Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all.

    Just got back from a long walk. It's such a pretty weather day, I decided to get out of the office at lunch and go for a long walk. I had planned to walk over to a vegetarian restaurant someone told me about, about 2 miles away. When I got over there, the line out the door was endless. Too long a wait. I passed that place up and stumbled on a Mediterranean restaurant, so gave them a try. Really good food, but a little pricey to go there too often. Anyway, it was nice getting out. Pretty blue sky, light breeze, and around 69 degrees.

    Got home yesterday to find Dad had bought himself a new chair for his office at home. He got it at Costco, and wrestled it into his car by himself. I swear, he is just bound and determined to throw out his back again! Luckily, he left it in the car until I got home from work, and then I unloaded it for him. He's hoping this new chair will be better for his back. He sits in front of that computer for long hours just about every day.

    After work today, I need to stop at the grocery store. I want to get my weekend shopping out of the way so I don't have to fool with it tomorrow. Dad found a recipe for a low cal/low sodium Chicken Tortilla Soup that you make in the Vitamix blender, and I need to pick up a few items for that soup. They were demo'ing it at Costco the other day and he said was really good. I haven't made too many soups in the Vitamix yet, so this will be a good one to try.

    I finally got around to doing my taxes yesterday. I can check that off the list. I also begrudgingly paid that red light camera traffic ticket. I checked off the box that I want to attend traffic school, and apparently they will be mailing be a list of approved classes. Still grinding my teeth over that one! Next on the list is I need to make an appt to get my car in for it's 15,000 mile check up, make an appt for Simon's annual checkup at the vet, and then, I suppose, make an appt to have them start working on my teeth again (ugh).

    It's been a long week, and as usual, I'm happy Friday has arrived. I guess I'd better close and finish out the day.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    mygnsac wrote: »
    Debra, on the eggs, you don't need to cover the egg with water. Just put enough water to cover the bottom of the glass. I think the friction from shaking the glass, coupled with a little water is what causes the shell to come off so easily. You only need to shake it for a few seconds. I've been using this method for a couple weeks now and I it's worked really great everytime.

    Debra, if you want a visual, here's a video.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited March 2015
    A couple pics of the State Capitol I took on today's walk, and lunch at that Mediterranean place...



  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Here's the YouTube video on the egg peeling in glass of water...

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Got home from work to find Dad MIA. I was starting to get worried he was in the hospital again, but turns out he was at a car dealership. He decided he was done with his little Honda Fit that he bought 4 years ago, and he bought himself a new truck. He had traded in his last truck for the Fit, and I think he's missed it ever since. I can just imagine the salesman going home tonight all twitchy after having to negotiate with my stubborn Dad all day. Ha!

    Dad said when they were just about done, he told the salesman he had one more demand. He wanted him to reduce the cost of the truck by $3,000, and reduce the trade in amount for his Fit by $3,000. He said the salesman was scratching his head over that, and when Dad explained the reason for doing that is it would save him a couple hundred dollars in sales tax, the salesman said after 20 years in the business, that's the first time anyone thought to do that!

    Had lots of room in the garage when Dad had his little Fit, but no more!

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Wow, what a day for you Marcie. 4 miles of walking over your dinner hour, a delicious meal, finding out your dad got a desk chair loaded in his car - maybe that's what triggered buying the pickup. He can haul more things. Smart idea to lower the price both ways to save. At last both vehicles fit into the garage. Wonder what Cisco will think. Great idea to do your weekly shopping tonight so maybe you can do things at home tomorrow. Taxes done. And that dumb traffic ticket done. Busy Busy Busy!!!!
    The egg thing is more than cool. I will definitely try it.

    I didn't do much this evening but my list and played some computer games. Tomorrow's a new day. Good night.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Wow, love the truck...I couldn't live without access to a truck, they are so versatile and useful. I'm spoiled, I've never been without at least two vehicles at my disposal, if anything happens to one, I've got a back-up. Yea, I bet Dad wishes he had the truck for getting that chair home.

    I also wish there were more of us chatting on here. I must admit, I get very disappointed when I log on and there's no little yellow number beside more topics notifying that there is new activity.

    I got an email from Granny that there is a new Trader Joe's being built in Tulsa. That may cheer her up a little, someplace new to go and change her routine around. I know that changing our routine always cheers me up.

    Marcie, thanks for the tip on peeling the eggs. I have to boil some before I can try this, but I'll do that today.

