Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, thought I'd drop in tonight cause the next day and a half will be busy. Got done what I wanted at home today. Cleaned up the leftovers so fridge has space again. Got the house as ready as it will get. Cancelled two of the reservations for Saturday after a phone call. One couple is not coming due to the weather. Disappointing but they might be in the area in June so some of us could still see them. Then picked up a 4-Her and dropped her off at the Ambassador meeting, shopped at Walmart and then went to Council meeting. We were home by nine and I put everything away.

    Tomorrow I'll go walk and then head for town. I shop until time for diabetes class with my sister. Then I'll get my cold stuff and head home. Not sure when the couple staying with us will arrive. Then we have the banquet in the evening. It's always a good meal. Saturday we'll head for the Salt Museum and eat breakfast on the way (easy on me - don't have to worry about if the guests drink coffee or what) and then we're eating a buffet for noon. I plan to enjoy myself. Their specialties are pizza and friend chicken. That will end our reunion time and I'll get ready for Sunday. I'm buying frozen lasagna so won't have to do much except cup up a pineapple and make rolls if I want too (my sister is gone this weekend so I bought a mix to speed the process and we'll be fine if I don't too). Oh, and make my salad for the salad supper on Sunday evening.

    Sheryl, I love it that you can mow the lawn and know when to stop and rest and do it. And how smart to use the word procedure with John. And wtg on getting his license. Just sailed through it. Will still pray that he follows through with the cataracts cause he'll love the improvement. Can you talk to the office ahead of time so they won't use the word surgery.

    Will piddle around until DH's jawbone is charged and then head for bed. We did have storms last night but power stayed on and no tornadoes. It sounded like it poured but we only got about two hundredths. We were up to 80 the other day. Today hung in the 50s and they say it will be 30 when we get up and then go up to 72. I'm still using my winter jacket. Talk to you all later.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I hadn't actually timed all my exercises, but this morning did a rough estimate that if I did all the exercises one right after another it would probably take 30-40 minutes, but I usually break it up into segments and do 10 minutes at a time. The resistance bands are 3 different positions, 20 reps each, 2-3 times a day. The weights I do at night, in bed, 2 different positions, 20 reps each and then a third position where I stretch and hold for 10 seconds and do that 10 times. The wall stretch is another stretch and hold for 10 seconds and do it 10 times per set, twice a day. The towel stretch, behind my back, is stretch and hold for 20 seconds, 10 times per session, twice a day. The new exercises that I just got on Tuesday is a wall push-up, 10 times per set, twice a day and another wall stretch with both arms in a "v", hold 5 seconds, 10 times per set, twice a day.


    Debora, what a great idea that I should check with the cataract people and see if they use the word "surgery" vs. "procedure". I have a huge brochure with lots of info, I'll browse through it and see what word they use in their literature. I received an email back from one of my friends from the Bible study group and her husband went to the same place. She said they were wonderful to him AND to her, let her stay with him and explained everything to them both as they were doing it. And, even prayed with them before they started. The literature states that it's a Christian Group of Doctors, but you never know what that means, exactly. But, apparently, they take it to heart and witness through the whole procedure. I think that's wonderful, John is commenting on all the prayers that I've received and I tell him that's why I'm getting better. This is another way to reach him for the Lord.

    John and I may take off again today, the weather should cooperate until tonight, then the rains return. We have been talking about getting a small tractor for years. Yesterday, we stopped at the Kubota dealer and today, I'd like to go over to the John Deere dealer. Looking at a 23 HP medium size tractor with a mower deck, front loader and a tiller. Big enough to do heavy work, but small enough to be easy to handle. Over the years, I've found several used ones, but John always wanted to "think about it first" and by the time he decided it was a good deal, I'd call and the tractor would be sold already. Plus, most of the used ones were really junk, so this time, I'm just looking to buy a new one. Just like the car, then there's a warranty and the dealership can do the maintenance, since John is not able to anymore.

