Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning everyone, I have been busy getting things together for our trip. The wedding is in 19 days, Yay! My dress is at alterations I should get it back this week. I have been clothes shopping on numerous occasions with not much luck in the pants department. I finally decided on some capri pants to get me through the trip but I found so many neat blouses and things. I need cotton and it seems more and more is hitting the shelves and racks in my lifetime. The only thing I need to shop for now is shoes because they don't have any here for me since I can't wear just anything out there. I will be looking on the way to California and shop there if I need to.

    The picture problem is still a problem for me on the other pages, but this one seems to be ok so I will catch up starting on this page. We have been having a lot of rain and with it came Tornado warnings. I thought our house was going to flood because we received over 2.5" of rain in about 3 hours so the rain was just pooling on the patio because the soil was already saturated from the prior rains. Lots of flash flooding and people without power, we had a couple of tornado touchdowns Northwest of here. The water reached the siding on our house so I started unplugging things and moving things off the floor with the knowledge I may have needed to shut the power off, thank goodness it stopped before it flooded inside.

    Sure wish I could send some of this rain to California, they sure need it over there. We have been in historical drought as well with lakes drying up and people leaving and losing their lake homes. Now the rain shed has helped to put some water back into our reservoirs but we are still low on water and nowhere near as bad as California has it. We have been on Stage2 water conservation and sometimes Stage3 for the last few years and seems to be helping with the water issue. I have a neighbor that washes all of his (5) cars in his yard at night to hide when he isn't supposed to be. Same neighbor that likes to cut/(chop) my grass to the root and drive across my lawn. I finally got him to stop chopping my grass and I don't think he will take the liberties of going across my lawn anymore either. He invites weeds because he chops his to the root and it has no chance of killing off weeds naturally by growing thick, so we treat with weed and feed twice a year which is slowly dispersed by the rain and or dew from the humidity.

    Seems to help our grass but we still have lots of weeds we can't get rid of that come over from his connected grass but it's the same thing with weeds from the other side too. I am happy the guy on the other side doesn't chop his grass, he just doesn't treat for weeds. The weeds we get are the ones with sticker burrs and I don't want those in my socks. We don't water our grass here, it grows in the summer without water but much slower than in the winter. It has been so wet my husband hadn't been able to mow so it grew to about 12" within a week after the weed and feed, lol. He kept trying to cut it but the grass was so wet that it bogged down the lawnmower. He kept at it though and it's all mowed now but the mower was still getting bogged down and he needed to empty the blade area after just a couple of passes.

    The grass is so pretty when it's long and blows nicely in the wind. I can imagine that is what someone saw in a field when they decided to get the seeds and sell it commercially. I have no idea what kind it is but at about 12" it has seed heads, it's very thick and the blade is tall and thin with a beautiful green color. My husband said the water had to dry up so he could mow before it went to seed and I laughed and said, "but if it goes to seed doesn't that just make it thicker?" He wasn't so sure he wanted to find out, lol.

    Mygnsac-I am glad to hear you have been getting a little rain in your area, every little bit helps for sure. Glad Cisco is feeling better too and your pasta dinner looks good.

    Arobed53-Sounds like you are getting those steps in and glad you got some rain as well.

    Sanferris-I'm glad you were able to get some meds for John but I agree medications are ridiculously priced for humans and I hope things go well for John.

    Isyvanek-I love garage sales too, it sounds like you got some great deals. I sure miss being able to buy homegrown fruits and vegetables there, I think I miss the avocados more though. Here I pay $1.00 each for a small avocado. Glad you got some rain too. Downton Abbey is a great show, I hope you get a chance to watch it. My favorites are going off air too, Revenge, Nashville, Castle and Criminal Minds, I sure hope they bring Revenge and Nashville back.

    Jlhawki-Glad your phases are working out in the kitchen, I hope your stove gets it's rightful place soon. More rain for you too, this i good news for eveeryone.

    I hope you all have a great day today!

