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  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    So Shirley - with all the stores seemingly starting their sales on Thursday - are you starting your shopping Thursday? Yay for the baby bump!! I have no idea what to do for gifts this year. I am in denial.

    Since we are doing dinner Wednesday night I hope to do decorations Thursday. I'm not shopping. At least in store. Maybe some online. Wanted to take off tomorrow, but got a big, fat no on that. Feh.

    Jenny - how are the knees after the shots? Good I hope! and I think it's a flat black - oh and grrr about glasses? Caleb broke his a couple of weeks ago at a sleepover so they are off getting new ones in to replace the frames - it's going to be over $100. Urrrrgggggrrrr. And, now Zach wants contacts (of course Caleb too because he is mister have to have it too right now) - I'm sure we will go to contacts - but yep I am freaking out thinking about it. Thus begins one of a billion things to freak out about!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Pulled receipts and copies of checks together for flex spending reimbursement. Check
    Scheduled Mammogram. Check
    Called former mammo radiologist request release of info form for record release. Check
    Scheduled gas fireplace maintenance. Check
    Picked up supplies to make gift for student graduating program. Check

    Tomorrow: Vacuum, finish laundry, more errands and wait for Rory to get home.

    Nice to hear from you L.
    Wonderful that you finally get to decorate Ang!
    Marla- ku-ching, ku-ching, ku-ching! There's always big expenses when raising kids. The older the get the more expensive the costs. Nice that Thursday will be quiet for you.
    Safe travels Shirley!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    twas the day before Thanksgiving and I am killing time at work with several hours to go - can't take off and booorrrreeeedddd - I have been working on snapfish on a christmas card - doing some car shopping (pretend) and not much else. I went to the store before work since we will need to leave right after to get to the folks for our Wednesday night Thanksgiving dinner - am looking forward to sleeeeeeeping in tomorrrow. Made a 'slab' apple pie last night. Apple pie just baked off in a big jelly roll size pan - hopefully it's good - mom is making pumpkin - but I'm not much for pumpkin - and I won't have time to make anything else before we leave. So it is what it is.

    HI L - miss you - and hope you and your fam are doing well - is football season over? High school state championships were this week here - so it is over around here.

    Jenny - sounds like you got some good errands/items done - more kaching! as this morning right when I pulled in to work the buick died. Just fitzed out. WTF. Apparently Mr. Goodwrench needs to do some actual work on it - eerrrrgggghhhhh - maybe it's not so much dream shopping - the poor baby buick is over 10 years old. Sniff. I am way to much of an anxious freak to be driving a vehicle that is not running perfectly.

    Shirley - hope you have a wonderful time and get lots of good shopping done

    Ang - I haven't done one bit of shopping yet either and haven't even started forming a plan of one - hello denial

    Happy Thanksgiving! I am so THANKFUL for all of you. Though we have never met - I truly feel like we are friends and I treasure each of you!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Ugh car trouble Marla? Don't you just hate that? Every time we have any money in the bank that makes us feel like we have a cushion, one of the cars needs a major repair. Drives me nuts!

    Rory is on his way home from college. He should be here around dinner time if traffic isn't too bad.

    I vacuumed and mopped this morning. Still have to mop our bedroom and bathroom upstairs. Maybe in the morning, lol! Enough for one day. Russ went grocery shopping early this morning and picked up our free range turkey. He's going to put it in brine over night. He cooks the whole meal and I clean up after. Works for me! He cooks like we are having a large family gathering so their are always left overs. It's just the 3 of us this year.

    Did I mention we are going to begin Nordic walking? Have you seen those people who walk with poles for support? Well that's it. We bought the walking poles and plan to do it at the regional park trails by our house. According to the info, you burn up to 40% more calories than regular walking, improve posture, increase core strength in abdomen and back muscles... Russ suggested it since he feels like he is headed for a heart attack if he doesn't become active. My shots seem to be working so I hope to be moving again!

    Speaking of heart coworkers husband had a cardiac arrest last friday night while out grilling in their back yard. He was put on life support and they turned it off this morning. He passed away and they are hoping they can donate his organs. I don't know how long his brain was deprived of Oxygen. It is so sad. He was in his late 50's or maybe 60. Julie, his wife, and I team on several students together. Very unexpected.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow!