    Quick note back to Debora...having Saturday breakfast out is good for you, BUT, there's always time for coffee before going out, Ha ha ha ha ha

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Well, sorry folks...looks like when I put in my image, I screwed up the whole page again regarding scrolling.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Hey All! Just popping in to say "Hey" and let you know I'm stalking but been to busy to post :)

    Ferris--You are doing great and hope your rehab continues as planned. So happy you were able to get the grass cut. We are going to mow this weekend (grass is about a foot high in some places-ugh) and I just hope the mower starts without a problem. Nice thing about having a teenager is that he is strong and likes to prove his 'manhood' with stuff like this!

    Aero--Congrats on new grandbaby, would love to see a pic! You are a busy, busy lady and I wish I had as much energy as you do :) You are in Nebraska correct? If so, you have been having the same weather that we do--way too much rain for me!

    Marcie-- I love your little movies and of course any pic of Cisco! I'm not a BBQ fan and that's almost a sin here! We have a place named Bandana's (don't know if you have them or not) and I like going there because the sauce isn't put on while the meat is cooking. I get smoked turkey and it's delicious without any sauce. My boys love their food and we buy their St Louis Sweet and Smoky BBQ sauce for use at home. They are reasonably priced and with two hungry boys, I need that!

    Isabelle-- How are you? Always nice to see you stop in! I miss NM but do like how easy MFP is for me (the non-computer literate girl) to use.

    Tammy--what have you been up to?

    Anew--Hope you got the stenciling done and am sure it looks great! How much longer until you leave for Cali?

    Anyway, been working a lot and boys have too many activities for me to name. Getting the first step of my new kitchen done next week, I am a little nervous since I've never done anything like this before. I just hope it goes well! Take care and I enjoy reading about everyone's activities!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning.

    Yay, it's Friday!

    It's a pretty morning. Upper fifties, light breeze, lots of sunshine. Our rainy weather is gone now. They say we may get a little more next Monday, but not much. We're another warming trend and this time next week we are supposed to be near 90 degrees again. Ugh.

    I did stop at the BBQ place on the way home from work Wednesday. If you looked up hole-in-the-wall, there would be a picture of this place! I placed my order for BBQ chicken and gave her my credit card, but apparently their machine was not working and they could only take cash. She suggested I drive down the street to the ATM and get cash and come back. I declined and left. Dad and I wound up going out for Chinese food instead. Maybe I try that place another time.

    Dad made an appointment for Cisco to have his teeth cleaned, and to have that mole on his side snipped off, on Monday morning. They'll have to put him out for the procedure and they will keep him there most of the day to recover. He's not going to have a fun day. He can't eat anything after 10 pm the night before, so I'll have him sleep in my room to make sure he doesn't get into the cat's food that night.

    We're supposed to be going out for lunch somewhere today to welcome a new staff member to our unit, but I'm not sure where we are going. I don't really feel like going, but I'll probably go anyway. We'll see.

    Sheryl, the pic you posted looks fine too me. I'm using Chrome and there are no pic issues with that browser. Still, I'll be glad when they get it fixed. Looks like quite a workout! That's great that John has agreed to the "procedure." I hope he goes through with it. I'm sure he'll be glad he did.

    Jannie, nice to hear from you. Sounds like those boys of yours are keeping you on the go! Wow, a new kitchen! I'm jealous! Ours could definitely do with an overhaul.

    Debora, I've never been to any of my reunions. I went to 3 different high schools and never really got close enough with any of them to want to catch up. I went to 3 different middle schools and 3 different high schools. Sounds like you have a lot going on this week!!

    Better close and get back to work. Have a nice day everyone.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    It is the 2nd Saturday so we have our free concert at the library today. It is an artist that I really enjoy so I am looking forward to it. We have already blown our budget for this month so we won't be going out to eat afterward like we usually do. Hubby said not even a Costco hotdog is in our budget! :neutral: A couple of friends are getting together to walk along the beach so I had to miss out on that but surprisingly I am not too disappointed. One of the gals is really controlling and I am not up for the drama today.

