Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good morning everyone, I had a great nights sleep and I am rearing to go. My abdomen doesn't hurt as badly today so I think I will wait until tomorrow to decide if I need a doctor or not. It was so nice to get up and make hubby breakfast and pack his lunch for him today. I sure missed doing that for him. I have a friend who doesn't understand why I would pack his lunch. Her question once was, "Why do you have to make his breakfast and pack his lunch?" My answer, "I don't have to, I want to" and she just did not understand, lol. Her thoughts on the matter are fend for yourself. To each his own, lol.


    I'm glad you came to the thread and I hope you can get some relief to the pain, I am so sorry you have to go through it all the time. Please try to connect with us as often as possible just so you know we are thinking of you and complain, all you want to. We are here for you.
    I make easy meals
    Do you like tuna? For lunch I make a salad using 1 low sodium tuna pouch with Romaine lettuce leaves, cherry tomatoes and 1 tbsp of mayonnaise. Once in a great while i will add a half pita or some kind of bread but mostly I just add some ground pepper and go to town.
    I also have smoothies often, they are easy to make but if your head is hurting it might be a bit much to run the blender.
    Plain greek yogurt, pineapple, honey and if I want extra protein I throw in a boiled egg.
    1/2 cup dry rolled oats and 2 tsp raisins cooked in the microwave with 1 cup of water. I usually have it with either 1/4 cup 2% milk or when I want to get really decadent I add 2 tbsp heavy whipping cream.
    Your granny sounds like an inspiration and with the possible training of a young girl to take on your trade sounds like a nice way to detour from everything else on your mind.
    It's good to know a foreman grill can be used for paninni's, I don't have one so I didn't know.


    I hope you get to feeling up to par soon and sounds like your dad is ready to print books with that new printer. Our neighbors have suddenly had just two cars in their driveway and they have been pretty quiet with the parties. A new family bought the house on the other side of them and are constantly fighting for parking in front of their own house.
    My husband turned the channel to the Super Bowl and I just decided to go to the bedroom and continue watching the Hallmark Channel and Animal Planet. The kitten bowl and the puppy bowl were both fun to watch. I like the kitten bowl much more than puppy bowl because those kitties are just too cute.
    I will look into the recipe threads and your lasagne looks really good.


    I don't know what Our Pet Vet is, we have cable and I have never seen it adverstised, it sounds interesting.
  • cthompson8083
    my hubband is a die hard patriots fan, so i had to spend most of the night in our bedroom lol. he tried to be quite but couldn't contain him self
  • cthompson8083
    and thank you for the food ideas <3
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, late morning, but it is still morning here. I'm not getting up real early like I used too. My sleeping patterns are screwed up. I'm in bed, but apparently not sleeping very well because I yawn all day long and feel sleepy. Not the fatigue like during chemo, but simply sleepy. John was having sleeping problems again and asked me to switch over to decaf to see if that would make a difference. I'm playing around, switching to see if decaf is what made me so sleepy. I made regular coffee all weekend and was still sleepy. So, my conclusion is that although I'm in bed all night, I'm not sleeping, too much coughing and waking up many times. Coffee has nothing to do with it.

    Quite some time ago, I think it was at the PBS post, I was asked if there's any treatment for the paralyzed larynx and the choking/coughing problem. I don't think I answered fully. The ENT specialist said that there's no treatment for the paralysis, but he could refer me to a therapist who would teach me how to "thicken all liquids" to prevent choking. I opted out of that...I can't see the point in drinking thick water. I'd rather just be careful and sip slowly. Plus, I choke on food too, not just liquids, so I'm not making any changes there. I mentioned that to my friend Carol and she said they had to do that for her mother in the nursing home and it was "Gross". I think I made the right decision.

    Christina, so good to see you this morning. Our not chatting so often is not your fault, I'm just as much to blame. I never feel like getting on the phone anymore. And, have even slowed down my emails. We both understand our situations and I know we're thinking of each other always, even though we don't talk often like we used to.
    Thanks for the tip about changing my FB settings, I'll play around with that. Or, I may chose to leave it alone, but at least I know now why the posts jump to the top and I'm not going crazy.
    I pray that the new meds will help with the pain. And, Spring comes early and you warm up. If I still lived in Southern California, I'd have you come stay with me. My mom says that they are "cold", but it's really nice and warm by our standards. Glad to hear that you still have your granny as inspiration. Attitude is Everything!!! I wish I could get that through my mom's head. She can depress the whole room in a moment with very few words.

