Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited April 2015
    Sheryl, i'm not getting the huge pics in Safari on my Ipad, but others are (or were) on other browsers (like Firefox) due to some update that was made to the pic server yesterday. It's been reported here on the site suggestion post and one of the admin staff is looking into it.

    Like on NM, any pics posted are supposed to automatically be resized, but that is not working, unless they've fixed it by now.

    Everyone, again, if you run into any issues on this site, just report it on that post. Most likely others are having the same issue. If something was working ok, and now isn't, it's nearly alway a technical issue on MFPs end and they want to hear about it from the members. Like Mike on NM, they are very quick to respond.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi all, I think I'm over the bug I guess I had. Didn't feel the need for a nap today and I want to eat. Today was our warmest day I think - 80 at 2 when I left the house. We had Good News Club. Story was the crucifixion and resurrection - a lot for one day. Some sat better, some.... The one little girl was on the floor most of the time. One boy took off his sox and shoes and cleaned his toes. Always interesting. We had some "new" 5th graders come so the older guys teachers had their hands full but they did okay.

    Came home and fixed eggs with a lot of veggies. Then I cut DH's hair. I wanted to do it soon enough so it could grow a bit before the class reunion. I still need to do my list but needed to spend some time with you guys.

    Sunday was when I realized I wasn't feeling so good on my various trips to the bathroom. :) Kids didn't stay so long but my sister was here till almost 4. They I laid down for a bit and then Clark called and invited us for hamburgers. Alan grilled - we had bunless hamburgers. Clark showed us how he could ride his bike without training wheels and they all showed us how they jump on the trampoline. It started cooling down so we didn't stay too long.

    Monday I took Ava to speech and then walked with my sister. She usually goes down to get her newspaper. She walks slower but that okay. We did about 1 3/4 in 45 minutes. So she's getting her 30 minutes a day in like the diabetes educator says to do. Then in the afternoon I went with hubby on a parts run so we were gone about 5 hours. It was fun.

    I finally know who all is coming for Easter - now need to finalize the menu. Will just have three of the kids here but there'll be enough kids to have fun hunting eggs. Need to get out what I have and make sure I have enough.

    Sheryl, I saw the burger picture too. I ignore that stuff. I don't want the news shows like 20/20 a lot cause they are always big on something which may turn out different. I eat much healthier than I used to and am okay with where I am. The last place I had onion rings was Sonic and they were really good - lots of calories too but worth it for a treat. The tree looks happier now. You need a dry year so it's roots need to hunt deeper.

    Isabella, I hope you and Anewstart tell us about your get-together. How fun. Smart girl - I should use my toaster oven more. I just don't think of it. I used to use the broiler part a lot but times change. No - no discount on the floor model. What a fun time you and your friend had and then a great evening with Dan.

    Sheryl, did John do okay with you being gone all day? The time with your friends sounds fun and the food delicious. That's so sad for your friend Carol. Families have such interesting twists to them.

    Marcie, it made me chuckle to see your nice clean car and smelly Cisco. Fun time at the park. Dogs need to learn manners too I guess. Thanks for explaining the Paperwhite - a really nice Kindle. I don't read near like I used too and since we're in bookstores so much I still stay with the real thing. How nice to have today off. Did you do anything special? I love your meals. Wish I lived closer. What is a zoodle?

    Anewstart, glad the sleeping is doing better. Hope you can make stencils the size you need. I hear those Crikets are pretty awesome. Tomorrow's a new day in the weight loss game. You're working on it. Your Easter meal sounds delicious to me. I plan to do a ham so hope they are on sale. They are so easy to throw in the oven. The rest I have some ideas but will decide for sure tomorrow.

    Hello to everyone else. Not walking in the morning since the other two can't so will leave the alarm off again. I still get plenty of steps in during the day. I don't mind walking in the house as much now since I know what it amounts too. And if I pick up the speed I get more calories. I just really like my fitbit. It works well for me. I think I'll have some trail mix with the calories left and work on my list now. Talk to you later.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Debora, a zoodle is just a device that turns veggies (squash, carrots, cucumber, etc.) into noodle-like strands. They have fancy electric devices, but I just use this cheap manual one.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Sheryl, so glad your lunch went well. Sorry to hear about your friend Carole. I can't even imagine. It is definitely wise to block the tree off until you decide what to do or have to take it down. That may be the safest option. How did John make out with you gone most of the day? You're right, that elongated page that we had to scroll across sure was annoying. Glad this page is back to normal. Too funny that MFP censored you. I guess it's a good thing though.

