NSVs/Positive Changes



  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    Thanks @flumi_f! I have loved used kettlebells in the past.

    The last time I was actively losing weight for a wedding last July (had to fit in a bridesmaid dress in a crunch lol)- I was working out at a Zumba class at least once or twice a day and then going straight to the gym for more cardio and strength. During that time, I knew I was seeing positive changes in my body. From the little strength training I knew how to do and doing kettlebells my body was really tightening up. However, I didn't see any movement on the scale. If I had measured myself, I sure I would have been blown away by the inches falling off. If I'm being honest, there is a little doubt/fear that discourages me from exercising like that again and not seeing changes on the scale. I have been emotionally chained to the scale for so long that I used to fall apart and lose all motivation. I would lose that push that kept me moving past the exhaustion from over-exercising and would eventually give up.
    - It's comforting to lose weight without overdoing it- both in diet and exercise. I'm feeling more confident and losing the "slave to the scale" feeling more and more. Even though I weigh myself most mornings, it is not dictating my emotions any longer. I feel that I am in control of my body and what I eat and that I don't need a scale to dictate how I should feel about myself physically or emotionally.
    - The way I feel about exercising is changing. Instead of needing to overdo it to change myself because it is bad or fat, etc I want to love my body and feel stronger and healthier. I am definitely going to add kettlebells back in! I used to feel like "it's not worth it if I'm not getting a major calorie burn", but instead I'm going to start with 5 min routine just for "me"...to feel better and feel my heart beating. I feel the same way about walking now. I want to do those things for ME, not to lose weight.
    - Man, that's a new one!
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member

    I have an itch to exercise at home, but I'm still gunshy to start something. When I start a workout program, I go full-throttle and get burnt out really quick. And of course, the diet follows, etc. That's why I'm focusing on things that won't overwhelm me and I can keep doing over time...not just fizzle out. I have an aerobic step in my closet that I'm thinking of using to just step up/walk while watching TV. Seems easy enough to fit in every day considering how much Netflix I watch haha.

    I said I bought my kids the Wii, but it was really for me (wii fit plus). What is nice about this is that it doesn't even seem like a workout and it's fun. It's also great because it tracks your weight and you can set goals.
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Ooooh!!! @jknight001 I totally recommend looking up this doctor who does podcasts (I think she has a website, too). Her name is Dr. Nina Savelle-Rocklin. I think if you search "Win the Diet War podcast" she will come up. Listening to her is a big lightbulb moment. She talks about exactly what you said!

    The first thing I ever heard her in was another podcast called "Let's Reverse Obesity" where she was interviewed. She makes it click! Don't know if I can paste this link...feel free to PM me as well :)


    (Just a tip, I use Stitcher Radio app on my phone to listen/stream podcasts instead of having to download to a device. You can search for almost any active podcast and stream it directly. I think you can also listen to most podcasts on a computer as well.)

    @thecarbmonster Thank you so much for pointing me to Dr. Nina! That interview with her on the "Let's Reverse Obesity Podcast" should be required listening for anyone who signs up for MFP (that's if I was in charge. ;) ) She is really sharp.

    What really struck me was when she said the the common thread among binge eaters is that they do not have the ability to self-soothe. That really resonated with me. Also her comments about not being addicted to food but being addicted to a coping mechanism were profound to me. That get's back to my earlier comment that it isn't about will-power. It is getting at the roots of the problem so it doesn't grow back and often I am handling the removal of those roots with food which will never work.

    I could go on and on with my thoughts about the podcast. But I will stop here and thank you for pointing me to such a thought provoking podcast. I think I will subscribe to Dr. Nina's podcasts. Would like to hear more of what she has to say. Thanks so much! <3

