Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning everyone, hope you're having a great day. Weather here has been perfect this week - high 70's to low 80's. Then yesterday a santa ana blew in and it went up to 88 but with a strong breeze. I took a half day off from work and went to church at noon for Good Friday. My pastor said it is a special Good Friday because it takes place on the actual day this year, etc. I can't remember all the specifics. After church I took myself to lunch at a new fish restaurant called Fish District. It was very tasty. When I got home hubby and I re-potted a large house plant (we cut off it's head and planted it and tossed the long stalk). Then I planted 2 bell pepper plants, 2 fresno chiles, and 1 tomato plant. All in pots. I finally went to facebook and read that article you were talking about that Paul posted regarding fast food. We never go to burger joints anymore. If we do fast food at all it is a Mexican place or a Costco hotdog.

    anew, I'd like to stay in San Diego when we get together. Pt Loma sounds interesting. I haven't been to Cabrillo in probably more than 20 years. We could also go to Coronado and eat and/or stroll around. Also, the restaurants in Hillcrest are always good. We'll figure it out. We'll have to e-mail phone numbers and chat to finalize things. We are talking about Monday the 18th right? How was your dinner? Sounds wonderful!

    Sheryl, I am so glad John had a good day while you were out. What a relief. It is a shame he won't agree to the cateract surgery. So many people talk about how improved their vision is after they have it because while they are at it they correct your vision as well. I have a couple of friends whose husbands also refuse to have it done. What is with these guys?! :) I have one friend who wants to have the surgery but her doc keeps telling her she doesn't need it yet because it has been many years and hasn't gotten any worse. You can't win!

    Marcie, thanks for the updates on the site and on your zoodle. I will have to budget it in. It is too funny that you relented and let Cisco sleep with you. Now you'll have to break the habit again. :) Hope you're feeling better today. I love the pic of your 7th birthday! That's what mine would have looked like too. I know it is always disheartening to see how things get run down.

    Debra, congrats on the new family addition! Getting the birth certificate shouldn't cost too much but it can be a bit of a hassle.

    Where does the time go! Gotta have our weekly eggs for breakfast then I'm off to the farmer's market for some local honey, etc. Then I want to stop at Michaels and see if I can find something to make Jami a pair of earrings since we can't find what she wants in the store. Then I'll stop at Trader Joes. When I get home I'm going to make a pot of split pea soup. Jami gave me a ham bone so I'm looking forward to it. the last couple of times I made it the peas took a very long time to break down and thicken the soup so I decided to try soaking them last night. They look nice and plump this morning so I think that will really help. See you all later!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good Morning.

    Isabella, Yea, what is with these guys? I know so many who rave about how the procedure changed their vision for the better. It must be the word "surgery" that scares the men. I also know that it has to be at a certain deterioration before doctors will do it and that insurance will cover it. John's doctor said that medicare will cover his, if only he will go through with it. My friend, Carol, who recently had it done, and is super happy she did, said that her doctor told her that if cataracts don't get removed, it could lead to blindness and irreversible damage. I wonder if I can scare John into it?

    Marcie, love your birthday photo, you're adorable. I think this is the first photo I've seen of you. I checked out your NM photos, long ago, and thought I saw you, but turned out to be your mom. I think we all had that paneling in our homes when growing up. My folks had it in the family room for many years, I remember helping my dad with the remodeling and putting up the paneling when I was about 12 or 13. My sister painted over it (white) about five years ago, that really brightened up the room.

    No big Holiday plans for this weekend. I did buy a ham since they were on sale, but I don't think I'll prepare it yet. I have too many other things in the fridge that should get cooked first, before they spoil.

    I hear John getting up, so I'll go for now.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Happy Easter!

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Happy Easter, what a beautiful morning.

