Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,496 Member
    Good morning - stormy day here. I started moving everything around upstairs and found out the air duct cleaning company is double booked and has to change my appointment so am out to do a couple of errands before I come home and move things as they should arrive between 11am and noon now. Forecast is for temps in the 90's and storms. Oh my......

    Jeri, what a lovely day you had! We had a special dinosaur show over the weekend as well as a carnival......magnets for children! I don't think I've ever seen an Indian paintbrush flower IRL. Thanks for the picture.

    Hope you're better today Phoebe.

    Marie--glad your computer is all straightened out now.

    Sandy - stormy over your way today as well?

    Anne and Patsy--where are you???

    Buzz - a friend called me yesterday afternoon and she's having problems with her AOL account and can't figure it out and doesn't know whether to just open a new one or try to get AOL on the phone to help her. I thought about all you've taken on---you are a marvel.

    Take care everyone. My ribs are just killing me today. Funny how sometimes injuries seem to get worse for a while before they get better. Must be pulled muscles......

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A busy day but I have read everyone's posts in order to keep up. BUZZ, when a friend's computer was totally messed by those scammers she had to get a professional in to wipe everything and start again so I do admire your determination but do check nothing nasty is hiding away once you feel you have it beat!! A news story today on tv was quoting the tens of millions of pounds lost to such scammers annually so I can see why they won't go away! LIN ~ It could be you bruised your rib bones and that will take a while to come out. ANNE ~ So you were out at 5.30 this morning buying organic veggies.... now that's commitment!

    I see tropical storm Bill that has been giving you all such wet weather is now heading in our direction but because it's going to put a bump in the jet stream we'll get more warm winds from the south so hopefully the rains will have faded away by the time it gets here.

    After today my days look a lot quieter so I'll be able to catch up properly.
    Happy Monday everyone.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JACKIE, not QUITE shopping at 5:30! Walking at 5:30. However I've just plunked down on the sofa after getting back from the veggie store and I've recorded another half hour, although it WAS more. Exhausted, hot and sticky out there, even at 8:30am so I'm glad I'm all done as far as walking and veggie shopping are concerned. I don't think the organic place opens before 9:00am, Jackie, lol. We seem to get the same weather as LIN to the west of us.

    My cousin in the UK told me of one of his neighbours who's just been scammed out of roughly $16000 or £8000 so beware JACKIE, although it will spread to here of course. Apparently she got a call from a "police officer" who told her that her banks computer had a virus so the police had been called in for safety reasons to contact everyone in order to move everyone's savings to new set up accounts. Of course she gave him her account number and received a new account number in exchange which of course doesn't exist and now all her savings are gone.

    Well, I now feel somewhat recovered so had better put my purchases away before they wilt.
    Hi and Keep cool everyone,
    Oh just remembered, I saw the first of that new series that Jackie mentioned, photographed in beautiful Cornwall. It was dedicated to Warren Clark who died last year and plays the uncle in the series. Looks good. Sorry forget the title, Pollard?

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,398 Member
    Happy Monday!! :) Just got a warning on my phone about storms in our area. Yesterday was so beautiful and a "lady" friend came to spend some time with me. She used to live in my old apartment complex but we have both moved but still remain friends. Today is wash day and my cleaning girl is coming around noon, other than that no plans except for definitely getting on the bike today. I continue to watch Lost, I am on season two of six, it is a long series. Have to start mentally packing for my Portland trip coming up soon, it will be nice to get away again.
    A friend from bingo has passed, so I will be going to her wake and funeral Tuesday and Wednesday. She was a very sweet lady but has been in and out of the hospital and on kidney dialysis three times a week. She was ready to die and is now finally at peace.

    Anne, that is terrible news about your cousin, is there no way to get her money back?

    Jackie, as long as you check in, we understand about being busy, life sometime gets in the way.

    Lin, yes stormy here as well and tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful. Such crazy weather.

    Jeri, I like Lin, have never heard of this flower but it is beautiful. Wonderful news from your doctor, how is your foot doing?

    Marie, don't worry Marie, there is no other man in my life, the friend was a girl. Glad your day was wonderful.

    Phoebe, hope you are feeling better today, you are such a kind lady.

