Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Marcie, I was so happy to get home and see your post. I hope you are off getting your dad right now and will soon have him home. 27 hours with no food is a long time but I suppose they had him on ivs so he was taken care of. No fun to not know your way around. I always feel that way in the bigger hospitals. I hope his doctor lets him know about the tests quickly so you know too.

    Good that Cisco knows where his walks are supposed to be. I like that all those who are out walking their dogs have gotten to know each other too and care about how your dad is doing. I like what you think he would say. Will you work tomorrow or stay home with your dad? Hope the light housekeeping keep you busy while you waited.

    Good day here. We only had 4 kids in Sunday School. It was so good to see our former interim pastor. Their car is packed and loaded and they head home in the morning. What a blessing they've been to us. And the potluck was delicious. I let myself enjoy it plus I ate some of what the grandkids didn't. Unlike the potluck last week, there were plenty of desserts this week. The board wives made the main dish of scalloped potatoes and ham and we all brought side dishes. Katie made the comment that it wasn't a good meal for diabetics and my sister agreed. And Katie is allergic to potatoes and beans so there wasn't much protein for her either.

    I came home and took a nap. Now I'll do my list. Ralph is going to a Perspective class tonight so I'll enjoy a quiet evening. It's cold but no snow or ice so far. I may soak my feet tonight. I don't know if it will help my sore heel but it can't hurt. :)

  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Hi Elaine! I've been hoping you'd stop in :) So glad you are doing better--hopefully that darn back pain will get better. I'm sure if the PT's fought over you that you were a great patient! You really wouldn't believe some of the things people say/do especially when they have to do something they don't want to do.

    Marcie-hope your dad is ok! I know he probably couldn't wait to get out of the hospital :) If Cisco is anything like my Kringle, he knows all the 'trails' for walks! Here is a pic that DJ took of her this weekend, I love it!

    Aero- I made 'Creamy crockpot Chicken' for the bday dinner and the boys both loved it! I also baked a cake and since I don't have an actual oven it turned out really well :) Those exercises really helped and I also sit my hurt foot/heel on an ice pack to help it heal faster. I had plantar fascistic one time for 9 months and once I started the exercise it got better so much faster!
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Wow! I actually posted a pic---yeah me :)
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, Jannie, what an adorable dog. Yay, on posting the picture, I know how excited I get each time I conquer one more thing on this site.

    Yesterday, I got started on taxes. I have something that needs to be depreciated and it's been a long while since that happened, so I had to do research to make sure that the depreciation schedule is still the same as 5 years ago. So far, it looks the same, so the percentages are the same.

    Elaine, your progress is amazing. Congratulations. I'm sure you'll out walk everyone in your family on your trip next month. Well, you out-walk everyone, all the time.

    Debora, I didn't get those dvd's out yet, but I will try to do that on Wednesday and let you know which ones I have. Today, I go in for more blood work and tomorrow morning, I go in early for a CT scan. From there, I have a little time to kill and then PT at noon. I probably won't get by here tomorrow.

    Today is another gorgeous sunny day. It's amazing how much diversity we have East vs West.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Thanks Sheryl! We <3 Kringle so much, she's a good girl MOST of the time :D I hate doing my taxes and have had 2 friends find out that their identity was stolen when they tried to file this year :( Isn't that sad? I hope that never happens to me but the police told both friends that it is getting more common every year. Hope that your CT scan goes well!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good evening - almost time to head for bed. I keep checking hoping that Marcie will have an update on her dad. I woke up to snow on the ground but had no trouble driving. It wasn't a lot and most of it melted already. I walked and then have had the entire day home since then. I've started doing a better cleaning than I do some weeks, did a load of laundry and some other odds and ends. DH wanted his haircut so we got that done too.

    Elaine, you snuck in while I was writing last time. I'm so glad your recovery from your knee surgery is going so well. Pretty neat when the PT fights over you. Shows how nice you are even when you don't like what they are doing for you. You are sure having the cold and snow. Cool that you can post with your voice.

    Jannie, what a cute picture of your dog. Creamy crockpot chicken sounds great. You should post the recipe. How did you bake the cake without an oven? Foot was better today so I soaked it again tonight. Of course, I really took it easy on Sunday - not so much today. I'll try the ice pack idea too. Thanks for all the help.
    Sad for your friends and the identify theft. They say that's a real mess.

