Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Ha, I am now on the other computer (still Internet Explorer, but Windows 8) and the photo of Cisco is perfect. My comment, however, is all messed up because I cut my sentences short so they would fit without scrolling.
    Sorry about that!!!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    sannferris wrote: »
    Ha, I am now on the other computer (still Internet Explorer, but Windows 8) and the photo of Cisco is perfect. My comment, however, is all messed up because I cut my sentences short so they would fit without scrolling.
    Sorry about that!!!

    I was wondering what happened there. That explains it. :#

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I've been trying to find what version of Internet Explorer I have on either one of the computers, I can't find it. Weird, it should be right here, but I'm lost. Anyway, this morning, both computers are working just fine, everything looks good. I'm baffled.

    PT was so good yesterday, Heather really pushed me. I am very sore this morning though. Nothing planned today except maybe go buy the tractor, or at least get more information. I have a few more questions before I put down the money.

    I talked to my mom, Norma and my dad last night. Mom's dentist was a 6 month check-up and cleaning. no new news, no cavities, no muss, no fuss.
    My dad's doctor really couldn't find anything yet, so thinks it might be internal hemorrhoids. They took 4 vials of blood for testing and made an appointment for Monday with a gastrologist. So, we'll see what they come up with. Dad said that the bleeding has already started to subside, not nearly as much Monday and Tuesday as what he had over the weekend.

    In the meantime, while we were on the phone, Dad wanted to encourage John to have the cataracts removed, so I gave the phone to John. I heard John say that "that's good to hear, I feel better about it now". After we hung up the phone, John said that he thought that's why we went on Monday, he thought that the procedure had been done. I said that we were only at a consultation, but I will call today and schedule the appointment for the procedure. So, we'll see what happens there too, only time will tell. John forgets things almost immediately now. I feel his frustration in all things. He is really having a hard time. But while talking to him last night, he did say "OK", so I can tell him, with a clear conscience, that he agreed. I promised myself that I would never lie to him, even though that would be so easy now, since he doesn't remember anything. Please pray that he'll follow through with it.

    The sun is bright and looks nice outside. If we don't go anywhere, at least we can do some more yard work today.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited April 2015
    Sheryl, to find out what version of IE you have, you should be able to click on "Help" and then "About Internet Explorer." I have version 8 at work, but I don't use it much anymore (I mostly use Firefox or Google Chrome at work now). IE 8 is just too old of a version and buggy now, and a lot of websites don't support it anymore, so when there is a problem they don't make the effort to fix it. On the website I work on in my job, I've been instructed that I'm no longer required to make webpages compatible with that version of IE (even though we still have that version!). We're upgrading to version 11 sometime in the next couple months, and sometime in the future IE is going away. It's being replaced with something else.

    Maybe both your computers look ok now because your cache was refreshed. Sometimes when we shut our computers down and reboot, changes that were made to programs and applications since we last logged on are refreshed and updated.

    I sure hope John follows through with the cataract removal procedure. I just can't imagine how hard the memory loss is for him and you, and the potential for possibly losing sight is a very scary thing and the last thing he needs.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Thank you Marcie...that was easy. I have Internet Explorer 11 on the newer computer (an HP with Windows 8.1). John's on the other computer right now, but I'll check later on the Dell with Windows 7.

    I was trying to find the info in "My Computer" and "Systems" and I also checked "Install and Uninstall Programs", I thought it would say there, but it doesn't.

    I have made the appointments for John. He'll have his right eye done May 14th and his left eye on May 21st.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    The older computer also has Internet Explorer 11.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning.

    Chinese lunch with Billie today, Oh Boy!!!!!

    Didn't go anywhere yesterday, John didn't feel like it. We didn't work outside either, the sun disappeared behind the clouds and it got windy. Nice relaxing day, mostly playing on the computer.

    Hopefully, more to say tomorrow.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, everyone, I do the five letter game almost every day but it doesn't take near as much time as this one does. I don't know that my week has been so busy but the days go by quickly. I had all day Monday at home and like it when I can mark things off my list. Last afternoon we got a call from a family setting a prayer meeting for anyone who wanted to come. We know a couple in Syria and the work they are doing with the church there and how hard it's going for them so just had a special time together.

    Our week has been cooler - even had my winter coat back out the other morning. Tuesday was Good News Club. The one teacher had a project for the kids to do and it went way smoother than I thought it would. As soon as I got home and changed we went and got Lucy and went to her play about Gideon. We went and ate after it.