    Marcie, John and I like TJ's Spinach Lasagna. Also in their frozen section, but in individual servings. (and only $1.99 each) One serving each, plus a salad makes the perfect meal. I just checked and it's pretty high in sodium too, but a little less than yours, 620 mg.

    I get overwhelm when I go to the message boards, thousands of posts, I don't know where to begin. I commented on one in the Women 50+ and over category and now I can't find it again. I'll browse the recipes though, I love recipes.

    I remembered to take a pork roast out of the freezer, so that's what I'll fix for dinner. With mashed potatoes and gravy, oh, how I love gravy.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited February 2015
    Everyone, if you find a post out in the main forums that you want to follow, be sure to click on the little star that is across from the title of the post (the star will turn gold colored) and that will bookmark it for you). Later when you want to see if there any new comments on that post, click on the star at the top of the page (its right next to the bell symbol). Those are your bookmarked posts. When you dont want to follow a post anymore, just click on the star across from the title again.
  • Judyelaine1952
    Judyelaine1952 Posts: 25 Member
    Haven't been here in a few days. I have to go back and catch up on 26 posts. Just stopping in to let people know my surgery is at 7:30 A.M. tomorrow. I guess I'll see y'all when I'm feeling well enough to get back on here.
  • jcsteele3
    Hi Peeps, LIVE & LEARN Had a post ready and wanted to check on earlier page...NOT! LOST THE COMMENT.
    I see the PBS/WC is alive and really well, 9 very long pages.
    Christina, good to see you.
    Sheryl, hope you can keep the swallowing under control.
    Marcie, being helpful as usual. Hope you, Dad & the PUP are well.
    JElaine, it's good to see your smiling face.
    I feel a bit guilty. Was watching the weather channel while Sue showered they were saying "Snow here & Snow there and Snow in another place" then, at the commercial the voice pops in and says "The temperature here is 79 degrees under partly cloudy skies..." "Snow, snow,,,

    Will post before I try to change pages. Hope you are all WELL & HAPPY.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi JC and Elaine. Glad you could pop in!

    Elaine, I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. I hope the surgery and recovery goes well!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hi everyone, decided to call the doctor anyway just to be on the safe side. I have Leukocytes in my urine so doc is sending it out to have it analyzed and he gave me some nitrofurantion to take in the meantime. That is some nasty drug, I can't believe all the side affects to look out for. I just hope this isn't a kidney problem and my husband just asked me if it had anything to do with the water. Ugh, I hope not.

    JC and Judyelaine1952, good to see you both here and Judy I will be thinking of you tomorrow please check in when you can.
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 200 Member
    Hello former NM Peeps otherwise known as MFP Peeps now. Well I haven't gotten through all 28 comments that I'm behind yet, okay I copied the starting of my comment and then went and skimmed through the rest of the pages.

    I see some faces that I haven't seen in a while. Ms. Christina it's so good to see you and JC as well. :) I hope all is well with the both of you.

    Been super busy with work and the hubby on the weekends that I found I either write down what I had for Friday night and Saturday eats, or try and remember what I ate. Which my brain forgets so it doesn't all make it on my food logs. Oh, well close enough is good enough.

    Congratulations Anew on your NSV at the store. I'm not much into flavored waters but thanks for thinking of me.

    Sheryl, thanks for the update about Billie and Granny both. I sure do miss them ladies.

    Well I better get going I need to figure out dinner and I'm drawing a complete blank.

    Stay Happy and a Healthy green, sending lots of (((HUGS))) to you all.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Waiting on hubby to get home so will chat with you all. He went to a local historical meeting where they were going to talk about all the one room schoolhouses that used to be in the area. We had a cold day - started out at 5 but it wasn't windy so not too bad when I had to get out. The sun shone beautifully so my living room was nice and warm with the big south window. I had Sunday leftovers for dinner and made stuffed pepper soup for supper.