  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Just returned to work yesterday from my Louisiana Trip ! I had a great time and some bad times there this trip .
    Internet is still not available at my moms house and that's where I stay so I have missed you ladies much !

    So while I was there the great things were : my oldest son from China was there with his girlfriend and they found out she is pregnant while we were there ! So exciting !

    Being around my family is so awesome . I didn't really do anything except visit my mom and family :smile:

    Bad things that happened :neutral_face:

    A friend from high school passed away . We were good friends but my sister was actually really good friends with her , so she took it really hard .
    At her funeral I saw lots of school classmates so that part was nice and we all reminisced about her and our school times

    My brother has been losing weight ( not in a good way ) he has lost 25 pounds since July and without trying or needing too. He was diagnosed with Nephritic syndrome last week .
    I am seriously worried about him . but I know better than to play the what if game . It could be nothing , it could be something simple ? I am now more than ever inspired to lose weight and remain healthy because you can't be overweight to donate a kidney - and I would do it in a heart beat .

    My mom has a new beau, and I'm not crazy about him :o
    I feel like he is an arrogant person , I didn't care for him too much at first but I couldn't put my finger on it but the night before we left we took everyone out to dinner and when the crawfish arrived he started complaining so much about how they were overcooked so much he couldn't peel them and he just kept on . My best friend arrived with her mother. Her mother is gay and she brought her girlfriend and when I introduced them and said her girlfriend he said her what really loudly haha and I thought he just didn't hear me so I repeated it and he shook his head vigorously . He was loud and rude . I'm not sure what my mom sees in him but then again he really acts like he loves her? They dated 35 years ago ....

    Anyhow - I will look over your posts as time allows .

    Happy Thanksgiving !
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Thanksgiving was nice and relaxing. After we cleaned up dinner we played that old board game Life. Too funny! I won with a set of twins and another girl in my car, almost 2 million dollars, and changed careers at least 3 times. The print on the board is so small for my old eyes. Rory and I finished watching our last 3 shows of 24 that was released this past summer. I can't believe that Kieffer Sutherland left it open for another season to appear at some point. I thought he would kill Jack Bauer off at the end of this season and call it a wrap. Oh well, stay tuned...

    I hope you all had great celebrations with family and friends yesterday. Russ and I are going to try Nordic walking today and Rory is going Black Friday shopping with friends.

    Have a nice day!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Was I in for a surprise when I stepped on the scales this morning! The numbers went down!! :o Considering I haven't been accurately logging, going over my calories and not working out, I wasn't expecting that!

    I also found myself today singing up for a membership at Good Life Fitness, one that I can afford! I just need to make sure I stick to my budget that's all. However, due to a promotion they have right now, payments do not start until January. I get the first four weeks free! (I also got one of those seen-everywhere Good Life bags) When I came home from it, I ended up walking part way home and then worked out! Then I walked to play practice. Lots and lots of calories burned today! So I figured pizza and cheesecake drizzled in melted chocolate, would fit in nicely and keep my under my calories. The cheesecake was the best part!

    I've got all my Christmas decorating done. It looks so nice and pretty at my place! Some of the decorations haven't been out in two year since I last lived on my own. I love seeing them again!

    Thursday night we celebrated my oldest nephews 8th birthday. I cannot believe he will be 8 in a couple of weeks! It seems like it was just yesterday that I held him for the first time when he was just hours old. Why do kids have to grow up so fast?????

  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Good morning ,
    It's cold up here ! OMG seriously -20 wind chill . Dark all the time sigh .
    I have been exercising and eating right once again . I hope I can keep it up this time .
    I am not as motivated as I once was but what can I say at least I'm still trying .

    Anj congrats on your new gym .I hope you love it !

    Hi everyone else <3
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    I feel your cold Amy. It will be -15 windchill here tomorrow in Minnesota. Winter came in with a bang!

    Nice that you were able to put up all your decorations Ang! I love the lights and festivity of the Christmas season.

    I went to my friend's husbands visitation tonight. I think she is just numb right now. He was alive one day and dead the next. The place was very crowded so he must have been a well loved person. I never met him but have worked with Julie for a long time.