    Wednesday I left in the afternoon and did a few errands - finally found some ground flaxseed so getting closer to making a muffin recipe Ralph found. I did dishes and laundry but they had really caught everything up to get Lori and Thomas packed for their trip so not a lot to do. I was a bit disappointed in my youngest. She babysat Tuesday evening and fixed supper. I don't care that she didn't do the dishes but I sure wish she could have cleared the table. And no one else did either.

    Today I've been at home too. I baked a cookie mix (using up things in the house which is what I've been doing with meals too), added some potting soil to my planter that a rabbit was in and covered part of it. I'm hoping hubby will find something better to put on it. I'm going to fix a light supper in a bit and then we'll head for Taryn's concert. Her mom said they are using songs from the Sound of Music so that will be fun.

    Tomorrow I'll walk, shop and go to the last diabetes class with my sister. Afterwards we're going to eat together and then I'll get groceries. And I'll get to stay home tomorrow night. Lori and Thomas get home tomorrow. I'm sure they've had a good time. I know the most about how much walking they've done cause I'm fitbit friends with Lori and she's walked way more than she usually does. :) Ralph just got set up to do another medical research when he finishes the knee one. It will be on fibromylagia (however it's spelled). They said the first appointment will be around 3 hours. I'll take a book along for sure and my sudoku.

    Marcie, Cisco is such a pretty dog. I love the pic you posted.

    Sheryl, my alarm goes off at 5:30. But I seldom wake up at that time by myself and I'm good with the snooze button. Neat that you found the fun shoot, even if you were late the first day. You can go again. And so wonderful that the cataract procedures are scheduled. Too bad you can't do them the same day.

    Marcie, I can't believe you dad didn't ask about buying the eggs. How handy would that me. How many chickens can a person keep. So sad about your friend's mother's house burning down. Yuck on the chlorine bothering you. Does your dad use it? He's gets plenty of exercise. Yards will have a different look with cutting back even more on water usage.

    Sheryl, hope there's nothing going on with your father but glad they are getting it checked out. Glad your dad was an encouragement to John too. Relaxing days are nice. Chinese - yum - enjoy.

    Well, I'd better get ready. DH is already home so he can rest up a bit before we leave. The program is at 6:30 so we shouldn't be out late which will be nice. Enjoy the rest of your day.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Fun program and already back home. They sang about 6 songs from the Sound of music and had speaking parts inbetween to tell the story. It was all second graders - 3 classes - 66 kids. Did such a good job. Principal of the school is their pianist. Now to finish my list and get ready for tomorrow. Need to log the rest of my food - hope I can have a snack.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good Morning. I had a wonderful time with Billie yesterday. I stopped by the Chinese restaurant and ordered fried shrimp, egg foo young, pork fried rice, cashew chicken and shrimp chow mein. LOTS and LOTS of food, we enjoyed it for lunch, plus I left some there for Billie's lunch today and brought some home for John and me. I think we'll get four meals out of that order. I wanted variety, plus we hadn't had their egg foo young or chow mein before and I wanted other choices that I knew were favorites, just in case we didn't like all of it. Well, the egg foo young was delicious, I will definitely get that again, but I won't buy the chow mein again. I got to Billie's by 1 pm and left at 3. Just the perfect amount of time to visit and not wear Billie out, nor leave John alone for too many hours.

    Billie has solved the problem with her cat and rearranged things to keep her. So, I didn't even mention that I would like to bring her home with me. Maybe that's for the best, we have enough animals already.

    Only a few days ago, we were in the 80's and hitting record highs, now, we're 10 degrees below the average, back in the high 40's / low 50's, with rain. No outside work for today, too wet.

    Last night, it popped into my mind about the practice shooting at the gun range on Wednesday night. I totally had forgotten about it Wednesday and obviously missed it. I was thinking about what I was doing at 6 pm last Wednesday night, and I guess I was just watching tv, relaxing and/or headed for bed. I'm not a night person, so we'll most likely just stick with trying to watch the trap shooting on Sundays. If we get to know some of these guys, maybe they will want to buy John's guns. I know John will never shoot again and we don't need them taking up closet space. He has some beautiful Browning shot guns and rifles.

