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  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,279 Member
    Shirley-congratulations on your future grandchild!!!!!!! I hope all goes okay this time. Two hours is not too bad a drive and they will hopefully have a guest room for you :D I hope Dave gets answers. What resort and town do you go to in Jamaica? I'm still looking at a Florida Gulf trip for February but have been curious about Jamaica too.

    Got my hair cut. He goes shorter every time, wow! I came home, showered and restyled it. My friend should be here soon to go to dinner and the play. I've narrowed the restaurants down to 4. She can pick from there. I've chosen Ecuadorean food, Thai food, American Bistro, and English Fish and Chips/pasties place for her to pick.

    Well Sonee should be here soon. I'm going to search flights for vacation in February and see what costs are like.

    Have a nice night!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Shirley - She was only there for 4 weeks, her time ended is all.

    Ugh. This morning at work we lost power. There was a natural gas leak nearby and they shut power off because of it. (We didn't get evacuated, but people closer to it did.) When it finally came back on (close to noon) our main networking computer did NOT. Whenever the power goes out, and she reboots, it always goes to the wrong system hard drive (for some reason that computer has two) We couldn't get a hold of our computer person to tell us how to get her booted up correctly until 5. It was hard doing my work today as I couldn't get into any client files. When I had to type up letters for a file I was working on, I had to go to other files and completely re-type the file or document as I couldn't get to the precedents to use those! Needles to say when I talked to our computer guy, I took notes for the next time this happens! (Hopefully not anytime soon!)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Spending most of the morning trying to figure out some things on this group. So confusing. I want to change
    the INVITE to JOIN. Does anyone know how to do this? I keep going into edit but can't figure it out.

    Anyway, I really don't like this new set up. I just got a message from one of the threads I was on and she noticed
    I wasn't there anymore. She gave me the link, but just finding them again was a pain so I added them to my
    favorites and started a folder on MFP. So hard to maneuver around. :(

    I should get off here and get my exercise in and do some errands. The weather here is cloudy again and looks like rain. I guess Fall is officially here.

    JENNY - The area we go to in Jamaica is Negril. A more quiet area of Jamaica. There are several resorts on the
    - beach you can pick from. The area probably to stay away from would the Kingston area on the other side
    - of Jamaica (more crime). Also you can go to Montego Bay and there are many resorts to go to there but
    - is more active. I hope this helps.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Ang - sounds like a very unpleasant hassle with your computer - one good thing about this place is we are corporate and large enough that there is IT dept on site -

    Jenny - Happy Haircut! What did you end up having for dinner?

    Shirley - glad to hear your daughter's pregnancy is going well - praying for it to stay that way! You will be an awesome Gramma!

    Flu shots tonight and my niece's last home volleyball game and Caleb's choir practice. This week is draggggggiiiinnnnngggg -
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    So it seems my computer is continuing to give me issues . I had to bring it in again . So stressful . I swear I'm going to get a new one if this happens one more time.

    The biggest issue I'm having right now is work related - I have worked 3 or 4 days every one of my 3 weeks home . I'm not sure why I keep doing it . I think it's because I keep thinking well, I do have 3 weeks off - now I go back to work on Monday and feel like I didn't get any rest . I worked at 6 am to 8:30 this morning ,now I go back at 2 to 4:30 to complete flu shots . I'm not going to do this again.

    Shirley ,I too do not like the new set up . I am having a hard time finding my normal groups . sigh ,why did they change it so badly lol. Congrats on the new Grandbaby !

    Marla , I'm sorry your husbands not helping out , I for one can't believe he wouldn't really enjoy it . My brothers are just big boys ad would love nothing more than to (hang out ) with their boys and their friends ) It's makes them feel cool I think ha. But I guess not everyone is the same .

    L, what's up ? lol

    Anj, I am (walking ) in a half marathon Zombie run this weekend . I am so excited !

    My daughter left for California last night to attend a Magic tournament ( card games) and visit her boyfriend for 3 weeks . When she returns she should be picking her classes and getting ready to start school.
    My son from China is in Louisiana and will still be there when we go visit next month !

    OH ,Mara , I didn't do the dishes yesterday , because I worked and was so tired . Anyhow this morning when I returned at 8:45 , my husband had stacked them all in the sink. pots , glasses ,dishes ,bowls everything was stacked so high I was pissed . because I had left them next to the sink , how can you wash them all stacked up like that ? I was angry because how did that help me? Was he trying to help or show me what I didn't do ? I work 88+ hours a week when I'm on the slope for 21 days in a row while being oncall ,and have worked while I am home and he tells me yesterday that my working while I'm home is really going to help with the bills ? What ? So I worked all this time thinking I'm going to keep this as play money but nope we have bills - maybe he should work more than 4-6 hours a day 4 days a week - and wash the dang dishes too ! My rant for today :s

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,279 Member
    Busy day today. I had PT, chiropractor appt., and painted the outside of my front door. I still have to paint the service door to the garage the same color. They both just needed a fresh coat. We ha also put in new locks and door knobs on the front door. Due to different shapes, two paint colors ago showed. I had to sand and paint to make it look nice.

