January ETL - Nutritarian New Year!



  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    TGIF! I worked a looong day yesterday and have been awake (and unproductive) for far too long today. I already feel like I need a nap, and it's only 9:40AM! And really cold today, too, so not a great start.
    All this slow cooker start makes me think mine needs to get busted out of the cupboard. I go in streaks where I use it a lot and then not so much.
    I feel like I have been doing really well pushing tons of veggies with every meal and keeping other nonsense to a minimum. Not reflected AT ALL in the scale. I think I am going to call my doc today, I have a feeling I need some endocrine adjustments. Retaining water like crazy...even my coworkers (ok, they are all ICU nurses, so probably more likely than most coworkers to notice that kind of thing) noticed on my wrists/hands. Something is out of whack.

    Argh! I would like to keep typing but there is drilling into concrete and sawing in my basement and today it is driving me bat crap crazy, so I need to go find something else to do.
    Take care, have great days!
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    edited January 2015
    Jo, I'm in Saskatchewan, Canada. :smiley:

    Hope your back is doing better Lia - I know EXACTLY how that feels - NOT fun!! And those cauliflower wings sound REALLY interesting. I think I'm gonna hafta try that recipe!!

    I haven't been juicing for the last couple of days. Instead, I was up all night for two nights with my son, because *SURPRISE* he was sick and throwing up. Again. That kid!!! It's amazing how much I DO NOT CARE when I'm sleep deprived! I didn't pig out like crazy or anything, but I definitely had no desire to make juices or work out. And yes, I had too many carbs and not enough veggies. But not binge-eating or anything... thankfully!

    BUT, I am doing okay today; I have a chickpea soup for lunch and I will have a green smoothie for supper. Tomorrow I will be back on juicing. I wasn't done yet, so I am going to jump back into it.

    I've never just eaten a medjool date by itself - they are usually in a recipe. So that's an excellent tip to eat one of those instead of something sugar-laden. I will definitely do that!!

    Jo, I'd love that aubergine recipe too, please!! (Mihani, thanks for saving me from having to look that up too!) :smiley: Sounds fabulous!!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    liapr wrote: »
    Sabine, I have roasted brussels for lunch today! Along with some roasted zucchini instead. Do you make your own potstickers?!

    Yay Scott returns! Happy to have our token male back around :)

    Mihani, I ended up staying at my parents, which is down the street from where I work, so it wasn't tough. Plus I got to sleep in a bit! I ended up writing a detailed budget for our wedding, which was somewhat terrifying, but I would rather know! Glad you had a better day yesterday :)

    B - Oats, raisins, seeds, maple syrup; navel orange
    L - brussels and zucchini; lentil chips and hummus;
    S - apple & nectarine;
    D - we are heading out for a fancy dinner with my in-laws and my fiance's siblings tonight; it's not vegan I don't think, but at least vegetarian. A salad to start, eggplant rotini in tomato sauce, and dessert. I am going to decline the dessert or see if they will do fruit...

    TGIF!!! xo

    Sometimes hubs does make them, yes. But sometimes we buy them.
    In the end, though, we went out for dinner and I had a nice bowl of chile.
  • StarLovesSky
    StarLovesSky Posts: 15 Member
    The recipe is for 3 aubergine so I cut it in half (and used even a little less oil knowing how poop it is for you!) They're waiting for me to munch on in the fridge, but today has been a crap day and I've eaten a shed load (yes, it is *kitten* load!) of cheese and now feel even worse! I suspect some is to do with sugar withdrawals so hiding under a blanket and hoping the cleaning fairy comes and makes my flat sane again!

    Husband doing early morning cooking? What is this magic you speak of??!! Mine is incapable of turning the oven on without blowing it's fuse... Don't ask me how, it only happens to him! Maybe he's secretly one of the X - men...

    I'm going to haul my *kitten* into doing some yoga and spend tonight meal planning for the week, we have a veg box delivered so it's always a surprise!! This week we have celeriac and swede...
  • StarLovesSky
    StarLovesSky Posts: 15 Member
    Only just realised that MFP blocks any swear words! Oops. Shed load = *kitten* load for the record
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Looking forward to our February thread and goals!
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    Yes, I normally make it a point to not wish time away, but, I am awfully happy to be saying goodbye to January!
    It hasn't been nearly as bad here this year as predicted, so that is a plus, but, still....a soft breeze that doesn't contain freezing bits of anything sounds great!
    Oats/flax/chia/cinnamon/blueberries for breakfast, the rest of the day yet to be determined. A good Kettlebell Kickboxing workout is on the agenda for today, as well as riding and doing homework...my next classes start Monday but we have been granted access already and I would like to have the first exam done by Friday.
    My doc was out of town until Tuesday, so will have to wait til then to discuss what's been going on.
  • StarLovesSky
    StarLovesSky Posts: 15 Member
    Been busy in the kitchen this eve & finally made the berry blast 'cookies'... They are so incredibly sweet!! I swapped out a banana for some pear, as I've loads I need to use up, but they don't seem very cookie-like but tasty nonetheless! I've also eaten my way through about a third of the aubergine almond bites... Need to remember to log all this once I've finished washing up! About to make some protein balls in prep for gym in the morning.., and this time I'm all signed up so actually have somewhere to go! What a numpty!!

    How has everyone else's day been? And I'm assuming that a Feb thread will be started imminently so we just continue on that thread instead...?

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,927 Member
    Hey ETL'ers! Hope you all are having a good weekend. Does anyone have inspiration for a February thread title? If you do start 'er up! I'll catch up more tomorrow.
  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    Welcome noexcuses. You made a great choice to go with ETL. I've been following it (some days more closely than others), and I feel so much better and more energetic.

    I've been having a bit of a flare-up the last few days so I have been leaving the food prep up to my husband. Not my best week, but it could be a lot worse. So glad for things like Amy's frozen meals and bagged salads. I remember when I was a kid if my mom went away on business, it was nothing but pizza and PB&J from dad, lol. I haven't been online for a few days either, so I may have to try to log the last few days from memory.

    You guys are eating really well this week, maybe I will try to copy some of your plans when I'm up and cooking again. I definitely want to try some of the recipes, like the cauliflower wings and berry explosion cookies.

    For those of you going sugar free, what exactly is it that you are cutting out? what kinds of foods are contributing to the added sugars in your diets?
  • JCN80
    JCN80 Posts: 29 Member
    Lia, I made the cauliflower wings today. Thanks for the recipe. They were really good and filled a craving :)

    I made a double recipe of berry explosion muffins on Friday, and my kids have already devoured about 80% of them!

    MakePeasNotWar, I hope you feel better.

    StarLovesSky, that aubergine recipe looks great. I'll have to try it soon.
  • liapr
    liapr Posts: 648 Member
    JCN, happy you enjoyed the cauli wings!! I'm happy I've found them since wings are one of the things I miss the most (and also one of the most unhealthy things I used to eat, I'm sure!).
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    liapr wrote: »
    JCN, happy you enjoyed the cauli wings!! I'm happy I've found them since wings are one of the things I miss the most (and also one of the most unhealthy things I used to eat, I'm sure!).
    Okay, all this raving, I'll be trying them this weekend.