Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning. The rain held off on Tuesday. The party went well. Kids had a lot of fun. Only mix-up was I forgot about doing the hot dogs in the crockpot so we did them in the broiler and it worked fine. The guy who works on my computer was here when I got home and hopefully what he did will keep me from having another blue screen.

    We got a good rain Tuesday night - over an inch - some places got more. Ponds could still use more. Since it had rained, DH decided to go with me so I revamped my errand list a bit. We got the oil on the car changed, got two boxes of books, I went a couple of place and he stayed in the car - it was cool enough that that worked. And he a book to read while we were at Lori's and I folded laundry and did the dishes. We left and some of them went out for a walk. Lori's trying to get her 5000 steps a day. She said it's 800 steps to walk around their block.

    This morning I walked with my friend. (Marcie, when we got back I gave her the sack with her fitbit - would have been fun to see her face). Soon we'll head off for Madden's time before the judge - only takes a few minutes but this is the last step of the adoption process. Then I'll be home to do stuff and I have Willing Workers this evening - I'm helping with refreshments. I have the easy part - cups, plates, napkins and nuts.

    Tomorrow I got asked to babysit for Derek and Lindsey. It's field day for the oldest. Our kids always wanted to have me at theirs so I want her to go. It will be my first time to have Madden. Lindsey said her sister is visiting but she's never babysat for just one so throwing four at her would be a bit much. This way her sister can go along for the field day if she wants. Then I'll do my errands after that and we might go to a band concert in the evening. It has been a full week (and next week is about the same).

    Sheryl, that's nice that your friends want to visit. Details will make a lot of difference and how long they want to stay too. I hope it works out.

    Marcie, any OKP hints - you said it was simple but you have to click on each thing to see if there's anything new to read. I'm not in the habit of going there yet either. I'm glad you were willing to do another long post. I'm doing this in Word and then will copy and paste. We're supposed to leave in 10 minutes but Ralph isn't home from the farm yet so...
    Glad you found some shoes. I have a friend that shops in the men's section to at times. I have a narrow foot . I did get a pair yesterday (almost felt I had too cause hubby wanted it done). Too many shoe stores for him. But I'll still wear the earth shoes more for awhile although they pull differently on my leg muscles. You've already put quite a few steps on your new ones.
    Thanks for the reminder. I need to hardboil some more eggs - good for the protein which I don't usually get. Yummy Cinco de Mayo meal - nice of the secretarial stuff to do that. And yay on the farmer's market - much longer growing season there. Glad your guy is back.
    Simon back to himself? I wonder how I would do if I logged less. But I enjoy the puzzle workings of it too. On days I don't log till evening, I usually come pretty close which is nice to know.

    Jannie, 24 hours - wow - are you busy for most of that? I know fireman work that way - I'd be tired too. The denim stuff seems to have a lot of pluses. I'll have to ask my son if he's tried it. Blocking more sounds would be nice. We insulated some inside walls but didn't feel like it did anything.

    Sheryl, that's fantastic about how close you are to full range motion. My sister hurt her arm once in a fall and just took care of it herself and I notice when she does some things that some PT would have helped her but she didn't want to go to a doctor. Sometimes it pays. And you are getting the full benefit.
    So sad for Christina. I was on facebook so we "talked a bit". I can't imagine what this is putting her through and then it doesn't sound like her disability went well. I'm glad you get to talk with her on the phone Sheryl. And thanks for going through all the names.
    Hang on to those encouraging emails for John. You can always show them to him again.

    Marcie, glad Jan has joined. I wish more would post too. But it does take time. I am thankful for each one of you who does. I see they tried to get Granny to join OKP. She said no but at least she replied.
    Guess I should get Pamela as a fitbit friend too. I didn't start out with this many but it pushes. It's funny cause I like some numbers better than others so that pushes me sometimes or if it gets so close to the next thousand, it pushes me. A lot of mine are done in the house. I gave my friend hers today. Thanks again for all your help with it.

    Sheryl, glad your dad is doing better. It's wonderful that your sister is so close and so willing. I know her type. Of course, you would do the same if you were closer.

    Meeting with the judge went quickly. He told them they should probably not adopt any more in 2015. :) I got to hold Madden as we walked out. We went to the DAV bookstore then - got two more boxes of books (fifty cents each). Came home and fixed some leftovers and now working on the have-tos of the day. Enjoy yours.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good Morning. yesterday was good, more mowing. I told John that today is the day...we go buy that tractor. I have no idea how long it takes from purchase to delivery, so it still may be awhile before we can use it. I can use the smaller mower in the front, but really need the tractor for the pasture areas. We only have 2 acres, but it's times like this that it feels like 20. The county came by with their equipment and mowed some grass/weeds growing in the front ditch along the road, but in the small area where the grass has gotten away from me, they only did the half that is closest to the road. So, I still need to get out there and clean that up. I usually have it totally free from vegetation.

    Well, once again, the sun is shining bright and showing off my super dirty windows. I'm sure you are tired of hearing me say that...time for me to get out there and wash those windows. I think I feel up to that chore now. I need to find an overhead job to use my arm and get it moving on a chore, however, being right handed I'm sure I will use my good arm for wiping down the windows. It's hard to utilize my left arm in chores that I've always used my right arm doing.