    Another beautiful day, so we'll probably spend most of it outdoors. Lots of chores to do around here.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good afternoon, we went to the DAV book sale. All books were three for a dollar. And we brought home about 150 books. Lots of Bibles and other books to send to our friends in Kenya. We stopped at McDonalds to get a bite to eat. I told hubby to just leave the books in the trunk and bring them in Monday. Then I won't care if he covers the dining room table to sort them. He jokingly said we should have taken the semi to haul them (but Alan was using it to haul corn). Tried to find the grass seed he wants too but not time to go to the right place. Maybe next week.

    Now I need to get busy here - straighten the house, walk with Leslie, do some food stuff, get the rest of my SS lesson ready.

    Sheryl, let me know if the eggs work for you too - not just a special touch Marcie has. Ha. I'm like you in liking to see the yellow star lit up. Guess I need to drop in with short notes. Cause I do check to see if there's anything to read.

    Beautiful day here too - 65 degrees.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited March 2015
    Today will be another cold and rainy day, yesterday warmed up a bit and was a beautiful sun shiny day which was perfect for a craft and yard sale. I have a friend who makes pillowcase dresses to send to Africa and she makes kitchen towels that hang on the oven door handle or refrigerator using a single snap or velcro closure. She sells those to make the money back to make more and get a small amount extra to supply her with the materials needed for the dresses. I took a few things over and we made a few dollars toward those supplies which was nice to donate to her but also get some things out of the house.

    I have just put the first coat of polyurethane on the box parts so we are getting closer to being done making them. Yay!


    I am glad your able to get out and enjoy some time with your husband. It is always nice to have one on one time away from home. It's good to hear you can unload some of those parts too.


    I love your dad's new truck and I tried the egg thing yesterday morning and it was a huge fail, lol. I think the style of glass used is probably quite important and I don't have any with much similarity to what the person uses in the video.

    Good news on getting the traffic ticket paid, at least you don't have to worry about that one anymore. We haven't done our taxes yet, I keep asking my husband if we have all the documents we need for it.


    I discovered some pics while cleaning up that were supposed to go to my son and I knew I had them but couldn't find them in my stack I had put together. I mentioned to my husband how I discovered photos in a stack with non related pics on it and that the pics were supposed to be in the package I mailed. He replied, "Sorry, I may have done that, I was in there looking at pictures before I left for work. I didn't know you were separating them". Hmm, the one stack was all photos of my son, lol. Ah well, there is plenty of time to get them out to my son anyway so all is good.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited March 2015

    Well, it's official. I'm now 50 years old. No where near as bad as turning 40. I hated that one!

    Dad and I ran a bunch of errands yesterday in his new truck. That thing is much more comfortable than his Fit was. We went to the bank so he could get the Fit's pink slip out of his safe deposit box, then ran that over to the dealership to give it to them. Then we went out to lunch at Marie Calendars. That was my birthday meal. I was going to get something really caloric, but stuck with their light menu instead and had rosemary chicken, potatoes and broccoli. It was soooo good. I was also going to get a piece of pie for my birthday dessert, but was just to full, so I skipped it. We were going to go to Chipoltle,I've never been, but they were too busy and we didnt want to wait.


    I hated having to set the clocks ahead. I wished they would just leave it alone!

    I tried to sleep in this morning, but Cisco pestered me awake. I woke up to him tapping my shoulder with his tail going a million miles a minute. Apparently he decided I'd slept enough!

    Anew, sorry the egg thing didnt work for you. Works like a charm for me, but you do need a small glass to do it.

    I got to get all my weekly cooking done today. I didnt get anything but laundry done yesterday. Better close and get to it. You all have a great day!

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Happy Birthday Marcie! You're such a youngster. Your meal at Marie Calendars looks yummy. I ate at one of their restaurants in Denver once for brunch and enjoyed it and I don't know how connected they are, but their frozen meals are the ones I try and get for DH to have when I'm gone. :) Glad everyone is enjoying the new pickup. (I know it's a truck to you but it's a pickup here. Our trucks are 2 or 3 ton and then we have a semi.
    I'm with you on not liking to change the clocks. Just leave it one way. Cisco just wanted you to have lots of birthday day to enjoy.
    I also watched a video where they did a bigger container with 6 eggs and it worked on five of them.
    All that cooking is smelling good.

    Anewstart22, I have seen those pillowcase dresses. What a neat project. Nice that you could help her out. I could so see my hubby doing exactly what yours did. At least you found them in time.