    I better eat some breakfast and jump in the shower, have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,496 Member
    Home again but no air duct cleaning today. The technician is ill and the owner is out of town so now I'm rescheduled for tomorrow afternoon! Meanwhile, I'm on the DAV route for Friday so I have to move a little chair and ottoman out onto the porch that morning. They will not come into anyone's house.

    I've decided on solid bamboo flooring for my family room and have signed up for an installer to come out and measure my family room. Should hear from him in the next few days and hope he can work me into his schedule. After he turns in his paperwork I should get a call from my Lowe's person regarding the details and finalizing the order which I then need to pay for I would imagine. I talked to a friend who's using a Lowe's installer this morning and they are finally getting their floor installed on the 30th which is a lot later than originally estimated. Three weeks later because their installer was so booked! Wow! I guess the home improvement business is doing quite well this year.

    You may be right Jackie, something must be bruised. I have lots of regular bruises on my hands, arms, knees and legs but I don't see any bruising on my ribs. Just pain.

    I hope everyone is doing well.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    its me been reading all the post and a busy bunch of Sneakers.. I enjoy Reading all of the posting. Lin gettingher house all fix up. good for her jeri out taking lovely photo of indian paintbrushes [img] We have some in SOUTh Texas too and even some in out town in the spring marie[/img]
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    looks like it did not work correctly for me.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited June 2015
    MARIE, it did work and your photo is lovely. I love wild flowers. When we stepped off the plane all those years ago the first wild flower I saw in Quebec was the blue chicory. I noticed it flowering today on my walk and I still get a kick out of seeing it.
    I'm so glad you are finally solving all your food and computer problems. I've been virtually vegan for years. Just eat fish and eggs. My little garden is very ordinary. I posted the picture for LIN because she asked how it grew. My tomatoes are flowering though and I've got one small green one forming. However they are for my son. I won't eat tomatoes ever since I read about them causing arthritis. That goes for Bell peppers as well which is a shame because they are so tasty.
    Just a thought JACKIE, anything going on in your neck of the woods regarding the 800 years anniversary celebrations since MAGNA CARTA (1215)? One of my (ex?) sisters in law lives near Lincoln and apparently great things are going on there with suits of armour dotted around Lincoln Castle if I hear her correctly.
    My then little boys loved Lincoln castle and especially the dungeons! Actually they loved ALL the castles we roamed around and especially those with dungeons still intact. I think it was Tamworth castle that fascinated ME the most. All the carved inscriptions in the stone walls done by prisoners from our civil war in the 1600's.
    Sorry girls, here I go twittering on again! Anne.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Wow!!! Dell got all my new drivers installed and my cursor is like a baby! I had to redo all my emails only to discover over 28,000 were removed from the hard drive into my program! But I survived, and though I'm on the way to dinner, I should find more time to get back with you all. Lots of heart by-passes here and I've done my share of emergency driving. As far as Mike...he hides his problems well, but I end up doing the cleaning up of his mistakes, which get more frequent ...thank goodness for the Caregivers Meetings, although they aren' t frequent enough. Old age ain't for the weak!!!
    <3 Buzz
  • 6cookys
    6cookys Posts: 242 Member
    Dear friends
    Well, just dropped in to say hi. i am at the library using their computer and service. It is so fast but I only get here once in a while. I do go on to do my food diary so I can keep in touch on my phone. The things we go through. Oh well, my son and grandson have been staying with us and they don't drive so we take my son to his many doctor visits etc. They usually stay at my daughters but since school is out they are staying with us. I am really trying to make good lunches and dinners but sometimes my son cooks and I eat a little too much. I rejoined weight watchers and have lost about 5 lbs. I really need the meetings. Any way I want to tell you that I miss our conversations but we do what we have to do. I am checking on getting internet but haven't found one in my area that is worth the money. They are all slow. Anyway have a great day. Thinking of you all.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Chris great hearing from you how is your son in Alaska doing? really great knowing you can get to an internet Better than not having any. I really missed mine when it was down But I had My I pad to keep in touch
    <3 Marie..
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hi There! This site is crazy again! I have been trying to post all day. It keeps jumping around. Okay, we seem to be stabilizing now.

    We had a lovely Father's Day celebration. Our son came from Portland and our daughter came to see her brother and wish her father a happy day. She stayed for dinner and we had a grand time laughing and joking. John had a great time. The good thing was that the son in law and sad sack grandson stayed home. I was so glad we had a great stress free visit.