    John asked me where the calendar was last night. That always throws me for a loop, when he can't find something that's been in the same place forever. The calendar has been on the same spot on the wall for over 20 years and he couldn't find it. Anyway, he wanted to see where his cataract appointments were on the calendar, so, at least he remembers that we do have it scheduled already.
    On my way to Billie's yesterday, I stopped and picked up his Rx eye drops that they phoned in for us. I was so glad that John was not with me, or he would have thrown a fit at the price. And probably refused to buy them and try to get out of the whole thing. Anyway, I was shocked too, over $100.00 for three tubes of eye drops, but necessary and I bought them. Now that we have them, I'll tell John they are all part of the treatment and more reason that he has to continue to the very end.

    The sun is up and I better go out feeding.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    We are a bit cloudy, with a chance for some rain this evening and maybe tomorrow morning, but it won't be enough to do any good. I was planning to go get my car washed after work today, so it figures we'd get rain!

    I'll be taking my car in for it's 15,000 mile servicing tomorrow afternoon. I've got nearly 12,000 miles on the car now.

    Dad took Cisco to the vet yesterday so they could remove the stitches on his side where they removed that benign tumor. Dad said he (Cisco) was a little skittish when they walked into the Vet's office. I guess he remembered his last visit. But when the nurse came out and called out "Cisco," he came out of hiding and went right to her. She told him not to worry, and that she wasn't the meanie who put him through all that the last time. Ha! The last thing we need is a dog that is scared to go to the vet! I have enough of that with my stubborn cat.

    I just posted a "Baked Potato Breakfast Bowl" recipe over in our Recipes thread. I copied if from a post out in the main forum. Looks interesting.

    Sheryl, I'm glad you and Billie had a nice visit. Ouch on the cost of those eye drops, but I guess we do what we have to. Glad to hear John is remembering the cataract appointments. That's great that Billie is keeping her cat. These little critters can bring so much comfort to us.

    Debora, yes Dad doesn't have any problems with chlorine. Once the pool heats up, he will get in every now and then. He mostly just floats around (with his hat on so his bald head doesn't get burned!) Once it heats up enough, I'll get in and test it out. Hopefully I'll have no reaction. I haven't had a bad skin break out now for about a year and a half and I want to keep it that way.

    I've been watching way too much TV the last couple weeks. I'm hooked on that series Game of Thrones and have caught up to season 4. Once I watch season 4 I'll be caught up to the current season. I can see why my Dad enjoyed Game of Throne books so much. He keeps checking to see where I'm at in the TV series so he can talk to me about it. I've made him swear not to talk about anything until after I see it in the series.

    Well, time to get back to work. Have a wonderful day and a great weekend everyone! :)
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Today was a good day. Friend and I walked outside. It got a little drizzly - needed wipers on our glasses but we got out 2 miles in. Then I headed for town. I had time so I walked a lot of the aisles in Walmart - looked at a few things and got steps in. Then I went to the last diabetes class with my sister. We ate lunch in the hospital cafeteria afterwards - their food is reasonable and pretty good. We both got the black bean burger and broccoli. Last thing was to get the rest of my groceries (mostly cold stuff) and I was home by 2. It took me 30 minutes to unload since I brought in one sack at a time and put it way. Get steps in any way I can. Then I started in on my list - got the dishes done, supper made and several small things. Lori and Thomas made it home from DC today. It appears that I get to be at home all day tomorrow. I have the food stuff today. There's some stuff to do to the house but not too much.

    Sheryl, so glad you had such a good time with Billie. Her having figured things out with Lovey made it easier on you. Daytime activities seem to work out better for you than evening ones so hope you can go watch the shooting Sunday. Glad the calendar was where it was supposed to be and he could see the appointments are set up. Medicine is not cheap. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet.

    Marcie, it was mostly cloudy here today too. Your miles don't add up that fast even with your commute to work. Do they have a nice waiting room for you to wait in? Is Cisco all back to his ornery self. The potato breakfast bowls look good. I'd have to think ahead to make them since it's longer than 30 minutes - ha. Floating around in the pool is relaxing. I hope your skin doesn't break out. If so, the pool is not worth it for you. Glad you've been enjoying Game of Thrones. Fun that you and your dad can discuss it. Are the TV shows similar to the books?

    Looking at the clock, it's time to head for bed. Good night. Sleep tight.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited April 2015
    Debora, yep. Cisco is his old ornery self again, and most importantly, his poops look normal again. Dad gives me a full report on them when they get back from their walks. Yuck!

    I never read the Game of Thrones books, but Dad did. He watched the first couple episodes of the TV series and said they came real close to the book. After each episode, the series writers and directors discuss the episode and how it compares to the book. They are trying to not stray too far.

