Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good afternoon, taking some time to chat with you before I head out. I need to stop at the middle school, then getting a haircut and then off to babysit. I have a sore heel today - was fine during our walking time but not pushing things now. I wonder if walking around in my Sunday shoes on Sunday (they are flats) is part of the problem. It will get better. The sun is out some today but it is not warming up - just hanging around at 35. I have my long underwear back on for the day. :)

    Sheryl, I watched the chili relleno show today. The rehabs were way too much work but not a dish for me anyway. Some things I'd rather have occasionally the old way. Then I watched the Innovation Nation - really enjoyed it.
    The "release" of the scapula sounds very painful. Are you doing better. I don't remember refrigerators that locked. Lori bought something that was supposed to keep her freezer shut but it broke very quickly.
    Glad you enjoyed the Mexican with your friends.

    Marcie, how nice to have a nice new neighbor. Do the two of you work in the same building? I'll bet you had fun cuddling Cisco last night. I chop the greens for my salads too. Who knows, maybe it doesn't take as long as I think. Thanks for sharing the flowers. Beautiful.

    Sheryl, you are so beautiful. Maybe the curly hair will be easy care. I like the wig too. I just like however you look.

    When I'm home just half a day, I just get a good start on things and then leave. Tomorrow I don't have to go out till evening so we'll see if that helps. I'm watching Alan's kids Friday evening so will have to pick up my projects. I curious to see their new dining room table. I fixed up a 10 foot portion of a bowling alley lane and then Alan made benches for the two long sides. Okay, I'm off. Have a great day. Everyone stay well and no falls allowed.
  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 200 Member
    Lunch Time!!!!! Fried up chicken last Saturday for dinner, now I'm having a cold chicken sandwich. Sitting here at work, was reading someone's question if there was a food that burned fat. I read many response and they were not being very nice in my opinion. I realizes that there is not just one type of food that will burn fat, but a combination of different type of healthy wholesome foods will help with the metabolism to burn fat. Not one of those people commenting made mention of this.

    These folks apparently do not understand about eating healthy and being in balance, at least this is my take on what I was reading. It was like all they could say was burn more calories, eat less and you will lose the fat. Well, that is partly true but they did not offer up the rest of the equation.

    Maybe I should have left a comment, there may have been at least one person who would get it.

    I still miss my NM!!!! :'(
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    You'll see lots of that in the main forum. Lots of members, lots of opinions, lots of snarky people, lots of considerate people, etc.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good Afternoon...I finally made it over here. The computer is acting up again. I made a comment on Facebook and it went down, got it back, tried to send an email and it went down, got it back up again, got the email sent and it went down. Tried to get here several times before now and the computer would not respond. Augh!!!!!!

    I'll make this quick before I lose it again.

    Marcie, I am still planning on completing the inventory to get a dollar value and sell all the stuff, BUT FIRST...there are tax returns to be done. It's always something. I feel good though and believe I can get it all done in the next few months.

    I need help in regards to responding to members here who comment on status. If I add a comment to the person who has clicked "like" to my logging so many days in a row, does it automatically go back to them? Or, do I need to click on their page and send a message to them?
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good afternoon everyone. It has been busy the last few days. I have been far away from home each day and exhausted by the time I get home including today. Tomorrow I have to go back to the big town again. I hope this travel ends soon. Our weather has been really good lately with some rain but mostly sunny clear skies. The days are in the 70's and the nights around the 50's. My kind of weather. :D

    I have some time to post so thought I would get it done now. I have been reading all the posts here but when I am not in the mindset to post it is best I stay silent because I don't want to be a debbie downer, lol.

    I feel better from the first rx and don't know if I really need the other but I figured I would keep it on hand in case I start feeling bad again.


    Great job on your walk across america and your nice book find.


    I liked Trader Joes shopping and sure miss that. I am excited to make a trip there when we get to California in May.

