Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Wow EEEEEEEE Wow! :D

    Hey everyone we will be headed to California in May and I found a studio room with a small kitchenette in it. Yay! I am so excited, we will be driving so it will take about 3 days one way to get there if we both drive. We will stay 5 nights and then back home again. I am so excited my son is getting married. Yay! I think I am most happy that I can cook in my little room and not have to depend on the restaurants to feed us. I can also pack like I did for our anniversary trip last year and eat out very little. Yay!

    I am so excited and I feel a bit better tonight too. Still some pain but less than earlier today, so I am happy that whatever this is it is going away.

    arobed53, I am not sure where you find your notices on Facebook anymore since I haven't been on there for at least 3 years, lol. I believe it was somewhere up at the top of the page though.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    So, I have been perusing online to check out the things I would like to do and see while in San Diego. The flower fields unfortunately close on May 11th and I won't be there until the 13th. :(

    I wonder if I called and begged them if they would let me go anyway? I wonder if any of our NM folks would like to meet there, say the 14th? So, if anyone is interested I will give them a call and see if they would allow a special showing for us. It is $12.00 per adult entry fee and I am sure the vendors wouldn't be open. I think the gift shop might be open but it could be closed as well. The flower fields are so beautiful and I thought it was Tulips they grew but they are Tecolote® Giant Ranunculus.

    Here is the link if you want to see the beautiful flower fields. They aren't perfect pictures but you will get the meaning.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Yesterday did not go as planned, naturally, it never does. John's been talking about getting new batteries for the trucks for a long time, but hasn't done anything yet. Since he needs several, he thinks he can contact the distributor and get a deal, a quantity discount like he used to. Well, we can only find dealers now that will only sell at retail, so he put it off. When we went out to get the truck ready to go, the battery was low, even with having the trickle charger on it. Got the truck started, but scared that it would not start again if we were out and about. I did not want to be stranded at the gas station or the store, so we went and got the hay and came right home. We could leave the truck running while the guys loaded the hay and the place is only 3 miles up the road from us.

    I was hoping to talk John into stopping at one of my favorite places for lunch, but I opted out of that. Anyway, one new thing as we drove up the road. We have a bad, dangerous intersection getting from our little road onto a much busier road. It's still just a two lane road, but a lot more traffic. Yesterday, we saw "traffic revision" signs as we got to the intersection and the county put in a four-way stop. Yay, no more dodging traffic to try to get anywhere.

    I'm still talking John into that haircut and beard trim. Maybe today. I have a small window of opportunity each day. He gets up late (10-11 am) and by 2 in the afternoon, I'm too tired to do it, so I need to catch him about noon. This is just silliness.

    anewstart, congratulations on your upcoming trip. San Diego will be beautiful in May. Well, San Diego is beautiful any time of the year. Those flower fields are breath-taking, I can't imagine what it takes to keep that going.
    I'll bet Isabella and Carla would love to meet up for lunch or something.

    Marcie, I just love the picture in my head of Cisco napping with you. All cuddly and comfy...him, maybe not you so much, not if he's on your arm and you can't move.

    I checked FB to see if Elaine wrote anything about going home today. Nothing there, so maybe it's tomorrow. She said earlier that she thought it would be Thursday or Friday.

    Debora, I was going to tell you something and it just left my brain. I'll be back when I remember.

  • cthompson8083
    Hi arobed! I do indeed, sew with a hand needle :) I never learned to use a machine! I can make two or three dresses and a few skirts in a week as long as they are uncomplicated. I just made a maxi dress with a ribbon tie neckline I posted on fb :) that one only took about two hours even by hand! And, being plus size, I can make what I want, because a lot of styles for plus size just aren't cute, and I love wearing dresses. Sometimes I buy vintage sheets to make dresses or skirts, or I will buy a dowdy dress at the thrift store and rework it into something better. Its something I can work on at my leisure, and from my chair. unfortunately I am working on a 4 day headache and now the left side of my face has gone numb. ugh.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited February 2015
    IT HAPPENED!!!!! Twelve Noon, Pacific Standard Time, I cut John's hair and trimmed his beard. Stretched my arm to it's limit, but felt so good. John's in a hot shower now and we're both taking the rest of the day off.

