MFP Calorie Counting



  • dillyg08
    dillyg08 Posts: 993 Member
    Way to go Astrae05! High 5!
  • dillyg08
    dillyg08 Posts: 993 Member
    Valentine's is over, back to business at hand. Hope you all had a good & enjoyable one.
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    dillyg08 wrote: »
    Way to go Astrae05! High 5!
    Thanks dillyg08! I def had setbacks this week and Valentines day did not help! Looking forward to getting some exercise minutes on the spread sheet! and NO JUNK FOOD this week!!! (No Sprite Zero either!)
  • dillyg08
    dillyg08 Posts: 993 Member
    Astraea05 wrote: »
    dillyg08 wrote: »
    Way to go Astrae05! High 5!
    Thanks dillyg08! I def had setbacks this week and Valentines day did not help! Looking forward to getting some exercise minutes on the spread sheet! and NO JUNK FOOD this week!!! (No Sprite Zero either!)

    You're welcome Astrea05*** Great choices for the week. Good luck!
  • julia_v1
    julia_v1 Posts: 187 Member
    Have a great week everyone :)
  • dillyg08
    dillyg08 Posts: 993 Member
    julia_v1 wrote: »
    Have a great week everyone :) [/quote

    Thanks Julia & same to you.
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hope everyone's week is going well. Will try to get some exercise in! Been better week for eating healthy! Made up a batch of steel cut oats and it does seem to help keep me satisfied! Still not getting in enough water. Find it hard to drink when it is cold outside. Will try some hot tea.. guess that counts. Sure learned my lesson not to drink Sprite Zero.. it really gave me sugar cravings...
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    Was checking out the exercise log! WOW! Lots of Minutes being added. If anyone needs a link here it is for round 5. Feeling like a bit of a slacker on our team!
  • dillyg08
    dillyg08 Posts: 993 Member
    Not doing so well. TOM is here and so too is my sweets cravings. Oh well, this too shall pass. Next week will be better.
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    dillyg08 wrote: »
    Not doing so well. TOM is here and so too is my sweets cravings. Oh well, this too shall pass. Next week will be better.
    That was always the only time I would crave chocolate and seems like I could eat every thing in the house and still not get satisfied until I had some chocolate. Someone told me it was because I was really needing magnesium that is found in chocolate. Not sure if all that is true. I Bought some raisins and blueberries to have on hand in sweet tooth emergencies. I used to buy one bar of the expensive chocolate and just try to eat a small amount to satisfy the sweet cravings and it worked really well until I just got in the habit of eating it when I really was not craving it! Also have tried I can't have the sweets til I exercise and sometimes I didn't feel like I needed the sweets after I exercised. I think it is ok to allow yourself something sweet just try to keep it all in moderation which can be hard to do TOM!
  • julia_v1
    julia_v1 Posts: 187 Member
    Sorry not been in here much lately - been a bit busy and super tired. Hate TOM - Just coming off my monthly visitor - my whole system goes into complete meltdown. I'd like to say I'm looking forward to the day it stops but not so sure how the next phase will be (sigh). Some months are better than others but sometimes there's no fighting it - you just have to be extra kind to yourself Dilly and sometimes answering what your body wants is better than ignoring it. It'll be over before you know it :) Hug xx That's interesting advice Astraea about the magnesium thank you, anything's worth a try - can't get any worse - right!!! - It would be so helpful if we came with an individual manual when we were born *LOL*. Now my energy has returned I've been mixing up my exercise as starting to think I don't have enough variety to maybe kick start the pound shift. So, as well as cycling and walking I've added some quick burst 15 min cardio, stretching and strength workouts to see how that mixes things up. Hoping I can shift something ready for our next weigh in.
  • julia_v1
    julia_v1 Posts: 187 Member
    edited February 2015
    Astraea - definitely try the hot tea if you're having trouble with water - not easy when it's cold. The herbal teas are much better these days so if you've not tried them in a while and want a rest from caffeine it's worth having a look - I can recommend my current favorite by Celestial Seasonings - Honey Vanilla Chamomile :) Hope you're all having a great weekend.
  • BuddhaMom74
    Sorry ladies - I'm up a bit for this weigh in :( I had my IUD replaced last week and I'm struggling with bloating and cravings :(, I'm just really struggling with this will not stop snowing and it's consistently been around - 25 degrees Celsius. I'm just really starting to feel the blah of this time of year.
    Gotta snap out if it though - leaving for the Dominican in 6 weeks!
  • julia_v1
    julia_v1 Posts: 187 Member
    Sorry ladies - I'm up a bit for this weigh in :( I had my IUD replaced last week and I'm struggling with bloating and cravings :(, I'm just really struggling with this will not stop snowing and it's consistently been around - 25 degrees Celsius. I'm just really starting to feel the blah of this time of year.
    Gotta snap out if it though - leaving for the Dominican in 6 weeks!

    Sorry to hear about your health issues you can only do your best under circumstances like that but you're still here with us so every little counts :). It's so tricky when it's cold too, body needs more fuel to keep warm so that's important too. You've done so well with this challenge and everything you have done is a wonderful achievement. This minor blip is only a wrinkle and you have a great vacation to focus on so keep that in your sights and keep going slowly and steadily.
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    Big Congrats to our very own julia with 522 fitness minutes of exercise to be crowned round 5 winner! Absolutely amazing!
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    julia_v1 wrote: »
    Astraea - definitely try the hot tea if you're having trouble with water - not easy when it's cold. The herbal teas are much better these days so if you've not tried them in a while and want a rest from caffeine it's worth having a look - I can recommend my current favorite by Celestial Seasonings - Honey Vanilla Chamomile :) Hope you're all having a great weekend.
    I have always been a big fan of Chamomile and the Honey Vanilla is amazing! Thanks for the great recommendation Julia!
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    Sorry ladies - I'm up a bit for this weigh in :( I had my IUD replaced last week and I'm struggling with bloating and cravings :(, I'm just really struggling with this will not stop snowing and it's consistently been around - 25 degrees Celsius. I'm just really starting to feel the blah of this time of year.
    Gotta snap out if it though - leaving for the Dominican in 6 weeks!
    I had an IUD once and really did not work out for me at all. Hope your body adjusts to it soon and bloating and cravi.ngs stop. I can really relate to the weather. It can def be a drag especially if the sun is not shining! I have been checking out the seed catalogs and planning my garden. Trying to find something to look forward to. Found a different Leslie Sansone video on youtube to mix things up a bit.
  • dillyg08
    dillyg08 Posts: 993 Member
    Great substitute choices. Thanks for sharing. Well, the challenge is almost over. I gotta change my attitude for the next one. Something gotta give.
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    Seems like this challenge really fast can't believe it is almost the end of Feb! Summer will be here before we know it! Hope to see all of you in the next challenge! My goals for this week are drinking more water and staying under my calorie count!
  • Astraea05
    Astraea05 Posts: 248 Member
    dillyg08 wrote: »
    Great substitute choices. Thanks for sharing. Well, the challenge is almost over. I gotta change my attitude for the next one. Something gotta give.

    I need to kick this in gear too. After my mouth heals I plan to get in a more regular exercise plan! My nephew is getting married in June and I need to find a dress to wear!