Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Quick pop in-- I dropped my laptop and have to use my phone so sorry for any mistakes.

    Sheryl--- so so sorry to hear about your dad. Doesn't matter how old you are, losing a parent is tough! Sending♥ to help you through this sad time.
    Hate typing on the phone so am signing out more. Miss the Wc/Pbs!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited June 2015
    Good Morning.

    The internet is supposed to be disconnected today, so I thought it would be turned off at midnight, but it's still here this morning. I'll get this off while I still can.

    We had a very long day yesterday, went to Rose Hills to make final arrangements and since Dad had preplanned and prepaid for everything for our family, we thought it would take about an hour, but we were there for over 3 hours. Mom and Norma had so many papers to sign and lots of little details to go over. Mom was exhausted, but from there we went to the new place in Redlands and downgraded the 2 bedroom apartment to a 1 bedroom, Norma signed more papers and got the keys and we went to look at it. Took measurements and changed our mind on what furniture to take, the big bedroom set won't fit in that bedroom, so we'll take the bed, but buy a new, smaller dresser and night stand. Stopped for dinner, we were starving and got home about 10 pm. We were zonked. Today, we'll get more stuff packed and ready to move on Friday. Norma arranged movers for either Friday or Saturday, so now, we can confirm Friday.

    Packing today and tomorrow will be easy, Norma has just about everything done and organized already...she's that way.

    The burial will be on Monday with just Mom, me and Norma's family. I'll be staying with Mom at her new apartment once we get her moved. I get to sleep on the sofa. The memorial service for all family and friends will be at their church on Sunday afternoon, June 14th, Flag Day, Dad would have liked that, he always put the flag out and, being a veteran, he will have a flag.

    John seems to be doing alright, I call him every night. And, I check in with our neighbors who are walking across the street several times a day to make sure he's doing fine. He told me last night it was pouring rain all day yesterday, so that tells me that he didn't do any yard work, but I have no idea what he did do to occupy his time inside. He probably rearranged everything in the house. ha ha ha

    More later...probably once the move is made, the new place has internet service.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Jannie, glad you popped in. He.

    Sheryl, glad you got there safe and sound. You have done a lot. Glad you were able to make the changes for a smaller place and that your mom will have you to stay with her for a few days. It will be nice for Norma for it to be closer. Who will keep an eye on the home. Glad John seems to be doing okay. Oh my, I hope you are able to find things in the house when you go back.

    Week is flying by here. We will get two more kids in the nursery tomorrow which should be fine. They keep us on our toes. One of the helpers can't come Friday so I think I'll see if someone else can help. I know we have good odds but sometimes one of us has to leave the room and it's nice not to have just one person with them all. I guess I should take my other little card table tomorrow so everyone has a place to sit for snacks. Just takes up so much space in the room.

    Ava has to have an EEG in the morning. Not a big deal but keeping her awake tonight could be - mom doesn't do well without sleep either. Hopefully this will tell them more about her seizures. I don't know who's watching the other kids. I couldn't cause of Bible school.

    Trying to figure out meals for next week. Feeding 4 extra all week has to be planned out for me and two nights I'll have Alan's kids too. Will I still be sane? :)

    Summer prayer group will be coming for our first meeting soon so better go finish getting ready. Hope it all goes okay.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I'm glad this week is almost done. I wasn't feeling well for the first half and trying to catch up during the second half. Started feeling better on Wednesday, and yesterday I actually got out there and took a long walk around the city at lunchtime. Then when I got back I went to check how many steps I cranked out, but I had forgotten to clip my FitBit on before leaving for work. All those steps not accounted for! Just been a bad week.

    My friend at work made a batch of kumquat marmalade with those kumquats I gave here from my tree and brought me a jar. Really good. My picky dad even liked it (of course before he would eat it he had to first eye it skeptically and sniff it. Such a brat!) I guess I need to start doing some more research on kumquat recipes. Most recipes I've come across typically call for tons of sugar which we don't need.

    When I was out walking yesterday I stopped at a restaurant I've been meaning to try. I tried their roasted beet hummus w/goat cheese and wow was that stuff ever good! You wouldn't think it would be, but I'll definitely order that again. I won't go there a lot though. They are a bit pricey.