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited April 2015
    Recipes page is still messed up for me so I will post here. Has anyone noticed their recipes being changed from what you input when adding your own recipe? I just went to add my Baked Cream Cheese Stuffed Zuchinni recipe and found that four items are different which changed my recipe substantially. I had to go in and fix it. Can others change your recipes? I didn't think anyone could edit my recipes I put in the system.


    I posted over in recipes community threads and some said others can change your recipes but someone else said no, that it could be a glitch instead.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, John's up early this morning, so this will be short.

    I have a two month check up with the oncologist today and my dad has his appointment with a specialist, so tonight, I'm sure I'll talk to my sister and get her news and give her mine.

    These next two weeks will be VERY LONG and torturous...John is trying to get out of the cataract removal. I will not cancel the appointments and try to answer all his questions and encourage him, but now, all he says is that he can see fine and he's so confused about this whole ordeal.

    Isabella, I have the dvd's of Downton Abbey. Christina sent me the box set of Seasons 1-4 and of course, after I got hooked, I had to buy Season 5. I'm all caught up, but have loaned them out to another friend right now. As soon as I get them back, if you have not already found them somewhere else, I'll send them to you.

    I better go, John is calling.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi everyone.

    As usual, another weekend flew by too quickly. It was a nice weekend though. Perfect not-to-hot and not-to-cold weather.

    I took my RAV4 to the dealership on Saturday for it's 15,000 my service. He said the car is looking really good so far. I'll take it back in August for the 20,000 mile service just because it will be free. My 2 year service deal I got when I bought the car expires on August 10th, so might as well use it up before it expires.

    While I was waiting for my car to be serviced, I walked around and looked at the new models. I don't see anything different from my 2013 RAV4 model and the new 2015 model.

    On the way home from the dealership, I stopped at a Radio Shack close to home. It's going out of business and all of it's products are marked down 30-60% right now. I wound up buying a Fitbit One for 1/2 the price (paid $50). I'm wearing it now (clipped to my bra) and I really like it. I didn't want the Fitbit that you wear around your wrist. I don't like things on my wrist (those pesky skin issues of mine). I did wear it the other night to test my sleep patterns, and as suspected, they aren't good. No surprise there. I'm really liking it so far.

    I also stopped by the grocery store, and this store is getting really bad. In the past few months, the homeless have been on the rise in that area near that store and they seem to use it as a base. I was hit up about 5 times just getting from my car to the store and back. If it keeps up, I will not go back to that store. It's too dangerous. One guy actually came up to my car as I was parking and knocked on the window begging for money. The other day, someone not too far from there actually was killed. She was driving through an intersection, and the person begging for money was standing in the middle of the street. She had to swerve around him, and as she did he banged on her trunk. She thought she hit him, so she stopped to check, and he wound up slitting her throat.

    I actually bought some bacon while at the store the other day. I rarely buy it. I just don't eat it quick enough and it usually goes bad. I made a BELT for lunch yesterday (bacon, egg, lettuce, tomato sandwich) and it sure was good.

    Didn't do a whole lot of cooking this weekend. Just boiled eggs, steamed some green beans, and roasted some little new potatoes for the week. I didn't even get around to making a pot-of-something!

    Isabella, I never watched it, but I've heard Downton Abbey is really good. I may add it to my watch list if it ever appears on Netflix. Glad you guys got some rain too! We got about 1 inch between Thurs and Fri morning last week. We need lots more of that!! I can't remember the last time I stopped at a garage sale. I rarely have much cash on me, so I never stop when I pass one by.

    Debora, I hope Emily had a nice Birthday!!

    Sheryl, good luck today at your appointment. Glad you are not cancelling John's appointments. This may be something you just have to move forward with since eye sight is at risk. Must be so hard for you. I wished you could share you eggs with me too! Ha!

    Jannie, I can't imagine going without and kitchen for so long. I'll bet it will be gorgeous when it's done!!