    Christina, looking forward to seeing your dress. I saw the photo you posted of your mom's cat. I thought it was Obie, but I guess I'm wrong, unless Obie turned out to be your mom's cat.
    I'm praying that awful headache will go away soon. Your face going numb sounds extremely serious, I hope you have talked to the doctor.

    Oh Boy, a visit from you and Jason will be the highlight of my year. And, this should be a very good year, indeed.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Hey all! My youngest has been sick with a stomach thing and the MD even mentioned appendicitis :( I don't think that is what it is and am hoping he feels better soon, he has a lot of gastric issues so when he complains about something different, I get worried!

    Yeah Ferris! Glad John got the needed beard trim ;) Also happy that Granny at least responded to you.

    Christina--so sorry you are still having the unrelenting pain. I'm surprised you can sew since I would think bending your head to look down would hurt. Wish I had some suggestions to help you but sounds like you have tried all of the ones I would suggest!

    Anew--I hear San Diego is great! Hope you have a safe and fun trip!

    Marcie--am going to try to remember to get ingredients to make your granola bars.

    Arobed- glad you were able to go to the doctor with your sister, I'm sure she appreciated the support.

    Hope everyone gets to have a great TGIF tomorrow!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi everyone, I posted another recipe over on the recipe thread. This one was my Turkey burgers, they are yummy and I am making them tonight. I don't usually have bread with it but my hubby sure goes all the way with his burger, lol.

    I am feeling much better today and whatever this is feels like it's on it's last leg. I updated info on my room in California below to sannferris.


    I hope you find a set of batteries you need, we find it hard to get wholesale now as well. Have you tried to look online? I'm so glad you have a safe entry into the highway now.
    I emailed the Flower Fields to ask them if there was any possible way of seeing the fields when I get to California and haven't heard back yet. It would be great to meet others there or I could make lunch at my room.

    I scored even better, I found a Promo Code online for the room and went from a studio with a kitchen, living area and dining area to a 1 bedroom huge room with a full kitchen, living room and dining room. I have plenty of space to have family and friends over to my room. I love it, I get to cook for them too, I sure miss that. All this for only $1 more than I was paying for the tiny studio. Wow!


    Your dressmaking sounds great, I have a cousin that sews all the babies clothes by hand. I can remember her sewing a halloween costume for her daughter and it was a sunflower. It was very nice. I sure hope you can get relief from the headache and numbness in your face, I feel for you and I am glad you are coming here for support.


    Good job on the haircut and glad your arm could finish it out.


    Oh my, it seems the bug or something is hitting us all, I hope your son gets to feeling better soon. I am definitely going to have a lot of fun in California and I am already making plans.
  • cthompson8083
    Jhaki, I just hold the sewing up to eye level, or prop my arms up on something. My skull is fused to my neck, so I can't bend my head :)
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning.

    Some very sad news from my family, we lost my cousin John this past week. He's been fighting cancer for years. Winning the battle in one part of his body, and then, it hits him somewhere else. He was in remission for several years, but it came back, more fierce than ever. Lungs, liver, kidney and came through brain surgery in 2013. He was 74, but young at heart and still had so much to offer everyone. He had a highly technical mind, but could explain things, so a simple person like me could understand. I would equate him to our own Mike Ray, so smart, but patient, and with a heart of gold. I will miss his wisdom and especially his humor. He was a great story teller and would keep me mesmerized and laughing. He also would call me throughout this past year and boost me up regarding beating my cancer. I will miss him so much. His wife is devastated and leaning on my sister. My sister has been widowed for 9 years now, but still feels the pain of the loss. He also has a son who is married and has a son of his own. My heart is breaking that that little one will not have the chance to know his wonderful grandpa.

    Since I popped in yesterday mid-day to tell you about the haircut, I don't have too much else to say. (Except that John is extremely handsome again). It seems that we are only getting one thing done per day and then we're spent.

    Time to refill my mug.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member

    I am so saddened for your loss sannferris. John sounds like a wonderful human being to have known. May he rest in peace.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Thank you, anew.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi all,

    Been sick all week. Didnt go to work yesterday or today. Just huddling under the covers waiting for this to pass. And to top it off, Dad came down with it too. He thinks he caught the bug when he got his blood tested the last time. He said that waiting room was like a germ casserole. Who knows for sure though. Could have come from my office which can also beca germ casserole. Hes been doctoring himself with chicken noodle soup, oranges, and lots of tea with lemon. You know hes not feeling well when he uses lemon. He hates lemon.

