Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, just a quick pop in...going to PT and then to get the car serviced. 24 month regular maintenance, hard to believe it's been 2 years already, and yet, it also seems like I've been in this car forever, still loving it.

    John doesn't want to go with me, so we'll see what I come home to.

    I fixed the pork belly yesterday, so delicious. Like a pork loin, but with a lot of fat through it, delicious fat, it was so tasty. Sylvia was right, it's a special treat, because of that delicious fat. Did I say it was delicious???????
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    jlhawki wrote: »
    Marcie--do you know if there is a way to trick the computer to change my logging streak? I didn't log Sunday until Monday (paper logged it all) and now my streak is gone. If I put one item in would that trick it? I don't really know why I care but I am curious! Thanks :) Glad your dad is back to his normal routine.

    Jannie, I don't know if they can restore the streak or not. You may toss the question at the MFP Help Desk...

    mygnsac wrote: »

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all.

    Doing a happy dance that Friday has arrived! Been a long week.


    Sounds like you all are doing great with your exercising. I need to pick up the pace and get back in to a regular routine.

    I have added someone else to the sprouting fold. I gave my friend at work a bag of sprouting seeds last week (they were way to spicy for me) and she loved them. She's getting ready to harvest her first batch.

    Found out this week our favorite fish restaurant is shutting down. Dad and I are bummed about that. We usually went there a couple times each month. They have another restaurant, but it's not very close to us. Seems like something shuts down every time you blink these days. Sad.

    Dad took Cisco for a walk yesterday afternoon and made him walk without stopping the whole way. They walked nearly 2 miles. He said by the end Cisco was really dragging his heals. He's not used to that kind of walking. He likes to stop and smell every blade of grass and mark everything he passes. It was good for him.

    I gave my coworker a couple more bags of dog food that my picky dog turned his nose up at. She really makes out with the cast off dog food. Her dogs will eat anything you put in front of them. We've gone back to a brand we used to give him and are now grating over it some hard dog good you keep in the fridge (the pet store guy recommended it). He seem to enjoy that (fingers crossed)!

    Not a whole lot planned for the weekend. Just the normal errands, laundry, house work, and weekly cooking. We'll probably go out for dinner tonight or lunch tomorrow. I started watch a show on Netflix last night, House of Cards, so I'll probably binge-watch some more episodes of that. It's a pretty good series.

    Better close and finish my day. You all have a great weekend!!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I was gone from 11:30 am until 5:00 pm yesterday and came home to find everything intact. Yay!! John didn't take anything part. And, the computer apparently cooperated and he didn't have to throw a hissy fit and walk away from it.

    PT was brutal again, but it HURT SO GOOD !!

    The car maintenance went as usual, I went to the lounge, found a nice comfy chair, a hot mocha, and my crossword puzzles.

    I started to watch my regular Saturday morning shows and saw that they were all repeats. I should have popped in the walking dvd, but instead, I watched the repeats. Now, John is up and watching college basketball, so I will probably skip the dvd today. I got in some walking when I went out feeding and walked the pasture just to make sure everything was in order. Since they put in that housing development behind us, a lot of trash makes it's way over (and under) the fence.

    Marcie, sorry that you have lost a favorite fish restaurant. I like fish a lot, but usually fix it for myself at home when John doesn't want anything, since it isn't a favorite of his.

    I need to go back and browse comments. I'm sure there were more things I had planned to talk about, but can't remember right now.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    It has been snowing here all morning but it's not windy. I'm not sure anything is coming down now or now. So far it's not enough to cancel anything. Alan and family should be headed home later on today so hope they don't have any trouble. Yesterday I got my errands done. I brought the college girl home. I worked on things here in the afternoon. In the evening we went to a meeting at the school hubby and the kids went to. They wanted to introduce a building project. It was approved so now the fundraising begins.
    Today I've straightened the house. I have a little bit more to do in the basement but close. I'm working on 4-H stuff since the meeting is tomorrow night. And I have some things to do for dinner tomorrow. Hubby is in as much has he can since it' so cold. I know I won't run out of anything to do. I'll try and get my time in with Leslie.
    What are all of you doing today?

    Sheryl, I love how you say "It hurt so good." That's the way it should be. No pain, no gain. Glad you could relax while they took care of the car. I'm glad you enjoyed the pork belly. I think it's one of those things I'd have to eat somewhere. I'll take your word for the delicious. John should get plenty of basketball in the next days and weeks. Hope he'll enjoy it.