    Debora, I know what you mean about making the logging a puzzle. That's how I felt on NM and logged everyday and enjoyed it. I just can't seem to get that same feeling back to motivate me into logging everyday here. I know it's a mental thing, I just need to get my brain right.

    My folks are having so many problems right now that my sister is researching assisted living. I received an email from her that sounds like they are finally open to the possibilities. Please pray that she can find the perfect place and they are eager to move.

    We got information in yesterday's mail about John's cataract procedure, mainly confirming the appointment. John's response was "a week to go". Yay! much better response than "why am I doing this?"

    My mug needs a refill already, I'm chugging the coffee this morning.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good morning everyone, it's been a busy couple of days with today and tomorrow included in that time. We will be leaving for our trip shortly, I have been washing and cleaning and just trying to get ahead of myself here. Arthritis is kicking in real bad so I went to bed last night hurting really bad. My feet, hands and fingers are swollen and hurt a little but my back and legs are better with sleep. Kitty cat will be going to the sitter tonight so we won't have her to worry about for our trip. I'm excited, the time is coming and I can't wait to get on the road.

    I am making some peanut butter oatmeal balls, roasted veggies, boiled eggs, turkey chili, leek and potato soup and potato salad for the trip, I have also packed some sandwich things. We should be good on food for the whole trip, the leek and potato soup is for me, the potato salad is for hubby, he would live on it if I made it for him daily, lol. We'll take some fruit with us but enough to only make it through Texas, after that we will just buy when we make stops. Crossing over the state lines was a no no with fresh fruit and veggies before, I don't know if that has changed but I won't take any chances with having it confiscated, lol.

    As far as the chickens, I live in town, like main street is only one block away, that's why I don't think it would be allowed in my subdivision. There are lots of people in the county who have chickens and sell the eggs, I would sure like to have my own. A chicken tractor would be the way to go but don't think I have room for more than about three chickens. My yard is very small.

    Arobed53-You sure are busy, I'm glad the adoption went well.

    Jilhawki-I like the blue jean insulation, no gasses to give off and breathe in.

    Mygnsac-I did get your message, it came through my email and I responded, I guess you didn't get it then? I signed up there but haven't been back since, I just have too many things going on and I will resume when my trip is over. I think the site will be a great one from what I saw while browsing in there. I wonder if they will start a logging program like NM had? I sure hope so, I would be willing to pay a monthly rate for it too.

    I have wide feet as well and have a terrible time finding shoes, I have found that easy spirits are great for me. At least the Anti-Gravity style shoes. They have wide and extra wide for those that need them. Do you have a store called "The Walking Company" near you? Here is the website, thewalkingcompany.com/storelocator they take a 3D picture of your foot to see what footbed is best for you and find you shoes that should fit comfortable. I plan on stopping there in Tuscon and in San Diego if Tuscon shoe inventory doesn't work out for me.

    I have tried on some Vionics, vionicshoes.com/ and they seem to be comfortable but Dillards didn't have any wide ones. It seems the footbed on them is wider than a regular shoe is but still not wide enough, but I might try them in a regular again and see what I think about them, I might get away with it. I like the footbed support and the footbed can be replaced when it wears out. That must have been some kind of stink when the fire was going, yuck!

    Sannferris-I'm sorry to hear about Christina's family. How sad! I hope she can find strength to get through it. :'(

    I'm glad your husband is looking forward to the cataract surgery now, a definite nice change and your recovery is going so well. Yay!

    Welcome JannisMaureen(Jann1919) to MFP, I'm glad you came. Anyone else out there that hasn't posted yet? I'm glad you came. ;)

    I'm checking out now, if I missed someone I am sorry about that. I probably won't be back on for a while because I am getting ready to take off for a little while. I hope everyone stays safe and healthy.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hi all.

    Well, I think I've got the OKP website down now. They are still working on getting it perfected, which is expected for a new website, but I think they've done a great job. I wished there were more people posting over there though. If they don't start participating in the member forums and website challenges, it will become like NM was at the end, when hardly anyone ever posted anything, and the website will not succeed.

    Hmmm, I see you can also log food on FitBit. I logged a day and it was pretty easy.

    Don't know why, but I was craving a glazed doughnut this morning! I got to work and quickly popped open a container of raspberry yogurt and had that, a hardboiled egg and a tall glass of water. That killed the craving. Whew! I think it came from a stupid Krispy Kreme commercial I saw last night. I don't even like Krispy Kreme doughnuts!

    I think this weekend I'm going to spend some time cleaning out the closet in my bedroom. It's bursting at the seams and stuff needs to be purged. Closet cleaning is always such a chore for me. Ugh.

    As with anything, on the new OKP website, its just a matter of getting over there and using it. Clicking on everything and figuring it out...or ask Lynn and Susan if something is not clear. Odds are, if it's not clear to you, it's not clear to others. I've been pestering them since the launched the site, and they've made several changes. Over time it will become easier. And, Sheryl, the "Recipes" webpage on that site is not fleshed out yet. That is why there are no recipes. They state on that page that it will be populated as recipes are featured. I've also suggested they give us a way to categorize the recipes members post (I've posted a couple so far) so that we can all search for recipes by category. Something I always wished NM had done.

