Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Debora, they put a cone next to the trench on either side of the sidewalk leading to our front door and that's it. I didn't end up starting a new book yesterday. I read one of my nutrition magazines instead. Always some interesting tidbits in them. I plan on starting a book that my pastor wrote called The Holy land Key". It is about what he feels the Lord is showing him about the signs in these present times. I'll let you know more about it after I read it.

    Jannie, neat about being able to get nutrition info on your phone. Ah, the wonders of modern technology! FYI if you get consumer reports or have access to a copy, the July edition is all about remodeling the kitchen and has reviews on all the kitchen appliances, Fridge, Stove, dishwasher, etc. Also, cabinets, flooring, anything and everything!

    BTW, I sent Granny an e-mail. She sent me a quick reply that she'd respond to my e-mail when she gets her computer hooked up, hopefully next week. It was nice to get even that short reply. Really made my day.

    OK, I'm off to spend the evening with hubby. Have a great week everyone!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited July 2015
    Good Morning.

    Isabella, I got a short reply from Granny too. So glad that she is still communicating even though it's short and sweet. I'm sure I'd keep it very short if I had to do it on a phone. I hope your wall gets done quickly and smoothly and within budget. Any project gets out of hand these days.

    Jannie, I told John that I would remind him for the next 6 weeks that he said he would help and that I NEED him down there. I am sticking with that tactic, that he is needed, not that this is vacation. Even though I am planning a fun road trip to get there, I know that if I mention vacation...he'll bail. He is already asking who will take care of the animals and I keep telling him our across the street neighbors. We took care of their critters for a week, feeding twice a day and during the heat I went over throughout the day to check waters. Our animals are even easier, the llamas just graze, no extra food, and the birds get one scoop of cracked corn disbursed throughout the backyard every morning. Very low maintenance. Just check the water every other day and make sure they have enough. I will keep at John, just like I did with the cataracts, and I trust that he'll follow through for me.

    Yesterday, we finally fixed a leaky spigot at the corner of the barn. John kept complaining about it and told me to call a plumber. Now that's huge, that he wants to call in someone from the outside to fix something, he's always been a DIY'er. I told him that I'll work on it and if I break it, then I'll call the plumber. It's been about 14 hours since I took it apart, cleaned the threads, and used Teflon tape to put it back together and no leaks. I suppose I should wait a couple days before I rejoice. The last time we "fixed" it and used pipe dope on the threads, it didn't leak at first, but then started leaking again after big temperature changes.

    John did take apart the Shop-Vac this past week and can't get it back together again. It just stopped working and after he blamed the extension cords and tried out each one (pain in the butt getting them all out and then rolling them all back up), I told him that it was the Vac. Anyway, more frustration and a big pile of bits and parts on the work bench...I went to Lowe's and bought a new one. Well worth the money to alleviate the problem. We are spending more money these days simply to get out of frustrating situations. But, there comes a point when it's easier than dealing with those frustrating situations.

    Today, I promised myself to start shearing the llamas. I should have started weeks ago so they'd be cooler on these hot days. But, I didn't. Yesterday, they were smarter than John or I was...they settled down in the shade near the sprinkler in the backyard and took it easy. John and I were on the other side of the barn working on that spigot in the full sun, We are fools!


    Anew, so good that you popped in, we've been wondering about you. Hope to hear more of your trip and your projects.

    Marcie and Debora, always love hearing about your days. As was mentioned over on FB, sure wish we had more participating over here, but quality outweighs quantity every time. We are good people here.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited July 2015
    Ever since Christina "sponsored" that contest on the Key Ingredient site, I've been continuing to get their emails of new recipes and meal ideas. Usually, I really enjoy reading the new stuff, but, today is National Fried Chicken Day. HA! I don't need this, I'm trying my best to get back on track and stop pan frying.

    It's July 6th and I have actually logged 5 days in a row now. Finally, when I get an email from MFP telling me that someone "likes" my status, I can feel that it's justified. Previously, I logged in to chat here and I'd get notification that I "logged" but I didn't log any food, made me feel like I was cheating when someone clicked the like button.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi everyone.

