Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good morning...she says sleepily. Gonna be a long day.

    I don't think I got more than 2 hours sleep last night. I think the meds from the surgery are working their way through Cisco because he had awful diarrhea last night. Poor guy. He was a good boy though and came and got me every time he needed to race out to the backyard. Between midnight and 5 am I took him out 4 times. He seemed better when Dad got up at 6 am and took him for his morning walk, so hopefully that has passed.

    Got home last night and Dad wanted to go out to dinner and then stop by the post office. He had already filed his tax returns, but he had to made a couple amendments, so he wanted to drop the revised returns off at the post office. We wound up going our for Italian again. Once again I have tons of leftover spaghetti in the fridge!

    I got inspired by a hummus recipe that Lynn Matava posted on Facebook the other day (blended garbonzos with avocado and various spices like curry, which I dont eat). Here's my version. Turned out really good. I had never thought of blending chic peas with avocado. She always has such great food ideas.

    Sheryl, you are probably right about the aquarium I went to. It's been about 25 years, so I don't remember the details. It was a really neat place though and my Grandma really enjoyed it. I remember taking lots of cool pics there. Talk about being hit in the face with a huge pic of Simon! I sure wished they would get that problem fixed already! I mostly just use Safari (on my Ipad) and Google Chrome (on the PC) now. Seems to be less issues with those browsers. I heard that Internet Explorer is going to be going away and will be replaced with something else. Don't know when, but I hope its better! Simon does have really pretty green eyes. So did his brother Casey. I find he does just fine when we are away from home for the day, usually just sleeps. The litterbox is the only thing I don't like about indoor cats, but that's not too bad either. I've been cleaning that thing once or twice a day for nearly 13 years now and it's just routine now.

    Isabella, glad you could stop by. No, my review of proposed legislation is not for the voter guides. I work in the Business Programs section of the office and review legislation that may affect business filings (made by corporations and other entity types) and business-related services made through our office. I have to identify how the leg. would affect business conducted with our office, and if I find any issues or discrepancies, I have to draft proposed amendments to that leg. I don't work in the Elections Division.

    Having only 2 hours of sleep, reviewing that legislation is going to be even more fun! :s
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Whoa, puppy diarrhea is no fun, any time of day or night. Sounds like Cisco was very accommodating and did you a huge favor by not having an accident in the house.

    Billie wrote in an email that she feels like she needs to move Lovey to another household. If she still feels that way (and she still has Lovey), when I see her soon, I'm thinking of asking if I can take her. Still waffling on this one. I hope we can get together for lunch next week. She said that she has a doctor's appointment today and will need tomorrow to recuperate.

    I got an email from Granny too, which included more about this apartment that she would like to move in to...
    This past week I have checked out the new apartment I may be moving to. I would have to give up a lot, like a dishwasher, garbage disposal, my couch would have to go, my washer and dryer would have to be gotten rid of, but they do have a laundry room at the complex, and the living room is tiny compared to the one I have now. I would gain safety, which I don't have here, a big closet so I wouldn't have to do my seasonal switch twice a year, a coat closet by the entry, lots of activities going on to keep me busy, and people my own age instead of a lot of young folks that don't look like I would like being around. Most of them I can't understand what they are saying. A pickup was stolen out of the parking lot last week, and a young man was beaten nearly to death in the parking lot. Meth labs happen frequently. Lots of things that make it scary for me.

    I haven't really made my mind up yet, and there are 20 on the waiting list, so it would be quite a while before I could move. I will need the time to get rid of enough stuff that I would fit in it.

    Sounds to me like safety trumps size. I could certainly live without dishwasher and garbage disposal, however, I am spoiled rotten with the clothes washer and dryer just in the next room. And, huge deal for me, would be the fact of not having to switch out seasonal clothing twice a year.

    Still don't know what we're going to do later today, John's still in bed. He came to bed in the wee hours of the morning, so I'm letting him sleep.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, day is going fast so if I don't slip in now, another day will be gone. 4-H was fun. The talks were interesting and the kids had fun making big flowers that will be used in centerpieces. Yesterday I went with Ralph to his appointment and then we did some errands. Our sump pump seemed to be running slowly on Monday so we got a new one to have on hand. We even ate on the way home so that was a help. When we got home I got things ready for Good News Club. I went downstairs to find the egg turner (for use in an incubator) and it wasn't where I thought it was. I couldn't find it in any room. I told my friend I'd search a bit more.