    Marcie, Cisco looks so cute! Thanks so much for the spaghetti recipe. I took a copy of it. I'll have to try that next time I have leftovers. And the pic of your spaghetti dish looks fabulous!! I love your zoodles! I've been wanting to make some but I can't afford the fancy machine. Thanks for the info about a cheapy device. I think that would work for me too. How often do you use yours? Has it held up well? Is it easy to clean? I'm going to have to get to facebook one of these days to see the article you are all referring to. I agree though, I believe that if you eat healthy 90 percent of the time you can splurge every so often and your body will deal with it.

    Anew, so glad your sleeping better. Hope that continues. I am really looking forward to getting together. It depends on how much time you can spare as far as what we might do. It can be something as simple as breakfast or lunch or we can go to Miramar lake and walk around the lake which is approx. a 5 mile walk then get lunch. I'll try to think of some other ideas as well. I know that you have been in San Diego so I am open to suggestions as well. This Easter my friend Jami's birthday is that day so we are all going out to dinner. She has chosen Macaroni Grill. The one time I ate there I wasn't impressed but I'm willing to give it another chance.

    Debora, glad you're feeling better. I have yet to eat at Sonic. They are opening up all over the place here. I asked hubby to go but he said he didn't want to drive just to eat at Sonic. Now that you've said they have good onion rings I'll have to renew my efforts! :smiley:

    Hello to Jannie, and anyone else that may be out there. And good night to all. Gotta get to bed!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hello everyone, it looks like we are all pretty busy here now. I have been doing some cleaning and laundry to get the house in order. I will be making the meatloaf and veggie dish I posted in the recipe thread tonight since hubby was so nice to do some shopping for me yesterday.

    Arobed53-I'm glad you are feeling better, whatever I had just made me feel Blah! It sounds like Easter will be a nice day with the family. A big Easter ham sounds fantastic but alas it is only two of us, lol. I haven't tried the stencil making yet.

    Mygnsac, the doodle sounds fun to use and that squash looks really good too!

    Isyvanek-I would love to take a 5 mile walk but sadly I can't do that anymore with my arthritis. I will need to walk at a good pace and stop when possible so I was thinking lunch and maybe some time spent at the Point Loma Tide Pools?

    There is also the very long pier in San Clemente, that would be a nice walk. I guess I need to find some places that are open for dining. :)

    Update: I found this restaurant in San Clemente with a Sunday lunch 12:00-3:00. The prices are reasonable and we can take a culinary trip to Thailand if you like that kind of food.
    [url="Update: I found this restaurant in San Clemente with a Sunday lunch 12:00-3:00. The prices are reasonable and we can take a culinary trip to Thailand if you like that kind of food.

    By the way, a new restaurant is opening in Hillcrest called "Tabletop Commons" but won't be open on Sunday afternoon, only morning for brunch on weekends and I have that time taken already. I will definitely be heading there during the week sometime while we are in town. You can check it out at the link below. They are planning an April 15th grand opening.

    It's nice you'll be able to have dinner with your friend for birthday dinner and I agree on Macaroni Grill, I have been twice because I gave it a second chance. We also have Sonic here but I don't like anything except the coney dog because the burgers are too greasy. I don't eat fries and I have tried the onion rings, they are tasty and I believe they use a sweet onion to make them but I don't eat those much either. I just don't care for fried food and only have a coney dog about 4 times a year. :smiley:

    Here is to a fantastic day for everyone today!

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. This page is back to normal and Marcie, your photo looks great, as usual. On one of the recent Recipe Rehabs I watched, one of the chefs used a zoodle that intrigued me. His was manual also, but different from the one you linked, it had a hand crank. I think I like your model better, looks smaller, therefore easier to store and looks easy to clean.
    Marcie, also thanks for always helping out with links and encouragement to tell MFP about any problems. I tend to just wait it out and hope things change rather than notify someone who can change it. Maybe because with the computer, I'm never sure if it's the site, server, or most likely, I am the problem.

