Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Yesterday started bad, turned out good. John had a bad morning and I was just on the verge of calling Billie and cancelling, but John said to go ahead and go, have a good time. I tried to get him to go with me, but he refused. I had a hard time leaving him, but I did and I think that was best. I had a great time with Billie and needed the time away from the house and from John's depression.

    Billie is suffering, more medical problems, but the new cane to help her up and down the stairs seemed to work well. It has a platform on it for her foot, so it decreases the height of the step by half and makes it easier to lift her leg onto the stair. After lunch, (we had chinese and both ordered cashew shrimp with pork fried rice, so good), we came back to her house and had a really nice visit with Kit and Harmony. I got to see baby Emily too and Kassie.

    anewstart22, Billie (NM user name was Billikit because she and her daughter Kit started NM together) was already a NM success story when I started NM. Like Granny, she was one of the oldest NM members. Both Billie and Granny will be 85 this year. At one point, Billie was using a wheelchair because of weight and medical problems. NutriMirror got her out of the wheelchair and later, she even got rid of the cane. With age, comes more health problems and Billie is now needing a walker to get around. In visiting with Kit, I mentioned that I'm now on MFP and she is too. Although she doesn't visit the message boards, she just comes on to log her food and exercise. She has a fitbit and likes it a lot, reminds her to keep moving. I told her that I NEED to start logging my food again. TODAY's the day, I've got to buckle down. I lost 30 pounds during chemo and I want to keep that off. Hopefully lose about 10 more pounds, but at the very least, maintain where I am.

    I taped Recipe Rehab this morning, good thing as John interrupted the show several times. I've learned that if I want to watch anything, I need to tape it so I can keep rewinding to catch the entire show. I tape two hours on Saturday mornings, 4 half hour shows, Lucky Dog, Pet Vet, Innovation Nation and then Recipe Rehab.

    My neighbor has cable and they plan to watch the "Kitty Bowl" tomorrow on the Hallmark channel instead of the Super Bowl. I'm sure we'll have the Super Bowl on, John will watch it on and off, probably sit down to watch the whole game and fall asleep in his favorite chair. I know Billie will be watching, she's a huge Seahawks fan.

    I plan to get an update email out to all my cousins. When I had doctors' appointments so often, my updates were about every other week. Now, it's been over a month, my last update was just before Christmas. Less doctors = less update news. But, I'm starting to get emails from them asking me how I'm doing.

    I guess that's it for now, see you later.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    I logged my breakfast, ham and eggs and banana bread. Used up more than half my calories for the day, but it was worth it.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Hey friends! I wasn't on much yesterday but I did a lot of exercise. I went to my water aerobics class, came home and deep cleaned the house and then after dinner rode my recumbent bike for 25 minutes. I tried to lift weights but I was so tired that I just stopped!

    I love when the house is clean--of course about 7 minutes after the boys came home it was messy again but I know it's clean under the mess!

    My hip is hurting today but I am going to ride the bike again tonight and hopefully it will be ok! Lately I have really been worried that I will need a hip replacement soon :(

    Ferris-- I love recipe rehab especially when they have what I consider regular food that they rehab! Glad that you and Billie got to get together :)

    Anew--glad that your sleeping is better!

    Aerobed--it's nice you can walk where you need to go!

    Marcie--feel better soon :)

    Anybody seen Tammy around?

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Did I call that puppy bowl? I'll be watching the Kitty Bowl, lol.

    I am currently watching animal planet about bears. Earlier it was puppies, a baby goat and a pig making friends.

    I have had some bad planning on dinner tonight. I went to the store to get the pumpkin I needed for the enchiladas and didn't check to see if I had cheese, and I don't. I think I will try making something else and just pick up the cheese tomorrow when I pick up my husband instead.

    Sannferris, I'm glad you had a great lunch and I hope that Billie can get some relief from the health problems. I remember the name Billikit on NM. Isn't it amazing what NM did for people? Glad you could watch your shows and great news on the long awaited medical update for family.

    Jlhawki, hope your hip gets to feeling better, I have an eliptical also and I like to ride that but right now it's shoved too fat back in the guest room to use it. :(

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, hope you are all well. I went to the farmer's market today and I now have lots of beautiful leafy greens all cleaned and ready to go laying out all over my counters. :)

    I also bought a beautiful cauliflower. We couldn't believe how much better the cauliflower tasted from the farmer's market last time I bought one so we had to get another one. I was pulling off all the leaves and decided to taste one before I threw them out and was amazed at how tasty they are. I am going to chop them up and add them to my chard and kale sauté.