    My task now is the usual "after visit" stuff of changing bed linens and towels. This I gladly do for a visit from the kids. My meal was appreciated by most of all John and our son. Our daughter isn't as wild about salmon as her dad and brother.

    The computer problems continue to plague us all. None of us are safe. Hackers and scammers are lurking everywhere. However, there does seem to be help if we just keep looking. I drive people nuts with my questions. Why? How? When?

    Our son has two young dogs that always come with him. Our old girls look upon these visits as fun but exhausting. They sleep for 2 days after their non-stop romp with the youngsters. I confess, I often feel the same way.

    Except for PBS programs, american TV is just awful. I know I have old fashioned tastes but almost everyone feels the same! When will some enterprising producers come to the notion we need quality production not just more scandalous plot lines. We are back to looking at mostly old movies. I sound like my grand mother!

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    edited June 2015
    So true Patsy. I spend most of my TV time on Roku TV. So many good choices.
    Chris, we miss you too.
    Long day, nothing accomplished. PT in the morning.
    P.S., Lin, moving your furniture Might cause slow mending pain to flare.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    On my way out to visit an elderly neighbour who hasn't been well for some time. A cup of tea and biscuit plus probably 2 biscuits for George... he'll have to watch that waistline or the vet will be telling me off again!!! Back to you all this evening but meanwhile ANNE, it's Poldark you mentioned!

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited June 2015
    PATSY, I'm so very glad you and John had such a lovely day with your children. The doggies had a good time too, so I guess you and them are having a couple of days of putting your "paws" up. My youngest son and family take off at the end of the week. On their travels they are going to Pompeii. We have the exhibition in the ROM, Toronto, but to see the real thing, wow. Of course I shall worry about volcanos, terrorists, the Greek economy, you name it, as I always do, but I shall try to take my own advice and "sit back and do nothing and all will be well".

    Thanks JACKIE, I'm terrible with names and Poldark it is. I enjoyed the first episode and the period costumes. It's on WNED Buffalo, PBS for anyone interested. Masterpiece theatre, Sunday evening. Poor old George, I bet he doesn't appreciate human vets imposing rules on him. Poor little Cinders has the same problem with a very strict human "mother" but my son sneaks her the odd biscuit when Sandy isn't looking.

    One can tell its summer, we are all such busy little bees! So.......must do SOMETHING to earn my pension!
    Bye everyone, and God bless, Anne.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Well you all may be busy little bees. but I am not. I do as little as I can in the summer time. Summer heat is on but not too bad yet. my friend on the east coast in South Carolina been over 100 for a few days and we have not reach 100 yet.

    Jackie I bet George likes to go visiting to get a biscuit. What kind of bisque
    are you talking about?

    Shirley I know you are home or think you are where is a new picture of that big boy

    Phoebe I started using the Smokeked Paprika to season my red beans. wow so good. thanks for telling us about that.

    Sandy is probable getting reading to get out in the sunshine by the pool.

    Lin you do be careful moving that furniture Don't wont you down in your back.

    Patsy glad you had a nice day with family

    Have a nice day
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,398 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :) The big storms and tornadoes missed us, it didn't even rain. My relatives South of me had the worst of it, the sirens went off and they all headed to the basement. They said no tornado but the rain came so fast it flooded their basements. I am so grateful none of them got hurt, basements can be cleaned. Today it is beautiful and I am waiting to see if Lisa is coming with Robby to the pool. I will either go to the wake this afternoon or will just wait until morning and go to the service, it depends when my friends are going.
    Bryanna came over with her boyfriend last night, we all hugged but I did not get a chance to talk to her alone.
    I was happy she came over because I was missing her. I am doing nothing with the card, as of now it is still frozen.
    One day at a time.

    Marie, it is better for you not to do too much if it hot, we wouldn't want you to get heat exhaustion.

    Anne, I don't have a garden so not much to do except water my hanging basket, thus all the pool time.

    Jackie, have a good visit, I am sure your neighbor appreciates your kindness.

    Phoebe, hope that PT is helping and you are on the road to recovery. How is the tummy?

    Patsy, the Father's Day celebration sounds wonderful, always great when family gets together.