    Outside of driving to work each day (26 miles round trip) and a little running around town on the weekends, I dont drive all that much. My last car I had for 12 years and it only had around 70,000 on it.

    I got my car washed on the way home from work and cleaned and vaccumed the inside of the car. I had just got home and the rains started. It should be done raining by the time I take the car in to dealership tomorrow, so hopefully it will stay clean.

    Those baked potato breakfast bowls remind me of twice baked potates. We used to make those alot back in the day.

    Dad and I went out for dinner tonight. I had Spaghetti Aglio e Olio topped with parm cheese and red pepper flakes. This is my favorite pasta dish. Just simply olive oil, garlic, salt, pasta, and topped with parm cheese and a little red pepper flakes. So good. I plowed through about 1/3 of that, so lots left over. Dad, on the other hand, ate everything on his plate. He doesn't usually do that, but I guess he was hungry tonight. As usual, he wore his NutriMirror eatin' cap. Ha!



    Night everyone.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I've been up for hours but am playing Candy Crush with Elaine, Granny, G-ma and several others and boy, is that addicting. I was only going to check it out and now I'm hooked. I am going to have to set time limits on myself, or I'll sit here all day and all night.

    Marcie, you have the best meals ever and take great photos of them. I hope you can enjoy the pool, but irritated skin is the pits. My parents have a hot tub on their patio, not used at all now, but back when they used it a lot, my mom's skin got so dry and flaky and scaly. She used Aquaphor and got some relief. I got some of that for when I had radiation, it soothed the "sun burn".

    Debora, you're sure right about the cost of meds. Many years ago, I got an eye infection and the Rx was $82.00 for a single tube of ointment. I laughed because the ingredients were almost exactly like what we were using on one of the llamas who had an eye injury, I could have used her ointment. That tube cost $15.00 from the vet, which I thought was outrageous until I had to buy the same thing for myself and pay so much more. Anyway, for John, it's three little bottles of drops. This time, I will keep the cost from him. He just doesn't need to know.

    I hear my morning Saturday shows starting. I should have come here earlier. Time to refill my mug.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all,
    Yay, looks like the picture problem has indeed been resolved Marcie!

    It has been cold and rainy here the last couple of days. That's good because we need all the rain we can get.
    There is a neighborhood not far from here that has an annual garage sale and my friend Jami and I try to go most years. It was today and even tho it was a tad drizzly in the early morning it was fine by the time we went around 8:30am. We both found a couple of inexpensive treasures. I got a nice Kleen Canteen for $3 and some home grown tangerines and avocados for very cheap. Jami got a large picture for $2 and 2 teakwood lounge chairs for $20 each. We were home by 11:30am and very happy with our deals. :)

    Then Dan decided he wants to buy more coffee (that's his morning fun now is grinding and brewing some coffee for himself) so we tried to find a good deal. We found that Albertson's had a 12oz bag for $5.99. He didn't want me to drive there when I go grocery shopping because I don't shop there and it would be an extra trip. It is 1.7 miles from our house. I suggested that we walk there. That way we'll get some exercise, we won't waste gas and he'll have his coffee. He was a bit concerned that it would start to rain again but we decided to risk it and walked there. It was a very nice walk and very nice time together. :smiley:

    I now have a vegetable lasagna in the oven that I bought at Grocery Outlet for $2.99. Hopefully it will be decent.

    Sheryl, I am so pleased that John agreed to let you schedule the cateract surgery and that he remembers that it is scheduled. I will continue to pray that he goes thru with it. It is just crazy how expensive medicine is getting! These new health care laws don't seem to be doing us much good!

    Debora, I think it is funny that someone as busy as you are thinks that I am always running when it seems to me that I don't do much. :) Glad the play was good. How did your family like the trip to DC? I would love to go some day but Dan isn't interested. My bucket in the shower worked out well. I am very pleased that we have that extra to water with instead of it going down the drain.

    Marcie, I can't believe that your dad didn't think to tell the neighbor that he would be happy to take some eggs off her hands!!!! Maybe you'll get another opportunity. I have also recently discovered vodka sauce and really liked it. It was a brand called DeLallo (from Sprouts) and the fat content, salt, etc. wasn't too bad. You'll have to let us know how it goes with the pool this year. Our association pool opens next month and Dan is really looking forward to getting back to his daily swim. They use solar to heat it so that is nice.