    I am really taking pleasure in the simple things these days and I'm happy about that! :smile: I started going to a new hair stylist a couple of months ago and I really like how my hair grows in. My other simple pleasure this month is that I went to a store at the mall recently called Charming Charlie's (I don't know if you have them where you are). They are an accessories store, jewelry, purses, scarves, etc. They had these really cute little purse/wallet organizers on sale for $10 in every color you can imagine. I bought a really pretty orange one (I know sounds like an odd color but it is a beautiful orange) and I am REALLY enjoying carrying a MUCH smaller purse!

    Debora, yes, it was a really long time to cook the split pea soup but I got 3 dinners and 3 lunches out of it so it's all good. I don't know if I'll make it again any time soon though! Are you in Kansas or Nebraska? Glad you are getting your planting done. I've only been to 1 class reunion and that was because I just happened to be home the week they were having it and my close friend really wanted to go so I went with her. It was OK but there really weren't too many people there that I used to hang out with. I never felt the need to go again. Hubby has never gone to any of his reunions. He said he was actually much closer to the people in his grade school than his high school. He went to catholic school until 8th grade.

    Marcie, I think I actually saw that movie way back when. Bummer about the little hole in the wall BBQ not being able to take your cc. Hopefully you'll be able to try them next time. I love a good BBQ place. I usually get the pulled pork sandwich. They come and go pretty quickly out here but there are a few that are local favorites that stay in business. I think I will make some pulled pork in my crockpot in the next couple of weeks that should be really good and much cheaper! :)

    Sheryl, SO glad the therapy is going so well and that you can mow the lawn, etc! Reaching milestones is very rewarding! Glory to God for your AWESOME recovery! Thanks for sharing your e-mail letter with us. Also very glad John has agreed to the procedure. I will pray that he sees it thru. You are so good with him! A small tractor sounds like a very interesting idea. Will you be able to get the hay with it? Keep us posted on if/when you get one.

    Anew, I thought we had decided on the 18th but Sunday is OK with me if that works better for you. I am flexible. And I agree that we can be spur of the moment and will enjoy whatever we decide on. Balboa park has tons of museums too if that is something you are interested in. I'll e-mail you my phone numbers also so we can chat and decide if/when you want to. I can't wait to see how the dress comes out. Are you doing the alterations yourself? I am not adept at sewing so I would have to go to a shop and have that done. Did you figure out the stenciling? It can be crazy hard but I know you'll figure it out. You are very creative.

    Jannie, so glad to see you checking in too! Feeding 2 growing boys can be very expensive! Hopefully they are not too picky on top of it all. :) I too am very jealous that you are having your kitchen remodeled! You'll have to give us more details of what you are having done.

    Well, hubby is outside in the beautiful sunny day puttering in the yard. I think I will ignore cleaning my floors once again :) and go outside and putter with him or read my book. Have an awesome day and rest of your weekend all!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi all, well, Ralph's high class reunion is over and we thought it all went well. The couple that stayed here got here about 4 Friday afternoon. We visited till time to get ready for the evening. The food at the banquet was very good. Several of the wives shared some of their food with their hubbies. Not me. Dessert was cheesecake and I had chocolate. Delicious. The speaker was very good. Then we went to the old gym and visited for awhile.

    This morning the four of us headed out. We ate at Burger King. I have not had a croissantwich for a long time. Good. Then we headed on and met 8 others at the Salt Museum. That was really interesting. I know what pitch black is like now. We were 650 feet below ground and a nice 68 degrees. Then we went and ate at Pizza Ranch. Two others joined us there. The food was good - pizza and chicken. I ate plenty but have not had much the rest of the day. The classmates had a good time visiting. We got home about 4, our friends headed back to Branson.

    Then I started in on things for tomorrow. I put away the 18 bags of plastic eggs Julie got for me when they were marked down. I cooked some bacon to go in the beans, made a salad for the Salad Supper, made rolls (using a mix) (they smell good) and cut up a pineapple. I hadn't gotten many steps in during the morning so I did my circle in the house a number of times. I need to do a load of dishes and I'll be ready to head for bed.

