Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good Morning. Yesterday's PT was different and harder, more extensive massage and exercise, wore me out. I picked up Subway sandwiches on my way home and after lunch, got comfy in my recliner and fell asleep. Just like last Friday. Ha, I guess my new Friday schedule includes a nap now.

    I got an email from Granny, I'm so happy, I hadn't heard from her in a long while. Here's an excerpt:

    Yes, my bed is fixed. G-pa and Nick came over and fixed it. Then they fixed my couch where the leg was broken off. Nick built a new leg for it. They tried to fix my recliner, but decided it couldn't be fixed, so G-ma bought me a new one. Then Trisha bought me another new one to replace the blue one that Cavin had raveled out on both arms. G-pa brought it over and tried to put it together, but it seems he either broke the back or it was already broken. He talked to the store and they are going to replace it, but had to order one and it isn't here yet. After I get it, everything will be in pretty good shape.

    It seems Cavin is passing up Averie in school as far as reading and writing. He is only in pre-school, and she is about to finish up 1st grade. Even with his problems he is very smart.

    The rest of the email also sounded more upbeat, Yay! I was so very concerned about her getting into a deeper depression. Slowly, but surely, I hope she gets back into her routines and possibly will join us again someday.

    I'm listening to Lucky Dog in the background and will refill my mug and go watch it and the rest of my favorite Saturday morning shows. I feel like when I was a little kid, watching Saturday morning tv. I'll be back after Recipe Rehab.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    I'm back and missed most of Recipe Rehab this morning. John got up and needed help and attention, but I thought, that's OK, I'm taping my shows. When I went back to watch what I had recorded, that station was not coming through very well, so I have mostly blank screen with "no signal" or "weak signal". I could tell that the recipe was chicken and dumplings. I've never made that, so I probably would never need to rehab it. If I ever want to try it, I'll find a healthy version to start with.

    It is another beautiful NW day here. A little chilly, but clear blue skies.

    Today is the memorial for my cousin John. My sister went to my mom and dad's last night and will take them to the service. Norma got the program in advance because she is doing a reading, she said it looks like it's going to be a wonderful memorial.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Wow, where does the time go. Here it is Saturday evening. Thursday morning I had a good time with Lindsey's three. When she got home I want to the DAV bookstore and looked for books and picked up a Little Caesar's pizza for dinner. I went to Bible study in the evening. After missing 2 weeks, it was nice to be back.
    Friday I ended up being gone all day. Hubby and a friend went to Kansas City - 3 hours away to ship some boxes of books and go to a farm machinery show. They left after I did and got home before I did. I did my walking, stopped in and visited Lori at her work where I found out Thomas had a basketball game at 4. I went to Panera to meet with some Flylady friends. I didn't eat there cause I planned to meet Julie for lunch cause she was getting off at noon. I did part of my shopping, picked up Julie and we drove thirty miles to the basketball game. Then I drove her back, got my groceries and went home. And we finished up the Little Caesar's pizza for supper.
    Today I straightened the house, got ready for tomorrow when all the kids are coming. I peeled 7 lbs. of carrots, made a new dessert (and now think I made too much), made the jello. I've already set the table so I could put out a little valentine stuff but the big thing is Julie's birthday. Our baby will be 28. This evening we went to a local church's soup supper. I had a bowl of chicken noodle and one of vegetable beef - yummy homemade ones. I had them and passed on dessert.

    Anewstart22, lots of work to be done on your truck. Yikes on the match.com. Glad you got it resolved quickly. Nice shelf you found. Cool that your husband made your workbench.

    Christina, I hope your day went okay and your pain subsided so you could enjoy your anniversary even if you don't go anywhere. I hope the chair and bed situation are taken care of soon. I wouldn't think sleeping on a couch would be good for you.

    Marcie, fog is horrid to drive in. Glad you made it to work. Yes, your dad is good at fasting. Beautiful plate of food. Did your dad get to see the doctor after his blood work?