    Anew...I'm mostly posting the pic below to see if it resized down to fit the page for you. Hopefully that problem is resolved now.

    This is Cisco's latest thing. When I start my "you should go to bed with Dad" campaign, he jumps up onto the middle of my bed and quickly curls up into a ball of dog, peering at me with one eye. Guess who get's his way?!


    Guess I'll close and go for a quick walk around the building before getting back to work. Have a nice day everyone!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Anew, nice to see you back! Can't wait to hear how the dress came out after the alterations.

    Sheryl, how did your Dr. visit go? I think you are wise to hang tough with John's appts. Hopefully he will end up going thru with it. I'll continue to pray. I will take you up on the offer of the DVD's of Downton Abbey if I haven't gotten them elsewhere yet. Let me know when you have them back. Thanks for the kind offer!

    Marcie, great deal on the fit bit! Glad you are liking it. Very cute pic of Cisco. Boy they sure know how to get us trained don't they! :wink:

    Debora, keep up the great job with the walking!

    Jannie, keep us posted on the remodel.

    OK, it's past my bedtime. Good night all!!! :)
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Sunday was a whole different day than Saturday. We did not need the AC at all although the house did warm up a few degrees. Too yucky for the kids to do the silly string so I sent it home with the two families and the younger ones got their "gift". I enjoyed the adult SS class in the morning and enjoyed working in the nursery. Not too many kids till some of my grands came in - two of who are old enough to sit but what do you do. Got to hear Katie give her testimony in preparation for joining the church. I didn't have a lot of meatloaf left over but plenty of potato salad so we just have to eat it every meal. In the evening we heard from a women who works with those who have cancer. She said she uses humor a lot and used it with us too - very enjoyable and informative.

    Monday was a normal Monday. I walked which was fine until the last minute when I got a shooting pain up the heel. I kept moving all day but at a slower pace so I got fewer steps. I put on a better (I think) pair of shoes this morning and it's not as bad. I looked for a new pair Monday evening but they didn't have my size so maybe tomorrow. I took Ava to speech and worked on things at home. In the evening I had a 4-H Community Leaders meeting. It was a good one. Ralph rode along so we both found some things at Walmart. Today is at home until Good News Club. Then I'll change quickly and we'll head off for a band concert. I had done some bacon Saturday to go with the green beans. So I made potato soup yesterday - hubby likes to sprinkle bacon on the top of his. Worked well with the cooler day.

    Sheryl, wonder how we got started saying run to town when we mean drive. But I do that all the time too. Neat that you figured out how to make your own exercise contraption. And that would be very neat to drop in at the Beauty Salon. What did you do with the lentil dish? Eating is a challenge. You do have the variety of eggs. The Araucana are fun eggs but just like any other when you crack them open. At least you gave more than you got. Good to hear JC is enjoying her "skool" so much and taking care of Sue does take time.
    I put off walking with my friends because I thought it was silly to drive to meet them. I have roads outside my house. But I wasn't consistent. For me driving gives me time with friends and a safe place to walk and that's what you get when you drive too - time with John and a safe place to walk.

    Isabella, glad the lasagna turned out okay and what a bargain. And you are looking beautiful. Does the hair color make you feel younger. Eggs run $2.00 a dozen around here - I'd get the 18 pack too. Eggs are a good food. You'll enjoy Downton Abbey whenever you get hold of it. Have you seen "Call the Midwife". I enjoyed it too.

    Anewstart, glad you can post again. Missed you. The wedding is coming quickly so I'm sure the excitement is mounting. How long do you get to be gone? So glad you didn't get any flooding inside. Be interesting to know what kind of grass you have - seems hardy even without water. We don't water ours either - some summers it browns up but we just don't so it - even with having the water. Your zucchini recipe sounds good and not too hard but don't think my hubby would try it.

    Sheryl, hope both you and your dad had good appointments.

