Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Yea, Debora, share you potato recipe. Also, how did you like the bacon wrapped pizza? I've seen the ad on tv for it, but knowing that it never looks the same in real life as it does on tv, I dismissed it. I'm not a huge pizza person anyway, got tired of it in high school, when everyone was crazy for it. Give me a good burger instead.
    I have reverted back into my old bad habits...before NM. Pan frying almost everything. I bought a value pack of pork chops, only $1.99 a pound, but then had pork chops for three different meals this past week and fried all three. At least I do use olive oil now instead of shortening, that's just a shade better.

    We had thunderstorms yesterday, so we turned off the computers. We left the tv on, but I didn't pay a lot of attention to which teams were playing.

    I finally got in touch with two former co-workers from H&R Block and we're getting together for lunch on Thursday. It will be fun to see them and get caught up with what's going on in their life.

    John got up this morning before me, so I passed on my walking exercise again. I need to get back into my early morning routine, but sleeping in is feeling better and better.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited March 2015
    Good morning.

    I hope you all had a nice weekend. I got my grocery shopping done on Friday after work and then Dad and I went out for dinner. I was a homebody for the rest of the weekend.

    The fish restaurant that Dad and I liked so much closed last month, but they have another restaurant a little farther away, so we drove to that one on Friday. Had grilled salmon, rice pilaf, and Asian coleslaw. So good. I had a lot left over, so yesterday I made salmon salad sandwiches. After dinner we stopped at a new frozen yogurt shop near us. I had a low fat butter pecan. Really good.

    I picked up a rotisserie chicken at the store the other night, so we had that on Saturday with plain baked yams, corn and yeast rolls. I boiled the carcass and made chicken broth, and used that in my weekly pot of something (this week is black-eyed peas).

    Last night Cisco decided he was going to sleep with me. Lately he's been switching it up. He spends one night with Dad, one night me. He fell asleep next to me using my arm as his pillow again. I woke up with an arm that smelled like dog breath! About 5:30 am Dad came to get Cisco and take him on his walk, and that dog did not want to get up! I had to physically push him out of the bed. I think he's just a bit spoiled.

    We're a little rainy this morning. It's not going to last long though. Enough to mess up my car, but barely enough to register. At least its keeping our temperatures out the 80s! Last week we had one day that was 88. Way to close to 90 degrees. We're supposed to warm up again later this week, back into the upper 80s. Ugh.

    Dad has 5 more pounds to lose to get back into maintenance. He had put on about 20 pounds since last summer, and has spent the last couple months shedding the extra pounds. He's really liking the MyNetDiary website. He keeps showing it to me and everything it does, but I'm sticking with MFP!

    Isabella, it's good to hear from you again. I hope you can stop by more often!! Lots of dental work going on with you and Dan! I hope you are both feeling OK now. I need to set up an appointment for periodontal work, but have been procrastinating!

    Jannie, good to hear from you again too! Sounds like you and your boys had a nice Spring Break. From what the lady told us during the Archives tour, the Halon gas deploys if the temperature in the room increases beyond a set point at too fast a pace. We've been in the building since 1995, and she said it's only deployed once. Apparently they had some kind of technical difficulty with the thermostat which triggered the deployment. No one was in the vault at the time. A lot of the boxed tapes on the shelves were knocked off during the deployment, but that was all that happened. My Dad, who worked at TV stations before he retired, said they used Halon too to protect their preserved tapes. "Halon adds a fourth dimension to fire fighting - breaking the chain reaction. It stops the fuel, the ignition and the oxygen from dancing together by chemically reacting with them."

    Sheryl, green eggs put me off too. In a post I participate here on MFP (What do your meals look like, w/pics), someone posted a pic of the green eggs and ham waffle sandwich she made on St. Paddy's Day. Looked icky! I hope you post pics of your critters on of these days. I always enjoy seeing them. I hope you and John feel up to going for a drive this week. Hopefully you will have good weather for it. I'm glad you will be visiting with your H&R friends this week! I can't remember the last time I fried anything! I won't do it just for myself, and my Dad sticks pretty close to his healthy eating habits and doesn't care for fried foods anymore. Pretty much nothing prepared at home goes in his mouth these day that hasn't been weighed and logged.

