Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Beautiful pooches Jannie and I love the cabinet choice. Very rich looking!

    Marcie, glad they got the crown re-sized. Hopefully that will help.

    Not much new here. Enjoying my staycation. I got thru 2 piles of papers yesterday - and 2 to go now. I'll get started on those in a little while. I'm going to go have some breakfast. Bye for now.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    I love all these pics. Thanks for sharing.
    Spent some time this morning composing an email for all our cousins to update them on Mom and Dad. Then, sent it to my sister for her approval before sending it out. The move to assisted living is scheduled for June 1st. Norma is taking my dad to an oncologist tomorrow and hopefully, we'll get clarification on the diagnosis. At the same time, I'll be taking John to get his left eye done. We'll connect tomorrow night to share information.

    I may not get here in the morning, we need to leave by 8 am. But, I'll fill you in on everything when I can.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Enjoyed yesterday morning at home and was ready to head off at 2. I wore my jacket - just a cool day. I did the few dishes at Lori's and Thomas helped me fold the laundry. I ordered pizza for supper from a place down the street. Really good taste so I ate 2 pieces (should have done 1 1/2). Then dad and the two kids rode with me to the volleyball game. They didn't win but they did well. The baseball game was cancelled and I wasn't going to stay anyway cause it was so cool so I headed home and did my list.

    This morning we walked inside the church - cool and damp outside. Then I've had the day at home. Got the sheets changed, made turkey vegetable soup and angel biscuits for dinner and pancakes for supper, looked over the nursery material (won't just be babysitting) for Bible School, got things set up for going to my Uncle's funeral on Friday and more. I plugged away on things. Right now we're getting ready to head for a church meeting. We'll vote on the new pastor and a speaker for our Bible conference. I don't expect it to be a long evening but who knows. Because we'll be gone Friday, I'll get my shopping list done in the morning and then head for town. And we can just eat leftovers from today.

    Marcie, most of my steps are done walking around the house. I try and get up and walk so many times every 30 minutes. That works better than a longer stretch every hour and keeps me from sitting so much. And the rest is the 30 minutes or so of walking with my friend or Leslie. It doesn't just happen.
    I like all the neat signs in Gibbons Park. The things they have you do are not terribly complicated. I even did a couple as I read them. Nice for people that live in town.

    Sheryl, Norma has her hands full with getting your parents to say yes to each other. At least they both said yes to her. They both seem to think the move will be good.
    So excited - tomorrow is Thursday and John gets the other eye done. At least he is ready to do it this time.

    Isabella, sort of sad that you have to work on sorting papers on your stacation. But it's also nice that you have the time to do it. I certainly hope you were successful on the relaxing part of your day.

    Jannie, there are so many decisions when you do any project like that. I like the color of the cupboards you are having. Your dogs look content. Wow, your co-worker has a lot to go through. Won't be easy.

    Meeting only lasted a half hour - good devotional. Vote was 95% for and they called him right away and he accepted so he'll be here in about 60 days. It was such a short meeting, everyone was having a good time visiting. I'm finishing up my list now so I can head for bed.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, I'm up extra early this morning. Woke up by a hot flash about 3:30 am and was so hot, I couldn't go back to sleep. It usually passes quickly and I can easily get back to sleep, so it must be that I'm excited about getting John's left eye done. John is anxious too, he asked me several times last night to be sure to wake him up on time.

    Norma spent last night at Mom and Dad's so she'd already be there this morning and can get Dad ready for his appointment. She plans to spend the entire long weekend there and start packing for them. She hired movers to come on June 1st for the furniture and her oldest son, Brent, will be there also to help her with their small stuff, personal stuff and papers, financials, etc. everything in the file cabinet.

    It should be an easy transition because the house will remain intact for awhile and what ever they forgot or changed their mind in wanting with them, Norma can drive to the house and pick it up.

    Not too much else to say right now. I might as well have another mug of coffee before my shower.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Cutting Ralph's hair has been on my list for several days. Now that we're going to the funeral tomorrow, he wants it done today. Not my favorite job but.... I'll get my attitude in gear.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Attitude is Everything.

