Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • cthompson8083
    still feeling like crud from my fall :( the pain meds my dr. gave me aren't working, so she is starting me on Tramadol this week. It is a different narcotic, similar to vicodin, but is also a muscle relaxer, so fingers crossed it will work. I am just so very greatful a dr. is finally working with me to get some relief.

    Its freezing rain here today! ugh! we can't get rid of this stuff!!

    aerobed - nice find on those books!

    elaine - hope you are feeling better after your surgery!

    Sheryl - that sucks about the freezer. If you remeber a few months ago, something similar happened to me when my deep freeze stopped working. i lost 300$ worth of groceries! sounds like you caught it in time though. Do you think you will get some new chickens?

    hope the rest of you are doing well :) thank you all for the well wishes.
  • cthompson8083
    I wrote a new recipie today :) I was wondering, does anyone remember the meal plans I used to write out? I would like to get back into it if anyone is interested.

    General Tso's Meatballs
    Meat balls
    2 pounds Ground Chicken
    4 tablespoons peel and mince Ginger, Fresh
    ½ cups dice Green Onions
    2 teaspoons Garlic Powder
    ½ cups bread crumbs
    2 individual Egg

    6 tablespoons Rice Vinegar
    6 tablespoons Honey
    1 cup hoisen sauce
    1 cup water
    1 tbsp red chili flakes

    Add meatball ingredients to bowl, mix together, form balls.

    Add rest of the ingredients to crock pot whisk to make sauce, add meatballs to crock pot. Cook on low for 4 hours, cool, add to freezer bag to freeze or serve with rice
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi everyone.

    Feeling tons better today. Boy, that was a nasty bug I had last week. Had a temperature and lots of nausea. Dad is already over his cold. I don't think we had the same thing.

    We had a really strong rain and wind storm the last couple of days. On Saturday night I kept hearing things hitting the roof so went out back to see what it was. The wind was so strong it was blowing our spiky palm tree fronds off the trees, and one of them nearly clocked me in the head! They were flying everywhere. The next morning they were all over the yard, on the roof, in the bushes and in the pool. Took me forever to get them picked up and put the trash. The gardeners come tomorrow and Dad is going to ask them to get those fronds that are on the roof. I don't do roofs!

    It was raining through the sunshine on my drive to work this morning, but the clouds are mostly gone now and we have clear skies again. I think that's it for that storm. It was a warm storm. Got to nearly 70 degrees yesterday, so it felt muggy.

    I watch A LOT of TV while I was sick. I got through 4 seasons of The Walking Dead. Season 5 started this year, but isn't available on Netflix yet, so I'll have to wait to find out what happens. Once you get past the zombies and apocalyptic background, its a really addicting story line. I did this with Breaking Bad last year. Binged watched the first 4 seasons, then had to wait about 6 months before the final episodes of that series were on Netflix.

    I finally got my appetite back on Saturday and we went out for breakfast. I ate everything on that plate (didn't eat all that toast though)! Chicken fried steak with sausage gravy, eggs, and hashbrowns. I rarely eat a big plate of food like that anymore.


    I actually felt look cooking yesterday, so I got my weekly cooking done. This week it is a pot of lentils, pumpkin protein bars, hardboiled eggs, and roasted brussel sprouts, cauliflower and carrots, and started another batch of sprouts to sprouting. A friend here on MFP gave me the name of another blend of sprouting seeds to try and I ordered a package on Amazon yesterday. The blend I've been sprouting the last couple of months has broccoli, clover, radish and alfalfa seeds. The new blend will have arugula, dill, cress, clover, and radish seeds, and she says its really good.

    Sheryl, nice save on the frozen foods. We have a box freezer out in our garage that desperately needs to be defrosted. I need to clean it out and get rid of some food that's too old, then maybe I'll defrost it. I've never had a duck egg before. Do they taste different than chicken eggs?

