Jen's January Jaunt: 30 Miles in 30 Days



  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Hammer...HA! And why I often refer to Friday temps as nipply rather than nippy.

    Carol, saw you guys were out walking in the cold. And yes it is all relative. 36 yesterday after zeros at home felt warm, heck hot. We ate lunch on a patio and I'd taken my coat off, pushed up my fleece sleeves to try and get vitamin D. Once the sun went down, walking to dinner felt cold cold cold.

    Here at Copper another day, so more skiing. Kiddo is in a freestyle snowboard lesson day with Camp Woodward. All that fancy flip, jumps, stuff. Meanwhile, I'll be over on the green runs. I'm a timid skier. All in my head. An instructor once told me I was a level 5 skier in a level 2 head. I noticed yesterday when I let myself get a little speed and stop thinking about what I was doing, I'd get in a flow and it would feel effortless. Then I'd start thinking again...amazing the difference in leg muscle and energy use when just flowing (feels like little) versus tensing up and thinking about turns and skiing ( get leg cramps I get so tight)

    All in the head...and trusting my body. I'm same way in mountain biking.
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    8.33 mile walk today, so on top of the 6.75 that's just a touch over 15 miles. Halfway there!
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    I sure missed a ton of posts on here.

    John, haha! That pic is wrong on many levels, but the main one is that someone has breasts that look like that! grumble grumble

    Kevin, You are kicking butt in your training. Well done!

    DebSue, Sorry you have been sick. Hope you are feeling better. (((hugs)))

    Carol, Proud of you for getting out in those temps! I know that is like experiencing an ice age in your parts:)

    Jen, I know I have said it before, but your vlogs and YOU are super inspiring. Thanks bunches speed demon!

    Kim, Woohoo on the skiing. I went to Copper Mountain when I was in high school (too long to remember. haha) I was always a timid skier. I had to experience a wipe out every time to get over it. It was as if I was afraid of falling. Once I fell, I was fearless (kind of). I never took lessons.

    The first time I ever went skiing, I immediately went to an intermediate hill thinking I was too cool for a starter hill. Was getting off the chair lift and someone wiped out getting off the chair in front of me. In an attempt to avoid them, I turned to the wrong hill and went down. Ummmm, it was a mogul and I had no idea what to do. I couldn't turn to avoid the bumps so I went straight. Wiped out, lost my poles and people were jumping over me. Thank goodness for a sweet guy who gave me his poles. Then I go down and I am speeding, friends are saying "Snowplow, snowplow..." I had no idea what the heck that was. Humorous.

    In keeping with my non-coordinated, non-athletic self, I took a ski trip in high school with friends hitting all of the ski resorts. One day we were on one of the lovely trails through the trees and an ice storm was pounding us. Bloody cheeks. Anyways a kid wiped out and in avoiding him I hit ice and skidded and hit a tree. Next thing I know I am waking up with medics over me in a ski lodge. Panic hit and all I kept saying was, "please tell me you didn't call my dad..." I thought I was busted! They didn't know it wasn't a "girls-only" trip and we were with boys. Came home with a black eye and probably a concussion. He still doesn't know about that trip! haha I am surprised I survived my childhood.

    01/08 - 2 miles walked treadmill
    01/09 - zero
    01/10 - 4 miles walked treadmill
    01/11 -
    01/12 -
    01/13 -
    01/14 -

    Weekly Total: 6

    Monthly Total: 20.4
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Kim, you and I might not have survived that childhood if we had done it together. Those were crazy days! What a skiing memory! LOL

    Glad to see folks moving and making some healthy choices. I have been SUPER SUPER SUPER good for 9 days. Very clean eating and 45 min of something (walking at least) every day. I have also kept a calorie deficit, watching sleep, drinking a ton of water, doing Whole30 (almost, I weighed myself and that is a no-no) so all of the stars should be aligning. I lost 5lbs in the first week but that is less impressive when you consider that I gained 3lbs the week before I got serious. STILL! We are going in the right direction and I feel pretty fantastic. Clothes still don't fit but I expect they will in a couple of weeks if I keep this up.

    Thanks and ROCK ON all those that are doing TJ's suggested Whole30 with me. At day 10, I am past that initial few days of that everyone says is so hard. It WAS. I miss all those things I used as a crutch to avoid sugar. I miss my dairy. I miss a low-nutrient carb nite!
    Whole30 allows white potatoes so I had one the other night just to ensure that there was an insulin spike in my week. But I am not ULC at all. Tons of veggies and even a cup of low fructose fruit has me nervous but hey, I'm feeling pretty good and making progress.

    Jen's Jaunt: The 45 min a day from the FB weight loss challenge is helping here. I have logged 11 miles in 11 days!!! But I REALLY love watching Jen's vlog and going along with her on some of her walks. Too much fun! Keep jaunting everyone!

    Tough Mudders and Paleo Fx!! We have lots of ways to hook up in person on the calendar. Anyone going with us to Paleo fx conference in April or Gritty Goddess (5K mudrun)?? We have Smithville Tx Tough Mudder in May and TOUGH MUDDER LAS VEGAS in October. John Hammer Jammer 1 is the captain and the team registration page is waiting for you.

    WHO's IN for one of these????
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Good O Folks!

    Carol great work keep on it the big benefits are just around the corner.

    The Jaunt is a great motivator Jen Keep the Vlogs coming!

    Get better Debsue rest well get well.

    Good Work Kris consistency is great and rest when needed. Keep rollin'!

