Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Good morning all you lovely people. Just a quick word before I get down to the chores. I want to thank you all for the kind words and advice for one, once, unwanted puss. You really are an amazing group of warm, compassionate people. By the way, when we emigrated all those years ago, 9 year old puss Thelly, came with us.
    JACKIE, I love your posts and you live in a wondrous place full of enchantment and old legends. Ghosts belong in Great Britain with its "misty, moisty morning, when cloudy was the weather". I mentioned meditation, well I always put myself in a place full of bluebells and beech trees, only one day I must have gone into the meditation rather too deeply, for I came out pretty quickly I can tell you! Enough of fanciful thoughts. Busy day today. Have a good one everybody.
    Cheers, ANNE.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Got going this morning with: Sunsweet Pitted Prunes (40g) – LOL – Calories: 100; Then - Burned 331 calories doing 60 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Walking treadmill gym 3.2. mph";
    Anne – The grumpy photographer drink your wine made me laugh. Sounds like he didn’t even know enough to replace it, once he discovered it hadn’t been a gift. Some people are just that way.

    Sandy – hope your winning streak continued with Bingo. I haven’t been on my bike in ages (years); going to get it dusted off & tuned up soon so it is ready when the “thaw” comes. The high today will be 33F; Sun & Mon should be 24F & 26F respectively! I’m dying for 55F.

    Lin – I put off the treadmill til evening yesterday, but amazingly it was still crowded. As for terminology, I’ll take either one (LOL).

    Marie – Thanks re: the husband compliment. I’m always a work-in-progress in that department. I’m fortunate. I do 99% of the grocery shopping & cooking. Jean loves yard work, cleaning, ironing etc. She is somewhat delusional in thinking things are pretty much 50/50. I estimate it’s 70/30. She doesn’t want my help with laundry etc. (but I know that’s really because she knows I won’t do it “exactly” how she does LOL). It all seems to work based on that old saying: “Don’t sweat the small stuff.”

    Jackie – I’m still waiting for those gorgeous days. If you walked George around my neighborhood he’d be on ice skates not “splashing in and out of the water.”

    Jean is off to take her dad to the doctors. I need to clean up after the gym this morning.

    I’d like to go to the movies today, but not sure if it will fit in. I want to see: STILL ALICE – about a successful / happy professor that starts to forget words and is diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's Disease and all that follows. I also would like to see RUN ALL NIGHT with Liam Neeson. The story of a mobster/hitman with conflicted loyalties etc. – as you can see – not exactly similar movies.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Bob :)
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Sorry to have been away. Just getting to MFP since last week. So I will be reading the posts today. Honey is at the vet for the night, it is her first heartworm treatment. It will be a long couple of months for her and for me. Treatment is dangerous, but also, her activities must be restricted afterwards until she gets an all clear.
    heading to the chiropractor, then will get back home sweet home, and to the Sneakers!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited March 2015
    Good morning - chilly here again today and we might get some rain. We'll see. I've made almond milk, cooked red quinoa, waded through email and have done a bit of walking........more later. Basketball on TV today and tomorrow. Anyone do brackets? It was obligatory when I was working. I never had a clue since I don't follow any teams so I didn't win any $$.

    Sandy - how did bingo turn out? Is Robby feeling better now?

    Phoebe - welcome back. We'll be pulling for Honey as she starts her treatments. And for you as you care for her as she undergoes the treatments.

    Bob - I hope you get to a movie today. Sounds lovely. I'm outta here to look for a few things to make my dad's house look a bit better in anticipation of selling it later this year. That will bring me close to the mega-movie theaters. Will they pull me in? And I am wishing for warmer weather for you SOON!

    Anne - good morning. Hope the chores are going well and will be over soon. Is snow still melting?

    Jackie - I love your posts! Your descriptions of weather and surroundings are so vivid--they take me away!! Please do post any pictures or videos you would like to share and I'll be here to lap them up.

    Patsy - early days but the meditation is going well in that I am doing it and I am developing a little routine now. I go upstairs early, get ready for bed and then meditate for 15 minutes or so. Then I may do my adult coloring book for a bit. It's quite fun and relaxing and it is totally G-rated if that term had you wondering--it's all flowers and gardens and all teeny tiny little bits to color in. Then I switch over to low-key music and finally lights out. So far, I like it!