    Sheryl, good luck with the taxes. Hope you can just sit and relax between the CT and PT. Any replies from Granny lately?

    Heading for bed now. Tomorrow afternoon is Good News Club. Hope it's nice enough that can be outside afterwards - makes cleaning up so much easier. Sleep tight.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi everyone, I have been so busy with being in the big town that I had to take a couple of days to recharge and let my muscles relax. I was hurting badly from all the walking I was doing. I have probably walked about 12 miles with all the back and forth out there with Saturday being the biggest walking day. My husband said we walked 3 miles that day but we completed our duties, lol.

    Our biggest duty was to figure out what gift we were building for the wedding but it took 6 different stores to find most of what we needed. We changed our idea at least once per day because the materials we needed to complete an idea weren't available unless we had it shipped to us. When you have wood shipped to you there is never a guarantee that you will get a good piece to use.

    We had originally decided we would use a 1" thick wood but realized it would be far too heavy a box to lift and that would be an empty box at that. So, we changed the design over and over again but could not find the wood we needed to complete it which meant going to the big town over and over again, lol. We finally decided on the final design having plywood as well as hard stock oak which made it so that we could make our original idea. That is what it is like out here to find what you are looking for, lol. Our final design is a keepsake box with a plywood bottom and top. The top will sit down into the frame of the box so it should look quite nice. We will use 1/4" and 1/2" red oak for the box frame and 1/2" oak plywood for the bottom and top. It should come out nice but you never know with us the direction could turn again, lol.

    Our weather turned pretty cold yesterday but I feel for all of you that are in the brunt of all this winter weather.

    I have been working on the guest/craft room as well and decided the room is just too small to have both a craft room and a guest bedroom so for now the bed is in the office room. The house is less than 1200' and has three bedrooms with two bathrooms which makes the rooms small. I have been looking at murphy beds with a desk built in as well which might be the solution to the small room size. I was also thinking I could have a murphy bed with a table that folds out and I could use it for material cutting and ironing. I just have to make the decision on what direction to go. Either way we go the bed will have bookcases with doors on each side for storage.


    Glad you hear your dad finally had his tests and was able to eat. That is a long time without eating something. Cisco sounds like a neat dog and neighbors must really like your dad to ask about him. Did you get to bring your dad home yet?


    it's good to see you pop in here and glad you are doing well with your knee too. How's the back doing?


    Thanks for the pic of Kringle, what a cutie


    How is your blood work and CT Scan?


    Sorry about your friends having problems with their taxes and identities. I had that happen to me when I was 20 years old. I filed my taxes and received a letter from the IRS asking me to prove who I was and if I had my social security card. I did have it, so sent a copy to the IRS and explained where I was born, who my mother and father were and my birthdate. I was never asked anything after that but I called them and they told me someone was working the fields and had stolen my number but were paying taxes under my number. Weird. I told him I had hoped it was just numbers written down wrong mistake.

    It does make quite a mess though. My husband had his stolen and lost thousands back about 20 years ago. My brother is constantly fighting charges that keep coming back from when his identity was stolen when he was only 19 years old. It is a nightmare to get rid of that stuff.


    I am still in awe of all you do in a day.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good morning everyone.

    What a long weekend! Our office was closed for the holiday yesterday, so it feels like Monday to me.

    Around 9am on Sunday the doctor in the hospital told my Dad that the test results looked good and he could go home. But, they didn't get around to discharging him until 4pm. They had just started using a new computer system in that hospital, and they were struggling with it, so everything was taking longer than normal. A long day. Just glad to have him home again. Cisco gave him a good mauling when he walked in the door to let him know how happy he was to see him!

    Dad's cardiologist wants him to come to her office tomorrow so she can check him out, so he had to go get blood tests this morning, which meant more fasting last night. He says he's becoming a fasting pro. He went for 27 hours with no food in that hospital (and no IV).

    The heartburn that dad was experiencing is gone now, and they don't know what was causing it. With him, anytime he experiences anything that may be associated with his heart disease, they chuck him in the hospital and check everything. I'm glad for that, but it is so scary when that happens. When his time comes, I'm going to be such a mess. He's the only real family I have left in this world.