    Marcie, I love your happy dance. Makes me happy. Enjoy your weekend. Sorry the fish restaurant is closing. Dad pushing Cisco to walk the whole time might work up his appetite too. Wonder if Cisco will come up with some tricks to slow things down. Nice of you to share what doesn't work for Cisco. Enjoy and relax for the weekend.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    I need to head for bed but thought I'd mention that walking with Leslie made me think of Granny so sent her an email and heard from her. I invited her her again. I'd love to have her come.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good afternoon all, today is cold with a little drizzle. When the wind blows the cold cuts like a knife, lol. I'm going shopping for my wedding clothes today and hope I find something here otherwise I will be shopping in California before the wedding.

    I've been busy getting the pictures done and all that is left is to make some copies at the local Walgreens before I send them all off. Yay!

    Have a good day everyone!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hi, just a quickie...our neighbors came over for a visit this morning. Another beautiful day, maybe we'll go for a drive again.

    Jannie, I have missed several days of logging food, but MFP still says that I have logged consistently, so I'm thinking it's the fact that I bring up the web site to chat here. The stats are not solely for logging food/exercise.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, running late, got wrapped up in tv this morning, first the walking dvd and then just tv and coffee. Gotta get cleaned up and ready for lunch with Billie.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Anewstart22, great job on the pictures. Did you find your wedding clothes? I hope so.

    Sheryl, where did you and Billie at this time? I understand about getting busy and not getting to the computer. I'm on the computer plenty - just not for chatting purposes.

    Shortly after my last post, I got a call from Alan saying they had gotten home. Bad news was a deer hit them on the side - put a good dent on the van side door and broke the headlight on that side. They were able to drive home but have to get it fixed now.
    Sunday was a very full day. Fortunately, the weather did not do what they said it would so church was a go. I got to go to the Women's class and then no grandchildren sat with s so I really got to listen - good message. Dinner was chicken and broccoli over rice and we did brownie sundaes for dessert so the vanilla ice cream is gone and the last two servings were pretty small.
    After the dishes were done and we had visited, Alan's left along with Lori's kids and he found clothes and took them all sledding (pulled behind the tractor). Later I fed Lori's kids and we took them to 4-H and then home after which we got something to eat.
    Today I got up and walked and then took Ava to speech. Since then I've been working here. I got some phone calls made, am working on getting the info out for hubby's 60th class reunion and getting 4-H calendars ready to mail to those that were not there. I have one load of laundry to put away. Hubby just left for a meeting so want to get my list ready for tomorrow. I won't get a lot done since I'll go with him in the morning and then I have Good News Club in the afternoon.
    I was going to listen to a basketball game on the radio but can't find it. Oh well. I have plenty of taped TV to listen too. Off to do what I still can. Have a good evening.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good afternoon everyone, I don't know what happened but I posted around 10:00 pm last night and my post is gone. Strange!

    I got all the pictures mailed out and then discovered I forgot a stack of them because I had placed an unrelated photo on top the stack so I need to get that stack out too, lol.

    My husband was able to get the scanner working so I have been working on getting all my photos scanned and I will be able to share with the whole family in email. Yay! I may just burn it all to CD's and mail them out though.

    It sounds like your PT continues to improve your life, I am happy for you and glad you can take some nice drives.

    I did not find any clothes for the wedding because all the clothes are still winter and starting to go to clearance. I think I will try again in a couple of weeks or I'll just shop in California instead. The last time I went to a wedding out there I shopped there because I couldn't find anything here so it might be the direction I take for this wedding.

    So, we have all the box parts cut and the insides sanded so tonight I will be staining the insides of the boards. The outsides won't be sanded or stained until we put the box together and make sure the edges are lined up just so. The stencils are really nice and thick plastic which will make stenciling an easy process.

    Well, back to working, dishes, laundry, etc and I hope you all have a great day.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good late afternoon. John got up early this morning, so that's why I was MIA.

    Another nice weather day, so we were outside for most of it. Never did go for a drive, Sunday or today, just some outdoor chores.

    Anewstart, last Friday, when I was killing a little time between PT and getting the car serviced, I walk through the mall and was startled to see bathing suits already on display, bikinis, no less, and we all still had our jackets on. I'm sorry that you couldn't find summer wedding clothes yet. This fashion stuff just stumps me.