    I need to go eat something, but I sure have no appetite. sick3.gif

    Since Ive been down, Ive been binge watching The Walking Dead series on Netflix. Im caught up to season 3. Really good series, but very gory! I didnt watch it on the first run because Im not big on gory, but it really is addicting.

    We are finally getting some rain today! Had lots of thunder today too. They say it will be stormy the next couple of days.

    Sheryl, Im so very sorry about your cousin John. It sounds like he was a really special person. :'(

    Jannie, I sure hope your youngest is feeling better. Too much sickness going right now!

    Anew and Christina, yay on your planned trips to CA!

    Hey to everyone else out there.

    I guess I'll go scrounge something up for lunch. I may just have a glass of Ovaltine and be done with it.

    Have a nice day everyone.

    A fun little post I started awhile ago.
  • cthompson8083
    mygnsac, hope you feel better soon. Sheryl, so sorry to hear about your cousin. You have been through so much already :(

    I fell about an hour ago on a solid sheet of ice. Landed flat on my back, and hit my head. Gave my self whiplash ( as much as possible with a fused neck) and hurt the elbow I broke last year. Im in an exorbinant amount of pain, so hubband is going to keep an eye on me, and I took a few pain pills. I will probably sleep in a recliner tonight. I have a bruise on my elbow already, and road rash across my shoulder blades. I am going to try to get some rest. On the bright side, my shoulder area is still numb from the nerve damage, and I can't feel the road rash, although I am sure tomorrow I will feel like death warmed over. I. HATE. WINTER...
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Cold the last few days, a little snow on Wednesday but today it got up to at least 50 and tomorrow is supposed to be warmer. Things sure jump around here. Thursday I went to our women's group at church. The speaker was good. I had to listen closely since my job is now to a write-up of our meeting for our church newsletter. Then I went with my sister to a diabetic meeting. The topic was exercise and the importance of walking 30 minutes a day 5 days a week (can do it in three 10 minute time or all at once) and the benefits. That what I try and do but it doesn't happen every day. I didn't learn much new but it was interesting. And we learned how to get signed up for some diabetes education classes so hopefully, my sister will do that and I'll tag along. Today I did my errands. I made it hope to heat up the soup for dinner. Then I've been able to work at home. I have met my goal so far of 5000 steps on the days I don't walk with my friends and 10000 the other day. Some of it involves circling my kitchen but it's a start. Tomorrow we plan to go to a grandson's basketball game and a used book sale. They have them about once a month but we're not sure it's worth it when the books aren't categorized but figured it was worth checking out since we're going in for the game. I just have to get food ready for the potluck but don't have to clean the house. In fact hubby has the dining room tables covered with books so he can start to box them up. I do want to get started on the 4-H calendar.

    Anewstart22, how exciting that you get to go to San Diego and found such a good deal on a room. Glad you're feeling better.
    I figured out where to find the facebook notices and I like getting them better with my email.

    Sheryl, yikes on the low battery. Glad you got the hay. Cool on a safer intersection. That's worth a lot.
    I see where Elaine got to go home and this knee is much less painful. Good thing she did them in this order. It will make getting ready for the cruise that much easier.

    Christina, your sewing amazes me. Little stitches and you do it so quickly. So neat.

    Sheryl, yay on the haircut and beard trim. I'm sure John likes it and proof of one more thing that you can do.

    Jannie, is your youngest better? It's never fun to have sick kids.

    Sheryl, so sorry to hear about your cousin. Is this the one that was walking a trail or something. Losing loved ones is hard. So glad there is good family support. My sister got all 4 of her grandkids after her husband passed away. It's tough.

    Oh my, Marcie, this bug or whatever has hit you hard and your dad too. Hope you are better soon so you can enjoy your weekend. You did put a fun post up. I read it all but didn't post. I posted on a post the other night and forgot to click the star and then could never find it again.

    Ouch, ouch, ouch, Christina. Now you have pain on top of your pain. I hope you heal quickly and stay inside until the ice is gone.

    I need to do my list for tomorrow and then maybe I'll browse some more posts - still figuring it all out - if it's not bedtime. Sure glad Marcie got here first and is so helpful. Sleep tight everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Oh, Christina, a fall on the ice is so dangerous. This is terrible. How are you feeling this morning? Do you have a lump on the back of your head? Praying that there is no lasting damage.

