Senior Golden Sneakers



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Enjoyed catching up with all your posts, and wish I could find time to comment as you are so dear to me. I didn't see JERI's report of the 2nd mammo, so I hope everything turns out well! Same for BOB's PF and any other problems, and I'll try to get in more frequently. Mike wants to see our head nurse with me ( to convince me it's my imagination), and I think it's important that we go together. I also think it's possible his new medication has calmed him down somewhat. Others have noticed a slight change, too.
    The VA visit went OK, and I think it's important he not lose touch with them, as some of the new medications are so expensive! Anyway, have lots to catch up with, so please know I'm thinking of you all.
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    BUZZ, I really am sorry that such a nice lady as you is having these medical problems to deal with. I don't know how the American system works but I realize just how lucky I am because, so far, I don't take any medications at all, not even aspirin. I just have to pay for any dental work or new reading glasses every two years. Anyway, I'm just dropping a line to let you know I'm really interested in your posts and I do hope everything turns out well for you and Mike soon. ANNE.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    This is obviously me on the treadmill - I had no idea I was being recorded:
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    BOB, Mmm!! BARBIE you should recruit him!!! Lol.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    You need to give us some lesson Ha Ha
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    Sandy - Robby is a darling in that picture!

    Bob - love it!

    Shirley - is your fisherman home now?

    Marie - I hope you had a good day.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    You go Bob!!!! Not only did you lose weight but years!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    edited March 2015
    linder4866 wrote: »

    What Are My Treatment Options?


    Lin thank you so much for putting this together for me. I've been doing much of this but definitely have so see a doctor. I'll check some out today.

    BARBIE - I know what you mean, it is so hard to take it easy. I hate it.

    Shirley and Sandy - yes I need to see a doctor.

    Thank you Anne.

    Had so much fun this weekend with our granddaughters. What a treat to have them for 3 nights. We had the easy job, the other grandparents had the 4 boys and 2 of them got sick. Gee

    Anyway have a great day.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Happy Monday!! :D It is supposed to get to 75 degrees today but I see no sun as of yet.
    I was hoping to take Robby for a walk in his stroller but his mom texted and said she forgot her pump and will be taking a half day off. She wouldn't make it through the day without pumping so they have called in a sub. (sorry Bob if that is TMI) My cleaning girl is coming around noon so I am doing laundry, including the sheets so everything is fresh. Still haven't caught up with all my shows so now that my afternoon is free I can ride the bike and try and catch up.

    Today I am back to recording food and exercise. I only have 4 to 5 pounds to meet my goal, so wish me luck,

    The nice weather must have everyone doing something outside, enjoy!!
    Here is another picture of most of our group in Haiti!!


    One Day at a Time
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Heading out soon. Jean has her mammogram this morning.

    Always a nervous time, as her mother died from breast cancer etc. I asked if she wanted me to come with her and she said “yes.” Hard at times to always know the right thing to do. Most of the time (unless out of town), I like to do my doctor appointments alone. I think I picked up some of that from my dad. He hid his prostate cancer from all 7 of his adult children for 5 years and only told us after he was given 6-12 months to live. He was very independent and liked to do things for himself. I was blessed to be his caregiver for the last 6 months of his life.

    NSV: Yesterday, we attended baby dedication. Three people (I hadn’t seen in a long time) said they didn’t recognize me!

    One person asked someone who I was. Another indicated they could now see a physical resemblance to my younger nephews and that “it looked like I belonged in the group with them” (one of those funny compliments) and finally - the usual surprised look and question - “what did you do?”

    It can be awkward in those situations when surrounded by dozens of family members and friends. There are those doing their own weight-battle (some with success and others with failures). I don’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable, so I pretty much just say “thank you” and only answer direct questions. But - it was nice to hear.

    Started the day with - burning 330 calories doing 60 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Walking treadmill gym 3.2. mph” and a light breakfast.

    I need to catch up on everyone’s posts later today or tomorrow.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello everyone. My visitor left Saturday evening after we watched an international rugby match together on tv but yesterday I was busy catching up with all the chores I didn't do last week so have finally arrived on the MFP site to catch up. This evening before dark, my neighbour will help me rearrange my bee hives because they are set up on stands that are just a bit too high once the boxes that collect honey are placed on top. The weather is quite chilly so I'm sort of confident the ladies won't get upset at being moved about and stay in the hive but we'll wear out bee suits just in case as have been caught out before!! Haven't been near the weigh scales and dread to see what damage I've done what with nibbly treats and cheese I don't normally indulge in that my friend filled my fridge with. I know, I could have declined but it seemed ungrateful. Back on the straight and narrow now though so will weigh in on Friday in the hopes I'm not doing too badly.

    Bob ~ Great video and you're looking hot! LOL Half expected your wife to walk through that door in one corner and tell you to behave! I'm thinking of you both and do hope it's all good news from the mammogram.

    Buzz ~ Isn't that a good sign that Mike asked you to join him for the visit to the doctor. Do let us know how things are for you both when you can but I understand that sometimes life takes over and the computer is the at the bottom of your priority list. <3

    Sandy ~ Fabulous photos and so good to see you enjoying family and all that comes with them.