    Chris, good hearing from you, is your son's ankle all healed?

    Buzz, what a nightmare with all those computer problems, I do hope things get back to normal soon.

    Lin, a bamboo floor sounds interesting, do take pictures when things are all done.

    Missing Barbie.

    Day is moving forward quickly, time to go.
    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Well there were 75 posts and I won't have time to ready them now, maybe I will catch up eventually. No Wi Fi
    as I said while I was away and tried one time at a donut shop but no luck with my tablet.

    Hi everyone I am back from the cottage and no Wi Fi so I couldn't check in. I have lost all my days but that is okay because I will be leaving again in another week for sailing so I will just do what I can to post this summer. It will be a busy one.

    We had a great time at the cottage our friend Tom came with us, he lost his wife and my best friend in November. He loves the lake and the cottage so he had a great time fishing. We caught 15 fish but could only keep 10 due to slot size or some bass which were not in season yet. We did have a fish fry at some friend's house we know up there and they cook 40 fillets for all of us. Delicious! The weather was good with only one day of rain.
    We ate well except some cheese, crackers, ice cream and cake which Tom brought. I will not weigh in yet for
    a couple of days. We took my MIL up to her cottage, she is 89 and really misses it. She said she won't stay
    there alone anymore. Another trip this summer will be planned too.

    Today I tried to get in a Yoga class but no one was there at the studio. So I will have to email and find out
    what happened today. I know some power was out in the area due to a wicked storm we had last night.
    Today I am doing laundry and catching up on the computer. I tried WI FI at Tim Horton's but no luck. It said
    I was connected but my Tablet just didn't preform. My Fit Bit is not syncing to my tablet either. I think we
    will uninstall and reinstall the app again.

    So I hope everyone is doing well and hope I can catch up again. We stopped to see Isaac on the way
    up and on the way back. He is getting cuter by the day and bigger.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,496 Member
    Hello friends – the air duct cleaning is complete and frankly, I don’t think it was at all worthwhile. I have no idea what they removed but I have many holes in my formerly pristine furnace ductwork. Those holes have been covered roughly with chunks of metal and sealed with some type of silver tape. The air returns were not really cleaned because he couldn’t get the covers off. And my ENTIRE HOUSE is covered in dust, particulate matter and other assorted junk. So I don’t know if this is the standard approach but they cut holes in the ductwork in the basement, hooked up giant hoses which snaked up through the house, out the garage and into a unit on my driveway. They start on the highest floor of the house while this thing is running to suck stuff in while they are blowing air down through each vent until they get to the “trunk” line but meanwhile, all kinds of dirt and dust blows out of the vents as all of them are OPEN throughout the entire process. In particular he didn’t close the second vent in each room as he worked on one and in my family room, massive clouds of dust blew out into the room—even a piece of popcorn blew into the room. Disgusting.

    Moving on, I have the electronic air cleaner installation scheduled for the second week of July. I look forward to that and my sinuses wish it was here NOW! Really, NOW!

    I’m off early tomorrow morning to work on those rust spots on the concrete in the basement at my dad’s house and to let in the carpet cleaning service. I am really praying they make that carpet look good. The radon remediation is complete. And final buyer walk-through should be on Thursday. Yes, we finally got the legal names for the deed AND a copy of the title opinion which has actually been complete since June 10th which makes it appear as if they will proceed with the purchase.

    So there is still a possibility there may be a closing on Friday. My realtor is keeping his calendar as open as possible through next Tuesday just in case. He had been hoping to leave relatively early on Friday afternoon and not return to that area until later on Monday. I thought I would be driving to the area tomorrow and then not again until next week. I will be one tired chick if this comes together but I will also be relieved.

    My goodness, I always learn things in this group. Anne - I didn’t know the Magna Carta was celebrating 800 year anniversary and know nothing about Lincoln Castle. I’ve now Googled Lincoln Castle and have been reading some background information! Very interesting. I’ll have to get around to Tamworth Castle next.

    Buzz – good progress on your computer issues. I am sorry you are involved in so many emergencies. Your friends and neighbors are so lucky to have you to rely on. Best wishes on getting that computer to behave. And I am sorry you have issues with Mike. I do wish you had help in coping with that.

