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  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member



    We got another 3-4 inches of snow this morning. I skipped my Yoga Class as we still have to clean off the cars and Dave will be snow blowing the driveway soon and I will help.
    Not as bad as our neighbors in Buffalo, NY who have at least if not more 4 feet and another storm is on the way. Way over what is normal. I have been watching the news and
    they have had 5 deaths already from this storm. The majority of people are not going

    Ontario, Canada

    19F and more snow is on the way
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I heard that on the radio this morning - some were saying 5 feet! Unbelievable. People trapped in cars for over a day already. Crazy. Hope none of you are in that scary of a situation - but either way stay warm and be careful. It has been brutally cold for most of the week but it slightly better today. The temps have been more on line for late January/February - I was afraid with the nice spell we had this fall this winter would be extra bad - starting off that way it seems.

    Taking the boys for some professional pictures tomorrow. Getting some formal '8th grade' shots for Zach and then some new ones of the boys together - when the boys were babies I loved taking them in for portraits and spent way too many dollars on all the amazing pictures. I don't know but I am sucker for the professional portraits. Basketball practice starts tomorrow night and then its going to be rolling along at the winter crazy clip until February - times two with both boys in it and in different 'teams' - will be fun, but tiring! Trying to get things done this busy week - lots to do at work before the holiday - but the days go fast so that part is good.

    Hope all is well - HUGS!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Very cold here too. The wind was blustery and very cold today.
    It has been nice to stay home tonight relaxing. I'm watching a couple of shows I taped. Nothing new to report.
    Don't get buried in the snow Shirley. I can't believe the snow in Buffalo.
    Marla- The business begins again. Have fun and enjoy!

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Mizpaden - I understand about the professional pictures!!! We had them done for our office website. They had me get mine done, even though they might not use it. My last (and only actually) professional picture, was my high school graduation pictures back in 1997! (They they were actually taken in the fall of 1996). It turned out really good. I've been debating paying the price and going back and get one done to give my mom and dad as a Christmas present. Walmart is much cheaper, but I love the quality of the professional picture and how he can touch up the picture!

    Yesterday when I left for work, it was doing nothing. The closer I got, I realized it was snowing where I work! There had been a flash freeze before then then it snowed. Most people weren't expecting to run into the ice. There was a reported over 20 accidents yesterday during rush hour. People were arriving to work 1-2 hours late. I only got here on time as I left early. Lawyer K turned 50 yesterday. I had a lot of fun and decorated his office for him! Today on the way to work, it was snowing where I live and doing nothing where I work! Just the opposite of yesterday!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    It seems like we are all in the depths of winter! Stay warm and safe. I have a cough, congestion, and very hoarse voice. It started last week and is lingering. I don't usually get sick this time of year. Must be the increased exposure to children. I'm rarely at my desk anymore like my last position.

    I get to stay home again tonight! Yay! I really appreciate when I just get to do nothing if I choose to. Russ had to go out last night and tonight. I take those hours home alone when I can get them.

    I need to get back to the gym but haven't had time on some days and haven't scheduled it in when I could. Bad! I'm off next week so I need to get up in the morning and get there first thing. I will be glad when I do so give a big kick to my butt from afar and I will feel it :)

    At work so need to do so. Have a nice day everyone!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    So tired from snow removal yesterday, 30 min walk with Leslie and decorating the house for Christmas. I still have a couple of things to put up and then we still need to do the outside.

    No exercise for me today, I need to give this body a rest so I can go to Yoga Class tomorrow morning. I did get in 10,152 steps yesterday no wonder I am tired.

    Snow again today and Dave got out the snow blower and cleaned the cars off again.
    I do have to get a few things today so I will venture out.

    My Avon order arrived yesterday so I can get my friend's gifts together because we exchange early next week. I hope the weather in Michigan isn't too bad for the drive and the shopping next week.

    I can't believe they are predicting rain and temps up to 59-60F by the weekend. :\

    Hang in there my friends winter is here !!


    Sunny 28F and no snow falling.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    hope nobody is buried like NY - Ang - I think getting the picture for your folks for Cmas is great idea! That what I usually do - put my favorite in a nice frame and presents done!

    Jenny - YAY

    Shirley - whew! You, as usual, are a whirlwind

    getting close to wrapping up the day - I have two changes for the boys - not sure if I will get to do both - I have button up shirts/ties and slacks for one and jeans and a nice t-shirt for the other - can't wait!

    Chili in the crockpot - so, yay me dinner is ready. :>)

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    iiittt'''ssss Frriiiiiidddaaaaayyyy!!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Saturday is here! I have to take Maggie to her physical appt. at the vet in a few minutes. Then I race home and change clothes for a funeral. My coworker's mother passed away early this week and the funeral is today. We will go to church this evening.

