Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    I loved Margaret Rutherford!! And speaking of Angela Lansbury in The Picture of Dorian Gray, I happened to run across that movie a week or so ago. She was just lovely!!

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I am happy to say that I had an old time favorite for lunch today. Fresh spinach boiled a bit and then fresh lemon juice on top and a dab of butter. It was a great lunch.BRought back childhood memories. Then I used the rest of the spinach to make stuffed Cannelloni's for dinner. They are in the oven baking right now. I pretty much threw all the left over veggies in my frig into the stuffing and there you have it. NO meat at all. I hope they turn out good.
    It is a bit warmer today but still kind of cloudy and over cast. I ma praying for sun and good weather soon so we can go visit our beach house again. Haven't been since December and I bet it is missing me!! I bet it needed a broom too and a good dusting through out!
    Jackie I did knit myself some slippers in December and WEAR them about every day and night. But so far no hat. Just wrap a scarf around my neck and I am good to go.
    Between washing fresh strawberries and shelling fresh peas, I have been watching old re runs on FOX TV station. I watched one called Crossing Over and another called The Loss of the Teardrop earring. Retirement sure is a grand lazy time for me. I need to get out more like all of you and do some more walking. I need to get a DOG!!!
    Happy day to all. Phyllis
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Sneakers from Jamaica!

    A beautiful day high of 87F, Anne, and all with the snow don't want to hear that.

    No challenges on food, desserts are really small if you want any, so doing pretty good.
    It's a water day I think it will be hot today.

    Thinking of doing liquid yoga, Yoga on a paddle board, that will be a challenge. Not in deep
    water just shallow. Balancing will be a challenge. $20 for 60 mins thinking of Wednesday.
    Will let you know how it goes.

    Shirley B)B)B)

  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    SHIRLEY, good to hear from you. I will not mention the S word! Who knows it may be GONE on your return. Anyway, have a wonderful, warm holiday, enjoy every minute, from the S goose ANNE up north.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Well Anne I will used the S word. Sleet that is. our roads are cover in it.
    Cold , very cold too. and will stick around a while . out town is not equip to handle winter weahter.
    I have decided to have a meatless Monday lots of beans
    Be back shortly
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    Oh my Marie----I heard about your weather on the news this morning. I know you'll be staying home because boy, that is not normal for Texas! Best wishes and happy Meatless Monday.

    Shirley, what a nice break you're having...........that stuff (there I substituted for that other word) will likely be around unless your vacation is quite long.

    Hi Anne - glad you got the new window covering. Anxiety gone!

    Jackie - I'm not sure I'd like rain lots better than our weather but at least it's not as cold.

    Phyllis - good to see you again and hope you make it through the cold snap and then off to the beach. Lovely.

    Back to work. Walking, walking, walking. Had computer problems this morning which ate time out of my morning.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,128 Member
    Happy Monday!! :D Robby's grandpa (Rob's father my first husband) came to visit him here this morning. We are still good friends, we just don't love each other. He is a big man, around 6'4" weighing in around 370. He had lost about 50 pounds but when his mother (Donna) died he gained all his weight back from stress eating. He is going to try to loss again because he has lots of health problems including diabetes. He is crazy about Robby especially since he is going to carry out his last name, there were no boys to do this until Robby came along.

    Talk about stress eating, mine was not from stress but from restaurant food and I am up a couple of pounds again. I rode the bike for an hour and a half last night watching the Oscars but was disappointed in Neil Patrick Harris who I do love. I think Ellen is the best host of awards show and they should stick with her. (just my opinion)

    I could not fall asleep last night and I am really tired. Robby only took a half hour nap this morning so now that he is down again I am going to try to take a nap on the couch.

    Have a great day, it is minus 5 degrees here. 5 more sleeps before I feel warm again.

    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh my goodness! Everyone seems to be going to exotic places to vacation. That sounds lovely. Wishing the travelers a happy and safe trip. Come back to us rested and filed with tales of adventure! Sunny cold day today. We had a high wind warming that thankfully didn't materialize. Oh by the way, I tried baked sweet potato fries. They were delicious and easy to fix. Hubby loved them. It is a nice lower calorie thing to have with a veggie soup or chicken bean chili. I lifted weights while watching the academy awards. I have started splitting my exercise sessions AM and PM. It does sort of mess up my day but I can actually sneak in longer sessions that way. I end up with a daily 2 hour exercise benefit. But I am easily led astray! Patsy
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    edited February 2015
    Sandy - Regarding your ex, stress eating sure packs on the pounds very quickly. Sorry that happened to him but most of us seem to either be susceptible to it or afflicted with it! Also sorry you didn't get much sleep. I'm not an Academy Awards person since I don't have a chance to see most of the movies now. I had fun flipping about on Downton Abbey and other shows. Grantchester was quite engaging last night. I also listen to podcasts when I don't see anything on TV that interests me.