    Debora, I'd like to hear about the potato recipe too! I'm glad you enjoyed the Easter Service so much.

    I guess I should close now and get back to work. Have a great week everyone!!

    Here's a pretty Spring pic for you. I have this one as my wallpaper on the computer right now.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited March 2015
    Ugh. Seems like everyone in this building has caught a bug. They are coughing up a lung and sneezing like crazy. I want to be sympathetic, but at the same time, I DON'T WANT TO GET SICK TOO!!! Sigh.

    Isabella, my Dad's new truck is a 2015 Nissan Frontier.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Dad took Cisco on 3 walks today and here's my boy enjoying the sun at the park during walk No. 2. He had him tied to a flag pole here, and of course he peed on it!


  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Nice truck Marcie! My friend Jami's husband just bought one but he got one with the double doors. Thanks for the nice spring pic also. So many people are sick these days it makes you want to go to work with a medical mask on doesn't it?! I make sure that I don't touch my face and I don't touch any door handles. It has worked so far. We are starting to feel better from our surgeries. I can't wait until I can eat food that isn't mushy again.

    Hubby is calling me to come to bed so I'm off. I'll talk to you all soon.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    isyvanek wrote: »
    Nice truck Marcie! My friend Jami's husband just bought one but he got one with the double doors. Thanks for the nice spring pic also. So many people are sick these days it makes you want to go to work with a medical mask on doesn't it?! I make sure that I don't touch my face and I don't touch any door handles. It has worked so far. We are starting to feel better from our surgeries. I can't wait until I can eat food that isn't mushy again.

    Hubby is calling me to come to bed so I'm off. I'll talk to you all soon.

    His truck actually does have double doors with seats in the back, but not a whole lot room back there. I wont be sitting back there for sure!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning. I had cereal this morning - miss my oatmeal but cereal doesn't take a microwave. I had a dinner roll with cheese in the afternoon yesterday, nuked veggies for supper and when the grandkids were done, I went to heat up what was left for me and no heat so I ate them cold. Ralph tried to heat water and nothing. We'll find a new microwave faster than we did the dryer I'm sure. I use it a lot and will feel a bit lost today and have to think about what I'm doing.

    Sounded like we got a lot of rain last night - even some hail but you can't tell anything this morning other than some dampness on the porch. We can use whatever we can get.

    We went dryer shopping (plus a few other errands) and found a nice maytag used one. The guy is going to get the LP conversion kit and when he gets it on, we'll haul the old one in and bring the new to me one home. Got home ready to do some stuff and Katie called to see if I could watch the kids. They had to return the rental car and get another car and buy groceries and no car had room for all the kids. I'm sure they would like the van back soon. Today I'll look online at microwaves and if we can agree, I'll buy on my own tomorrow when out. The worst is we'd wait till Thursday when Ralph has an appointment we go to. Surely I can survive two days.

    I'm home this morning and then have Good News Club this afternoon.

    I put the potato recipe in the recipes post if you want to check it out. I made mine in a large crockpot cause corn was in the smaller one but thing a three quart would have been a better size.

    Sheryl, I left the bacon wrapped one for the other to eat. It looked really good - much like the picture and smelled awesome but smaller pieces in my mind. Son-in-law really enjoyed it. He had several pieces. Wow, don't know if I could ever get tired of pizza. Glad you're using better oil. Maybe you're using less too. It is really good tasting. Great on planning lunch with friends.

    Marcie, glad you can still get your fish restaurant fix. And a quiet weekend at home is great for you after your busy week. Your dad has not taken long to take off his extra pounds. Weighing what you eat sure helps and not that hard to do after you get used to it. I have put several food into MFP so I can get a weight with them. I don't eat my vegetables but the half cup or whatever. Just wish if you put in grams, you'd also get a ounce conversion and vice versa. Glad your dad like where he records. I've thought about checking out some others but since I'm maintaining okay here, I'm okay. I did switch out the calcium for the sugar and plan to change that back. It doesn't bother me to see the sugar turn red cause I know they don't calculate the added sugars out. But it bugs me to see calcium turn red. Extra of it is not bad. I miss having the average of a time shown but I mostly watch the calories now. Hmmmm, should we try and see our periodonists the same day. Yes, be careful at work - do NOT catch anything.
    I love the pictures you post. Neat colors and Cisco has always been photogenic.