    I took Cisco for a walk after I brought Dad from the hospital Sunday afternoon, but Dad took over that task again yesterday morning. I'm sure Cisco was happy about that. Mom just doesn't do it right!

    It was so warm here this weekend, I actually had to turn on the AC in my car as I was running around to and from the hospital and other errands. We got up to 80 on Saturday. It was about 10 degrees cooler yesterday, but that is still too warm for winter. I want my winter! I enjoy the cool weather. Summer and the hot temps will be here soon enough.

    I put off doing my weekly cooking this weekend, so was glad to have yesterday off to get all of that done. Now I'm caught up on that and housecleaning.

    Elaine, it was nice hearing from you. I hope your back is feeling better. As usual, brrrr on your weather!

    Sheryl, I hope PT went ok yesterday. It sounds so painful. I need to get my taxes done too. I keep putting it off for some reason this year. Probably because a big chunk of my refund is going towards paying off that stupid red light ticket I got!

    Jannie, yay on posting your first pic! I hope to see more. Your Kringle is such a cutie!

    Debora, thanks for checking in for updates on my Dad. That was nice of you. As usual, sounds like you had a busy weekend.

    Anew, hope you have time to stop and chat more.

    Better close now and get to work. Have a wonderful day everyone.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    I forgot to post about the problems I am having with my truck. I will be taking it in tomorrow to have it checked out before an alignment because it is bouncing the tire on the left front side. It seems to be worse when I put on the gas and is less bouncing when I let off the gas. This tells me that the forward motion of the tire by gasoline power makes it work harder and I can feel the results of it. I was looking up the symptoms and it is possibly something called "The Death Wobble". Yikes, that is scary.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, frustrated, had a long post and lost it, stupid computer. I'll try this again.

    Yup, I didn’t make it over here at all yesterday. I knew on Monday that Tuesday would be a very full day. I left the house before 8 am for the CT scan and it went very well. Got out of there by 9:30 am. There’s a portion of the scan that I need to put my arms up over my head. For early scans, I just couldn’t do it, so they modified the scan because my left arm was down by my side. Two months ago, with the technician’s help, he lifted my arm up, but it was so painful, he hurried through it and helped me get my arm down. Yesterday, I was able to lift my arm and hold it there myself, some pain, but nothing like before. I had to fast for the scan, so I was hungry and thirsty and went out to breakfast. I almost never go out by myself, I don’t know why I feel so awkward sitting in a restaurant alone, but I do. But, yesterday, I did it and enjoyed it, got my new favorite, avocado eggs benedict.

    Then, I ran a few errands; post office, Office Depot to pick up labels, and stopped by Fred Meyer to grab their weekly flyer so I can check out sale items to make a grocery list for Friday. Got to PT a little early and watched a cupcake program on the Food Network that they had on in the waiting room. Wow, they had to make a display of one thousand cupcakes. What a feat!

    PT was better, Heather said that she could feel a difference in my muscles and knew I was doing my homework. That made me feel good, that even the therapist can see the improvement. Friday, I go back to Mike, the main therapist and I’m anxious to see if he sees improvement too. I only have PT through the end of February approved by insurance. If I need more sessions, I have to put in a request and go through the referral/approval process all over again. If they don’t approve it, I’ll find out how much they charge for cash discount. I’m willing to pay myself if I can get full use of my arm back.

    I got home about 2 pm and then had John try to tell me all that he did while I was gone. He couldn’t remember most of it, but I didn’t see anything totally out of place. I’m in a turmoil whether to think about him at home and wonder what he’s up to while I’m gone, or have him go with me and wonder how he’s doing in the waiting room. On the occasions that he can be by my side the whole time, I take him with me. But, during scans and PT, he would have to wait for me.

