Senior Golden Sneakers



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,985 Member
    edited March 2015
    Today was an extra special day at the line dance class that I teach. The teacher who taught before me who had to step down because of health and mobility issues, finally came for a visit and stayed through the whole class including dancing a few dances. She got several rounds of applause and lots of hugs. I got to tell the class about my first line dance class when the other teacher was teaching and I knew nothing.

    :D Jake is feeling better, but plans to take it easy for a few more days just to be sure. He has enjoyed having a few days to sit in the recliner and watch TV or putter on the computer.smiley-computer004.gif

    <3 Barbie
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hello All,

    Still struggling with my foot. I think I have an inflamed Achilles tendon. I had that once before and it took so long to recover from it. With my busy lifestyle as well I am so frustrated. I want to be walking and going and doing things. We have our 3 granddaughters here this weekend and I've been busy with them and pay for it at night.

    Has anyone else had this problem and if so, how did they treat it?

    Jeri - sitting with an iced foot. LOL
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited March 2015

    Pictture of my great grandson grayson. He weigh 14.5 pounds now at 2 months Don't know how this let me copy the picture but I grab it. how about them dimples two weks and we will get to go and see Grayson
    Love marie
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    JERI, I'm no help at all as I've never had to deal with such a horrid problem, but I am so sorry and do hope you will recover from the tendon very quickly. It sounds like time will be the healer. ANNE
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Celebrating BOB, although I'm going to try for next time! Got to be noted for SOMETHING! Lol.

    MARIE, oh my, what a little beauty! Although I should say, - handsome - wee chappie! Takes after great granma I bet!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :D Another nice day with temps in the high 50's. Maybe Spring is finally here, although there is still a lot of snow on the ground. I finally got all my pictures on Facebook and will post a couple here to share my vacation with you. I slept in a little this morning and it feels so good to just relax and be back on my computer. Babe is going to Church with me today and then probably out to dinner. Back to normal feels good.
    I will get back to my MFP on Monday but I did lose a little over night. :D I pretty much know what I can and can not eat even without recording but recording keeps me honest.

    Marie, your great grandson is just beautiful, great dimples and smile. How exciting for you to be able to see him soon. I think I missed a death in your family but my deepest sympathy to you and your family.

    Jeri, I am sorry, I am no help, the only foot problems I have are bunions. They do not hurt just look ugly so I am not planning on surgery. I am presuming you have been to a foot doctor correct?

    Bob, thanks for sharing the PI video, I am terrible when it comes to math so I prefer the other PIE. (jk I rarely eat desserts except this my birthday week) How great that you found a fellow passenger's wallet and was able to return it to him. I know I would have been so grateful, honesty is such an important virtue. You are a nice man and will be rewarded.

    Barbie, how wonderful your teacher friend was able to join you in her original class and even participate. I know she was proud of you for taking over and being a great teacher.
    Glad Jake is on the mend.

    Anne, your story about your uncles hat was funny but even more how wonderful was he to go to Church with your Aunt out of respect for her. They don't make them like that anymore.

    Lin, my full time job sounds less stressful than what you do daily. At least Robby takes two naps a day and I can also if I want. I will admit I like my time alone but time is moving quickly and her mother will be home in the middle of May and then it will only be two days a week.

    Today I am going grocery shopping and a couple of errands before Church. For you Catholics I am going to confession since I missed Mass while on the Cruise.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Happy Saturday sneaker buddies! It is, a beautiful day here on the Oregon coast! Foggy and rainy, expecting about an inch of rain. New creatures venturing out, a salamander slowly walked down the sidewalk. Not sure where he was going but indications were he was headed toward the stack of firewood. These little things might actually be newts. They are fascinating however. Our beach cleanup is soon. I can't believe we are doing this before spring break. Bad planning unless another one is in the works. Then there is the horrible mess after 4th of July! The beaches look like a trash heap. Do I sound like a mother talking to her teenage kid?

    I am making fierce chicken chili. There are enough chilis in there to wake up your taste buds and to let you know life is grand! When I was a kid, my dad worked for an oil company. We lived in Louisiana and those people can cook!!!! It was amazing how almost everyone could whip up these dishes that could bring you to your knees. I'm not saying they were healthy...just wonderful tasting.