    One way on OKP to see if there are any new replies, the post you are following will appear at the top of the page when new replies are added. You can also see on the Forum page who the latest person to reply was and how old their reply is. Not perfect, but it is a way to quickly see if there has been any movement on a post you are following.

    One of the things I'm finding most annoying on the OKP site is I have to keep logging back in when after I've left the site. Only happens on mobile devices (like my Ipad...which is what I mostly use when I'm at home). I stayed signed in on the PC, but I rarely ever bother with the PC when I'm at home. Susan (susano) has been trying to figure it out, but so far it's still an issue.

    Lynn and Sue's first "Food" Challenge on the OKP site has had no participants but me. I posted several pics of my meals this week.

    Anew, I know you are probably not reading this now, but when someone from OKP sends you a message, you don't reply by email. You go to the OKP website, click on the personal message icon (the icon that looks like an envelope at the top of the page just like here on MFP). You use that envelope also if you want to send a personal message to another member. I'll have to check out those links you provided. My feet are not only wide, but long. I can get away with a 10-11 on sandals, but walking shoes I need either a women's 11.5 wide or a men's 10.5 wide. Very hard to find a women's 11.5 wide. I bough a men's 10.5 wide pair of New Balance shoes a few years ago that were perfect. Apparently they aren't made anymore though. Of course. I hope you have an enjoyable trip!!!

    I messaged Sue (Stacke on NM) over on OKP. She's definitely a busy lady. She also said she got a new Grandson in December!

    Sheryl, that sounds like a lot of work on your property! You certainly are getting your exercise!! Glad John is still ok with the upcoming procedure. Hope you get you tractor ordered. I'm sorry your Dad had such a hard time of it the other day. Assisted living will definitely be a huge adjustment for them. You are right about the order of the posts on the OKP website. I did send a suggestion that there be some sort of indicator to tell us a new reply has been added to a post we are following. We can receive email notifications, but that got too much for me so I turned that feature off. Kept filling up my email box!

    Debora, yay on Maddon's adoption! Was your area affected at all with all those tornadoes the other day?

    Jannie, now that you mention it, yes I am receiving that "fiber" message above the pie chart. Don't know why yet.

    I think I'll close and spend the rest of my lunch break walking around the city. I need to break in those new shoes...hopefully without breaking my feet!

    Have a lovely day everyone!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I bought the tractor. It gets delivered next Wednesday. Next week will be FULL, blood work on Monday, dentist on Tuesday, tractor arrives on Wednesday, John's right eye cataract on Thursday and his post-op check on Friday. I'm all hyped up for a busy, fulfilling week. Today, I plan to get out in the yard again and mow some more, plus spray the fence line for weed control. I finally remembered to buy some Epsom salts to make a homemade weed killer; vinegar, salts and Dawn liquid detergent. I have a huge "thing" for keeping the fence line clean and since nothing got done this past year, it looks terrible right now.

    I don't think I'll have time or energy for a full garden yet, but I plan to plant tomatoes and peppers. I'm sure I'll buy plants in the 4" pots, (they're selling for $1.99 right now), too late to start from seed now. I also will throw in some corn...it grows pretty fast and even if we don't eat it all, it makes great animal feed, all of our critters love corn.

    I talked to my sister last night, she had a full day with my dad. My dad is going in for a full body CAT scan on Tuesday. He has swelling on the left side of his body and no one can figure out why. He was going to get an ultra sound, but the doctor said yesterday that they will need more information than an ultra sound can provide. Something has triggered the doctors thinking there's a liver problem. I forgot exactly what it was that my sister mentioned. I was frantically trying to take notes as she told me about their day. Missed that one.

    My sister and I have been talking a lot about our folks needing assisted living and my sister brought it up yesterday. Mom is very receptive to assisted living, although, she was before too, it was my dad who said "no way". But, that was when he was still in better shape and could walk out to the patio or his garage and tinker with his projects. When we were speaking last night, he was asleep. After a bad night before and a very long day, when they got home from the doctors, he laid down and Praise The Lord, finally got some sleep. So, he doesn't know yet that my sister already made phone calls yesterday and appointments to visit places today and Monday and got the ball rolling. Over the phone, she found a place that sounds perfect, she visits there on Monday. A two bedroom, two bath apartment with living room and kitchen. Then my mom can have the living room for her big chair and tv and my dad can have his own room (the second bedroom) for tinkering and projects and his tv and not interfere with their actual bedroom for sleeping. Right now, in their own home, my mom has the family room and my dad has the living room for their separate tvs. They like different shows, so watch tv separately, except for Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune. Also, this place is located much closer to where my sister lives, so no more 45 minutes on the freeway each way. Sounds perfect, I hope it all works out. My sister talked to their tax guy and they can wait up to 2 years in assisted living before selling their house, without any tax liabilities. So, with the house still available, my sister thinks my dad will try it, because if things don't work out, we'll move them back home and get 24 hour live in care. I think Norma can talk my dad into anything...she's "Daddy's Girl". They definitely need a place with enough room that they are not on top of each other, a studio apartment is OUT!