    Sheryl, thanks for posting the pictures. Breaking it up into 10 minutes is a good idea. You've found a great place to do the cataract procedure. Did you get out for a drive? How fun to look for a tractor. That would be a good help to you. Coffee - found out Ralph is the only one of us who drank coffee. :)

    Jannie, you sure keep busy. I'd love to share a picture of the baby, but I don't know how to do that kind of stuff. Maybe someday I'll learn. Isn't it amazing how much those boys can eat. How fun on starting the kitchen. Keep us posted on the progress.

    Marcie, bummer that you couldn't get the BBQ. Another day, another time. Cisco will think he's got you wrapped around his finger when you let him stay in your room. Little does he know. It will be nice to get this taken care of.
    Chuckled at out speaker when he talked about having to go to traffic school cause being caught for a simple thing. Made me think of you. I did go to one of my college reunions. It was okay but it strange, I still enjoy Ralph's more.

    Isabella, so nice that you have free concerts to go to. Sorry you can't even get a Costco hotdog. Maybe you can make popcorn when you get home. I've not heard of Charming Charlie's. Cool on the purse. Simple things are fun. Glad you got so many meals out of the soup. It saved you cooking time on those days. I'm in Kansas. So did you putter or read your book.

    Dishes are done so I'm going to copy and paste this and then say Good Night. Have a good Sunday.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good Morning, didn't make it in here yesterday. I got up earlier than I have been, almost back to my old really early mornings, 5 am, but then, John got up right after I did, really, really early for him. We had rain showers throughout the day and at one point a storm came through. Only lasted 20 minutes, but winds so strong that it even moved some cattle panels that kept the llamas out of part of the back yard. Had to go out and put them back in place.
    We did not get out on Friday, but have to go get blood work done tomorrow, so I'll take John with me and we'll check out what John Deere has to offer in small tractors.
    I received the "packet" in yesterday's mail for John's cataract consultation. Lots of forms to fill out, but glad to do it at home instead of when we get there to the office. They use the word "surgery" throughout all the paperwork, but then, John won't see the paperwork, I'll sign everything with his Power of Attorney. I'll give them a copy of the Power of Attorney as well as a copy of the Medical Directive.

    I went to my 10 year high school reunion, I had been with John for a year and he was willing to go with me, huge shock. I couldn't pass up going then, to show off that I really could get a boyfriend. Well, I found that nobody really cared. And, after only 10 years, nobody had really changed either. The popular kids were still in that mindset and us nerdy kids were still pretty nerdy. We moved to the NW and I never went back down to attend any other reunions. We almost went to John's 50 year reunion 2 years ago, but John cancelled out on extending the trip to California for 2 weeks, we only made it a long weekend to Crater Lake Oregon instead. His would have been a more intimate meeting, he went to a smaller high school, plus, I assume quite a few of the alumni has passed on. My graduating class was over 2,000. I just got lost in the crowd.

    Jannie, I also am interested in your new kitchen. Keep us posted. The kitchen is the most important room in the house.

    Isabella, glad you are very happy with your new hair stylist. My first thought is that you need to take Anew with you when you meet up, since she's been having a hard time with her hair. Are you meeting up before or after the wedding? My thoughts are on hair all the time now, I avoid the mirrors and am just waiting for my hair to grow out more and more and see what it does. I keep thinking that the longer it gets, the weight will straighten it out, but so far, it seems to just get tighter curls and is a thick mat. It certainly is keeping me warm now, I don't need scarves at all anymore.

    My mug needs a refill. I'll check in later or tomorrow, depending on what happens today, no plans yet.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Stupid Computer...it's messing with me today.

    Good Morning, heading out to have blood drawn again. I had planned to take John with me and run around and play all day, but he doesn't feel like going out.
    So, I'll run a few errands and come back home.

    Yesterday was a very quiet day at home.

    No new news, I'll check back in later.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited April 2015
    Morning everyone.

    Busy weekend. Got lots of housework done, along with changing out all the bed clothes, shopping, laundry and the weekly cooking. Pot of something this week is black eyed peas. They turned out really good. Only thing I didn't get done is cleaning my bathroom. I was just too pooped. Will get to that later this week.