    Good News Club went okay. The very wiggly one did better but some others did more. But all in all it was good. Fixed egg burritos for supper and put in lots of veggies. Today so far I've been doing things at home. Put bread I bought yesterday in the freezer., walked, did a load of laundry (fun to be able to dry here) and other stuff. Took three times of looking around the house but I did find the egg turner when I had found something else. So Ralph will take it along to church tonight. As soon as I get done here, I'll get started on my list and then head out. Supper tonight will be cheeseburgers (half price at Sonic cause it's tax day). I want do go to a couple of stores and then head for Lori's. I'm sure there'll be laundry for me to fold. I also have some shirts for Thomas to try on. He has to dress up a bit more for his trip to DC.

    Marcie, Ava's doing okay. They'll get it checked out. I love the backwards clock. Glad to hear Cisco is getting a little more energy. It's not fun when they aren't acting like themselves. And great picture of Simon. Everyone is photogenic at your place. Glad you know someone to share Cisco's cast-offs with. Too bad that legislation can't be on the computer so you can make the print bigger. Hope it wasn't too boring.

    Sheryl, you are PT's dream - someone who does what their told and does it as asked. So glad she can see improvement. Glad the blood thinner is doing its job. The Portland Aquarium sounds like a cool place. You'll have fun there.
    I'm with you and friends on MFP. I know to accept. Glad to see Carla. I'm not doing the MFP challenge cause I'm usually doing more than 10,000 steps a day. All of them don't count as aerobic since they are less they 10 minutes but it's movement. Glad you heard about John and the ladder after the fact and now with a phone call while. Glad nothing happened. Ladders are better used with two people around.
    I hear you on room names. The room we call the office does have the desk but it's really more of a family room but the term office stuck. What instruments do you and John play? Hope you can get the document signing taken care of.

    It's cooler here and cloudy. Can't decide which coat to wear. Better let you guys go and get busy on the things I need done before I leave. Got some things to load in the car too. Talk to you later.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Did not go anywhere yesterday, John didn't get out of bed until almost 1 pm. Of course, then he didn't come to bed last night until midnight, but he got up about a half hour ago, so we'll see what today brings. Go to the bank for the notary and the post office and Walmart to try to get a new lens for a Maglite flashlight. We have one Maglite that's been sitting on the shelf for years because the lens broke. Yesterday, John saw it again and became obsessed about fixing it. I have searched for a long time and couldn't find parts, neither in the stores nor on-line. All of a sudden, when I looked on-line again yesterday, there was a parts list and part numbers and they say Walmart carries them. I have a feeling they stock only the flashlights, not the parts. I may have to pay the big bucks and buy it on-line, $8.00 for a stupid little clear lens and then "plus shipping". It will please John, so I guess it will be well worth the money.

    Another gorgeous sunny day, I am so anxious to get some yard work done. If not today, then tomorrow for sure.

    On these sunny warmer days, the llamas are looking like they are uncomfortable and wanting to be sheared. I don't think they are too hot, their fiber insulates them from the heat just as well as from the cold, but it does protect the parasites that drive them crazy. I can tell the way the llamas are acting, that they are "itchy" and it's time to get the medication on them. And, easiest way to reach their skin is to shear all that thick fiber down to within an inch.

    I heard from Billie and we're getting together a week from today. I was getting concerned that she wasn't responding. I know she's having a lot of health issues now. Her eyes and her feet and everything in between. She got another shot in her eye this week and next Tuesday, she has an appointment with the foot doctor.

    I'll refill my mug and then see if John is ready to go to town.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Found a few books at the DAV yesterday, picked up Emily's prescriptions and then went to Lori's. As usual I did dishes and laundry and took care of Emily. Jeremiah had a baseball game so he and his dad were home by 8:30 so I got home a little earlier than some weeks. I asked Paige what she wanted for her birthday and the only thing she told me was a pink unicorn so I went online, found one I could get quickly and ordered it. Hope she remembers that she said that. :) Party for the three April girl birthdays is Saturday night.