    I mentioned over on the exercise post about shoes. I also am one who buys men's shoes because they are wider. I'm hoping that "When the Shoe Fits" has something that will fill my needs. I have heard they are very good, comfortable shoes, but expensive. I drive by the store on my way to Oncology, so one of these days soon, I must stop in. I'm still just looking for work shoes and walking shoes, I don't go anywhere that requires dressy shoes. I even wear my good work shoes for church, no more dress up shoes for me.

    Marcie, I have the picture in my mind...you briskly walking and getting a good workout and then turning around and doubling back and peeing on every bush and fire hydrant. Glad that Dad likes walking too, I usually park at the far end of any parking lot too. Not only is it great walking, but no one dings the car either.

    I need to get over to OKP and participate. If only to boost Lynn and Susan's morale. I'm sure they are excited and want to succeed and the only way to know that is for members to jump in there. I read about the challenge, but my food lately looks terrible, not photo worthy. I've got to step it up!!!!!

    Marcie, I thought you said that you had posted recipes over there, that's why I couldn't figure out why the "Recipes" section was blank. It looks like it will be easy to find stuff once it's in there, I like the categories.

    I guess that's it for now. Need to refill my mug.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, I got caught up on everyone's posts but I didn't take notes this time so I don't know how much I'll remember to comment on.

    Debora and Jannie, Call the Midwife sounds interesting but I just convinced hubby to start recording "when calls the heart" on the hallmark channel so I don't know if/when he'll be willing to start watching something else that can be kinda considered a "woman type" show.

    We had our free concert at the library today. It was a gal named Peggy Watson who is basically a folk singer. She has a very pretty voice and her songs were nice. I had a buy one get one free for this new local "fresh and healthy" indian food restaurant called Kasi so I convinced Dan to go there after the concert even though our entertainment budget will be blown to pieces this month because it is Dan's birthday on the 12th, we'll get together for lunch with anew on the 18th, then our wedding anniversary is the 21st. I told him all the meals can be relatively inexpensive so we should be ok. Anyway, the food was delicious, there was tons of it, I had enough leftovers for another lunch, and the whole thing only cost a total of $13 for both of us. Yay!

    Sheryl, so glad you ordered the tractor. Did you try to negotiate at all? Also very happy to hear that John seems to be okay with the cataract procedure. Hope it stays that way. Thanks for the update on Judy and Granny. Please give them my love. Very sorry to hear about your dad. Hopefully they will figure it out and it won't be anything serious. I also hope he agrees to give the assisted living a try. Some of those apartments can be pretty nice. I am also very sorry to hear about Christina's loss. Poor thing has been through so much!

    I can really relate to what you are all saying about having such wide feet. I also have big wide feet. I wear a 9 1/2 to a 10 wide. I think that is part of my problem is that a lot of my shoes aren't wide enough on the bottom and are hitting the bottom of my bunion funny and causing pain. It is better this week though. I have loosened my shoes whenever possible and have been careful how I step - trying not to bend the ball of my foot too much. We have a couple of different "healthy" foot stores around here but they are very expensive. I really can't spend $100 or more on shoes right now.

    We got some really nice rain yesterday. Yay!!! Then it was an absolutely beautiful day today. Dan and I went outside and transplanted several house plants and one outdoor plant to bigger pots today. It was actually a lot of work but felt good to get it done.

    I too have visited OKP briefly. I'll have to get over there and comment more often. I'll check and see if I can figure out the friend invites. I hope they get the comments out of order thing straightened out. That was a bit confusing on the Alzheimer's post I was following.

    Ok, I've rattled on long enough! Hello to everyone else. Have a wonderful blessed rest of your day and see you soon!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    First thing Friday morning (at 7) Ralph and I headed to town to leave our main car to be worked on. I brought him home and then headed off to babysit. Babysitting for the 4 kids went okay. How Lindsey does it every day. Wow. It was the busiest when I was getting a snack for the 4, 3 and 20 month old and Madden woke up and wanted his bottle. I went to another town then to do my errands. When I got to the bank, Julie told me that she had met with this guy and he told her he is interested in her and they discussed things since the girl he was dating is a good friend of Julie. She told him he still had to meet with us. Ralph ended up going have a load of soybean meal so I had the rest of the day at home which I guess wasn't a lot since it was almost 4 when I got home.

    Today we went and watched Jeremiah and Lucy play volleyball. Lucy just kind of stands there. Jeremiah tries to get every ball he can. He is very competitive whatever he does. They haven't won a lot of games but the third game they did and Jeremiah was going the serving so that was fun. We went and bought more boxes (for shipping books) and grape juice on sale and then went to Lori's house until time to meet with Matthew. He had already eaten so we talked while we ate. Of course we knew what he wanted - our permission to date Julie. And we said there needs to be some time but we're not opposed to it. While we were there, it started raining (maybe pouring is a better word) so we waited a bit before leaving. Our car was done (parts they had put in last August did not last so had to redo it so didn't have to pay for parts) so drove to the town where it was to get it. Rained hard the whole way there - not as bad on the way home.