    I feel your pain.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    We're home, actually, we've been home about 3 hours, but flopped down in our chairs and rested. John fell asleep and that's probably the best thing for him. The surgery went very well. It's so interesting to me, what John remembers and what he does not. He remembered that this procedure would be very good for his vision and he wanted it, but while we were there, following the exact same steps that we did last week, he did not remember any of that. He did not recognize the doctor or any other staff, they were all new people to him. He did not remember the waiting room. I'm just so thankful that he remembered that it's good to cooperate.

    The one week check-up on his right eye showed that he's 75% healed, vision is 20/30 and everything looks normal.

    I just talked to my mom and Norma, the oncology appointment went well, but still did not reveal new info. One doctor had referred to liver cancer and another doctor said colon cancer that has also reached the liver. Norma thought that today's doctor might be able to clarify what kind of cancer, but in order to do that, a whole bunch more tests are needed including a colonoscopy. The CAT scan shows that it's spread so far, that the doctor said an option is just letting it take it's course and keep Dad comfortable. That's what Dad decided he wants. No tests and no aggressive treatment, just hospice care. Fortunately, Dad is in no pain, just extremely weak and always tired.

    I need to go put eye drops in John's eye now. Talk to you later.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning all,
    We had a wonderful anniversary day yesterday. We had our couples massage at 11:15. We had 2 left from when we bought them 2 years ago so these will be our last (at least for quite a while) and we are OK with that. We both had a massage person we hadn't had before. Mine was a male and his technique was VERY firm. I don't know why I didn't tell him to go lighter. I guess I figured I probably needed it. My back was a bit sore afterward and I took some ibuprofen.
    I made us a nice lite lunch afterward then we relaxed and read for a while before we walked to the Chinese restaurant and had dinner. We made sure to cut out all the extras so we wouldn't over eat and over spend. I mentioned to the server that it was our anniversary and she brought us a free dessert of fried bananas. They were tasty but put us over the top because we ate all of our meal. I had chop suey though which is chock full of veggies so I didn't feel too bad about it.
    Turns out the movie I wanted to rent isn't out until 6/9/15 so we decided to just watch one of the movies we have recorded. We watched 2 of them. :) "Made for Each Other" with James Stewart and Carole Lombard (1939). It was a bit heavy but ended well. Then we watched a hallmark movie called "A Ring by Spring". This was of course a bit lighter.

    Marcie, I'm guessing that we are not seeing you here as often because we have been displaced by your walking at breaks and lunch. This is a worthy reason and I'll gladly step aside. :)

    Debora, glad the meeting went well and went quickly. Nice to see light at the end of the tunnel with knowing the pastor will be there in 60 days. I'm not surprised that taking on the nursery will not be just babysitting. Even those tiny minds can be fed although I think it will be quite the challenge. I can remember how difficult it was to keep 3 year olds engaged (when I taught 3yr old Sunday school) so I can't even imagine the really little ones.

    Sheryl, So glad that your parents decided to go ahead with the move. June 1st will be here quickly. Sorry again about your dad. I think I would make the same decision at that point.
    Yay that John had his other eye done and that all went well. I bet he is even more amazed today at how well he can see! It is interesting as to what they remember. I can see how being in the same situation a week later would really make it noticeable.

    My local community has their farmers market on Friday mornings so I usually can't go. Since I am off this week I think I will go visit their little market instead of the one I usually go to on Saturdays.

    See you all later.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good morning everyone.

    I'm pooped. I just got back from my lunch break walk. I didn't walk quite as far as I did yesterday. Yesterday that walk was 9,000 steps (14,000 by the end of the day) and today its 6,000 so far. I'll stop by the park on the way home and crank out some more steps there, and maybe walk around the parking garage later today. That day when I left my FitBit home pretty much sealed the deal on my not winning the FitBit Workweek Hustle challenge. I have gotten back up to third place, but Courtney has taken up residence in first place! Doubt I'll be able to evict her. Ha! Christina is nipping at my heals in fourth place.