    I think my cat Simon was just waiting for me to finish vacuuming the house yesterday. The minute I put the vacuum away he coughed up a fur ball and I had to clean the carpet. He's calculating like that. He waits for us to walk down the hallway and then gets right in front of us as we try to walk, or he waits for dad and I to start talking about something, and then gets in between us and starts meowing up at us, or if I don't feed him exactly when he's hungry, he has started tapping me on the arm (luckily his nails aren't out when he does this!) until I get up and do his bidding. He used to be such a quiet laid back cat, but that changed after his brother died 2 years ago.

    My poor little Cisco is at the vet now getting his teeth cleaned and that benign little tumor on his side removed. We stopped feeding him last night at 9 pm, and this morning he sure pressed us to give him something to eat. He kept giving me the "why don't you love me" look as I was making my breakfast and lunch. He definitely knows how to push my buttons with those eyes and that cute face of his.

    Sheryl, I wished I had curly hair like you. Mine is so fine it's hard to do much with it. It's also thinning as I get older. Ugh. Good to get the paperwork out of the way for John's cataract procedure. I sure hope he doesn't balk when the day arrives.

    Debora, glad to hear the reunion went well. I was never fond of Burger King's breakfast items. I always found them to be too greasy and salty.

    Isabella, I hope you enjoyed the concert, and didn't mind not eating out afterwards. Downtown where I work they have a free concert on Wednesdays at a nearby Catholic church. I'm not Catholic, but when I can get away from the office I will sometimes go over there and spend my lunch break listening to whomever is featured that day. It's usually classical music, which, while not my favor genre of music, I really enjoy when done right.

    Better close and get to work. Have a wonderful day everyone.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good Sunday. One girl who doesn't like to share did a good job of it. Good message done by one of our church board members. Everyone enjoyed dinner - a few leftovers. The afternoon had a change when Alan called and asked me to watch three of the kids while they took Ava to ER - they were wondering if she had a seizure. So I walked in their house while the kids slept and then brought them here. Ralph watched the two boys and I took Molly along to the salad supper - wonderful array of salads and a good program. We got home about the time they got home from the ER. If it was a seizure, it was done by the time they got there so were told to call their neurologist today and that's all I know. Tonight is 4-H so have been working on getting ready for it. It will be my focus when I get done here. Got to use my "new" dryer today - clothes got dry - all I ask.

    Sheryl, you got rain during the day. We got good rains the last two nights. We'd still take more but appreciate what we have. Wow, class of 2000. I thought a class of 500 was big. Hope the blood draw gives you good results. Sorry John wouldn't go but another day. If the word surgery is all over the paperwork, it's likely to be used when you go in. Hope they'll work with you.

    Time to get the 4-H stuff done so I'm done before time to go. It's parent's night so the parents of the 4-H officers run the meeting and parents do the talks. Always interesting. Have a good day.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Debora, your family is so fortunate to have you in their lives to step in when needed! I hope Amy is ok.

    This day is moving sooo slow. It seems like the clock is moving backwards!

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited April 2015
    Poor little Cisco was zonked out most of the night. Here he is shortly after Dad brought him home from the vet. When I got home he got in my lap and stared at me with glazed eyes. He couldn't even give me a kiss. He finally ate a little soft food around 7 pm, went potty and then put himself to bed to sleep it off. He's got stitches on his side where they removed the cyst and we'll have to take him back in a few weeks to get those removed.

    The vet said he doesnt want us to give him anymore hard bones. We have a whole bag of deer antlers that we've been giving him to chew with on, but he cant have them anymore. I guess my friend at work will take them for her dog.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Oh, poor Cisco, what a day he had. Glad it's behind him. Did the vet say why he can't have any more hard bones? Interesting.
    I love the backwards clock...I've had days like that too.

    Today is PT. Will head out in about an hour and probably come right back home after...it's raining and it's always such a pain getting in and out of the car in the rain.
    You open the door and there's a downpour onto the seat. I yearn for my old, old car with drip rails to catch the rain and disperse it elsewhere.

    The blood work yesterday showed that my blood thinner medicine is doing it's job and I'll stay on the same dosage and have it checked again in two weeks.

