurance. Jackie, love the pictures, you live in such a romantic setting. Anne, are you trying to scare me?? Phoebe, glad Honey is coming home and hope they were able to help her to make a full recovery.
    Bob, such a good husband, I hope you are appreciated. Mare, so happy to hear from you, you have been so quiet lately. Are you on another forum??

    Now it is time to catch up with all my games I have missed all week.
    Enjoy the rest of this beautiful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Honey did great! I had a large bone for her when she got home. She will return to the vet in 30 days for the next treatment. She has a steroid pill to take daily, and she can still go for our little slow walks. Just keep them short. Good news for both of us.. she loves the walks.
    I'm getting our audiobooks ready for the road. I'm going thru the Maisie Dobbs series, by Jacqueline Winspear. I check books out at the library as well, but so often they are not my cup of tea, so I am glad to listen to this series every few years.
    time for dinner and laundry.. wheeee leaving early In the morning..
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    "]The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    smiley-cool05.gif I am still not over this cold but I'm feeling well enough to sleep, walk the dogs, and go to dance class. The dogs are getting used to taking a nap with the whole family after lunch. My line dance class today went very well--two waltzes, some fast dances, and lots of laughter.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif19,000 steps today--three hours of dog walking, line dance class194904olsgis3xqe.gif
    smiley-sleep012.gif---early to bed

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    March Resolutions (with mid month comments)
    *walk 19,000 steps a day--same as last month ( fell short a few days because of my cold)
    *strength training twice a week--same as last month (not doing any because of my cold)])smiley-sport017.gif
    * find and use two new low sodium recipes (one so far)
    *finish sorting the slides (doing some every day)
    *don't expect praise or recognition ( doing well with this)

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Good Morning

    Buzz - always nice to hear from you. Glad you got a doctor that will be covered even if you can't get in right away. Our Health System is like that - you have to wait and wait to get into some doctors. Congratulations on your big St Patrick's win too. LOL

    JACKIE - thanks for the pictures. I read the Diana Gabadon Outlander books and I could imagine you slipping through the stones.

    Sandy - congrats on the big win!!!! Hurray for you. We have a new casino with a racetrack opening soon. Ed and I said we'll have to go up and see it in honor of my Mom. She loved to bet on the horses and play the sLots.

    Shirley - love the picture. Did you say you play Candy Crush? Befriend me in Facebook, it is my guilty pleasure - I play it all the time and I'll give you some lives.

    BARBIE - hope you are 100% soon.

    Anne - like JACKIE, your post reminded me of Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series. Have you read her books?

    Marie - how are you doing?

    Lin - your herbs smell good for here..LOL.

    Phoebe - I'll have to check that series out. It is always good for find a new author.

    Bob - always enjoy your posts.

    To everyone else - hugs and good wishes.

    Got to run. Struggling with my feet. I had Physio - I have Achilles tendonitis - rats. That is what I had before and it took forever to get back to normal. I also had a massage yesterday and she found even more sore places. LOL. I bought a new splint but it doesn't work as well as I had hoped and of course it can't be returned. There is one other one I may try but my petite size is the problem. They just don't fit a 4' 11" person very well.

    Tomorrow is the anniversary of Mom's death.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Jeri- Dave is on Facebook not me. I just go on to check out what my kids are doing and some of our sailing friends. Thanks for the offer though.
    - I am on level 21 and kind of stuck now of Candy Crush.
    - Sorry to hear about your foot problems. Foot problems hinder so much of what you want to do.

    Going out tonight for another retirement dinner. Our friends will be here this afternoon for an overnight stay. I have already looked at the menu on-line and picked out what I want to eat tonight.
    Our breakfast menu is planned for tomorrow so hoping for not too many calories this weekend.

    Anne - Your meditation story sounds fascinating. I have not been under that deep yet. We only do 10 min meditations at Yoga class. I wonder what would have happened if you had reached for your
    Dad's hand. I am very fascinated with things like that. i have had some experiences with Reikki.

    Hello to Sandy, Buzz, Marie, Jackie, Lin, Diane, Phyllis, Patsy, Phoebe, Bob, Barbie and anyone I missed. Thinking of you all.