    Debora, yes, this is the cousin that was hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. He had to cancel the 2013 leg of the trip for his brain surgery. That was the portion that brought him to the Pacific Northwest and so my John and I picked up his hiking partner without him. He also couldn't hike last summer either due to the cancer, so we picked up his partner from the airport and dropped him off where we had picked him up the previous year and he continued hiking into Washington. This coming summer, he'll resume the hike and get to the Canada Border and he will have completed the entire Trail, from Mexico to Canada, in 11 years. (Some hikers trek right through and are on the trail for about 6 months straight, WOW).

    I just finished watching my Saturday morning addiction, Recipe Rehab. They redid Chile Relleno, one of my favorites. But, I'm not thrilled about either one of the rehabs. I think when I have that craving, I'll indulge in the original. When I make it here at home, my recipe doesn't have as much cheese as the family on tv had anyway.

    We have lots of rain and strong wind today. Tomorrow is forecast to be the same. Wind is the worst. I had planned to go shopping, but will probably wait until Monday now. I have PT on Monday and can shop on my way home. I am planning a trip to Trader Joe's, I haven't been there in so long. I got the Fearless Flyer in the mail and have it all marked up with what I want to try. Plus, all my regular favorites on my list. So, this weekend, we'll eat out of the freezer.

    OR, maybe we'll hear from our friends, the other John and his wife, and meet up for Mexican. (Maybe I'll get chile relleno...since I now have it on my mind). We haven't gotten together with them since I started treatment last July. I emailed them Thursday and mentioned we were ready to go out again, but no word back yet.

    Need to refill my mug...

  • cthompson8083
    Hi sheryl

    I don't think there is any lasting damage. I just feel like i was in a car accident today. My bum and head hurt pretty good, but nothing more than I am used to. I did email my surgeon, and he said as long as there is no swelling, and I feel alright, no need to go to the ER. I need to be bubble wrapped.

    Jason just went to pick up my new ( well, new to me) sewing desk. I found it on craigslist for 25$. and its solid wood! woo! I am going to put it in my parlor infront of the window so I can look out the window and watch the birds for awhile.

    we have a new feral cat, that puts us up to six out side. Whatever food they don't eat, the birds and squirrles eat. Its a hoot to watch. I can see them from my chair, so its nice to be able to atleast see the outside.

    Still freezing cold here!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hi everyone, today has been busy we went to breakfast with some friends and now friends want us to go to dinner for the prime rib at a place 50 miles from home, lol. Breakfast was 18 miles from home but you have to drive far to get a good meal. We have another place we really liked but have only been once because it's a 1 1/2 hour long drive.

    I went to the hairdresser for some fine tuning today and I am quite happy with how my hair is curling and laying on my head. It feels so much lighter now.

    I let my husband know I couldn't find my Past, Present and Future ring he gave me. We moved into this house in 2012 and I haven't been able to find it. Lo and behold he tells me, "It was in that plastic three drawer box we had in the bedroom of the RV". Wouldn't you know it the ring has been in my closet ever since and it was big and loose on my finger before and now I will need it sized because it is way too big. My fingers don't swell anymore and my wedding band held my Past Present and Future ring on my finger. I put it away because we lost my wedding band on our 2010 trip to California when it fell out of my purse at a gas station. We couldn't find it anywhere and think it fell into a drain. I was so bummed and I was bummed again that I couldn't find this ring and now I am happy! Just ask your husband where something is and he might just know the answer, lol. I feel so loved today.

    I got a call from the doctor and need to take a new antibiotic although I just finished the original one this morning. They said my cultures came back and it is different than they thought it was and changed the medication. Now they prescribed ciprofloxacin 500 mg twice a day for 5 days like the other one. I feel much better so wonder if I really need this antibiotic but the doctor wasn't in to talk to and I went ahead and picked it up at the pharmacy. I'll talk to the doctor on Monday.

    sannferris-I have been thinking about you and hope you had a good day today.

    mygnsac-sorry you fell terribly sick and your dad too and glad you had some rain. It's been nice today in the 70's but cold and lots of fog this morning and had to drive 18 miles for breakfast wtih friends. I never was able to get into the walking dead, I like suspense shows but that gore was just too much adn there are some really interesting things in peoples fridges, lol.