    I guess that's about it for now. I'll try to check back in this afternoon, after the torture.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi all.

    My little Cisco still wasn't quite himself this morning. He put himself to bed early last night and didn't budge until Dad took him for a walk this morning. Dad said he stopped to sit down for a couple minutes during the walk, which is very unusual for him, and went right back to bed when they got back. When I got up and was getting ready for work, he didn't even get up and come see me like he usually does. I went and checked on him before I left and he did give me a tail wag and a kiss, so that's good. Hopefully he gets to feeling better today. I don't like it when he's not feeling well.

    I think when I'm done here I'll go for a quick walk and then eat a little lunch. I brought some roast beef, a kaiser roll, and some veggies to make a sandwich and will have that and an apple.

    The wind kicked up pretty hard late yesterday and the pool is a disaster again. We have flowering trees all over the place and tons of those tiny flowers are covering the surface of the pool now. The pool guy comes today or tomorrow I think and I'm hoping he'll get it cleaned up for us. The gardeners should be here today (maybe that will get Cisco out of bed. Barking at the gardeners is one of his favorite activities!) and they'll get the yards picked up. They didn't come last week because it was raining, and with the winds yesterday, the yards are a mess right now.

    I got my first rude comment out on the main forums here on MFP today! Some guy didn't like a poem I posted on a poem thread. What a bozo. Luckily I don't take to heart the nay-sayers on this website. Not bad though. Here for over a year and that's the first time I got a negative comment. Ha! I told him he was rude and left it at that.

    Sheryl, I hope PT is productive and not too torturous! I've only had to do PT once and that was when I was 8 years old with a broken arm, so I don't remember much, but I'm sure it was nothing compared to what you have to do! I'm surprised that the car lets in that much water when it's raining. That would be very annoying for the car seat to get wet. That's good news that the blood thinner is doing it's job and you don't have to change the dosage. The vet said no more hard bones because Cisco has faint hairline fractures in his back teeth. He said we shouldn't give him anything that is so hard that it's not pliable enough to indent a little when we press on it. I'm sure my friend at work will happily take that bag of deer antlers. She sure makes out with all of Cisco's castoffs!

    Sigh. I was just given some legislation to review. I'll be reviewing that for the rest of the day and most of tomorrow probably. It's usually not too bad, but my eyes get a little tired because I have to read really small print and compare the new legislation to the current law to determine the differences. Part of the job!

    Well, better close if I'm going to get that walk in. Have a great day everyone!!

    P.S. It looks like Carla is using MFP now. She's posted a couple comments on her MFP news feed, but hasn't stopped by the group yet. Looks like she and Pamela (per a comment she made on the NM Facebook page) are participating in the MFP Walking Challenge.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Afternoon. I'm back from the torture chamber. Just kidding, it hurts so good. Heather said that she is so excited to have a client as motivated as I am, she can see improvement just from last week. She said she can tell I'm exercising at home. That's makes me feel good and motivates me even more. And, I got a little more added to my homework.

    Marcie, hope you had a nice walk. I can hardly wait to get back outside and take John to the park and walk. Heather (PT) also told me about the new Portland Aquarium that is hands on and educational. They encourage you to touch and feed the critters. John will love that. I just looked at their website and with a senior discount, it's only $6.99 per person. And, it's right down the street from where Billie and I have lunch, so, I know right where it is and it's easy to get to. Heather said to go as soon as they open, 10 am, because after noon, the school field trips arrive and the place is swarming with kids. We'll be ready to leave when the kids arrive.

    I got an email from Carla to be friends here on MFP. I haven't sought out friends here, but if I'm asked, I'll click "accept".
    That 30 day challenge is following Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home dvd. I'm still working on that same one mile per day. I pray for the day that I don't get so out of breath and can do more.

    While eating lunch, John informed me that while I was gone, during one of the short storm bursts, he noticed rain water was coming over the edge of the gutter instead of making it's way to the corner downspout. He got out the ladder and cleared the clog in the gutter. Yikes, I wish he'd wait for me, if nothing else, just to watch the ladder and make sure it doesn't slip in the mud. Oh well, it's done now.