    Marcie, yes, I'd take advantage of your service deal too. The Fitbit one is what I have. I wear a watch on my wrist but didn't want to advertise that I have a fitbit. I can look at the One and know my steps. Also, some say with the one on the wrist, it doesn't count when your arms aren't moving. I keep mine on the pocket of my pants or waistband if there's no pocket. Did they have any more of the Ones? A friend wants one but the cost is high. I'm thinking of getting her the zip but you have to buy batteries for it. If I can't find the deal here, would you consider getting another one and shipping it to me? Would you be interested in being my fitbit friend? If so, I'll send you an email.
    I think I'd do a different grocery store too. That's a bit scary. Hmmm, never put an egg on a BLT. You just give lots of new ideas. Go ahead and cook all the bacon up (I bake mine) and put it in the freezer. It's easy to pull out and use them - even good flavoring for a pot of beans for a change. Cisco is sure photogenic and I think he knows it. :)

    Sheryl, I hope the fact that you have the appointments made will keep John going forward. Will pray that he does do it. At least the time is not too far away. I'm sure there's a cost if you don't show so you can always use that if needed to get him to go.

    Well, I need to get the invites for the Good News party ready to give out and I'm going to see if my foot will let me walk with Leslie. Have a good day.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Debora, they had 2 more Fitbit Ones. The store was near empty, so I don't think they'll be open much longer. I pop in on my way home from work to see if they still have the Ones.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    That would be fantastic. The Radio Shack in Newton went out of business awhile back but I never thought about going there to find a fitbit. And we were in El Dorado last night but didn't know I should check that out.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    I checked for one in the area but no luck so if would buy and ship, I would send you a check.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    If they have any left, I'll pick one up for you.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited April 2015
    Debora, they still had a couple of the Fitbit Ones, but they had them on the 30% off counter this time ($99 marked down to $69). Apparently they had them on the wrong shelf before. :s I went ahead and picked one up. If it's too much, $50 plus shipping will be fine. You can send me the address info at mygnsac@gmail.com.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning, person who told the story at Good News Club did such a good job. Gave out the invites for the party. Next year I want to say they have to come a certain number of times. Had a couple that only came a couple of times but were there yesterday so..... Band concert last night. And now watching some of Alan's this morning - one of the boys has cavities to get filled and the other has to get an EKG so I'm keeping the girls. Then will go to Lori's this afternoon.

    Marcie, thanks so much for getting the fitbit. It's still a good buy and you won't have to think about batteries. Glad you got the deal you did. I sent you an email with my address.

    Gotta run.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I didn't make it over here at all yesterday, I slept in a bit, plus John got up at the same time as I did, so there went my early morning "me" time.

    I made what I thought was a huge mistake on Monday, I totally forgot to swing by the pharmacy on my way home from my doctor's appointment to pick-up my renewed Rx's. I needed one of the morning pills yesterday morning, so I planned to go out to get them. I was able to talk John into going with me and we spent the whole day out. What a great day it turned out to be. We got my Rx's and went out to lunch at Kitchen Table Cafe, that's where I usually get my newest, most favorite eggs benedict with avocado. But, yesterday, we got the best, biggest hamburgers we've had in a very long time. They have such good fresh food there. Then, we just headed west...ended up at Vancouver Lake, drove all the way around the lake and did find the park open to the public and got out and walked a bit. What a wonderful time we had. We got home around 4:30 pm and by 5, our neighbor came over to ask if we had a minute to come across the street. Sure! we always have time for that...it's usually to see something about the animals. And, it was, a wild mallard duck pair had been nesting in a pile of wood chips and the eggs had hatched earlier in the day. I got photos of the cutest little heads bobbing out from under mommy.


    I did get my pulley contraption rigged up and it works just as good as the fancy one at the gym. I'll take a photo of that today and add that post later on.

    John's up again already, I can hear him in the bedroom, so I better refill my mug and get off the computer.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good morning everyone, I have been real busy planning everything for the trip now it's just the packing I need to do soon. We just got the news last night that our area is no longer in drought and the drought through Central and North Texas is about 1/3 less. Our Severe drought areas are looking so much better. It's been years since we have been in drought so I hope some of those lakes will fill up again and people can go back to their homes.