    Patsy - what a wonderful way to handle your exercise---two sessions! Wahoo! Good for you. I hope that continues to work for you.

    Wahoo~~I've finished the prep work for my tax appointment. Hallelujah--! An entire month ahead of time. Even have the photocopies made and remembered this year to split donations between cash and non-cash, and estimate medical mileage. I wonder what I've forgotten to do this time? :D


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Iy !!! Will I ever catch up? Still reading daily posts, butseem to lose myself doing research on compression pumps for my legs, which run a fortune bought new, and insurance won't cover them for me, so I'm trying to buy used pumps and it's scary on eBay!!!
    Saw an entertaining movie here yesterday in our auditorium - 2014 - called "St Vincent", with Bill Murray (superb acting job of being a dislikable seedy guy) and a great cast of others I didn't know. I came away thinking I may never be judgmental again! We laughed and cried and thoroughly enjoyed it! I, too , preferred Downton Abbey, though as usual dozed off at the crucial moment, so I'll watch the hour before next week to catch up on the going's on! Luckily, I bought the series and can watch at my leisure in the future. I see very few current films as we seldom go to movies, and I know few of today's stars! I do love Juliana Moore, though, and Alzheimers is on my mind now! Gotta run down to dinner, so I'll say hi and bye for now. Forget my weight!!!
    - <3 Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    has Anne disappear again? Lin seen anything of her
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I did talk share a post with her this morning but no word since .miss that girl when she is not around. I see That I never added her as a friend. But have now.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    No, I haven't heard anything from Anne since this morning.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    We are home, yay! Both sick, tried to get to sleep but couldn't, so I read the posts. More from me later. Lin, I catch up on Grantchester first thing, lol. Hes got Robert Redford beat, lol.

    be safe and warm and well
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    Good morning everybody, although it's not exactly good. A gloomy overcast sort of day. Hi MARIE thanks for the friend request. I had a very busy day yesterday. I even went out, but after slithering, sliding to the first block on the ice, decided a broken leg or worse wasn't worth it.
    Sorry to hear you and your beloved are sick PHOEBE, Tis the season I guess.
    More on the blinds in the bathroom saga, I love them AND the look of them, AND the privacy, BUT one big drawback, with the harsh light overhead, I've discovered wrinkles I didn't know I had! Bits of me could do with an iron that's for sure. The next project will be a more kind light bulb, for as they say - ignorance IS bliss. Can you still buy pink light bulbs?
    Hello LIN and JACKIE, Margaret Rutherford WAS something special wasn't she. Character actress, long, long marriage, nice comfy face and living proof that you don't have to look like Rita Hayworth to be a successful and loved actress. The Portrait of Dorian Grey, I got to thinking about some of those old black and white movies, The Third Man etc. and for me, in the past, and going to the movies, far more enjoyable than today's high volume, clever effects stuff. Showing my age I guess!
    JERI, BUZZ, PATSY, SANDY, SHIRLEY, PHYLLIS, BOB with the suntan, and all the pets, well everybody, enjoy your day. ANNE.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    On my way to the grocery store...........

    Phoebe, I am so sorry you and DH are sick. I am glad you are not driving. Just heard threat of ice for Atlanta?

    Anne - I adore the old B&W movies and actively search them out to watch them every week. I have purchased quite a number of them on DVD as well. Adore them.........


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    phoebe so glad you are home. But sorry you and jim are sick.. honey doing Ok.? Bad big truck day in Dallas yesterday. and this morning too. Take care sweetie.
  • Jacean245
    Jacean245 Posts: 1,148 Member
    LIN so with you. I mean, does anybody really CARE what happens to a bunch of drones on a galaxy far far away! LOL. Now, when poor old Dirk was going to get the guillotine chop in a Tale of Two Cities, 17 yr old (or thereabouts) ANNE was upset all the way home!
  • jydmm
    jydmm Posts: 8 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    wonderful. I sure missed you guys yesterday. Thanks Sandy
    Thank you for sending me a line for this site. I am certain I will like it.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Julie Welcome to the Golden Sneakers I had to give up driving about ? seems like ages ago.
    I do not like having to get Jerry my husband to take me places. I like to browse too much. But he does not complain.

    you need to filled me in I do not remember sending you a line. My memory is not what it used to be.
    We do have a very nice group Of Seniors here.

    Lets us know if you need any help. in getting around here