    Marcie, hope you feel better. Major bummer about the traffic camera ticket!

    Sheryl, great that you are up for cutting hair, etc. Also very happy to hear that you and Billie were able to get together. I will be cheering on the Seahawks tomorrow on her behalf! :)

    Debora, I see you are keeping very busy as usual.

    Anew, so very happy to hear that you got some good sleep! That is awesome! It makes such a huge difference. It is such a bummer about the water. You just can't depend on anything these days.

    Tammy it is nice to see you posting every now and then.

    Judy Elaine, glad to see you checking in. I will be keeping your Feb 3 surgery in my prayers. Please keep us posted.

    Greasysgal, I sure hope you get the weight/calorie thing figured out. I was thinking that perhaps you are not eating enough calories. You may want to add a few more in and see how it goes. or maybe one day oh say, 1600 and the next 1400 or something like that???

    I'm going to go and call a former neighbor who is now in a senior home and see if she is up for a visit before I do some weekend cooking.

    Hello to anyone I may have missed. Have a great rest of your day!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited January 2015
    Isyvanek, the water is still an issue and the company has not called me back on it either. You would think they would jump on making sure things are ok with the customers when one calls about a problem. My husband and I talked briefly about getting a reverse osmosis system with a mineral cartridge. In my research I found a 7 stage reverse osmosis system with the mineral cartridige, I need the magnesium and calcium since I don't get enough from my diet.

    Here's the link


  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi everyone.

    I'm feelin a lot better today. When I got home from work yesterday Cisco and I took a long nap. That helped.

    Its a pretty day here. Lots of sunshine, but a bit too much wind. I just got back from running my errands and my hair looks like I just got out of bed!

    While I was out and about this morning I got gas, got my car washed, got some cat food at the pet store, went out to lunch at my fav vegetarian Vietnamese restaurant (pic below), browsed through an estate sale and bought a baking pan there, and got groceries.

    When Im done here I'll get started on the laundry and vacuum the house.

    We wound up not going out to dinner last night. Maybe tonight. We'll see. I have a Trader Joe's lasagne in the freezer, so maybe we'll have that. It takes about 80 minutes to bake that thing, so I'll have decide soon.

    Sheryl, I'm so glad you and Billie got to go out to lunch snd catch up. I'm sorry to hear she us suffering so much, and that John is struggling so much.

    Jannie, it sounds like you are doing great on the exercising! Good job! My house needs a deep cleaning too!

    Isabella, the cauliflower sounds good. I need to pick one up the next time I'm out and about. The farmers markets around here wont return for another couple months. :\

    Deborah, I hope you are having a relaxing day at home!

    Lunch out today...Vietnamese spring rolls with peanut sauce; sticky brown rice; veggies; grilled "chk'n". Really good:


    Have a great day everyone!

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited February 2015
    I am ready to pull my hair out...what little hair I have right now !!!!!

    I have spent the better part of today, less some interruptions by John, and stopping to wash a few dishes and send a few emails because I HAD to have a break, trying to log exercise. I had no problem at all logging food, but no luck at all with the exercise.

    Glad to see your comment Jannie, with the activities you have done, how do you log them? Or, do you log them? I went through the site and found no instructions. I went through everything I could find on YouTube and either the tutorials flat out stated that they don't use the exercise feature, because "it's no good", or the one that did show how to log...my page does not show the same thing.

    HELP, Please.

    Marcie, your lunch looks so good. I didn't even think to take a photo of our lunch yesterday. I'm just too ready to chow down to stop and take out my camera.
    I got gas in my car too, but didn't get it washed. Boy, it sure needs it, I should do something about that soon.