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Celebrating World Down Syndrome Day locally. Our nephew (43 y/o) was chosen to be one of twelve community members to be professionally photographed for the local organization on a 16x20 canvas. A day of raffles, music and with lots of business participation is planned. Of course he thinks the whole celebration is just for him. LOL :)

    Today was log-in day to record progress-to-date for the 100 Days of 2015 Challenge: The Sequel. I technically reached my goal awhile back (the 1st was 25 pounds ago and I kept revising downward). Lost 2 more lbs for a total loss of 195 pounds….not sure I can hold this number but will see what happens. I haven’t been at these numbers (even at 25 pounds heavier) in over 25 years! :D

    Not saying too much about the additional 2 pound loss with friends/family -- figure I'll skip the "you don't want to lose anymore" feedback. LOL - Fact is I am happy where I am - would be happy with a little less - but I'll never be considered "underweight" by any chart :)

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Good morning. No I haven't read the outlander books JERI, must check them out. I'm a huge reader, my guilty pleasure.
    SHIRLEY, I think your type of meditation with a group will be okay. I do it alone and that particular type of med. of imagining a place. I started to go in so deep I could actually feel the bluebell stalks and the smooth bark of the beech trees. Never got to see even a sniff of a squirrel, let alone another human though for about 3 years of practising. My dad just appeared as large as life in front of me. I love my dad with all my heart, but I knew I shouldn't be seeing him so REAL, just not possible, and I came out of the meditation with a jerk, heart pounding, tears flowing. Sort of wish I hadn't now, but it really scared me at the time, and I can't bring myself to practise it so the moment. It happened about 18 months ago. Can you share your own experience?
    Tomorrow I get to go with my eldest and DIL to look at puppies! It's quite a long car ride to one of S's old friends in a town she once lived in. Looking forward to that!
    Have a lovely day all you sneakers, and God bless, from ANNE.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Saturday! :D I slept to 9:30 today, do you think I was tired? I love Robby but he is wearing me out. :p Lisa's parents are due back in May so I am thinking of going to Florida to visit my daughter and enjoy some R&R in the sunshine state. I continue to lose weight which is good and bad since I am not really exercising. I am hoping it is because I am active with Robby, otherwise I will start to worry about health issues. I feel like I am getting an UTI so will get some over the counter medicine today to see if that helps. (sorry if TMI)
    Babe brought my check and said he is not going to Mass today since he has a runny nose, so I will go myself either today or tomorrow.

    Anne, I don't think I could clear my mind that much to get into such deep meditation. When my mother died I woke from a sleep and swore she was standing at the end of my bed, but a much younger version of her. It gave me comfort to think she was at peace.
    Good luck with the puppy, I would want them all.

    Bob, what a great event and your nephew knows it is just for him so go with the flow. My husbands daughter is trying to get the surgery to lose over a 100 pounds, she is weighing in at 300 right now. She has many physiological problems so we will see if she gets accepted. You are amazing with your weight loss and without even knowing you I am so very proud of you.

    Shirley, I too am a game player on Facebook and love the new Candy Crush Soda. I am at level 112 there and 365 on Candy Crush Saga which I don't think I will ever conquer. Those two and Bingo are my favorites.

    Jeri, thinking of you today and hoping you get through this day with the love and happiness of your mother's memories. <3

    Barbie, sorry you are sick and hope today is a better day. The pups must love sleeping with mom and dad, not that they are spoiled or anything. <3

    Phoebe, hooray for Honey, she so deserves that bone. I am glad you are able to walk together, it is good for both of you.

    Marie, hope all is well with you, sure do miss you.

    Lin, hope all went well with the kitties and you had a great visit with your friend.

    I do hope everyone is well and enjoying life to it's fullest.
    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning friends
    This Is my 3rd day going without carbs at Dinner. working out pretty well too.But sure ready for a carb lunch/ it will be pizza made out of gluten free English muffin.
    I was having at least 2 isuues a week with gluten. Was even scare to go to the store. its been going on 2 months now without any problem.
    We go to Soringfield Mo. Monday week the 6th of April. to see that great grandbaby. Can hardly wait to go.

    have a great weekend.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    smiley-happy110.gifJake went to an all day meeting that I was supposed to go to with him. We couldn't find anyone to walk the dogs (all the dog walkers were going to the same meeting) so I volunteered to stay home to walk the dogs. He told everyone that I was resting to get over my cold. I did take a nap with the dogs but also enjoyed my day at home alone and used the time to eat food that Jake doesn't eat and watch some favorite TV. A day alone is rare for me.

    :D 22,000 steps today and some time on the exercise bike

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Hello - too busy to post today. I spent quite a bit of time with my friend and her niece today. When I got home I had cooking and laundry to do and zap the day was gone!