    Yesterday was so nice, had a good visit and satisfied another craving with a greasy patty melt with onion rings for lunch. I splurged again. It was oozing, but oh so good. Billie's doing fairly well, but still having some trouble with her eyes. And, arthritis and other pain that doesn't allow her to sleep very well.

    I better go start dinner.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Marcie, work is sure keeping you busy. Glad you have weekends to check in with us.

    Anewstart22, glad you found the photos while you have time to deal with them. I know you'll find clothes. You making great progress on the box. Can't wait to see a picture.

    Sheryl, glad you had such a good time with Billie. Patty melt and onion rings - sounds yummy and the company made it even better.

    My day was interesting. I got breakfast eaten and dishes done and then it was time to head for hubby's appointment. It was a med-check but also found out he has a sinus infection so got an antibiotic. He has knee pain and the doctor told him about a research study he could check into. So we went over to that building and did the initial set-up. The funny part is he keeps saying he should have a fitbit to prove how much he walks (and we're not sure it's as much as he thinks but who knows). Besides getting a shot to help the knee they give them a fitbit - half can know the steps they take and half can't - to see if you walk more if you hurt less or something or other. So he may end up with one. :)
    We went to Burger Kind to eat and saw a couple we know. The wife's sister and husband were with them. It's a long story but she had questions for hubby.. I had Good News Club so he ended up taking me home (30 miles) and going back for a couple hours of talking which he enjoyed.
    This morning we woke up to warmer temp than we had going to bed - 36 so pretty much all the snow melted. Supposedly we get some more tomorrow. Hopefully, it's not too bad cause I have a dentist appointment and then watch Emily. Ready to do my list and then head for bed. Hubby has spent most of the evening on the phone.

    Hello to anyone else.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning, it's snowing here but not enough to stop things from happening yet. Got my walking done. Now to get to things here - several things I want to get done.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited March 2015
    Good morning everyone.

    It's a pretty morning. A little chilly at 40 degrees, but still pretty. Dad and Cisco got back from this morning's walk freezing to death. I don't think they would do well in the colder parts of this country! The first thing Cisco does when they get back from a walk on a cold morning is race to his bed and bury himself in his covers.

    Wasn't feeling too well this weekend, so didn't do much of anything. Didn't even go grocery shopping. Just laid around, slept, and watched a lot of TV. I started watching House of Cards of Netflix. Really good show someone here on MFP recommended about a very corrupt politician (Kevin Spacey).

    I did manage to get my weekly cooking done on Sunday. My usual, hard-boiled a dozen eggs, made a batch of pumpkin protein bars, roasted some veggies, and made a pot of pink beans. I saw a trick on Youtube a couple weeks ago for peeling eggs. Get a small glass, put a little water in it, toss the egg in the glass, put you hand over the top of the glass so the water doesn't splash out, and just shake it up for a few seconds. When you take the egg out of the glass the shell just falls off. I was skeptical, but it really works great.

    I stayed home from work yesterday and got to hear Cisco bark his fool head off at the gardeners. They come every Tuesday. He just can't take how they invade his yards like that. The minute they are done and gone, I let him go out back and he checked out every blade of grass and bush out there. I don't think he will ever approve of the gardeners. He's fine with the pool guy, but not the gardeners and the Clark Pest Control guy who comes by quarterly. He really doesn't like the Clark guy!

    Sheryl, I'm glad you were able to meet up with Billie. How is she doing with the steps? It's OK to have a splurgy meal like that now and then. Sounds like you really enjoyed it. Glad you enjoyed the pork belly. I've seen it cooked on cooking shows on TV, but have never tried. I'm not a big pork fan, but I do like bacon, so I might like that.

    Debora, sounds like you and Sheryl and doing great on reporting your exercise events over in your Exercising post. I wished more members would join you and join us here. I suspect a lot of them initially joined and then just left without canceling their membership. I haven't been to Burger King in about 5 years now! I used to love their JR Whopper.

    Anew, sorry it didn't work out with the summer wedding clothes. I hope you find something you like in California. Now, who is getting married. You probably mentioned but I either missed or have forgotten (yet another one of my senior moments).

    Well, I guess I will close and get back to work. You all have a wonderful day.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, another quick late morning pop in. Gee, I sound like a broken record.