    Ralph finished boxing up the books so the dining room table is almost clear and there are 11 boxes packed to go. 4 1/2 of them are filled with Bibles. I fixed supper, walked with Leslie for the exercise and to get steps, finished getting the lesson ready for Sunday School, and some other stuff. I cut up a watermelon, some peppers and an onion for dinner tomorrow but that's about all I had to do. I had chips and cookies left over from the party so decided I'd do hamburgers - they are easy too. So I don't even have a lot to do before church.

    Sheryl, yay on getting the tractor and you don't even have too long of a wait to get it. 2 acres is a lot to mow. Windows - you wash them. Mine don't get it done too often even if they do need it. :) But feel free to do yours anytime. Sounds like your sister has found an ideal place for your parents. I pray it all works out. Smart for them to do a CAT scan and check everything out on your dad.

    Anew, you won't read this till you get home, but have a great trip. Sorry your arthritis is acting up. Hopefully, when you get traveling, it will ease up. You're got it all thought through well. WTG on getting all the food made. It's beginning to sound like I'm the only one that doesn't have wide feet. I was like a 3N as a teenager but think they are wider now.
    Marcie, I hear you on needing posts on OKP. I haven't made it there much yet. It's not that I don't want to but I haven' t taken the time. Elaine does all her logging on fitbit I think but she said the food database is not as good as MFP's. How's the closet cleaning going.
    No, we were not affected by the tornadoes. We were in town so went over to Lori's but all we got was wind and a little rain. Thanks for checking.

    Sheryl, in my book, tomatoes and peppers are the most important things to plant. :)

    Isabella, how nice to have the Hallmark channel. I think I'd enjoy When Calls the heart. You can remember Call the Midwife for the future. Cool on the good deal on eating out. It's a month for you to celebrate.

    I've been asked to help in the nursery at the Community Bible School (for the kids of those who teach). I'll talk it over with Ralph but will probably do it. I like to help when I can.

    Well, I'm sure there's more I could say but I just looked at the clock and I should head to bed. I hope you all have a good day tomorrow. We aren't all mothers but we all had mothers who impacted our lives. Good night.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited May 2015
    Debora, I received your check today. Thanks for rounding up! I do that too.

    While I was out and about today I stumbled on a new seafood restaurant. Stopped in for lunch and had ono for the first time (yum, but a bit rare for my taste) with a sweet chili sauce, fingerling potatoes, and asian salad, and creme brulee for the first time (super-duper yum!). It was a really nice place, but a bit expensive. Won't go there a lot.



  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Stuff on the dog. Seeing how long before he realized his favorite tuggy-rope was on his butt!

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    And, How Long Did It Take?????

    Good Morning. I am so excited, talked to my sister after she visited 2 of the 3 facilities yesterday. The 3rd visit is scheduled for tomorrow, but we've almost positively decided on the one in Redlands. The final decision will be Mom and Dad's, but, of course, we can sway them our way. ha ha

    Here is their web site mission-commons

    It looks pretty luxurious, but our folks have scrimped and saved and invested well, so it's time they enjoy their savings. After adding up all that they pay for now on a monthly basis, (caregiver 3 days a week plus extra electricity for Dad's oxygen concentrator on 24 hours a day and the life alert system), with meals and utilities provided, it almost comes out even. They can get a two bedroom apartment, available in 3 weeks, enough time to plan the move, but not too rushed. The master bedroom is 11'6" x 11'6" with it's own bathroom and the other bedroom, Dad's playroom/workshop, is 13' 8" x 12'. The living room is 30' x 12' with the kitchenette at one end. And another bathroom for guests. Or his and her bathrooms, however it works out. They have an inside hallway entrance and a door out onto the patio area. All meals are provided and they can easily reach the dining room from either inside or outside. If they aren't feeling well enough to get to the dining room, they can request the meal delivered to their unit. There's activities galore and also a Veteran's Club, my Dad will love that, all the guys getting together to tell their war stories. They offer a van service, with 24 hours notice, to take them to any appointments, Or, they can have their own car (they will have an assigned parking place) even though they don't drive anymore, for $10.00 per hour, a caregiver will drive them and be with them for appointments. Norma likes that idea, if we can get the same caregiver each time to remember what the doctor says. She noticed that this past week, my dad couldn't remember what was going on at his appointments. Plus, they will be so much closer to Norma, that she can take off a few hours to go to the appointments instead of leaving work all day like she has to now.
    Then, the added bonus is that Norma knows one of the managers of this place, from her teaching days. Norma was this woman's daughters teacher in school. So, Norma has a contact to easily discuss anything that comes up.

    There are social activities and exercise activities which Mom really needs. Dad will fit in perfectly, but Mom is a "pill".

    Back to the Life Alert system, Norma found out that Dad fell the other night and laid on the floor for hours until he could get himself up. All he had to do was push the button and get help, but neither Mom nor Dad would push the button, so that's money wasted, not to mention the disaster health-wise. I don't know what's wrong with these people.