    I've just been doing the usual stuff. Now I need to finish up some things that need to be done for tomorrow. Found out Ava has been started on anti-seizure meds and they will do a EEG. The neurologist wasn't really surprised that she is starting to have seizures with her CP. Then I found out Derek had one of his to the ER the other night with breathing problems but she is doing better. They tell me sleep is overrated but I like it.

    I get to go to Bible study tonight. Need to call one to see if she's driving and I can give her an end table that her son wants. Sun is shining. Thanks to Sheryl I think I'll spend some time with Leslie today. I'll let you know if it happens.

    Sheryl, cool that you and Billie get to get together again. It would be neat if Walmart had the part but I'm guessing you'll have to order it too. Probable the cost of a new flashlight but so it goes sometimes. Hope you can get the llamas their medicines soon. That's interesting that their fiber helps them both from heat and cold. I learned my something new now.

    Hubby's headed out the door so guess I'd better get busy again too.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Just popping in to say hi and by. Still chipping away at the legislation. Have a great day everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, yesterday was a great day, very satisfied that we got some things done. Got to the bank and had the documents notarized and in the mail. Got to the post office and sent a small gift to Jackson on it's way. (Funny, I just checked the tracking number to see how it's going and it went north to Seattle before heading down to Southern California, crazy routing). Stopped and had tostadas for lunch, John got a usual shredded beef and I got shrimp. So good, mine came in the fried flour tortilla bowl and I ate the whole bowl, yummy even though not the healthiest. Swung by the farm supply store just to drop off a stack of old feed bags. The cracked corn comes in plastic bags now and I hate putting them in the trash and I don't like burning plastic, but the feed store has a huge recycle bin at the loading dock. Then, we went to the John Deere dealer and looked at the 23 HP tractors. I've decided on the John Deere. The Kubota was good, but I'm partial to John Deere (The Green Machine), like our infatuation with the International Harvesters, many good trucks out there, but none that fill our hearts with love like IHC. Anyway, the prices are so close, I'm going with my heart. Now, before I can buy it, I have to move an old truck out of the barn to make room for the new tractor.
    We were exhausted when we came home. Oh yea, stopped at Walmart and I was right, new flashlights but no parts. A brand new Maglite of the same size of what we have (2 D cell batteries) is $19.00. It's crazy to pay $8.00 plus shipping for only a lens. Plus, we already have so many flashlights, in the barn, in the garage, in the house and one each in three of the vehicles. I may try to hide this broken one on the shelf and maybe John will forget all about it.
    Now, for my rant...why does John walk behind me at the store??? I thought maybe I was walking too fast, so, I tried to walk slower so we could walk side by side, and he just walked slower and stayed behind me. Drives me nuts. I finally decided to walk at my normal pace and if I needed to talk to him, I'd stop and face him and we'd have a conversation standing still and then take off walking again, in silence.

    Today, I plan to prune the apple trees. I'll have to mow the grass again first. It's grown so much since I mowed last week, I will be standing in tall grass again around the trees. This time of year, you really can watch the grass grow before your very eyes.

    I talked to my sister yesterday afternoon, and last night, she planned to go to a soccer game for Jackson. She couldn't imagine how three year olds could play soccer. It reminded me of Granny telling us when Averie went to play soccer. I told Norma that there will at least be lots and lots of running...wear the kids out. I can't wait to hear how that soccer game came out.

    John's up already so I better get going and get busy.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good morning everyone. This about sums it up for me...


    I gave my friend at work the bag of Cisco's deer antlers. I should have snuck that back out. Cisco saw me get the bag down and got all excited. He followed me out to the car and gave me the "what's up" head tilt when I left the bag in the car. He thought I was giving him a new antler to chew on. He's sure going to miss those things. It usually took him about a month to chew up one of those things. All other chewy treats we give him he usually gobbles up right away. I'm not sure what we can give him that's softer then the antlers, but that he can't snarf down right away.