    Looks like you all had a nice 4th of July. Dad and I went across the street to a neighbor's house for a barbeque. It was just her family (her ex-father-in-law, ex-husband, mother, sister, brother-in-law, and two teenaged daughters) and us. She also invited the neighbor kids next door to come over and go swimming in her pool, so the pool was getting a work out! It was 103 degrees out, so us oldsters mostly stayed indoors, except for her brother-in-law who was the official barbequer. He must have sweated off 20 pounds out in that heat. Ha! She made BBQ chicken and some sausages, corn on the cob, and fruit salad, and I brought some macaroni salad (loaded with lots of fresh veggies) and some quinoa/edamame/red onion/corn salad. It was all very good.

    That was my first time in her house since the original owners had it and she's remodeled everything. Her ex-husband is a contractor and got most of it done for her. It looks really nice now. She also keeps chickens in her backyard. The chicken coop is really cute, but has no roof on it. Dad warned her that we do get racoons around the neighborhood sometimes, and they aren't kind to chickens. She wasn't to worried about it though. Oh well.

    As expected, poor little Cisco was a mess when the fireworks got going on the 4th. This year seemed worse than last year. Explosions for nearly a whole week. Sunday night wasn't too bad and I was able to coax Cisco out on the front patio (with a little turkey), but when we did it last night, just as soon as I got him out there, someone set off some loud fireworks again. He immediately raced to the door with his tail between his legs and cried until I opened the door for him. We going to buy him a thunder shirt and try that out on New Years to see if that helps. If not, then we'll have the vet prescribe some doggie Valium for him for the 4th next year.

    The weather has been really nice the last couple days. Highs in the upper 90s, but the best part is it's cooling down nicely at night and we can open the windows and turn the whole house fan on before going to bed. I just got back from a little walk around the city and actually got a little chilly during the first half of the walk. Of course I was not even close to being chilly by the time I got done!

    Simon is such a chill cat. The fireworks didn't faze him at all. He just laid out there on the porch like he was the king of it all. I told Cisco he should be ashamed that the cat is braver than him. Ha!

    Debora, I hope you enjoyed the 4th with that big family of yours! It's always fun when there are a lot of people in days like that.

    Sheryl, I love your pics. That forest looks so pretty and serene, and your llamas (and goose) looks so happy and content in their cool shady spot. The one with the ears sticking straight up is Bandit, right? I hope John doesn't give you too much trouble about the upcoming trip. That's going to be a lot of work. Will there be anyone else helping you and Norma? I know what you mean about the paperwork involved when we lose someone. I remember what Dad went through when Mom passed in 2011 (he ordered and used 10 death certificates too), and it will just be me handling it all when I lose him (hopefully a long, long, long time from now!). I cancelled my account with Key Ingredients months ago. I was tired of all the emails they kept sending. I still get one now and then even though my account is closed.

    Jannie, I hope you get a good bid on the cabinet pricing! Such a big project you've started! I'll bet it's going to look beautiful when you get it all done. I hope you share pics!

    Isabella, I never rented a movie from Red Box. I mostly used Blockbuster in those days. Now I just do it all online or from Netflix. I started watching a new show too. It's called Wayward Pines. Dad got me into it. He read the book, so he's not watching the TV series, but he said I would probably like it. Really good show. Kind of Stephen Kingy, but not really scary.

    This was dinner Sunday night. That salad was soooo good, and so was the microwave blueberry cream crisp. Dad found the recipe for the fruit crisp on the WebMD website and wanted me to make it. A really yummy once-in-a-while dessert. The recipe recommends eating it with ice cream, but it didn't need it.
    mygnsac wrote: »
    Made a turkey salad with spinach, romaine, mushrooms, green onion, red bell pepper, cucumber, tomato, potato, pecans, a tbs of ricotta, a couple tbs of macaroni salad (leftover from the 4th of July bbq), garlic salt and black pepper.


    Later I made a blueberry and cream crisp, recipe from the WebMD website.