    Marie - I know it is odd isn't it that this new Fitbit doesn't record steps when pushing a cart? Or when carrying boxes for example. It's not just me, I'm in another group where the lady said she gave up her Fitbit Charge HR and went back to a Fitbit One because she works at pushing a cart all day and was getting virtually no steps. Must be a manufacturing defect? How are you? When's your trip? How's Alice? How's your weather now?

    Time to roll along. Hugs to all.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    I had lovely but brisk walk this morning. It was cold around 35F but sunny.

    Our dinner last night went well. I looked at the menu before I left and ordered the steak, it came with mashed potatoes (which I normally don't eat) and green beans. I had two glasses of red wine and no dessert. Instead I ordered a decaf cappuccino. So not so bad.
    Dave received a nice card and $100 from the two coworkers who arranged the dinner.

    One dinner down and one to go. We are going out on Saturday night again and to the same place. What are the odds. I will look over the menu again and order something different. Mind you my weigh in is tomorrow and not expecting great results but I will still do it.

    Lin - I used to do football pools when I was working and bring home the paper and have my husband pick the teams since I didn't pay that much attention. I see you have your work cut out for you on selling your Dad's house. Good luck and I hope you are coping with all of this, it must be hard. <3
    Phoebe - Good luck to honey and her worm treatment. Is it dangerous because of her age?
    Or just because?

    Anne - I do meditation at Yoga at least twice a week and have to say the same mantra to get my brain from straying on thoughts, which is normal. I would love to hear about your experience.

    Jackie - You should have been a writer. Your stories are so vivid and interesting. I worry about bees too, they say in some place they are disappearing. They are the life blood of the planet, so sad.

    Bob - enjoy your movies and your meals are always so well arranged and interesting. I want to come to your house to eat. LOL

    I would like to get a Fitbit one day, my pedometer does great for steps but doesn't tell me the calories. I have go with what MFP says and sometimes they are wrong. Fingers crossed my bday is coming.

    We are getting new phones, I will be in the 21st century soon. I had a phone but it was for emergencies only, no taking pictures, no texting and had only so many minutes. I can't wait to start using the new phone.

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    LIN, the snow hasn't gone yet, but almost. The back yard that's still in shade and some of my drive has it, but it's almost gone on the streets grassy verges. I can safely sally forth again without risk of limb.

    Skip the next bit anyone who isn't into the yoga practice of meditation!!! Be careful with the meditation. I was warned by a book I was reading on the subject that I might encounter either a human or a creature on my mental walk through the wood. After many years meditating nothing at all, just bluebells, and then I did! Someone I loved dearly and who passed away many years before. I snapped out of the "trance?" pretty quick I can tell you with tears pouring down my face. So real! and such a shock. Believe me, I am a pretty down to earth type normally, not at all fanciful, and I'm also too much of a coward to risk it again. At least for now! The person I met was my lovely dad. He had a huge smile on his face, looked about 30 years old, and held out his hand to me. I've often wondered what would have happened if I'd grasped it!

    Brrr down to earth again! Best wishes for HONEY the lucky, PHOEBE, and for you too. It will probably be harder on you!
    Cheers everybody, won't bug you all again today, promise.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe just want to say hello. I saw where you will be back with us today.
    I will get to used my pretty pink lunch bag you sent me When we get to go up to see that new grandson I am going to carry yogurt, nuts and fruit to have as snacks on our way up there.
    .Really will come in handy. I am still on the 1-1-1- plan and loving it. Have some really nice ladies on our groups. I have just lost 10 lbs but 10 pounds is 10 lbs of fat.I don't have anymore. it kin of slack off some now. but not going to let it get me down.
    I will be thinking of Honey I remember when we got Angel as a puppy When we got home she passed a whole bunch of worms. call them up and told them and she said that was good They wanted her too.
    ahe also had Mange that she inherit from her Mother and had to take her in for some kind of dip for awile. She did not like that at all..

    Hello all of you sneakers.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited March 2015
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Lin – Yes – we saw Still Alice. Julianne Moore was incredible. Alec Baldwin and Kristen Stewart were also very good as supporting cast. (Reminds me - I had the opportunity to take a few photos of Daniel Baldwin (Alec’s brother) back in 2008 or 2009 with his newborn daughter). It is a heartbreaking story of a brilliant mind that rapidly deteriorates and the impact on all concerned.
    From your lips to God’s ears on the weather. With regards to movies – we go in spurts. Sometimes there is nothing but pure junk showing. “Bought” the Mrs. a box of Junior Mints (& I “brought” a 100-calorie bag of popcorn for myself). The concession prices are unreal. I don’t know how large families do it.