    We had a couple really chilly, windy days this week. It finally died down yesterday. There were palm tree fronds all over the back yard and in the pool, along with tons of other vegetation that blew around. Gonna have to get that cleaned up tomorrow. Now that wind has died down, it will warm up again. They say we will be in the mid-80's this weekend.

    Other than cleaning my bathroom, I don't plan on doing a lot of housework this weekend. I need to go grocery shopping, do laundry, and get my weekly cooking done. That's about it.

    Sheryl, I'm glad you had a good day yesterday, and fried tortilla bowls are good. I can't remember the last one I had!! Rant away. I guess John just wants to follow the leader! That was interesting about shearing the llamas. I'll bet that will be quite a job getting that done. I would never make a good farm hand! I guess I'm too city-fied.

    Sheryl, thanks for sharing Granny's latest update. Sounds like she needs to get out of that apt as soon as possible. I sure hope she doesn't have to wait too long to get in to the new place. I wouldn't mind no dishwasher (I never use mine anyway), but I would not like no washer and dryer in the unit. I used to live in an apt that had a communal washing room and just didn't like being stuck down there while my clothes were in the machines (one isn't supposed to leave them unattended). I was also up on the third floor and there was no elevator, so it was not fun lugging the laundry up and down the stairs.

    Better get back to work now. At least the review of that legislation is behind me (until they throw me another one to review...this time of year they come at us right and left!).

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Great day today. Started out walking. We had to walk inside because it was raining - yay. From there I went to town. Went to diabetes class with my sister. It was suggested that everyone should carry a copy of the meds they take in case of an accident or something. Makes sense for everyone so will get a copy of Ralph's in his billfold. I don't think any of his would be lift-threatening if not taken but still good to have. Then it turned out I knew one of the guys in the class. He's hunted ducks on our land - it's been a few years and when I saw him he was usually in camouflage but it was fun to see him.

    From there I went on to another town. I got car tags for 4 vehicles, ear tags for 4-H pigs, bacon for a friend, went to the bank and got groceries. I picked up the college girl and came home. I got home around 4:30, unloaded the car (took in one bag at a time and put it a way - makes the steps add up). Met one 4-H family at the neighbor's and got their pigs eartagged. Fixed pizza and salads for supper and got my list done.

    Tomorrow will get the gifts together, straighten the house even though no one is coming, finish getting my SS lesson ready and other stuff. The birthday party for the three April birthdays is tomorrow evening. Making cream puff dessert for fellowship meals on Sunday.

    Was thinking today that one thing I really like about MFP is the huge database they have. I don't have to enter many foods at all. It's mostly when I can only find something listed by cups and I want to have a weight. But I'm sure thankful I had NM to start with - I learned a lot about real nutrition there. It's easier to slip here but I try.

    Sheryl, glad you had a great day. I think John Deere was a great choice. And if you want to carry out the theme, you can get John Deere sheets at Walmart - :). I saw them when I was looking at sheets to get for Emily. She's hard to buy for but she does spend a lot of time in bed so went that route this time. Tostados - yum. Nice to enjoy the whole thing. It wouldn't be hard for the flashlight to get misplaced. Maybe John wants to make sure there's room for other people. Maybe he feels like you're a protector for him. Stopping to talk when you need to was a great solution. At least he went with you. I know sometimes when I'm with Ralph, it's easier when we go that way. Wow, your grass does grow fast. Ours is getting taller. This rain will help. Your sister will have fun watching Jackson. It's almost just entertaining but it's surprising what they can learn. And at that age, the refs help them do the right thing and no score is kept.

    Marcie, how could you let Cisco see you take his antlers. You just got the pool cleaned and now have to do it again. Have you swum much lately? Sounds like you have enough to do this weekend without doing housework. So glad that piece of legislation is done.

    Hello to all those lurking. Glad you're out there.
    Hope you all have a good weekend.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, up at my old usual early time and came by here before exercise and before my Saturday morning tv shows. Feels good to sit here with my coffee, like the old days. Yesterday was also like the "old" days...slathered on the sun block and worked outside. It was wonderful, mowed the grass in my little orchard and got one apple tree pruned. Today I plan to get the second one done and then wait and see if I still get apples or if I pruned too late and cut off all the blossoms that were going to be set this year. There were a lot of them up on those tall shoots.