    Here's a blast from the past for you. I posted it on a game thread out in the main forum and thought I would share it here too. I love how they try to upsell the candy and other junk as wholesome and nutritious.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. This will be quick again because we are leaving for appointments today. Got a phone call yesterday that John's glasses are ready to be picked-up. I have labs and the CT scan scheduled for this afternoon, so we'll leave early enough to go get the glasses first. Then, John can see well enough to read magazines or work the jigsaw puzzle while he waits for me. In the past, I have scheduled the scans for morning, so I don't have to worry about not eating for very long, but they changed my appointment while I was in California and so, this time, it's 1:30 pm labs and 2 pm scan. It's a full body scan this time and I have a concoction I have to drink an hour before the scan. Anyway, I know I'll be starving afterwards and will talk John into stopping at a restaurant on the way home.

    Marcie, the llama with ears straight up is Chessie. (Full name is Cheshire because she was born with gray markings around her mouth that looked like a Cheshire cat smile). Bandit is over by the gate with one front leg outstretched. (His name came from when he was born with a distinctive "mask" that has since faded away). Behind him is DEB (Full name is Dark Eyed Beauty, her mom's name is Beauty and she was born all white with two big black eyes) and then, way in the back is Mochadot and to the right of her in the photo is Gizmo. The goose is Moose.

    I logged my food for Monday and Tuesday, so the month of July is complete so far. I'm going to stick with it, now for changing what it is I'm eating and stay within my allotted calories.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi all,
    Hubby is outside with the "wall guys" who are digging the trench today so I am waiting for him before I make dinner. I'll heat up left over pasta so it will be quick. I figured it was a good time to come here and visit.

    Sheryl, hope that spigot stays fixed this time. The llamas were definitely the smart ones staying in the shade and under the sprinkler. Did you shear the llamas? Very good idea to keep reminding John that you need his help with your parent's house. It is definitely worth it to spend a bit of money for peace of mind and frustration relief. I think it will add years to your lives not to mention save our marriages! :) Key ingredient does have some interesting recipes but Dan got annoyed with the e-mails so I just recently unsubscribed. I figure I can google them if I need to. Good job getting back to logging!!

    Marcie, We like red box because it is only $1.62 and you can return the movie to any red box which are every where so it is really convenient. We don't have any memberships or streaming capabilities so this works well for us. I have a couple of friends at work watching Wayward Pines but Dan wasn't interested. It sounds kinda like a show that was on a couple of years ago that didn't get renewed. Your salad looks wonderful! The foods you brought to the BBQ sound great too! I bet they all loved it. Thanks for the blast from the past with the movie concession stand ad. Is Cisco feeling better yet? What is a thunder shirt?

    So what do you all have - cable TV? ATT Uverse? Direct TV? Nothing? What do you pay? We have Time Warner Cable. No movie channels or anything just the next step up from basic cable so we get a few decent channels. I called last year to tell them that Dan is out of work and I can't afford them anymore (we were paying $103 per month) and they gave me a promotional deal for $58 per month. Fantastic deal! Well, the deal expired last month and the bill is now up to $80. I called again but they said they can't do anything for me - that the $80 still gives me a $35 discount. I couldn't argue too much but told him if it goes any higher we'd have to cancel. We'll see how it goes.

    Another question for you - I have a blouse that had an ink stain on it. I remembered that cheap hairspray removes ink stains but all I had was "natural" nice hairspray but I figured it must be the same so I sprayed it on the ink and threw it into the wash. The ink stain came out but now I have a hairspray stain on my blouse! It's almost as though the hot water hardened the hairspray on my blouse. Any suggestions?
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Yesterday was busy, on the go, but a good day. We left early to be able to get John's glasses with plenty of time since I know most likely there's a wait to see the technician and time to adjust the glasses. No appointment, just walk in. We did wait about 20 minutes and then, the adjustments took about another 20 minutes. John seems very happy with his glasses, far and near vision are greatly improved. We had time to stop at the store for a few non-refrigerated items that could sit in the car for a few hours and then headed on to oncology clinic for my blood work and CT scan. That all went smoothly and took less time than I expected, so we were able to eat lunch/dinner by 3 pm. Boy, was I hungry.

    Today should be much cooler, our 90+ degree days are over. In the 80's and the rest of the weekend, in the high 70's, back to normal. I should be able to shear more llamas in the cooler weather, I didn't get very far on Monday. It takes me well over a week to get all 8 of them done.