    Christina, that sounded like nasty fall. Just what you didn't need! I've taken Tramadol before and I prefer it to Vicodin. I hope it helps ease your pain.

    Debora, I rarely use my food processor for chopping veggies. Just tends to chop them too fine. I prefer my knife. But then, I'm only preparing food for me or me and my dad.

    Elaine, if you are checking in, I hope your recuperation is in full swing. I'm glad to hear this one wasn't as bad as the first.

    Anew, yay on finding your ring, and needing it resized. I have lots of casual rings that don't fit anymore so I just put a little plastic tube on them to make them fit. Those rings aren't worth the price of having them resized.

    There is sure not a whole lot of movement here in the group. I think some of the members have gone elsewhere but didn't cancel their MFP account and some never commented much on NM and don't do so here either. That's too bad.

    Better close and get back to work.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    I wrote a new recipie today :) I was wondering, does anyone remember the meal plans I used to write out? I would like to get back into it if anyone is interested.

    General Tso's Meatballs
    Meat balls
    2 pounds Ground Chicken
    4 tablespoons peel and mince Ginger, Fresh
    ½ cups dice Green Onions
    2 teaspoons Garlic Powder
    ½ cups bread crumbs
    2 individual Egg

    6 tablespoons Rice Vinegar
    6 tablespoons Honey
    1 cup hoisen sauce
    1 cup water
    1 tbsp red chili flakes

    Add meatball ingredients to bowl, mix together, form balls.

    Add rest of the ingredients to crock pot whisk to make sauce, add meatballs to crock pot. Cook on low for 4 hours, cool, add to freezer bag to freeze or serve with rice

    Christina, I put a copy of your recipe in our Recipes post. It sounds really good.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, I'm managing to stay busy. So it's nice to be able to come here and relax. We had 5 kids in Sunday School. After it hubby and I headed for the African fellowship. It was a good service. Then they had a potluck to celebrate their 2nd anniversary. This was a potluck without a single dessert and I had the only fruit dish. There were three pizza, lots of chicken, one dish with rice and a couple of Kenyan dishes. The meat one is very good. The one that had corn and then potatoes and beans mashed together did not have much flavor to me.
    Church in the evening was hearing about two ministry places - what they do and ways they can use help. Very interesting but for now I don't feel I should take on anything more.
    This morning we headed out early for Deacon's adoption. That part didn't take long. Then we went to Village Inn for breakfast. That took a lot longer to take care of all 20 some of us there. So we ate late. So hubby and I didn't have dinner and just ate a bit ago. So it was an easy food day.
    At the end of the meal, Derek and Lindsey announced that they are going to be parents again - in April and again via adoption. This time will not be through the foster care system but from a woman who has asked them to adopt her baby boy when he is born. So that's exciting. I don't know if this will slow down the foster care they do or not.
    After we got home, I did a load of laundry, got ready for 4-H and did some walking but just around the house. I'll head out for 4-H in awhile. Could be an interesting evening as I'll have to find someone to be acting president when we get there.
    Weekend weather warmed up a lot - up to 70 - today got up in the 50s after the fog finally burned off. It's supposed to be nice until Wednesday.

    Anewstart22, sounds like you sometimes have to drive further than we do. But that's just how it is. Glad your haircut is working out. I'm getting a haircut on Wednesday. I'm going to a school and letting a friend's granddaughter cut it so we'll see how it goes. It's more of a drive but will help her out. So cool on finding your ring. 5 days of antibiotics will go quickly.

    Sheryl, how fun that you got your Trader Jo's shopping done. Will you add new chickens or just let what you have age out? So glad you got the freezer being ajar and have another one to move the things too. Some appliances just keep going and going.

    Christina, I hope the tramadol works. It is nice to have a doctor working with you and trying to figure out what will be the right thing for you. I do remember when you did the meal plans. I never got them cause I'm not very good at sticking to planned meals but if you do them again, I'd give them a try. The meatballs sound good - are they spicy? I'm finding that more and more a problem with Ralph.