    I finally got around to finishing up that Traffic School online course on Wednesday. I had until Thursday to get it done. Talk about procrastinating! I passed the final exam and the school electronically sent my certificate of completion to the court. So, hopefully that is that on that. Out of the 25 questions on the final exam I missed one question, but I fault the school for that one. After each chapter in their reading material I had to take a short quiz before I could move on to the next chapter. On one question they marked me wrong, even though I was pretty certain I had it right. Then that same question showed up in the final exam. When I answered it with the answer they said was correct after that quiz, they marked it wrong on the final exam. If it had caused me to fail the exam, I would have pushed back on that, but all is good. I did leave a comment about it when I was completing a course evaluation form. Hopefully they get that fixed before that happens to someone else.

    Nuts. I just got called into an unscheduled meeting. Better close and get to that. Have a nice day everyone.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited June 2015
    Good morning all, I want to run to the farmer's market early today so I'll pop in real quick then hopefully check back later.

    So far the quotes on wall removal and rebuild are $6,800 and $8,325. :( Waiting for 2 more bids. Stay tuned for further developments.

    Sheryl, so glad things are going well. Very happy to hear that your mom is moving to a one bedroom apt at the assisted living and that you will be there with her for a short while. Also happy to hear that John is doing OK. Can't wait to hear what your house will be like when you get home. You'll probably have to re-re-arrange everything! :smiley:

    Carla, nice to see you pop in.

    Debora, hope your sanity holds up! :smile:

    Marcie, your roasted beet humus sounds wonderful. There is a guy at our farmer's market that sells this along with many other flavors. It is delicious!

    OK, gotta go. See you all later.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    So nice. I had the entire day at home. I got it straightened up, food done for tomorrow and started on 4-H stuff. I didn't get as much done as I should have but I have Monday morning and can do stuff when the kids are here.

    Having the summer prayer group here went okay. Now they've all seen the place so I can relax. I had to rearrange the chairs and put them back for tomorrow but not real hard to do. We'll probably just meet through July. We aren't meeting next week. It would not have been here if we had cause I'll have 4 kids here.

    Ava's EEG went well. My sister kept the other kids. Mom and Ava did great at staying up and when they got to the appointment, they laid her on the table, gave her her blanket and she was out in 30 seconds. I haven't heard the results but should tomorrow.

    Thursday night I went and watch Emily and let Lori go to Willing Workers. She helps with the Junior Girls and the person speaking was her age. Jim appreciated me having Emily ready for bed before 9.

    Friday we did balloons the last part of the nursery. The kids enjoyed them. Then I managed to be the one to put the 7 month old to sleep so got to sit with her. That's always fun. I ate pizza with the teachers and then headed for town. I got home at 5, unloaded, fixed supper and we went to the Bible School program. it was warm in the gym but not unbearable. The program was very good and afterwards we enjoyed ice cream outside. And that brings us to today. I walked a lot inside and out. I know I won't get as much this week so wanted to help with my average - ha. Before I got to bed, I need to remember to get the pork tenderloin in the crockpot.

    Tomorrow is church, kids here and then the evening is a get-together with some of Ralph's classmates. Right now I'm enjoying the last of the peanut clusters my oldest son gave me for mother's day.

    Marcie, glad you're feeling better. Your dad sniffing the kumquat marmalade made me smile - use it as a treat and it won't be too much sugar. I misread and thought you said roasted beef hummus. I'm glad Isabella set me straight. It will be a nice place to visit occasionally. Yay on finishing the traffic school in time. That was a lot more work than I thought it would be. That was good to tell them about the question.

    Isabella, what did you find at the farmer's market? You were right - it will cost quite a bit to redo the wall.

    We got rain Thursday night so we couldn't plant and then he had to fix something so didn't get started till late afternoon today. Hopefully, the rain will hold off till we're done planting soybeans now. Wheat is also close to being ready to harvest but we don't have any wheat. We've been getting up to the 90s and I'm seeing several with sunburns. They forget the sunscreen.

    Have a great rest of the weekend.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Marcie, I forgot to tell you that one time I accidentally hit leave group. I was so relieved when a message popped up asking if I really wanted to leave cause I could say No No NO.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Debora, I did pretty well at the farmer's market. I was trying not to overspend so I limited myself. I spent $13 and got some local honey (which was my main goal), cilantro, yellow and green beans, and some absolutely to die for cherries!

    Also, I almost clicked on leave group one time but caught myself. Good to know that they confirm before you're out! :smile:
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi everyone.