    Shirley – The door is always open Thanks for the compliment. Tonight’s dinner was: Tumaro's - Ancient Grain Low Carb Tortilla 1 wrap; Seasoned quinoa, tomato & feta cheese, (99g); Diced Tomatoes & Green Chilies, 1/8 cup; Fat Free Sharp Cheddar Cheese, 1 Slice; Plain Chicken Breast (Without Skin), 2 oz; Calories: 306

    This day flew by -- what's new :)

    Enjoy the evening. Bob
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Thursday Evening! I have been under the weather most if the day, some tummy issues. I had a small pizza at bingo last night and she burned it pretty dark. Not sure if that is what caused it but feeling better now. Robby was a saint today and took a 3 hour nap this morning and a two hour nap in the afternoon. I napped when he did. I won a $500 pull tab at bingo and then the first split the pot bingo game for $161, so my streak continued. I was supposed to go for dinner with friends tonight but bailed and had soup and crackers instead. I will check in tomorrow and hopefully with comments, but did want to wish Honey well and hope there are no complications.

    Have a great night.
    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Bob you put us all to shame. With your cooking

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Well my dear sneakers buddies, this has been a busy day doing the basic housecleaning job we all hate/love to have done. My husband and I dig in once a week and try to get cleaned up for the week. Our doggies and living out in the country keeps this an on-going struggle. We dust, vacuum, mop, scrub and swab out the place. As we finish and put away the mops, vacuums and broom, pine needles and mud is already being tracked back in. We call it part of our fitness routine.

    Tomorrow we will be lunching with friends so we will be taking a break from springtime chores. My big challenge is to maintain control while ordering at the restaurant. The others always order dessert, so that is another challenge right there!

    Living at the mouth of the Columbia River, we have the privilege of sharing this river with sea lions, seal, seabirds of all kinds and fish, of course. Nowhere is there more eveadenve
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Ooooooops I hit the wrong space.......anyway, as I was saying, nowhere is there more evidence of global climate change than near the large rivers and the oceans. Lots of species have simply just gone away. I feel like Johnny Appleseed, we are just planting trees where ever we can. We have put up birdhouses and bathouses all around our acreage. Every little effort counts! The big beach cleanup is at the end of the month. Hope it isn't raining or freezing. As long as we have been involved, it is ALWAYS cold and windy and rainy. Making it a real labor of love. Maybe that's the way it is supposed to be.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi all, and a belated top o' the mornin' to all of you! As they announced Tuesday at the pre-dinner party, on March 17th, we are ALL IRISH! Our dining room was a sea of green! On Wednesday evening we attended a Passport Dinner which was called A Night in Ireland, and we enjoyed the aspect of being with so many friends that the days of phone calls for various agencies and doctors kind of faded away for a few hours. Now tonight our A/C conked out again, and it's all of 2 years old!
    Fantastic pictures from several of you, and a good bit of news, including the winning slot-machine gambit! I won the 1st prize at out Irish Dinner and it was a green ribbon tying around a green plastic derby (smashing hat for next year!) filled with Irish soda bread and tiny bottles of Bailey's Irish Cream Whiskey! Also little jars of honey!!! Oh well, it's the first time a ever won anything! Thanks to everyone for your concern, and yes, I'm pleased DH wanted to see Head Nurse, but it's to prove to me I don't know what I'm talking about! We see her 9:30 tomorrow morning. On the positive side, I obtained an appointment to a brand new excellent neuroscience center at a top hospital here for an evaluation and hopefully support when I need it, and I have been looking for just such a place that is also covered by my insurance! This one is covered. The appointment is not until late April, but I think it will be worth it. I feel as if I'm on a spinning wheel right now! I need to understand what we are both going through.
    I was puzzled by some references in a couple of posts, so hope to get to them over the week-end and see what I have missed. I know JERI and BARBIE both need to feel better in different ways, and BOB is entitled to glow a bit. LIN sounds like maybe a bit of mealtime enthusiasm needs to return, but considering what you've been through the past year or more, maybe you just need to give yourself a break? SANDY, great group picture of you in Haiti! Love SHIRLEY and DAVE's new avatar, and MARIE's enthusiastic remarks to all. ANNE, PATSY, and several other of our recent joiners are adding so much to the group I feel I'm missing so much!. JACKIE, I hope you are right in your observance. And I am fighting sleep! So take care,...hugs to all!
    <3 Buzz
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Good morning all you sneakers, and seeing everybody had so much fun on St. Paddys day how about having more fun today!
    Today it is OSTARA (pagan/Wiccan) day or the spring equinox at 6:45 pm EDT. (The Croes Bywyd - or cross of life/tree of life was the ancient Celtic Wheel Cross first seen around 10,000 BC.) Anyway, I'm not suggesting you all dress up in Druid robes as you gallop off to the mall, or run around the back yard waving at the returning sun and the startled neighbours, (and wouldn't that make an interesting video BOB) but SPRING IS BACK, the weathers warming up, JACKIES bees are a-buzzing, PATSY'S spring cleaning, SHIRLEY'S outside walking again, we ALL celebrate the return of spring, and alls well with our little world.
    - Happy OSTARA/WICCA day sneakers (told you I had the makings of a (white) witch, MARIE),
    - God bless, ANNE. <3
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    And there's the "tree of life" SANDY! Thank you!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The partial eclipse of the sun took place this morning which I viewed from my garden so when the temperature dipped by about 10 degrees and my breath appeared before my eyes I could at least step inside and warm my hands!