  • dorisopen9
    dorisopen9 Posts: 94 Member
    Sorry, but what is NSV? I tried googling the abbreviation but I am pretty certain you are neither interested in a neo-nazi organisation nor a mathematical equation.
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    I didn't know at first either..."Non Scale Victory".
  • dorisopen9
    dorisopen9 Posts: 94 Member
    Thanks orlcam, I would never have guessed.
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    Went into a store this weeked, that I never normally would have gone into. I'm sure you know the kind ... a bit to pricy and not having my size and all the skinny women kinda look at you funny (or at least you imagine they do). I had a £20 voucher and, well, couldn't resist and bargain. I picked up some cloths (with my bravest face on) and one of the ladies came up to me and instead of saying "sorry we don't have your size" actually said "could I start a room for you". WOW plesently surprised the skinny girl was nice. Then low and behold the (UK) size 16 skirt fit and the L (not XL) shirt fit too! I know that a UK size 16 is supposed to be like a (US) 12, but I still can not believe that because I have not been a (US) size 12 since I was 15. One day I will buy a (US) 12 and check. So very pleased to leave the snooty shop with 2 items and my pride intact. Huge NSV.
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    Yay jknight001! I'm glad you got a chance to listen to it! Absolutely love it!

    @snaps27 That is so fantastic!
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    Hehe, snaps, nice story! I can see it in my head, you described the experience very well.
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    Whoohoo @snaps27. I bet that was so nice.
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    dorisopen9 wrote: »
    Sorry, but what is NSV? I tried googling the abbreviation but I am pretty certain you are neither interested in a neo-nazi organisation nor a mathematical equation.
    orlcam wrote: »
    I didn't know at first either..."Non Scale Victory".

    Sorry guys! Should have mentioned that. I'm a career dieter, so I forgot those terms aren't universal haha.
  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    career dieter, so funny but sad....
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Carbmonster - not anymore, you're not! 5:2 is a way of life (WOL) not a diet ;-) The best tool for weightloss and maintainance, I've ever had!
  • jemimasmum
    jemimasmum Posts: 249 Member
    I had chocolate today... Ca n't believe I'm saying this but I may not bother about it again. Had some Thorntons chocs with my afternoon coffee. Felt rubbish later on and really think it was too much choc. (As if there was such a thing!!)
    Is my body making its own decision to eliminate less good grub? I hope it doesn't notice how much I love cheese
  • orlcam
    orlcam Posts: 533 Member
    edited October 2014
    Try switching to dark chocolate...it is actually good for you. If I am fasting and waiting for my body to start its cleanse I will eat about 100 calories of dark chocolate to speed things along.

    Get the stuff that is 70% and above in cacao...Ghirardelli makes an 86% (highest I've seen) that can be found most places, Godiva's is 72%. Just check the content...stay away from hershey's, dove, cadburry, nestle...pretty much any of the mainstream stuff...lots of sugar and other added fats.
  • jknight001
    jknight001 Posts: 745 Member
    edited October 2014
    orlcam wrote: »
    Try switching to dark chocolate...it is actually good for you. If I am fasting and waiting for my body to start its cleanse I will eat about 100 calories of dark chocolate to speed things along.

    Get the stuff that is 70% and above in cacao...Ghirardelli makes an 86% (highest I've seen) that can be found most places, Godiva's is 72%. Just check the content...stay away from hershey's, dove, cadburry, nestle...pretty much any of the mainstream stuff...lots of sugar and other added fats.

    This is so great! My husband and I were just listening to a video by Cynthia Sass. She has an eating plan that is optimized for health. She says dark chocolate is a must. I was wondering what brands are good since dark chocolate with 20g of sugar per serving and plenty of fat defeats the purpose. :) Thanks for the heads up on the brands. And the WebMD article was very good.

    You might like this article as well - 10 reasons why you MUST eat dark chocolate every single day,
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Wow @jemimasmum! Don't think not eating chocolate is an Option for me! But then I am Swiss and live in the land of chocolate ;-)

    @oricam - the darker the better. The 85% Lindt chocolate is awesome and not as addictive as milk chocolate. They even have a 90% one. Also special, but an acquired consistency.
  • EmmaOnTrack
    EmmaOnTrack Posts: 425 Member
    I posted in the man forum too but my big NSV is fitting snuggly (but comfortably) into a pair of size 10 (US size 6) jeans for the first time in about 10 years.

    In fact, I am so in love with my new jeans that my face fell off (no idea what happened there)!

  • Neonbeige
    Neonbeige Posts: 271 Member
    Awesome! That's so great! You can really be proud of yourself.
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    Congrats, Emmaontrack!!! The jeans look great!