    I have so much more to say, but John is up now, so I’ll close this out and check back later on the other computer.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, our day looks beautiful from inside. The sun is shining and the sky is blue but it's still cold. Yesterday was a strange day. Dark clouds, a few minutes of snow, some got a few minutes of sleet, then the sun burst out and sky was blue - lots of weather all in one day. Got the kitchen floor mopped yesterday and did the bathroom, back hall and utility rooms today. Let's just say, this doesn't happen every week. It would be easier if I did it more often though.
    Good News Club went okay. We had a couple new ones and some that had come before Christmas started again. Some of them got to act out the story and did a good job. During club, I got a phone call. Reception is not good in the building so she waited till I got home. I'm glad she did cause she told me about a friend whose husband had suddenly died. He had lost his hearing in the last month or so and had terrible pain is his head so he couldn't sleep. Now he's at peace.
    I'm about to head out for the rest of the day. I'm going to a thrift store, Walmart and then to Lori's to babysit. Then tomorrow morning I'm going to Lindsey's to watch three of hers while she goes to the dentist.

    Anewstart22, I hope you aren't aching so much now. What a neat project you are doing for the wedding. Takes some real skills to do it. Take a picture when it's done.
    Our house is a little bit bigger than yours (1340) so our bedrooms aren't huge either. We do have a full basement though. What do you do your crafts on? As creative as you guys are, maybe you could make a folding table that would roll over the foot of the bed or something. I'm sure you'll figure something out. After the kids all moved out, we turned one of the bedrooms into a library for Ralph and it's very full now but I'm trying to confine him to that room.
    No awe needed. I just do a variety of things where some people are always busy but doing the same things. Keeps me on my toes at times.

    Marcie, getting out of the hospital is quite a job but I'm glad it's done and your dad is back at home. Having Monday off after all that was really nice for you. I can' t believe he didn't have an IV for those 27 hours. Hope he gets a good report today.

    Anewstart22, glad you're getting your truck in before anything happens.

    Sheryl, glad you got what you wanted yesterday. Yay on being able to put your arm up for the PT and for the PT people to recognize your progress. Keep doing what you're doing. Whatever you do, you'll wonder what John's doing so trust that whatever you decide to do is the best for that day. Hope you make it back later.

    I need to head out now. See you.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good afternoon everyone. I was up and out the door at 7:45 this morning to take the truck in for alignment inspection. It is as I thought, I need a complete front end workup on my 01 dodge. All four tie rods, all four rubber boots on the tie rods, upper and lower ball joints, shock absorber and there is no problem with the track bar but may as well get it done since we will be there anyway. The one in the truck has 105,000 miles on it so may as well make it new with everything else so we don't have to go back in there later.

    I don't know if my husband will do most of the replacements or have the shop fix it. He usually likes to save some of the money by doing it himself and I am waiting on an estimate from the shop for the actual cost of everything. They were real busy this morning so I am sure it will be late this afternoon before I hear anything from them. Once all work is done we will need an alignment as well. Also need new tires since mine are about 10 years old but only have 50,000 miles on them. They are looking like dry rot will be around the corner as well.

    While checking my email today I discovered I had received three emails from Match.com about my new account with them. The first email welcomed me, the second one told me they had received my account update on my profile and the third one told me my new profile was accepted. Hmm, I don't have an account on match.com, I am quite happy with hubby here, lol. So, instead of logging on directly from my email in case it was a phishing email I searched Match.com and found their website. I then told the system I had forgotten my login password and I was sent an email to change my login. I changed it and came to an account for a male 23 years old and his online presence was Bam60cuz. I new this was wrong, why would a man use my email address? after all I am female and my email address is my name. I found chat on their website and let them know that was not my account on their site. The gal I chatted with checked out the account and told me she canceled the account and blocked all email from coming to me. She apologized for the inconvenience and I expressed my thanks for her quick action. I hope this person isn't up to no good on that website. Beware of Bam60cuz on there is you use it.

    sannferris, I am so glad your PT is going so well for you and I hope the insurance will approve all that you need to get well. I would think they would want you to be as close to 100 percent as possible on your movement.

    mygnsac, I am happy to hear your father is doing well and cisco has his walking partner back.