    I have come to realize that most people just want to complain about something they perceived as a slight to them even though there isn't one. I have one of the those faces that makes me look mad or just plain unhappy when I am not smiling. It isn't normally the case but it happens and people can take it wrong and just either avoid me or give me a rude look back, or even commmenting about it. I finally realized why I felt to pushed aside when I am in a group setting. I am not mad or angry but some people think I am so I try to smile as much as possible to avoid it.

    Thank you for the update on Elaine, I am glad she is doing well and your success is great too. I love fresh eggs and hope you didn't lose too much from the freezer.


    Were you able to get some meds to help with the pain? Your meatball recipe sounds good, I will try it.


    I am glad you are feeling better now and I don't do roofs either. Your breakfast looks good, I had the same thing that day, lol. Where do you get the plastic tubes for your rings? I am sorry to see so few people here too but it is nice to get to connect to some of you.


    Wow, I still can't get over how busy you are. Glad all is going well for you. How did your haircut go? I wish I could help you with translation.


    Sure glad you got the scapula release how are you feeling now? I didn't know you could get such a big omelet from goose eggs.


    Your new neighbor sounds great. Its nice to have neighbors to chat with. We have one with a couple of young sons who are very polite making it nice to chat with them. Sometimes they help me in the garden. I hope Cisco liked his bath and you picture is gorgeous. Hope you can get traffic school out of the way.


    I'm with you it is hard not to want to succumb to those ads that pop up. I am thankful there aren't any Baskin Robbins here.
    How did labs go?


    I have seen a lot of that in the forums and decided to try staying in the recipes section so as not to be roasted, lol. I miss NM as well and all the people there. I did find a group I joined too, it is the "Eat More to Weigh Less" group. I was roasted when I responded to a thread for a gal who was struggling to eat 1000 calories per day. When I told her I understood and that I learned that I had to eat more as well it blew up in my face. This is what I liked about NM, I was respected and given ideas on how to learn to eat more food so I could lose the weight. Guess what? I have now gained 5 pounds because I have been so busy that I am not eating again and on top of that I had a day there that went way over my calories too. I wish I could just wish it all away sometimes.


  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Hey all! Just popping in to say "hi" for a quick second. My youngest son turns 13 tomorrow so I have been cleaning and getting groceries for his bday dinner. He's the one who was sick last week--turns out he was very close to having a bowel obstruction. With a lot of daily miralax he is much better! I am sure it was his iron pills (he has restless leg syndrome) so for now he is off those.

    I am enjoying reading the PBS comments but don't always have comments mostly because I do the same things over and over again :)

    Sheryl- love your hair either way

    Marcie--glad you are better and the recipes look good!

    Tspindor--good to see you!

    Christina-- sad to hear that you still suffer so much!

    Aerobed--stretch that heel out and do the little circle motions to loosen it up! Foot pain is the worse!

    Anew--could you send some of those 70's up here? It was 22 as a high here :(

    Talk to you all after the big birthday weekend!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    sannferris wrote: »
    I need help in regards to responding to members here who comment on status. If I add a comment to the person who has clicked "like" to my logging so many days in a row, does it automatically go back to them? Or, do I need to click on their page and send a message to them?

    Sheryl, as long as they have their Email Settings set to receive an email when someone comments on their status, they will receive an email telling them you have made comment. Example below...


    If they don't have it set up to receive those emails, they will only know if they go in to MFP and check their status entry to see if anyone has commented on or liked that status, or if you send them a PM (personal message).

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all.

    Got home from work and Dad told me he needed me to take him to the hospital. Apparently he's been having heartburn for a few days (first I'm hearing about it) and his cardiologist wants him to get an EKG. He wanted to get something to eat first, so we stopped at the Spaghetti Factory on the way to the hospital. I know its not too bad since he had an appetite. Hes getting his test now and I'm waiting outside in the car. That waiting room is packed with people with the flu, and I'm keeping my distance. The nurses are all wearing masks to protect themselves.

    As soon as they finish the test we'll go on home, unless they find a problem. Keeping everything crossed that he's ok.

    I'll check back in later.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Popping in to say 'hi". Marcie, hope you get to go home soon and leave the germs behind.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    I'm home, but had to leave Dad there. They didnt like the EKG results, so they took him to the emergency room for more tests, and a few minutes ago they put him in a room for the night. Hopefully he gets to come home tomorrow. I hate this so much. Its been 2 years since he was last in the hospital when they put that stent in.