    Rory went back to school today. We hardly saw him the whole time he was home. He packed every minute with seeing friends. He starts his ranger job at the state park next Saturday. Hopefully he comes home for at least a week at Christmas.

    Well back to work tomorrow! Wahhhhhh! I love vacation time!

    I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving weekend. I did not get my tree up like I hoped. Next weekend hopefully!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Hey all - I'm still here just can't check in at home with my piece of crud pc and the phone thing I can't figure out how to do the feeds either -

    Jenny - it's great Rory got to be home though you didn't get to see him much - I already feel that way! So sad to hear about your coworkers husband. We just never know and too often take our mundane (even frustrating) days for granted.

    Amy - it was cold here, then 70 (seriously) and it's back to getting cold. Hello Nebraska. That has to be odd having your mom dating. And scary to hear that your brother is having health issues. Hope and prayers it all works out!

    Ang - great job being healthy with the exercise and enjoying some treats. Have fun with your new membership and good job getting your decorating done. I am feeling kinds of grinchy and told everyone I was only doing the tree (well trees - the big one and the two baby ones) because I wasn't in the mood to do everything by myself and then in a few weeks have to take it all down and put it away Didn't seem to bother anyone. Bah.

    So hard coming off a nice four day weekend. Did mostly nothing. Ate too much, cooked, put up the tree, watched too much tv, basically NOTHING!!! Loved it. Now starts the psychotic race to Christmas with the constant practices and programs which are enjoyable but get to be too much pretty quick. The church choir program is only two weeks away and am beyond concerned we have two practices left and only did the first read through on most of the music last week plus we have two other songs/performances before that - ummm yeah - we are going to be woefully under practiced and I hate that. I know our goal is something different from a 'regular' choir but I still want to do a nice job.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Back at work. Saw my new student for the first visit today. He's a cutie and the visit with parents went well. I didn't get done what I wanted to at work in the afternoon but did get to pick up my new glasses and sunglasses. Now I have to make an appetizer, change my clothes and go off to a Christmas party for my church small group.

    Very cold here today. Negative zero windchill and single digit temps. I wore cuddle duds under my pants so I wouldn't freeze going to homes in my car.

    I don't have time to comment on posts. Going forward is busy for all...

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hello Gals,

    I missed everyone and our chats while I was gone. :D

    I am back from the whirlwind 11 hours of shopping and a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner made by Kerrie's fiancé, as he does every year. I couldn't believe that this was my 6th year doing this. Time flies when you are having fun!

    I got some great bargains, flannel sheets for $30 regular price over $100. Gold hoop earrings regular $85 for $21 (24 car. gold). Also standing in line at Bath and Body Works and a lady next to me handed me a $10 coupon off my goods. That was the highlight of the trip. We went for coffee at Biggby's and the owner took our pictures with our Elf hats and we ended up on the website again as last year.

    All in all a great time and good food. I have not gotten on the scale yet, as yesterday wasn't a good day either. I am trying today to get back on track. So hard over the holidays and pre holidays.

    Today I went to the chiropractor for my adjustment, I did pull a muscle in my back on Wednesday after Yoga class. It is still sore so I made another apt. for next week and not let it go until a month.

    I tried to get a rotisserie chicken yesterday and they had nothing put out. Tried again this morning and no chickens. I tried another place and they only do chickens on the weekend.
    I was hoping to have some for lunch. :(

    I have been doing laundry and changing sheets on beds and still have to get my exercise in. I finished all our laundry yesterday and still have to put it away.

    All decorations are done inside and out, now just have to put up the tree and hopefully this week. Cards are all sent too.

    I still have some on line shopping to do and then we should be done.

    I am going shopping with my sister on Thursday and will be looking for a dress for Dave's
    Christmas dinner on Saturday for his work.

    JENNY - Yes this will be the first time in a long time my sister will be joining us.
    Glad to hear the knees are doing well. Have fun with the walking poles I heard they are good for you too. I bet Rory is excited for the new Ranger program.

    MARLA - Now the Christmas rush of church and singing begins for you. I will be using a new Galaxy tablet soon when I figure out how to use it. Dave has to get it started for me.