    cthompson8083-I am so sorry to hear about your new injuries, are you feeling better today? Congrats on your new to you sewing desk, it would be great to sit and watch the world go by while sewing.

    arobed53-Hope it warms up for you soon and the diabetic classes sound interesting because 1 and 2 run in my family but I am thankful not to have it.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi everyone. Nice to slip in and relax for a bit. I had a wonderful day. We headed out and went to the DAV Book Sale. We were there about 1 1/2 hours and hubby and I got 4 boxes of books and my sister got 1 box. Books were $.50 each so that was great - now hubby had to pack them up for shipping. From there we went to Jeremiah's basketball game. He played well. Then we went to McDonalds and I got a grilled onion cheddar burger. I like them. We went to Hobby Lobby and then picked Jeremiah from a birthday party. Lori gave us some packages to mail and we got a prescription for Emily. Then to another town and got my sisters prescription. Came home and fixed a salad for tomorrow, made gift tags for adoption gifts (superman them cause he was adopted too), fixed supper and some other odds and ends. It was fun to run around and not have to think about cleaning house (although I'll miss having the kids here tomorrow). I had forgotten I was supposed to work in the nursery tomorrow but was able to find a substitute.
    On my walk across America I'm making progress - more miles this week since I'm now counting all my steps (went in at all our stops today to get mine in) and am over 3/4 across America. So might make it in a year. :)
    Was making my salads tonight and thought about the detox salad Marcie posted and it used a food processor. I like my salads chopped so wonder if a food processor would help speed the process. I have one but it's in the basement cause of the mess to clean it but might try it out.

    Sheryl, did you get to see John in 2012 when they hiked close to you. So nice that you've been able to help his friend the last two years. I just finally finished the recipe rehab from last week. I don't think I could get by with either of the better versions but if I do homemade it's not as made as the one the family had. I don't think I've ever had chili relleno so that will be interesting. Sounds like you'll have a lot of fun at Trader Jo's.

    Christina, hope you recover from the fall quickly. I think they say the third day is often the worse so hope tomorrow speeds by. Cool on the sewing desk and fun activities outside the window. Since you sew by hand, is the desk for all your supplies. Sorry it's so cold there. We got up to 70 so shed our coats.

    Hello to everyone else. How's it going? Have a great Sunday.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    In my walk across America, I meant I'm at least 3/4 across Virginia.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good Morning, yesterday turned into a drier, calmer day, so I did do my shopping after all. No heavy rain or strong winds, just showers. I had a wonderful time at Trader Joe's, but it sure was crowded. I always say not to go on a Saturday, but there I was, contributing to the crowd. I even got a snide remark from a woman who thought I stuck my arm in front of her face. She was short and I reach above her head to pick up a bottle, I didn't think I was near her face at all. I apologized anyway.

    Anewstart, I know you are not on Facebook, and there may be others here also, so I'll give you an update on Elaine. She came home from the hospital Friday and is already doing so much better than after her first surgery. She's back on her RA meds already too, which I'm sure gives her relief from pain. She starts PT tomorrow, but anticipates that it will also be easier than the first time around. She said that after her first surgery, she told her therapists that she "hated" them every session. I can relate to that pain, however, I haven't used the "hate" word, I keep telling them to keep on going and stretching and pushing me. As long as I continue to see improvement, I want to keep going. I'm sure Elaine feels the same way. She wants to be ready to enjoy the trip with family next month.

    Spring is here, in a way. The ducks are head bobbing and vying for the male's attention. Yay! Bring on the eggs. We still have 5 females and 1 male, however, they are old and I think only 2 are still laying eggs. The chickens are old too, but at least 4 of the 7 are laying, however, not everyday anymore. I didn't get any eggs this winter, had to buy them from the store, what a difference. The geese have always given eggs only seasonally, they lay from about March til July.
    Spring is not here yet, in regards to yard work. Still all mud out there.

    Had a rude awakening this morning...as I was getting my jacket on to go feed the animals, I noticed that the door was open on the little freezer in the laundry room. It was already pretty full and I stuffed it with more from TJ's and it obviously popped back open when I was done. Now, there's heavy frost on everything and a few things felt softer, (fortunately, not totally thawed), so I took a lot out to the freezer in the barn and will plan to empty it out, unplug it, and defrost it today. This has been a great little freezer, I got it when I had my apartment in Long Beach, back in the late 70's, and it's still working for me.