    I just heard the back door, I better go see where John went.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Simon actually stayed still long enough for me to snap this pic tonight. He usually hi-tails it out of there as soon as he sees the camera!


    Sheryl, I think I may have been to that Portland Aquarium once when my Grandmas was alive and living in Oregon. Thats scary that John was climbing the ladder without you there. I think I got my dad to finally stop doing that.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, wow, still scrolling problems due to pictures. I see a GIANT Simon! :) I'll have to figure out how to use google chrome instead so I don't have to keep scrolling back and forth here. Sure do hope they fix it soon.

    Having said that,
    Debora, I ended up doing both - puttering in the yard a tad then reading my book. It was a fabulous day! The concert was excellent! The artist is one of my favorites. I didn't miss the eating out after the concert. I made a nice dinner at home of these veggie burgers I bought at Costco that are made with veggies, black beans and quinoa. Very tasty. Funny you should mention anew and my hair stylist but I don't think anew will want to go to her because first of all, she found a gal where she lives that was able to work with the messed up cut. Secondly she probably wouldn't want to get started with a hair stylist that she won't be able to continue with. That's how I would feel about it any way. :)
    Glad your reunion went well. Sounds like you all had fun. Hope Ava is ok.

    Sheryl, so very happy the PT is going well. I agree with you and Marcie, I hate when Dan gets up on a ladder when I'm not around. You never know. Especially as we all get older. My brother Carmen who passed away recently slipped on a ladder while cleaning out a gutter during a rain storm a couple of years ago and tore a ligament in his leg. It was a long and difficult recovery and he walked with a slight limp after that.
    I got a friend invite from Carla too. It was very nice to see. I'm like you, I don't know how to do any of that but I accept an invite when I get one.

    Marcie, glad to see that little cisco is recovering nicely. My friend Jami just had to have a growth removed from her little Molly dog's cheek. Poor little thing looked so forlorn. Fortunately she healed quickly and it was benign. That is a wonderful pic of Simon. He is very handsome! So YOU are the person who compares the legislation?!! :) Is that for the voter guides? I imagine that would be very tedious work. It is too bad that they don't at least give you larger print to read it in.

    Well, I've stayed up too late again. I'd better get to bed. Sleep well all.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. What a surprise to open this page and find Simon. What gorgeous green eyes.
    There are many times that I wish we had a cat. A cat that will sit in John's lap and keep him occupied and comforted. But then, I think of the extra work of a litter box
    because I think I would prefer the cat indoors more than outdoors, since he would be here mainly for John. Plus, I'd feel bad leaving him alone when we go for a drive.
    When we had John's mom living with us and her cats, it was good for her to have her cats.

    I'm cutting my sentences short so we don't have to scroll so much. Maybe I should check out Google Chrome also. I know I have it on the newer computer, but I still
    just click on Internet Explorer out of habit. I'm a creature of habit. And, early in the morning, I'm on the older computer in the "family" room. I never know what to call
    this room since we use it for an office, but it's open to the kitchen (only the counter with the stove top separating the rooms) so I suppose it should be a big family room.
    When we moved here, I had intentions of it being a music room, but soon, a big desk, a computer desk and file cabinets encroached and took over. The instruments
    ended up in the closet.

    Today should be drier, no rain in the forecast, but the ground is still wet. It's still very muddy out there, so yard work should wait.
    I'll see what John wants to do after he's awake. I'd like to go to the bank, we need to get another document notarized so that one of his investments will let me sign
    off on everything. They won't take the Power of Attorney alone, they need their own paperwork filled out and certified. While we're in town, I'd like to check the
    John Deere dealer and make a decision on the tractor.

    I better get my walking dvd in the tv. Once John gets up, I never seem to get back to that.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited April 2015
    Marcie, the Portland Aquarium in Milwaukie is new, you probably went to the Oregon Aquarium in Newport, at the coast. I've wanted to go there too, but we
    haven't made that trip yet. This new one, that is closer to home, is going to be so convenient, I will make sure that we go.