    ANG - I can't believe you didn't gain anything. I know I did.

    AMY - Nice you could spend time with your family good or bad.

    Hi to L


    No snow
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    just because it's cold outside doesn't mean it needs to be 88 inside - arrrrrgggghhh - this place temperature controls (lack of) make me nuts
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    A little warmer here today, yay! I ordered myself a new down parka from LLBean tonight. I hope it fits and I like it. My other coat from them was great but is very old and not too warm anymore.

    Just had a chocolate fix, bad! I had to participate in a conference call for a committee I'm on to plan our state speech/language/hearing convention. I think it stresses me out a little bit.

    We tried nordic walking with our poles at an old mall tonight just to practice our form and technique. Cement floor was too slippery to use the poles. With warmer temps this week we will get outside on the trails. Can't wait!

    Well the dog is scratching my bedroom door (driving me crazy) so I must go and scold him. He doesn't like me out of his site. Anxiety ridden....

    Have a nice evening.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    how was the nordic walking? I remember those nordic track machines from back in the day - I never did one, it looked cray-cray hard

    Long night upcoming - Caleb has Jr. Fire Patrol - Advent Church services start tonight and then choir practice after and it will be long since we are just over a week from program..... aaahhhhh the unfun that has to come with the fun
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    It finally happened! I got a raise!!! So happy! The extra income is going to be great!

    My CT scan was today. It actually went really well. I arrived at the hospital at 12:05. I left at 12:40. My appointment was for 1:00. That's not normal!! I was prepared to wait a long time! I spent longer waiting for buses and getting there and back then I did there!

    Last night was my first night going to the gym and I ran on the treadmill! It felt soooooo good! I don't have time to go tonight, but will tomorrow night. I'm looking at my schedule and starting to realize it might be better to go in the morning, especially next week. (Next week the ONLY day I don't have something going on at my church is Monday. I will be there at some time every other day of the week next week.) I'm going to have to discipline myself to get up earlier. It's a 24 hour gym so I can go nice and early in the morning. I just need to make sure I don't stay up so late that I can't get up early enough to go!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    WTG Ang! I wish I could get out of bed early to get to the gym. Doesn't work for me. Congratulations on your raise too (*)

    Marla-tis the season. You can make it through! How are you doing with exercise now? Have you been able to get back in your groove? We aren't going to be able to practice Nordic walking at the old mall. Floors are too slippery. Temps are going to be warm now through next week so we should be able to get to the regional park. I wish it was spring so we could just get out there and do it without worrying about temps, snow and ice.

    I've had a bad flu yesterday and today. Been out of work, on day 2 missing work now. This has not been a good fall for me. I've missed so many visits with my students that I wouldn't blame parents if they requested a different speech clinician. Very frustrating for me and I'm sure for them too. They don't do subs for speech clinicians. Too specialized and shortage of them out there.

    Well my head is hurting looking at the computer screen so signing off.
    Have a nice day!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    feel better dear J!!! <3
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Hope you feel better soon Jenny!

    So tonight I had a free personal assessment at the gym. Benefit was that she corrected me on how I do my squats! After she sat down with me and worked out a program she wants to do with me. Um considering I don't have $5,000.00 to spare, I won't be doing it!!!! I guess I will just have to continue to do it on my own! Though I might take part in some of the classes. I have to go over what they offer and see what I want to do. They have one called Awesome Abs, but unfortunately its Wednesday night when I am in church!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    hope you are feeling better Jenny - huggles

    Waves at everyone else - it's such a crazy time of year I love the season but HATE all the frantic-ness it adds.

    It seems my dad is having some sort of heart issues. My mom took him to the hospital yesterday and they are keeping him while testing and medicating - from what I gathered his heart rate is too high - my sister are headed down in a little bit - my guess is this isn't something will resolve with only medication - my dad (and mom for that matter) do not take very good care of themselves and my guess is the fix will be surgical of some sort with a difficult recovery due to not great condition to begin with. Sigh. It's bound to happen, none of us last forever but if I become even more sporadic don't give up on me!!

    Hoping you all have fun and relaxing weekend and that I see you all soon.