    Our network shows that we watch are all going on hiatus in the next couple of weeks so hopefully the USA station shows will be starting up again soon or we will be searching for something to watch on Demand. A couple of the girls at work are watching DVDs of seasons of Downton Abbey from the BBC channel or PBS perhaps. Has anyone watched it. They said it is really good so I am thinking of going to the library to see if they have it or find someone I can borrow it from.

    Well, my timer for my lasagna just went off so I'd better go make the salad to go with it. Have a great night all!
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Hey all! It was rainy and chilly here today and is supposed to get warmer tomorrow. I wish I could ship the water to all you west coasters!!!! I sure hope it warms up because I worked all week and didn't' get to do any of my outside work!

    Great news from here, stage 1 of the kitchen is done :) The stairwell has been flipped and now you enter from the dining room instead of the family room. I had to do this to get room for my chair in the family room. I've had so many people ask if it was really that big of deal to have an extra chair and for me it is! This also lets me have about 2 feet more for the breakfast bar. I am not painting until we take down the rest of the wall so looking at the drywall is going to be my view for a while. My brother is suppose to help with the rest of the kitchen but I'm sensing him backing out :( I am going to get bids just in case--18 months without a stove is long enough!

    Oh Sheryl-- I used one of the recipe rehab tips and made chicken strips for us this past week. They were pretty good, next time I will put a little seasoning in with them. I am going to try the mayo replacement hopefully this week. Chef Vicki made it with greek yogurt and dijon mustard! I do like to try new stuff as long as it's easy :) Glad you and Billie got to get together.

    Marcie--glad Cisco is back to his old self!

    Ivanek--proud of you for walking to the store, that's great. My hip is still bothering me so I am not doing much besides my water aerobics.

    Aero--do you think your sister will stick to the lessons she learned from the classes? I know that good intentions don't always work out--that's how I gained most of my lost weight back :(

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday!

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Here I am at day's end again. I enjoyed having the day at home and I managed to get the most steps in in a day since I got my fitbit. I walked with Leslie but every half hour I do so many rounds in the house. It adds up and wearing the better shoes helps too. Tomorrow my goal is much smaller with church morning and evening and family here. I've been pushing myself just for fun. My meatloaf is in the fridge and in the crockpot and I think I need to get it going first thing as I made it big - 6 lbs. of ground beef. I cut up a pineapple and did potato salad and baked a package of bacon to have some for the BBQ green beans. An I made brownies. Used a lot of eggs. 5 for the brownies and then the potato salad plus a few for me to eat and some in the meatloaf. The house is straightened and I figured out where everyone will sit this time. Some don't vary much but it all depends on who is able to be here. There will be 19 of us and only 8 will be adults - we're just a bit outnumbered. It warmed up today so I may turn the ac on for tomorrow. Once the house warms up with all the people, it's hard to cool down.

    Marcie, yay on the poop being normal again. Boo on the reports. I guess the books must be fairly close to the movie since you and your dad can discuss them so well. I had your trip to work as much longer. Traffic really is bad some days. Our cars get lots of miles. As usual, your meal looks good.

    Sheryl, I can't believe they finally got you hooked on candy crush. I won't look at it for that reason. Enjoy it. I have some other games I play. Why are animal meds less? Ralph got a sample horse liniment that he uses cause the ingredients are the basically the same. Smells about like other things we've used too.

    Isabella, glad you're getting rain. I'm ready for a break just for the one field. Sounds like a fun garage sale trip. That was quite a walk for coffee but nice too. How was the lasagna. I haven't really talked with Lori - figured she would be resting up but from what I've heard it was good. I figured we'd be able to ask Thomas tomorrow but found out he has a birthday party to go to. Kind of sad to have the network shows end but I've noticed that some shows that were on last summer will be back.

    Jannie, glad step one is done. I'd thinking flipping the stairwell would be a big job. Yes, if you want the chair there, make it work. You're the one living there. Hope the bids won't be too bad so you can do it. 18 months without a stove. That is a long time. When do you want to start the next step.
    I hope my sister will do things learned. They talked about changes when sick with insulin and she hadn't thought about that. She'd doing pretty good with eating but I learned there's a lot more to it than just the food. I'm hoping she doesn't lose any weight. I can only push her so far. :)

    Hello to any lurkers.