    My friend gave me a combo birthday/Christmas gift today---a lovely top. And I gave her the gift I had saved for her. Who would have guessed right? I washed it when I got home but can't wear it tomorrow because it has to dry naturally rather using the dryer. Maybe next week.

    Time for meditation and winding down. Lots to do again tomorrow and then will be packing the car. Monday I drive up North to have my taxes done, then stop by the attorney's office to see if I can sign the inventory documents for the estate, and finally over to the house to work for a while.

    See you soon.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Greetings fellow sneakers! Beautiful day here and it was to be cloudy and rainy. It was like a terrific bonus! Went for a drive and down to the waterfront to watch the 1000s of Sealions crowd the docks for fish and mating rights. Loud barking and showing of teeth while bumping chests. We stay a safe distance away but took many photos. This can be very dangerous if one gets too close.

    One of the fun things to do is walk the river walk. There are families, couples holding hands, people walking their dogs, I even saw a strange sight...a cat on a leash trotting along beside their person. Everyone was well behaved. Dogs were leashed and pulled politely over to the side. The kitty walked resolutely ignoring rude dogs. It was wonderful. It was a huge cat with many different colored spots.

    Bob: we also have a nephew with Down syndrome. Our Dave is the family sweetheart and grabs you by the heart, never to let go. He loves to dance. He skis and swims like a fish.

    Lin: I am learning more about meditation. I have a lot to learn. I have decided to try to introduce my family to my semi-vegaterian diet. So far, so good. My SIL has yet to catch on. I think! Easter family dinner will be the real test.

    Anne: one of the art galleries I show at has a show of feline related paintings. The artist is a vet tech and the paintings are amazingly sensitive and beautiful. I think they are are all based on photos of her patients. Since we are dog people I didn't try to negotiate a trade with her. That is a typical thing that artists do.

    Making mexican food tonight. Spicy and hot!
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Just me saying good morning sneakers. Rushing around because me, and son, and DIL are setting off early for 1.5 hour journey to see the puppy they are hoping to adopt after Easter. She's only 6 weeks old at the moment. Fur - Black with red highlights so if they take her she will be called Ember.
    I must get back to painting, PATSY, I put my paints away for a year whilst on MFP and I really miss getting lost in a painting. Purely for my own amusement, I've kept very few of my efforts because I am never satisfied. All this talk about spring has got me thinking of Gaia, Earth goddess. I fancy something misty/cloudy in female shape hovering over the earth. Of course it won't come out like my imaginings and will end up in the dump like most of the others, but I keep trying. You must be very good to show, any chance of a photo? Do you specialise in one particular subject, e.g. dogs, flowers etc? Me I'm a jack of all trades and master of none, although I like drawing and painting interesting faces.
    Have a lovely, lovely day everybody, God bless, ANNE.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Still searching for a splint for my feet (I'm getting desperate). We took our dd and her 2 boys and husband out to a mall for lunch and then down to the Bass Pro shop there. Our 5 yr old grandson loved all the stuffed animals in it. Poor choice of venue for me as it is a huge mall and I had to go sit down to rest my feet. Darn. But we had sooooo much fun. We don't see these grands as much as they live in Airdrie a community just north of Calgary and both parents work. Not like our other grandkids who are home schooled and we drive their 5 year old twice a week to homeschool kindergarten.

    I did good with my food choices. I've been bad (head down). It seems that when I can't exercise my motivation slips and I tend to eat more. Should be the opposite. Does anyone else act like that?

    I rode my recumbent bike for 15 minutes but I think it irritated my foot a bit. Darn. I'll try it for 10 minutes instead today.

    Today though we are off for brunch and a bd party for our daughter's 4 yr old little girl.

    Sandy - thanks for your kind words about my Mom. My sister and I had some good laughs about her when we talked on the phone last night. Good memories.

    Anne - I love to read as well. Your meditation sounds quite interesting. I used to listen to weight loss self hypnosis CDs for a long time. I think they really helped me.

    Patsy - Mexican food - yum. Your walk sounded absolutely wonderful.

    BARBIE - a day to yourself. What a rare treat for sure.

    Marie - Gluten - it is nasty isn't it. I have some at least once a week out of convenience when we take our grandson out. Just a tiny bit, but even that causes me problems. I feel so much better when I avoid it 100%. Going to see the great grandbaby sounds so much fun. I love babies and my family. Isn't family just wonderful.

    Bob - the World Downs Day sounds great. Gives me a nice warm feeling in my heart.

    Oops time is getting away on me. Time to get going and get my act in gear.

    Have a wonderful day.