    I hope all of you have a wonderful day.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Happy Easter everyone! Glory to God, what a beautiful day!
    Marcie, thanks for sharing the beautiful picture! Oh, and I forgot to mention - no way are you the chunkiest girl in the picture! You are really cute! :)
    Everyone have a blessed day!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I need to go to the bank today and get cash for a load of hay. I get a 3% discount if I pay cash. Since I'm out, I'll pick up a few more groceries too. Then, hopefully, will come home and get the truck out and get a ton of hay. We got a ton of cracked corn on Saturday, so we're set for feed for the year, well, until fall at least. We'll probably have to stock up again in November for the winter. John will drive the truck and then the truck sits with the hay on it in the barn, so that will probably be the last of John's driving for quite awhile.

    I'm doing so much better...John and I off loaded the corn from the truck. Forty 50 lb. bags. I had planned to just do a few bags at a time, but John kept going, so I kept going. I didn't want him to do it by himself and I couldn't get him to walk away from it for awhile.


    I also got the lawn mower out and mowed a small portion of lawn. Another milestone, I kept telling myself that the day I can mow the lawn is a sure indicator to myself that I'm on the mend.

    My arm felt great, but I get short of breath quickly. However, my recovery time is quicker too, so that's improvement. Next step is pruning the apple trees and working with the llamas. My strawberry patch is full of weeds, I need to clean that out and plant new strawberry plants. I neglected everything last year, so I think the weeds have totally choked out the strawberries. I don't see any good plants in there at all. I wanted to get my garden going, but I'm not sure I'll get that straightened out this year, so much prep work to be done first. I have a pile of barkdust in the middle of where my garden will be. I need to do some weeding in front and spread the barkdust for weed control and make the front of the house look good, before I can till and prep the garden.

    It's Spring...so nice to get back outside.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Everything went as planned today. I got errands done and we got a load of hay and parked the truck back where it goes and will sit for several months. I will rest now with a smile on my face.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, full weekend here. Friday morning I went to a diabetic class with my sister (1 of 4). It was interesting and I think it was good for Carol to be in a place with other diabetics. She isn't telling people so is missing out on some support. When we were leaving the class , we walked through the ER and there was Ralph's sister. She has distanced herself from us for a few years but I said hi and found out she had the flu and had been dehydrated so got some fluids. She asked for a ride home so I gave her one. She didn't say much but wasn't feeling great. It was a long drive across town and back. There was lots of traffic - guess when you don't have electricity you go places to eat and stuff.

    I got home from town about 3 and then left 2 hours later to watch E while Jim took Jeremiah to baseball practice and then they went up to the hospital to see Lucy. My sister went with me. Hubby couldn't cause they were having problems with the generators at the farm. Someone finally relieved us around 8 and we went to the hospital to see Madden and then Lucy. We didn't get home until 11 and then I had to leave at 7 the next morning to go to Derek's house.

    The plan was to be there till 1 but it ended up being until 4 and then a neighbor took over. The doctor took a long time to come in. They still didn't have electricity at their house but had water and the fridge on a generator so it all went okay. Lucy at surgery at noon to take her tooth out. So everyone ended up home by evening. And Derek got his electricity back around 9.

    When I left I had to go get the groceries I hadn't gotten Friday since I wasn't sure about the power and then it got so late. The first store did not have any shank hams but the second one did. But there were no hashbrowns to be found. I got home by 6 and straightened the house, made deviled eggs, banana split salad, and make ahead mashed potatoes. The change in potatoes worked out well. I took a look at the "new" dryer. It still can't be used - need one more thing but we're close. We didn't realize how expensive it would be to make a gas dryer a LP one. Hopefully, this one lasts a long time. I only ended up going to bed 30 minutes later than I usually do.

    Sunday was SS and church of course and then 17 were here for dinner. Lucy was able to be here and the new baby. They all enjoyed the meal. We hid the eggs once - windy and a bit chilly. They hung around until 4 and then the evening was quiet.

    Today I got up and walked at the church and then I had the entire day at home. I did a lot of different things. My fun challenge was to do some walking every half hour and I did more steps in a day than I ever have.