    I picked a bunch of kumquats this week from our tree. It was getting heavy with the things. I save a few to infuse in water, but most of them I bagged up and took to work. Gave them to three of my kumquat-loving coworkers. One of them made a "Tropical Kumquat Cake" last night, and brought me a piece today. Wow was that ever good. I posted the recipe out in the main forum. Definitely not low cal or low sugar, but not bad for once in a while. The citrus taste from the kumquats and the pineapple taste really come through. Another coworker is going to make kumquat jam. She says it's a really nice orange marmalade alternative. The third coworker and her family just like to eat the kumquats whole. Even with the sweet rind on it, it's too sour for me to do that.

    Yesterday as I was leaving for work, I noticed something black was laying out in the backyard. I just thought it was a piece of a palm tree leaf. Turns out it was a small dead skunk. I'm so glad Dad got it picked up before Cisco discovered it. He probably would have buried it for a rainy day. Ick! That was a really young skunk. I have a feeling a bird of prey snagged it, then lost it's grip up in the air. With all the little critters that pass through our yard (skunks, birds, squirrels, raccoons, etc.) it always amazes me that we very rarely see a dead one.

    Debora, I've been doing that too lately. Not letting myself sit for too long a period. Cisco thinks I'm nuts. As soon as he gets all comfy in his dog bed, I pop up out of my chair. When I'm walking around the house, he feels it's his job to be my shadow, so he groans a little and then gets out of his bed to follow me. Ha! Here he is, comfy in bed...but not for long. He's just about ready to groan at me because I'm getting up again!


    Here he is with his new tuggy toy. I found this cool little discount store that sells these for a buck each. I bought 7 of them. He is not kind to his tuggy toys!


    Yesterday while I was walking at lunchtime I found a new Italian restaurant and popped in for a quick lunch. This was so good. They make everything fresh there. It's a little pricey there though (it's located right in the middle of the banking district downtown), but someplace I may go to once in a while. Conchiglie al pollo...I didn't even attempt to pronounce it. I just pointed and said "that!" (Shell pasta, chicken breast, broccoli, sun-dried tomatoes, pecorino cheese, roasted garlic and trebbiano wine). So good.


    Sheryl, it just makes me so sad about your Dad. I sure hope they can keep out of as much pain as possible in his final days. That's great that they decided to move forward with the move. How's John doing today. At least he has the cataract surgery done and out of the way now. I hope he heals up with no complications.

    Isabella, sounds like you and hubby had a nice anniversary! I can't stand massages. Whenever anyone gives me a coupon for a free massage, I always pass it on to someone. My Mom always told me I was weird not liking massages. Ha! Hope you find some deals at the Farmers Market.

    Bye all. Have a wonderful weekend!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited May 2015
    That kumquat cake sounds wonderful Marcie! Nice that she shared with you. Cisco is so cute in his bed. Too funny that he groans and then gets up and follows you. It will be interesting to see if he keeps it up.

    I had a really nice day at the farmer's market. It is a small market to begin with and there were even less vendors today because there were intermittent drizzles. I found everything I needed all at one vendor though and for $12 I got kale, chard, Japanese cucumbers, cilantro and a 3 pack of strawberries. Pretty good I thought!

    A grocery store chain called Haggen has bought out all the Albertsons stores and some Vons stores in our area so I decided to stop in to one and see what they are all about. Well, they pretend to be "green" but they are basically Albertson's with higher prices. I WAS NOT impressed and will not be going back. I don't shop at those stores any more any way. If there is something I need at a "conventional" grocery store I go to Ralphs. They have come a long way and are really pretty decent for a regular grocery store. I did score though - they are closing out the Albertson's brand items so they were selling the organic frozen fruit at half price so I got them for $1.99 each. I use them in my Greek yogurt at work so I stocked up.

    Ok, I'm going to go hang out with hubby now. See you all tomorrow.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good Morning.