    Had a nice weekend. Dad and I went out for dinner after work on Friday, then I dropped him off at home and went and got my grocery shopping out of the way. Saturday I took my car and got it washed, filled up on gas, and returned to the grocery store to pick up the items I forgot to get on Friday (sheesh!). Saturday night I got my laundry done and my weekly cooking out of the way (black eyed peas is the weekly pot of something). Sunday I did a whole lot of nothing. Cisco and I took a nice long nap, and once the sun got off the pool, I went swimming for the first time season. The pool is a perfect temp right now and it sure felt good. Did lots of laps and pool calisthenics, and my body is yelling at me today. No skin irritation. Yay!

    Summer weather has arrived! We were up in triple digit-land yesterday. It was still 85 degrees out at midnight. I never did get to turn off the AC and open the windows. It's going to be another scorcher today, so I took my long walk around the city early this morning before I started work. Got in nearly 7000 steps. When I started walking it was around 77 degrees out, and by the time I got back it was near 90. I may have to abandon walking outside during the hot weather and just walk inside the building or do laps in the basement parking garage. I'm just more motivated to walk when I'm not walking in circles getting no where.

    My poor friend at work had to go all weekend without air conditioning. Her AC unit broke down on Friday, and of course the AC repair companies are overloaded with calls when the real hot weather hits. They are supposed to be coming to her house sometime this morning to get it fixed. This is why Dad always has the AC checked out and serviced every year in April or May, so we don't have any nasty surprises when we really need the thing.

    We took Cisco to the park on Saturday and this time he didn't poop on Dad's shoe. Ha! Dad read online the other day that there is a dog flu going around and it recommended people not take their dogs out around other dogs. My Dad followed up with Cisco's veterinarian and she wasn't worried about it and gave us the green light to take him to the park. She said she would email her patients and let them know if there is some type of epidemic that we needed to be aware of.

    Every night my Cat Simon likes to be let out onto the gated front porch (and then back in, and then back out...we do this about 10 times every night!), and I always leave his bowl of food out there for him until I make him come in for the night. Lately there has been this slug, whom I've named "Pokey" that shows up to eat Simon's food. Not wanting to kill it (because it's a yucky mess when you do), I've been trying to outsmart Pokey. Night before last we put Simon's food dish on top of some small square tiles (leftover from when Dad had his bathroom redone last year). Pokey figured that one out quick. Last night I inverted a bowl and then put his food dish on top of that. When I went to bring Simon in for the night, Pokey was circling the inverted bowl, but it looks like he could figure out how to attach himself to it. I may have just outsmarted a slug. It doesn't take much to make me happy. If Simon wasn't such a spoiled house cat, he would have taken care of the slug issue himself! All he ever does is just lay there and watch the slug advance on his dinner! :#

    Dad didn't believe me when I told him about Pokey and the cat food, so when he logged on to his computer the next day, he was greeted with a picture of a big ol slug chowing down on cat kibble. Ha!

    Debora, I wonder would happen if I accidentally hit Leave Group. Would the group disappear since I created it? I better not test that out. Ha! As usual, I got winded just reading about everything you have going on. I just don't know how you do it!

    Isabella, that wall removal/rebuild sounds pricey! I hope you get the best deal out there. Nice haul at the Farmer's Market!

    I hope all is going smoothly for Sheryl and her family. Such a hard thing to lose a loved one. I'm glad her Mom is moving into assisted living, but it will be such a huge lifestyle change for her.

    Well, better get back to work. Have a lovely day everyone.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good Sunday. Nice time with Ralph's classmates that got together. Day one of Bible School went well. Got youngest to take a good nap. 4-H went okay. I ended up sleeping with youngest. She wouldn't sleep downstairs with all the others and start crying for mom. I'll see if she'll sleep with her sister tonight upstairs. Ralph is taking the grands here today and I'm picking up the other two and another girl. Otherwise she won't get to come cause her mom had a baby last week. I didn't even know she was expecting. About time to start getting everyone up. We'll see how that goes. :smile:
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello, hello, hello. Quiet here. Week is going okay. Youngest is sleeping downstairs now - not on a sofa by herself but in the bed on the floor with oldest brother. We went and worked with the 4-H pigs 2 days but didn't yesterday cause so hot and I wanted Paige to have a nap. They worked very hard on their 4-H crafts though. Good turnout for Bible School and the kids are all enjoying and learning. Boot camp starts this afternoon so during it I'll have three that are staying here (Thomas goes to boot camp) and then Alan's 4. That will go two days and I hope to get my errands done tomorrow morning during Bible School so it's been a full week. Meals (easy ones) and being with the kids is about all I've done. Doing my best to get 10000 steps a day but that's a challenge in itself.