    When I came home Monday, John had done very well without me. The only thing I noticed yesterday was that I couldn't find a specific broom and dust pan in the barn. I finally found them, so I know John used them Monday and didn't put them back where they belong. That's the most common problem these days, John will ask me where something is and just expect me to tell him, which I do. I'll tell him where it should be, but that doesn't mean that's where it is right then. He moves a lot of stuff around when I'm not looking. I need to go look and find stuff for him and he doesn't like that. He thinks he's interrupting whatever I'm doing, but to me, that's my plan now, to just help him however I can. That's my job. And, truthfully, that's what I CAN do, I'm still not up to doing a lot of physical heavy work, so looking for stuff is easy.

    Isabella and Anew, the last few months I've seen lots, and I mean lots, of tv commercials for San Diego. I love that area, so beautiful all year round and so much to see and do, but I find it humorous that they are advertising so much here in the NW for tourism. Maybe because we're close enough for a quick trip to escape winter cold to sunny San Diego and air fares are cheap or it's an easy straight drive down I-5. OR, probably, they are advertising all over the country. Debora, are you getting San Diego commercials? They do have a catchy little tune.

    John got a notice in the mail to remind him that he needs to renew his driver's license. He keeps saying he needs new glasses to pass the eye test, but his doctor said that his Rx hasn't changed, he needs cataracts removed. Of course, John says no to "surgery" even though we keep telling him that cataract "surgery" is a very simple procedure now and very little risk with huge rewards. Anyway, I told him that I need to give him a haircut and a beard trim and then we can go either get new glasses or go straight to the DMV and try for his license. If he fails the eye test, then we have plenty of time to do something about it before his current license expires. He rarely drives anymore and never goes anywhere alone, but it was a good thing that he could take me to doctor appointments when I couldn't drive for those few months. I had to tell him what to do and where to go, but I wasn't safe behind the wheel myself.
    So, today will be haircut day and tomorrow will be an outing. The weather will be better tomorrow. I don't think I want to go anywhere in the rain today. (Although it's not raining now, but in the forecast). Yesterday afternoon, we had thunderstorms, pouring rain at times, but fortunately, no strong winds.

    My mug needs a refill and I'm hungry, I'll have my yogurt and fruit before John gets up.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Another beautiful day and warming up quickly. It's 80 now so I'm sure I'll use the AC in the car. Hubby got power steering fluid added yesterday so hopefully it's quieter when I'm turning. I've been working at home this morning. Plan to spend the next hour doing short jobs and then will go to Lori's. I'll stop at Dollar Tree on the way. One job tonight is to help find a birth certificate. Between us it worked the last time. There's not church tonight since we have a Good Friday service but Lori still has laundry to fold, etc. I just won't have to stay as late. I do feel like I'm being gone a lot but it's life right now.

    Marcie, I didn't know that machine was called a zoodle. I was just eyeing one at Walmart the other day. Like Sheryl, I first saw one on Recipe Rehab since she got me hooked. I'm pretty sure I'll give one to my sister for her birthday. Good to know the inexpensive one works.

    Isabella, Sonics have been around here for a long time. They advertise that they make their onion rings fresh. I packed a lot of frozen ones in my high school days.

    Anewstart, I hope the recipes turn out as good as they look. Having the ingredients is a big part of the battle. My muffin recipe is still waiting.

    Sheryl, I never had any trouble with the size of my page. But I'm like you when something goes wrong - ignore it and hope it goes away and often it does. Glad John did okay. Hope the haircut happens and there's no problem renewing the license. Good to start early. Ralph has to do his this year too. Yes, cataract surgery would help him a lot but hard to do when he says absolutely none. It's not even an overnight stay in the hospital to do it. We could use your rain. Several are out planting corn. We usually wait until April 5.