    Sheryl, glad you figured out about the lamp. Not a huge thing but doesn't sound like it was in an easy spot to work. I like it when you are long-winded. I have the Ultimate 5 day walk plan and 4 mile power walk (4 mile power walk, 2 mile classic walk, 2 mile power express). I like the Ultimate one best but usually just did 2 miles no matter which one I used and sometimes I created my own plan since you can do that. I have gotten a group together to do Walk Kansas again so will need to walk 30 minutes every day. One mile is a good place to start and remember what Leslie says - you can always just walk any time. And even if you can just do a part of the walk, it's still a start. I picked up a book she wrote the other day. We'll see when I get around to reading it.

    Anewstart22, lots of decisions for you to make. Sometimes when you don't have the time, you end up spending the money. You'll get it figured out.

    Sheryl, they push you on the PT but you are seeing progress. So glad and excited that you heard from Granny. Thanks for sharing it - I can just hear her saying it. Glad the furniture got taken care of. Thanks for being persistent. Nice that your sister could take your parents to the service. I'm thinking of going to the funeral for my friends husband (also named John) on Monday. It's about 2 hours away but I have someone I could ride with. The graveside service will be closer so I'll have to make a decision tomorrow.

    I'd better leave you guys and head for bed. Tomorrow will be busy with church in the morning and all the kids here for dinner (well, all but Lori and Emily). Never know how long they will stay. We had a warm day (53) today but I heard tomorrow's high is supposed to be 25. We'll see. Good night.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good morning all, it has been strange weather here lately as yesterday morning was met with cold and drizzle then a bit of light rain. The afternoon was 80 degrees, I think we were the hottest in the nation. Today is overcast and cool but it feels great to go outside for some swiftly moving air to cool off in between organizing my craft/guest room. I do believe we will be figuring out how to keep the guest bed in the office because this room is just too small for crafting and sleeping, lol.

    We completed my shelving unit this morning and I have filled it up which has allowed my workbench to be free of any boxes and now I can work on sorting some photos for my sons wedding. We decided on 2x4's with 1x12x8 boards we cut in half and placed front to back making my 3 shelves a true 22" deep and 4' wide. I have the bottom open without a shelf and which really gives me four spots to store items. My plastic containers will fit two stacked on the bottom and two middle shelves leaving a shorter top shelf about 15" deep from the ceiling with ceiling height of only 8' exact, lol. The 2x4x8 touched the popcorn. :D

    I did talk my husband into buying tires for the little car instead of tackling the much more expensive project. We will take care of my truck after the wedding.

    sannferris-It's great to hear granny is feeling better, I do hope she comes and joins us here.

    arobed53-Sorry to hear about your friend John as well, seems each day someone we know passes collectively.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Was awakened by the geese this morning, honking and carrying on right outside the bedroom window. Do they know that's the bedroom window? Was it their plan? Was it a coincidence? I wonder if the neighbors were bothered. John slept right through it, he was sleeping on his good ear and is deaf in the other, so he'll sleep through anything.

    The sun is shining and it looks beautiful outside, but I bet it's cold. The thermometer says 38, I haven't been out to feed yet. I think it might be a good day to go for a drive. Get John out of the house and see the scenery. Might be too cold to stop and take a walk, but we'll see.

    Quite some time ago, (on NM) Sylvia had posted about getting a Pork Belly from Trader Joe's, "not the healthiest, but delicious, so a nice once-in-a-while treat". I found it last time I was there, and bought one. Then, forgot I had it until I saw it last night on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Maybe I'll fix that today and see how it is. I sure miss the adventures of Sylvia. (And all the others that posted in the journal room). I'm going to be nostalgic today.

    OK, Debora, I'll start with the Ultimate 5 Day DVD, and even though Sunday is not listed, I'll do 1 mile today.
    I had a rude awakening from a news report Friday. A very favorite local basketball player that played with the Portland Trailblazers for years dropped dead this past week. He had become a pillar of the community during and since his sport days and was a philanthropist and humanitarian here in the NW. Very well-known and extremely well liked by all. He had knee surgery the previous week and the autopsy showed that he died of a blood clot breaking away in his leg and traveling to his lung. He died within an hour of having symptoms. He was only 52. Now, I see the importance of those blood thinners I'm taking. My doctor has monitored me very closely and said it was a serious situation and to call him about the slightest thing, but I didn't realize just how serious this is. I have a great doctor.