    Love cauliflower and since I'm on blood thinners and staying away from the greens, cauliflower is so good for me. Eliminating the greens really limits the veggies.

    anewstart22, I, too, am rooting for you regarding your water problem. Hope it gets resolved soon. I can't imagine not having fresh, tasty, water easily on hand. I am very fortunate that I'm very happy with mine right out of the tap.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    I did enjoy my day at home. It's nice to have the kitchen table cleared off and nothing on the floor to trip over. Worked on hubby's shower a little - it's pretty bad. Got the prize bag for Good News Club cleaned up and Sunday School material ready to take back. So knocked a few things off the list. It rained pretty much all day - very dreary so another reason I was glad to be inside. And now we have mud again so the roads will be messy tomorrow - hope it doesn't cool down too much and freeze.
    After talking about logging not being as fun, today was fun. I kept up as the day went along - still ate over my calories but it went more smoothly. Still prefer ounces to grams and more things are in grams but figuring that out too. So some good progress.

    Anewstart22, yay on the good sleeping nights. I've never had fennel - sounds interesting.

    Sheryl, so glad Friday turned out good and you got to spend some time with Billie. Glad the cane is a help but bummer on more medical problems. Cashew shrimp sounds yummy. Interesting that Recipe Rehab is on different days in different parts of the country. What is Innovation Nation about? I tape most everything I watch. Then I can pause, skip the ads and rewatch if needed. I'm sure your cousins will appreciate the update since I know we do.
    Yay on logging. Getting started is the hardest part.

    Jannie, way to go on the house. Sometimes we're the only ones that know we cleaned but it still is good to do. Take care of that hip. Wow, you do great with the exercise.
    When I talk about walking, it's just my exercise time. I drive everywhere since we live out in the country. I do try and not always park close to the store so I get extra steps in.
    Tammy's probably been busy at work. Maybe she'll have some time to pop in over the weekend.

    Isabella, would not think of using the cauliflower greens. Hey, staying busy keeps me out of mischief - ha.

    Anewstart22, that reverseosmosis looks like a good way to go. I'd like to do something - we have very hard water which is hard on the pipes but so far no go.

    Marcie, naps often help. Nice lunch.
    I think I'll fix me a cup of tea and then maybe I'll walk around the house some - I'm getting close to 5000 steps for the day so maybe I should push myself a bit.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good morning everyone, I will pick up my husband this afternoon and he will be home for a long while now. I went to bed around 7:00 last night and fought to stay in bed and finally was able to sleep again. My kitty is strangling me, I think she misses her daddy.

    Where is Pamela Ann and the others who I have missed posting?

    What I like about the NM crowd is that we all have an opinion and everyone respects those opinions and thoughts. I have ventured out into the big world of MFP and those people can be brutal with their opinions of your own opinion. There, we are not allowed our thoughts and opinions with respect, we are told we are wrong. I think I am going to stay right here in my perfect family and enjoy it. Sorry for ranting, I guess I need a place to land that doesn't raise my blood pressure, lol.

    arobed53, here is the link to the recipe for carmelized fennel, Ive never had it carmelized but have used it in the recipe for Lobster Bisque. That is a recipe for once of twice a year, it is really very good but not the best on the diet. I usually make it for special occasion of something and haven't made it in at least a year now.

    I did not care for the steeped fennel fronds though.


    I love you all, have a great day everyone.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Thanks, anewstart22, I love you too and it's so good to see you here everyday. I keep forgetting that you were from the San Diego area, I grew up in Pasadena, so we're both Southern California Girls. Glad you'll have your husband around for awhile. When John was flying, we both enjoyed the variety of schedule. He'd be gone 3-4 days in a row, giving me my private time and then, he'd be home for a week or so and he'd have his private time, during the day, while I was at work. Or, I could take time off and we'd do something fun together.

    Thanks, Marcie, for your help with the exercise logging. (She posted for me on the "tips" post). It's not easy, but I think I can handle it for now. I'm doing strength training with resistance bands and weights, but to my surprise, there was nothing like that listed in the already calculated exercises. I created my own exercise and am burning a whopping 30 calories. I can hardly wait to get back to mowing the lawn, that's in the database.

    Debora, Innovation Nation is a show about inventions and new technology filmed from the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan, and also features Thomas Edison's inventions from Menlo Park. Those two guys were "best buddies" back in the day. It's very interesting and highlights young inventors. The kids these days come up with some fascinating stuff.
    Our Pet Vet is Dr. Chris, out of Australia, (I'm in love with his accent and it doesn't hurt that he's a hunk and nice on the eyes). I imagine they may feature different vets in different parts of the country. It's great CBS Saturday morning, without cartoons. I guess cartoons are kind of a thing of the past, don't see much of that anymore. Maybe they all moved over to cable.