    Debora, I know the feeling of seeing someone, but they are "out of place". When I was doing yard work for a living, I always wore a blue chambray work shirt and overalls. When my clients saw me elsewhere, not wearing my "uniform", they didn't know who I was. They'd stare, "I know that person from somewhere, but where?" I'd laugh and tell them. Most times, as soon as I talked, they'd recognize me.

    Thanks for the tip about John Deere sheets, when I need new ones, those might be fun to have. I usually choose a solid blue. Pretty dull. John is so funny, just like a kid, can hardly wait for the tractor. Yesterday afternoon, he asked several times when we're going to go buy it. Had I known he was that anxious, we would have gone in the morning, but I had planned on pruning the tree and didn't think of anything else. I imagine it will take time before they deliver it, so maybe we'll go today and I can still get that second tree done later today.

    Marcie, you made me chuckle, growing up in Pasadena, I'm a city girl too. When I was 20, I moved to Wisconsin late winter, as spring came everyone started talking about gardens and canning. When I was asked how I prepare my preserves, I responded that I just go to the store and pick up a jar off the shelf. Some laughed and some were aghast. I never had a garden until John and I moved here, and I think I enjoyed it because I didn't have it as a chore when I was a kid.

    I have time to feed the animals and do my exercises before Lucky Dog starts at 7 am. I like waking up early.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi everyone! So glad this page is back to normal! Hope they stay this way. :) Can't stay too long - I got caught up on facebook which took a lot of time. Then I got caught up on these posts and it is now time to get in the shower and get ready to go to one of Dan's old friend's retirement party. We got him a really nice bottle of wine. Hope he likes it. Dan has decided we should get ourselves a bottle to celebrate our anniversary next month (that would be the only way to justify the expense) so we can taste it.

    Sheryl, so happy that you are doing so well and able to do so much more! sounds like John Deere is the right choice. Also glad to hear the granny update and the Billie update. Please give Granny our love and give Billie our love when you see her. My friend's dad has Alzheimer's and he has a cat that really helps calm him. She is a bit worried about what will happen when the cat passes. Hopefully that will be a long way off. Glad you are getting the paperwork taken care of also. That can be very stressful and time consuming.

    Marcie, your job sounds very interesting but I can see that it can get quite tedious. My friend Jami gives her husky deer antlers. I'll have to tell her what your vet said. She also has a hard time finding chew toys that the dog can't eat up quickly. Your hummus sounds wonderful! I'll have to try avocado and maybe another type of beans next time I make it.

    Debora, you are doing really well with your walking. Keep up the great work!

    Okay, off to the showers. I'm going to put a bucket in my shower for the first time today to catch the water so we can water the plants outside. Trying to do everything we can to help the draught situation. Talk to you all soon!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, Boy, I slept good last night, plum tuckered out!

    Got the second tree pruned, sloppy job, but the tall shoots are down and it will be easy to prune for next year. Two years growth caused all the blossoms to be very high up and I cut them all away. Probably won't get apples this year, but next year will be a bumper crop. Even when I kept up with it, it seemed to alternate years for quantity of apples. I hesitate putting in a photo...will make those of us on Internet Explorer have to scroll too much again.

    I may be back to zero on this tractor, like so many times before, John is balking at the price. He wants me to dicker and not pay the price that I've been quoted. I hate that. And, of course, he won't do it, but he expects me to. We were going to go to the dealer yesterday afternoon, and John realized it was Saturday and thought that's a very bad day to go. Management wouldn't be there to OK a lower price. (Actually, I figured management would be there, it would be a big selling day). I'm not sure what I'll do now. Have to think on this awhile. Monday and Tuesday are appointments, so the earliest we would go to John Deere would be Wednesday, that gives me time to mull this over.

