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  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Had such a busy weekend I couldn't believe it . Usually it's so slow I'm twiddling my thumb - not this weekend ha! There were 5 trucks waiting for me when I arrived to work on Saturday Morning before 0600 . I open at 6 but usually arrive about 20 minutes early to get everything calibrated and make coffee. The 5 men followed me in - I should have locked them out but it would have been rude, anyhow followed me in, and was asking how long the drug testing would take because they were in a hurry . I told them that I needed to calibrate everything first and one of them got upset saying he needed to hurry . I kindly told them I was not even open yet for another 20 minutes and I come in early so that I can have a good day , and that I would begin drug testing after I had completed those tasks or at 6am , whichever came first .
    - well that is exactly how my day went all day Saturday at least 3 clients coming in at a time before I could complete everyone taht was there - all day long , whew . Then Sunday came and slightly less but more of the same . I did have a few minutes here and there on Sunday but not many .
    - I also did a flu clinic Sunday evening after work from 6pm to 7 pm and then this morning 5 am to 6 am for the camp I am staying at . it's extra pay but not much . I mostly do it because if there is a snow storm they always call me and ask if I need them to come get me ( you must ride in a convoy if there is bad weather in the winter and being that we work alone someone must escort us so they send two trucks ) So I would do the flu clinic for free if I had to .
    - Jenny ,I'll send one out to you as soon as I get to Louisiana since I don't think I have any of those colors up here but will need more yarn when I get home anyway - I love making these .
    - I am better at crocheting than knitting but I like both .
    - I do not get any trick or treaters at my house anymore ? I haven't even since before I started working up here . most of the apartments surrounding my home dont have any children in them ?
    - Shirley I sometimes clean up my husbands family cabin but it's such a mess and with no running water such a hassel I haven't actually done a complete job of it in a couple of years . I really need to do it this summer though since my husband uses it the most and I swear he's such a mess. I hate it .
    Oh we get our new computer at work today ! We should have a bigger screen , we asked for two screens but I doubt that they will give us that ! I'm so excited ! I hope the IT guy sets it all up right .

    Oh, and I bought a new stethescope and it arrived yesterday . I love it . It lis lavender with a rainbow bell . I had my name ingraved on it because I know I have another one here and my alternate says it belongs to the company however they cost 145-200 bucks and I know the company didn't pay that for any of theirs. I'm not going to fight over it .

    I'll tell yall tomorrow how the computer is working out - I hope hahaha!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    another week getting going - sounds like some of you are getting snow - crazy. I know it's time, but the weather has been really quite nice (knock on wood) - the kids were even out in only light layers for Halloween - most years they have total winter gear
    - let's see - Zach went as Sheldon - don't know what he heard from others about the costume but he was pleased - it was more stressful having him out at this party - a teenage boy/girl dj'd party - yikes - I know I have to let him go but it's heck on my nerves

    not much else right now - just let's kick this weeks booty! Turkey day is less than four weeks!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    The weekend went so fast! I cleaned most of Saturday and did errands. Sunday I did some things to get ready for Jeff's birthday dinner. It was yummy! David came over Sunday afternoon since he spent Saturday eve with his Dad and Jeff. He looks great. Very lean and he said he has been trail running in the mountains. The dinner of steak, prawns, salad, and baked potatoes was great. We all ate the apple pie ala mode for dessert. We chose our names for Christmas too.

    Today is over so only 4 more days of a very busy week. I got a new student today and met the family. He may be a challenge. No desk time so I brought a couple of files home so I could get paperwork done that is on a timeline. I did it and am going to eat dinner in a minute.

    We are suppose to see some snow falling on Wednesday. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not ready at all. David's girl friend is in Maine right now and they got a foot of snow yesterday. No power for the whole island where her parents live.

    Well I'm starved so will check back in tomorrow. No Halloween candy here, luckily!
    Amy- I will look forward to that headband if you get a chance at some point. I will look for a knitting pattern and see what I find for headbands.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Back from up North. My best friend Elli lost her battle with cancer this morning at 5:30am.

    The showing will be Thursday and funeral on Friday morning.

    I will catch up at later.

