Jen's January Jaunt: 30 Miles in 30 Days



  • tindercd
    tindercd Posts: 108 Member
    5 miles today on the track 12 total
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Today's 1.5 makes me at 23 for month. On campus work stroll nqom9cndnoxzd.jpg
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    2.52 today 23.66 so far may do another one later.
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    2.3 miles today.

    Total, 26 miles.

  • tindercd
    tindercd Posts: 108 Member
    4.44 (I'll round to 4.5) today so 16.5 miles. It's going to be close...
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    A bit over 4 today. Think that's just over 27 for me. Probably should add it all up.


    Left the fitbit on the charger until after work. Oops.
  • Woohoo everybody! Living this!
  • kilosierra83
    kilosierra83 Posts: 228 Member
    2.3 miles today.

    Total, 26 miles.

    I fail at math.. 25.5 total that is.... lol
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    As my brother put it.. That line looks like you were drunk on a hover board flying over the city. Definite GPS errors. We'll call this 1 mile. Walk around Chicago Btwn meetings and train home.

    28 for month.

  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    edited January 2015
    1.04 in for today 24.7 so far for the month

  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    An interesting comparison.... damned skyscrapers mess up GPS tracking everytime, every device I have. GPS tracked, versus manually mapping where I walked

  • An interesting comparison.... damned skyscrapers mess up GPS tracking everytime, every device I have. GPS tracked, versus manually mapping where I walked


    Quite the difference Kim. Yep, those darn tall buildings wreak havoc with GPS & cell signals.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Verh Koo-El Kim

    Got my jaunt in today, 2.24 mi 26.94 mi ttl so far.
  • imabizzybee
    imabizzybee Posts: 123 Member
    Just figured out you can get total mileage at the fitbit site. I'm up to 141 for January, and would say 95% of that is outside (since I'm kind of a slug indoors sitting at my desk or in my comfy chair). It is funny to look at the graph for the month. I have mostly good days, and then about once every 8-9 days get only about 5000 counted. I have to pay attention to see if those are super-slug days or just my fitbit needed recharging!
  • imabizzybee
    imabizzybee Posts: 123 Member
    Day5 over lunch. Need to work on footwear all my shoes boots are slippery on snow & ice.
    For slippery conditions I highly recommend YakTrax (though they don't last long) or IceTrekkers (much sturdier but don't walk inside in them). Since I walk to work in all conditions, they are critical for my safety. For something that looks pretty stupid they work really well. If you are putting them on boots, be sure to bump up the size you order or it will be a real wrestling match.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Cynthia- I've been eying YakTrax for a couple years and wonder if they worked. Will also look at IceTrekkers (and send your notes to my sis-in-law ...they just moved to Denver in November, and she has already broken her wrist snowboarding. She's an anesthesiologist at the Childrens Hospital there. And while she loves Denver, love to get out and walk/hike, but the broken wrist has her concerned about walking/falling on ice. Both because of pain, and she needs her hands for her job. We were discussing yaktrax when I visited a couple weeks ago).

    Good tip also about the fitbit totals. That made me noodle around a bit on their site. Month to dte I have 136 miles logged in the app. And I discovered I could highlight and copy paste all my logged activities into a spreadsheet. Took a tiny bit of formatting to make it truly useable, but now I have a great log that I can sort any way I desire! This makes this data geek very very happy. And to date in the dedicated walks of Jen's JanuaryJaunt I'm actually at 40.04 miles. My mental tally was slightly off - and that's with at least two misfires on getting the app/band start tracking (which is probably evened out by that extra half mile it added in Chicago ;)

    My month to date:
    Date Activity Steps Distance
    1/3/15 3:06 PM Shoveling snow (MyFitnessPal) 0 N/A
    1/9/15 11:24 AM Skiing 0 N/A
    1/10/15 11:25 AM Skiing 0 N/A
    1/1/15 3:57 PM Walk 5,272 2.33 miles
    1/2/15 2:25 PM Walk 7,334 3.44 miles
    1/3/15 11:43 AM Walk 4,686 2.03 miles
    1/4/15 3:37 PM Walk 4,563 1.91 miles
    1/5/15 12:07 PM Walk 2,931 1.42 miles
    1/6/15 5:29 PM Walk 2,619 1.39 miles
    1/7/15 7:22 PM Walk 2,214 0.68 miles
    1/8/15 11:43 AM Walk 2,638 1.5 miles
    1/12/15 1:17 PM Walk 3,205 1.55 miles
    1/13/15 11:34 AM Walk 3,139 1.47 miles
    1/14/15 7:33 PM Walk 2,498 1.19 miles
    1/16/15 12:10 PM Walk 2,638 1.5 miles
    1/16/15 4:11 PM Walk 2,638 1.5 miles
    1/17/15 3:28 PM Walk 6,360 2.9 miles
    1/18/15 3:42 PM Walk 4,195 1.84 miles
    1/19/15 1:00 PM Walk 3,024 1.5 miles
    1/20/15 3:50 PM Walk 9,096 4.19 miles
    1/21/15 4:14 PM Walk 2,779 1.87 miles
    1/23/15 5:07 PM Walk 3,620 1.63 miles
    1/24/15 4:11 PM Walk 9,330 4.2 miles
    1/2/15 4:37 PM Weights 793 0.22 miles
    1/5/15 6:40 PM Weights 609 0.2 miles
    1/7/15 6:14 PM Weights 1,438 0.54 miles
    1/12/15 6:15 PM Weights 814 0.24 miles
    1/14/15 6:36 PM Weights 696 0.19 miles
    1/17/15 2:34 PM Weights 778 0.27 miles
    1/19/15 6:55 PM Weights 529 0.11 miles
    1/22/15 6:09 PM Weights 949 0.28 miles
    1/24/15 1:54 PM Weights 1,875 0.6 miles

    Interesting to see how far I pace in my rest periods betweens sets of weight lifting.

    And shocking to see I have logged zero yoga this month. I don't log my morning/evening stretching- and won't bother...but this makes it easy to figure out what "new" exercise I'll do this week for the FB challenge - a full yoga session.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Well got 2.75 mi in today for my jaunt, 29.69 in so far. Nearly there.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Morning Jaunt 2.0 mi 31.69 so far.
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    edited January 2015
    Yesterday versus today. Felt great to be out without a coat!!! That makes 49.7 for the month. Which had I known today's walk would have been a bit longer.


  • tindercd
    tindercd Posts: 108 Member
    Did 2 miles on Saturday and did 5 today so 23.5...almost there!