    Anne ~ You can imagine how many pagan folk there are in Celtic Cornwall dancing across the misty moors, especially during the Spring Equinox so having experienced some pretty 'colourful' behaviour during the 1999 total eclipse I felt it best to stay home this time. As the sky darkened a grey mist came sweeping across and I could imagine the freezing hand of their goddess telling us we must be patient as we wait for warmer climes.... brrr! Nothing wrong with being a white witch when Mother Earth has so much going for her!

    My weight wasn't as bad as I'd imagined it would be this morning but that doesn't alter the fact I'm about 6-7 lbs heavier than I want so here we go again and I plan to have shifted them by mid summer.

    George and I enjoyed a wonderful stroll through the woods again today and I also took a photo of ancient carved granite stones that stand between home and the woods that apparently commemorate that last recorded Cornish king I mentioned who died in the local woods in 875 AD. The inscription reads "Doniert begs prayers for his soul" and my little bit of research last night brought up the probable culprits were the Saxons because he collaborated with Vikings.... not a good idea!!

    I've shot some video too but will need an hour to put together as there are enough rushes for Cecil B demille to create an epic!!

    May the sun shine on your Spring Equinox!


  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Jackie - thank you for the partial eclipse photo, AND poor Donierts memorial stone! Luckily for my family, being most likely peasants hiding in the rushes, we appear to have all 3 of that blood thirsty lots DNA! As I would guess most British nationals do! Brings to mind the St. Trinian school song, "she who learns to run away, gets to live another day" or something!
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    edited March 2015
    Happy 1st Day of Spring! -- we are expecting snow this afternoon and with lows in the teens this weekend :'(

    Started the day with burning 417 calories doing 75 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Walking treadmill gym 3.2. mph"

    School bus duty – told Jean to stay home. She had a long day yesterday and works the church fish fry this afternoon from 3pm to 7 or 8pm; Got our grandson on the bus. Fun time…

    Then it was: BREAKFAST: Simply Balanced - Frozen Organic Peaches, 0.33 Cup; Jimmy Dean - Fully Cooked Turkey Sausage Patty: Garden Lites - Spinach Souffle, 7 oz.; Sugar Free Syrup (12g); Olivio - Butter Spray, 2 Spray - Calories 213

    Might try to squeeze in that Liam Neeson movie – but will depend on start time etc., since Jean has the fish fry – we’ll see.

    Patsy - Enjoy that lunch today...sea lions, seal, seabirds all sounds wonderful too.

    Anne - Happy OSTARA/WICCA day to you too -- the things I learn on this thread. LOL

    Jackie - Your "misty moors" posting took me back to my school days when the teacher had me memorize the poem: The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes:

    "The wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees,
    The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas,
    The road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor,
    And the highwayman came riding...Riding...riding...
    The highwayman came riding, up to the old inn-door. "

    No way I could remember the whole thing now, but do recall it ends with the “landlord's black-eyed daughter, Bess, the landlord's daughter, plaiting a dark red love-knot into her long black hair.”

    I'm always saddened to see younger people today that know nothing about literature they haven't "googled" the answer for.

    Jean just popped into my "office" to ask what time the movie starts - so I guess it's a go.

    I say office because it is the one room I call mine. As you know - the lady of the house actually has title to all the square footage....including closet space and any extra dressers. LOL.

    Have a great FRIDAY!! :)