    I'll submit this before I lose it and come back to tell you about John. I had a exasperating day yesterday.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited May 2015
    Before I go on to John, I remembered I want to mention two more things. Dad is very happy to move now, probably because of the stuck on the floor for hours during the night thing. So, both Mom and Dad are on board with assisted living. And, that this place is also very close to the Urgent Care and hospital that Norma is familiar with, where her husband spent a lot of time when he was so sick. Norma said that the care Don received was exemplary and she is very pleased. If Norma can get all of their insurance stuff moved over to a new group, that pretty much clinches the deal and it is meant to be.

    I received an updated list of inventory parts that the guy in Eastern Oregon wants and was working on it yesterday. As I had questions, I'd check with John and finally, he said his stuff is not for sale. What?!?!?!?

    After quite a discussion, I had to drop it or I would have said something I would regret. He ended with "it's only reasonable to sell the vehicles first, then the parts, because if he needs any parts to fix up a vehicle, he wants those parts available". Well, that is reasonable, but, what he doesn't realize is that he can no longer work on any vehicle, I'm selling it all "as is", most not running and many need brake work. He said right now, I can sell any and all of MY stuff, which is 3 vehicles and a fraction of the parts, but not his. So, I will. And then go from there.
    Maybe today, John will have forgotten yesterday and we can start all over.

    He wants to buy and erect a couple car ports so that the old trucks outside will be under cover. Ridiculous, the old trucks outside are junk and if we can sell a few vehicles, then everything we have left will be under cover, either in the garage or the barn. I yearn for the day when the driveway is clear and we don't look like a junk yard to those driving down the street.

    Ha, I got myself all riled up again by just typing this, time for another mug of coffee.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Happy Mother's Day to everyone whether you are a mother/grandmother/godmother/mother figure, kudos to all :)
    I am working but just wanted to wish everyone a great day!!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Thanks Jannie, Happy Mother's Day to you.

    John just got up and asked "are we going anywhere today?" I said "no, we'll stay home and work around here". Then I remembered that I want to give him a haircut and beard trim, so I told him "I do plan to cut your hair", he said in his pathetic Eeyore voice, "I wish I had a plan".

    I said "YOU can follow MY plan". He perked up and replied, "I should have kept my mouth shut". HA HA HA

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hope you have all had a nice day. SS went good. Good message in church (although a little long). Had hamburgers for dinner. Since I had to teach, Ralph went in to church for Derek and Lindsey since they had Deacon and Madden dedicated. Julie was going to video it for me so I can still see it. Last ones left about 4 and I've done my list for tomorrow, moved a little every half hour and am just relaxing now. Tomorrow is 4-H so that will be my focus. This week seems very full to me so I need to sort of map things out. I also said yes to help out in the nursery at the Community Bible School - fortunately that's not until the first week in June. Had a project I wanted to get started this month but I'm thinking it won't happen. In time.

    Marcie, looks like a good seafood place - quite a bit of food. They do well with their presentation. I'm with Sheryl, how long was his favorite toy on Cisco's back.

    Sheryl, that's so exciting to have found such a nice place for your folks and they are on board. Cannot believe they would not push the button when that's what it's for. Moving them will still be a job but God is sure putting things in place for you. Beautiful place. Good for them and your sister with how close it is. I have a friend whose mom did not want to leave her home and then some medical things made it happen and she loved the home she was put in. Wondered then why she waited so long so hopefully your mom will get involved in things and enjoy it.
    Sorry for the exasperating day with John. Maybe you need to record things when he's on board and you could play it back. Will pray he'll go through with it. Cataract procedure is getting closer. And it's still happening.
    Did the haircut happen? Ralph needs one too. It's finding a free evening that's the problem. He hasn't complained about it yet so I'll keep quiet too for now. Love the Eeyore voice.

    Jannie, thanks for the greetings. Hope your day of work was calm.

    Think I'll head over to OKP for a bit.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I went over to the exercise post first today and posted photos of the mowing I did yesterday. Felt like I accomplished a lot. It was suppose to start raining during the night, but so far, it's still dry. The news states "rain is on the way" and staying all week. You'll see the pile of barkdust in the center of that future garden area and I think, once I get the barkdust spread and the tarp picked up, I can plant in that smaller center area this year, the tarp will have killed off all the grass and protected all the worms underneath and it will be fertile for planting. Next year, I'll till the whole area and have a bigger garden. Closer to the trees, I can have a sitting area, look at the garden and be protected by the coolness of the trees. I love the way Carla has sitting areas throughout her gardens. The only drawback for me is that the neighbor has dogs and maybe sitting out there will just cause them to bark, non-stop.

    Today is haircut day, for sure, didn't get done yesterday.
    Tomorrow, I have a dentist appointment and, like Granny had to after her hip replacement, I have a regimen of antibiotics I need to take, before and after the appointment. I have let my teeth go for so long, I know it will take several appointments to get them back in good condition. The nurse gave me enough antibiotics for 5 sessions.

    Wednesday, we'll stay home and anxiously await our new tractor to be delivered. And then, Thursday is John's cataract removal, and Friday is post-op check-up. This will be a busy week.

    Anew is on her way out West. Anxious to hear all about the wedding and the meet-up with Isabella. How exciting.