    Got home and took Cisco for a walk. Poor little guy was stuck in the house for 5 hours and had to go to the bathroom.

    This is a different hospital this time, and it takes nearly an hour to drive there. That emergency room was packed with people with the flu. I sure hope Dad doesnt catch it. Thats the last thing he needs.

    I'm pooped and worried. :(

    Have a nice night everyone.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    So sorry to hear about your dad mygnsac and I hope and pray he comes home today. That is a scary thing you are describing.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Thanks Anew.

    He's still there waiting for the tests to start. He told me to hold off coming there till they get started with the tests. He had a long night. They didn't get him settled in his room until 3 am.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, and I pray that it's a very good morning for Dad. Marcie, you must be going out of your mind, maybe you have already left to go pick him up, I hope so.

    Yesterday was PT day and they wore me out. I now have another exercise to do at home, to stretch my arm behind my back. Ouch! After I fixed something for John and I to eat, we both sat in our favorite chairs and fell asleep.

    Thanks for another tip on how to best use this site, Marcie. I got a response from Jess, and it looks like she got my message both ways that I sent it.

    I think I'm ready to try the walking tapes again, when I get short of breath, I'll take breaks in between.

    No plans today, I see basketball on the tv schedule, so John will probably watch a little of that.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Marcie, sorry your dad had to spend the night. Hope the tests show nothing and you get to bring him home. I'm home from 4-H Days and need to make my salad so can do some errands with hubby. Happy Valentine's Day to each one of you. Love you all.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Home for the night and since no kids are coming here tomorrow, it's not too hectic. I enjoyed having Thursday and Friday at home. I always get to mark some things off the list but always seem to have more to put on. It's ever ending but a couple of long term ones have had some big chunks taken care of. I didn't have anyone going with me Thursday evening so hubby decided to go along and I enjoyed a whopper meal - it's been a long time since I've had one. We had a coupon so....
    Friday evening we babysat for Alan. The kids ate one pizza between them. And applesauce goes over well. They were here about 4 hours. We made butterfly valentines for them to take home. I had another craft but it didn't happen. They were tired at the end so we put in a DVD and some rested and some played quietly.
    Today was an event called 4-H Days. My job is to sit at the front table and direct people if they don't know where to go. I help with pickle power and hand out the thank yous when kids are done. This evening used to take two days. A few years ago, it went down to one day and now we do it all in a half day. Afterwards I finished up my errands. When I got home, I fixed a pineapple/strawberry salad for the meal at church tomorrow, caught up on the dishes and then hubby and I headed out. He wanted to do something for the day. We went to a used bookstore and got a big box of books, we went to a tool store and got a few things and then had grilled chicken sandwiches at chick-fil-a. It was busy but not crowded.
    Tomorrow is church - our interim pastor came back to pack up his stuff and will give one last message and then we'll have a farewell dinner. We miss him but understand why he resigned.

    Hi, Tammy. Yes, you should have left a comment. They need sane talk. But who knows how they would have responded. I make a few comments but not many. We were just spoiled at NM.

    Marcie, you're right - many types of people. But that's how it is in life. No update on your dad. Will keep waiting. Hope you like the hospital okay. An hour is a good drive. I understand about the 3am settled in the room time. That's never a fast process but not fun for the person.

    Sheryl, glad you feeling good enough to start thinking of getting back to the inventory. That's a huge job. Doing taxes first is smart. I need to get the rest of my stuff to our tax person. I'm glad I don't have to do them.

    Anewstart22, it is tiring when you are gone every day. Pop in when it works for you. Glad you are feeling better. Glad you know why people avoid you so you don't take it wrong. Smiling is good to do anyway.
    Haircut went fine. It was interesting and did take more time since a teacher had to check on her at different steps. I didn't explain part of it well but it works. I like how she did my bangs. My cow lick isn't showing up as much. I didn't realize that was why my bangs were doing what they do. :)

    Jannie, Happy Birthday dinner to your son. Two teenagers now. Wow. What did you have for his dinner? I don't mind hearing about the same things over and over.
    Thanks for the ideas on the heel. I've been trying to do it. I'll go a part of the day with no pain and then it pops back up.

