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  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Good job Amy!! can't believe it is time for holiday stuff already - aaaaahhhhhhggggg

    Ang - fun times with your fam - yay!

    Jenny - booo - hope you didn't overdo it too much!

    Shirley - like the pic!

    too much grazing and not enough (um, any) exercising - makes for me blowing past my oh shiz point on the scale. FLAH! bussssy week - it's 'year-end' at work - so lots of extra stuff plus auditors in counting here and at all branches - woot (not) - and the boy turns 14 on Friday. What.the.heck. Son number one is FOURTEEN!!! ERRRMMMAAAHGAAAAHHHHWWWWD
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited October 2014
    Ang - If you want to change the icon by all means go ahead. If you have a water cooler it would be more appropriate.
    I also should have put this group into New Groups, well I don't know what I am doing so I tried.

    Jenny - I hope you didn't overdue it, try it with less resistance next time. Whatever feels good on your knee.

    Marla - Busy as usual and I can't believe your son is turning 14. Yikes :p

    Amy- Woo Hoo!! you did the 1/2 marathon!! Good for you. Nice pictures too.

    On Saturday we went to the boat around 4:00pm and started to get some things unpacked that we bought in Annapolis for the boat. We had to be at the turkey dinner at 5:30 pm so we didn't have much time. Our dinner was great as usual with all the trimmings. We had dancing afterward to a live band. The couple that put on the dinners this year it was their last dinner to set up so another couple will take over next year.

    On Sunday we got up early and went out for breakfast with our friends. Then back to the boat to put all our things away and packed up so it can be hauled out soon. The frame and tarps still have to be put on. We were beat when we got home and ordered Chinese food for dinner. :)

    Its another cold day today and rain is on the way for today and tomorrow. I did get my hair cut this morning and I plan on making some soup and mini quiches.

    Enjoy the day!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,279 Member
    My knees hurt yesterday but when I woke up this morning they felt the best they had in a long time. There were times today my left knee did not hurt at all :D I saw my orthopedic doctor this morning. He lifted my work restrictions so I started seeing students in their homes again today. It felt good to get back to my real job. We did discuss cortisone shots for both knees. He would have done them this morning but I chickened out. I didn't want anything to keep me from seeing my students. I'm scheduled to go back next week for the shots but I'm going to reschedule for my Thanksgiving vacation so I have the week at home to see how it goes. That's only 4 weeks away and I have another week off.

    Beautiful here today. Sun and blue skies. Felt warm out too. Love it!

    Amy- Love your pictures and congratulations on persevering through your walk/run. You look great!
    Ang- I'm glad you could enjoy some warm temps too!
    Marla- Teen years were my least favorite. Enjoy 14! My boys lost their vocabulary at age 15 and grunted at me until age 17. Then they could miraculously (sp?) talk to me in a civilized manner again, LOL!
    Shirley- Hard to believe another sailing season is over and you are packing up. Did that go as fast for you as it did for me reading about your excursions? I wish time would slow down...

    Hi L!

    Off to my small group at church. Have a nice evening!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Good morning,
    Another cloudy and rainy day. Been frustrated lately about my calorie intake. Not doing well on staying focused, I wonder if its the weather. It is supposed to get sunny by the weekend. My exercise routine is humming along but
    I am eating more than I should and not tracking it like I should. I guess I better make some changes.

    Talked with my friend who battling cancer and she still has her sense of humor, even had me laughing on the phone.
    She gets her CT scan tomorrow and I guess they will know more if this second round of chemo is working.

    Today I am doing Leslie Sasone this morning and then cleaning my upstairs. I hope to do better with my eating. :s

    JENNY - Good to hear that your knee is improving. I have had cortisone in my foot and my hands. I won't say it doesn't hurt but if the pain goes away its worth it. Good luck.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    If you don't hear from me for awhile, I might have floated away. We have 70+mm of rain on the way over the next three days (that's over 3 inches). One place I looked at said 150mm! (that's closer to 6 inches). I do have to agree with one friend though, at least it's not snow!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,279 Member
    I rescheduled my appointment for the cortisone shots. I hope I can make it until 11/24 when I'm off for a week over Thanksgiving. My knees are hurting tonight, good days and not so good days....

    Shirley- pat yourself on the back for being so consistent with your exercise. I think you do a great job getting back on track when you need to.