    Isabel, good finds at the farmer's market.

    Marcie, cool on getting in the pool and no skin irritation. You gave yourself a workout though. Wow. We've been getting up in the 90's all week. I do much better inside then. Good you checked with you vet and didn't feel you had to keep Cisco home. The bird flue is making agencies cut out all poultry shows so they won't be at the county or state shows this year.
    Love the Pokey story. Glad to hear you are smarter than a slug. :)
    Sheryl has been on my mind a lot. It is a huge change for her mom. Friend of mine lost her dad last night. It's never easy.

    I've been enjoying the girl I pick up. She enjoys Bible School so much. I found out in this day and age some families still have no idea mom is expecting. She had to quit going to the Bible school last week to go to her cousins but she didn't know it was because her mom was having a baby and they weren't told until Friday. So different. But they are all enjoying the new baby now.

    Better go do a bit before it's time to let the kids out - ha. Nice to know I have a bit of quiet time for sure. Have a great day.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi everyone.

    I don't know where this week has gone. Just flying by.

    We got up to 106 degrees on Monday, Tuesday was about 100 degrees, then yesterday it was cloudy and rainy and only got to 71 degrees. Today were headed by into triple digit weather. That cool rainy day has made it real muggy here. I hate humidity!

    Our lawn is starting to turn yellow now. It's still has a little green in it, but the hot weather has really sped up the killing of the lawn. We still water it and the trees/shubs every Saturday, but one day a week isn't enough for the lawn. With the exception of the neighbor to our right, the surrounding lawns are all dying too. The neighbor to our right cut his lawn in half last year, so it's not very big and not needing as much water. Still, I think he is cheating and watering more than once a week. It's becoming real obvious now throughout the neighborhood who isn't reducing their watering. I was out walking the other night and one guy on the other side of the block was not only watering his lawn on a non-watering day, he was also hosing down the sides of his house, the driveway, and the sidewalk in front of his house. I guess he thought no one would see if he did it at night! I'm not one to get in other's business, so I just kept on walking.

    Been a day of meetings, and I have another one coming up in an hour. I don't like meeting days. Being cooped up in a meeting room gets stifling. I'm also finding it hard to read script that is being projected on the wall. I think it's time to get some new glasses. Been squinting all morning.

    I was going to go for a long walk this morning, but I had an unscheduled meeting. Just no time today to walk. Maybe tonight if it cools down enough.

    Debora, you sound like you are so good with kids. I guess you've gotten a lot of practice! I'm and only child, never babysitted, and rarely around kids.

    Better close and get something to eat before the next meeting. I did get a smoothie this morning, but not an especially healthy one. It's called a "Purple Haze" and has blue berries, strawberries, banana, frozen yogurt all blended with a little peach juice. Refreshing, but a definite sugar bomb! Have a great day everyone.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning. Today is Communion Sunday so we don't have Sunday School so I have a little more time before we go. I put a pork roast with potatoes and carrots in the oven. Thursday and Friday were full days. I ended up with six kids most of the time on Thursday afternoon/evening. One DGD had a certain idea in her mind and was unhappy when it didn't happen. So we worked through that. Friday I quickly did my errands during Bible School time. Came past the house and put the cold stuff away and got to church as they were singing the last song. Had the seven kids again. Pizza for supper and ice cream sundaes. Now we'll be eating leftovers this next week. I'll freeze some of it. The kids were all gone by 10.

    Yesterday I had most of the morning at home. I got the house straightened (kids had done the basement) and did some of the food. We got more rain so Ralph went along. We went to the bookstore, ate, picked up Lucy from her party and then headed to Lori's old house. 6 from their SS class came to help clean. I spent a good part of my time scrubbing stickers off the back of the front door. The second bathroom needs to be finished and then a couple of smaller things and it can be on the market - hopefully by July. Oh yea, the garage still needs to be emptied out. Praying it will then sell quickly. We went and ate pizza then and then home. Got the carrots peeled and cut, trash out and the rest that needed to be done.

    Today is church, a visitation and the program tonight (or watching Emily so Jim can go to the program) - full day anyway.

    Did you all see the picture on Facebook of Sheryl and her mother. Such a good picture. Today will be the memorial service if I remember correctly.