    Shirley- I'll look up Negril. I like quiet vacations.

    Amy- you sound stressed and tired. I hope you get to take some time for yourself.
    Ang- computer issues are an inconvenience during this age when we rely on them so much.
    Hi Marla and L!

    Watching NCIS New Orleans (taped the show).
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Mizpaden - I won't do a flu shut. I did 3(?) years ago and spent the entire winter sick with one thing after an other. That is NOT me. Never getting one again. (and spent the last two winters nice and healthy while lots around me got sick)

    Amy - Enjoy your walk this weekend! Sounds like the perfectly relaxing thing to do!

    NEVER going to McDonals again! I went there last night as it's right by my bus stop and I was late getting home, hungry and didn't want to cook. Let's just say it didn't agree with me. :(

    Computers were working today! Well except all morning mine kept going to "Not responding". Sigh. Can't win I guess!

    Tonight at church started off our annual Missions Conference. It is always my favorite part of the year at church. This year we have one of our own members as a missionary. They are the first missionaries that out church are sending out. Tonight they presented their video presentation. Up to tonight, I hadn't seen it. I cried through almost all of it. While it's joyful to see them follow the Lord's calling to the mission field, it's heartbreaking to see them go.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Good morning,
    A lazy morning. As you can see I put an icon on our group. It's our spinnaker from our boat. It's not a water cooler which I didn't have an icon for. I hope no one objects, I thought it looked pretty.

    A very blustery and rainy day. Good thing I did all that gardening and dumped all the flowers and now we are ready for winter. That bad word :p

    Dave got his MRI results and as I thought he has bulging discs in his back L4 and L5 and the nerve was affected
    so that is why he had weakness in his leg and hip. His strength is back due to our chiropractor. Our doctor
    said to keep going to the Chiropractor and he will make an appt. for a back specialist in two weeks. That
    apt will also take a long time to get. There are not many back specialists in our area. The doctor said we could
    cross the border and go to the States but we have no coverage over there. So he will have to wait. Our
    chiropractor will give him exercises to do and it will be a trial and error thing until he knows what works well for him.

    I talked to my daughter Kathy yesterday and she had her doctor apt and all is going well and normal. :D We also talked about a baby shower in the future and we will probably have it when the baby is born. Her MIL will be
    gone for the winter months so we want her there so we will postpone until then. I also will help her pack up
    her things before they move because she won't be able to do it all. It will be a busy time.

    Well I better get some breakfast and do my exercises. I did lose 3.4 lb. of Annapolis vacation weight and now
    to continue the journey and get back to my ticker weight. A work in progress. I will get Dave to bring my
    bike in the house soon and put it on the turbo trainer so I can add more exercise to my routine.

    Have a great day!


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Ang - I know a lot of people feel that way about the flu shots - but my experience has always been beneficial - sticking with it!

    Glad the doc report was good for g-baby - sorry for what sounds like frustrating news for hubs - hopefully the chiro helps keep things under control

    Amy - aaaahhhhh - men - sometimes they just need a good thumping don't they ;>) hope things calm down for you soon! That's a crap-ton of hours.

    Jenny - do you like the new NCIS haven't watched it yet - I gave up on the original - I think it jumped the shark a couple of years ago. I have started watching the new one on Monday's Scopion - like it!

    HI L!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Saturday! - doing an hour or so of work/work - then back home to hopefully feel ambitious enough to clear off the yard and bag it - the big school dinner/auction extravaganza fundraiser is tonight - Zach is serving and one of us (hopefully hubs) will be working in the kitchen - tomorrow church twice - two birthday parties and Zach vocal group practice. WWHEHHHEEEEWWWW.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Mizpaden - that doesn't sound like a restful weekend!
    Shirley - We have a water cooler at work. (and it actually has water in it again). I can get a picture of it, and we can use that.

    Well I am watching my 3 nephews for the weekend. The youngest started calling for Mommy and Daddy when I was getting lunch, but he ate lunch and went down for his nap without a problem. Hope he does good. When he wakes up my parents will be here as they are watching the two youngest while I take my oldest nephew and we go to the Missions Conference banquet at my church.