    Enjoy whatever else you do today.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Hi, another thunderstorm is moving in and I came over to shut down the computer, so I thought to quickly tell you that I got John in a chair and gave him the haircut and beard trim and he took a shower. Yay. We're ready for an outing tomorrow.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi everyone, I have been putting together the meatloaf and veggies I posted over on the recipes page and decided I would make some strawberries with some fig balasamic I have and came across a recipe to make my own strawberry vianigrette. Ooh, it looks good, now I am just waiting for hubby to give me a heads up when he's on his way home so I can get the meatloaf going in the oven. I'll post he video over in recipes on making the strawberry vinaigrette. Now on to getting some strawberries and balsamic together for dessert.

    It's been a bit humid today and was supposed to rain but haven't seen any of that yet, we will be getting some this weekend as well. Easter day should have rain in the morning but clearing up in the afternoon.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Well so strange the recipe page is really wide and you have to scroll left and right to read it. I guess this is what you all were talking about with the problems you were having on MFP. So I will update the recipes page later.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    sannferris wrote: »
    Good Morning. This page is back to normal and Marcie,

    I don't think they've resolved the issue yet. The pics are still huge for me using Firefox or Internet Explorer. Looks ok using Chrome or Safari.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, I'm enjoying the day at home. Done some walking (inside), cut up a pineapple, fixed lunch, and just a bunch of little things. I'm home till the later today but not for sure what I'm doing yet. I'm either going to diabetes deal with my sister or to Bible study. Or going to visit the newest grandson - if he's made his arrival. Before any of them, I have a meal to deliver. A young lady from church had her gall bladder out so helping her out.

    We did not find the birth certificate last night. I looked in the spots they had looked and went through things paper by paper almost so they are forking over the money to get a new one. I did fold several baskets of laundry, do a few dishes, and some other odds and ends.

    I got the call yesterday that my dryer is ready. We do have the old one cleared off now. Alan is going in to help Jim tomorrow so he will go get it. I don't "have" to do any laundry yet so it's all good. I also found an amazon gift certificate that I got for my birthday. I knew it was somewhere. Then I went down to get out my Easter stuff and it was not in the one place I thought it was. It was in like three places. Someday I'll get organized - ha. I did spot a sugar egg that my mother made years and years ago and I got it when we emptied the house. You can see a cross when you look in the middle and is pretty outside too. It's wrapped in Saran Wrap to preserve it I guess so I'll keep it just as it is. Hubby also got out and got the trash burned today too. The lawn could be mowed but I'm not going to say anything cause it has more hiding place long. I picked up a little more candy today so need to spread it in the bags today too so guess I should get with it.

    Sheryl, yay on getting the haircut done. Hope you get a drive in today.

    Hmmm, my pages have all been okay so far. Hope it stays that way. Sun is shining nice again. Enjoy your day.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. This page is back to normal, but page 16 is still large. That confuses me even more, that two pages can be different in the same post.

    You'd think I'd know by now, not to get disappointed when my plans change, but I'm regrouping this morning and trying to figure a new strategy. We were going to run errands and go for a drive today, but when I mentioned getting the car out this morning, John asked why. He has forgotten all of our conversation yesterday about the driver's license, etc. I guess I'll just fix lunch and go from there.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited April 2015
    A quote from Rachel, the MFP staffer...
    Rachel wrote: »
    mygnsac wrote: »
    Olivia Rachel WOW, running into many many threads with gigantic photos again today. Pretty much if a photo is shared it comes out huge!

    Me too in Firefox and IE. Ok in Chrome and Safari.

    Hi guys, we're already aware of this issue and have logged a ticket. We hope to have it fixed soon, but don't know exactly when it will be fixed.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good Morning Afternoon all. (where did the morning go?!)

    I was off work on Tuesday for the holiday, and stayed home yesterday because I was not feeling well. Came in today, but still not feeling tops so will be taking tomorrow off. Just feeling overall headachy and icky.

    Cisco was not a happy dog yesterday. Really early in the morning the loud trash trucks were banging around outside, later in the morning the pool guy was in his backyard, around noon the gardeners showed up and invaded his territory (they were supposed to be there on Tuesday, but were a day late), later the Clark guy showed up to spray around the house (he really doesn't like the Clark guy, I think because he knocks his spray can against the house), and later in the day there a delivery for me (doorbell rang) and then another one for Dad (doorbell again). Talk about a barky dog!