    Great on the deals you got, Isabella. Our Albertson's are closing here too, but no one to replace them yet, just a lot of big empty buildings. One location is now a Salvation Army Family Thrift Store. I quit going to Albertson's years ago, the one that was handy for me to get in and out of easily had moved to a bigger, fancier location that was not convenient for me. And now, it's another big empty building 'For Lease'. I like Fred Meyer (same as Ralph's, a Kroger company) and Safeway (same as Von's). We have lots of produce places, both in regular store buildings and in barns along the country roads. I'm sure even more farmers' markets than I'm aware of, but I rarely make it to the farmers' markets.

    Marcie, I can see the wheels in Cisco's mind turning, with one eye open checking on you...stay seated, stay seated, I said STAY!
    I haven't had a kumquat since I was a kid. My grandma had a tree and I'd love to pick it fresh and pop it in my mouth.
    Ah, thanks for the memory.
    Store bought is nothing compared to tree ripened. I don't buy any and I'm not aware of any trees in this area, I'm sure they need the heat and more sun.
    Great job on your walking, I'm so sorry that not having your fitbit that one day set you back from winning a challenge. Don't you just HATE when that happens.
    Yummy on the new restaurant, I love pasta.

    Debora, how did Ralph's hair cut turn out? John's hair looks OK, but he sure needs another beard trim. And, shave the back of his neck, that always make his hair look even better, neatens it up.
    My Mom taught the Nursery Class (3-4 year olds) in Sunday School for years and years. When I was in high school, I found out that she started teaching because of me. When she would take me to the class, I'd cry and scream and holler and would not let her leave me there. So, she sat in the class with me. After many Sundays, the lady teaching the class said "Mary, you are here every Sunday, you might as well teach the class". She did...for 30+ years. When I was of teaching age, I taught the Beginners' Class (5-7 year olds) for about 5 years. The kids would graduate Mom's class and enter into mine, so I got the ins and outs of each kid and how to handle them.

    John's day after check-up went routinely, we were only there about 10 minutes. Then, hit the road and drove around, got gas and drove some more. Love these country roads. John's like a little kid, pointing out everything he sees. It's fun. I mentioned it to one of the nurses and she said "that gets old, FAST", but so far, I'm enjoying it.

    Thank you for all for your kind words about my dad. Norma said that he is already perking up and very excited about the move. Knowing from my personal experience, even though it's cancer, there is a huge relief in getting answers. It's really depressing and scary to feel so poorly and not know why. Once you have a diagnosis, it's easier to go on from there.

    I think I'll put on a fresh pot of coffee. Since we were gone almost all day yesterday, I just nuked leftover coffee in the microwave this morning. Yuck! I need my fresh stuff.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited May 2015
    Sheryl, I don't think I would get tired of John being excited and pointing things out either. Especially when you have all those wonderful country roads that have beautiful things to point out. Also, when our loved ones are excited we are excited with them - it's really enjoyable. It is truly the simple things in life that make it all worth it.

    Nice that your dad is getting excited about the move. I think I can understand what you mean about being relieved to have a diagnosis so you can move on to the next steps and make a plan even when it is scary. I think it will also be a relief for him to have more of a support group at the facilities and having Norma closer.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, I'm glad I get to stay inside today. It's a dreary rainy day and it's raining lots. I imagine creeks could rise and I'm not sure how the neighbors are going to handle the wedding reception. It's inside the shed but parking could be interesting.

    We had a good trip yesterday and I'm glad we went. We left at 5 am. Hubby did all the driving. He and Uncle Joe sat in the front and my sister Donna and I sat in the back. We had a good time visiting. It did rain most of the way and sometimes quite hard but we arrived safely and in time. In fact, the pastor ended up being late due to a traffic jam. After the funeral, the church had a dinner for the family. Yummy - especially the mixed vegetables (peppers, cauliflower, broccoli, etc). The chocolate cake was good too and the visiting was good. We were invited to one of the cousins house and visited more. We headed home about 4, stopped by a Half Price bookstore and then to home. Had some sprinkles of rain but much nicer driving. We got home about 8 and I did my list, some walking and got ready for today.

    Today, I've done stuff for the meal tomorrow (if they can get here), straightened the house, working on email, got the poster ready for meal sign-up and walked. I still need to go down and walk with Leslie and have quite a few things left on the list still to do so we'll see how it goes. I've got a frozen pizza I'll fix for supper.