    My cold is still bad and I'm not getting enough sleep due to congestion. The Nyquil only takes me so far. I guess I will need to add Mucinex. Hate that stuff.

    We are expecting temps in the 40's tomorrow so that will be nice. Snow will melt and so will the ice! We are packing meals at a food shelf tomorrow for those in need at Thanksgiving.

    Everything I eat has an after taste of chemicals. What do you think that is about? I'll have to google it. Must be my taste buds from this cold are compromised since I can't smell anything either.

    Shirley- it's great you still decorate in and outside when you don't have young children at home. I love the lights and decorations and hope I never stop putting some things out. My sisters have become that way. Bah Humbug!

    Well need to get ready and get Maggie in the car. Have a wonderful day!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member


    Good morning,

    A quick hello, we went to the movies last night to see Hunger Games Mocking Jay Part 1.
    I loved it and it left you on the edge of your seat for the next movie. Since I read all the books (trilogy) I knew what comes next. ;)

    Today is finishing up decorating the inside the house and outside. I went through some necklaces that Elli wanted me to have, that was hard.

    Tonight dinner with friends to discuss the Christmas float for our sailing club entry.
    The theme will be the 50th anniversary of the club which started in 1964.

    Going to get my breakfast and exercise in for the day. JUST FOR TODAY I will stay in the Now (Eckhart Tolle).

    Enjoy your day!

    Ontario, Canada

    42 F and rain today, cloudy
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Shirley, I'm hoping Rory will go with me to see Mockingjay Part 1 this next weekend. We both have read the trilogy so we always see the movies together. He actually goes with his friends and then with me. I'd go alone but he's a good sport to accompany me. Russ isn't interested in the Hunger Games Trilogy.

    The funeral was nice. My friend's mother planned it all before she died so the two children didn't have to make any decisions. I wish my mother had done that. I should probably think about that for our kids.

    We went to a Japanese restaurant after church because the one next door that we really wanted to eat at was an hour and a half wait for a table. I can't say I'd return to the one we ate at. Everything tastes bad to me anyway but even Russ doesn't care to return.

    Snow is melting and outside is messy with puddles and slush. One extreme or another here in MN. We will enjoy the warmer temps while we can.

    Have an exciting Saturday night!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Tonight we had a surprise party for Lawyer K's 50th birthday. He knew something was up, but not to the capacity of what we did!!!! We attempted a balloon drop when he walked in, but it didn't work! He was very surprised which was great. He didn't expect that many people there or that much food! There was a lot of people drinking and music I don't care for. After we cut the cake, I left. I knew there would be more going on after I left, that I wasn't comfortable to stay around for. I'm just glad there was a promise that the office would be cleaned up tomorrow so I don't have to worry about that Monday morning!!!

    I am making a promise to myself to get back on track with what I eat and work out EVERY day. I need to be doing it. It's going to be hard, especially with all the yummy Christmas treats that come out. But then my two favorites are cashews and clementines!! (and After Eights are only 40 calories for 1 square. I just have to limit myself to one!)
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Options is what my fridge looks like - did the rest of package too - stove, dishwasher, micro - woot! I'm still not sure I did the right thing - but I finally pulled the trigger and it's done and in!! Baked some banana bread yesterday - figured the oven would smell weird first few times - but still yuck need to do something else to make sure the new/plasticy smell is done. Bleh.

    Zach's singing group (1T412) lead the Contemporary Service Saturday night. Did another phenomenal job. Love, love, love. I know I don't gush near as much about Caleb's group b/c well let's face it when you are in that younger age range there is much less stigma about getting up and singing even for boys and it's just 'cute'. Those teenage years? Fuhgeddabouddit. I'm sure he gets grief about what he is doing and he continues to stand proud with those other amazing kids and reach out and minister in the most personal and amazing way. Siigggghhhh -

    We are doing my family dinner Wednesday night so my sister and his family can do Thursday day - whatever is fine with me. I'm not sure how she will handle her insane shopping trip with all the stores now opening on Thursday - no. Just. No.

    Am two and a half hours into my earlier than normal azz early for payroll since it is a short week - aahhhhh Monday's of a holiday week thou art a heartless betch.

    Ang - nice job with the party - even though you probably have too many responsibilities and too much work - it for the most part sounds like a really nice group of people to work with. That's a blessing! Good luck with the eating and exercising - I'm just.... nooootttt.

    Shirley and Jenny - I'm just not a movie person. I like watching some on the dvd's at home - but for some reason just really dislike the theatre - I think it's because I get irritated so easy - (people talking, etc) - that it just ruins it for me. I know - I am way tightly strung.