    Chris – it is great to hear from you. We miss you so much. I feel so bad that you’re unable to get good Internet service. The service I have is less than perfect but usually I can get something working one way or another. I wish excellent service was available everywhere. Hugs!!

    Patsy – oh yes, the jumping around trick. That happens to me often but it’s almost constant if I try to use my iPad and I look at the things I type and post when I’m using that and note that I often have more mistakes than I have accurate wording so I'm glad this group is able to guess at what I'm trying to say. I’m also glad the Father’s Day celebration went well. Yes!! On the topic of TV---I watch old B&W movies on a couple of oldie channels I receive in my very limited TV package but I always search for things like old Andy Griffith shows, or Hazel, the Waltons, Peter Gunn, Mister Ed……..more old than new. And like Phoebe, I have Roku and watch a lot of things through Acorn TV, Netflix, or Amazon Prime streaming. People tell me about new programs but I hardly ever try them out.

    Phoebe – how are you doing today? By the way, I like my new Roku. It has buttons on the remote for both Netflix and Amazon. I think there might be one for Hulu+, I’ve paid no attention to that since I don’t subscribe. I watched the new episodes of Midsomer Murders on Acorn and then for some reason started watching Taggart. I have difficulty understanding the accents and the show looks old, like maybe from the 80’s? So I’m back to my old faithfuls on Acorn. Ha.

    Jackie – hello, I think some of Poldark is on Acorn as well as PBS I believe but for some reason, I’ve not had an interest in watching that. And I do hope George gets a biscuit from time to time. Life is too short right? How are your bees this year?

    Marie – hot weather indeed. I’d stay indoors as well. But I do stay inside even here and we don’t get such high temperatures! The air conditioning was off for the couple of hours the guy was here this afternoon and the door was open with exhaust fumes from his equipment and heat pouring in. ACK! I was ready for chilled air when he left. The smell of those fumes is dissipating now. Thank the Lord.

    Sandy – I am so glad the storms missed you. I’m on a street team for a cozy author and she lives in the Coal City area of Illinois. Lots of tense moments for our group until she finally was able to call someone to post on Facebook that they are okay. They just didn’t have power and had to use their cars to plug in their cell phones. Another good pool day for you. Tomorrow we are under threat of severe weather again---at least that’s the promise from the weather forecast this evening. I hope we both come through the next round of severe weather a-okay.

    Shirley – welcome home my friend. Your time away sounds like it was quite enjoyable. I have to say I think your life is just superb! You do so many interesting things. I always love to read about what’s up next!

    Time to zip along. Packing my lunch for tomorrow and gathering paperwork, thinking of phone calls that need to be placed in case we are having a closing. And of course, lots of driving and some more work. I have the rust remover/treatment in the car already and I hope the rust spots look better when I've worked on them. I think I’ll take an extra set of clothes in case I get really dirty. I hate to sit in my car and drive for hours in dirty/funky clothing. Is there any doubt I am a wimp? NOPE!

    The pain in the ribs was horrendous yesterday and it seems that I make it worse whenever I move or lift anything or move furniture. Yesterday I made surprising noises each time I stood up so I spent a lot of time with a hot pack on it (the kind you heat in the microwave) and that felt really good. I’m sure in time it will get better.