    Anewstart22, you've made me hungry for potato soup now. If it stays cold, I might need another kind. Glad you didn't have as much pain today but glad you got things checked out.

    Jannie, bummer on the cheese sticks. At least you had other good stuff - spicy pickles - interesting.

    Christina, so nice to have you drop in. I can't imagine the pain you live with. Praying the pain management deal works. That's horrible on the recliner - will they replace it. And you can complain anytime. I have a friend who can't do much - partly cause he often has to use two canes so his wife gets as much ready for him as she can. He does a lot of tuna, hard boiled eggs. Beans on a tortilla with a little salsa.
    Your granny is a true fighter. I can tell it runs in the family. Cool on being able to help the waitress.
    That for the info on the grill. I'll have to try one soon. I have two grills for when I use them on Sundays when I do hamburgers.

    Marcie, how did it go with work with not feeing okay. Enjoy the new printer. We had 70 degrees last week so we've had extremes both ways.

    Anewstart22, I do most of the food for my husband. The kitchen is not his place and he does a lot of other things. He does do his own breakfast though - bread and cheese. We each choose what we want to do.
    IF you only use a part of JudyElaine1952, she prefers Elaine.

    Sheryl, restless sleep would leave you tired. I have no idea how to change that. Is there anything you can take so you don't cough so much or would raising the head of the bed help. My dad had to have things thickened his last month and they never looked that good to me but be careful when eating. I know you are. Your supper sounds yummy.

    Elaine, thanks for giving us the time on the surgery. Praying it goes well.

    JC, how goes the sketching? Is your fitbit encouraging you to move more? I'm trying to push myself a bit more now. Did a lot of walking around the house today to get my steps in.

    Tammy, good to see you. Hey, you do what you can with your food when you are super busy. What did you decide to eat.

    For those of you with smart phones, a friend was telling me about an ap where she tracks her steps. Of course you have to have the phone with you but the ap is free so might be worth a try. It's called Pacer. There are probably others too.

    Well, hubby just got home. He really enjoyed the program so was glad he went. Will head for bed now. List is ready so we'll see how well I get up and get busy. Sleep tight.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Not too much to say this morning, it's raining and dreary.

    I posted a link if you'd like to send Elaine a card. I'll put it here also.


    Judy Truesdell
    room 352

    I'll see if I can post this on the NM Family Facebook page...my first attempt to putting anything on FB other than a short comment.
  • Pam_Ray
    I'm here! Going to Indianapolis tomorrow! it's cold out there!
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 200 Member
    Thanks Sheryl I'll get my card sent this afternoon.

    Hi Pam so glad that you stopped in. Be careful on your trip and stay warm... Buurrrrrr it's cold up there. :#
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning, cold here. So glad my friend and I are able to watch inside. We can make a big circle in our church. This week I've let the fitbit challenge me. So over 5000 steps on the days I don't walk and 10,000 when I did. I know others walk much more but it's a start. Good News Club went well but was a bit different because of the foster kids that came with one teacher. Evening was quiet but I was very busy sorting and counting boxtops for Lori as I found out the deadline is THIS week. Oh well, then I can move on to another project sooner. This afternoon I'm going to an appointment with my sister and then I'll be off to watch Emily.
    Learned about a third young person with kidney problems. Preparing to start dialysis as the kidney given him over 10 years ago is starting to fail.

    Sheryl, thanks for the info on Elaine and you did great putting it on Facebook.

    Pam, happy travels. Hope there's not too much snow for you.

    Tammy, don't work too hard.

    Hi to everyone else. Have a great Wednesday. Time to head out to walk.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I actually got up earlier this morning, but got caught up at Facebook. Now, I have a new addiction. I usually glance over email, delete all the spam, and then come here. Now, my email is primarily notification of new FB comments, so I go over there to read them and time goes by. I've got my coffee and the heater on my feet, so I'm comfortable.

    I sent Granny the link to the Cheer Cards and got a reply of "Thanks". That's a start. I've been emailing her about every other day, just to keep in touch and I thought she'd come around, but sadly, she rarely responds. I think she's in full-blown depression. I thought of contacting G-ma, but she's so touchy about things, I'm not sure what to say.