    I am constantly thankful for God's Healing and how good I feel now.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Got up this morning and it was good and cold and then started snowing. Fortunately, it didn't snow too hard or too long cause it was really windy. We went to church and then all the kids were here for dinner. I thought maybe I had made too much food but we have a couple days of the roast, the carrots hubby will have tomorrow, and 2 days of potatoes. I did make way too much dessert (apple raspberry crisp) - really good but not for kids I guess so Julie took most of the second pan home and is taking it to work tomorrow. She got her fitbit charged right away so is using it. Jim (our son-in-law) got a new one (fitbit hr) given to him by the volleyball team so he made 25 trips up and down oru stairs so see how it counted stairs. Everyone left around 3 and the day has been quiet since then. I made my list for tomorrow even thought I'll be gone most of the day. I don't know why but it helps me.

    Anewstart22, cool on getting the shelving unit done so quickly. And you got the car deal figured out. Have fun working on the photos.

    Sheryl, sorry the geese woke you. They were up so thought everyone else should be too. Did you get out for a drive? I never had pork belly. How was it? We are very thankful you are doing so well too. Did you get to walk? I did very little walking today and not sure what will happen with going to the funeral tomorrow. So hopefully, I'll do something on Tuesday. Since I walk with friends MWF, it's the other days I'll work on - some days I've just done 10 minute segments walking around the house.

    Better head for bed so I'm up in time in the morning.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. The geese had fits again during the night, woke me up at 3 am, but I was able to go right back to sleep. It's spring!! at least for them and the males are fighting over the females. Every year, I remember what we go through every year at this time. But, after their laying season, when they all get along again, I forget how loud and raucous they can be.

    We did take a drive yesterday, it was so nice. Gone about 3 hours and put 65 miles on the car. Headed into the east hills, long winding roads with lots of trees and came upon some huge mansions at the top of hills. Wow, some people must have lots of money. Gorgeous places with absolutely the most gorgeous views overlooking pastures, rivers and the Cascade mountains in the distance.

    We stopped and got club sandwiches at a cute little restaurant, so I haven't made the pork belly yet. I'll let you know how it is when I finally prepare it. Today, I have doctor appointments and tomorrow is PT, so I may wait until Wednesday to cook a big regular meal. It seems that on the days where I'm headed somewhere, we just grab and go.

    I did the 1 mile portion of the dvd and took an "easy" walk in the middle while the ladies on the tv were really working it. I think I'll do the same routine all this week and then move on to what the dvd says for each day next week and see how I do. Mondays are suppose to be 3 miles, but I'll have to work up to that...I think all this week will be 1 mile "hump" day for me.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good morning everyone.

    Had a quiet, uneventful, weekend. Just ran my normal errands, did laundry, cleaned house, and got my weekly cooking done. For my pot of something this week I made a 15 bean soup from a package I picked up at the store the other day. I didn't care for it too much, but Dad likes it, so he can have it all!

    Dad gave me a demo of the logging site he is using now, MyNetDiary. It's pretty cool, and very quick when searching for food or exercise items. He's paying $60 a year for the full site and says he actually likes it better than NM. I don't know how it does with recipes or how the community is as he never uses those. I'm sticking with MFP though. I'm comfortable with it and it works for me. I think he was trying to lure me over to his logging site, kind of like he did when he lured me over to NM in 2012!

    One of my coworkers either quit or was fired last week. I don't know the backstory, but I came in to work and found they had left me some of the work they found on her desk when they were clearing it out. Very sad. She was an integral part of the office.

    Dad seems to be feeling good again. He's back to his normal routine of walking Cisco twice daily, going for a walk on his own (where to dog doesn't slow him up) one daily, doing his back exercises every night, and logging every bit of food that goes in his mouth. He showed me his weight loss chart and he's been on a slow but stead downward trend since January and is just about back to maintenance weight again.

    Sheryl, those frisky geese sound loud! They'd have to be really loud to wake me though. I use earplugs when I go to bed because I wake up too easy. Glad you heard back from Granny. I would be surprised if she ever comes here to talk with us again, but I'm glad you are trying to stay in touch with her. You are right. Blood clots are to be taken very seriously. I never realized why until my Dad was put on Cumadin and I read up on it.