    Marcie, glad you are finally on the mend. Wow, that one really got you down. I watch (listen) to TV a lot so do it when sick too. One thing I can do. Glad you liked The Walking Dead. Sounds like a bit much for me. What a mess with the palm fronds. Your breakfast looks yummy. You have spouting down to being easy to do now. The things being too fine is what Ralph wondered about too - they aren't real large when they are chopped. I'm just doing it for two too but it still takes me at least 20 minutes. And the nice thing about a knife is the clean-up.

    Yep, it's not real busy here but I'll enjoy any who will drop in. Like you and you and you.

    Oh yeah, I have a strange request but figure the further we spread the word, the more chance there is of finding someone. I have a friend who is looking for someone who can speak Bulgarian. So if you know if anyone, I'd be interested. They have adopted a girl from there and she is learning English but sometimes it would be nice for the girl to speak in her mother tongue and for them to have a translator.

    Have a great evening everyone.
  • Pam_Ray
    ferris, I'm so sorry about your cousin. Words never seem to be enough at times like this.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Didn't get here at all yesterday, John got up early and was already needing help before the coffee was even finished brewing. PT was brutal, but satisfying, worked on the scapula muscle and finally got it to "release". Strange deferred reaction, first it was relief from pain when she pulled my arm for range of motion, and the range was more, so I was happy. But, then more pain set in when I got home. I went to bed, but every movement caused pain. I finally took a pain pill to knock me out. I'm sure this is nothing compared to Christina's pain, but was so happy to be "knocked out".

    Christina, I sure hope the new pain med helps you. I still can not imagine what you go through 24/7. And, I'm complaining about not sleeping one night due to some shoulder pain. I have all your 30-day menus and now that I'm doing my own cooking again, I'll looked them over again and plan. Your recipe above looks good, but I'll leave out the red pepper flakes, or at the very least, reduce the amount, I don't like super spicy stuff.

    I was wishing we still had those old refrigerator and freezer doors with a secured latch for closing. I remember when that all changed to the magnetic doors that will pop open. We had to watch films in school to be taught not to climb in the refrigerator for hide 'n seek or we would suffocate. My parents had a chest freezer for years, but the stuff at the bottom never seemed to see the light of day. I like the uprights with doors for ease of getting into, but I know they are not as efficient. I took a turkey breast out to finish thawing and I'll prepare that today. I like a full-blown turkey dinner anytime of year, not just Thanksgiving. I have stove-top stuffing mix that I doctor up. Add sautéed onions/celery and use broth.

    Thank you all for your condolences about my cousin, John. Debora, the last time I saw him was when I was in California in 2011. His family and some other cousins came to my parents' house for a visit. It was great. The 2012 hike on the Pacific Crest Trail was in Northern California into Oregon and they flew out of Bend, Oregon to go back home. I didn't see them that year.

    Marcie, glad the worst of that flu is behind you. I got an email from Nancy and she has been fighting that bug too. It sounds bad.
    Oh, your breakfast looked so good, one of my all time favorites. I get it so seldom now that I go all out and I ask for gravy on the hashbrowns. They could pour country gravy over the entire plate and I'd be in heaven. I have a new favorite at a new place when I meet up with Carol. It's a variation of eggs benedict and they include avocado in it, so delicious. I usually get it with fruit, but once I ordered it with hashbrowns with gravy, they have excellent gravy at the Kitchen Table Café.
    So glad to hear that you don't climb up on the roof. I don't do that anymore either. Those days are behind us, and truthfully, I don't miss them, that was not a job I enjoyed doing.

    I doubt that we'll get any more animals to replace our aging ones. As they die, John has a little melt-down and it gets worse each time and he says "no more animals". The duck eggs taste a bit stronger than chicken and goose eggs, a little more gamey, but still very tasty. The yolks are much darker orange. Goose are just like chicken, only three times the size. I make omelet for two with just one egg.