    It's been a good day here. SS went well. I took a toy horse to use to act out our story. If you push it's ear, it neighs and then plays a song. I told my sister I hoped none of the kids would do that. As I went to take the horse from one of the kids, guess what I did. Yep, I accidentally hit the ear. The kids didn't really react and no one else did it so no problem except for my red face. Good sermon but it went long.
    Dinner was good - need to write down (and not lose it) how many noodles I did cause I made too many. Lots of leftovers this week. Next weekend I'll be keeping Alan's 4 kids from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon and next Sunday is when all the kids come for dinner so will have to work ahead. Nice thing is they are just on the farm (2 miles away) so I can take them to their place to sleep. So I'll need to figure out easy meals and stuff.
    No church tonight so can take it easy. Hubby is off at a meeting right now. Tomorrow I'll be busy part of the morning and then able to do things at home the rest of the day. My plan for the rest of the day is to do my list and then work on the afghan with the counted cross stitch. Sun is shining and nice outside again.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning - looks to be a beautiful day even though it's not quite as light out as it was last week due to the time change. Need to change the clock in the car - it had me confused this morning. Have a good one.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Belated Happy Birthday, Marcie. Sounds like you had a great day. I agree with all of you...what's the use of changing the clocks? I wish they would put an end to it. Our neighbors came over yesterday afternoon, visit and check on us, and we talked about the stupid time change then too. They don't like it either. I hope I remember to change the one in the car, or I'll get myself confused next time I have to go somewhere.

    Glad you had a comfortable ride in the pick-up. I like sitting up higher than in a compact car. And, little cars are too hard to get in and out of.

    Saturday was such a gorgeous day, I got a lot done, working outside, plus, laundry and dishes. But, I guess I over-did because yesterday was a totally off day. Didn't do a thing and even took a nap. That's so not like me, the nap thing. I only did one session of PT exercises instead of two, or sometimes I get three in. Today, I walked with the one mile dvd. I can't seem to get past that, the longer walks seem so daunting to me, but I know that I'll work up to them, eventually.

    I still haven't hard boiled my eggs yet...maybe today.

    I got an email from friends from the ladies' Bible study group that I used to go to. We all want to get together for lunch sometime, but who knew it would be so difficult to find a day that's good for all of us. Right now, it looks like Monday, March 30th, but I think Carol works on Mondays, so I'll see what her email response is. We may have to wait until April, or, get together in smaller groups for whoever can make it whenever. I wouldn't mind that, easier visiting with a few at a time, AND more lunches out for me. ha ha

    John needs a hair cut and beard trim again, already, so I'm starting my campaign today. I feel like Cisco needs to go to the groomers, so I'll start telling John that he "smells". It takes several days for me to get John willing to sit in the chair.

    I'm so excited that on Saturday, I instinctively reached up to open the kitchen cabinet over the oven to get a cookie sheet and I did it with my left hand. I did it and realized it as I was pulling out the cookie sheet with my right hand and my left hand was still up on the handle ready to close the cabinet. I'm really getting the use of my arm back, Praise The Lord.

    I hear a lot of cackling now, so I better go collect eggs. If I don't get out there soon enough, they break open and eat the eggs themselves.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited March 2015
    Good morning ladies.

    It looks like Spring has sprung here. It was nearly 80 degrees yesterday. We opened all the windows, turned on the house fan, and let the house air out. Felt good. We sure didn't have much of a winter this year.

    I didn't have any birthday cake yesterday, but I did have this huge and yummy piece of chocolate pie. Can't believe I ate that whole piece!


    Dad spent the day yesterday playing with his new truck/pick up, and took it and got a wax job. It sure looks nice. We had to move a few things around in the garage to make room for it. One of these weekends we need to haul off a bunch of stuff from garage and take it to Goodwill or the dump. Most of the stuff in the garage is Dad's so he needs to start weeding through it.

    Never did get around to making that Chicken Tortilla Soup this weekend. Got all the ingredients, but didn't make it. Maybe next weekend.

    Sheryl, I saw some Justin's Chocolate Hazelnut spread at the store the other day and remembered you saying how good it was. Gave it a try and wow, it is good. Not as sweet as Nutella and better ingredients. It's so expensive though. They wanted nearly $15 for a jar. I wound up just buying a couple individual packets.

    Debora, I'll check out the video on doing more than one egg at a time. I can't image you'd get the same results as doing just 1 egg. I boiled 12 eggs yesterday and used the glass trick on each. The shells just fell off and the eggs were perfect. Wow, that was a lot of books you got the other day!

    Better get to work. Have a great day everyone.