    We have a dove that makes a nest each year on our electric panel and she is back with two little eggs in her nest. Last year the baby was bigger than her right before it flew off and took to life on it's own. She just abandons the nest and my husband removes it, then she rebuilds when she comes back. We have seen this for two springs now and I hope it continues that she feels comfortable enough to nest here.

    Mygnsac-the picture is perfect, Cisco looks cute in your pic. I can see the page so I hope this continues for me. How scary just going to the grocery store, it is sad that so many are out on the streets these days. Here they outlawed the begging unless you pay $500 for a permit and claim the income, this has helped get the people off the intersections and out of the parking lots begging. It was getting pretty scary here too but I don't think we had it so bad. It was just that every corner had someone begging and they would walk in front of cars to get you to stop for them.

    Isyvanek-my dress is perfect, I picked it up yesterday. :)

    Arobed53-I am getting very excited about the trip and we get to be out of here for about 10 days or so. I'm glad you have a fitbit on the way to you. I really need to get something like it and we have a radio shack around here but I am not sure what they have there anymore. I'm not sure I could afford that right now anyway because this trip is a huge money pit, lol.

    Sannferris-I love the mallard duck photo and I thought what a picture perfect ending to a fantastic day. It sounds like you had a great time. Maybe now you can just forget about the pills on purpose and get him out the door.

    Well, I think I am going to close out here and get my day started, had some yogurt, pineapple and honey for breakfast and am ready to get moving. Hope you all have a great day today!

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited April 2015

    I finally got Cisco to sleep with Dad last night. He sure protested though. He was acting really weird yesterday when we tried to get him to get up on Dad's bed and get in his little pallet. We thought maybe he was objecting to a smell or something, so I washed the pallet. That seemed to do the trick. He finally got on it last night and went to sleep. He must have stepped into something and carried it on his pallet. What a little prima donna.

    Made overnight oats (pumpkin added) for the first time last night. I put the recipe over in our Recipes post. Someone on a post out in the main forum gave me the recipe yesterday. They are so good. Don't know why I haven't made overnight oats before. I know they were frequently discussed on NM. I guess the thought of cold oatmeal didn't sound appealing. Will definitely make that again.

    Our weather has been staying in the mid 80s for the last couple days. It's supposed to warm up into the 90s again by Friday. Last night I used my window fan in my bedroom for the first time this season. During the summer when we turn off the AC and it cools down enough at night, I always put my window fan up. Draws in all that lovely cool night air.

    I started watching a new show on Netflix last night, Mad Men. It has 7 seasons, so it will take me a long time to finish that series. It's about ad men in the 60's. I kept chuckling at all the things we used to do in the 60s that would be frowned on now.

    Sheryl, that picture is just too cute! Thanks for sharing. I think I'm going to save it and use it as wallpaper on my computer later on. I love it when you guys share pics. Seems like it's usually just me. Glad you and John had a nice day out yesterday!!

    Debora, I'll get that Fitbit shipped off to you in a couple days. How do we Friend on the fitbit? I tried last night through Facebook, and only Pam and Judy showed up. I'm still learning, so you'll have to guide me on that. Ha! Next weekend I'm going to adjust my stride. I think I'm being a bit overcompensated on the step totals and need to make that adjustment. I read up on it last night, so I'll mess with that next weekend. Even without the adjustment though, it's pretty close. I compared the step total to the total I get on my Omron pediometer (which was set up with my stride calculations), and it's only off by about few hundred steps. Pretty close. I read that the default stride on the Fitbit is based on your height and gender. I think we can drill down even more by adjusting the stride and get a more accurate step count.