    Sheryl, I was so glad to hear the second surgery went well and he is enjoying his "new" eyes. So thankful this all worked out. How fun to see how he is enjoying looking at things. It will make the drives fun.
    I think your dad has made a good choice - even though it's a very hard one. So glad Norma has lined up help. That's a big job.

    Happy Anniversary, Isabella. Glad it was such a nice day. How fun that you taught young kids too. I teach 2 year olds now. They can absorb more than you think. The nursery will have 6 months to three years I think. I hope I can get a look at what the nursery has - they are always set up differently. Fun that you can get to the Farmer's Market this week. Glad you found all you wanted. Bummer on the changes in the stores. Smart to stock up on the good sale.

    Wow, Marcie, you get some long walks in on your lunch time. Nice Italian restaurant. Maybe there'll be another challenge in the future that you can get ahead of Courtney on. Not sure if I've ever had a kumquat. Sounds like your friends know what to do with them. Yuck on the dead skunk - small or not. Maybe Cisco following you around (even though it's reluctantly) will help him with his weight. He looks cozy in his bed. I can understand why he doesn't want to get up.

    Sheryl, the haircut went okay. We didn't get started till 9:30 and I just snipped away. I took off plenty - wish we wouldn't go so long. Cool that you taught the age group after your mom. I have a hard time picturing you screaming. You're right, having cancer is no fun but the unknown is even less fun.

    It's still raining - but nothing is coming into the sump pump yet which surprises me. Looks like I'll get done basically what I is on the list. I'll let the mail stay in the mailbox. Not worth going out. Hope you have a good rest of the weekend.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Hello ladies! Hope you are all enjoying your holiday weekend :)

    Marcie-- Cisco is quite the character! I know those eyes let him get away with lots of things ;) Your food looked delicious! I hate to say it but I have no idea what a kumquat is. I've heard of them but have never seen one or know of anyone who eats them.

    Ivanek--Happy anniversary! Hope you have recovered from the massage. I am very weird about people trying to massage me. The more they say to relax, the more I tense up :(

    Sheryl--so glad your parents are going to move. Hoping that the hospice people help alleviate a lot of is pain! Glad to hear John did so well. Have you used the tractor yet?

    Aero--Sorry to that you are getting even more rain than us! It gets old pretty quick especially since we had such a wet spring. Glad you got to go visit your family, sounds like you had a nice time!

    We are doing 'Scouting good turn' tomorrow at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetary and I hope it doesn't rain the whole time. Take care and talk to you all soon!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited May 2015
    Thanks for the happy anniversary wishes Debora and Jannie! We had a really nice time.

    We also celebrated yesterday because I had 2 filet mignon steaks left in the freezer from Valentine's day and we wanted to use them up so I made us a nice dinner with the filets, baked potatoes and broccoli and a special bottle of wine. Then we watched another classic movie with Doris Day and Danny Thomas.

    It was a wonderful evening until Dan heard a loud crash outside around 11:15pm. He ran outside to find that our "privacy wall" in front of the house completely fell over. It is very long and heavy. It crushed several bushes under it and will cost us several thousand dollars to repair. Seems we just can't get a break (financially)! We have our health so we can't complain. Dan is at least thankful that it wasn't during the day when it could have been possible that someone might be in front of the wall and could have been severely injured.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Yes, it's still morning, barely, and I thought I better pop in here before another day goes by. John's been getting up early and I haven't had my morning "me" time.

    We got the tractor out over the weekend and I got the pallet forks off and the bucket on, plus familiarized myself with all the controls and I'm ready to mow today. It's overcast, so it's perfect working weather, not too hot and not too cold.

    John's calling me already, so I need to cut this is short again.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Yay to getting the tractor set up and going Sheryl! Is John loving his new vision?
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good Morning, yes, John is like a little kid, seeing everything for the first time...and pointing it out for me. One drawback though, he now sees the dust on the ceiling fan. Poop, now I have to clean house. I'd much rather be outside. The tractor is great. Makes quick work of knocking down the tall spots in the pasture. The llamas eat down their favorite areas to the ground, looks like a putting green, but then other areas are knee high, must not be so tasty.