    Now I'll say hello to Anne, Lin, Shirley, Jeri, Marie, Barbie and all my other MFP friends before going out to unblock a rather noisy drain. It's a job I've been putting off for a week for obvious reasons but needs must!!

    Will do my best to get back into the groove in the coming week.


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    My fisherman is home and they did catch some so we will have Tom over for a dinner.

    Not feeling great today, started last night with achy feeling and still not 100% today.
    I am having some kind of bug. No Yoga this morning and just doing laundry. Giving myself a break on exercise.

    After my bachelorette weekend with myself I had popcorn twice at night watching TV and
    Dave brought back peanuts and had some of them too. Got on the scale this morning and was disheartened but expected it. :s

    Back to getting to my routine, since back from vacation I have not been in a good place with my routine. Things have to change.

    Better times ahead.


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    NikonPal wrote: »
    Heading out soon. Jean has her mammogram this morning.

    Always a nervous time, as her mother died from breast cancer etc.

    I know how she feels, my sister (twice), myself and 2 aunts have had breast cancer and check up time always worries me too. Good luck.

    Buzz - I think the 2nd mammo was okay. I see my doctor next week n

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Monday morning chores a plenty. My mom always said how great it was to have things to do and the health and need to meet those obligations. It was her way of keeping fit and positive. She was a "Pollyanna" for sure. But a delightful southern belle.

    I want to really cut back on portions this week. I am eating too much of everything except water. I don't know why it tastes sooooo...watery!

    I have noticed how everyone wants to get back to their individual routines if they have strayed. There is comfort in routine and familiar. There is always a desire for adventure and exploration.
    That ever present balance challenge.

    I loved the video and the treadmill dancer...wouldn't you love to be able to do that? I am doing Laundry, washing a few more windows, and a walk with amazing Mazzy and MoMo the wonder dog!
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Sandy – I’m still waiting for our weather hits the 50’s on a regular basis – the rest of this week will be mostly in the 30’s still. The outlook for next Sunday is a high of 30 and a low of 14! Robby is certainly cute as a button. Thanks for noticing the years I shaved off in that video. Can you believe some people don’t believe it is me? LOL

    You killed me with the TMI comment. Not to worry. Unlike, “Gone With The Wind’s” maid Prissy I can’t say “I don’t know nothin’ ’bout birthing babies…” - I have a huge family with nephews and nieces well into the double-digits. Good luck with that final 4-5 pounds! You and the group looked awesome in Haiti!
    Lin – Glad U liked that video too. I thought it was hilarious. I don’t watch a lot of videos, but my wife is always checking out various animal videos.

    Marie -- Anne is right. We need to have Barbie set up a dance program for the treadmill. What better choreographer could we have?

    Jackie / Jeri – All went well with the mammogram with the usual – “you’ll get a letter” caveat. Thanks!

    Patsy – You’re right – wish I could do that. It’s funny, sometimes I catch myself getting lost in the music while listening to the Bee Gees or Sam & Dave singing “Soul Man” and realize I am “strutting.” LOL

    As for this afternoon -

    Burning 330 on the treadmill and eating a tiny 122 calorie breakfast for a negative net calorie total of (-) 208 will not allow me a 3rd meal today.


    Because I finally used that Cantina Laredo gift card I have been holding onto for over 1 year (until I could reach goal). Lunch was fabulous!

    Despite skipping the beans & rice, the meal was still very calorie-rich; especially when it came to sharing a decadent dessert with my wife.

    I would say I “split” the dessert, but I think I got a spoonful or 2 more than she did. :) YUM!

    I should be able to stay under my maintenance calorie goal – by a whisker or 2.

    Have a great evening my friends!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Another Jamaica picture I found.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    love the pic Shirley. you too make a handsome couple. soon to be grandma and papa
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    Just like Marie, I love the picture too Shirley!

    And I love Sandy's picture!

    Glad to see Jackie back again.

    Jeri, I hope you find a solution to the foot problem. Glad you had fun with the GDs and that no one got sick.

    Bob, it sounds like you had a wonderful lunch. And I hope your dear wife receives an all clear letter in the mail. I think all of us hold our breath a bit when having that test. The technician where I go makes no comment whatsoever so I just have to wait for the letter.

    Anne - is the snow all gone now??

    Sorry, I was so busy today and did get a lot accomplished but now I am TIRED. I think I need a nap. Ha.

    See everyone again soon. It really did get very warm today and I adored doing my errands this afternoon with the car windows rolled down. So tomorrow, high in the 50's. I really did enjoy 80 today.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Shirley, you and Dave are a very handsome couple and you look so happy together. It's wonderful to see. That goes for all the other happy couples here as well.
    Lin, no the snow hasn't quite gone yet, I've got quite a mound still at the sides of my drive, but where it has receded, my little snowdrops bloom. Should be all gone by the end of the week.
    Bob, thanks for the posting on "just for today", and thanks for your humour too.
    Jackie, glad to hear from you, and your very interesting doings!
    As for me, I didn't have a good day yesterday. My little cat was really sick, and at her age I didn't think she'd make it through the night. However, I was greeted this morning at 5.30 by a faint meow, and she's finally eaten a little bit of her food. She's sat next to me dozing on the sofa now.
    Hope your day today, ALL OF YOU SNEAKERS, is a good day, with nothing in it but good news.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member