    Better run - have zoned out long enough for now! See ya
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Marla-It sounds like you did the same with appliances as we did two years ago replacing all of them at once. I hope you like them. I'm not crazy about the theater experience anymore either. The tickets cost way too much and the concessions (where they make their money) are outrageously priced. We try to go to the early matinee so we pay half price on the ticket. I also get annoyed at people with cell phones, talking, crinkling wrappers, etc. Sometimes I have no tolerance and other times I can filter it out. I avoid seeing any movie on opening weekend.

    Ang- That was so nice of all of you to give your lawyer a surprise 50th. I'm sure he felt valued and it made his birthday. Good for you to know when it was time to take your leave so you could enjoy the party and not feel uncomfortable about others' behavior and choices.

    I had my annual eye exam today. Spent a small fortune on new prescription sunglasses and new glasses. Of course I need the progressive, anti glare lenses in both so that ups the cost. I also like my sunglasses polarized. I paid more than usual because I ordered them through the optical shop at my doctor. The last couple of times I've gone to America's Best (didn't like the glasses at all but cost was great) and Walmart (can't stand those glasses either). My eyes have changed for both distance and close up. I went to the next click-notch-level or whatever, so slightly worse than last year.

    I also got two more cortisone shots today, one in each knee (inside my knees at the joint). So far not too sore but I know it's coming. Glad I have the week off of work. I'm making wild rice soup for dinner from scratch. Hope it turns out.

    Have a wonderful evening! Hi Shirley, Amy, and L!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    I looked at your fridge Marla! Very attractive! Is it a flat black color?
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Very nice fridge, hope you like it. :D Looks flat black to me, but what do I know.

    We had a great day with the girls and my SIL. Dave and I drove up and picked up the girls and Fraser and went to see the new house they bought. They will be about 2 hr. and 10 min from our house. We couldn't see the inside as the people are still there. They
    will move toward the end of January. Kathy looks great and is getting bigger with the baby now and she is 21 weeks now and had another ultrasound and all is going well. :D
    After we saw the house we went for lunch at the neighborhood pub. It is a nice community they are moving into but it is out in farmland. Actually Fraser used to live there with his parents for about 10 years. So he knows the area quite well.

    Today I went to get my haircut and picked up a few groceries and bought my sister's
    Christmas gift as she will be joining us for Christmas this year. I have started laundry
    and doing some ironing.

    We are leaving Wednesday for London, ON to visit our friends and then Thursday off to
    Michigan for Thanksgiving and Black Friday shopping. My friend had a hernia removed
    on Friday, I hope she will be okay to do all this. She keeps saying she will be fine.

    Well have to go busy times. Starting dinner now.


    57F and rain today.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Shirley- I'm glad Kathy's pregnancy is going well and the baby is healthy. Exciting to be moving into a new house to begin their family. Safe travels to Michigan and happy, successful shopping. Is this the first holiday you have spent with your sister in a long time? It's nice you will be sharing the holiday together.

    Rory's sheets are changed on his bed and ready for his arrival tomorrow. Snowfall headed our way from the west so Grand Forks is probably getting it today and we start tonight. Hopefully all is done when he gets on the road tomorrow afternoon.

    I had a cortisone shot into each knee yesterday. They didn't hurt too bad. The pressure build up as they release the cortisone was the uncomfortable part. My knees were pretty uncomfortable last night so I went to bed with an ice pack on them. They do feel better today. I would imagine I will fee pretty good by Thursday.

    I need to get dressed and attack my list to accomplish today. I need to make the list since so many "to do's" are swirling around in my head.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • lcrockett
    lcrockett Posts: 147 Member
    I'm lurking for a bit. Oh how I wish I could read your posts from my phone. I'd stay in touch far more often. I sincerely hope everyone is doing well!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    One month from today is Christmas! Yikes! I have no gifts yet! Really need to get some shopping done!

    Yesterday I started my Christmas decorating! I put up my tree yesterday and my candles in my window. It feels like it's been so long since I was able to do either, especially the tree! It's a smaller 5 foot tree, but it's the perfect size for my not-so-big space. It looked really really sparce when I put it up and together. (it's artificial due to my allergies) but once I put the ribbon on (wide red ribbon overlayed with gold) it really filled it in! It looks great! I plan on doing more tonight. I can't wait to get some of my decorations out that I simply had no room for last year with only having a bedroom to decorate.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member


    We will be leaving tomorrow for our mini trip to Michigan for Thanksgiving and Black Friday shopping. Busy today and will be back on Sunday. I will check in to keep my days.

    Ontario, Canada

    Cloudy/Windy and rain 38F