    Isabella, how do you manage to not touch door knobs. I touch plenty but my mind tells me I'm building up immunities. Who knows.

    Well, I'd better get started on things. I slept in a bit so the morning is going to go fast I'm sure. Have a great day.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Debora, I use a paper towel to open door handles most of the time and when in a pinch I've even used my sleeve. :)
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Duh, Isabella, that makes perfect sense.

    Quiet here. I didn't feel like I got a lot done. I do have a small microwave to get by with. Alan had one that they had bought for a hired man and got it back when he left. You can tell a guy put it back in the box - needed to be wiped out. It looks very small in the opening we have. You have to hold the microwave still when you push the buttons as they push very hard. Guess you don't accidentally do anything. So it will get us by for now. I have my clock back now. I didn't realize how much I use that one.

    Good News Club was a bit smaller in number but the wiggles were multiplied. There are several kindergartners who have a hard time staying in their chairs and they can do a lot of wriggling while in their chairs. And suddenly lots take off their socks and shoes. The person doing the story did great even with the distractions.

    Evening was quiet.

    Didn't walk this morning - one friend is away helping with her grandson and the other overdid it with her foot yesterday. So, I'll try and find some time with Leslie today. The plan is to go with my sister to a diabetes education class and go to Lori's this evening. Starting the morning at 44 so should warm up nicely. Makes a huge difference if the sun comes out cause that happened after I went to Good News Club yesterday. I wanted a coat when I went - didn't when I left. :)

    Have a great day.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited March 2015

    Sleepy this morning. Could have used another hour of sleep. Coffee should kick in soon, hopefully.

    The weather here has been so nice the last few days. Lows in the 50s and highs in the low to mid 70s. That's going to change in the next couple days. We are supposed to be pushing 90 degrees by the end of the week. Not looking forward to that, especially this time of year.

    I ate an apple-pear yesterday for the first time. Wow is that good. Not quite as sweet as an apple and not quite as grainy as a pear. Costly though. Cost nearly $1 each. Won't be buying them a lot. Just now and then.

    Got home from work yesterday with spaghetti on my mind! Didn't have any jarred spaghetti sauce in the pantry, so made a quick sauce out of tomatoes, onion, broccoli, asparagus, garlic, mushrooms, italian seasoning, pecorino cheese, garlic salt and black pepper and added a couple turkey meatballs that I had in the freezer. Turned out really good.

    Dad found a little walking group in the neighborhood. A couple men who live a street over go walking every morning at 9 am and invited him to join them when they saw him out walking one day. So, now Dad walks Cisco 2 or 3 times a day and walks with these guys too. He's walking around 5 miles per day now. He says he doesn't take Cisco on the 9 am walk with those guys because Cisco slows them down with all his sniffing and marking.

    The last couple nights I haven't let Cisco sleep with me. I've figured out that if I close my bedroom door on him, within a couple moments he heads to dad's bedroom and gets on his palet. Once he falls asleep, he's stays put the whole night. He sure gives me a pitiful look when I close the door on him though. I sleep better without a kicky dog in the bed so I need to stick to my guns!

    I posted those pics of Cisco on Facebook and saw that Granny Liked it. I'm glad to see she's online. I sure wished she would come join us here. I miss her daily posts.

    Debora, I understand being lost without a microwave. We use ours all the time. Glad you have a temporary one to fill the gap.

    Sheryl, haven't heard from you for awhile. Hope all is well with you and John.

    Isabella, a lot of people in my office use paper towels to open the restroom doors. My only pet peeve with them is they usually use the towel they used to dry their hands and then leave that damp paper towel on the door handle. I'd just as soon not touch their germy towel.

    Better close. I hope you all have a very nice day!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I'm giggling at wriggling little kids with their shoes and socks off. I don't think I have the patience for that anymore, but funny to hear about. I'm very rarely in the presence of young kids these days. Used to teach Sunday School on Sundays and Awana on Thursdays, but that was a long time ago. My involvement with Good News Club was when I was a kid and I loved it.