    Ang- maybe you need an inflatable raft? No drought where you are!

    We just got home from our couples small group meeting (church group). We had a nice dinner and discussion this evening. We are making plans to buy tickets to a musical comedy show that plays in Minneapolis. Russ and I saw it years ago an it was hilarious. It is back in the city so we are all planning to buy tickets for January. Only 4 of us have seen it. I'm sure the others will find it entertaining. One of the guys in the show also does music and entertainment at our church. He's a talented guy.

    Well I'm tired tonight and my knees need a rest, so off to bed to read.

    Sleep well :o

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Jenny - hope you can make it until your shot appt and that it brings you relief! An engineer I work with just recently had a whole bunch of stuff injected into his spine b/c of spinal arthritis - probably cort - but other stuff too - he said he feels great - but his doc also put him on a super strict diet and he was told to lose 100 lbs in 12 months - yikes super aggressive

    Ang - row row row - hope you are anchored in

    Shirley - glad to hear your friend is in good spirits - I bet having friends like you makes a huge difference

    I have been completely eating whatever, whenever AND not exercising and it is showing on the scale and in my clothes and in my attitude. Not a good combo. I know we are not supposed to do the - I'll start next week - and just get back on track - but with birthday parties and treats galore coming up for the next few days and over the weekend for Zach - I am not going to punish myself by trying to avoid it all - that would be really unpleasant - especially since he wants cheesecake - CHEESECAKE!!! that's my boy :wink:

    work=year-end=crabby people=crabby me

    later peeps!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    That's why I come here everyday.

    Marla - Love cheesecake and it usually lays on my stomach and hips, but still love it. :D

    Had another day at yoga putting my body into pretzel positions but loving it. If this 65 year old body can do it anyone can. We did some stretches for your hands which I think I will do more. My hands have been so sore
    from my arthritis lately , Jenny you can relate. Anyway, it helps you get flexible. :D

    I went to visit my MIL after class and now just finished ironing, yes I still do it. :p I will not miss Dave's work shirts and pants when he retires. :)

    Another crappy day with no sun and rain. ANG, I hope you haven't floated away. Stay dry.

    Hi to the rest -


  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    SO much has happened since Sunday ,

    I thought I was going to make the Red Lobster cheesy biscuits Saturday and I had bought the boxes already and planned on doing that after the walk HA,
    anyhow I too have been eating way too much and did not make them on Saturday , well I kept wanting them and so I was planning on making them on Sunday . I went into the kitchen while hubby was making soup from the leftovers - I said I was going to make the biscuits and he said .... " Do you really think you need that ?" I lost my mind hahaha and didn't talk to him for two hours . I was so angry with him .more because he was right than anything . poor guy . a couple hours later he brought me a boul of soup and said "eat this - it's not biscuits but it's pretty good - and healthy . "
    - I'm not sure why I want to eat all the things I have stayed away from for a whole year now I want to eat it all the time?
    - Then Monday was the day to return to work ,so I arrived at the airport at 0430 and the plane leaves at 0600 . We flew to Fairbanks which is one of the stops to Prudhoe bay - they canceled the flight to Prudhoe bay because of icy runway and we had to stay there until 230 pm then flew back to Anchorage and flew out at 5pm but had to go to Barrow Alaska first so I made it to the Slope at 10 pm on Monday night ! I was so tired on Tuesday and that's our long day 6 am to 8 pm sigh . Anyhow Tuesday and Wednesday were so busy ,but today is not too busy and the rest of the hitch looks downright boring - lucky I brought some crochet to work with me .

    I'm still exercising but eating too much ,all my uniforms are so tight I'm so frustrated .

    Marla , so funny ,everytime you mention your childrens milestones It takes me back to my children at that age .I love it .. oh and your friend at work . 100 lbs in 12 months is so hard - I almost made it , then stuff happened lol . I hope he does well.

    Jenny ,I think you will be pleasantly surprised after you get your shots .

    Shirley , sigh for packing up theboat . Oh , and I hate ironing your MIL is so lucky .

    Anj, So funny that you mention the rain . Being form Louisiana I am so used to really torrential rains lol . But I laughed at your snow comment because driving to the airport on Monday we had our first snowfall in Anchorage . It was beautiful think and sticy . On the slope here it's winter for sure , snow and ice everywhere .