    Marcie, funny that you only like to walk if you are doing a walk walk. I like seeing the number go up. Found out with kids you don't get the number of steps you think you do. I did much better yesterday.
    You have some days warmer than us and some about the same. We've gotten a bit of rain about everyday so Alan can't finish planting. The humidity is usually bad here. You've had your share of meetings. Funny about the guy doing the water stuff at night. Green grass will soon be obvious. You've had a number of unplanned meetings lately. Hope it slows down so you have the time to take care of other things that are probably piling up. Your "purple haze" sounds good.
    I have been around kids a lot. I started babysitting in high school and did it all through college. I was the younger bunch in the family so didn't get it there. Guess I don't figure I have a choice with the grands and I do enjoy it for the most part. I do make use of DVDs and taped shows. Other people do more with their but we are all different and mine seem happy. We made progress on their craft projects. What I want to work on now is getting the kids out once a week to work with their pigs and do it first thing in the morning when it's not so hot.

    I don't know what you all have planned but enjoy whatever you do.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning all,

    Still trying to get bids on getting the wall replaced. Dan has contacted 8 contractors and has only gotten 1 trust worthy estimate which was $8,800. The one he felt really good about sent an e-mail that another big job came up and he won't be bidding on our wall after all. Dan was very disappointed and angry since he'd been waiting 10 days to hear from this guy.

    My friend Jami gave me 3 GIANT zucchinis that got away from her son while she was on vacation. Dan shredded 1 1/2 of them for me so we made zucchini bread together and froze enough to make 2 more batches. It came out excellent and was nice doing it together. I sliced up half of one and made a zucchini parmesan casserole. It came out very good and we got 3 meals out of it.

    Really miss Sheryl. I'll have to go over to face book and see if I can find that pic you're talking about. Hope the memorial today goes well for them.

    Marcie, so glad to hear that you were able to get into the pool and didn't have any skin issues! With your temps in the triple digits you are going to need it. Not to mention that it is great exercise. Sounds like you found muscles you didn't know you had! :wink: I'm sorry I would have had to find a way to do away with pokey even if I had to pick him up with a paper towel and dispose of him or something. I had no idea they are such persistent critters. I bet that is what's getting at my tomato plant.

    Debora, sounds like you are surviving all the kids quite well. Glad to hear it. You do amazingly well!

    OK, I'm off to church. Have a great day!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all.

    Been a busy weekend. Got lots of housework done, and last night I had to clean out my freezer and refrigerator. There was some funky smell in there that I finally found was due to a bag of forgotten lemons that had just about liquified. Yuck. Well, at least the refrigerator is sparkling clean again.

    Today dad and I went to another dog park/people park and spent a couple hours there. Once Dad and Cisco were settled in the dog park, I threw on my walking shoes and walked around the rest of the park. Dad said Cisco whined at the gate for me the whole time I was gone. We'll have to rethink that process next time. Before we left we harnessed up Cisco and walked him through the people park too. You can tell he's had enough when his tail is no longer up in the air (see last pic by the truck).








    The weather was perfect for the park today. It topped out in the low 90s and there was a nice breeze going.

    I drove Dad's truck for the first time today. I like the way it handles and how high up it is.

    Debora, those kids sure keep you on your toes! You guys sure must like pizza!

    Isabella, zucchini bread sounds good!

    Well, I've got to get in the kitchen and finish up my weekly cooking...still need to hard boil the eggs and make a batch of pumpkin, banana protein bars. So far all I have done is I made a pot of pink beans before we left for the park.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, here it is the middle of the week. Jim decided to stay home so I got to go to the Bible School program. It was good and then we had some good visiting while enjoying ice cream afterwards.

    Monday I got a little done at home and then headed off with Ralph. We spent an hour finishing the one research study he was in so he no longer has a jawbone - it kept shocking him so he's glad it's gone. When we went back to start the process for the next study, they let me look at the phone and write down how many steps he did every day. We could tell when he did a lot of tractor driving cause his count went way up with all that bouncing around. Setting up for the new one took almost 4 hours. Then we went to the thrift store and bookstore in town and then went to some of the grandson's ballgame. I went between the two games. Ralph just stayed at one. He had had his eyes dialated so couldn't see really well anyway.