    Well, I'd better close and get back to work. Have a nice day everyone!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Hi again, took a few photos of my PT pulley system and was not happy with the results. I have it hanging on a door in the hall and with a flash, just glare, without a flash, too dark. So I temporarily moved it into the kitchen, on the pantry door, just for the picture. I used an over the door hanger with an "S" hook to hold the pulley. I sit on a chair with my back to the door. I hold the dowel handles and I pull down using my good arm to raise up my bad arm as far as I can and hold for 20 seconds, 10 times, twice a day.



    I got so excited about the ducklings, I forgot to tell you about my doctor's appointment. It was a routine check-up, as I expected, and I go back in another two months, marking a year since I got diagnosed. I will have a CT scan several days prior to seeing the oncologist. I complained of some joint pain and the doctor said that is a side effect of the pills I'm taking. The good part is that there are no lasting effects, the pain will disappear when I stop taking the pills. However, I'll be on these pills for several years. I told him that I'm wearing my contact lenses again and doing outside work, mowing the lawn and pulling weeds.

    I talked to my sister and my dad needs a colonoscopy to get more answers. However, with his respiratory problems, he can not undergo any surgery where he is put completely out. If given general anesthesia, his pulmonary doctor said that he'd never wake up. So, they will do a procedure as best they can with a local anesthesia. Dad said that the bleeding is getting less and less, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the problem is gone.

    John is doing and saying everything he can to get out of this cataract procedure. Yesterday, as we were driving around, he's reading all the signs he could to show me that he can see just fine. I'm not buying it!! I just continue to tell him that it's going to be even better.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, yesterday was good...worked outside. Not much new to say and John is up already so, I'll try to be back later.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good morning all.

    It's a pretty morning. Sunny, blue skies, light cool breeze. It will be warming up this afternoon to the upper 80s, and tomorrow we should get up to the mid 90s. Ugh. It will cool back down into the 70/80s this weekend though.

    Anew, that's great that you are no longer in drought. I'm jealous. My Dad was talking the other day to one of our neighbors and she told him they are going "Number 1" in their backyard now. Yuck! I won't go that far EVER! Can you imagine the smell if everyone did that?! That's so neat about the dove! For years we had a duck couple and a goose that always made a pit stop in our swimming pool during their northern migration. The last few years only one of the ducks has showed up. I have a feeling his partner is no more. We didn't see the goose last year, but we may have just missed him.

    Sheryl, that pulley system you use to work your arm looks just like the one my Mom had to use after she her shoulder replaced (she fell and crushed it and was off work for 3 months healing from that one!).

    Debora, I've got the Fitbit packed up and will mail it off today after work. I'm only going to ask for $50 plus whatever the shipping/handling is. I'll give you the total tomorrow. I accepted you FR on Fitbit last night. I've been using the Fitbit app on my phone and I don't see FR's there. I logged on to the website last night to reset my stride and saw your FR there. Apparently my stride is 1 ft. 7 inches. My Dad laughed at that. His is something like 3 feet!

    Better close for now. Have a nice day everyone!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good afternoon everyone. It's been a great last few days for sleeping lately. I decided to try the herbal Estroven Night to see if it would help with my old lady symptoms and can't believe I am sleeping. I have to blend it in a smoothie before bed because I can't swallow the pill, so I drink it. It's amazing I think I am already getting some relief from it for sleep anyway.

    Yesterday was a beautiful day, low 70's and low humidity so I opened the windows and enjoyed it. We only get about 5 of those days per year so I try to really enjoy it when I can.

    Mygnsac-I love your duck in the pool story, isn't it great to see the wildlife surviving with us?

    Ugh! I agree that is taking it way too far and wonder just where are they depositing their waste? I hope not in the regular trash. Dumb people, waste is supposed to go to the sewer for treatment. Gross!!!!

    Sannferris, your pulley system looks great and I am so glad it is helping you continue on your healing.

    Happy day to everyone!

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited April 2015
    This is me today. You ever have one of those days?! Just can't get in synch with the rest of the fish. grumble.gif


    Anew, that's great that the Estroven Night is helping you sleep! I hope it keeps on working for you!!