    Isabella, we just have "air" broadcasts, no cable at all. So, we have ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX and local channels. I saw the ads for Wayward Pines, but thought it looked to spooky, so I didn't even start watching it. I like mysteries, but not horror. Same thing crossed my mind for The Walking Dead, looked too scary for me.
    I hope you figure something out for the hairspray stain, but I have no advice for you. (I have never used hairspray, ha ha, my hair has a mind of it's own and even hairspray won't help). For blood stains, I have used Soilove and got good results. And, I actually found it at the dollar store, so that's a bargain.

    I bought lots of salad ingredients and plan to make more salads again. I remember making lots and lots of various salads when I first started NM. And, it's such a good, cool summer meal, I need to do that again. Now, to limit my portions...I'll use small plates. Marcie, your salad looks so delicious, my mouth is watering.

    I hear John up now, so I better get going.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi all.

    Not feeling well so stayed home from work. Killer headache. :s

    We're having weird July weather. Highs in the 80s, lows in the 50s. It really cloudy today too. Looks like it might rain a little. They say we'll be back to the hot weather by the weekend. Enjoying the cool while it lasts.

    The booming fireworks are finally going away. Last night I only heard one go off. Cisco is slowly getting back to normal, though he still wont go potty out front at night. I'm having to put him on his leash and take him out to the back yard for that (ever since the night of 2-skunkings last year, I havent allowed him to go out back at night by himself!).

    Isabella, we have Xfinity cable and pay around $200 a month. Its a package for high speed internet, wifi, cable tv, and landline phone. We have the basic cable channels plus most of the premiums because its part of the package. I rarely watch the premium channels though. Dad and I split the cost of Xfinity, so I pay $100 a month for it. We also have a Chromecast device plugged into the tvs so we can televise videos from the computer to the tv. I also pay $8 a month for Netflix. Dad had Netflix for a couple months and then cancelled it. He just doesn't watch much tv anymore. He watches his news show and the occassional documentary, and that's about it. He prefers reading books. He typically reads one or two books each week on his Kindle. He says before he retired all he ever read was non fiction books related to his work, and now he enjoys being able to read lots of fiction. Here's an example of a thunder shirt for dogs. It's supposed to help dogs with a fear of loud fireworks. We may give it a try.

    Sheryl, thanks for sharing the llamas names. I was just sure that was Bandit. Ha! Got a chuckle over Moose the gooses name. Sounds like you and John had a busy but nice day out yesterday. I hope you get good test results. Dad had to go for his monthly blood tests this morning. Wayward Pines isn't horror. Mostly a mystery. I've been enjoying it so far. Dad said the book is really good. Enjoy those salads! I typically make myself a big salad (usually with some protein and cheese in it) several times a week, and eat lots of asparagus, cucumber, red bell pepper, tomatoes, mushrooms etc. throughout the week. Dad says he's surprised I dont have sprouts growing out of head. He eats veggies like medicine. He needs them, but doesnt really like them.

    I think I will close now and go take a little nap. My lazy dog is ahead of me and already snoozing away on my bed.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Well, brrrrr! Dad and I have been stubbornly keeping the windows open this morning because that's what one does in July when its not hot outside, but we finally cried Uncle and closed up the house when we realized our teeth were chattering! Its nearly noon, windy, and only 60 degrees outside. Weird weather!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    This is what we look like today! Cloudy, windy and cold. As you can see, we've let the grass die out. This drought is so much fun.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, have plenty to say but running to much. Hopefully, things will slow down soon.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Yea, slow down, don't want any tripping and falling.

    Good Morning. We had another wonderful day, working outside in the yard and putzying around until about 5:30 pm when John came over to me and told me to take him to the emergency room. I thought he was joking around until I saw all the blood. He was working on something in the garage and took a big chunk out of his thumb. Needed 7 stitches. I think we better get in the car today and take a drive. He is suppose to keep his hand clean and dry and rest for a couple days, if we stay home, I don't think I can keep him clean and dry and resting. Crazy guy !!