    Hugs, and more hugs my dear friends.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Lin, I hope you will take it easy on yourself. I'm glad to hear that the rust is on concrete not carpet as I first thought. A thought on that, maybe sanding the concrete, also sandblasting. Good luck, safe travels. Hope there will be no more delays. Yes, I know what you mean about the dialects. I use closed captioning. I have 4 buttons on the Roku, but I usually forget to use them. I may try an episode of Poldark. I'll check out Taggert as well.
    No rain here although it has rained north south east and west of us! How does that happen?
    At physical therapy today, I was given some work on a Total Gym, like Chuck Norris used to sell. It was harder than I expected, and my hamstring is singing tonight, otherwise, that knee feels good. No more cane either! The other knee does not want to exercise, kind of sore.
    Good to hear from everyone, yes Marie, stay out of the heat.
    Bladder tests tomorrow, fun 4 me!
    Night, Phoebe
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I took out time for myself today, with unexpected results. Clothing vendors come here occasionally, and since yesterday I won a raffle for a $20 gift certificate at today' s fashion show, I went to check for a possible pair of pants with a normal width leg, rather than the slim fit that is so popular now. I hit the jackpot! tops, vests, pants, a new wardrobe, almost, and some lively colors a well! So I bought myself a lovely gift from my DH (even though he was unaware of his generosity)! I am keenly conscious of his not "being" here with me, and miss his companionship!
    Nice to see CHRISagain.
    I see it' s after midnight and I promised myself to get to sleep early. Also , does anyone else get lines where, as one types, the words appear on a new line instead of where they belong? In other words, they appear vertically instead of horizontally?! I' m sure there are more important things to be concerned over, but Goodnight everyone. See you tomorrow!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning everyone, well it's just about still morning here! Enjoyed a delightful walk on the moors meeting other dog walkers and their pooches and George seems to have got used to being with my friend's new puppy so he's almost becoming playful, something he struggles with having been unsocialised as a pup. I plan an afternoon in the garden to finish clearing my old veggie area of nettles and brambles and then I'll be moving on to the "wild bottom" that will no doubt take until the end of summer to clear. Never mind, it's good to have projects!!

    Lin ~ Taggart is a programme I struggled with due mostly to the strong Glaswegian accents. When I was a teenager my brother had a good friend from that area of Scotland and I never knew what he was saying!! The series started many years ago, either 80's or 90's and when the actor playing the lead passed away they changed detective but continued to call it Taggart and as far as I'm aware it's still being produced. Last night I saw the last episode of a series called No Offence.... definitely not for the faint hearted but with typical British humour and amazing twists and turns. I was on the edge of my seat for the last 5 minutes. Sounds like you've cracked your ribs, never mind bruised so yes, it will take time to improve so take things as steady as you can. Hopefully this trip will be the last you have to make in order to tidy but goodness, what a mess the cleaner made blasting out dust from your ducts. It doesn't sound to me as if he knew what he was doing!! My bees are currently no more due to the colonies disappearing I know not where! There were no dead bodies in the hive so I have to assume some strange phenomenon occurred and talking to other beekeepers they've experienced similar problems. If the now empty hive doesn't attract a swarm this year I'll restock next year because I do miss watching them tootle back and forth!

    Phoebe ~ Hooray, you've thrown that cane away so are definitely on the mend and I expect the other knee is just complaining because it had to take on extra work for a while. A bladder test.... I won't ask what that entails but hope it's not too invasive and uncomfortable.

    Buzz ~ I'm finding type suddenly jumps up to the line above, usually into the middle of a word so I then have to fiddle about retyping and moving things around. Not vertical though, that does sound odd and something I don't think I could manage if I tried!! The outfit sounds lovely and also comfortable so good for you (and Mike of course!) for splashing out. The skinny legged look is a favourite of mine as I think it's a bit of a blast from the past for me so am regressing to my younger years!!

    Sandy ~ Great that you and Bryanna have met and hugged as there's nothing worse than falling out with those we love but I'm with you, keep that card frozen for now until the matter is dealt with properly. Last week I was watching a fly on the wall documentary about a hospital A&E department where people were chatting in the waiting room and one lady asked another if she watched Orange is the new black (or is it the other way around?) and what a brilliant programme it is....I thought of you!!

    Marie ~ George enjoyed 3 rich tea biscuits yesterday during our visit with the neighbour and of course didn't want his kibble when we got home!! They are a light biscuit and I had one myself but 3 was probably a few too many. I even took him up on to the moors about 6pm to give him more exercise but his appetite didn't improve! It gives the lady a great deal of pleasure to see him so I don't mind.

    Anne ~ Poldark does improve as it goes along but for the most part I just enjoyed the scenery and working out what parts of Cornwall it was filmed in. There weren't many Magna Carta celebrations and certainly none in Cornwall which seems a shame but again, similar to the history of the War of the Roses, it's not taught in schools these days and I doubt many appreciate it being the birth of democracy. I'll be interested to hear about the visit to Pompeii as it was somewhere I had mentioned possibly going to with a friend until reading a review. A beautiful part of the world and I'm sure they'll have a wonderful time and not bump into terrorists or be swallowed up by an erupting volcano!! As for Greece, they'll either join the Russians any day now or negotiate themselves into even further debt although personally I thought they should have got out of the Euro 5 years ago because by now they'd have a strong economy built up by tourists looking for a cheap vacation.... but then what do I know??