    This weekend is the Missions Conference at my church. It started Thursday night. The kids dress up in costumes from the different countries of where we support missionaries and carry in the flags. It is a thrilling site to see all those flags come and and know we have missionaries we support in those countries! (For Canada we do the specific flag province for the province they are in.) Each night of the conference (or morning for Sunday), one of the missionaries presents their ministry and another speaks. Thursday night, the presenter was the first missionary our church is sending out. We've followed this journey with them since they answered the call to go the mission field. This was the first time I've seen their video. I had tears streaming down my cheeks as I watched. It's going to be hard to see them go, but we know this is what they have been called to do.

    Tonight is the banquet, which is always one of the best times of the conference. The food and fellowship is great.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,279 Member
    Busy weekend. I went to a Women of Faith Conference in St. Paul on Friday night and all day yesterday. A few of the ladies I was with wanted to go to a steak house for dinner afterwards. I had never been there and was very impressed! Wonderful dinner! The conference had some very inspiring and humorous speakers. We laughed a lot and the music was great! Lots of sitting and standing. I also had to go up and down lots of stairs to get to our seats. Luckily there was a hand rail. Never would have made it without it.

    Ang- I have had the same experience with the flu shot both times I've gotten it. Never again. I stay healthy most winters while others who got it don't. I only get the flu about 2 times every 10 years so I'd rather not get the shot.

    Marla- I like the Norfold/DC NCIS best. I also watch LA and am still deciding if I like the New Orleans one or not. It's different than the others. I tape all 3 shows and watch when I want to relax. I also tape the Blacklist but the season opener was pretty gory and creepy so don't know if I will watch the rest.

    Shirley- I like the picture of the spinnaker. Very pretty colors and reminds me of fun times sailing. Glad your grand baby is looking good. How is your daughter feeling?

    I go back to work tomorrow after a 2 week vacation. I really would love retirement! I see my orthopedic doctor in the morning so hopefully he lifts restrictions so I can do my normal job.

    I need to get ready to go ride the stationary bike at the gym. Part of my PT exercises. Cool and blustery today!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,279 Member
    I regret riding the stationary bike at the gym. The PT told me to start doing 10-15 minutes with a little resistance. My knee is so sore and I'm having difficulty bearing weight on it again. I hope this is only temporary since I go to work tomorrow and had hopes of restrictions being lifted by doctor in the morning. So tired of this situation! Just needed to vent somewhere >:)

    Both of my front exterior doors are painted and look refreshed. I ordered new sheets for our bed and threw out a set that had no life left. After washing 2 wood chairs that go with the table in my hobby room and coloring my hair, I took a nap which felt great.

    I hope you all had a great weekend.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    My weekend with my nephews is over. They were so good for me! I'm very glad it went well. I treated myself to a mani and pedi tonight (done by me) for a weekend that went well.

    The Missions Conference has also ended. It's always so heartbreaking to see it come to an end. It's always such an encouragement and blessing to me, that I wish it was longer, MUCH longer!

    Jenny - Hope your knee is doing better!

  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    I had a pretty good weekend - I did do the Zombie run/walk 1/2 marathon on Saturday and oh my goodness I did not prepare well for that ! At ten miles in I was really in pain haha my thighs were kiling me ! I completed it anyhow eve though the last half mile was uphill . It was amazing . When we arrived home my son took a nap because he went out with his friends the night before and such a good boy he still walked with us . My wonderful step daughter also walked with me . it was nice to spend this time with them and it was very fulfilling . I even think about how many times I think I am working out hard enough and obviously I can walk more than 3 miles a day .

    Oh Jenny , I'm so sorry the knee started hurting more I hope you get some relief or at least an MRI so that you can know what is going on .

    Shirley , it was cute when I saw the picture I thought of you and your husband sailing ha!

    Marla , you had a busy weekend as usual -

    We had an Early Thanksgiving yesterday and it was amazing however it was 3 hours after I completed the walk and my muscles were screaming every time I moved and everyone kept laughing at me .

    The grandbabies of course were amazing .

    After all the work I did on my time off I was very disapointed to see that my check was 169 dollars ! they took out insurance and of course taxes . I'm going to call payrool tomorrow and ask if now they will be taking out less insurance on my next check since I usually don't get a check last week . I don't want to work extra just to pay extra you know . Might not be doing that again .

    L hi !
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    2ik63pl.jpg I hope this works . This is my medal
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    23lf4mt.jpg My son and I after about 5 miles . 1st check point .

    9kp62p.jpg This was the route
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    I forgot to mention I have a fannie pack on with a bottle of water under my jacket - I look fatter tahn I felt ha!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Congrats Amy!!! I'm sure the soreness well worth having completed the run!

    Ugh. The temperature forgot a few numbers today. After over a week of having unseasonably high temperatures (to the point where I was outside in the middle of October in short sleeves. Something that never usually happens), they were back down to single digits this morning. I figured the warm temperatures were to good to last!