    Forecast to be sunny today and reach 80 degrees. Warmest day so far this year. Tomorrow should be the same. I love Spring.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Sheryl, don't feel funny about trying to negotiate a lower price. It is expected. Just say you're on a budget and what can they do for you or throw out a number and give them the opportunity to counter offer. The worse they can do is say no. Perhaps you can go on line before you go in on Wednesday or whenever and see how the price they gave you compares and what others have paid for them.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Nice weekend. Worked on things Saturday but didn't have to push. Got my dessert made, straightened the house. The party was fun. Paige liked the unicorn as well as her other gifts. They took Emily's oxygen off long enough so she could come out while we opened the presents. It was a hot dog meal so easy for them to do. The cake was ice cream sandwiches covered with cool whip - put together just before eating. What I was most impressed with was the difference in Lori's house from Wednesday to Saturday night. It's not that the house is messy messy - just the look of 6 people and everything doesn't get put away right away. Lori said they all worked together. The schedules are busy but I think they'd enjoy it if they could keep it a little closer to this way. But it's their house. The boys left early enough that they were home before it started raining. We waited until it started raining and drove it in all the way home. We have one more field of corn to plant so would love a few warm dry days and then the rain can come back.

    Today was SS and church and they the fellowship meal. We were a group of 8. Delicious meal. Lots of visiting. We headed home around 4 and then have been home since then.

    Tomorrow I'll walk, take Ava to speech and then have the rest of the day at home. Ralph will go get Lori and Thomas at 8 and get them to the airport to head for Washington DC. Lori is going as a sponser and Thomas is one of the 8th graders going on the trip. They are excited about going. They are gone until Friday and will be doing a lot.

    Sheryl, it sounds like Saturday was a really good day. Pruning a tree is not easy. Doing one a day was smart. I had the same thing happen with people not recognizing me when I worked at the dry cleaners. I'd recognize the customers when I was other places but they wouldn't recognize me since I wasn't behind a counter I guess. How early is early for you with all you were doing before 7am? :)

    Isabella, you are always on the go. Hope the retirement party was fun. Dan have any leads on jobs? Could be frustrating. How did it go with catching the water in the shower? Good idea.

    Sheryl, you had a warm day today and we had a cool one - only got to about 51 here. We even have the furnace running tonight so I suppose we'll be walking inside again tomorrow. I would enjoy negotiating either. Isabella had some good ideas. Doing that could help make John happy. And maybe by Wednesday, he'll be able to buy at the price you were given.
    You popped in when you first got up and now I'll pop out and head for bed. Good night.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Pic testing...

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Looks like they fixed the pic sizing issue. The pic I just posted of Cisco is huge, but for me (using Firefox) it was automatically resized to fit the page. Let me know if you are still seeing a huge pic.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. It's suppose to get up to 80 degrees today, another warmest day of the year, plus if it really does hit 80, it will be a record for this date.

    Thanks for the advice, Isabella. I checked on Craigslist and somebody is trying to sell a 2013 tractor, same model (1023E) and same attachments for only $600 less than what I'd be paying for brand new 2015. The quote I got was already with a cash discount and I thought it was pretty good. John wants to take another 20% off. He thinks that's the standard mark-up. I remember my dad saying the same thing, years ago, about cars. But, it's just so awkward for me. Also, they will deliver it, to me, that's worth a lot. I'll go prepared, like you said, it can't hurt to ask.

    Debora, I used to consistently wake up about 5 am, now it's closer to 7 am, but the other morning it was 5 again.

    Today is the cataract consultation. One of John's friends from California called last night to say Hi and wish him well. His wife had it done and got on the phone to tell John how wonderful it is. I heard John's side of the conversation and he thanked her and said that he wasn't so apprehensive about it now. Trick is, will he remember what she said and what he said.

    Years ago, before I met John, he was into Skeet Shooting and was quite a marksman, won trophies and everything. There's a Gun and Shooting Club here in Vancouver and we kept saying that we were going to go watch someday, but hadn't done it until yesterday. The website stated that they have a "Fun Shoot" on the first and third Sundays of every month open to the public from 10 am until 3 pm. We got there a little after noon but they were already done shooting for the day and 6 guys were there having a board meeting. They said to come back Wednesday evening when they practice. I put it on the calendar, but I don't know for sure that we'll go on Wednesday. Maybe just wait for the first Sunday in May. Or, both. I got excited to see John get excited about something. Anytime he wants to go out is a huge plus for me.