    Mexican dinner with friends was wonderful. I'll tell you more about it later, John's up now.
    Gotta go.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    We are having a pretty, sunny, white billowy clouds kind of a day. The rain has definitely left.

    I met my new neighbor yesterday. She just moved in to the house across the street with her teenage daughter. They've been renovating that house for the last few months and they finally got that finished. I think they gutted the whole thing out and started over. They seem like nice people. She and her daughter went around the neighborhood yesterday and gave us all a thank you card (for putting up with the construction noises these last few months) and some candy. That was a really nice gesture. She works for the State of CA like me, but with another department.

    Doing a happy dance this morning. As I was leaving for work, dad was loading Cisco in the car to take him to the groomers. Gonna come home to a sparkling clean dog! Cisco was all excited he got to get in the car. He probably thought they were going to the dog park! Hopefully they don't leave him parked in a cage for too long.

    Sheryl, I eat turkey year round too, but I don't do the Thanksgiving sides year round. I'd want to eat too much of it. Sides are my krptonite! I never did care much for Stove Top. Just too salty for me. I've always preferred cornbread stuffing. I've been wondering, did you guys decide not to sell off your truck parts? I recall you were trying to get it all inventoried before you got sick last year.

    Debora, I think The Walking Dead would be too much for lots of people. I'm surprised it wasn't too much for me. I don't usually care for horror shows. It usually takes me about 10 minutes to chop up veggies for my salads. I buy those big tubs of spinach and mixed greens, so no chopping of greens needed. Just the other veggies I add.

    Anew, Tammy, Jannie, Isabella, I hope you are all doing ok. Hope you have time to pop in and chat soon.

    Just a pretty picture..


    I still need to get that red light ticket paid. I just hate having to part with $500 for something so stupid as not coming to a full stop when turning right on a red light during the wee hours of the morning. Ugh. I have until April to get it done. I need to look into Traffic school and see what's involved with that. I'm dragging my feet!

    Better get going. Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone! :)

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Marcie, I agree that the stove-top is salty, I usually pour it out on a plate first and don't include all the "seasoning" that is at the bottom of the bag.

    I'm trying to post some photos, but they won't go on this comment. I'll try a new one.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    When preparing to go to Mexican dinner Sunday night, I took some "selfies" using the bathroom mirror.

    Here is what my hair looks like now.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    I see that I have to do these one at a time...

    Look how kinky/curly my hair is!

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    And then, I put on the wig that my sister bought me.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Why does Baskin-Robbins keep coming up on each page...I want to succumb to this advertising.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited February 2015
    sannferris wrote: »
    I see that I have to do these one at a time...

    Look how kinky/curly my hair is!


    You're looking great Sheryl!! And thats a nice wig. Really compliments your face. I never could find a wig for my mom. She had such a small head,

    And you dont have to do them one at a time. Multiple photos can go in one post. Just add a pic, if you want to see it, click on preview, if you want to keep adding, click edit, and when done, post reply.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Thanks for confirming what I thought Marcie, however, when I had all three photos in one post reply, it wouldn't post, even after waiting about 3 minutes and then clicking it more than once. Doing them one at a time posted instantly. Sometimes, there's no reasoning what the computer does.

    Also, thanks for the compliment on the wig. I have to credit my sister, she knew just what to get.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Your sister did good!

    Okay, I have to try...

    Pic 1

    Pic 2

    Pic 3
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hello everyone, I have been sidetracked for a couple of days. I have a lot to catch up on so I will be back. I just wanted to pop in and say hi to you. Ferris, I love your hair and your wig. :D
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Cheryl, I like Innovation Nation.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Interesting, now, I'm seeing the first photo posted, but the others are not showing up. Oh well.

    This is a quickie note, just to say Hi. I have labs today.
  • cthompson8083
    so cute sheryl!