    Anew, you should post a pic of your new shelves! I would love to see them. Sorry about the car problems.

    Debora, apple raspberry crisp sounds so good! I'd like a bowl with a scoop of vanilla ice cream please!

    I hope Jannie, Tammy, JC and Isabella stop by and chat again. It's been awhile since they were here.

    Back to work. Have a nice day everyone.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good evening, it's been a full day. Headed out before 7. I rode with three other women to the funeral (about 2 hours away). We had a good time visiting both directions. Funerals are never easy but he circumstances made this one hard but they put the focus on the many good things he did. One blessing is they were able to donate to 21 people. We all got to give Betty a hug and then we headed back home. When we got back to town, I made a Dillons run to get ingredients for a recipe to try out at Lori's on Wednesday. Most of the things were on sale which was nice. I got home about 3:30.
    When I got home, I folded a load of laundry, got my 5000 steps in circling the kitchen table in spurts, made split pea and ham soup for the first time and have a list made for tomorrow. I'll be home in the morning and will go to Good News Club in the afternoon.

    Sheryl, at least you know the geese noise won't last too long. Glad you got out for a drive and had a good time. It's easier to cook a big regular meal when you're home longer.
    Great job on doing a mile. What do you think of starting an exercise post? I'll start it and you let me know what you think. Good idea to stick with the one. And if you want to stick with the one mile at a time for awhile, you can go to the plan your own workout and just choose one of the colors at a time and you have 5 different miles to do. But your way will work too. Just do what's best for you. You'll soon be outdoing me.

    Marcie, quiet and uneventful sounds very nice for you. Wow, there are 15 different kinds of beans. I'm am slowly but surely working away at things I have bought in the past and trying to use things up. I'm glad your dad enjoys what he's using and it's working for him - pretty high praise to say it's good competition for NM. I'm surprised he didn't just come here since you were here.
    How sad for the co-worker and to find out in that way. Hope it doesn't add too much to your workload.
    Glad he's feeling good again and back to doing all her was.
    Several had the apple raspberry crisp with ice cream. So now I'll have to have other desserts good with ice cream to use up what's left. I see brownie sundaes on the agenda soon.

    Have a great Tuesday.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good Morning. More good news from the doctor, the tumors are continuing to shrink and the scan showed nothing in the breast and very small, negligible masses in the lymph nodes. By the way I have been feeling, that is exactly the report I was expecting. I don't see him for another two months. And, the blood tests to check the warfarin dosage are now once every three weeks since my INR numbers have been steady.

    The weather was gorgeous yesterday and I decided I didn't need a scarf to keep warm, so I went au natural. Everyone commented on my curly hair. I guess I need to embrace the curls and simply be happy my hair is growing back. The doctor said that as it continues to grow, it will revert back to how it was, but he doesn't know that this is it's natural state, I used to do stuff to straighten it. It's most manageable when it's damaged, ha ha. The way it is now...it has a mind of it's own.

    It's clear out this morning, so it looks beautiful, but it's very cold. The pasture looked like it had frost on it when I got up, but the sun has melted it all away already, I see green.

    Marcie, I'll bet it's weird at work with those unanswered questions about what happened to your co-worker. Years ago, when I was working at the airport, one of our senior pilots, who was also acting as office manager, went to lunch and never came back. We all suspected that the Chief Pilot fired him, but never knew for sure. They had a meeting and then he said he was going to lunch and we never saw him again. That then became a running joke when someone said they were going to lunch, we all said we hope to see you this afternoon.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good morning everyone, it will be a busy day today. I still need to finish up the photo sets and want to go to storage and see if there is something else there. When we sold our old house we had put everything into storage and lived in our RV for years which meant I needed storage for other things too, lol. I think I might have taken some pics out of the big storage at one time and they might be in the small storage. We keep the other storage because we store another collector car in there and wish my husband would reign in some of this stuff, lol. RV's gotta go, Corvette and trailer has gotta go. If he just does those two things I could sell my truck and have no need for it, lol. I keep trying to reign him in with the thoughts of saving lots of money but that doesn't seem to get him moving. We would store the Corvette here but the garage is too short, it doesn't fit so we use it for our wood working.

    sannferris, it sounds like things are really picking up for you and I am happy to hear of it.

    arobed53, still busy as all get out. Good for you.

    mygnsac, I'll post pics when I get that room all done with true organization done.