    I found out Thomas has a music concert tomorrow night so I'm going to leave Good News Club a little early to get him there when he has to be there and then mom will come after dad gets home to be with Emily. It can get a little complicated sometimes to make sure the schedules all mesh. Tomorrow is a voting day and the place we meet for club is a place to vote so we'll meet in the upstairs. The plan is to reenact the Easter story and then we'll hide eggs outside. We serve the cookies outside too. I don't have to set up chairs since there are auditorium seats upstairs.

    Marcie, your day off sounded nice and relaxing and a good meal too. You did eat half the pie and then the other half. My dad got his license renewed the last time when he was 96. And somehow they didn't even check his vision and he squeaked by on the test. He had slowed down in his driving and quit on his own but his next renewal date would have been at 100 but her died at 98. Cute picture of you.

    Isabella, glad you made it to your Good Friday service. I know I missed a good one - it was cantata with drama but helping the kids came first. How was the split soup?

    Marcie, thanks for the beautiful Easter picture.

    Sheryl, wow on unloading all that corn. A couple of bags would have done me in I think. And some mowing too. Cheering for you. Glad getting the hay worked out as you wanted. Another thing marked off the list. You've got plenty on it.

    Ralph is home from his meeting so I should head for bed too. I was going to start writing earlier this evening but Alan came over to use my computer. They have an ipad but use mine when they need to put something on a jump drive or something. But since it's later, you're lucky cause I didn't go into as much detail. I still gave you plenty to wade through. :) Good night.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi everyone.

    We got a little rain yesterday and supposed to get more tomorrow. Wont really help with the drought, but we'll take it. It's supposed to be raining tomorrow morning when Dad takes Cisco for his morning walk, so we'll have an unhappy soggy dog.

    Dad's really enjoying walking with that neighborhood group. I think they are up to 5 or 6 people now. They all meet up at one of the houses at 9 am Mon-Fri and walk 4-5 miles. Our nextdoor neighbor told Dad that he'd like to join the group too, but so far hasn't showed up at the meeting place.

    I signed up for online traffic school the other day. Cost $30, and once I complete it that traffic violation I got at the first of the year wont be reported to my insurance company. I'm still grrrring over that!

    Debora, you sure had one busy weekend! I just don't know how you do it all!

    Sheryl, I had a before and after pic of me up on NM for a couple years (80 lb loss) and and have a selfie from last summer here on MFP. I just dont make them my main profile pics. I dont want to look at me every time I come here! I'm so happy to hear you are able to work the farm again. I hope you arent overdoing it though. Here's a happy lawnmowing dance for you...

    Isabella, split pea soup sounds yummy. Its been a long time since I made any. I made a pot of pink beans this week. Soaked them overnight and they cooked up in 45 minutes.

    Well, I guess I'll close and read a little before I go to bed. Have a great day tomorrow everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning.

    I stopped by rehab yesterday to get situated about appointments that I will pay for myself. And, Mike had a cancel and so I'm going in today. I'm anxious to see if he can see more improvement since I've been on my own for the whole month of March.

    Marcie, I'm anxious to see this entire video clip, but it's taking forever to load, so I'll try it this afternoon after I return from PT. Ooooo, a young Kevin Bacon, (heart thumping). Even an older Kevin Bacon is nice to look at.

    This is short this morning, gotta get a shower and go to PT.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Howdy, been working away this morning and mixing in with walking - it's inside but the steps add up. It's warming up nicely so trying to decide what to wear this afternoon/evening. Still don't know if hubby can go. I like to go vote but I found out were voting for school board and there are three people running for the three positions so won't worry about it this time.

    Marcie, your dad's walking group is growing and they walk quite a distance. Good for them. It will be nice to get that traffic school behind you. Oh yeah, I finally saw a post from you in another thread. That was fun.

    Sheryl, neat that you figured a way to still get some PT. Has it already been a month since you had to quit. I'm sure he'll be impressed with how you're doing.