    I called my friend Monday to confirm lunch for tomorrow, but left a voice mail message and haven't heard back. I guess I'll call again today and then just wait. Maybe we'll make it for next Thursday, if I don't get a message for tomorrow. They both have Thursdays off and wanted to do it on their day off so there's no rush to get back to the office. I was surprised to hear that they both have the same day off. I secretly believe the other workers must be very happy about that, at least one day a week where there's peace in the office. I love these women as friends, but they are both a force to be reckoned with as co-workers.

    Our rain is decreasing today and it should be warm and sunny tomorrow. The news said that we'll be in the 70's, the warmest day so far for this year. If I don't go to lunch with "the girls", maybe tomorrow is a good day to take John for a drive.

    Yesterday, I stopped at the farm supply store and picked up vaccine, dewormer and treats for the llamas. Time for me to work up my strength to groom and take care of the llamas. They need their shots and shearing and toe nails trimmed. I didn't do anything for them this past year, so their fiber is really matted and dirty, time to shear it all off and start fresh. I usually work a couple hours at a time, giving them and myself a rest in between. Doing it that way, it takes me at least a week to get all 8 of them done, but none of us are in any hurry. They usually cooperate very nicely except for their toe nails, that's the tricky stuff, they keep moving their legs.

    I also went grocery shopping yesterday and bought better, healthier stuff...no pork chops, therefore, no frying this week. I need to get back to NM standards. I do like the tips I get from MFP via email. Some regarding food and some for exercise. It's a good reminder.

    Thanks for the potato recipe Debora, I should use my crock pot more, however, for just John and myself, the oven and stove top seem to be enough. Years ago, I bought a NuWave oven, used it a few times and put it back in the box. Another appliance that took too much counter space and I went right back to using the regular oven. The biggest feature of the Nuwave is that you can put roasts and meats directly from the freezer into the oven, "have dinner on the table 30 minutes after you get home from work". But again, since I'm home all the time, I don't need that. I can plan what's for dinner and thaw it out ahead of time. I should sell this monstrosity and get it out of my way.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Got a call back from Pam and I'm meeting them at Applebee's tomorrow at 12:30. I think I'll look at their menu on-line to see what's offered. I've only been there once before, two years ago to meet up with Pam.

    Marcie, looks like I was typing this morning while you were posting. I can imagine the sad look on Cisco's little face as you shut the door. But, a good night's sleep is totally worth it, especially since he's assured a nice cozy place in Dad's room.

    My PT coverage ran out last week and I just got the message that insurance won't pay for any more. I'll continue my home exercises and keep getting stronger. The only thing I'll miss is the massage.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited March 2015
    Good middle of the night everyone, I am way behind again. Ugh! It is difficult to catch up when so many days pass by at once. The box is about finished, I am so excited about it. My dress came and I love it, I love the color and the style and fit. Although the measurements online should have fit me in the top and the bottom with the waist being to large it is way too big in the top and the waist. I will have to order the next size down on payday and see how that works for me, and if it doesn't I will have the larger one altered to fit properly. :wink:

    My birthday has come and gone with hubby taking me to a restaurant we haven't been to in a very long time, at least 7 years or so and it is the best food too. I would have to say it is my favorite but it is only open a few hours per night and only about 4 days per week so planning to go must be done in advance. We shared an appetizer of shrimp cocktail with chopped avocado in the sauce and served with fried mediterranian bread crisps, we have never finished the chips and seems to be one large bread.

    We shared a mediterranian salad(huge) and each of us ordered pasta, his was bowtie pasta with a tomato cream sauce and bacon with a bit of heat. Mine was spaghetti with thinly sliced carrots, yellow and zuchinni squash and jicama in a red sauce with a bit of heat as well. We both had leftovers so he is the lucky one to have it for lunch tomorrow, lol. I have never had jicama cooked that way and it was very good. I think I will be finding a recipe to cook jicama now, I like jicama dipped in hummus. I forgot to take pics of the food, it is so good!

    lsyvanek-I'll send you a message so we can work out some plans, it would be great to meet you in person. The 18th will probably work! Glad you are back here again. :smiley:

    Sanferris-It sounds like things are really coming together for you and I am glad to hear the progress continues. Enjoy your luncheon with friends.