    Shirley :'(

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Shirley- I'm very sorry for your loss of your good friend Elli. You and Dave were such a support to her and her husband. She couldn't have had more loving and caring friends. I hope she went peacefully. I imagine her husband will need lots of emotional support. Take care!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Shirley - so sorry to see your sad news. May the peace that passes all understanding guide your heart and be with you - hugs
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited November 2014

    We got back from up North yesterday and they had 8"of snow but packed down to 4" by the time we got there. We did some cleaning and throwing out. We brought back a freezer for my MIL and a desk for my daughter Kathy plus boxes of things my MIL had on her list. The drive back was good on Monday and hardly any traffic. A lot warmer here
    than where we were.

    I had a chiropractic apt on today and my chiropractor asked me how I was doing and I started crying about my friend. The tears are on the surface and will be until we get through this week. Visitation is Thursday 2-4 and 7-9 and the funeral is Friday at 11:00am
    We did some pictures at Walmart for the funeral and bought some frames to put them in.
    They were mostly from trips we on with our friends over the years.

    Our youngest daughter Kathy is coming on Thursday night with us to the funeral home and our other daughter Kristina will be coming on Friday morning to the funeral and stay the weekend. I am anxious to see Kathy because she said she is getting bigger now. They sold their townhouse last weekend and will be moving at the end of January.

    Today was doing laundry from the weekend and putting all the Halloween decorations away.

    Just trying to get through the week.

    Shirley <3
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    what a wonderful bit of happy in your week to see that wonderful grandbaby bump! hugs dear S
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Shirley I'm glad you have a bright spot in your week to see your daughters and talk baby stuff!

    Last week and this week are going so fast! The days have flown by. We've been busy the last 3 nights and finally I get to stay in and relax, but Russ doesn't. He has youth group at church tonight. I took a half a sick day today in the afternoon to drive David to the airport. Of course I cried when I hugged him good-bye. We see him so little and he was here for a very short time. He looks great and seems to have some goals of getting his diesel mechanic license in AK. He says there is a huge need for reliable mechanics out there.

    Rory texted today and he has an interview for a winter ranger job at a state park near Grand Forks. Fingers crossed and prayers for him to be offered the job. He needs the money, contacts, and experience. He's a "winter kid" so the cold won't bother him.

    Russ leaves tomorrow morning for Rochester, MN for a class he needs to take for his licensure in Low Voltage. He won't be back until Friday evening. I don't get the house to myself very often :)

    I'm glad the elections are over. The signs will come down and we can be done with ads.

    I'm going to post my weight loss in a minute. I held a lot of fluid in my legs due to my injury and lots of sitting. I've been trying to flush my system and it's working. I've lost quite a bit of water weight so that is what is reflected in addition to my appetite being low when I was feeling so much pain. Now that I'm feeling so much better I will get to the gym.

    Have a nice evening!

  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    So the new computer is amazing but it is taking a bit to get used to it . I went from windows XP to windows 7 . It is very different . When I scan things they go where they want hahaha. but I am getting better . I have been busy doing lots of drug tests you can't imagine .

    Shirley , I am so sorry for the loss of your friend . There are no words ....

    Marla how was the party for Zack? lol

    It was -20 degrees here yesterday .yuk !

    Not much to say except that I'm eating too much , sigh
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    hope you are doing ok Shirley - holding a good thought in my heart for you

    Zach got a 50/50 on his book report this week. I think I get more excited than anybody b/c that means I 'done good' on the proofreading. His English teacher is amazing - so knowing I put the commas in the right place or not at all feels like a big accomplishment!

    Jenny - good to hear you are losing some water weight as well. That has to help your knees. Good luck to Rory! Enjoy your quiet time at home. Aaaaahhhh

    amy - I am so not eating well either. I just can't get my fingers around my control and I feel so miserable about losing so much ground - aaarrrrgggghhhhh feh

    Happy the week is almost over - opening for deer season this weekend - yuck - I better not find a deer hanging in my garage this weekend.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Just stopping by to say hello.

    Waiting for Kathy and Fraser and going back to the funeral home. I was there this afternoon to support and be with the family.

    Tomorrow will be the funeral at 11:00am

    Will talk soon about brighter things when this is over.

    JENNY - So good to hear you are feeling better. :D My weight is up from all the comfort food I have been eating. Next week back to losing again.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Shirley - Hugs to you. My prayers are with you.

    I did it!!!!!! I worked out tonight! Forget feeling it in the morning, I"m feeling it now! :p So happy with myself that I did it. Still over on my calories though. Ate one to many candies at work and those pop tarts I had for lunch are to high in calories!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    It was a chocolate kind of day. I munched on a few mini size chocolate treats as I ran from one meeting to another and tried to get things on my to-do list accomplished. Long day! I've been doing paperwork tonight to try and get things off my list. Made a little progress.