    I did my exercises (after feeding and coffee) before I came here, or else I seem to never get my morning exercises in. Yesterday was such a gorgeous day, we spent a lot of time outside but didn't go anywhere. Today, I pulled the car out when I was out feeding, so it's ready to go and I'll be able to get John out of the house and out of his rut. Possibly go out to lunch again, I love eating out but John doesn't, so we'll see what happens. He often will go because he knows I like it so much.

    Marcie, Billie used her step cane for the stairs and then used the walker to go out. She also has a walker at the top of the stairs to use in the house. She does fairly well, although slowly. In fact, she apologized for being so slow and I said no problem, better to be slow than to slip and fall.
    There's one of my problems in a nutshell...fat, I love the stuff. Any pork fat: ham, bacon, now the pork belly. Beef: love the fat surrounding a good steak. And, of course, any gravy made with fat drippings. Wow, I'm terrible.

    I better go check on John. See you later...
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, yesterday was another beautiful day, as is this morning, the sun is bright and we should get up to 67 degrees. John and I did get to Portland yesterday and had a great time away from the routine of being home. I think I mentioned that we've been talking about going to Forest Park, a 5,100 acre park at the north end of the city of Portland. Since it's walking, biking and equestrian trails only, we decided to wait until summer to go. Since it's covered in forest, the trees would probably make it too cold for us to go now. But, we did go to downtown Portland yesterday to the Forest Park Conservancy office to get maps and a guide, so when the time comes, we'll be prepared. Then we also drove by the International Harvester dealership where the guy wants to buy our vehicles and parts. Didn't go in yet to talk to him, but John just wanted to see where he is and the lay out of the place. Then, we went to Tina's Corner for lunch. That's the place where Billie and I used to meet once a month, back when she was driving. I had another patty melt, so good, but not nearly as greasy as the one on Monday. So, it was even better. Then, we spent almost 2 hours roaming around Harbor Freight Discount Tools...John's favorite place to just wander and look and marvel at all the various tools.

    I hear John getting up now, so I better be going.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Time flies. Made it to the dentist for a cleaning Wednesday afternoon. I now have to go to a periodonist (I think) to get a deep cleaning of my gums done cause I'm having bone loss. They gave me several names to choose from. Went to Meridian Grocery - things are close to out of date but less in price plus that's where I get my oatbran and blackstrap molasses. I got two banana size boxes of things for Lori. Lori wasn't feeling well so didn't go to church. I still stayed and did the dishes, a load of laundry and helped hunt for Thomas' birth certificate. He's working on his driving license (hard to believe) and needed it. We (Lori) found it in the copier from football season. It was quite the hunt.

    Yesterday was Willing Workers. It's the one meeting when we start at 10 and end around 3 and have a potluck meal. Everyone brings one dish and there's always a nice variety. I ate plenty but enjoyed it a lot. The speakers were very good. I was home for a bit and then my sister and I went to town. We went to the thrift store, ate and then went to her diabetes meeting where they talking about the eating part. Part was review and a bit was new. My sister is trying. She's anxious to get her AIC done again to see how it's doing.

    Today it was off to walk and then to town. I did a decent amount of walking cause I only have about 2800 steps left to get 10,000 in. I'll just be working here at home today but plenty to do. Tomorrow morning, Ralph and I are going to a used book sale. We got some good deals last month so will try again.

    Marcy, sorry you didn't feel well over the weekend. At least it wasn't when you had all your work to do. Glad you could do the weekly cooking and enjoyed House of Cards. For peeling the egg, is it water to cover. I'm going to try that next time. Almost sounds to good to be true. I like the whopper jr. too - but right now we get the chicken sandwich jr - only $1.00.

    Sheryl, what a nice day in Portland. Harbor Freight is a place you can easily spend a lot of time. Just so nice that you could get John out for the day and are making plans for the summer.

    Ralph is headed to the farm for the afternoon and I'd better get going on my list. We finished up the chili for dinner. It's pizza and salads for supper. Enjoy your day. It's a very pretty one here - blue sky, sun is shining, up to 50 so far.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Marcie, I hear you on wishing some others were here too. Guess we'll always be a small group but a very special one. It would be fun to know if people left where they went and maybe there a some who are just lurking for various reasons so they might pop in sometime. It will be what it will be.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Debra, on the eggs, you don't need to cover the egg with water. Just put enough water to cover the bottom of the glass. I think the friction from shaking the glass, coupled with a little water is what causes the shell to come off so easily. You only need to shake it for a few seconds. I've been using this method for a couple weeks now and I it's worked really great everytime.