  • cthompson8083
    Hi all. sorry I haven't been around. We have had so much crap going on, any my pain has been out of control lately. So the furniture we bought last month turned out to be a nightmare. The recliner we already had to return because it was held together by staples, and the company fought us about it. Then our box spring collapsed, they fought us about it, haven't had a bed to sleep in for a week, they brought out a replacement, IT WAS THE SAME AS THE ONE THAT BROKE!! We made them take it all back. Now we have no bed AND no chair... ugh. We had a single guest bed in the attic, so jason is sleeping on that, and I am sleeping on the couch. Needless to say, neither of us is getting any sleep. The hubband's birthday is today :) and our anniversary is on sat. We aren't doing anything special. We went to our local diner this morning, and because I pretty much live there, the owner gave us our breakfast for 5$ total for hubband's birthday :) so that was really nice. I am terrible sorry that I haven't been able to catch up with everyone. I started taking the tramadol, and it does seem to help, but the side effects are awful, and when the pain gets really bad, I still have to take tylenol or ibprofen with the tramadol. But, I am just so grateful that at this point, anything is working. I have a new recipie too!

    Polenta with Sautéed Veggies
    1 (24-ounce) tube polenta, cut into 16 slices
    1 tablespoon olive oil
    1 medium yellow onion, diced
    2 cloves garlic, minced
    1 teaspoon ground cumin
    1/2 teaspoon chili powder
    1/2 teaspoon oregano
    Pinch of cayenne
    1 medium zucchini, diced
    1 red bell pepper, diced
    Salt and pepper to taste
    1 (15-oz.) can black beans, drained and rinsed
    1/2 cup jarred salsa
    4 ounces queso fresco, crumbled
    Chopped cilantro, lime wedges, and additional salsa for serving

    Preheat oven to 450ºF. use cooking spray coat a large baking sheet. Place the polenta slices on the sheet Bake for about 30 minutes, flipping halfway through cooking time, until the polenta is crispy and golden brown on the edges.

    Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the onion and cook until softened and starting to brown, about 5 minutes. Stir in the garlic, cumin, chili powder, oregano, and cayenne; cook for about 30 seconds, until fragrant. Add the zucchini and red pepper to the skillet and cook, stirring often, about 3 minutes more, until slightly softened. Remove from heat and season with salt and pepper.

    Combine the beans and salsa in a small saucepan over medium heat and cook until warmed through, about 5 minutes. Divide the polenta slices onto 4 plates, then top each with salsa beans, veggies, and queso fresco. Serve with chopped cilantro, lime wedges, and additional salsa.

    Shredded jack cheese can be substituted for the queso fresco if you have it on hand.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi, I just had to show you all this shelf made of plywood and nails. I love it and it is perfect for the craft room. :D


  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    We sure are socked in with fog this morning. I could barely see 5 feet ahead of me on the commute to work. Scary. This was our foggiest day this year.

    Dad seems to be doing ok now (or, if he's not, he's not telling me). He went for blood tests on Monday, had to fast the night before, but when he got there they said they hadn't received the order from his doctor, so he had to fast again last night and go again today for the blood tests. What with not eating in the hospital last weekend and fasting twice this week, he says he's becoming a fasting pro.

    I made chili spaghetti with veggies (asparagus, brussel sprouts, corn, green onion, spinach, mushrooms, broccoli) for dinner last night. I haven't made that in a long time. So good.


    Cisco slept with me all night last night and he sure was kicky. I came close to kicking him out of bed, but just didn't have the heart. I think if you looked up spoiled rotten dog, you'd see his picture.

    Christina, I posted your recipe in the Recipe folder here in the group. I can't believe the problems you guys are having with the furniture! I hope you find something better soon.

    Anew, my Dad had a similar issue with a matchmaking website once. He started receiving emails from people saying they saw him on the website and wanted to set up a date. Turns out someone was using his email name as their username on that site. I think he contacted that site and they got it straightened out.

    Debora, that's too bad about your friend's husband, but at least he is no longer in pain now.

    Sheryl, I hope you and John are having a good week.

    Elaine, I saw that picture over on Facebook of the snowed in store parking lot. I'd like to scoop it all up and bring it to California! We need it so bad! I hope PT is going well for you.

    Hi to Jannie and Tammy!

    Gotta get to work. Have a nice day everyone. :)

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Once again, I didn’t make it back here yesterday. My days are filled with busy doing a lot of nothing. I did discover something that John did while I was gone on Tuesday, changed extension cords and outlets that things were plugged into. I went to turn on a lamp that usually gets turned on by the switch ON the lamp and it didn’t come on. I just figured that the bulb burned out, but then, I got to thinking I better check things out. We live in an old mobile home and there are no ceiling light fixtures (except in the kitchen and bathrooms). Each room has an outlet that is connected to a wall switch, so certain lamps are plugged into those outlets so that the light comes on when you flip the wall switch. Sure enough, when I turned on the wall switch, that particular lamp came on, but then so does the other lamps and I don’t always want all the lights on. So, I spent some time, under the desk, changing everything back again. Good workout.