    I have been making a list of the menu for our trip and have to concentrate on foods which don't require an oven and made an oatmeal snack for hubby yesterday. I told him we will be trying a few different things before we go so we agree upon food to eat, lol. Yesterday I made no-bake oatmeal cookie balls. Peanut butter, honey, rolled oats and raisins. He loved it and it's on the menu list.

    It was so easy to make too! I have made oatmeal balls before and think I posted the recipe to NM but I like this recipe far better. I suppose if someone wanted to add some protein powder it would up the nutrition for an after workout food too. I'll post the recipe to the recipe's thread.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Does anyone know who djou444 is? This person asked to be my friend and I approved but sent a message back asking how I knew this person. I haven't heard back from this person so if you all don't know who this person is I will be unfriending this person.
  • cthompson8083
    Hi all. Bad pain day, but I wanted to pop on and share a recipe I created for dinner tonight.

    Vegetarian enchiladas
    1 can amy's black bean refried beans
    1 jar organic salsa
    1 can organic diced tomatoes, seasoned
    1 bag frozen corn, black beans, pepper mix
    2 quarts portabella mushrooms, chopped
    2 tbsp olive oil
    1 tsp cumin
    1 packet organic taco seasoning
    1 container fresh guacamole
    1 pack shredded cheddar
    1 pack ezekial spelt tortillas

    in a big pot, add olive oil, heat it, add all the mushooms and sautee for a few min, add in corn mix, refried beans, cumin, heat through, add taco season and half bag of cheese, stir.
    Put one heaping tbsp of guac on a tortilla, and a heaping amount of taco mix, and roll, put in a baking pan with high sides. When all are finished, top with can tomatoes, half jar of salsa, and top with the rest of the cheese, bake for 20-25 min on 350. Top with remaining guac and salsa.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Sheryl, I love the good news reports you got from the doctor. Slow but steady you go. Yay on letting your hair show.

    Anewstart22, I hope all your storage stuff is organized so it's doesn't take too long to hunt. With all the woodworking your husband does, having the garage to use is great. Glad the no-bake oatmeal cookie bars were a hit. I don't recognize djou444. Hope you hear back from them.

    Christina, sorry for the bad pain day. You have too many of them. I hope you eventually can get more relief. Recipe sounds good.

    It has been a cold day here but roads are clear so won't complain. I got several things done this morning. Good News Club went okay. I made it home by 5:30, checked my email and then fixed supper. I cooked some onions, green, red & orange peppers, & celery. I added spinach to mine and eggs to hubby's. My throat was a little sore but eating went fine and it doesn't hurt now. I've been chilly all evening so not sure if I'm coming down with something or not. Guess I'll decide about walking when I wake up in the morning. I do have my list made for tomorrow so hope it goes as well as today did. Think I'll fix another cup of tea to warm me up.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Ahhhhh, a new day. No fever this morning and feeling much more lively. Ha. Still have a stuffed up nose but can handle it. I slept it rather than go walking and won't push as hard - ha. Jim and Lori find out if they are having a boy or girl today.

    In my Walk Across America, I passed from Virginia into Kentucky - just barely but I made it - only took about 50 weeks but it is progress.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good afternoon/evening my friends. We are finally getting the little car to the shop for tires. If my husband gets home in time we will take it over tonight and leave it so they can put the tires on tomorrow. It will be nice to have a truck when I need one.

    I just removed djou444 from my list of friends because I have not received an answer back about where this person comes from, lol. I have no idea and I feel strange having a friend I don't know.

    Those enchiladas sound great, thanks for the recipe. I hope you get some better relief for the pain you have to go through.

    I am sure the storage won't be a problem, I believe we have only a few boxes in there with the car so it should be easy peasy! ;) Glad you are feeling better too and congratulations on the progress into Kentucky.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Evening. I missed stopping in here this morning, I did the walking dvd, 1 mile, and watched what I recorded from tv last night and then John was up and I didn't get over here.