    Cisco got to sleep with me last night after a stretch of 4 days or so of him sleeping in Dad's room. When I went to bed he was all curled up fast asleep in his little bed on the floor in my room, so I let him stay there. Then around 3 am I got up to use the restroom, and when I got back he was on my bed and I just curled up with him for the rest of the night. I'll be an old meanie tonight and make him go to bed with Dad...probably.

    I experimented a little when making dinner last night. I made tuna patties with tuna, finely chopped broccoli, green onions, potatoes, brown rice, an egg, garlic salt, black pepper, and a little hot sauce (very little cause I don't like spicy stuff). It's been so long since I used the Canola oil (about the only oils I use anymore are olive and coconut), it was rancid. I had a newer bottle up in the pantry, so I was able to use that. The patties turned out really tasty. The only other way I ever made tuna patties was just tuna, egg, flour, salt and pepper. My picky Dad turned his nose up at my revamped tuna patty...without even tasted it! Said veggies just don't belong in a tuna patty. Have I said he can be brat sometimes?!

    I've been getting lots of deliveries lately. About a box a day from Amazon since Sunday. I've gotten the Kindle Paperwhite device, a case for that device, a couple pairs of shoes, some more sprouting seeds, another case for the device (I found one I liked better), today should be a flashlight I ordered for my car (Dad recommended), and tomorrow or Saturday should be some lipstick (my shade is only available online now!). After that, I think that's going to be it for awhile!!

    Got to work today and someone brought in some homemade goodies. Banana cream pie and some brownies. I was good and just had one little brownie, then got outta there!

    Isabella, I use that cheapy zoodle maker a couple time a week. I've had it since last fall. Really simple to clean. Just wash it like you would a grater. I like it. I mostly use it with zucchini and with yellow summer squash. It gets the job done, is easy to clean, and doesn't take up much room in the cabinet. The last thing my kitchen needs is another appliance, and since I only use it for me or me and Dad, I couldn't see buying the more expensive electric appliance. Some say it's a great replacement for pasta. I still eat pasta occasionally, but also like the squash alternative.

    Sheryl, glad you were able to get John trimmed up, and I hope the rest of your day today goes well. I'm just curious, but if John has trouble remembering things, does he remember the rules of the road? Or are ok with it because you are always with him? My Dad had to have cataracts removed about 6 or 7 years ago. He said it wasn't bad at all, and was surprised at how much his eye sight improved after that. I suspect one day I will too.

    Debora, I don't think you are experiencing the huge pics issue because you use Chrome, and that browser isn't having problems that I'm aware of. Just Firefox and Internet Explorer are all I've heard about.

    Isabella and Anew, I hope you both are able to meet up later this month!

    I still have some time left on my lunch hour, so I think I'll go walk around the building a few times. I don't have enough time to walk to the park, but I can circle the building for awhile. It's nice and cool out there today. A pretty Spring day.

    Have a lovely rest of the day everyone.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Another update from a MFP staffer on the pic sizes and scrolling issues...
    Olivia wrote: »
    hey all - we have filed 3 new bugs this week with our forum partner (Thanks Rachel for getting those tickets in as soon as we got reports):
    1. Duplication of post counts and member labels
    2. Images not being resized properly
    3. Long links causing scroll craziness
    I met with our forum partner this morning who hopes to have updates for us early next week. I am deeply sorry for the annoyance and frustration; I know new bugs when folks are waiting on old bugs to still be fixed is disheartening. Seems like an appropriate time to wear the cone of shame... kffoxukczh2r.gif
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, thanks for the update Marcie. Nice to know they are working on it and too cute...the cone of shame.

    Marcie, regarding John getting his driver's license, I have the same apprehension as you do, should he even have a license? I am so full of mixed feelings. If he were the type to get one of the trucks and take off, I'd absolutely take his license away. But in the last three years, the only time he's driven is to get a load of hay (only three miles straight down the road from us) and to take me to chemo and I am always with him. When we go for a joy ride or meet friends for dinner, he always wants me to drive, so that's good. It is nice to have him available to drive when absolutely necessary, like the chemo thing. So far, he appears to still know how to drive, with the exception of missing speed limit signs and I have to tell him to slow down or sometimes that he could even speed up. It's mainly directions he needs. He gets lost immediately and doesn't know where to turn or how to get home. If he doesn't pass the eye test and loses his license, then there's my answer.