    Oh also . I am reading a Stephen King book 11-22-63 . I love it , can't put it down . It's about the Kennedy assanation - a man goes back in time to try and prevent it from happening .

    Yall have a great day .
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    AMY - What an airport story. Had a similar story from a friend who went to Florida for a wedding an had a horrible experience trying to get home with problems in Chicago.

    No snow here yet, thank goodness!! Today its sunny and 56F but they say it will get back into the 60's next week.

    Hi to Jenny, Marla, L, and Ang

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Didn't get that much rain yesterday where I am. Some areas though got between 50-77mm yesterday. It's been raining pretty steady today. If it doesn't let up by 5 (and I doubt it will), I will be waiting IN the office as long as possible before going to my bus stop. There is no bus shelter there!

    Last night's new was tragic with what happened in Ottawa. To hear about something like that in my home country is hard to believe. Then today in my city where I live, part of the city went to lock down (not me) when someone was spotted caring what looked like a rifle. The found a gun someone left on the transit bus and arrested someone a short time later.

    Work is keeping me busy. Yesterday I thought how nice it was that my "to-do" pile was getting smaller. Yeah, that lasted about 30 minutes!!! :p Oh well. I like being kept busy.

    Amy - WAY to early to even think about the white stuff!! To me it would be ideal to snow on Dec 24 and melt Dec 26. That's it. Wishful thinking. I also have had many issues with flying at times. Mostly in winter when I was coming home for Christmas. Once I was on my way back to my teaching job and get snowed in in Atlanta! Spent the night either on a plane on the runway (over 5 hours), standing in a line to get a flight the next day (about 4 hours) or sleeping (about 1 hour)..on the floor.

    Mizpaden - I've been doing the exact same thing! :( Maybe we can BOTH motivate each other to get back at it. (says the person with a giant chocolate chip cookie sitting beside her.)

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,279 Member
    Hi! This week has been way too busy for my comfort. I have had something every evening and work is busy getting back to seeing my students. I have paperwork piling up that I haven't had time to do. Hopefully tomorrow afternoon.

    Rory comes home from college for the weekend tomorrow. Jeff closed on his new house this morning. We hope to go see it on Sunday. He and his Dad are working on it this weekend. He won't move in for a couple of weeks because he wants to pull out carpet, paint, buff the wood floors, etc.

    My mom's only surviving sister(my aunt) died this morning. She was the aunt I visited in Indianapolis a year ago. She turned 91 last Sunday. I think I mentioned they detected cancer throughout her whole body last week. She had a CT scan due to a fall and the cancer was found. She was moved to hospice and died within a couple of days.I won't be able to go to her funeral since it is in southern Indiana on Saturday.

    I read all your posts but am so tired that I can't comment on everything right now. What stands out is the snow and ice Amy is experiencing in AK.

    Marla you can get back on track when you ready. You're very disciplined. It will happen. I need to do so but until I can exercise I'll work on eating healthier.

    Well I will write more on the weekend. Time to ice the knee and get in bed.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    sounds like we are all in a bit of funk - as the month is winding down lets just sweep it all away and focus on our good habits and enjoy everything in moderation! (so says the girl with the ginormous bag of pretzels sitting beside her) ;)

    today is fiscal year end and the bank auditors are in counting - stress levels high and tempers too - ick - the boy is 14!!! So bizarre. It makes me sad to not be able to be there when he woke up and say it to him first thing - but I did leave him a small present and note and coffee cake. He's more worked up at the thought of friends coming tonight. Even when I was grumpy and fussy with him last night for not cleaning - he dug in and did every nasty thing (dump, scrub, sanitize) three litterboxes and bathrooms that I consequenced him with. Made cupcake sized cheesecakes for the boys last night - will pick up some big bag of popcorn and order their pizzas later. Have two big lasagnes made for tomorrow night (folks) and will throw a small pork roast in the crockpot for just in case and make a 'homemade' bday cake tomorrow. 1T412 sings tomorrow night - family over after that and then I plan to pass out for 12 hours!

    Jenny - sorry things have been too rushy - but yay for Rory coming home and for Jeff's house - how exciting!! Sorry to hear about your aunt. Saying a prayer for your family.