    Time to head for bed. Good night.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning. Cloudy here, but I still turned the ac on just in case. Today is Emily's 13th birthday. It's very hard to think of her as a teenager. She still seems like a little girl since her time is spent mostly between the bed and wheelchair. I'm thankful for the good nursing help they've had over the years and for the things they can do at home so they don't spend as much time in the hospital. She may not be able to do a lot but she has a beautiful smile and she is special to the family. Table's set and food is cooking. I think I'm ready for the day.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good Morning. I already checked in on Candy Crush and Granny is there. I pulled myself away to come here first. This will be a good way for me to check on Granny when I don't get an email from her. As long as she's up and doing something...that's good.

    Yesterday started out raining and John and I decided to stay in. By afternoon, it turned into a very nice sunny day, but we still didn't go anywhere or work outside. I imagine the ground was still wet. Today, there is NBA on tv, so John may want to stay in again to watch basketball. I may run into town (you know I mean drive) to pick up some hardware to make a new exercise contraption. It's a pulley system at the gym and I figured out how to make one at home. While up in Battle Ground, I may drop in at the beauty salon where I went to have my head shaved last September. I want Katie to see my tight curls. I'll bet she won't believe it.

    I had broth and left over chicken meat from the whole chicken I slow cooked last week. I started to make soup, but threw in too many lentils and now it's a big blob of lentils. I don't know whether to eat it just like that, or add more store bought chicken broth and try to soup it up. I have got to eat better again...I have regained all the weight that I lost. I should have been more careful these last few months and maintained where I was after chemo. I have got to stop pouring gravy all over everything. Plus, I bought some chocolate truffles from Trader Joe's to send to Christina and I ate them all myself. This is not helping. I have NO self-control.

    Debora, your Sunday family dinners are so interesting. Wow, the kids really do outnumber the adults. No wonder you "lock" them in the basement, ha ha ha
    Happy Birthday, Emily.

    Anew, where are you?? Your trip to San Diego is coming up soon, I trust you got everything ready. How is the dress for the wedding? If I remember correctly, you needed it altered.

    Marcie, I wish I could share my eggs with you, I am over-run with eggs right now. I took some to Billie's and we swapped. Kit wanted to pay me back for all the eggs I've given them and share a few of their new eggs with me. They have the chickens that lay the "Easter" eggs, different colors. So, I took 10 goose eggs, 4 duck eggs and a dozen brown chicken eggs and came home with a half dozen blue and green eggs. I tried to raise the Araucana chicks to get the colored eggs, but discovered they must be very difficult to "sex" because even though I bought "pullets", I ended up with "cockerels" and needed to get rid of the roosters when they grew up. Just too noisy to have around here.

    Isabella, your walk with Dan sounds nice, and practical. I want to get John out for more walks. Our streets are deadly here, no sidewalks, so we actually drive to a nice spot to take a walk. Sounds ridiculous, but I think necessary, I don't want to get hit by a car. There is a beautiful golf course about a mile down the road and they have a trail going through all the gorgeous scenery, flat greens and treed areas.

    I heard from JC on Facebook and she said that she never gets over here to chat. She's in the 4th semester of "sketching skool" and is loving it. Also very busy with Sue and dealing with the Parkinson's.

    I better get outside to feed the animals, the sun is up now.

    Quick came back to add...Jannie, congrats on the first step of the kitchen. Keep us posted on how the reconstruction continues.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, thought I'd drop in real quick before church. Rain is over and it's blue skies this morning. I am going to Jami's after church so she can color my hair and make me younger again. :) The veggie lasagna was pretty decent for pre-fab. Had a good amount of veggies in it. I'd buy it again. It was only $2.99 and we got a dinner and Dan will have the leftovers for lunch.

    Sheryl, I forgot to comment on how nice it was that you got to have lunch with Billie. Dan loves egg foo young. Well, he loves Chinese food in general. Glad it all worked out. I have a girl at work who sells us eggs from her chickens. She has all different colors and we just love it. She sells a dozen for $4.00 or an 18 pack for $5.00 so of course I always get the 18 pack. I keep telling her I'm going to try one of the goose or duck eggs one of these days.

    Debora, sounds like you have a busy day ahead as usual. Great planning though which I'd guess you'd have to have when that many people are coming to dinner! Hope you are able to plant your last field soon.

    Tammy, so nice that you dropped in. Sounds like the remodel is going well. Wise to get the quotes now just in case your brother in law doesn't come thru. It's tough to wait on other people sometimes. I don't know how you survive without a stove!

    Hi to Marcie and any others.

    Well, I'd better get going to church. I'll try to stop in later.