    Today should be the driest day of the week, so it's time to get the big truck out and get a load of hay. Perfect timing since what's left on the truck right now is just what I need for today's feeding and then the truck is empty. I'll check the gas gauge too, since fuel is cheaper, it's time to fill up both tanks.

    I got laundry done yesterday, everything including stripping the bed and washing sheets. I never knew I'd be so happy about doing that. But, I am, thrilled that I am that much better. I am so thankful for the progress I've made and am still making. I am so anxious for Spring and see how much yard work I can do this year.

    My hair is cracking me up. It's growing, but just getting curlier and curlier and still looks very short. I'm going to look like "Pat" a character from SNL from years ago.

    Irony = after months and months of being a slob in the kitchen, dirty dishes in the sink, sometimes even food left on the counter, I now clean up after myself and put things away and we discovered little teeny tiny ants crawling all over the kitchen counter yesterday. As Sylvia would say, "Ay yai yai".

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good morning everyone, I spent the last day and a half in bed but came here to log my food and decide what I was eating since my pain was leading me in different directions. I thought I was getting better when I went to the doctor but the pain came back ten fold that night. I finally decided on making some Leek and Potato soup for dinner last night and asked my husband to pick up some Popeye's Chicken. It still hurts to laugh and cough but I think the pain might be getting better and the heating pad is helping when I use it.

    Isn't it great we learned from the Rays that close enough is good enough? I like that because it takes the pressure off being perfect in our pursuit of good health.

    I love historical homes and learning about the areas I live in and visit. It makes me feel like I belong there now. I'll post my Leek and Potato soup recipe in the Recipes thread mygnsac started and thanks for helping me out on Elaine wanting me to use that name. Thank you for the information on the Ap for my phone I'll have to take a look at it.

    We've had rain the last couple of days here too and thanks I'll send elaine a card.

    Hi Pam, glad you came by, I wish you a safe and warm trip.

    Good work on your fitbit. You collect box tops? Is it really worth all that? I have always wondered what it took to get school equipment with those. My grandmother had her kidney replaced and they told her it would last only 5 years, 25 years later she was still using th same kidney and died of colon cancer. I hope this young man can get a kidney that will last a long while.

    when I was on Facebook I turned off the emails letting me know I had a new post to see, it was too time consuming, lol. Coffee or tea and a heater sounds nice and comfy, I can already imagine you sitting there at the table. I'm glad you are getting so much great progress in your activities. I know the "Pat" character, lol. I am sure you will be so cute with all that curly hair but of course I like curly hair. We have ants that come in the bathroom when it rains hard too, my husband found their entry and fixed it.

    Have a great day everyone, I am headed over to send a card to Elaine and to post my Leek and Potato soup over in Recipes.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good (nearly) afternoon everyone.

    I took the last couple days off work because I wasn't feeling well. Feeling some better today and came on in to work. I slept a lot yesterday, and hardly slept at all last night. I'll be ready to crawl in bed early tonight probably, unless I catch a second wind.

    Cisco slept with me all day yesterday. Every now and then he would get up to pester Dad for something, but then would come back to bed with me. That dog sure is a good little sleeper.

    It's going to get warm today (well, warm for February). Will probably hit 70 degrees. They say we will be getting some rain starting tomorrow night and through the weekend. I hope so. We need it badly.

    Sheryl, I'm so happy to hear you are able to do more and more around the house and property. Just think how much you have progressed since this time last year!! I remember "Pat" from SNL too. Length will come in time. My friend cut off all of her hair a year ago last November to support her sister who was going through chemo, and her hair is her usual medium length and flowing again now (and her sister kicked the cancer to the curb). I'm glad to hear you are staying in touch with Granny. I sure wished she would get her vim and vigor back.

    Anew, I hope you are feeling better today. That recipe sounds yummy. I've never made anything with leeks before. Will have to give a try one of these days. I don't have email notifications to Facebook either. Would drive me crazy! I just go there and see if the top of the page shows there are new comments.

    I better close. They are about to restart our internet proxy at work (it's been real slow today) and they are taking the web down for a while.

    Hey to everyone else out there!

    Have a wonderful day.

  • cthompson8083
    Hi all. I haven't slept in about 3 days now. My pain pills aren't working. I emailed my dr. She is going to work with me. I took 6 pain pills today, and all it did was make me feel ill.

