Jen's January Jaunt: 30 Miles in 30 Days

Ok, I decided to throw a challenge out there. I haven't done any sustained walking in almost 2 years. In 2012, I walked nearly 700 miles. I want to be able to do that again, eventually. :)

So, I decided to give myself a challenge (which I consider more difficult than the Whole 30 - hehehe). I'm going to get out and walk 30 miles in 30 days (January 1-30). I see this as a difficult challenge for two reasons. One, I haven't done this for a while and two, I live in Illinois, so you can guess what the weather is like in January. I'm hoping that my Endomondo app is linked here properly and I'll be using that for tracking.

That's my plan to start getting active. I know if I can get out in the depths of winter, I can get out anytime. Oh and the reason I am choosing to walk outside is because I cannot walk on a treadmill. I get very bad shin splints walking on a treadmill but don't walking on asphalt or concrete.

Looking forward to a healthier Jen in 2015!


  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Woohoo! In support I will put in walking miles. I totally understand the weather thing. Short days, ice and snow make it difficult. Do you have a large mall nearby? Last year I did weekly walks at a mall. Other than the drive there in sketchy weather, it was nice. Worth checking it out. Several malls in our area open early to let you window shop and walk.

    You got this girl!!!
  • Thanks Kris. Our local indoor mall does allow walking. I tried walking inside there once and it drove me nuts. At that time, I was walking 7-10 miles a day and that was impossible inside (plus the GPS on my phone was going insane and I didn't get an accurate distance). So I am going to do my best and deal with the weather the best I can. I can do this! :)
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Jen - I'm in. Will do Targeted Cardio, in addition to my ADL's should bump my fitbit up to over 12.5 per day. I'm ready, here is a mantra for those bad Wx days, "It doesn't rain in the Army, It rains ON it." Feel the fellowship of 420,000 active duty grunts some of whom are doing just what you are; somewhere in the world. We B Jammin'!
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    edited December 2014
    Great plan! Yesterday I walked to the grocery and back (about 2 miles round trip) and it felt so good to be outside. Need to try to do it more. And if you can do in IL, guess I can in WI (BTW which part are you in? I grew up in Waukegan, IL, but now am in a Milwaukee suburb)

    I firmly believe tackling sleep and daily movement are critical for health and fat loss. Critical. Probably as much if not more so than food. And definitely more important than "working out" or steady state cardio. Walk, walk, walk. Don't worry about pace. Just move.

    And sleep.
  • Rock on John & Kim! I guess now I really do have to do this! Hehehe....

    Kim, I'm in Normal (but yet far from normal - hehehe). Oh and that sleep thing. Yes, I hope to get back to when I used to be able to sleep with no issues. It's been getting better but still not where I want it to be yet.
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Ok I am in! 30 miles... sounds like a lot Lol
  • Ok I am in! 30 miles... sounds like a lot Lol

    Awesomeness!!!! Yes, 30 miles sounds like a lot for me right now too, especially in the depths of winter. :)

  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    I think I'll join in on this one, too. There's a neighborhood 2 houses down that I could walk in. I may go give it a walk tomorrow, just to see how long it is. (and walk off all of today's treats!)

    I've got the Endomondo app, but I've just never used it. I work in a mall that was converted to an office center, and walked the main hall pretty regularly. I was told that the walk from our office to the hall, 4 laps, and back was right at 2.5 miles, but I wanted to check it. Sadly the app didn't work inside, so I was never able to verify.

    And, if you can do it in Illinois, I can surely do it in South Louisiana! For reference, I put a jacket on for about 10 minutes today, and got got, so it came off. We were outside drying a turkey, too.
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    It seems we all have our January challenge thanks to Jen! Since I have a treadmill it will be easier for me so I am going to make 30 of my miles have to be outside. My dislike of winter will make it a huge challenge, but fresh air is good for the spirit and will make me use my Yaktraxs.

    TJ, I wouldn't sweat not being able to use the app inside. If you do a walk outside at "your" pace, you can pretty much estimate out how long you have walked inside. Jealous of those Louisiana temps. However the humidity down there can be wicked. I've been there and it felt like hitting a wall! I thought Michigan could be rough.
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    edited December 2014
    Woohoo!!! It's going to be a party in January! :) TJ, that's awesome that you are going to participate. Lucky you to not have to worry about the ridiculously cold weather that us northerners have to deal with.

    Kris, yay!!!! You could totally use the treadmill if you want. No rule about having to go outside in the stupid cold weather. I'll make sure to include that rule in next month's challenge. Hehehe....

    I'm noticing someone missing here. Carol????? Where are you????? This is a challenge that doesn't involve water. :)

    This is going to be a lot of fun, I can tell. Thank you everybody for playing along and joining in.

    The countdown has started.......
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    YES!!! I'm with Kim, the activity is so important. The science might indicate that food plays a bigger role but the activity seems to bolster everything for me. Attitude, sleep, digestion... Everything.

    I'm in but I'll be doing step conversions on days when I circuit train. Should get me out walking a lot more!
    Excited to see all the support for this!

    Bundle up & GO JEN!!
  • Carol, awesome!!! I wasn't expecting so many joining in on the challenge. I guess that's how things roll around here. Hehehe...
  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    Okay, I just walked the neighborhood next to us. The Endomondo app wouldn't connect to the GPS, for some reason, but I timed it at 7.5 minutes. My usual pace is right at a 14-15 minute mile, so two laps around the neighborhood should be 1mi.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    There you go TJ!
  • Every party has a pooper ... But it's NOT me! Count me in Jenn :) YAY for us.
  • TJ, well that's a pain that you can't get the GPS to work. Well, sounds like you know how far you're walking so that's cool.

    DebSue, no party pooper you! :) YAY for you for wanting to join the challenge.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    So glad you started this.....motivated me to get outside yesterday...once exploring a new section of our local "greenway" (paved multiuse paths all around Brookfield) while Mom was having her Christmas massage, and again later in the neighborhood with the Dog. Kutya thanks you too.

    I am going to use this challenge to push myself on getting outside in January, rather than just steps/distance/movement. As humans, we need that connection to nature (even in the middle of the city) that the outside air and trees and birds bring us.

    Maybe I'll take this a bit further and do a group 'Just Move" challenge in February. After all no matter how hard you work out each day, if you are sitting the other 23 hours of the day, you aren't doing much for your health.
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Way to go TJ! You are one fast walker.

    Kim, I am in!
  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    Okay, I drove it today and watched my odometer. It was exactly 1/2 mi from the start of the subdivision, around the cul-de-sac, and back to my driveway, so 2 laps will do it.

    Kris, I actually walk a mile faster than I can run it! In high school, I "ran" a mile in 18 minutes. Now I walk one in about 14. I have asthma that only really acts up when I try to run, so I would run a bit, and exhaustedly meander a bit. But, now, if I just walk fast, it doesn't bother me.
  • TJ, I can't run either. When I was doing a lot of walking, I tried to run once. I didn't even make a mile before I stopped. My feet and ankles were swollen and very painful for the next two days. So no running for me, just some fast walking (eventually). ;)