    Mygnsac-I love to hear about Cisco and his being so spoiled, our furry friend lived until she was 14 years old and I would have to say she was very spoiled, lol. I also don't like green eggs!

    Arobed53-It's good to hear about your family and happy things are going well.

    I don't like to be a downer but here goes!

    Regarding the haircut, truth be told I spoke way too soon when I first had it cut and thought it was great until I washed it and was trying to style it. I discovered he hid all his mess ups with lots of styling products so it looked good. He took a huge 3" wide by about 6" long section of my hair in the front on the right side and numerous strange cuts all around my head. This caused me to have flat hair on the right side because there isn't any hair to hold up the top layers and overly fluffy hair on the left because I have the hair intact there.

    I have since had 4 haircuts to try to fix the damage. I had hair about to the small of my back since I refused to have it cut for fear of having it damaged again, unfortunately this was the same case. I was referred to this guy so it is very disheartening to say the least. I decided to look again to see if there were any new places around since the last time I checked and there was. I called them and talked to one of the hairdressers and she asked me to come in so she could take a look. She has been cutting hair for 15 years and seems to understand what it is I am after. My hair was so messed up that three haircuts to try to fix it did not work, although my hair was far better each time and somewhat easier to style it just wasn't what I wanted. The front was just too heavy on the left and I had to brush some of the heavy layers to the right to balance my head, lol.

    With the fourth haircut I now have a cut similar to a long shag because it is all that would look right and work. It isn't easy to blow dry because the layers on top and sides are so short. My hair is now above my shoulder blades and the missing hair is still a problem but it is better hidden with the final cut. I am happy the new gal is trying but I am sure unhappy with the guy that messed it up so bad in the first place. I can only hope it will grow out enough before the wedding. Aye Aye Aye!

    I hope everyone has a fantastic day today and welcome to anyone I missed.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited March 2015
    Morning all.

    I woke up thinking it was Friday and now I'm bummed! I'm ready for this week to be over. But, what's new?

    Lost another pound this week. I seem to be on a slow downward trend again. Been losing around a pound a week this month. Hope to keep that momentum, but I'm sure another annoying plateau is lurking out there somewhere!!

    I overslept this morning by nearly an hour and still managed to get to work on time. I didn't have time to eat anything before I left, so I just threw some turkey, cheese and green beans in a bowl and ate that on the drive to work. I also brought a yogurt with me and will have that in a few minutes. That should keep me full till lunchtime.

    I had spaghetti left over from dinner the other night, so I made a spaghetti sandwich for dinner last night. I haven't had one of those in years. Really good.

    Cisco sure wanted to play last night. He kept bringing me his ball and his tuggy toy and dropping them at my feet. I finally gave in and played with him until I wore him out. That dog just oozes energy sometimes.

    I tried to get my fat old cat to run around and chase the little red light, but he wasn't haven't any of that. Apparently he thinks that's kids stuff. Mostly, after the sun sets, he just wants to be let out on the enclosed front patio area. He likes to lay under the sky and play in the bushes. He spent his first 11 years only indoors, but in the last year I started letting him go out on the front patio. It's his favorite thing to do now. He goes out for about an hour, comes in to eat and go to the bathroom (he hasn't figured out that he can go to the bathroom outside), and then asks to be let out again. We do this all night until I go to bed and make him come in. I won't ever let him roam free out there, but there's lots of space for him out on the gated patio area.

    Those tornadoes in Oklahoma sure looked bad. I always think of Granny when tornadoes touch down in Ok. I didn't see her town mentioned, so that's good.

    Anew, good to hear from you again. So sorry about the hair issues, but glad that new girl could help out some. I remember seeing a pic of you on NM once and thinking how pretty your hair was. Mine is so thin and yucky! Glad you are pleased with that dress. Belated Happy Birthday!!! Your dinner out sounded nice.

    Sheryl, I hope you have a good time with your friends at lunch today.

    Debora, I'm sure you are being as busy and productive as usual!

    Hey to Jannie, Isabella, Tammy, and lurkers if any!