    Yesterday afternoon the 4-H foods groups took cakes and did the birthday party at Wheat State Manor. They did a great job of serving and interacting with the residents. One of the residents loves babies so she held the one baby and then wanted to rub Lori's tummy. Sweet. Then we went over to the church for a foods meeting with a focus on breakfast foods. Almost every family had a talk. We had muffins with bacon, apple muffins, banana muffins, eggs in a bacon crust, an egg casserole and peanut butter breakfast cookies. Some of the sibling groups working together brought smiles to our faces. We were very impressed at how well they did with breaking eggs. When everything was baked, we all got to enjoy everything. So that took care of my supper. I heated the last of the pancakes and sausage for Ralph.

    Today I've had the day at home. I got the house straightened and have things ready for prayer group meeting tonight. Ralph is outside mowing the lawn now. So far I've kept up with what I want to get done. Alan was here and we celebrate his and Owen's birthdays on Sunday. I asked for favorite foods and he said Owen likes pizza but baking pizzas for 20 is too hard. So I'm looking for a pizza casserole recipe. Most take noodles - wonder if they make gluten free noodles. I'm making a cheesecake for dessert and found some pig cupcakes I might do for the kids.

    Isabella, that wall is not going to be cheap to replace no matter who does it. Zucchini bread sounds good. I've never tried it in a casserole since my husband won't try it.

    Marcie, nice park for walking. I was reading quickly and I read that your dad and Cisco whined. Was glad it was just Cisco. You guys wore him out.
    Yes, we do like pizza. It would take a lot to be tired of it. Makes for an easy meal. I'm working on using up leftovers from last week now. I "cheer" every time I have another empty container.

    Sun still has not come out but it's still up to 84. Driveway is looking a bit drier. Someday I'll be able to walk around it again. Enjoy the rest of your day.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi all...I got home Monday night, but this is the first chance I've had to pop in here. I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday and John just NEEDS lots of attention right now. He thinks that I was gone for over a month. So, I've got to lavish all my attention on him now. My neighbors are great, but it's not like someone here, in the house, 24/7.

    I better get back outside, just took a little break and came here to see what's going on. Not too many comments to catch up on.

    As usual, love the photos Marcie.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited June 2015
    Good to hear from you Sheryl. I sure hope everything went as well as it could, and that John didn't rearrange the whole house while you were gone! Your absence must have been really hard for him.

    Deborah, Pizza for 20 would be hard! A pizza casserole sounds like a good compromise. I think I've seen gluten free noodles in the grocery store. Usually in the section of the store where they have gluten free items, not the isle where they have the regular noodles.

    Been a busy meeting-filled week this week. Next week is going to be more of the same. I suspect it's going to be a meeting-filled summer. They are pulling me into a bunch of different projects right now. That, along with the heat, has really put me behind in my daily steps. Excuses, excuses! I am swimming more now though, so that helps some.

    Earlier today I decided to have a diet root beer that I've had in my little fridge under my desk at work. I rarely drink soda anymore and it's been in there for a long time. Apparently I had it sitting too close to the little freezer that's inside the little fridge and when I went to open it soda exploded out of the bottle all over me, my glasses, my desk, the carpet, my keyboard, my mouse, etc. What a mess! I got it all cleaned up, except my blouse is stained. I'll have to try and get that cleaned when I get home. I mopped up the carpet as best I could, but there is a stain there too so I had to call building maintenance to come take a look at it. Apparently they will have to replace that square of carpet. That's what I get for drinking a soda!

    Well, it's getting close to time to go home, so I'd better finish out my day. You all have a wonderful evening.

    Yep, this was definitely me today (me being Wile E. Coyote and the soda being the Acme TNT)...

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Sheryl, glad you're home safe and sound. I'm sure John did miss you. Not many comments - we're just quiet when you're not around. :) Come back when you can.

    Prayer group went well last night. The couple with kids stayed longer and we visited. One offered to have it at their house next week so that will be nice for me. I went and visited the German Mennonite family with the new family. I was there longer than I thought I would be - so fun holding a little one. I learned a little more about them. The mom speaks English fairly well.

    I'm going to Bible study tonight and tomorrow I'll do my errands and then help one of my Flylady friends who is emptying out her parents' house. I told Ralph I don't know how long I'll be gone.

    I've been home enough the last couple of days that I'm getting to some things that have been on thelist for a long time. Hope I have more days like that next week. I'm fixing tuna sandwiches for supper.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited June 2015
    A pic of the pool. I'm so glad I can get in it this year. I would really like to get in while the sun is still on it, but with my skin I won't risk that. One of these days we need to resurface the bottom of the pool. It's showing its age now. That will be a bit cha-chingy though, so we keep putting it off.
