Jen's January Jaunt: 30 Miles in 30 Days



  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    kris3b wrote: »

    Kevin, You might just win the most miles in a day.

    I think I have won "sorest Achilles tendon" ......
  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    Thanks Kim. I just used the Run Keeper app. I think it was pre installed on my phone.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Days 3&4 ccu1tqbwiyj1.jpg


  • Brrrrrr Kim.....
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    The snow has arrived in Michigan and it is icy out. Did 3 miles on the treadmill this morning. Makes a total of 12.3 miles for the month (9.3 outside/3 inside)
  • kris3b wrote: »
    The snow has arrived in Michigan and it is icy out. Did 3 miles on the treadmill this morning. Makes a total of 12.3 miles for the month (9.3 outside/3 inside)

    Grrrrr, you have more miles that I do! Hehehe. Just messin'. That's fantastic Kris. Miles are miles and you are totally rockin' it!
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Your challenge has motivated me to create a personal year challenge. I want to walk or hike 1000 miles in 2015 (not fitbit mikes, dedicated walking or hiking) ....that's about 20 miles a week. Seems doable. And bike an additional 1000. The total might get tough.
  • Your challenge has motivated me to create a personal year challenge. I want to walk or hike 1000 miles in 2015 (not fitbit mikes, dedicated walking or hiking) ....that's about 20 miles a week. Seems doable. And bike an additional 1000. The total might get tough.

    Kim, rock on!!!! I actually am planning on doing challenges each month to keep me going. In 2012, I walked almost 700 miles. I would really like to get back to that. Come late spring, I should be able to put in the 20-30 mile weeks with no problem. No bike for me (last time on a bike I went over the handlebars and haven't been on one since). I'm going to be getting in some hiking as well. You'll have to share some spots up your way that would be good hikes.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    edited January 2015
    Your challenge has motivated me to create a personal year challenge. I want to walk or hike 1000 miles in 2015 (not fitbit mikes, dedicated walking or hiking) ....that's about 20 miles a week. Seems doable. And bike an additional 1000. The total might get tough.

    Tough but doable Kim, Go For It BTW - "Really???.... you can't be in your 50's"" B)
    Also - Which Fitbit do you have? The only one I see on the site w GPS is the Surge and it hasn't been released yet. (My planned upgrade when it comes out.)
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    edited January 2015
    John - I have a Surge (and still have my Flex too). They sent an email to some folks announcing an early release; many suspect they targeted long term fitbit users as "beta" testers- (this is my third, I got the original one immediately when it was released). There has been one software update since we started wearing them. Have had three or four weeks. GPS works very well. Watch is a bit big/clunky, but I'm not a fancy jewelry person, so no biggie. I am on the bandwagon of the folks asking them to implement an easier way to switch between the flex (or another fitbit) and the Surge/Charge. Niether of the two new ones are waterproof - the Flex was great when we went on vacation to the beach, no concerns wearing.

    Best Buy has all of them online. I gave hubby the Charge HR for his birthday. One advantage to buying from Best Buy is adding their protection package to the unit.

    According to my files I walked over 700 miles last year (and biked over 700 too), so the 1000 isn't really that great of a stretch considering I'm doing this insane walking in January thing. Which reminds me, better do a lunch walk now while its warm and sunny (Ha, ha, is sunny)

    Thanks for the profile quote...but you guys will see in the podcast, I choose esp. flattering pictures to share..... (current profile pic was taken on my bday last March - shortly after having my hair done)
  • Kim, I'm just looking forward to hearing what awesomeness you have to say (after the fact since I'll already be asleep by the time it starts - boooo).
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Day5 over lunch. Need to work on footwear all my shoes boots are slippery on snow & ice.

  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    Wow, -17*! That's a little nuts!

    What the heck do you wear when it's that cold?!?!
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    edited January 2015
    Thanks Jen!

    Kim, Great goal. I joined another challenge on MFP to do a measly 7 miles a week for a year. It isn't much, but I am hoping that it just keeps me moving.

    TJ, Honestly, as for the weather, I think us northerners are kind of used to it. For me, it is when you get past 2 hours outside in this stuff that it starts killing me. Layering helps and you kind of get used to what works out there in terms of clothes. Today I was bundled up with hat, gloves, puffy coat, buff, good hiking boots.

    I am just going to start copying over from my other challenge:

    01/01 - 3.8 miles walked outside
    01/02 - 3.5 miles walked outside
    01/03 - 2.1 miles walked outside
    01/04 - zero (ahhhh)
    01/05 - 3 miles on treadmill
    01/06 - 2 miles walked outside (yep, that's right, I did them while it was snowing with 7 degree temps!)
    01/07 -

    Total: 14.4
  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    Kris, that's a good idea to have it tracked like that. That way you can easily see it. I think I'll start doing it on my timeline.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    I like the tracking idea. Thinking a weekly update with the seven day individual amount and YTD total. In past I did it in Runtastic or mapmywalk or strava ( too many places, too many apps) I'll always track cycling in Strava (need to be more consistent in actually logging strava cuz I can see if I've gotten stronger in routes), but am trying to keep walking just in Fitbit. What I can't figure out is how to isolate dedicated walking/ hiking miles in that system, versus the daily mileage it estimates based on average step length. I don't give a flip about that measure.
  • Here's my progress so far.

    Jan 1, 2015 3.04 mi 14:44 min/mi
    Jan 2, 2015 3.60 mi 14:52 min/mi
    Jan 4, 2015 4.82 mi 14:44 min/mi

    Total 11.46 mi
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    Day got crazy busy, I did get a mile in bringing me up to 6.75 so far.
  • imabizzybee
    imabizzybee Posts: 123 Member
    Snow and 21 degrees today, but I still got in 14,232 steps by 6 PM. FitBit says that is 5.96 miles, but that is way overblown. More like 4. So far I'm on track for the first 6 days!
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    OMG you guys are really jaunting!! I love love love it!!

    Took today off but very tempted to get in a walk because of you people!