    P.S. Another NMer is here on MFP (hasn't joined the group yet though) and would probably love it if you Friend Request her. She FR'd Debora and I already, and was asking on the NM Facebook page if there were any NMers here. Her MFP name is
    MaryLiz848. Her name on NM was Merowley, but she had been absent for a long time.

  • tlspindor
    tlspindor Posts: 200 Member
    Hi all!!! I know I have been missing but I'm still popping in. The last couple of weeks have been super busy and my eating habits have gone down the tubes, gained 4 pounds in which I need to take off before I go to the doc's on the 22nd. Of course I highly doubt that will happen but I'll give it a try anyway.

    It's good to read that everyone seems to be doing okay, I haven't gotten through all the comments yet I just finished up on page 14 and found out the Merowley is here on MFP. I hope she finds us and joins up with the group.

    Well, I've got to go but I'll be back around again soon.

    Love you All :)<3
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    tlspindor wrote: »
    Hi all!!! I know I have been missing but I'm still popping in. The last couple of weeks have been super busy and my eating habits have gone down the tubes, gained 4 pounds in which I need to take off before I go to the doc's on the 22nd. Of course I highly doubt that will happen but I'll give it a try anyway.

    It's good to read that everyone seems to be doing okay, I haven't gotten through all the comments yet I just finished up on page 14 and found out the Merowley is here on MFP. I hope she finds us and joins up with the group.

    Well, I've got to go but I'll be back around again soon.

    Love you All :)<3

    Nice to hear from you Tammy!

    Andy over on the NM Facebook page gave Merowley (MaryLiz848) the link to our NM group here.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, I've had a nice day today. It was nice to have a good part of the day at home. I did walk this morning and then a bunch around the house to get my steps in (All the steps don't officially count as exercise but they are movement.) Then I took Ava to speech. She had to have her breakfast on the way (a banana) because they had overslept and didn't realize what time it was. And since then I've been home. Got most of what I wanted to done. My load of laundry is still sitting in the washing machine - it washed but is not spinning and we have not figured out the problem yet. Hubby got the call to go in to get set up for the research program that will get him a shot in his knee and hopefully help with the pain. He also gets a fitbit with it so this will be interesting for that part too. I would like to go along to the appointment but it's in the afternoon and I need to go to Good News Club. Hopefully, hubby will understand all they say.

    Wow, let's all wave our arms high to cheer Sheryl on for being able to raise her left arm automatically. That is exciting news.

    Sheryl, it's nice that you can push yourself when you want and then take the day easy when you want. And if you only do one mile along with all the outside work you do, that's great. Hope you are able to get together with your friends from Bible study. Good luck with the haircut.

    Marcie, yummy pie. One of my favorites. Glad your dad is enjoying his new toy. Needing the space might help him sort through a few things. I think it would be just as quick to do one egg at a time. I know I'll do hard boiled eggs for Easter so will try it then if not before.

    Hi Tammy, glad you found a minute. You stay so busy. Hopefully, that 4 pounds is mostly sodium weight so it will melt right off.

    Well, I'm off to do my list and maybe hubby will be ready to look at info on washers and see if we can figure anything out.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning - foggy here. Hope it burns off soon so I can go to church and get the verses for Good News Club so I can hole punch them. Otherwise home till this afternoon - well, unless I take my load of laundry over to my sister's. We did figure out the problem. Now to fix it. Slow start this morning.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all.

    Just popping in to wish you all a good day. Will try to get back later.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Hey all! We've been so busy at work that I am barely able to do anything but rest when I get home :(

    Worked a 24 hour shift and had 2 calls, didn't get back in until 4:30am so yesterday was a total blur. Off today and tomorrow so am trying to catch up! I tried to sleep in but the boys overslept and I had to drive them to school, it was so foggy and rainy here.

    Marcie-so glad you had a great bday! Jealous for sure of your 80 degree weather. We have warmed up into the high 40's and we are celebrating!! I love the pictures you took on your walk the other day, what a nice way to spend lunch :)

    Aero--you are always so busy--it amazes me how you fit it all in! The fog cleared here but is still gloomy with just a little sun showing through every once in a while. Hope you get the laundry done. I do love going to the laundromat occasionally, it gives you a new perspective on people!

    Sheryl-- Yeah for your arm lifts!!! :) You have been busy too and I'm glad John is doing ok right now. I hope the chickens are laying good for you, although I'm not sure I'd like having them, they take up a lot of time! I also hate 'springing' forward but do love 'falling' back. Can't have one without the other!

    Tammy--always good to see you! Hope all is well in Texas :)

    Anew-how have you been?

    Talk to you all soon I hope!