    Still need to get water ready to take this afternoon and change. I don't have to go as soon since I don't have to set up chairs. Either I'm not recording as much or I've been home more than I think cause I'm almost caught up with my taped shows. Then I have a set of CDs I want to listen through. I like having noise around me - I don't know if I hear everything but enough to satisfy me.

    Enjoy the day. It's nice here.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I woke up to pouring rain this morning and it stayed like that until mid-morning. There's some sun peaking out now, but we may still get a little more rain. We get rain so little anymore, it's exciting when we do get it. The temps are staying low today too. We won't get out of the 60s, which is low for us.

    They said on the radio this morning that the freeways were an atrocious mess because of the rain, but I didn't find them any more atrocious then they normally are at rush hour. I got to work on time with no problems.

    Yesterday afternoon at rush hour, they found a suspicious looking item on the side of the road next to the freeway I take home. They closed the freeway and diverted everyone to an alternate route. Luckily I had left work a little early and missed all the fun by a few minutes. Turns out it was a tube-shaped item that looked like a pipe bomb. I don't know if it was, but they detonated the thing. The freeway wasn't opened again until after 6 pm. Ugh.

    I'm eating some yogurt for lunch and blech. On a whim the other day I bought a new flavor of Chobani (banana, maple with steel cut oats). Way too sweet. I should have known better. I don't usually care for the flavored yogurts. I usually just eat plain Fage yogurt and add jam, fruit and granola to it. Will stick with that. Better for me anyway.

    I keep spilling coffee on myself today! I think there is something wrong with the lid on my Thermos. Guess it's time to get a new one. I love that Thermos, so I'll get the same one again if I have to replace it. That thing keeps my coffee hot all day.

    Debora, I like having noise around me too. Can't stand a silent house. Yeah, there are about 20 posts I regularly post in. Mostly just recipes, fun and games, or post pics of your meals type stuff.

    Sheryl, I'll bet he sees lots of improvement. You've really been working at it. I hope the video loads for you. I always get a chuckle when I see that lawn mowing dance scene. Funny movie too. Yep, Kevin Bacon isn't hard on the eyes.

    Looks like lunchtime is over. Better get back to it. Y'all have a nice day.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, Yay, "scroll problem" seems to be fixed!!!! Split pea soup came out pretty good but it took 7 hours before the peas broke down enough. It didn't make any difference that I had soaked them the night before.

    Debra, sounds like your Easter went well. Great idea to make a game out of the walking. Glad it helped you get more steps in.

    Sheryl, great job on off loading all that corn and then mowing the lawn. I'm sure the therapist will see improvement! Like Marcie said (or was it Debora?), be careful not to over do.

    Marcie, that little lawnmower dance clip was great! What movie was that from? Hope your thermos isn't broken. We got a tad of rain yesterday but none today so far.

    It is supposed to be cool all week which is fine with me. I am definitely not ready for temps in the high 80s to low 90s yet!

    Ok, gotta go. Take care all!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Isabella, it's a movie from the 80s called She's Having A Baby.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Marcie, thanks for the movie clip, that was hilarious...I would incorporate some of those moves into my mowing, but I'd probably fall flat on my face. (I never got back here yesterday, but this morning the clip played straight through and very smoothly, yesterday it kept stopping and starting and finally just stopped).

    Wow, am I sore. PT was very interesting yesterday, I was given more time and more attention and more extensive exercises to do at home. I don't know if it's because I hadn't been there awhile and they wanted to really re-evaluate my situation or because I was paying out of pocket and they really wanted to make sure I get my money's worth. I got Mike and Heather yesterday and they both mentioned that since I was paying myself, they would really push me to get me strengthened in the shortest amount of time. I had 45 minutes of the deep tissue massage and arm manipulations (instead of the usual 1/2 hour) and 50 minutes in the gym with two new exercises added into my routine (also instead of the usual 1/2 hour). We all agreed that once a week for a longer period of time would serve me better than twice a week and running out of money. So, I have Tuesday appointments for the rest of this month. My arm rotation has increased so much, but of course, I can't remember all the numbers they were shooting at me and I didn't write anything down. But, they were impressed with the progress and I can feel the huge difference. My weights have increased to 5 pounder, so I need to buy new weights for at home. Heather suggested Ross for cheap weights, but I got my others at Walmart for really cheap, so I'll probably go back there. I've never been to a Ross store and I'm not sure where it's located around here.