    No big plans today, like I said before, I'm sure we'll have the tv on during the Super Bowl, but I don't know how much John will watch. He most likely will get comfy in his favorite chair and fall asleep. I'll either hang around the computer, or finally get started on those taxes.

  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Ferris-- I just typed in water aerobics and it popped up. What kind of exercise are you doing? I would put in weight lifting for the resistance bands and see what comes up. You can always just adjust the minutes you do if it seems like too many calories burned or too few!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good afternoon everyone, I updated in the recipes about that sandwich, you know the one with pineapple in it? Yum, and I found a paninni grill on sale too. All the info is there in the recipes thread.

    arobed53, I am going to post this same link to the caramelized fennel in the recipes thread so I don't confuse you all on where the best place to find a recipe is. :)

    sannferris, I sure do miss my California. Hubby is home and safe in bed napping. I think I am so used to him napping daily that it relaxes me knowing he's in there.
    Weird, I know. :D

  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Sheryl-- they have don't have resistance bands but they do have barbells so that might work. Sorry you are having trouble with this!

    I am going to try a new recipe for the Superbowl. It's cheese sticks and doesn't seem too involved and I found it on Skinnytaste or Skinny kitchen. Hope they taste ok!

    Will check in soon--hope you all enjoy the game or whatever you are going to do :)
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Since I'm not watching the Super Bowl, I have time to sit and chat. We started out at 23 this morning and it has slowly gotten colder all day. It's down to 11 now. There were a few snow flurries and the puddles from yesterday are probably freezing but at least there's no moisture coming down. Church was good, I have some leftovers from dinner so have a few meals I won't have to cook. I might make stuffed pepper soup since there was quite a bit of rice left. Kids all left by 3 and it's been quiet since then. I have my list done, enjoyed my popcorn, set up to work on cutting boxtops for my oldest and listened to taped TV shows. I've been walking around the house every little while trying to get my total steps up for the day. I still haven't linked up with MFP - maybe this week.

    Anewstart22, glad your husband is home safe and sound. Even when hubby and I are both home, he spends a lot of time in the back of the house. We don't always have to be together - just nice to know where he is.
    I've been reading some posts too. There are a lot more people on MFP so you have a lot more opinions and some are more vocal. But there are still things I can learn there so will explore when I have time. Yes, we don't want to raise your blood pressure. This is still my favorite place.
    Thanks for the link. I've never seen fennel and don't know that I'll hunt to hard for it though. We probably aren't the most adventuresome people.

    Sheryl, I'll have to see if I can find Innovation Nation - sounds interesting. No big plans sounds relaxing to me. (I found it - also on Sunday morning so I'll check it out too).

    Anewstart22, cool on finding a panini grill on such a good sale and finding out the sandwich is delicious. I suppose when you make it on the grill you won't have to turn it. Hmmmm, would a grill like a George Foreman one do kind of the same thing? I'll go online and look at one when I get done here.

    Jannie, how did the cheese sticks turn out. I thought about making the layered dip yesterday and stopped myself since I'd have to eat it all since hubby doesn't like it. Not that I wouldn't have enjoyed it.

    Monday looks to be the usual - will be at home after I take Ava to speech so hope to get more done. I was able to knock off some jobs last week - so would like to do more so the list is not so long all the time. Sleep tight everyone.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    arobed53, it sounds so cold there, we had some rain the last couple of days but today was beautiful with a beautiful sun shining.

    Just be careful and try to stay away from any thread that looks like it might be controversial because it is guaranteed you will be roasted, lol. I appreciate that the forums on NM were so open to understanding me and my predicament of not eating enough. It was through all of you over there that I began to have an understanding of food and what I needed to do with it. I will be forever grateful to all of you for showing me the ropes and holding my hand along the way.

    I wasn't always adventurous with food either but one day my husband asked me to make him some Lobster Bisque for Valentines Day. So on the hunt I went and discovered that I really like Fennel. Another food I found I like are Leeks, just bought some more today to make some Leek and Potato Soup, it's so easy it takes about 30 minutes cooking and you have soup, really good soup eaten hot or cold.