    I had to rest yesterday not sure what I ate that did me a job yesterday but from around noon to midnight could not be more than a min or so from a loo. Any way better today and heavy lift day went well gonna take a jaunt later today.
  • No worries John, the vlogs continue. :) Two posted today. Glad they are so motivating.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Kris....great ski stories! I'm guessing when you hit that tree, it was before wearing a helmet was common. And you are exactly right, the fear of falling is a huge part of why I am a timid skier. I HATE falling. Not that I'm afraid to get hurt, but that I struggle so much getting up, getting skis on while on incline, etc. I didn't fall either day. And on one of my last runs was thinking, " if you haven't fallen, you really haven't pushed yourself or learned anything" followed quickly by "oh good you haven't fallen" I think as I get stronger and leaner, I will be able to get up easier, and maybe get over this. But dang I hate falling.

    On this getting leaner note, I do think the low carb, CarbNite stuff is specifically targeting belly fat. While I still have ample opportunity of improvement in belly fat, I have lost a significant amount. I used to struggle with buckling my ski boots, due to belly fat, was bad enough that I struggled to breath while bent over buckling boots. I specifically noted the change this trip. And wow, that feels great.

    On flight home now, hope to get a walk in later this afternoon!
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Carol, I am super proud of you! Your spirit is so high that it is shining through your posts. Those clothes will be looser before you know it! Keep shining girl!

    John, I am sorry you are having loo issues. That is awful. Take care and hope it passes quickly. No pun intended:)

    Kim, I totally get the falling thing, but mine was fear of breaking stuff. I haven't done downhill in probably 15-20 years. I can only imagine the antics that would happen. I did try, and fell in love with, cross country skiing last year. A friend has a hilarious video of me taking a fall on an icy hill and attempting to get up. He is a great friend, huh? It was so sad that there is a group of guys (strangers) in tears laughing at my cursing and inability to get up. I kept telling them they could go past me, but they said no, it was the highlight of their day. Cheers could be heard across the frozen lake once I finally got up and made it down the rest of the hill! No, I was not wearing a helmet on that downhill fall.

    01/08 - 2 miles walked treadmill
    01/09 - zero
    01/10 - 4 miles walked treadmill
    01/11 - 4.4 miles walked outside
    01/12 -
    01/13 -
    01/14 -

    Weekly Total: 10.4 miles

    Yearly Total: 24.8

    Had a bit of a warm up and people decided to finally shovel their walks so I ventured outside. Only 5.2 miles to go, but who's counting;)
  • A great week and a great weekend! I see I'm still behind you Kris on the Jaunt leaderboard! :) Awesome job getting the walks in. This is how we do it, right? :)

    I treated myself to breakfast this morning - we over the top but I did keep away from the sweets. Had a nice small dinner so it all evens out. Great walk today - fastest pace so far this year. Woohoo!!!! I was going to go a little further today but since I was going faster than I realized, I was a bit sore. I wish this snow would melt so I can take some different paths. One thing about walking I like is that I mix out my paths every time I go out. Three days of the same path is a bit boring, but at least I still go out and did what I needed to do.

    Looks like Carol recorded a podcast last night, so I'll be listening to that at work tomorrow.

    My food diary is closed, the challenge checklist is completed and it's time for this girl to go relax on the couch a bit before bed. Have a great night everybody.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    checked my Mapmyfitness feed Jaunted 14.71 so far so pretty much on track. Had a big weekend with the fitbit challenge with Kim and Jeffery. little over 8 mi that weekend.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Jaunt this morning 1.02 15.73 total so far
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Day 11 complete. Walk around the campus after lunch. Nice sunny day even if cold. One advantage to walking here is the snow and ice is cleared well on all sidewalks on the brewery campus. Much better than my neighborhood.


    Just looked at tally. Exactly 16miles YTD of dedicated walking. While I was outside all day Friday and Saturday skiing and walked around the Copper village a ton, it was more functional then haunting so didn't count.

    1/1- 2.3miles
    1/3- 2.0m
    1/4- 1.9m
    1/5- 1.4m
    1/6- 1.0m
    1/7- 1.0m
    1/8- 1.5m
    1/9- ski
    1/10- ski
    1/12- 1.5m
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Repeat of yesterday 1.02 for 16.75 total. Down loaded a Pedometer ap for the iphone and so far tracking in line with the Fitbit. Trying to decide what model to get as I really like the flex but am very interested in HR on my self quantification study. Any Thoughts?
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    edited January 2015
    John - unless you are planning on really using the GPS functions, I don't recommend the Surge over the Charge HR. Costs more, and its bulky on wrist. I'm eying hubbys Charge HR. Have about a week left before my 45day return period on the Surge. I do like the GPS as I've always used mapmywalk or runtastic (and Strava), but the size and the lack of being able to export the .gpx file to other trackers has me not overly thrilled with the Surge. Need to make a firm decision, like STAT.

    I'm also seeing if I don't occasionaly move to other hand overnight that my skin under band is getting irritated.
  • So much jaunting. I love it!!!!!!!
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Did a mile on the treadmill.

    16 total
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Thanks Kim - Yep the more I look em over think I'm going for the Charge HR. I still like to use mapmyfitness for the gps and it all integrates with MFP so don';t really need another GPS, I have an Ironman GPS Global trainer (I got it for my water aerobics routines) that I use as a watch so big isn't so much an issue but if I can get all day HR that will be good O.

    You got a herd here Jen! Can yo hear the rumble of our thunder off in the distance??
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Well I'm still going to Tahoe with the dogs. My friends are all in. Even if we can't sled we can still have fun in picturesque Tahoe! Also you know how long it took me to find a budget friendly but still nice 3 bedroom cabin with fenced yard that will take 6 dogs ?! Oh oh and that property backs in to the national forest. I gotta go lol. I'm so looking forward to my girls' trip!! Yay!
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Oops. Sorry jaunties wrong thread.
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    So much jaunting. I love it!!!!!!!

    I am very glad you did this. I am thinking about setting it as a monthly goal for myself.