    I got an email from Granny and she's still about the same, sad and depressed. It is so sad that she's not perking back up. G-pa has retired, so she doesn't know if she'll still have her Wednesday nights with G-ma (when G-pa was always at church on those nights), she's anxious to see what happens tonight. She still has her birds, but she's so disappointed that they still have not tamed down and won't "talk" to her or sit on her arm or shoulder. She went through the sleep test and they determined that she does not have sleep apnea, so she still doesn't know what's wrong in that area. She is looking for a new place to live, they raised her rent and they have been having break-ins and fights at her complex. She looked at a place she likes (however, it's even smaller than her apartment now) and she would feel safer there, but there's a waiting list, 6 months to 2 years.

    I wish I could share some of our rain with California. My mom said the same thing as Marcie and Isabella, they got a few showers in Pasadena, but not enough to put a dent in what they need.

    The geese are really making a ruckus this morning and actually woke John up. He usually can sleep through anything. So, I better get going.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good afternoon everyone.

    It looks like our rain has moved on now. Even if it didn't help with the drought, the air smells nice and clean again. Dad says the best thing about walking Cisco in the rain is that he doesn't mess around and try to smell and mark everything. He just does his business quickly so they can get out of the rain. I told Dad he should start taking a spray bottle and when he wants the dog to hurry up just keep spraying it over his head. Ha!

    Cisco talked me into letting him sleep with me last night. I just didn't have the energy to try and get him to go to bed with Dad. He was good though and just stayed curled up by my side all night.

    Someone on one one of the posts in the main forum posted a pic of the BBQ she had for lunch, and now I want BBQ. I gotta stop looking at those foodie posts! There is this little hole-in-the-wall BB! joint not far from home that's gotten good reviews on Yelp that I've been meaning to check out. Maybe I'll stop in on the way home. BBQ chicken and coleslaw sounds yummy. I'm not much of a ribs person.

    Sheryl, I'm glad that video gave you a smile. I couldn't do those moves either! We don't even have a mower any more. The gardeners have been taking care of our yard now for about 4 years, so Dad finally decided to get rid of it. Just taking up space in the garage. He wound up giving it to the gardener. Sounds like they really worked you over with the PT yesterday! It makes me so sad to hear that Granny is still so down. I hope she can find some joy in life again and that she finds a better place to live soon. I wished she could live with her daughter or one of her grandkids. I know when my Grandma was up in her years, she wouldn't hear of living with one of her kids, and as cantankerous as she could get, if she had, the fur would have been flying all the time. Now my Great Grandma lived happily with her daughter for many years before she passed on.

    Isabella, our weather has cooled down to. I too wasn't ready for the hot weather. We had a couple days there were it got to 90 degrees! This week we are in the upper 50s to mid 60s. Much better for this time of year.

    Looks like break time is over. I'm so glad the work day is almost done! Have a great rest of the day everyone. :)
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hello everyone, I have been trying to get on here for a few days but the scrolling to the side thing is driving me nuts. I can't seem to follow the post that way and this page looks fixed but the others are not, so I won't be able to catch up here.

    Mygnsac-Glad you had some rain and I love the smell of the air after it does rain. The roads here are always a mess when it rains, I don't know why people can't drive safely in it, lol. It is scary to know they detonated something on the freeway!

    Sannferris-Sounds like PT is going well for you, I am happy it is.

    Arobed53-I don't record shows but I don't go very far for very long like you do and probably wood if that were the case. I have a friend who watches shows on the computer because she can't seem to miss a show even one day, lol.