    Sheryl, looks like I'd better dust off my DVD then. I've been doing the amount of walking as the tape (probably) with getting in my steps everyday but walking around the house isn't real exciting. And probably not as much of a work out. I'll work back into them. Wonder if we have any of the same DVDs. I'll check on what I have.

    Well, it's bedtime. So good night.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited February 2015
    Morning everyone.

    Well, they didnt get around to running those tests on Dad yesterday until 4 pm, and they had him stay the night again. They finally fed him around 7pm. That was his first meal since he and I went to the Spaghetti Factory Friday afternoon before we went to the hospital, 27 hours with no food! They wouldnt let him eat before they ran those tests. I went and sat with him for a while yesterday, and wow is that hospital confusing. I didnt think I'd ever find his room. I was starting to feel like a mouse in a maze.

    It looks like they are going to be discharging him today. He's going to call me when its time and I'll go get him. Dont know what the tests results are yet. I'll just be glad to get him home.

    I was out walking Cisco this morning, and the other people out walking their dogs all knew him and asked after Dad. I guess the neighbors who walk their dogs all know each other. Cisco knows the path he and Dad usually walk, so he just shows me the way. If I try to make a wrong turn, he corrects me. If he could talk I'm sure he'd say "no Mom, you're doing it wrong...we're supposed to go this way!"

    I guess I'll do some light housecleaning until I get the call, which I hope is soon. I want him out of that place!

  • Judyelaine1952
    Judyelaine1952 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi all,I haven't been here a long while.I'm really sorry for that.my PT has been going really well. Funny as mean as I was to the last time the two main purpose for fighting over me as their patient. They must have enjoyed my meanness.I ended up with the therapist I had last time and the other one was really really mad at him because she started out and did all my assessments but since he's the boss, he had final say. I haven't gotten through all the posts so I miss but I had to stop and post a little bit in case I don't get through them all today.

    Christina I hope you are feeling better and I hope the medications help you.

    Sheryl I am so very sorry for the loss of your cousin.

    Marcie, I'm glad you and your dad have it covered from your illnesses. Now stay healthy!

    Debora keep up the good work some states are really really Long.

    I can't remember everyone else's post but hi anewstart, jc, Pam, and anybody else I missed.

    it has been really really cold and snowy here. It finally just got to 0 degrees about an hour ago. It was 9 degrees below that it's colder with a friend chill around -27 so we did not go anywhere. I do have therapy tomorrow so I hope it's warmer.

    my biggest problem with this surgery is my back. It has gone into revolt probably because the change in my gait. I ended up having to use a fentanyl pain patch. It alleviates the pain a little bit but not much.
    hopefully this week they're going to let me get rid of my Walker completely. I don't have to use it inside now. I'm just using my cane and still using my brace. Hopefully the brace will go this way and I will be able to start driving not that I want to in this weather.
    I have been using the voice on my phone to type this so there may be a few errors that I didn't catch that I tried to catch them all.

    This is probably a little disjointed because I thought of things I just started talking so I'm going to go read some more and maybe I'll talk to you later.
  • Judyelaine1952
    Judyelaine1952 Posts: 25 Member
    we ll ..I got through all the posts. Marcie, I hope your dad is home and feeling better.

    hi Tammy. I sure wish this thing would spell names right I have to go back and fix them when they're wrong.

    Sheryl, I really like your wig and your real hair.

    I've been lying in bed in my CPM and I am ready to get out so I guess I will call it a day here.
  • Judyelaine1952
    Judyelaine1952 Posts: 25 Member
    oops i forgot; hi Jannie. Hope all are well.
  • Judyelaine1952
    Judyelaine1952 Posts: 25 Member
    and thank you everyone for the cards, thoughts and the prayers. I know they are what made the surgery so much better. love y'all