    Ang - I hear you - the weather has been unusually good for the last few weeks - make me nervous that we are in for a bad winter - we never have this consistently nice weather (knock on wood, salt over shoulder, pfftpffft)

    Amy - I picked a fight with hubs yesterday - I feel you. He had sent me an email stating he was going to his families upcoming wedding and then spending the following weekend hunting (three plus days) - I exploded back that it is very special how he suddenly has the time and money to do those things when for my birthday and our anniversary (for multiple years) he was just too busy to go out and spending anything on a gift was silly. Bite me.

    Don't you just wish we could all get together and do a big ol' drinky girls night? That would be so freakin' awesome!!!

    Hiya L and Shirley and all you super gal pals! I wish I was doing a big ol' drinky right now ;)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited October 2014
    I just lost my post !! :s

    I will continue but won't back track.

    First I want to say, sorry to Jenny for the loss of your aunt. <3 On another note, glad you are busy and doing well at work. Watch the knees and hope things improve with that.

    Marla - Have a wonderful day with your boy, 14 is right in the teen years and also a tough age for him. Not a kid anymore and not an adult. You did a bunch of work for that birthday after that relax and enjoy the memory. <3 I would love to get together and meet all you gals, I think we would have a blast and drinks definitely would happen. >:)

    Ang - Sorry to say when working in a lawyer's office you will always be busy. Busy is nice but crazy busy is not fun and too stressful. I hope you are drying out after all the rain.

    My plan today is getting a nice walk in since the weather is sunny and cool today. Then
    get on my bike to amp up the exercise. I can't seem to get the scale to go down. The roller coaster ride continues. I hope to change things up next week. I am on a 20 lbs before Christmas challenge and am sucking at it so far. I am with you, Marla, I can't seem to get on track with my calories. I have a doctor apt next week and I was hoping to be down in my weight but no such luck.

    Dave has caught a cold and has a cough which kept me up most of the night so I am dragging today. I think the spare room will be calling me tonight to get some sleep.
    He still has to put the boat to bed for the season and put on the tarps and the poor guy is feeling like crap but will get it done this weekend.

    So now I am going to have my breakfast and get that exercise in and then whatever the day may bring.

    sunny and cool 48F

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I think it would great to get together and meet with you ladies, but I don't drink.

    Shirley - Still raining today! It's not right now, but another 10-15 was expected today. Sun is supposed to come out tomorrow. Hope it does!

    So happy with my find last night!!! I went to a used clothing place. For the last couple of years I have been looking for purple heels. Whenever I found some they NEVER had my size. Last night this place has ONE pair of purple heels IN MY SIZE!!!!!!! The heel in one needs fixed and when I pointed that out to them, they gave them to me FREE!!! You can't get better then that!!!!! At this place I got the shoes, 3 shirts, a freezer-smart Tupperwear container, a book and a cross-stitch booklet all for only $6.60. How is that for a good deal!!!????

    Went to Walmart after and I finally got a curtain rod and a curtain for my closet door. No more open closet in my bedroom! So nice to have my clothes, shoes and laundry basket hidden behind something now! (Not that people go into my bedroom! I just didn't like looking at them all the time!)

  • lcrockett
    lcrockett Posts: 147 Member
    My goodness, where have I been? So much to read!! I will catch up sooner or later.

    I've been busy busy with work, kids, and the dog. In short, Pearl celebrated her 1st her birthday, I'm still traveling like a crazy person (and it isn't even my travel month), and my oldest is picking out his SENIOR ring :o !!!

    So here's what I'm thinking about the ring... the school has selected about a dozen rings the student's can choose from (so realistically there are two that he would even consider), the school's crest has to be on one side of the ring, and the stone must be blue. Not much of a personalized class ring, huh? So, I'm thinking of taking my father's (whom Collin did not have the privilege of meeting) high school class ring to a jeweler to have the year replaced with Collin's and inserting my brother's (Collin's God Father) blue stone from his senior ring. During the ring ceremony, I'll be able to tell him the legacy. Whatcha think?? In the meantime I'll have to tell him I ordered his ring of choice and pray he loves the sentiment. Otherwise, I'll be buying a class ring in the spring.

    The weather has been absolutely perfect this last week and a half. I've been going around topless (in my Jeep, that is) everyday that I'm not traveling for work. The mornings are in the low 60's (this morning was 55) and the high in the low 80's. I could so spend my days in a hammock!!