    Marcie, it's Monday morning again, already, time for work. Hope you had a great weekend.

    Debora, your schedule is phenomenal to me, always on the go and either helping the kids or simply watching their activities. I'm sure it's very fulfilling, but tires me out, ha ha ha

    I'm learning more about Facebook. Christina has been messaging me, which is interesting to me. Instant response and easier than talking on the phone since talking tires us both out. In this case, it turns out to be easier to type. And, we get answers right away, not waiting for an email reply. We both keep it short. I sent her a box of Trader Joe's goodies that she should get today. I hope it puts a smile on her face for a moment. She has so much tragedy going on. I don't remember if I mentioned that she had a hearing for her SSI benefits. They apparently don't know anything about Chiari and someone in the hearing suggested that she can find work on an assembly line. Really???? Then, they said she could do telemarketing from home. I know for a fact that she can't talk on the phone very long. Our conversations are always short, there's no way she could be on the phone all day. She feels that the hearing went so badly, she will not get benefits and that puts such a financial burden on Jason. I hope her lawyer can find some way to pull this off.

    I'll get another refill in my mug and go over to OKP.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    I posted this mistakenly over in the Exercise post. I had meant for it to go here. Ugh.
    mygnsac wrote: »
    Hi everyone.

    I hope you had a nice weekend. I ran a lot of errands and did a lot of shopping, so my wallet is happy I'm back to work! Yesterday I went clothes shopping, needed some more work, exercise, and "around the house" pants, ran to the grocery store to get some turkey for the week, and then to the pet store to get Simon some more cat food. I sure wished they would sell his food in the grocery stores! Saturday was shoe, grocery shopping, got gas, and got my car washed.

    I made no pot of something this week. Just boiled some eggs, steamed some whole green beans, and roasted some potatoes. I think Dad and I need a break from the pot of something this week! We have lots of canned beans in the pantry if he wants beans this week. He needs to get those eaten anyways. I always make beans, so the canned ones aren't getting eaten. Maybe I'll blend some up this week and make a bean hummus. That's always good.

    While I was out and about yesterday, I noticed the Hallmark store that has been by my grocery store forever, is closing. Seems like every time I blink my eyes, a store around here is shutting down. Recently Radio Shack, and now Hallmark. The lady at Hallmark said they are closing because the people who own that franchise are retiring. Everything in the store is 40% off, so I bought dad a couple t-shirts and stocked up on some greeting cards.

    I was going to go to the bank to deposit that check for the Fitbit that Debora sent me, and then my Dad asked why I don't just use the Credit Union app on my smarthphone to deposit it. Takes me awhile to catch up to these new fangled things! Really cool. Just had to take a pic of the front and backside of the check and it was deposited. Too easy.

    It took Cisco the other night a couple minutes to figure out where his tuggy-rope was. Ha! He's so cute. Every night he either brings me his favorite ball or his tuggy-rope and lays it down at my feet. But, as soon as I bend over to pick it up, he dives for it. It's one of his favorite games. Make em bend over for nothing! Once I get the other end of his tuggy-rope, he latches on the other end and tugs until I cry uncle. The vet said tug ropes are great for them, but we should never tug on our end. Just let the dog do the tugging. Works for me.

    It was nice seeing you all over on OKP. I hope you make it over there as you can. I posted a few recipes today, and answered the Weekly Food Challenge. So far, it's just Sheryl and me on that challenge. Last week it was just me. Hope more reply this week.

    Sheryl, what a great area for a garden. I wished I had that kind of space in my backyard, but then again, my skin would yell at me working in the yard. Great pic of John and the chickens. We used to have blackberry vine along our fence in the backyard, but Dad pulled them out a couple years ago and they haven't returned. The bird and other critters usually got to the berries before us anyways. The hole where the tree was...was that the tree you showed a pic of that had been leaning and that you were trying to save, or another tree?

    Debora, I hope to hear those cheers about your foot not hurting soon! I doubt I'll be that much competition on Fitbit. I had a big walking day on Friday, but then didn't go for any walks this weekend. I plan to take a nice long walk today at lunchtime, and maybe another one tonight after it gets dark. Trying for at least 10,000 steps today.

    Well, I should close and get back to work now. You all have a wonderful week!

    Got that walk in. Nearly 2 miles. It's so windy out there today, and I was walking against the wind the whole time!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Just about the only thing I got accomplished yesterday was John's haircut and beard trim. Now, he's ready to go out. I think he is anxious for the cataract procedure, both nervous and anxious in a good way, I've really been talking up about how much better he will see. He keeps asking what day it is and how much longer he has to wait.

    Norma called me and there is no problem at all changing the folks' Health Care plan over to another group. The group they have now only serves L.A. County and the move to assisted living will put them in Orange County. When Norma called Mom and Dad to tell them, Dad said, "OK, did you sign the contracts?" Norma said, "No, I'm just doing the leg work, the final decision is yours". She is making an appointment to take them out there to see the apartment and have lunch in the dining room. She and I are so excited that Mom and Dad are "on board" and ready to move. She told me that she can handle this move and doesn't need me down there until we are ready to sell the house in Pasadena. That's great, I have plenty to do up here in the next few months.