    Since he does not have a regular doctor, we will go back to the ER in 10 days to get the stitches removed. Boy, now that he's 75 years old, he's going to get the most out of Medicare. First, the cataracts and now this. He hasn't seen a doctor in years. When he was flying, he had to get a first class medical annually, but those physicals are pretty basic, like, are you breathing?? But, even then, the last one was over 15 years ago. They also gave him a tetanus shot, he couldn't remember when he got a tetanus shot before, I could only think that he probably got one when he cut a tendon in his finger while working on a bus engine and that was before I met him, back in the 60's. I just know the story second hand.

    Much cooler now, back to normal temps for us, mid to high 70's. Boy, for being a California girl, I sure am acclimated to the NW now. I like it in the 70's.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning and happy Friday everyone!

    We're still cloudy and a bit drizzly today. Sprinkling just enough to get the cars dirty, but not enough to do us any good water-wise. Oh well, at least it's not melt-your-face-off hot right now.

    Cisco is slowly getting over of his fear of going out on the front patio area after dark. He's walking out there with me now. He still won't relax enough to pee out there, so I'm still having to harness him up and take him out the back yard before bed. We're getting there though.

    Feeling better today so I came to work. The drive in was pretty good. I think a lot of people are off on their summer vacations right now. Works for me!

    Dad's been doing pretty good using his Fitbit. He's got it all synched up with his MyNetDiary logging website, so the foods and exercise he logs there show up on Fitbit too, and vice versa. He seems to be averaging about 13,000 steps per day.

    Not sure what I'm going to do this weekend. I don't have any shopping do, for once! Probably just stick around the house, and if it stays cool I may take Cisco to the dog park and get some walking in myself. If gets hot, I'm definitely going to go swimming. I haven't been in the pool since last weekend.

    Debora, busy, busy, busy as usual. Sounds like you are having productive week.

    Sheryl, a trip to the ER is no fun! Glad he's ok and just needed stitches. I hope you have a nice day trip if you do wind up going for a drive. You guys always find the neatest places to go to. Just so I have names with the faces (ha!) ...


    Did I get them all right? :D

    You all have a great weekend!

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Oh Marcie, how fun to have the picture with the names. Love it.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited July 2015
    Marcie, that is SO NEAT !

    And, Yes, you got them all named correctly.

    Now, I need to find a photo with the remaining three, Beauty, Snowflake and Topaz. I'll check on that tomorrow.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, I thought I'd drop in and chat a bit before I do my list. But I don't want to stay up too late cause I need to head out at 6:15 tomorrow. I'm helping at the 4-H Fashion Revue and when done helping will stay to watch my granddaughter. Judging is in the morning and then they model their outfits in the afternoon. Then I'll head home to do stuff for Sunday.

    Here's a quick summary of my week. The 4th with the Kenyans' went well. I had a piece of chicken instead of goat. There was lots of fresh fruit - not many vegetables and again no desserts like I think of. Ralph did a nice job with his devotional. There were about 175 people there. We even stayed until they set off the fireworks.

    Sunday was church, dinner, baby shower where the mom-to-be was overwhelmed with all she got. Yummy refreshments. Then we stayed and helped those in charge clean up so we could take Katie home with us. The evening was hearing from missionaries home from the Ukraine.

    Monday I walked and at the end hubby pulled up to say I had a low tire. He could tell by the tire tracks from when I left. So we traded cars and he went and got it fixed. I spent most of the time working on 4-H stuff. I was ready but we got rain so it we weren't able to have our 4-H tour. Disappointing but that's life. I mailed out the calendars and we'll go on. So since we stayed home, I got Ralph's hair cut - it needed it and this time I was okay with how it turned out.

    Tuesday I went with Ralph to his appointment. He was accepted into the study so got the meds to start taking. We, of course, also visited the thrift store and checked out the books and a couple of other short errands.

