Jen's January Jaunt: 30 Miles in 30 Days



  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Good point Kim! The just move challenge sounds great.
    TJ: I hate running & walking is what everyone tells us to do anyway.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Do y'all think we should keep separate threads for Whole 30 & Jen's Jaunt & Water Challenge? Or should we just update & encourage each other on the weekly checkin thread?
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    I like the one stop shopping idea.
  • Whatever works best Carol.
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    I kind of like the one stop thread, but we can always chime in on the separate threads if we have questions that could get lost in the main thread. I logged in yesterday on one of the other threads and realized I never hit up the main one. So many to choose from:) Really anything works for me. Thinking I will keep a running toll that I copy and paste in with mileage, water, and Whole 30. That way I can just keep it in a computer sticky note on the desktop.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    I like checking in on one thread so that more people can be inspired by what's going on.
  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    I like the idea of the single thread, but I'll warn you, I plan on being super annoying and posting a pic of everything I eat, lol.
  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    edited December 2014
    I like the idea of the single thread, but I'll warn you, I plan on being super annoying and posting a pic of everything I eat, lol.

    And I'll be posting pictures of every step I take for the entire 30 miles! :smiling_imp:

    OMG, my 100th post since I joined this crazy place. What do I win?????

  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    edited December 2014
    One thread sounds good...probably easier - at same time having a few active threads makes the forum/group look more dynamic, diverse and, well, active...which isn't a bad thing. It's just finding the balance between active, dynamic...and overwhelming. But isn't that true in life in general ;)
  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    Jen, if you're posting a pic of EACH step, you shouldn't be freaking out about the 100 post mark because you'll very soon surpass the 1000s!

    Kim, it probably will be a bit overwhelming, but not much more so than this Dec checkin thread. I think it'll be a good thing.
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    5.72 mile walk this morning.
  • 5.72 mile walk this morning.

    ROCK ON!!!! :)
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Day one w/ hubby and Kutya

  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    burned 171 calories doing 21 minutes of Walking, 3.0 mph, mod. pace, walking dog 1.1 mi
  • I am so happy to see all of you jaunting. I LOVE IT!!!
  • imabizzybee
    imabizzybee Posts: 123 Member
    I'm in, but it won't be a challenge for me since I walk a mile each way to work. I'll commit to 10000 steps each day, which is closer to 3 miles. No whole 30 though - I leave for a cruise on January 8. I do well with eating on cruises, but want a bit of flexibility. And it will be above freezing, so plenty of movement! I'm scheduled for scuba certification on this trip. :D
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    This is turning out to be a pretty fantastic challenge. Noticing the difference in my spirit going for a walk outside in the morning. Of course today it was significantly warmer with less wind. It's a toasty 28 degrees!

    Kim, your pup is darling and your husband is booking!

    Kevin, You might just win the most miles in a day. Way to go!

    Cynthia, cool on going for scuba certification
  • Cynthia, I'm sure I'll get more than 30 miles in as well. It's really just about getting out and keeping the motivation going (something that's been difficult for me until recently). 10000 steps each days is a fantastic goal!

    Kris, it's in the high 20s here too. Heck, that's almost warm compared to yesterday. :) I'll be heading out a little later today to get in another 3 miles and my 2 points for the FB challenge.
  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    I was originally thinking I'd just do 1mi each morning, but finding that that subdivision is so close and exactly 1mi for 2 laps from my front door, I want to go again, right now! I'll probably do at least 1 in the morning and 1 when I get home, depending on weather. I can also walk at work, since our office is in a mall.

    Cynthia, we took a cruise in November, and it would have been IMPOSSIBLE to try a Whole30 then. There's just so much good stuff to eat!

    Kim, what app is that?
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    TJ - it's the fitbit app, the activity screen.

    Speaking of which day 2, doing the first half of my long neighborhood hill walk. 8sp3cmd8abeq.jpg