    A couple of weeks ago I came home to find John taking one of the table lamps apart to “fix” it. He had changed the light bulb and it still didn’t work so he thought the lamp needed repair. Well, he was trying to turn it on by using the switch on the lamp and without the wall switch turned on for that outlet, the lamp would never light up. I have to keep a better eye on him, or he’ll have everything taken apart thinking he can fix it. Unfortunately, he can’t fix anything anymore.

    Tuesday was the most gorgeous day so far this year and as I was driving from doctor’s office to errands to PT, I wished that John was with me so we could just keep driving and go for a scenic. I thought that the forecast stated that Wednesday would be like Tuesday, so we made plans to take off yesterday and drive, but we woke up to overcast and drizzle, so we stayed home. Today is also overcast and drizzle.

    Debora, I haven’t heard from Granny since I sent her photos of my hair last week and then it was only a couple of words about my hair. I don’t know what’s going on with her, she’s not even sharing via email. I’ll have to ask more pointed questions, like did she ever get her bed and recliner fixed? How are the little ones doing? I’ll keep “pestering” her unless she specifically tells me to leave her alone.
    I need to search for those walking dvd’s, maybe today. They are no longer sitting next to the tv and I can’t remember where I put them. I would love to blame “chemo brain” on my forgetfulness, but I think I’ve been off those harsh drugs for long enough that I can’t use that excuse anymore.

    Marcie, so glad to hear that Dad is feeling better, but sure hope he gets answers as to what was going on. Not knowing is the hardest part of feeling ill. How was the cardiologist appointment?
    Every time I drive to my oncologist’s office, I drive by our Old Spaghetti Factory. The last three or four times I’ve driven by, it looks deserted. The sign is still up, but no customers or cars in the lot. We only went there twice, but it was good, I’ll have to check it out and see if they closed down.
    I can see Cisco leading the way on your walk. And yes, I’m sure he’s saying, “Mom, you’re not doing this right!!!” When John was feeding the animals, he would comment that a couple llamas would not come into the stall to get hay. That’s because I had them spoiled and would put a little hay out in the pasture, separate from the others, so they could eat in peace. Now that I’m feeding again, they go out to their spot and wait for me, knowing that I will feed them separately.

    Anew, I know exactly what you mean about looking mad or mean. I inherited my mom’s frown lines and she and I have always had to combat that “mad” look. Even a smile does not always change my look. I’ve gotten lots of comments about it over the years.
    Are you building the wedding gift and then taking it to CA? Or are you arranging what you need and getting it and putting it together there?
    So sorry to hear about your needed truck repairs. Everything seems to hit at once, but it’s also smart to take care of all of it at the same time. As long as it is pulled apart, put in all new parts.

    Christina, glad to hear that you get a little relief with the new meds. It’s great that this doctor will work with you and keep trying new meds until the right combination is found.

    I’m long winded this morning, Hi to everyone else that I’ve missed.
    Time to refill my mug…
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi everyone, it's been a wild ride this past couple of weeks. I have priced my tires and alignment without replacing any parts yet making the cost about $1100. My husband said the parts are around $400 if he does it himself but he doesn't have the tool needed for the Ujoints. I still don't know what the cost would be for all the parts and labor from the shop because I haven't received the call. Yikes!

    Although I don't go very far, very often(last couple weeks were an anomaly) I don't care for being stranded without a vehicle to drive. I told my husband we should just put tires on his little MGB so he can drive it on the days I need a vehicle and I can drive his truck, like tomorrow. He has a cute little white MGB but the tires are really old on it as well. This route would be much cheaper at around $300 and we could fix my truck after the wedding trip in May. The trip is going to cost a couple grand so I hope I can convince him to do it because we really don't have the money to spare. I would also sell my truck but I tow with it, and so does he.