    I don't know about a George Foreman Grill working for a paninni and I say that because I am not sure how the temps would work on bread. One thing I know about a Paninni Grill is the grill is designed to lift the top part so as not to smash the sandwich in the back.

    I think I need to make an appt to see the doctor, I have a pain in my left side abdomen and it is painful to stand up with walking a chore. It hit yesterday and today seems to be worse so I think I need to make that call. I don't know how soon I can get into the doctor though but I will try to get in a.s.a.p.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Arobed--the cheese sticks weren't that good :( I misread the recipe and didn't use the whole egg to dip them in. I thought since it was lower cal/fat etc, that the egg white would be ok. Lesson learned!

    The rest of the snacks were good especially the spicy pickles! They were prepackaged (so totally not healthy) but had a great taste :wink:
  • cthompson8083
    Hello all. I was reminded today that I had not been on in awhile. As most of you know, winter is the worst time of year since my surgery, and we have been getting wallopped her in pa. I FINALLY got some pain medication started, but it isn't working. My family dr. has been very helpful, and I will meet with her soon to start on a narcotic pain management plan. Its the last step. Its not something I want to do, but I really just can't live the way I am now. Its impossible to function. I have been relying more and more on my cane, and I am having to use a wheel chair every time I go out now. Depression has been horrible. I am on medication, but it doesn't seem to be helping much.

    I haven't been eating well, or much at all, and I can't sleep. The special recliner the hubband bought me had to go back. It was coming apart at the frame! we only had it a month! ugh!

    I am sorry for complaing, I know you all care so much, and I just wanted to let you all know that I am still sort of around :) I miss talking to you all more often.

    If anyone could help, I could use some ideas for easy meals. I can't really cook anymore, and when I am home alone, I haven't been eating.

    and sheryl, the reason that you see your posts on facebook the way you do is due to the settings. you can set it up to see the most recent posts, or the most popular. Default is most popular. If you need help with it, message me on fb and I can walk you through it.

    Again, I miss you all so much. I got spoiled having sheryl update you all on NM :) but we haven't been chatting much lately :( My fault.

    also, my granny is still hanging on. She has lasted longer than they thought she would, but she is on high doses of morphine and hydrocodone, and needs multiple breathing treatments a day. She is such an inspiration. With all the pain and knowing her life is at an end, she has the most amazing attitude. I strive to be like that.

    oh! and a young waitress at the diner we like to go to has asked me to teach her about opening a bakery :) that made me feel good.
  • cthompson8083
    oh, anew, formen grills have a floating hinge, just like a panini press :) I used to have one and made panains on it
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi everyone.

    Another weekend has flown by too quickly.

    Still feeling a little under the weather. Hope I'm not coming down with something. Just took it easy today and didnt do much.

    Dad got himself a new printer, so we removed the old one today. That thing was heavy. His new printer is copy machine and printer and has tons of special features. I dont have my own printer and just use his when I need it.

    Since it was Superbowl today I figured my party boy neighbor would be partying today, but they were pretty quiet. I watched a few minutes of the superbowl, and that was enough for me. I popped in during half time and wasnt impressed with Katy Perry's performance at all. I watched a little of the Puppy Bowl on the Animal Planet channel, but not a lot. Just didnt feel like watching TV today. Too bad that Billie's Seahawks didnt win.

    Anew, sorry you had a bad experience out on the main forum. There are just lots of members here with lots of differing viewpoints, which I dont mind. But some of them can get a little snarky and rude. I just turn a deaf ear to them. There are also a lot who are nice and respectful. I would recommend checking out the Recipe section. Not a lot of arguments there, and lots of great recipes shared.

    Christina, good to hear from you. I just hate that you are suffering so much. I hope they find something to bring you relief.

    Debora, 11 degrees, burrrrr! We got up to 70 today. We sure need some rain here.

    Sheryl, I'll have to look for Our Pet Vet. Sounds like something I'd enjoy.

    Jannie, I hope you and your boys enjoyed the game today!

    I finally baked off that Trader Joe's lasagna today. It is SO good, but the sodium is through the roof. This piece had 800 mg of sodium in it. Not something we eat often.


    Well, I guess I should get to bed. Cisco is laying on my lap looking sleepily up at me willing me to turn off the light so he can get some rest!

    Night everyone!