    I guess I am hungry so I will eat some celery and a radish while I cook. My mouth is watering and I am reminiscing about food way too much. This way lies madness!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    Nice day here! Sunny and maybe not as warm as the last several days and a bit of wind but it is just fine with a few days we'll cool off with highs in the 50's so I'll enjoy this mid to high 60's. Cooked green beans and Brussels sprouts today and Hawaiian sweet potatoes in my tabletop oven. About 15,000 steps so far and hopefully more to come. I always have to listen to my feet and some days can hardly push them to 10,000. Lots of foot problems but Jeri, I've not had that issue and am sorry I have no help to offer. But I Googled it and found this

    What Are My Treatment Options?
    Your treatment will depend on the severity of our injury and how long it has been since your injury. You will likely be started on rest, ice and anti-inflammatory medicines such as aspirin or NSAIDs.

    Resting the painful Achilles tendon allows the inflammation to subside and allow for healing. A period of rest—stopping the activity that is causing the pain—after the onset of symptoms is important in controlling Achilles tendonitis.
    In patients who have more significant symptoms, a period of immobilization can help. Either a removable walking boot, or sometimes even a cast, can allow the inflamed tissue to cool down quickly. Wearing a walking boot keeps the calf muscle from pulling on the Achilles tendon. The boot prevents you from pushing off with the ball of your foot or pointing your toes downward. The walking boot should be worn when walking. However, there is some benefit to wearing the boot even when you’re at rest as the boot keeps a slight stretch on the tendon and prevents further shortening.
    Night Splint:
    A night splint keeps the foot in a similar position as the walking boot, with a gentle stretch on the Achilles tendon. However, a night splint is not sturdy enough to allow walking. Daily use of a night splint while sedentary, from minutes to several hours, can help physical therapy and continues the rehabilitation while at home. After recovery, a night splint can help prevent recurrent strains and maintains lower extremity flexibility, especially in athletes.
    Physical Therapy for Achilles Tendonitis
    For some injuries, physical therapy is recommended to help remove or stretch scar tissue and to control pain and swelling. Patients with mild symptoms of bursitis or tendonitis often do well with two to four weeks of physical therapy. The physical therapist’s goal is to keep your pain and swelling under control, improve your range of motion and strength, and make sure you regain a normal walking pattern. Treatments such as ultrasound, moist heat, and massage are used to control pain and inflammation. As pain eases, treatment progresses to include stretching and strengthening exercise. Physical therapy can also include shock waves, ultrasound, and ice. The key to proper ice and heat therapy is knowing when to ice and heat an injury. Your physical therapist knows when and how to apply treatment to reduce swelling and pain while still allowing the healing inflammatory process. Your therapist will teach you a home-care program to go along with the office therapy to help speed healing.

    One purpose of the treatment is to break up scar tissue that has formed and to stretch out the scar tissue allowing the tendon to stretch normally without pain or tearing. The order of treatment is important. You don’t want to stretch a “cold” tendon. Injured tendons shorten and need to be stretched. Also, be careful not to overdo stretching. Only gentle stretches for the calf muscles and Achilles tendon are used at first. As the tendon heals and pain eases, more aggressive stretches are done. Ask your therapist, “On a scale of 1-10, how much should I be stretching the tendon.” To prevent further scar tissue from forming, ice is applied after stretching, massage, or treatments. Don’t overdo therapy as this can slow down the healing process by adding further injury to the tendon.

    Ultrasound—high or low frequency sound waves—can help increase the blood flow to the area to reduce swelling and speed healing. The vibrating sound waves can travel deep into the tissue (muscles) creating gentle heat. The heat increases the blood flow to the area to deliver oxygen and nutrients and remove cell wastes. The deep heat also helps relieve pain, inflammation and muscle spasms. Ultrasound is painless. You may feel tingling; often, you won’t feel anything at all.
    Electrical Stimulation
    Low-energy shock wave therapy has been used successfully for chronic tendonitis. This therapy does not need anesthesia and can take several treatment sessions. The vibrations produced by the energy waves are applied to the painful areas. Shock wave therapy stimulates soft-tissue healing by increasing blood supply to the treated area. Small electrode pads are placed on the painful area. Then you control the degree of “shock” to the area. The therapy can last as long as 20 minutes. During the treatment, you can increase the intensity as you adjust to each level. During treatment you should feel a tingling sensation, but not pain.
    Electrical stimulation can also be used in iontophoresis. This treatment involves the application of a topical anti-inflammatory to the area. The stimulation forces the medication into the tissues reducing inflammation.

    Best wishes to everyone.......see you later.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited March 2015
    Sandy - Nice pictures of the trip and you have a nice tan going on.