    John is so funny, if you remember, he cancelled our vacation to go to California in 2013, said it was too far to ride in the car. Well, yesterday, I was telling him about the plans to move Mom and Dad and he asked what we were going to do about their house. I told him the options and eventually, we'd sell the place:

    John: What's in the garage?
    Me: JUNK! Dad saved anything and everything that "might come in handy one day"
    John: I LOVE Junk, can I go through it?
    Me: Absolutely, I want you to come with me and we'll go through everything.
    John: Can I bring some home?
    Me: You can have anything you want that will fit in the car. Absolutely, you come with me and you can have what your heart desires.

    I'll do whatever it takes to get him to come with me, I can't imagine leaving him at home alone anymore. Now, if he'll remember all this!!!

    Today, I go to the dentist, gotta remember to take those antibiotics before and after. I have big notes all over the kitchen counter.

    I'll get my mug refilled and go over to OKP.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good afternoon.

    Just got back from a walk around town. I've been walking on my lunch breaks, so I'm having to squeeze in the eating thing while I work at my desk.

    Got in over 17,000 steps yesterday. I don't think I'm going to make that today. So far I have 6050 steps. As long as get to 10,000, I'm good today. Last night I was a few hundred steps shy of 17,000, so I just started walk around the living room until I hit again. Once again, Cisco just got out of the way and looked at me like I was crazy.

    I got home from my walk around the neighborhood last night and Cisco talked me into taking him for a walk. I think he thinks this is the routine now. I go for a walk and then come get him and go for another walk. I'm going to have to start sneaking out for my walk and break that routine!! That dog figures stuff out. Either that, or as soon as I leave Dad starts asking him where I am, and he get's all excited trying to find me, and just about attacks me when I get back. I wouldn't put it passed Dad to do that. Have I said recently that he can be such a brat sometimes?!

    I had to attend a 2.5 hour long presentation (Bomb Incident Familiarization Training) this morning. It was presented by the head of the local bomb squad. He goes around to state agencies, schools, libraries, malls, businesses, etc. to give us information on what to do when we come across suspicious packages, substances, etc. The meeting was long (it's hard for me to sit in the hard auditorium chairs for that long, so during the last 30 minutes I just stood up in the back...I should have paced up and down and got in more steps, ha!), but interesting, and a bit scary. The officer had a good sense of humor. Help to lighten it up.

    Today's lunch, which I'm eating as I write this, is just some vanilla greek yogurt with pumpkin seed granola and a hard boiled egg, but it sure is good. I think I let myself get to hungry. The only thing I ate this morning was some dry cereal on the commute to work. I was running late, and then that meeting messed with my morning routine. I'll do better tomorrow.

    I stopped at the Farmer's Market on my walk earlier to pick up another loaf of that multiseed, multigrain, raisin bread that I got last week. Dad and I really liked it (he of course picked out the raisins cause "raisins don't belong in bread"). Anyway, the woman at the stand really ticked me off today. I asked her if she had a list of the ingredients and nutritional information on the bread. She handed me this large plastic sign that included a list of the ingredients (no nutritional info). I asked her if she had the info printed out so I could take it with me. She said, no, you can just take a picture of it. I said, I don't have a phone with me. She got snarky with me and told me I need to get with the times and carry a phone. By this time steam was starting to leak from my ears, ha! I told her, thanks for the advise, but I prefer to leave my phone in the office when I go for walks. She went on to "advise" me that I should always carry my phone with me. What if someone is trying to call me (um, they can just leave a message) or if there is an emergency (um, I'm wearing a work badge that has my info on it), and um, it's none of her business. Ok, done venting! Suffice it to say, I will not be buying her bread again.

    After work yesterday I stopped at the pet store to get Simon some more cat food, and since Round Table pizza was right next door I thought, why not, and got a small personal size cheese pizza and some salad from the salad bar. It's been a long time since I've gone there, and I was not impressed. So salty! I guess I was just used to that in the past. I'll probably not go back there again.

    Over the last 3 days I've lost 1 pound. I think all this walking is helping nicely! I usually only weight once every week or two, but I was curious this week.

    I think we need to submit a complaint to the post office. Every time they have a substitute postman in our neighborhood, he always seems to mess it up. Yesterday he delivered in error to our neighbor a package of Dad's (his pills)! Our regular postman is terrific, but it never goes well when he's taking time off.

    Sheryl, I was going to ask if you and John can fly down south, but then he wouldn't be able to bring back all that stuff. Ha! It sounds like Norma is doing such a great job with your parents. I'm glad they aren't objecting to this big move.

    Well, better finish the day. Have a wonderful evening everyone.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited May 2015
    On the drive home from work I stopped by our little neighborhood park and walked for awhile to build up some more steps. Some pics of the park. You can see how dry it is. We're supposed to get some rain on Thursday, not much though. It was a long commute home, so I wound up having to use the porta-potty at the park. I haven't been in one of those things in over 20 years. Ha! Luckily they keep it pretty clean.




    This is where the sidewalk ended and the dirt path started.


  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Marcie--since the park is named after me, I better come visit it! Love the pics :)