    Y'all have a wonderful day!! :)
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, after a nice rain last night, it's sunshiny today although it's slow about warming up. I actually haven't been outside yet. I've just been stuff in the house. I'm making some progress on the closet. I went through one dresser drawer and found 2 pair of jeans I could have given away long ago. I have a bunch of stuff in the bottom of the closet that I'm slowly going through. Slowly works well with me. Hubby will be home in a bit and then we'll head for his appointment. When we're done with it we're going to do some microwave shopping, meet a guy to give him something and pick Lori's van and get it to her. If we're fast enough, we'll get home and watch Wichita State play in the Sweet Sixteen - just because it's exciting to have a local team in it. I'll follow as long as they are in it and then I'll lose interest I'm sure.

    Yesterday I went with my sister to an hour long diabetes education class. I thought it was good. Now the 4 Fridays in April we'll go to 2 hours sessions in a group. It will mess with my Fridays a bit but I'll make it work. Sister is beginning to understand more of all the interrelatedness and face the fact she'll have to stay on insulin but that doesn't make it any more fun. Lori told me about a 2 year old in her daycare that they just found out has diabetes. Getting insulin will just be a part of his life forever.

    Nice weather Marcie. I've not heard of an apple-pear. What color was it? My your spaghetti sauce sounds good. Cool on the walking group for your dad. I think that helps with accountability and it's fun. I can understand why he doesn't take Cisco. I can't believe people leave the damp paper towel on the door. Defeats the purpose for you. Poor Cisco - having to sleep on his pallet - I don't blame you at all.

    Sheryl, you can understand what I'm talking about when I talk about the kids. That's nice. Hope you're having a nice lunch today. Sounds like you're set up to take care of the llamas. You won't need to worry about Leslie. Taking care of the llamas will be plenty of exercise. Just let us know when you do it. Sorry your PT is done but you know what to do and I know you'll stay with it. Maybe you can splurge on a massage every once in awhile.

    Anew, so glad you like the dress. Hope the next size fits so you don't have to alter but at least you have that option. Yay on the box progress. Happy Birthday - what day is it. Your meal out sounds really good. That's sad that you've had to work so hard on a haircut - glad it is improving. It will be an expensive one. A month can make a big difference in a haircut. Hang in there.

    Marcie, sorry you jumped to far ahead in the week and it wasn't Friday. You'll make it. Traffic must have been light - glad the turkey didn't give you any problems this time. Sounds like Simon likes his routine.

    Ralph's appointment wasn't hard - the most time was spent waiting on the doctor. Then we got out other things done. We found a microwave that we both liked but also had one offered to us free which I said we should try so we have it so will set it up when hubby has rested and tried it out. The guy met us and offered to let us out cause he said all the lights didn't light up last night but since he did the extra driving we said we'd try it and then deal with it. Wichita did not win tonight so I can let the tournament go on without me. :) We had coupons so ate at Burger King and I ate too much - over on the calories I'm sure today but tomorrow's a new day.

    Marcie, I'm so thankful that you make hunting for things look easy. I use google chrome so I followed your instructions and it worked. Thank you so much.

    Checking things here and then will do my list and head for bed. Hello to everyone.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited March 2015
    Happy Friday everyone. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!

    Debora, sounds like a good deal on that microwave. I hope it works great for you. I don't know what dad would do without one. First thing he learned when he retired was how to use the microwave.

    Sheryl, tending to your animals and farm sounds like it would be quite a workout! I hope you had a nice time with your friends yesterday.

    Another quiet day here in the group.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    The saga of the microwave continues. One question I should have asked is if he tried it out. I assumed he had. The lights flashed funny and the buttons did nothing. So we had two non-working microwaves and one small working one. So in town today, I got the one we had liked. I had to get the display model cause there were none in boxes and when they checked, it was going to be discontinued. So it's in the house and sometime tomorrow, we'll get it up in the spot it goes. I'll stack the others till we go get the dryer and hopefully, the guy will take the non-working ones. :) And hopefully, the latest one really fits.

    I have no been all that hungry today which is unusual for me. Did my errands and then felt like a nap so took one - longer than planned. But have gotten a few things done since I got up. Now it's time to do the pizza and fix the salads.

    Out cousin's daughter finally had her baby. At 20 weeks she was stitched shut and put on bedrest. Then when they took the stitch out the baby took her sweet time and weighted 8# 3.7 oz.

    The day never warmed up much but they say the next week will be warmer. So today I am thankful for a warm house, a coat, heated car and the ability to choose whether I want to be inside or outside.