    Wednesday I walked. I got home and Ralph told me he had some balance problems the night before and still felt a little funny. I had him check his blood pressure and it was high so he was willing for me to make him an appointment. So I started scurrying around to work on my part of the meal I was doing that day. I had the salad (I used the one I had ready for Monday). I got the Spanish rice and chicken casserole ready just in time to go with my sister to her appointment with her diabetic doctor. She's doing okay. They took blood to check her AIC so I'm curious to hear about it. I got home in time to grab and apple and a sandwich and head back to the same town with Ralph. He checked out some things. Found out Ralph had a lot of earwax in one ear which they worked on a while and couldn't get so we're working on it here at home. He gave him antibiotic for the junk in his eyes. Then he did more stuff - can you walk a line placing one foot directly in front of the other. Ralph could not do it at all. And that with other things made the doctor wonder if he had a TIA so wanted him to have an MRI of his head. He also drew blood and got an xray of his eyes to make sure there was no metal there from welding or grinding that he has done over the years. Only restriction was not to drive but I did let him go to the farm (3 miles). At this point I convinced Ralph to cancel prayer group so we could to a visitation that evening. I got the meal together and went and delivered it to the family, came home, fixed something to eat and we went to the visitation.

    Thursday morning we went in to get the MRI and then right to the funeral and stayed for the meal afterwards. Then I had the afternoon at home before Bible study and meeting to get the three grandkids to come here. I also got the phone call from the nurse saying they had found nothing on the MRI so if the balance thing didn't improve to come back in.

    Today I walked, then went to the farm and got the grandkids. They weren't able to walk the pigs much cause we got some rain. I drove them home, did dishes while they changed clothes , got them up to the school and headed to the town to do my errands. Got home about 1 and have been home since then. I'm sure that was more than you wanted to here but you know why I haven't had much spare time or have taken the time. We got more rain this afternoon so staying went but supposed to headed up to the 100s after a few cooler days.

    Jannie, hope you got your bid this week. You want to keep the project moving. I don't envy you on the clothes after camp. Washing them twice is pretty smart.

    Isabella, cones are not much protection but I guess it did the job. The book sounds interesting.

    Sheryl, I like how you need John's help. And you do, him going will help easy your mind. Hope the faucet repair holds. Smart to get a new shop-vac. No reason to make life so hard. Did you get started on the llamas. Yay on the logging. Glad John likes his glasses. When do you get your results?

    Marcie, you neighbor is brave not to put a roof on her chickens. But she'll learn. Glad Cisco is doing better now that the fireworks are past. Your salad looks good.

    Isabella, I don't know what to do about the hairspray stain. Try washing it again but don't put it in the dryer until it's gone. Fun to have food to heat up for an easy meal. We don't have any cable or netflix or anything - just whatever the antenna brings in but I find more than I need to watch so am okay with it. I think I watch too much TV but it's my choosing.

    Marcie, I hope your headache is gone. They just make life no fun. We've had several cloudy days like that too only our grass is green because we've gotten lots of rain. We have puddles in the driveway again.

    Wow, Sheryl, 7 stitches. Good luck in keeping it all clean and dry. And rest. How's it going doing all that. Yay for your dad and his steps. How many I get just depends on the day. I think I'll have around 18000 today but tomorrow will probably have a lot less. We'll see.

    Okay, I'll bring this to a close. Got a bit longer than I thought it would. Couldn't keep my fingers quiet. Enjoy your weekend.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    I'm going to make this quick so I can run to the farmer's market and get more local honey, etc. Then I have lunch with the bible study girls at a restaurant called La Tapatia at 11:30am. We've been on hiatus so I'm looking forward to seeing everyone. Then our library concert at 2pm. Almost as busy as Debora today! :wink:

    Marcie, that thunder shirt sounds really interesting. I'm going to recommend it to my friend who has a nervous standard poodle. You're back yard & pool looks beautiful by the way! Our weather has been pretty much like yours but probably 5 to 10 degrees cooler! :) Cool to have the llama picture with the names on it!

    Sheryl, hope John's finger is healing well. Looking forward to hearing the results of your latest tests. Good job on all the weeding.

    Debora, you have REALLY been busy. I didn't think you could get much busier but you managed it! :) How is Ralph feeling? Has the dizziness gotten any better? Maybe he should see an ENT specialist (ear doctor)?

    OK, gotta run. I'll check in again later.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Slept through half of my Saturday morning tv programs, but did see Recipe Rehab and I like the results. It was about rehabbing a deep dish peach pie, one of my favorites, but I usually buy a frozen Marie Callendars and just bake it. Both of these rehabs looked good and simple and I should try them. Now, if I can find the recipe on the website to print out.