    Isyvanek-Glad you got some rain too, you all sure need it there. I think I was talking about Sunday meeting but I believe it is on Monday the 18th instead so the museums should be open too. There is so much we could do out there so maybe we can pull virtual straws, lol. Either way I am sure we will have a great time whatever it is we decide to do.

    I think I found my dress, the smaller one is still too big, ugh! I don't understand how the measurements on these dresses could be correct since the one that was supposed to fit is way too large and the smaller one is still too large but I think taking it in will be o.k. and should fit real well then. I like the dress, it has a flowing skirt so I should be comfortable in it and the weather is supposed to be in the 70's for the wedding day so it will be a comfortable temperature.

    I am having some real trouble with the stenciling and can't seem to find out how I can get it done in time. I have bought some paint pens thinking it would work but those are worse than the original idea because the paint is very thin. I think I will try a white sharpie but I couldn't find any at the stores here. It will get done, I just know it will.

    Have a fantastic evening everyone. :)

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Believe it or not, I got another whole day at home. Well, I did go walk this morning and it was nice enough we walked on the school track so I know we did 2 miles. Hopefully, we can be outside most of the time now. I was planning on town and then going to Lori's but there were talking storms and bad weather so we elected to skip church. Some churches even cancelled for tonight. And it is starting to rain now and there's lightning and it's about when we would have been on the road so we made a good decision. We've only got part of our corn planted but this will be good for it and then he'll get back to planting as soon as he can. Lots of other people are done but Alan had got a different planter and had to get it fixed up. He did go over to the neighbor's and get the white corn planted for the Kenyans. Now to hope the weather cooperates and they have roasting ears for the 4th of July.

    Good News Club went fine. It was a small group. The older kids acted out the Easter story and then they each got to hunt for 2 eggs (would have been one if more would have been there). The really wriggly one was not there. I left before it was done and headed home to get Ralph. We were to get Thomas to the church for his concert when he had to be there and mom and siblings would come later. Fortunately, the pickup driving behind us noticed out flat tire, told us at the stop sign and then helped put the donut on so we traveled on it. We dropped off the tire at the repair shop on the way home and have it back on now. The concert was really - the Easter story again but it lasted a full 2 hours so hubby and I sat for three hours. I was amazed at how well everyone sat (the kids there). Made for a late school night for the kids. We stopped and got a chicken sandwich on the way home.

    Went down to get some fish out of the freezer and noticed a package of browned ground beef and remembered the green peppers in the fridge so made stuffed peppers. Pretty tasty if I do say so myself. We finished up the ham today so pulled out some meatballs to have with the corn and potatoes. We're close to cleaning up the leftovers which is good since we won't eat at home much Friday or Saturday. And I'm taking the easy route and getting frozen lasagna for Sunday dinner.

    I made reservation at the Salt Museum and arranged for seating at Pizza Ranch. That's what Ralph's class is doing Saturday. Re had to pay for the reservations but I'm sure we'll get paid back. One couple is staying here since I opened my mouth and invited them. They'll have to take the place as it is. We have a banquet at the school Friday evening and then this on Saturday and that's. 10 from the class will make it to some part of the activities. It was a class of 25 and 8 have passed away. I've never gone to any of my class reunions but enjoy hubby's.

    Marcie, kind of scary to have something found on the freeway. Glad you got home safe and sound. What kind of thermos do you have? Always good to hear about products that really do their jobs. I tend to eat a lot of the same things - only I do like flavored yogurt with vanilla being my favorite.

    Hi Isabella, 7 hours seems like a long time to cook a soup. Hope you got more than one meal out of it. Enjoy your cooler weather. Ours keeps jumping around.