    Pearl has the run/walk routine down pat. It's been so nice working with her again. It'll come to a screaching halt in November when I'm gone for a 5 days in a row, for 4 weeks straight.

    Busy weekend ahead. The highlight will be ESPN Game Day tomorrow at LSU (SO MUCH FUN!!). Look for me and my family on TV -- we'll be the ones in purple and gold B) .

    It's Friday night lights for us tonight. It's an away game so I won't get to watch Margo dance on the 50 yard line. Boo. Can't wait to be back on home field next week. BUT our #20 has been playing great football. It's amazing what a year of growth and maturity can do. I may be a football fan afterall.

    Got to run, but I enjoyed the little bit of cathcing up.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,279 Member
    Great to hear from you L! I love your idea for Collin's class ring. That is so special and I bet he will think so too. Super Mom award to you! Have fun at your football games. You must be running again? How does it feel?

    Marla- I hope you are surviving tonight with loud 14 year olds :D They can be so squirrelly at that age too! My day sucked! (I hate that word so you know I had a bad day :'( ) I would drink with you tonight if we were together. Happy Birthday to Zack!!!!!

    Shirley- WTG with your exercise! Even if you are off track on losing weight you are keeping fit. Kudos to you!

    Ang- Are you still getting rain? Is this amount of rain typical for your climate? Sounds like you are getting organized an loving your new home.

    A girl's weekend would be fun! We could have non-alcoholic drinks too Ang :) Marla- you and I are not that far apart. What town is half way?

    TGIF! That is what makes me happy! Rory just arrived home too so all is better. The dogs went crazy when he walked in. Charlie was actually squealing. Our cat is getting crazier by the day. I wonder if he has dementia? He hisses at the dogs and then they chase him. He screams and growls at them. He runs to the basement and hides above the cabinets. The ceiling is not finished so he pulls and eats the insulation. It hasn't killed him yet and I don't know why. Maybe it is poisoning him? We could only be so lucky... Harsh I know but I really want this cat to live a shorter life than most cats do. He's only 11 years old.

    The news is very sad and tragic tonight. A school shooting north of Seattle and a college girl in Cincinnati dying of cancer with only 4 months to live. She is amazing and plans to play the first college basketball game at her school since it has always been her dream to play college ball. I'm crying...

    Well I cried at work today in the nurse's office when I went to get an ice pack for my knee. Then I went to physical therapy, managed not to cry but pretty darn close. He taped my knee to re align the knee cap, hopefully to reduce the pain for a couple of days. I'm scheduled for my shots over Thanksgiving break but just have to make until then. I won't whine anymore. I know I've been a downer lately. I'm just so tired of arthritis pain. Enough said...

    Have a nice evening!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Jenny - Sad to hear about your knee, sounds like it is not getting better. I hope you can cope until your shots.

    Not much going on here. Dave is down at the boat winterizing the inside. He is still not feeling great with his cold and cough. I slept in the spare room to get some sleep.

    I just finished 30 min on my bike and now shower time.

    L - Glad you could check in and write a bit to let us know how you are doing.
    Have fun at the football game.

    Ang- Some nice finds at the thrift store, good for you !!

    Marla - Are you still sane? LOl

    Have fun today!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,279 Member
    I'm waiting for my homemade shower cleaner to do its thing on my shower. I will clean it as I take my shower. It's the one from Pinterest...heat up 1 cup vinegar and pour in spray bottle, add 1 up blue Dawn dish detergent. Spray on shower doors, tile, etc. Let sit for 1/2 hour or longer. Wipe off. We'll see if it does a good job. The last time I did this it worked great.

    I'm going to see Jeff's new house today. He is working there right now. I'm waiting for Rory to leave for school and then I will drive into Minneapolis to see it. He hasn't moved in yet. Still working on repairs, painting, etc.

    Beautiful day here! The fall color is still beautiful too :)

    I hope you all have a nice Sunday.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    We went to a new restaurant in our neighborhood. The new owners gutted it and did the whole place over. It looks really nice and breakfast was good. Just down the street from us. :)

    Now just checking in here and saying Hi! A cloudy day here and temps have dropped to 51F and getting colder by next weekend. I will be helping Dave with some errands today. He is still fighting with a cold but it is breaking up.

    Enjoy the day!