    That's it, time for lunch and then out to do battle with the brambles!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Ugh well my new computer went black on me this morning it wasn't, a new one just new to me it was one of Alice husband Jim that needed to have something replace which Best by did. so back on my I pad this morning, going to try not complain too much about it. But admit I just sram over the posting . But will try to keep in better torch with you all

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi MARIE. I must admit I'm getting a bit fed up with computer problems, phone scams etc.. Yes, I got another scam on my answering machine yesterday morning. Same scam, but English voice this time. He left a phone number so we googled it. Ottawa number, and also a number of people posting about it. He says, of all things, God bless you at the end so it's presumably a recording all us would be victims are getting as a follow up to the original East Indian guy. Glad I installed my ancient answering machine though because it's been lighting up like a Christmas tree with no messages left. So, it's maybe a Canadian scam folks, but watch out!
    BUZZ, you inspired me to take a deeper look at my wardrobe. Some old favourite clothes I've had for eons and I decided to chuck out thinking them too small now but after trying them on out of curiosity to my utter amazement I can get into them!
    I'm particularly pleased with a blouse and pants I bought at Marks and Spencer's JACKIE, oh it must be 25 years ago. Still like new but out of style. The pants particularly, narrow legged, but pleated under the waist! Well, I'm no fashion plate, and guess who will be looking like something out of the early nineties! I'm very sorry about your bees having packed their pollen sacs and buzzed off. Just a thought for I know nothing about bees except enjoying them, but anything to do with spring cleaning the hives? I read today that the wild beaver is back in Devon after hundreds of years extinction! Mother spotted with two kits, and another pregnant Mom.
    LIN my thoughts are with you today and the very best of luck. If you like castles another two I liked were Warwick and also Kenilworth. Looking back, we seemed to spend a lot of time roaming around castles, abbeys, etc. no wonder it took me and the boys a while to settle down in the new world!
    SANDY and PHOEBE, wonderful news, SANDY still in touch with Bryanna and PHOEBE throwing her cane away!
    Bye everybody, lots to do, Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,398 Member
    Buzz, have the happiest of happy birthdays!! Do something for yourself and enjoy this day!!!1


    Happy Wednesday!! Had a great time at the pool yesterday not only with Robby and Lisa, but I invited a friend from my old complex. The weather was beautiful and the company was great. Went to a wake last night but I am not going to the funeral today. My friends were not going so I decided I didn't want to go alone. Tonight is bingo night and with so many plans in the next week I hope I find time to pack and get my mani/pedi.
    It is kind of gray outside, so I don't think it is a pool day even though Bryanna wanted to come today. I think we will postpone until Friday, weather permitting since I have my meeting tomorrow. Hopefully, Robby and Lisa can come Friday so Bryanna can spend some time with Robby.

    I have been lax on riding my bike and although I have only gained a pound, I need to push myself harder. I also have to keep those veggie straws out of my house, I have no will power to stop at 38 straws. Of course I gained with all that salt. Grrrrr.

    Have a good day, live like it is your last and be happy!!!!
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    BUZZ ~

    love and hugs <3
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Happy birthday BUZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now does anyone like a good ghost story? I was born not far from Burton Agnes Hall in the East Riding of Yorkshire, and it remains one of my favourite places to prejudice! I found on Google - The Screaming Skull of Burton Agnes Hall. You might guess that the owner of the skull was a young Elizabethan woman named.......Anne.
    It's a beautiful little village and if you find the photos I looked at with the old restored steam train, my late cousin Peter was one of the volunteers who helped restore it. I think it's used quite a lot in dramas such as "Heartbeat".
    Probably won't interest you, but as I said.....just in case, "does anyone like a good ghost story".
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member


    Enjoy your day, you deserve it!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,496 Member
    Sorry I cannot post more but wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you dear Buzz. Hugs and happiness.

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Happy birthday Buzz! Kick up your heels, sing a song, and tell a naughty joke and eat chocolate cake! I'll bet you can get through this b'day without too much effort. Mine is coming up and I am already hunting for an inappropriate joke to tell. Chocolate should always be on birthday menus....right? Great getting to know you my friend!