    Debora, I had to laugh that you got Marcie's dad mixed up with my dad...My dad passed, so he did not get in all those steps. Sorry, I guess I have a morbid sense of humor. You are so busy, takes my breath away.

    I looked through "My Pictures" here in the computer and I must have moved most of the llama photos to the external hard drive, not a single recent picture of the three remaining llamas not named in Marcie's redo of my photo. I'll pull those out later.

    Yesterday was good, John slept most of the morning, so we didn't get out of here until 11 am, but ran errands, post office, bank and went out to breakfast/lunch. I told John not to get a sandwich because he couldn't pick it up with his hands without getting his bandage messing. Well, he ordered a burger anyway and when it came, he exclaimed, "oh, I can't pick this up, I shouldn't have gotten a burger", DUH! He cut up his burger and ate it with a fork and grumbled the whole time. I guess I have to be more forceful when I say something, but at the same time, I don't want to treat him like a little child. Silly dilemma.
    I splurged again and ordered country fried steak and eggs with gravy on my hashbrowns. (My favorite breakfast). It was a huge portion and delicious. We ate at 1 pm so that kept me satisfied all day. We skipped dinner. Traffic was terrible again and we were both tired, so we got home by 3:30 and just sacked out in our big chairs. John did go outside at one point to check animal drinking waters, but assured me that he kept his bandage dry. Today, we change the bandage and will change it daily from now on.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Oh Sheryl, I'm so sorry I mixed up your dad with Marcie. That's what comes of me trying to not have so many paragraphs.

    Isabella, you did have a full day but all fun stuff. I know some people that have thundershirts for their dogs and really like them. Ralph is better but said it's not all gone. We're going to try irrigating his ear tonight and see if the ear drops have been working. :)

    Sheryl, great on getting John out and about so he couldn't play in the water. You making a comment and John still ordering a burger sounds like something Ralph could do. It's fun to have your favorite meal once in awhile. Good luck on keep his bandage dry for the next few days.

    I did get away at 6:15. I helped check in 4-Hers for the first part and then I sat with a judge and wrote down her comments as she judged. I missed watching DGD get judged. She got a blue ribbon though. Both daughters and two of the granddaughters went and ate Chinese for dinner and yes, I ate too much but it was so good. Our waitress was someone who used to attend out church so it was fun to see her. Then I went and checked to see what it might cost to get the fan for the ac fixed in my car and then back for the Public Fashion Revue. Then it was home to do what I needed to do for tomorrow. I cooked the fresh green beans I had been given so can use them for my BBQ green beans tomorrow.

    Better go see if DH is ready for me to work on his ear. Good night.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I'm thinking we need to take off again today because yesterday was stressful for me, trying to keep track of John. He's like a little kid, off and running and getting into everything. I should figure out how to protect his bandage so I can just let him go. But, plastic is not good because it needs to "breathe". There was major league baseball on tv yesterday, but even that didn't keep him sitting still. It seemed like every time I turned around, he was outside again. I put off shearing because John would want to help and that is a very dirty job. I usually have him brush the llamas first, but their fiber is so thick and filthy, I think I'll just keep cutting away.

    Debora, for years, I have seen the initials DH in many posts referring to a husband, what exactly does the D stand for? I am finally going to ask, I am so illiterate when it comes to most of the acronyms used on the internet.

    Boy, time either speeds by or stands still in John's world. He asked me yesterday when he gets the stitches removed because it's been "weeks" already. I said "no, this all happened just night before last". He looked at me like I was the crazy one. I was able to change the bandage ok, but certainly not like they did it at the ER. They used surgitube gauze, it's tubular and fits right over a digit. I know that I had seen it before, but Friday, we stopped at four different pharmacies and stores and no one carries it. I found it on Amazon and ordered it to be delivered by Tuesday. I trust that will help keep the bandage on and more secure, who knew that thumbs would be so difficult? Fortunately, John is in no pain, but it is tender.

    John really likes his new glasses. He comments all the time that he can see so clearly up close and far away. Yay!

    I guess that's it for now, going to get out the external hard drive and pull some of those old llama photos back out to post here.