    The hospice aid came over again yesterday and recommended that my Dad have a hospital bed. He has not been able to get out of bed by himself for several days now, the bed rail isn't enough help, he needs more of a boost. I asked my sister, that since he'd have a hospital bed, should we put Mom in a twin bed since the queen that they have now would take so much room? Is there room at the new place for two beds in the bedroom? She told me they decided to put Dad and the hospital bed in the second bedroom. I know my Dad won't mind and will continue to sleep just fine, (he's sleeping a lot now, both day and night), but this will be difficult for Mom. I picture her staying awake all night just worrying about him in the other room. They have not slept apart in all of their 65 years together. I have the gut feeling that they will not last very long. Whoever passes first, I think the other one will pass quickly after.

    Today, will be more tractor work and also regular mowing, the front yard is tall again, already. This time of year, I should be mowing two to three times a week. Lots of rain and warm weather, you can literally watch the grass grow.

    I've got a sink full of dirty dishes again, I better clean the kitchen first, before anything else.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    OK, I'm determined to stop and chat before going to bed. I've not been gone so much- just trying to get things on my list done. Sunday was a good day. We only had 4 kids in Sunday School but I wasn't thinking and didn't go to the adult class. Ralph went to town to teach the Kenyan class so I sat with our son-in-law and family. Dinner was enjoyed and no one hurried off. I think there were 24 of us here. It's a full house. Then in the evening Ralph and I went to the Wiebe picnic. It was mostly older people there but it was a nice evening. This picnic has been going on for a long time - this was the 122 year (marks when the family came to America).

    Monday was a day at home and I had a lot of things I worked on. There was a movie coupon in the paper (get in for half price) and the movie Ralph wanted to see was showing so we saw "Far From the Maddening Crowd". It was interesting - lots of farmland to see in it. Afterwards we went to Sonic cause I told Ralph I'd heard they had good shakes and they are half price after 8. Instead we got a diet pop and a family order of onion rings - good but lots of them. I looked up the calories after we got home.

    Today was supposed to be another day at home and it basically was but had a twist to it. About 10:30 Owen was riding his bike and fell and hit the planter hitting a sharp place. He got cut to the top side of his nose - fortunately it missed his eye. His parents took him to ER so we had the other three. Sunday leftovers took care of dinner and they helped me pick up the basement toys. I told them I had room to exercise them so I put on the warm part of the DVD and we all did it together. Pretty cute. The kids were here bout 3 hours. Owen got some stitches underneath and 8 showing. I got a little smile from him. They are supposed to be careful not to get too much sun on it or he could have a purple scar - I suppose that's his dark skin.

    Tomorrow I'll be home in the morning and then run around in the afternoon. I have a bunch of phone calls to make in the morning along with other stuff. It never ends.

    Jannie, how did the 'Scouting Good Turn' go?

    Isabella, cool that you got to celebrate your anniversary a second day but so sad that your "privacy wall" came down. It is good that no one was hurt. Does it have to be replaced right away? Will insurance help with something like that?

    Sheryl, glad the tractor is up and going now. Funny on John noticing the dust. Even seeing it doesn't always get it taken care of around here. The tractor should make it a bit easier to keep up with the mowing - as long as the rain cooperates. We actually did not get any rain today and the sun came out. It's pretty wet though. Nice that the ponds have water again.
    The hospital bed sounds like a good choice for your dad. So many changes going on for them. So nice that they don't have to empty their house and can just move what they need.

    Well, I walk in the morning so I'd better head for bed. Good night.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, just another quickie...John has been up for an hour already and I get side tracked constantly.

    Just need to tell you that Norma called me last night and she is taking my advice to get Mom a twin bed, so Mom and Dad can be in the same bedroom. Praise the Lord. I thought about that all day yesterday, knowing that Mom would never get any sleep wondering how Dad is in the other room. And, checking on him because she wouldn't be able to hear him if he called out for help. Every aspect of this move is coming together so well, it was meant to be.