    I am hoping to get a score in the town my friends are in. Someone is selling precut 3/4" plywood 12" wide and 7' long. With those I could build some shelves like in the link I posted earlier for a pretty good cheap deal. This would help me to organize my craft/guest room and be able to use my workbench my husband built me years ago. I might have him do 16" or 24" deep shelving so I can put plastic storage containers on it. I am sure our design will include some 2x2's and 2x4's in the framing, lol.
    The days here have been cold with yesterday having a thick sheet of ice on my windshield in the morning but it warmed up nicely by 10 am and I was able to remove my coat. Today seems to be warm and the sun is shining, I feel bad for everyone who are in multiple storms.

    I missed your post yesterday and it looks like you posted right before I did yesterday. I am sorry to hear about your friend and I'm glad he is at peace. I feel much better now, thanks for asking. I use a bench my husband built for me with 2x4's and a plywood top that he topped with the brown kind of soft wood, sometimes you can buy it with holes in it. I don't know what it is called but the texture is very smooth which makes the materials slide real easy on it, I just can't have any liquids on it because it wouldn't stand up to it. He built it according to my needed height and it is about 7.5' long by about 24" deep. I can slide right up under it and sew comfortably.

    Sorry to hear about all your trials lately. I hope your pain is getting better under control now with the tramadol. I took tramadol for years and I didn't like the side effects of it either but it did help the pain. I hope your furniture situation is fixed soon too. We also had a problem with that as well and we fought hard to get decent furniture delivered. I am not totally happy with the furniture but at least it looks normal, lol.

    Does your husband do any wood working? Perhaps he can build furniture for you. Have you seen Ana White's website? ana-white.com/plancatalog she has all kinds of furniture designs there. You can get all the upholstery materials online but make sure you get the expensive cushions not the cheap stuff that flattens out when you press your hand on it.
    Congrats on your anniversary and I like your new recipe.

    mygnsac- Glad your dad is doing ok but it sure seems they dont have their stuff together for him. I have never had chili spaghetti before so I'll have to try the recipe and I am equally happy to know that Match.com takes care of things so quickly.

    sannferris-I am glad you get to be so active now. What about getting a clapper for him to turn lights on? He might have some fun with that. That frown problem, lol. If only people could understand it better.
    We are building the giftbox here and putting it all together here. I will wrap it in pink ribbon before we take it to the wedding so it doesn't get smashed in transit, but otherwise it will all be done here.

    I hope everybody has a great day today!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited February 2015
    Debora, I found my Leslie Sansone's DVDs. I have:
    Walk Slim, 5 Really Big Miles (includes a 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 mile invigorating walk)
    Power Walk with Friends (2 miles in 30 minutes)
    Ultimate 5 Day Walk Plan (Monday = 3 mile walk, Tuesday = 4 mile walk, Wednesday = 1 mile walk,
    Thursday = 2 mile walk and Friday = 5 mile walk)

    I'll probably stick with the 1 mile, no matter what day of the week it is, until I know I can handle it. It's pretty strenuous, I know that when Granny was visiting, she was outdoing me by a long shot.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Busy morning, feeding animals and myself and will get ready for PT. I guess that's about it for now.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good late afternoon everyone. It's been busy today and still figuring out the craft room storage. We went last night to the big box stores and checked out our choices. I'm not sure what I want to do since I need use of the room asap so that I can get some crafting done before the wedding. If we build it will take time, if we just buy already made stuff it would be double the price. The plywood didn't work out, it had some nail holes in it and I don't want anything I have to fill holes in, lol. We did find some very nice shelves for $12.99 each about 4 feet long and about 12" wide. I think they were at least 1" thick so we might just go with that and use some 2x2 and 2x4's to build a frame for them. There are not enough shelf brackets at either store so we definitely need a frame. It would be fast to build and I could paint or stain later. (Yep, I think you all helped me decide what i am going to do, lol). Update: Nope, I think we will go with some pine boards 2x12 or 1x12, believe it or not the 2x12 is cheaper but the 1x12 is a smoother board so we need to take a look at them to decide what we want to do.

    How are you all? sannferris, it sounds like you have some nice walking videos there, I think I will check them out and 1 mile per day is about all I could do comfortably. Update: I checked out the 5 days walking video and it looks great, I will need to order it though.