    Beautiful day outside today! Not many of those left so need to enjoy the sun while we can.

    Ang-Kudos to you getting your workout in. How long had it been? I still haven't made it to the gym. My evenings have been full of commitments.

    Shirley- A long two days for you but I'm sure you are a comfort to Elli's family. I hope tomorrow goes well for you and Elli's family.

    Marla- Yay Zach doing well on the book report! Good start to a new school year!

    I can't believe tomorrow is Friday already! This week has flown by too. Slow down time please...

    Well sleep well ladies!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I will read posts later. Funeral is this morning. 34F and cold and cloudy.

  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Good morning Ladies,

    I am exhausted, as I usually am during my 3rd week at work . I did two or three extra flu clinics up here and man did that extra hour after work and the hour before work really make a difference . I didn't think it would affect me so much but I can't seem to get back my mojo lol. I am dragging badly . Hahaha I guess 12 hours a day is enough :)

    I shouldn't be busy today ,at least booked appointments hahaha drug testing is on a walk in basis so I never know . However since no one was waiting out side I think it will be alright .:)

    Marla hahaha about the possibility of a deer hanging in the garage . We have moose in ours sometimes .

    prayers to you today Shirley :(

    Hugs to everyone .
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    I can't believe it' the weekend! Such a busy week and I had to bring files home just to make some progress on paperwork that didn't get done.

    Not much new to say. Lazy tonight. I had physical therapy at 5:15pm after work and didn't get home until 6:30. Not much motivation to accomplish anything this evening.

    Shirley- I hope the funeral went okay. How is Elli's husband doing? How are you and Dave?
    Amy- I hope you get to relax this weekend and rejuvenate.

    Hi L and Ang!

    Nighty Night!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Here it comes!!!!!! Our first snowfall will be a storm that starts late tonight with 1-2" falling per hour tomorrow, supposedly. No flurries for our first snowfall but a major storm. Doesn't bode well for how this winter might play out :\ I will get to try out my new Boggs boots on Monday. REI is having a nice sale on Patagonia down jackets (the thin ones). I may investigate since my coat is one of those with a fleece shell underneath a windshell and it is so uncomfortable!

    Russ and I are going to a brunch fundraiser this morning for a place called Urban Ventures in Minneapolis. They are an organization that have a school for inner city kids that has 100% graduation rate, they help the poorest neighborhood and empower the people in many ways (grow their own food, etc.) Russ is involved through his serving as Local Impact Director at church. I'm invited to attend since there was an extra chair at the table with his group that were going. We are going to see Jeff's house afterwards since it is in the city too. They are painting today through Tuesday, getting new appliances and moving in by the end of the week. Work will continue but they will be living there.

    I have to load my car with stuff I gathered to drop off at Goodwill. It may take me two trips this week. The first load will go tomorrow.

    Well I hope you all are having a nice weekend. Stay warm if you are a northern girl and L, enjoy the sun and warmth if you still have it.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Mmmm. Fudge. So yummy!!! I picked myself up some yesterday at the craft fair I went. I was so excited to go but when I got there I hated it. I just wanted to find what I was looking for and get out. It was so crowded!!! You were literally elbow to elbow almost all the time. Especially going down the main aisles. It was horrible. It was also very warm in there with so many people in there.

    I was given 3 small pumpkins. Between yesterday and today I've got two of them cooked and pureed and canned. I've got one more to do, but I ran out of mason jars! I've got 4 cans in the freezer now and can probably get 2-3 out of the one pumpkin I have left to do. I plan on doing lots of cooking with pumpkin in it over the next few months. :smile:

    Yesterday was so nice out!! The sun was out and shining most of the day. It was so nice to see the sun! I didn't get a workout in the last two days. My schedule on Friday just doesn't leave the time for it. Yesterday I did so may errands and so much walking as a result, I figured that was enough of a "workout" and I didn't need to do one! I do plan on do one tonight when I get home from church.

    Jenny - Yuck! To early for snowstorms!! I know other parts of Canada have been getting snow. (Alberta and New Brunswick) but here in Nova Scotia we haven't had any yet. There was a brief (and I mean brief) snow flurry last week, but the ground wasn't cold enough for it to stick.