    I just quickly browsed Facebook, so, for Tammy and Anewstart and anyone else who isn't on facebook, Elaine posted an update: This was my first day driving. I still have the brace on and will get the rest of my staples out tomorrow... maybe rid of my brace in the house, too. We've been enjoying all my canned and frozen stuff except for the past few weeks I've been down and can't go to the basement to drag anything up. Do you have room for a small garden or do you do one? We're planning on doing the market again this year. I look forward to it. It's hard but great family time.

    What I taped last night was the Great British Baking Show. I'm addicted to the show. We're in the quarter finals and I feel like I know each one of the remaining contestants personally. I like them all so much, not sure who I want to win.

    I'll see you in the morning.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Hey all! Been so busy but wanted to pop in and say that I've been trying to keep up with all of you here.

    Marcie--do you know if there is a way to trick the computer to change my logging streak? I didn't log Sunday until Monday (paper logged it all) and now my streak is gone. If I put one item in would that trick it? I don't really know why I care but I am curious! Thanks :) Glad your dad is back to his normal routine.

    Sheryl---SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! Glad you got good news :)

    Christina---Hope the pain eases soon. The recipe looks good but I am a 5 ingredient or less girl ;) I hate to cook and am always looking for simple, although most of your ingredients are easy to find!

    Anew--- you have been very busy, hope you are getting good rest!

    Aero--Hope you kick that cold/flu to the curb! Did you post what the new baby is? I missed it if you did! Either way, hoping that he/she is healthy because in the end, that's all that matters :smile:

    Hope everyone else is well! I will try to check in sooner but work and the boys are so crazy right. Take care :smiley:
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Rain = Mud...More Rain = More Mud!!!!! And, we've got it.

    Despite the mud, I'm feeling very good this morning. Got in my 1 mile walk and my PT exercises. I try to do the PT 3 times a day, but sometimes it only ends up twice.

    Marcie, I meant to comment that I agree with you regarding Granny. At this point, I would be shocked to see her come over here, but I still wish for it. I'm sending out an email update about myself to my cousins and will update Granny too. I hope she responds and if so, I'll post it here.

    My computer is acting up and I better submit this before I lose it. I forgot to compose it in Word first and copy/paste. For some reason it's not allowing me to copy what I've written so far to be able to paste it into Word.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Howdy, beautiful day here. The sun is shining nicely. It's only 21 but the wind from last night has died down. The weekend is supposed to be bad with snow and ice but I'll just wait and see. There's nothing I can do about it.
    I felt better as the day went on yesterday. When I was cleaning up in the library before dinner I found 2 used copier cartridges so decided to take them to Office Max and then went to Joanne's to get buttons. Found what I wanted but turned down the idea of a sack. I thought I could handle 2 cards of buttons. Bad idea. As I walked out I was trying to see where my credit card was cause it was not where I thought it would be. When I got to the car I realized I had dropped one of the cards so went to retrace my steps. A car drove by in front of the store and guess what it drove over. Buttons do not stand up to a car. :) Didn't have time to go back and buy more so another time (but I did find my credit card). From there I went to Lori's and fixed supper - 4 ingredients and they liked it.
    They had brought cupcakes for dessert and the frosting revealed the sex of the new baby. It's a GIRL. The kids almost acted disappointed for a minute but then Paige wanted to know the name. That's still to come. While they were gone, I got the dishes done, folded the clean laundry, took care of Emily and walked about 3000 steps.
    Working here at home today - sheets are changed, moving lots of dust (yuck). I have Bible study this evening so should work on that some. We'll see.

    Anewstart22, yay on getting the car in for the tires. That reminds me that when I left I had a low tire on my car so took the other one. I called and left a message for Hubby and he was able to take it in and get it fixed by the evening. Good guy.

    Sheryl, that was smart to bring Elaine's update here. It's so good to see she's doing so well. She'll be ready for the cruise. I forgot about the Great British Baking show. I saw the first one and then didn't set it for a Season Pass. So something jogged my mind so I have last Sunday taped and will get this Sunday's. Sorry I missed them.

    Jannie, I figured you were busy and you pop in when you can. I sometimes haven't gotten a day logged till alter and my streak is intact but I don't know if just one item would do it. You're right, healthy is the most important part - knowing just helps i the shopping.

    Hubby just left so guess I should get busy too. See you.