    I was so bummed out yesterday that we didn't do what we had planned. I don't know why yesterday affected me that way, usually I try to be totally flexible and deal with whatever comes around. But, for some reason, not going out yesterday put me into a total funk and I pouted all day. Today is a new day. We're expecting rain, so we won't take off today either, but I'm OK with that.

    I just put a roast beef in the oven for a late lunch/early dinner. We've been eating most of our big main meal about 2 pm these days. John doesn't want breakfast when he gets up and I don't want him to wait until "dinner hour" (5 or 6 pm????) to eat. For Debora, this is probably normal, you have dinner at our lunch time and supper for our dinner, right? I know that's how John's parents did it on the farm (Missouri). The big meal of the day was at noon.

    I guess that's it for now.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Quick note:
    Madden Daniel was born yesterday afternoon - 6 lb, 4 oz. Mom will sign the papers giving him up today and he will get to come home tomorrow. Had to stay longer since he tested positive for Hep B. We hope to go see him tonight.

    Lucy is in the hospital for the weekend cause a root canal got infected and she needs iv antibiotics. She is is the same hospital. She wasn't kidding when she said her tooth hurt the other night.

    Had a storm last night and not electricity till this afternoon. I was gone most of the time. Glad ours is back on. Babysitting tomorrow morning for Derek and then will get stuff ready for Sunday. Getting the last of the groceries tonight. Gotta run.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi all.

    It's been a nice relaxing day. Took the day off, slept in, went to lunch, made a stop at Walmart and came home. Cisco sure wanted to go with me. When I was leaving he followed me out to the garage and jumped in my car. He looked so sad when I made him go back to the house. I guess he's due another trip to the dog park.

    Went to Red Lobster today with just me and a good book. Salad (I ditched the croutons and crumbled a cheddar bay biscuit over the salad); Maple glazed grilled chicken, mashed potatoes, rice pilaf, broccoli (ate half and brought the rest home); key lime pie for dessert (I'd say I only ate half of that too, but I'd be lying!).




    I bought 6 books last night for my Kindle. The stories sound really interesting. A five-book series plus one other book. They were on sale for $1.50 each, so I got them all for $9. Books on Kindle range from about $0.99 to around $10 (I dont usually buy the new expensive ones). I started reading book one in the five-book series and I'm hooked.

    Dad wanted to go to Strings last night (an Italian restaurant). He had spaghetti and I had salmon. Really good.

    I watched a Disney movie last night on cable called Malificent. Another version of the Sleeping Beauty story. I was surprised that I liked it. I dont watch near as many movies as I did when I was younger, but someone told me this was a good one.

    Sheryl, that's what I figured with John and driving. I remember my mom and I being so mad at the Oregon DMV for issuing my Grandma a drivers license when she was up in her years. Her reflexes were pretty much null at that point, along with her decision making skills. Glad you are having a better day today. They say its better to eat our bigger meals earlier in the day. Dad and I typically do that.

    Debora, I'm sorry that mother has to give her baby up, but congratulations on the new member in your family! Ouch on the root canal infection! I hope she's feeling better.

    I think Cisco and I will be lazy and take a little nap now. I'm sure I won't have to ask him twice! Y'all have a nice day.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited April 2015
    Dad just stumbled on this old picture of my 7th Birthday party in 1972, 43 years ago. I hadnt seen this picture in decades. That's me sitting in that back by the ugly paneled wall (as usual, the chunkiest kid in the pic!). We lived in that house from 1969 through 1976, so many great childhood memories there. After I had lunch today, since it was on my way I drove down the old street where we used to live and checked out this house. That neighborhood is so run down now, and our old house has not been tended to very well. So sad to see. The old lady who used to live next door to us took such pride in her home. It always looked perfect. She'd roll over in her grave if she could see what a dump it's become. :'(