    I'll go get a few chores done and then shower and get ready to go to the Cataract and Laser Institute. Tell you all about it in the morning.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good morning everyone.

    Had a nice weekend, but it did get a bit warm yesterday. It topped out at 90 degrees. I think it felt warmer than what it was because we had some cloud cover and it locked in the heat. Should be more of the same today, minus the clouds. Just kept the windows in the house closed yesterday and it stayed under 80 degrees inside. Anything above 80 inside, I'm turning the AC on!

    My pot of something this week is pintos. I cooked them pretty plain, just added a little garlic salt, black pepper, chili seasoning and a can of diced tomatoes. For dinner on Saturday I made brown rice and mixed it with Applegate turkey and chicken spinach and feta sausage, sauteed spinach, broccoli, mushrooms, green beans, parmesan cheese and a little Vodka sauce. That was really yummy. We had a dish at an Italian restaurant recently that used Vodka sauce and really liked it, so I picked up a jar at the store the other day.

    Now that I'm all caught up on that show The Walking Dead, I started watching another show this weekend. This one is The Game of Thrones. Dad read all of the books in that series and really liked them. He said he watched the first episode of the TV show on HBO and they came really close to the story in the book. He didn't continue watching the show though because he already knows what's going to happen. I watched the first 12 episodes this weekend, and have 3 more season to watch in order to get caught up with the current season. It is a really good series so I'll stick with it.

    When Dad was out walking Cisco yesterday morning, he stopped to chat with our new neighbor across the street. Apparently she has chickens and was telling him that they produce more eggs than she and her daughter can eat so she usually winds up giving a lot away. I asked him did he offer to take them off her hands and/or buy the extra from her and he said it didn't occur to him! So close to getting fresh eggs!! We have another neighbor a couple doors down who also has chickens, but he's never had any problems eating them all.

    I was just talking with my friend/old boss (the one who has Lupus and who's father passed away last Thanksgiving). She said on Easter Sunday her Mom's house burned down to the ground and they lost everthing, including all the family photos, her Dad's military burial flag, all clothes, appliances and furnishings. They also lost one of their 2 cats. My friend had to hold back her sister (her sister lives with their Mom) who wanted to run back in the burning house to save their kitty. Their other cat was burned pretty badly, but survived. The poor thing is going to lose both of it's ears and has a lot of burned skin. My friend thinks they should put it out of it's misery, but her daughter is going to try and nurse it back to health. Her 81 year old mother has lived in that house for the last 50 years. Luckily she had insurance, so they are going to rebuild. But it's still very sad. That family has gone through so much.

    I think someone had asked me how much I swim in our pool. I haven't gotten in it yet this year. We don't heat it up and it's too cold right now. Maybe sometime next month. I don't swim as much as I used to. I think the chlorine causes my skin to break out. Even when I shower right afterwards. I'm going to test it out again this year. I sure hope I can swim more this summer.

    Looks like our county is going to have to cut back 35% more water usage, above what we already cut back last year. We may just let the lawns go this summer, and possible shut down the pool (takes a lot of water to keep a pool going). We'll see as the summer progresses. I sure wished this awful drought would draw to a close. One thing that is frustrating is that they use more water to grow almonds (most of which are shipped overseas) that is used by constituents to water their lawns.

    Well, I guess I'd better get back to work. Have a lovely week everyone!

    P.S. Please let me know if my last pic of Cisco is still huge. On another post I participate in, a couple people said they are still seeing huge pics with Firefox. I'm not though. I'm seeing huge pics when I attach the pic and when I click on Preview. But, after I Post Reply, the pic is resized to fit the page. I've reported the comments I received on that other post to the MFP moderator who said this morning the pic sizing issue was fixed.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good Morning. I'm still on Internet Explorer and Cisco IS HUGE, but so adorable. I love how we can see the tail motion in this still picture.