    Jeri - I am sorry about your heel pain, there is nothing worse when you have
    - things to do and it disrupts your routine. Feel better. You might have to see the doc for this one.

    I had a good day yesterday, I took my MIL out for dinner to a different restaurant and we had a very delicious dinner. She ordered the fish and I had black bean quesadillas. I didn't know they were so high in calories. Live and learn but they were so good and i also had the black bean soup which was delicious. After that we went to a micro brewery, my MIL likes her beer, and we had a glass to check out the place. Downstairs they have the brewery and food and upstairs they have entertainment which you buy tickets for. It was a church they revamped.

    Today I picked her up again and we went to an Exchange store which had name brand clothes,
    jewelery, lotions and potions and purses and just about anything you could want. It was a consignment store. So I got a throw rug for my TV room, some lotion and a summer purse for $8.
    I think she enjoyed her outing.

    Now going to fix a pair of jeans on my sewing machine. I am getting a lot of little jobs done this weekend that I don't have time for. I also went to Yoga class today.

    Dave is enjoying his fishing and they have caught a few fish already. He says it is definitely winter up there, where here Spring is happening, finally. He will be home on Sunday.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,985 Member
    :'( Jeri, I have no good suggestions about your pain, since I am the person who has routinely ignored directions to "rest". When I hurt my knee a few years ago, someone on the Senior Golden Sneakers said that she thought I'd need a seat belt to keep me in my chair to assist the healing process.

    B) I can't believe how many people I've encountered on MFP who feel that "pi" day is the perfect reason to be eating "pie"

    :s I may have a touch of whatever Jake has, so I'm sort of taking it easy today---knitting, watching TV, puttering on the computer. I slept late and will probably go to bed even earlier than usual.

    <3 Barbie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,985 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,178 Member
    Good morning. It's time for me to get going for the day. Dropping off a book at the library and then off to church. I'm going to be doing communion prep and clean-up so will be gone a bit longer than usual. Will need to do a lot of catch-up walking when I return.

    I heard we might hit 80 degrees tomorrow (with fairly strong winds) and then a drop down to a high in the 50's. Still a roller coaster but a much warmer one!

    Wishing everyone a healthy day. Hugs.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited March 2015

    Dave called this morning and said they caught some fish and told about the big one that got away.
    It broke the line and they lost it. He also said they had fish in a grocery bag hanging on the door
    knob of the ice hut and the bag split and it got away.

    Such fish stories! They seem to have had a good time. :D

    Cloudy here and gray, I just looked out the window and it is snowing. :s
    Well its March and we still can get snow.

    Have a great day!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,122 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :D Our weather chilled a little with high in the 50's today, still better than snow. (sorry Shirley) I am doing nothing today except catching up on all the shows I missed and possibly taking off the patio furniture cover in case it gets warm enough to sit on the balcony. I will also start riding my bike today and get back into routine

    Robby went to a St. Paddy's party with his parents yesterday, look at how cute he is!!!

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    I'm ecstatic, the snow is slowly receding and I've just found the snowdrops in bud! The bulbs have doubled, and after such a freezing winter. Unbelievable! Just had to share, spring really IS here. ANNE.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Sandy your beautiful little Robby has 2 teeth!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Sandy - Robby is getting so big, so fast he will be walking before you know it. Love the teeth.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    We are having a very wet Sunday but it is just right to put Sunday Baroque on the radio and a fire in the wood stove. I was up in the night listening to a real down pour for several hours. Made me very uneasy. I worry about mudslides and washouts when we get that amount of rain all in a short period of time. But it seems we are just fine.

    My chili was very successful. Not too caloric and my husband loved it. So leftovers for today! It was so spicy that we didn't miss the salt.

    I have been investigating a new exercise machine. I have a recumbent bike but it is very painful for me to use. I must pull my knees up too high. No adjustment makes it better. It is indeed a voyage of discovery. Reading all the reviews and cautions are very helpful but time consuming. Still working on my Spanish app. I can really see how this is a brain fitness program. This is slow going but fun. I would give up the Spanish in a moment if I had a grand baby to dote on.

    Little by little, signs of spring are showing up. There is a large dairy across the road from us and in a special pasture I see new calves. Sweet! Down the road is a small farm with several new lambs. What says spring any louder than that? Our own livestock seems to be more in the frog/newt/slug and mosquito category.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Robby went to a St. Paddy's party with his parents yesterday, look at how cute he is!!!

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time[/quote]

    Sandy Robby is so adorable.