    I sent elaine a card :) I hope she has a speedy recovery. It was a little warmer today, so the hubband snuck home and took me for a sushi lunch date so I could get out of the house :) It was really nice. I wish I had something better to contribute to the conversation! But I like reading what you all right :) I am meeting with my young lady on tuesday. I talked with her today, and she brought of the subject of me coming in as a partner on her bakery, but I don't think I can handle that. I miss it terribly, but I also don't want to take on something I can't commit to.

    The hubband and my's anniversery is the 18th, we will be married 8 years! So hard to believe! Hubbands birthday is the 21st. He has been in desperate need of a new computer, so I saved up and got him a new Acer laptop for his birthday/anniversery/christmas lol. He loves it :) as a surprise, there is a shop on etsy that makes wooden greeting cards! so I had a special wood card made for him. It is only like 5$ I think, and you can order a plate stand to go with it. I just wanted to do something creative. I have been trying to focus my attention on other things than pain, so I made two new dresses this week. I found gorgeous fabric on clearance at hancock and made a ribbon tied maxi dress, and the other is a bright salmon polyblend, with a flower trim and eyelet. They are both super cute! It keeps me busy, and since I don't use a sewing machine, I can sit where ever I can get comfortable and work on it.. ( that is, when the cat doesn't steal my trim and run off with it...)

    I hope you are all doing well. Talking to all of you really helps me keep my depression under control. You all are always so friendly and positive. You don't know how much that is appreciated!


    Jason and I are going to try to take a vacation later this year, and we are hoping to come by and see you!

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, I spent the morning at home and then headed for town. Hubby had gone in to get his hearing aid checked so we met at the thrift store and ended up with a box of books. Then I met my sister and went with her to the diabetes doctor. She's doing pretty well. Still working toward not having to use insulin. She found out she has some neuropathy which surprised her. Since he checked out her feet I got to see how it looks with a missing toe. Not all that noticeable. I did a couple of errands, picked up supper at Wendy's (got my senior discount) and went to Lori's. It was snowing then and blowing so they decided to cancel church. It didn't end up being bad at all but I don't mind them erring on the side of caution. So I got to drive home in the daylight.
    Since I was home and hadn't planned to be, I got two things taken care of. One you might notice - I got my profile picture up and I also connected my fitbit. I actually got my list done before I left. Lindsey (daughter-in-law) called and let us know they finally got the date to finalize their son's adoption so have that to go to next Monday. Doing a happy dance for that.

    Sheryl, cool that you got a reply from Granny. So fun to hear you talk about things like getting the truck out again. And all the housework. Getting the tanks filled while the price is down sounds smart. I noticed we jumped up to $2.09 today but that's still not too bad. Ants aren't particular - clean or not, they show up. :) Glad you're enjoying facebook.

    Anewstart22, I'd missed you. Sorry you weren't feeling well. Glad the pain isn't quite as bad.
    I don't get that many boxtops myself but I take care of them for one school where my niece is the secretary and for my oldest daughter who does different trades to get them. The ones I took back to Lori will get the school $200.00. Being worth $.10 each adds up and I enjoy the cutting and getting them ready. Campbell labels don't have as much value but they help get little things and schools can use it all anymore.
    Cool that your grandmother's kidney added so long. I sure thought they had a longer lifespan.
    I like getting the email notices. I don't have to hunt to the post on facebook as much then. So nice that we have choices. I'll have to see if I can fine the notices at the top of the page that Marcie mentioned.

    Marcie, sounds like there might be something going around :) with both you and Anewstart22 under the weather. Hope I don't catch anything. Funny that Cisco slept all day too.

    Christina, sorry for the pain. Cool on getting out for lunch. The wooden greeting card sounds neat. Are you saying you sew by hand. That's not easy to do - although I do know another person who sews that way. You are really fast if you did two dresses in one week. Love having you pop in. You keep my spirits up when I see how much you do even when you don't feel great.
    It would so cool if you get to go visit Sheryl.

    The evening is going fast. But it's been nice to be here - I would have worked a lot harder at Lori's. Hope everyone sleeps okay (especially you Marcie). Good night.