    Sheryl, so glad they noticed the improvement in you are really working to help you get the most out of their time with you. How much time does it take to do your exercise at home? Cool on needing heavier weights.
    So sorry Granny is still feeling so down. She really looks forward to the evening with G-ma so hope it can continue. I'm glad she has found a place she'd like to live - wouldn't think a place could get much smaller. Guess we'll have to pray the waiting doesn't take that long. It's nice to be with the family but nice to have your own space too.

    Marcie, I'm not a big BBQ person but it still sounds good. Did you get some? Only two more work days and you'll be at a weekend again.

    Anewstart, sorry the stenciling is not coming easy for you. I know you'll figure it out. A flowing skirt sounds nice. Will you do the alterations yourself?
    Yes, I like recording so I don't have to think about what else I'm doing. It's nice for when there are two shows on at the same time too. It lets me have control over the TV (even though I'd probably be just as well off if I watched less). :)

    Well, I have a few calories left so think I'll go figure out a snack. Since I'm home, maybe I'll head to bed a little sooner. Sounds like the rain has quit. Hope we get more.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good Morning. I just finished sending out an email update to all my cousins. Most of this is repeat for you, but I thought it's simple and easy for me to just copy/paste the news here too, let you know what I'm telling everyone else.

    I’m giving God the glory for such a great improvement in my life.

    I hit a milestone…I am now able to mow the lawn. It feels so wonderful to work outside again. I just did small areas at a time, and my arm didn’t fail me, but I do still get short of breath after heavy exertion and I need breaks in between chores. However, my recovery period is getting shorter and shorter also, so I’m able to do so much more.

    My insurance terminated coverage on physical therapy, but I am able to pay cash and continue once a week, at least for the rest of this month. I trust that with the improvements I’m making, I won’t need too many more sessions after April.

    My next milestone, which I have made for myself, is changing the light bulb in the bathroom. It’s a ceiling fixture and has a globe around it. I am not able to get my left hand up there, steady, to hold the globe while I unscrew the set screws with my right hand to remove it. When I can hold my arm up over my head, and use my hand, and complete a function…then it’s back to normal.

    John has been complaining about his vision for about a year now. Many times a day, he says that his glasses are dirty. When he was driving me to chemo last September, he commented that the scenery from the car just didn’t look like before. The pastures were blurry. When we went to his eye doctor in October, the doctor said that John has cataracts and his Rx for glasses didn’t change, but it’s the cataracts that are the problem. Of course, when John heard the word “surgery”, he flat said “NO”. I changed to the word “procedure” and whenever he talked about needing new glasses, I told him that his glasses were correct Rx and that he needed his cataracts removed. I had planned to ask you for prayer to get John to consent to this procedure, but as recent as yesterday, he has consented. We have an appointment on Monday, April 20th to go to the Pacific Cataract and Laser Institute for the initial consultation. Please pray that he continues through to the very end and has the procedure done.

    Chemo really did a number on my hair and fingernails. The last of the ridged, rippled fingernails has grown out and I cut them off. My hair is growing out thicker and curlier than ever before. Picture me with a Harpo Marx wig and there you have it.

    I am so thankful for all your prayers and for the cousins and friends who live nearby who have been here physically for me, helping me through this, with housework, preparing meals and transportation to appointments. Your support and encouragement means the world to me. You are all such a blessing in my life.

    My next appointment with the oncologist is April 27th.

    Love, Sheryl
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Got back from running errands, got 5 pound weights at Walmart.
    Even though John rarely drives, we went ahead and stopped to see if he could pass the eye test and get his license renewed. He did pass and has a license now for six more years. I know that he will never need to do this again.
    Too funny, one of the questions he was asked, "do you have any physical or mental impairments that would prevent you from driving?"
    John immediately replied, "not that I'm aware of !" The guy just continued on and was happy with that answer.
    I bit my lip so I wouldn't burst out laughing.

    I saw something about BBQ, Yum. That is one of my favorites. Marcie, was it good? Debora, hard to believe that I know anyone who is not a BBQ person, but then, you probably thought the same thing about me and pizza.

    It's been a long day, I'll see you in the morning.