Jen's January Jaunt: 30 Miles in 30 Days



  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    edited January 2015

    A bit over 30 minutes in the airport....with a last minute stop for dinner Togo on the plane. Broiled salmon with broccoli doused in a pack of olive oil from my bag beats most airport options ( and it seems the broccoli stench kept other passengers from choosing the middle seat next to me. Exit row with an empty middle seat = Bonus!

    God only knows where the GPS in the fitbit (which said it was locked in) thought I went to burn 589 calories in 30 minutes. Ha.
  • 55nrdjra3f48.jpg

    A bit over 30 minutes in the airport....with a last minute stop for dinner Togo on the plane. Broiled salmon with broccoli doused in a pack of olive oil from my bag beats most airport options ( and it seems the broccoli stench kept other passengers from choosing the middle seat next to me. Exit row with an empty middle seat = Bonus!

    God only knows where the GPS in the fitbit (which said it was locked in) thought I went to burn 589 calories in 30 minutes. Ha.

    Hehehe Kim on the broccoli stench. So you're one of THOSE people on planes. LOL!!!!

    Good for you with the walking in the airport. I like your plan - no sitting while waiting for your flight. When I fly, I am usually so early that I have hours to burn. I could get miles in. Something to think about on my next trip (whenever that may be - I'm not a big flyer).

  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    You are all doing a fabulous job Jaunting! I took this morning off and instead opted for sleep and work. Perhaps some tonight if I don't get home too late. Jaunt on!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Got some extra sleep today instead of jaunt. May get one in later at work. Got a new bubble hat for tomorrows jaunt. Have decided gonna meet the cold head on and do it just before dawn at the coldest temp of the year so far.
  • TJ_Gauthier
    TJ_Gauthier Posts: 317 Member
    John, what the heck is a bubble hat?
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    John, what the heck is a bubble hat?

    Ditto that question. I still want to know what that other gizmo (breathing???) thingie you posted on your feed is. haha I am picturing you walking around as an astronaut. Cool!
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    I'm curious about the bubble hat too!

    Day7. Found out I can use the corporate fitness center here in Golden while I'm out here. Afterwards a bit over a mile in downtown Golden.


    Golden is such a great place!
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Jens Jaunt done today @ 6000' Elev.

  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    Kim, Golden is lovely. All of Colorado is lovely! I am surprised that there is not more snow. Every time I have been to CO in the winter there has been a ton of snow.

    I didn't do any miles this morning. Even the treadmill isn't inviting when the temp outside is 4 degrees as we don't heat the basement. Need to get past my dislike of the cold. It will be easier to do later in the day. Somehow waking up from my cozy bed and heading downstairs isn't appealing:)
  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Kris I hear you on the cold basement. One of the reasons I can never make it down there in morning....and even have to force myself after work on those days. Brrrrr.

    -6 before windchill at home today. Not sorry to be missing. Kiddo had school. Hubby said ours only district in like three counties in session. He got a ride today. Not a stand on the corner and wait for the bus morning!
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    01/08 - 2 miles walked treadmill
    01/09 -
    01/10 -
    01/11 -
    01/12 -
    01/13 -
    01/14 -

    Weekly Total: 2

    Monthly Total: 16.4

    Was tired last night with rowing and strength training. Weekend's coming, so I can put some miles in and hopefully outside. Seems I passed the halfway point in miles.

    Kim, We had a schools closed due to temps. Dangerous temps.
  • kris3b
    kris3b Posts: 321 Member
    edited January 2015
    "Jens Jaunt done today @ 6000' Elev."

    John - Now, I see what the mask is all about. Looking cool!

  • jenniferyounginillinois
    jenniferyounginillinois Posts: 535 Member
    edited January 2015
    Ok everybody, this girl jaunted today!!!! My stupid phone apparently doesn't like the cold so decided not to record the first half of my walk. Easy though, since all I did was turn around and walk back. Little under 3 miles in 7 degrees. I was shielded from most of the wind since the trail is shielded on both sides (for the most part) with trees and buildings. But it was still COLD!!!!! Two pairs of leggings, two pairs of sock, three layers of shirts and the jacket, two hats, a scarf and some gloves. Crazy!!!! But I needed to get caught up! Just under 14.5 completed so far.

  • leopardprintaholic
    leopardprintaholic Posts: 76 Member
    Jen, I love watching your jaunt vlogs! You are an inspiration indeed :) For the past couple of days it's felt like I had swallowed a handful of razor blades, so no jaunting for this girl :( Still a bit whoosey, but am going to do a mini-jaunt, just to get moving again. As they say: slow & steady wins the race ;) Hugs & cheers to all my fellow joyful jaunters out there.
  • Jen, I love watching your jaunt vlogs! You are an inspiration indeed :) For the past couple of days it's felt like I had swallowed a handful of razor blades, so no jaunting for this girl :( Still a bit whoosey, but am going to do a mini-jaunt, just to get moving again. As they say: slow & steady wins the race ;) Hugs & cheers to all my fellow joyful jaunters out there.

    DebSue, I'm so glad you enjoy them. I needed to get back out regardless of how cold it was (and holy cow was it cold).

    So sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. Don't do too much if you're not up to it. Nobody here judges, that's for sure. Just finished chatting with Kris and she said we're a ragtag group of awesomeness. I LOVE THAT! :)

    (((HUGS))) to you, fellow joyful jaunter.

  • beerbikegirl
    beerbikegirl Posts: 342 Member
    Kris- lots of schools around home were closed yesterday too. Just not kiddos district.

    Jenn glad to see you out there. 3 miles in 7 degrees is tough.

    Get well DebSue.

    Day 9 of my jaunt was more like skiing. But a good 5 hours outside which was great! And lots of steps around the village. IMO every step while wearing ski boots should count double!

  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Oh my goodness it looks cold Kim! And 7 degrees Jen!! Yall are dedicated.
    I love the vlog too. Getting out in 35 degrees tomorrow at 5:30 am. Not so cold to yall but it's stay indoors weather here! But I watched a Couple of Jen's videos... Can't wimp out now!
    Great fun to see Ya on the go pro Jen. And yiu really are hustling!

    DebSue- feel better
    Kris - cozy is good but you never regret a jaunt! ;)
  • Who knew a video could be so motivating? ☺
    Y'all are amazing.
    Kim, hitting the slopes in style.
    Carol, a YouTuber has to have her toys. I look ridiculous using the GoPro but I don't care. I only saw one person yesterday.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    An Apparel Accessory that some may find useful.... :)

  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Got my Jaunt in 1.1 mi nice and brisk today knees doing fairly well.