    Yesterday was exhausting and enlightening. Situations like this really show me how far gone John's mind is. When he is unsure, he asks for
    answers of reassurance and when he asks the same thing every few minutes, I know he doesn't remember our previous conversation, even
    when it just happened moments before. The eye surgeon had an emergency, so there was about a 40 minute wait in the exam room. John
    had gone through the preliminaries with the technician and she showed us a video and gave some info, but during that wait for the doctor,
    John kept asking what is this place, what are we doing here, how did we get here and why, how much will this cost? The doctor finally came
    in and finished the exam. John really needs this done...they rate cataracts from 1 to 4, 1 being very mild and 4 being the worst. John is
    between a 3 and a 4, in both eyes. Everything else about his eyes are normal, so that's good. He didn't want to schedule the surgery right
    then, which is typical for John, he wants to think about all the ins and outs and cost, etc. But, when we left, he said that he doesn't need it at
    all, he can see just fine. So, I have a battle ahead of me, to convince him that he does need it. I have literature to spread out on the table
    and they gave us a dvd to watch at home. We'll see how it all goes in the days to come. The procedure can take place within 2 weeks of
    scheduling, so once he consents, I'll immediately make the appointment and, I hope like yesterday, once the appointment is made he'll go
    through with it.

    Today, I have PT. I'm still exhausted from yesterday, but maybe once I get going this morning, I'll be fine.

    I talked to my sister last night, she said that she could not handle living with this dementia with John. I said it's just like the cataracts, it has
    crept into our lives so slowly, that we hardly noticed and now it's a way of life. It's not as bad living it as it sounds like when I type this out.
    It is frustrating at times, but we do have really good times too. She is taking off work today to take my dad to the doctor. When she called
    my parents yesterday (she calls every afternoon) my mom said that dad won't eat anything and is feeling bad. Norma thought maybe he got
    the "bug" that's going around, but when he told her that there is blood in his stool, she immediately said call the doctor and make an
    appointment asap and call me back with the time and day. He was able to get in today at 1:15 pm, so Norma will go in early and take off
    work at 11:45 am and drive in to Pasadena to take my dad. My mom already had a dentist appointment scheduled for today, so Theresa,
    the care giver, will take her. I'll get all the info late this afternoon when Norma calls me after everyone is back from their doctors.

    I heard from Granny again and she is spending a lot of time with G-ma. Since G-pa retired, he has been playing more golf and is gone even
    more than when he was at church all the time, so Granny still gets a lot of G-ma's attention. Nick has proposed to his girlfriend and Granny
    said that Claire and Chloe are very excited about it. They even commented that they "need a mommy". Wow, so even the girls realized that
    Amy wasn't doing her motherly duties. That's sad.

    I guess I'd better close for now. Get in my exercises and feed the animals.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Sheryl, I hope all is ok with your Dad. What version of IE do you have? At work I have an old IE version 8 and the pic of Cisco is sized down to fit the page. The MFP moderator has asked to be informed if anyone is still seeing the huge pics, but wants details, so she can open a ticket to have it troubleshooted. Her message is below.
    Rachel wrote: »
    Olivia wrote: »
    mygnsac wrote: »
    mygnsac wrote: »
    Olivia, just wanted to share this with you...I just posted a pic using Firefox version 34.0.5. The pic still appears huge before I post the reply (e.g., right after I attach the pic and when I click on "Preview"). Then, I had to scroll over to the right in order to click on "Post Reply." After I posted the reply, the pic is sized down to fit the page. Before, it sized down as soon as I attached the pic.

    Also, here are a couple responses from the What do your meals look like post where they say they are still seeing huge pics.
    Steph38878 wrote: »
    I'm using firefox. They're still huge....
    kducky22 wrote: »
    When I use IE on my desktop they look normal, but when I use IE on my Surface they come out huge! I wonder if it varies by device instead of by program used.
    Thank you for letting me know. @Rachel is going to follow-up to reproduce and update this bug ticket and provide updates as we get them.

    For anyone still seeing large photos, can you either post in here, or send me a PM to @rachel and let me know what you're using. I was unable to recreate the bug on chrome, firefox or safari on a Mac.