TurboFire 2015 Check In



  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Just completed 55EZ. Always a good workout. After I was finished I put in TF 60 for tomorrow morning. I haven't done that one in awhile so I'm already nervous. Have a great day MFP friends.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Julia, I still think they have less gravity on that stage!

    Diane, sounds like a workout indeed!

    Coach, if you can do 55, you definitely can do 60 :)

    Fire 55 completed today, tomorrow is Fire 45 and Thursday I am going to switch the core 20 for FIRE 60, my all time favorite.
  • amandaw9311
    Really slacked this weekend and didn't work out Saturday, Sunday or Monday. Picking it back up today though and doing Fire 45.
  • jms14letgo
    jms14letgo Posts: 138 Member
    Amy, I think you are right. Less gravity, spring boards... something!

    Fire 40 today. I did that and PiYO Drench... I'M POOPED! But I'm also very happy with myself for completing them.

    Keep up the good work everyone! I've noticed a couple people taking days off (myself included), it must be the weather or something. It doesn't matter though, most of you are into week 6, and have not missed many (if any) days at all... and that is AMAZING!
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Completed TF 60 this morning. First time I have done this workout in a very long time. I don't think I put the energy I needed to at first because I was apprehensive. Once I got going I enjoyed it. 4 fire drills and 2 finales. The finales flow very well. Only got lost a few times, so I feel good about it.

    Have a great hump day.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Fire 60 - "It's Tricky" haha ;)
    jms14letgo wrote: »
    Amy, I think you are right. Less gravity, spring boards... something!
    I even bought the Nike Air sneakers they all wear, I think they forgot to add the air to mine!
    jms14letgo wrote: »
    Fire 40 today. I did that and PiYO Drench... I'M POOPED! But I'm also very happy with myself for completing them.
    You should be proud of yourself!

    I am back in the right mindset now, no more Winter blahs, best way to beat it is to just DO it. Working out really does make me feel more alert.

    I am also noticing that I feel stronger, I like that!

    Fire 45 completed today, Fire 60 tomorrow (woo hoo).

    See you all in class ~ looks like we need to do a role call soon, lots of absentees lately.
  • jms14letgo
    jms14letgo Posts: 138 Member
    Fire 30 again today. I'm getting better at this one and am really starting to like it! Now that I know things switch up a lot I'm more prepared for it and follow along a lot better. Woot Woot!!

    I wonder if we are losing people or if they are just busy... Hopefully they are still going strong!

  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    I didn't have the energy to workout Monday night so I made it my rest day. I checked on the group last night and was motivated to press play. So I knocked out Fire 30. I will check in again after I finish my workout tonight. :)
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    Fire 55EZ is done and I didn't have anyone running circles around me or stealing my water :) I did have to yell go back to bed a couple of times which is hard to do with no voice.
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    That's awesome. Way to work.

    I'm excited to have completed 6 weeks of TF. I'm halfway to Spring Break. I did HIIT 20 this morning and Core 20. My lab absolutely thinks it's play time when I get on the floor.

    Keep posting and on to Week 7.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Great work Lexi, Julia and Coach!
    Fire 60 completed today, 6 weeks down!
  • jms14letgo
    jms14letgo Posts: 138 Member
    Today I just had abs and stretch 10 scheduled. So I skipped TF and did PiYo Drench instead. Piyo gives me way more of a core workout than TF abs does so I figured I would get my core work in and burn more calories this way. :)

    My motivation seems to have slipped out the window. I'm thinking I'll take new progress pics this weekend and put them up in my workout room. Hopefully this will get me going again.

    Coach I have a lab too! I have to shut her out of the room when I workout otherwise I get nothing done. She's just too cute and too persistent to ignore.

    See you all tomorrow!
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    Here we go! On to week 7. This morning's workout was great. I really feel like I'm putting more into each workout and can feel myself getting into shape.

    It's so good to get on here and see everyone's progress. There is no question that sometimes life gets in the way, but the support and encouragement I get here is priceless.

    Unfortunately for us our dogs were up and ready to go outside at 3 am. There were barking and carrying on so much we had to let them out. The good news was at 4:30 they left me alone and I was able to work out in peace.

    Have a great Friday the 13th.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Fire 55 Complete, on with week 7!

    My mind was not into it, I have the day off and was trying to figure out how to fit everything I want to get done in one day lol

    PiYo Drench sounds intense Julia!

    Coach, your dogs must have heard something irresistible out there!

  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    our dogs are crazy sometimes. When the deer come around they go nuts and the squirrels tease them like crazy.

    I hear PiYo is really intense. I've seen some of those moves and I think I would break in half.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    edited February 2015
    Fire 45 EZ today to earn my Valentines Day champagne, Happy Valentines day my friends <3<3<3

    I noticed for the first time today all the sweat on the floor of the gym! At the end of the video, during the cool down, check out the floor around the "class" it is wet!
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    coachreyes wrote: »
    I hear PiYo is really intense. I've seen some of those moves and I think I would break in half.

    Me too, I saw the ad for it. I was excited that Chalene had a new workout, but, it's too much for this old lady :s
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    I knocked out my workout this morning before my meeting. Three of my sons joined me for Fire 30 and I am pretty sure we sounded like a herd of elephants lol. This week has been pretty rough because I am fighting off a cold and took two rest days. Happy Valentine's Day!
  • awilliamslee784
    awilliamslee784 Posts: 177 Member
    I hope everyone is doing okay. (Still enjoying the Valentine's Day weekend based in the lack of activity in here ;) )I knocked out Core 20 in time for me to watch "The Walking Dead"
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    I'm back Lexi and yes I did enjoy my Valentine's Day weekend. I didn't do TF but I was able to walk on the beach and that is always fun.

    Back to reality today and really nailed TF 30. I am able to put forth so much more effort into this workout.

    I am looking forward to hearing from everyone again.