    Marcie, enjoy your weekend. Hope you can find some time to relax along with getting done what you need to.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    That's funny, poke, poke, poke. Typical kid...like me.

    I didn't get over here at all yesterday. John got up early and had a very bad morning, everything frustrated him. I almost cancelled my lunch date, but then decided we both needed a break. Sometimes I think that my helping John adds to his frustration and it's best that I walk away.

    I had a good visit with my friends. We trash talked Corporate. It's crazy what Corporate demands that in turn makes life miserable for the employees. Plus, more services provided without more pay for the preparers. Their office has all first year receptionists and the older preparers are pulling their hair out. My friends said that I HAVE to come back, but I said that I'm just not up for that frustration anymore. Corporate changed the phone system so that if the receptionist doesn't pick up by the second ring, the call goes to Kansas City Headquarters and they totally screw up making appointments, sending clients to the wrong office or to the wrong preparer when the client asks for a specific person. Outrageous.

    Lunch was tasty, but small portion for the big price. I got a Thai Shrimp Salad. Romaine lettuce with shredded cabbage and carrots, peanuts and shrimp with a spicy sauce (but not too spicy, thank goodness).

    I made beef stew with lots of veggies for dinner. I think the pot AND John are about ready, so I'll go set the table and watch the March Madness with John.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Had our pizza and salads. I've gotten so I don't use any dressing and really like it. Ralph likes lots of dressing and I have a hard time covering the top with as much as he likes. So I remembered a ranch spritzer I got when I was trying to use less. So I put some regular dressing on it and took the spritzer back to him. He liked it. He said he'll have to experiment as to whether he could just use the spritzer but I can maybe get him to use less. Small thing but still.

    Getting ready to work on my list and gear myself up for tomorrow. I don't have plans to go anywhere again - nice words for my ears.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hello everyone, it's been a good day with some rain yesterday and the humidity was low so I enjoy that kind of weather. It is sun shiny today and the town carnival is on this weekend and I can hear all the carnival music when I walk outside which reminds me of carnival time with my kids when they were little. I sure miss those times.

    I ordered the smaller dress today and it should arrive by next weekend, it will be nice to make a decision on the outcome of my dress. We were able to get my husband a very nice suit for about 60% off the $550 price tag so that was nice. He needs a good one for work anyway so may as well get one he really likes and is comfortable in.

    I have some mushroom soup on the stove and we'll have a big salad with it for dinner tonight, I am looking forward to a simple dinner.

    So, I told you all that my truck was parked because it needed some work but the biggest issue was the brake problems I was having. We researched the problem and still couldn't find what was wrong with them. My husband said I wasn't driving the truck enough and there was rust getting onto the disks which caused them to be over sensitive, that was the problem I was having too. We washed them really well and took it for a spin and did some hard braking which seemed to work well and then I took it for a long drive from home and about two miles from home I wound up standing on my brakes with both feet because they were not grabbing well. I coasted home very slowly and limped to the driveway.

    When he took everything apart before he couldn't find anything wrong. I had even had the brakes looked at when I took it in about the alignment with no alert that there was a problem and it passed safety inspection just two weeks before the inspection too. Now my husband decided to take it all apart again and when he pulled the drum off of the right rear both brake pads fell out onto the ground. I guess that was my problem which did not show to him or to the shop on prior inspection. I now have new rear brakes on both sides and the truck stops just fine. I still need to get an alignment and it isn't causing any bad wear as of yet so it is safe to drive for now with the spare tire. I just have to get lucky enough not to get a flat tire because I won't have a spare then, so I decided I will only drive it if I absolutely have to just to be safe and only near home.

    Mygnsac-Here is to a great weekend and lots of rest too! I love your window tapping, lol!

    Sanferris-Your luncheon sounded great and your stew sounds great too, I have never been too good at making stew and I don't quite know why. I think I might be buying the wrong meat but still haven't figured it out, lol.

    Arobed53-I'm glad you have your microwave issue fixed. I am not sure I absolutely have to have one but it sure comes in handy to reheat things quickly or melting butter.

    I hope you all have a great weekend! It looks like we are taking some time out at the local carnival, maybe I'll take in a dime toss. :smiley: