Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hi all.

    I like the poking kid too. That's the annoying kid from the movie Finding Nemo. I love that movie.

    It got to nearly 90 degrees today. Ugh. That is supposed to be the warmest day this week. Should be cooling down slightly over the next few days. The nights are nice and cool in the upper 50s.

    Well, here it is 1 am and I'm not sleepy at all. I got a burst of energy tonight, and have been cleaning house while Dad and Cisco are snoozing away. Simon is out on the front patio enjoying the night air. I got the bathroom, kitchen, dining room and pantry floors mopped, dusted, cleaned the kitchen counters, did a load of laundry, and started the cleaning cycle on the oven. Last weekend I baked some yams and they leaked through the foil and made a big mess in the oven. If I'm going to do any baking this weekend, I need that oven cleaned. The cleaning cycle has been running for about 3 hours now. Should be finishing up soon. I won't go to bed until that's done. Not good leaving an oven that is that hot unattended. Tomorrow morning I'll wipe it down and it should be good to go.

    Dad wanted to go out to eat when I got home from work, so we went to the Italian restsurant. They have a toasted pesto chicken sandwich there that he really likes. I ordered spaghetti and meatballs (that's spaghetti twice this week!). It was really good, but the serving was massive. A lot left over. At least 3 more servings! Maybe I'll make a spaghetti casserole tomorrow night. After dinner we stopped at the frozen yogurt place and had a little gelato. That was dad's first gelato, and he really liked it.

    I just ordered myself a Kindle Paper White on Amazon. Should arrive on Monday. And while I was at it, I ordered a could pairs of shoes and some more sprouting seeds. I got my State and Fed tax refund yesterday, so I'm spending a little of it. The rest goes in savings.

    I don't have a lot of running around to do tomorrow. Just need to get gas and go get my car washed. I got my grocery shopping done after work on Thursday.

    A non-NM friend here on MFP was telling me about the pics and videos she's posted on Instagram, so I set up an account there this evening. I found some NMers over there too. Pam, Lynn, Dena, Judy, Monica, and Carrie. Pretty cool site/app. I posted a pic, of course, of Cisco.

    Anew, I'm sure glad you got those brakes fixed. That sounded scary when it wasnt braking for you! Sounds like you got a great deal on hubby's new suit.

    Debora, yay on the new baby and the new microwave! I hope it's a perfect fit in the open spot. We had to replace ours, it came with the house in 1998, about 10 years ago. It's still going strong. I probably jinxed myself by saying that. Ours hangs under the cabinet above the stove.

    Sheryl, that's good that you were able to go out with your friends. You needed a break. I hope John is in good spirits tomorrow.

    I guess I'll relax and watch a little TV while I wait for the oven to finish. I hope you have a nice day today.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Ha! I just noticed I've made over 7000 comments on MFP posts now. It would appear I've been gabby since I joined last April!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Day is going well here. Beautiful sunshine and much warmer than yesterday. House is straightened. Still have food stuff to do and stuff for SS but still no plans to go anywhere. Yay. The three unneeded microwaves will now be in a stack - looks like the dining hall where the grandkids eat where kids can heat up their lunch. The new on is in place and I used it dinner. Had a guy stop by today who used to pick up eggs that hubby had to sell. Had not seen him for a long time - he reminded me of one of my brother-in-laws. He likes to talk.

    Sheryl, sorry John had a bad morning but glad you could keep your lunch date and enjoy the time with friends. Both the meals you had yesterday sound good.

    Anewstart, good deal on the suit. He'll get good use out of it. I'm thankful you didn't have any more problems than driving slowly with your truck and you know what was wrong with it. So glad you are okay. Reheating is probably how I use my microwave the most but I do that a lot. I'd have more dishes the other way I think. Might be more retraining the mind but now I don't have too. Enjoy the carnival.

    Wow, Marcie, your burst of energy got a lot done. Lots of spaghetti lately but like you said it's good. I have no idea what a Kindle Paper White is but hope you enjoy it along with the other items. Yay on the taxes being done. Our tax person sent us ours. I just need to get the signing done and send them off. I haven't even looked to see what we owe yet. 7000 comments is quite a few. I don't post a lot elsewhere but click on different ones and have never seen a comment from you. :)

    Better get going on things again. Enjoy your day.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited March 2015
    Good Afternoon.

    Debora, you and my sister had the same idea. She told me to google therapy massage in my area and see what comes up. She thinks a good upper body massage every so often will be what I need. Glad the microwave fit in the space. My microwave just sits on the counter so I could put it anywhere. And, I agree, it's great for warming things up and I use it all the time for that. I never got the hang of actually cooking in it.
    I got coupons for Burger King also and used the one whopper = one free whopper this past week. I can't remember which day because I got lazy again and haven't logged my food for awhile, but it was a day that I was already out and about, so it must have been when I had blood work done which was a week ago Monday. Boy, time flies.

    Wow, Marcie, you've been here almost a year already. Wishing you a Happy Nutriversary MFP style.

    Yesterday, John and I set out to try to straighten one of our trees out in the pasture. Since the development went in right behind us, and the compacting of the road changed our water table, during the rainy season our pasture has standing water in it. No other place for the water to drain. So, the ground is very soft and soggy and the strong winds we had a couple weeks ago blew over a Sequoia. I thought with extra T-posts driven into the ground and a strap and a ratchet, we could pull the tree back upright. Didn't work, only wore us out. I called our neighbor and he will bring his tractor over and help us tomorrow.



    With the ratcheting, it only moved the strap down the tree trunk instead of moving the tree


    I had ground beef in the fridge and hot dog buns in the pantry, so we had hamburgers on hot dog buns for lunch. Had John totally confused, ha ha ha

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Day is done. I walked 20 minutes outside today - circled our driveway more times than I thought I would. House is straightened. Food is ready. Dishes are caught up. And I got a nap in too. Got caught up on some TV shows too as I listened while I worked. And I did a little more of the counted cross stitch.
    - When we built, I wanted as much counter space as I could get so the microwave took a cupboard space, right next to the fridge. And it was high enough, the kids couldn't accidentally turn it on.
    - We much have the same coupons from Burger King. They are a good deal.

    The poor tree looks very uncomfortable. The tractor should have the strength. Doing that gave you a workout.

    Hamburger on hot dog buns - probably felt funny to you forming the hamburgers too. I'm sure they still tasted good.

    I'm going to head for the shower and get some sleep. Have a good Sunday.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Gorgeous sunny morning.

    I saw the two year old burgers on Paul's Facebook post, but I like whoppers anyway. I know they are not the healthiest, but sometimes I crave that flavor. We also got a side of onion rings, again, I'm sure not the healthiest. I need to make onion rings at home. I know I have a good recipe somewhere and the last few times I got them in a restaurant, I was disappointed.

    It was weird to shape the meat patties elongated, but it worked.

    Gotta cut this short, John's calling.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    The tree is upright. The root system is very shallow. Our neighbor thinks it's because they didn't have to go deep and outstretched to search for water since there is so much water sitting right there. So, the root system just gave away. I'll try to feed it some bone meal, I think that's the one for roots and help strengthen it. Otherwise, the tree will eventually just have to go.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, Hope you all had a good week. Sounds like you did for the most part.

    Anew, May 18th sounds good and I am looking forward to seeing you! I'll mark it on my calendar and look for an e-mail message from you. Happy belated birthday. Am I remembering correctly that our birthdays are close? Mine was Feb. 17th. So happy you liked the dress. Hope the smaller size fits perfect! The way you describe the haircut that guy gave you sounds unbelievable! How do some of these people stay in business?! Thank God you found someone who could work with it and rescue you. So sorry you've had to go thru that! How scary the way the breaks went out on your truck. Very happy to hear that you got them fixed.

    Marcie, Wow, 7000 posts?! Amazing! I can't believe people leave their paper towel on the handle. Yuck! I haven't seen that - my pet peeve is when they toss them on the floor because there isn't a trash close enough. If I can't throw it in the trash I just carry it out with me and find a trash. People can be such slobs. It amazes me sometimes. Your spaghetti sauce on the fly sounds yummy. Nice and fresh tasting. How do you make spaghetti casserole? Sounds like an interesting way to use the leftovers from your dinner. Glad your dad joined a walking group. I bet he is really enjoying it. Nice that you got your refund. We will be getting a small refund as well which will be nice since we are burning thru our savings with Dan out of work. Our tax preparer suggested he take a withdrawal from his 401K at the end of 2015 since we will be in such a low tax bracket this year. If he doesn't find work we will probably take that advice.

    Sheryl, glad you got to have lunch with the girls. I've never been a big fan of Applebees. But the company makes just about any restaurant ok. Bummer about the PT but as you said you can do the exercises at home and still get a therapeutic massage periodically. Glad you got your tree back up - hope it stays up. The little oven you mentioned sounds interesting. I use my toaster oven quite often such as when I'm cooking something fairly small. It doesn't make sense to heat up the big one. Your beef stew sounds wonderful! My co-worker has been talking about making beef stroganoff and I am dying to make one or the other. Maybe next week or so. It is getting kind of warm here for stews though.

    Debora, I see you've been busy as usual. Nice that you haven't had to go out everyday. It's really great that you went to the diabetes class with your sister. She can use the support and it is good that you can remind her of some of the things she learns. Happy to hear that you got your microwave at last. Did they give you a discount since it was the floor model? I don't use my microwave very often any more but I'm glad I have it when I need it. It is built in and is above the oven (the cook top is separate). It is very old - it is the original one that they put in when the house was built in 1985!

    I had a wonderful day yesterday. My friend Jami and I have a tradition where we take each other out shopping for our birthdays so we went shopping for her yesterday. Then we went back to her house and colored our hair. I came home around 5 and Dan and I had dinner. We were given tickets to the Performing Arts Center by a gal at my gym because she wasn't able to go. We saw the 2nd City comedy troupe from Chicago. The show was 2 and a half hours and we really enjoyed it. It was such a nice day that I felt I had a little vacation even though it was busy.

    Well, it's getting late and I have to get up early tomorrow. Sleep well everyone!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I'm going out to lunch again today. This time with four other friends from the Bible Study group I used to go to. We're meeting at the Kitchen Table Café, a really nice little restaurant that we've been to before. This is the place that has the eggs benedict with avocado that I like so much. We're meeting at 11:30, so Carol and I will probably get our usual breakfast food instead of lunch type food. Although, I should check out their sandwiches, I'll bet they're good too.

    I have an appointment at 4:00 pm for a blood test, so I'll be gone all day. Fortunately, we're having another beautiful day, so John can be outside for most of it. I'll see how he does with me being gone for so many hours. There will come a time when I can't take off all day, or will have to take him with me. Tonight the rains should start again and be wet all day tomorrow, so we'll stay inside.

    I think the tree will have to remain chained for years until it gets stable, so I better put up a barrier so we don't trip over the post in the ground or walk into the chain. I'd hate for any of the animals to get injured by running into it. For the time being, the llamas are locked out of that section of the pasture, so I have time to decide what to do and how to do it.

    I better get my morning chores done and get in the shower and get ready for lunch.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited March 2015
    Good morning everyone.

    I had a nice, but busy weekend. The weather was absolutely perfect. Nice cool breeze and temps in the mid 70s. I wished it would stay like that until summer hits.

    Saturday I went out for breakfast, got gas, and got my dirty car washed, and then brought it home and cleaned the interior really good. It needed it bad. Then once it was all clean and smelling good, I tossed my smelly dog in there and took him to the dog park! No one ever said I was brimming with smarts!

    Cisco had fun at the dog park. He's so cute when I walk him to the gates. He gets so excited. If he could talk I'm sure he would tell me to hurry up and and let him in there! The park was really packed with dogs and their people this time. Good weather always brings them out. We all sat in the shade and let the dogs do their thing. There was this one tiny little white dog that took a shine to Cisco. That little brat followed him everywhere and kept trying to "get frisky" with him. Cisco is so chill though. He just kept pushing him away and went about his business. I wanted to smack that dogs owner! They need to get him fixed and teach him some manners (the dog, not the owner...but then again, maybe the inconsiderate owner too!). We stayed at the park for about an hour. Cisco was ready to go home by then. We know he's had enough when he stops sniffing everything and comes sit by us. Here he is wiped out on the ride home (and probably a little traumatized by that little white dog!).


    My new Kindle Paperwhite device was delivered yesterday. Got that all set up and ready to go, and deactivated my old Kindle. I like the Paperwhite. It's a lot sleeker and slimmer and has better lighting options. Debra, the Paperwhite is just an electronic reader. If you like to read and don't have a reader, you may want to check them out. My Dad uses his constantly. He reads about a book a week these days. I store books, games, cookbooks, pictures, etc. on mine. I have about 90 books on there right now that I collected with the old Kindle but never got around to reading.


    There are sure a lot of people who took today off. Tomorrow is Ceasar Chavez Day and the office is closed, so they are making it a long weekend. Made for a nice and easy commute to work this morning.

    I recorded 15 episodes of Season 5 of The Walking Dead on Saturday, and binge watched a bunch of those yesterday. I watched the first 4 seasons on Netflix a couple months ago, and finally got caught up to the current 5th season. One more new episode tonight and the season is done. I was surprised how much I like that series. Never got the whole zombie thing, but following these survivors has pulled me into the story. I just make sure never to eat anything while watching that show. Gets super gross sometimes.

    About all I have to do on my day off tomorrow is I want to get the house vacuumed. Never got around to that this weekend. I asked my Dad to clean out the dust trap in the thing so I could vacuum and he didn't do it until last night. I vacuum, he cleans out the dust trap. My skin just can't take that dust, get's really irritated. We have one of those Dison bag-less vacuums. It's a really good vacuum, but the next one we buy is not going to be bag-less. They say the bag-less are healthier because that suck up more dust and debris from the carpets. That may be true, but you have to get up close and personal with all that yuck when you empty the bin.

    Sheryl, that's great you are going out with friends again today! That poor tree of yours. I sure hope the fix takes and it survives. It's a pretty tree. We've had to remove so many trees on our property over the years. I hate seeing it happen, but sometimes it has to be. I don't give much credence to articles like Paul shared on NM's FB page. Maybe I would if I were eating that food on a regular bases (I stopped doing that years ago), but overall I think that experiment is flawed as our bodies do a good job breaking the food down. If I'm not making wise food choice at least 80% of the time, then I know I have to get my head back in the healthy eating game.

    Isabella, what a nice day you had with your friends and Dan! I sure hope Dan finds a job soon. Spaghetti casserole is just leftover spaghetti (3 or 4 cups is usually enough) mixed with an egg, 1 cup cheese of your choice, your choice of chopped veggies (e.g., onions, broccoli, cauliflower, chopped tomato, spinach, sliced mushrooms, etc.), if you want, add meatballs or any browned ground meat you like, maybe a little sour cream for a little tang, garlic salt and black pepper. Just mix it all together (reserve 1/4 cup of the cheese) and pour into a sprayed casserole dish. Cover with foil and bake at 375 degrees for about 20 minutes. Uncover and sprinkle the rest of cheese over the top and bake for another 10 minutes or so, until the cheese is nice and browned.

    Debora, I'm glad to hear you got some naps in for a change! I hope your appetite has returned by now.

    Hey to Jannie and Anew!

    Back to work. Have a wonderful week everyone!! :)
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    I had a nice, but busy weekend. The weather was absolutely perfect. Nice cool breeze and temps in the mid 70s. I wished it would stay like that until summer hits.

    Saturday I went out for breakfast, got gas, and got my dirty car washed, and then brought it home and cleaned the interior really good. It needed it bad. Then once it was all clean and smelling good, I tossed my smelly dog in there and took him to the dog park! No one ever said I was brimming with smarts!

    Cisco had fun at the dog park. He's so cute when I walk him to the gates. He gets so excited. If he could talk I'm sure he would tell me to hurry up and and let him in there! The park was really packed with dogs and their people this time. Good weather always brings them out. We all sat in the shade and let the dogs do their thing. There was this one tiny little white dog that took a shine to Cisco. That little brat followed him everywhere and kept trying to "get frisky" with him. Cisco is so chill though. He just kept pushing him away and went about his business. I wanted to smack that dogs owner! They need to get him fixed and teach him some manners (the dog, not the owner...but then again, maybe the inconsiderate owner too!). We stayed at the park for about an hour. Cisco was ready to go home by then. We know he's had enough when he stops sniffing everything and comes sit by us. Here he is wiped out on the ride home (and probably a little traumatized by that little white dog!).


    My new Kindle Paperwhite device was delivered yesterday. Got that all set up and ready to go, and deactivated my old Kindle. I like the Paperwhite. It's a lot sleeker and slimmer and has better lighting options. Debra, the Paperwhite is just an electronic reader. If you like to read and don't have a reader, you may want to check them out. My Dad uses his constantly. He reads about a book a week these days. I store books, games, cookbooks, pictures, etc. on mine. I have about 90 books on there right now that I collected with the old Kindle but never got around to reading.


    There are sure a lot of people who took today off. Tomorrow is Ceasar Chavez Day and the office is closed, so they are making it a long weekend. Made for a nice and easy commute to work this morning.

    I recorded 15 episodes of Season 5 of The Walking Dead on Saturday, and binge watched a bunch of those yesterday. I watched the first 4 seasons on Netflix a couple months ago, and finally got caught up to the current 5th season. One more new episode tonight and the season is done. I was surprised how much I like that series. Never got the whole zombie thing, but following these survivors has pulled me into the story. I just make sure never to eat anything while watching that show. Gets super gross sometimes.

    About all I have to do on my day off tomorrow is I want to get the house vacuumed. Never got around to that this weekend. I asked my Dad to clean out the dust trap in the thing so I could vacuum and he didn't do it until last night. I vacuum, he cleans out the dust trap. My skin just can't take that dust, get's really irritated. We have one of those Dison bag-less vacuums. It's a really good vacuum, but the next one we buy is not going to be bag-less. They say the bag-less are healthier because that suck up more dust and debris from the carpets. That may be true, but you have to get up close and personal with all that yuck when you empty the bin.

    Sheryl, that's great you are going out with friends again today! That poor tree of yours. I sure hope the fix takes and it survives. It's a pretty tree. We've had to remove so many trees on our property over the years. I hate seeing it happen, but sometimes it has to be. I don't give much credence to articles like Paul shared on NM's FB page. A couple years ago I saw a Youtube video from Morgan Spurlock where he put a burger and potato wedges from a steakhouse in sealed glass jars, and did the same with a Filet-O-Fish, Big Mac and fries from McDonalds, and the steakhouse food was the first to break down, the filet-o-fish the second, the Big Mac the third, and the Mc'Donald's fries never broke down...he wound up just giving up on those. Maybe I'd be more concerned if I were eating that food on a regular bases (I stopped doing that years ago), but overall I think that experiment is flawed as our bodies do a good job breaking the food down. If I'm not making wise food choice at least 80% of the time, then I know I have to get my head back in the healthy eating game.

    Isabella, what a nice day you had with your friends and Dan! I sure hope Dan finds a job soon. Spaghetti casserole is just leftover spaghetti (3 or 4 cups is usually enough) mixed with an egg, 1 cup cheese of your choice, your choice of chopped veggies (e.g., onions, broccoli, cauliflower, chopped tomato, spinach, sliced mushrooms, etc.), if you want, add meatballs or any browned ground meat you like, maybe a little sour cream for a little tang, garlic salt and black pepper. Just mix it all together (reserve 1/4 cup of the cheese) and pour into a sprayed casserole dish. Cover with foil and bake at 375 degrees for about 20 minutes. Uncover and sprinkle the rest of cheese over the top and bake for another 10 minutes or so, until the cheese is nice and browned.

    Debora, I'm glad to hear you got some naps in for a change! I hope your appetite has returned by now.

    Hey to Jannie and Anew!

    Back to work. Have a wonderful week everyone!! :)
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited March 2015
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited March 2015
    ...Don't mind me. I'm having issues. Was trying to get rid of the duplicate post and it's not letting me!

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    My lunch today was part of my 20% exception!! But it was soooo good!

    We had Mexican for lunch today. I ordered the "Mulitas Especiale" off the appetizers menu. 3 corn tortillas layered with carne asada (beef and pork), guacamole, onions, lettuce, cilantro, tomatoes and cheese. This was half the order, the other half I had boxed up. I usually don't care for the food at this particular restaurant and only go there when someone I'm having lunch with wants to go, but this was super yummy. They got one right! :D Now the service there, that's a different story. :s

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited March 2015
    I finally finished up the spaghetti from the other day. This was yummy. Spaghetti on a bed of spinach with green beans, portobello mushrooms, zoodled yellow squash (my first "zoodle"), pecorino cheese, and 3 halved turkey meatballs (the 6th half didn't make it to the plate due to a sad doggy face!). I posted a pic on the What's For Supper post and was called out for the missing meatball. Ha!

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hi all, it's been a bit slow for me here and the sleeping is getting better but I am sleeping during the day of course. I have been practicing what design(paint stencils) I am going to use for the boxes but I am not happy with the size of the stencil letters after the paint goes down, just too small so I decided to try and make my own stencils with my Cricket I have sitting in a box, lol. I really need to get to making some cards or something with that machine! I should be able to design a stencil with the exact lettering and size I want for it to look good.

    The weather has been really nice the last couple of days and have even had the a/c off because the humidity has been lower than usual. I know it sounds crazy to use an air conditioner in the winter but the humidity here is bad anytime of year so the a/c has to be on to control that monster. Right now the house is 77 degrees and comfortable, Yay!

    I have to admit, I have gained weight because I am not paying attention again, argh! The monster just won't stay away for any long period of time. Now I have 10 pounds to lose again just to get back where I was at about 6 weeks ago. Argh! I can only blame myself for it and maybe wedding jitters. :'(:s

    Sanferris-The poor tree! I am glad you got it standing straight and wish I could tell you how to fix it but I agree, it may just have to come down. :( Isn't it against the law to change the direction of water flow onto other persons properties out there? It is here.

    Mygnsac-You have been busy, 7000 posts is amazing, lol. Cisco looks to be real happy in the just cleaned backseat. :smiley: Your lunch and dinner both look good, it's nice to be happy with something when you thought it wouldn't turn out. I have a dyson as well and I don't like emptying it either. What I do though is I take a clean trash bag and wrap it around the canister and then open it. I gently knock it against the trash can to get as much of the dust on the filter as I can. Then I wait about a minute or two to open it and remove the canister then I tie it off, which works because most of the dust has settled by then. I also do it outside!

    Isyvanek-Great I marked my calender for the 18th as well. We'll have to decide what we want to do that day. Is there a place out there you would suggest? Oh our birthdays are about a month apart too, so we are close, lol. I am looking forward to meeting you.

    Here is to a great day today for everyone. Easter is coming up, anyone have big plans? We don't do much here since it is just hubby and I because I don't want to cook a huge meal just for us. I will usually make a ham and cheese crustless quiche for brunch served with some fruit and hot tea for me and coffee for hubby.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. This page is strange...too big for my screen. I can reduce to see the photos, but then I can't read the script, I zoom back up to read, but have to scroll to see everything. I sure like it better when everything fits on the page.

    Lunch yesterday was so great. Good food and wonderful company. I saw one of the ladies at Carol's Christmas open house, but two of them, I hadn't seen in over a year, since I've been sick. The other one didn't come, she was out of town, so there were five of us instead of six. Three of us got sandwiches and two got breakfast. I got a California Club, everything in a regular club but also included avocado and was served on a Chiabata (sp) roll instead of triple bread. I don't know if that's better (carb wise)or not, the roll is thicker, but usually the toast is three instead of two. It sure was tasty though. And, I got cole slaw instead of fries. Again, not sure if that's better because of the mayo, but it sure tasted better to me at the time. I usually choose potato salad over fries, but cole slaw sounded so good to me. We had a wonderful visit. Carol is still reeling over the death of her son two years ago (cancer). She said she feels the loss every day, no one should lose their child. Her daughter-in-law is dating already, not a bad thing, but now, Carol's devastated because she just learned from her grand-daughter that they may be moving to Florida with the new boyfriend. Carol will not be able to see her grandkids on a regular basis. She is so hurt, mainly because there's no communication between her and her daughter-in-law and she found out by accident. She may not have found out until after the move and they are just gone. Carol's daughter has just about had it with her sister-in-law and has sort of broken off their friendship, of course, there never was a strong bond between them, just the fact that she married her brother.

    Anew, there are laws against changing water here too, but if you have the money and the connections, a developer can get zones and things changed. I spent thousands of dollars in lawyers fees fighting this, but it was a done deal and I got screwed by the county inspector and the commissioners. The only thing I was able to insist upon is a curb to redirect the run-off from the cul-de-sac and a drainage ditch to help with our rain fall wanting to go to the creek but their compacted road impedes the water. The ditch helps, but of course, now it's filled in with vegetation and debris and I have to be the one who harps at them to clean out the ditch. I feel like the *kitten* of the neighborhood, always complaining.

    Interestingly enough, the tree that is having the problem was the biggest and healthiest of the four trees that we planted. Now, it looks weak and scrawny compared to the other three. They are in a different location, obviously on drier ground, (it's not smushy when you walk near them) so they have deeper roots, a much bigger around truck and more full foliage. My gut tells me that we'll need to remove this tree eventually.

    I'm going to go to the other computer and see if the screen is better there. This is hard to proof read when I have to scroll so much.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Well, this computer is the same as the other, will have to scroll to read the entire comment. ha ha ha MFP has censored me as well. I had spelled out the "B" word in my previous comment and now I see that MFP made it read *****.

    That's nice that they keep this site clean.