Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited July 2015
    I found many photos, I'll probably fill this whole page...

    We purchased Beauty and Snowflake back in 2004, they started us on this path to llamas.

    This is Beauty with Mochadot in 2008

    This is Snowflake with her baby, Sienna, in 2007. Unfortunately, Sienna died at 3 months of age.
    She looked just like her father...
    This is Fin, the stud that we rented to father all of our babies.
    Here's another one of Snowflake, taken in 2008. She appeared all white when we got her, but every year after shearing, she has more spots.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited July 2015
    Here's a photo of all the girls greeting Bandit when he arrived. (2007) The dark brown llama in the back is Topaz.
    And, here's John with Gizmo when she was just a month old, back in 2007.
    And, just to round off the animals, here's our first duck with her first hatchlings, also in 2007.

  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Hey All! I'm working this weekend so I have a computer to use and thought I'd stop in quickly!
    I got the bid for the cabinets/countertop and it's more than I was hoping for. It does include the installation and a hardware allowance (for the handles/drawer pulls). If I figure what the other company was going to charge for installation, this is a slightly better deal. I also have the ability to pick my drawer style and color --the other company only had two styles/color to pick from. So, overall I think this is a better deal.

    My wall is down in the kitchen and I'm hoping by next weekend to have the remaining wall parts insulated and dry walled. The guy working on the kitchen had been laid off from work but is now busy so is only able to come on weekends :( It is taking longer than I want but I have always heard that patience is a virtue. If that's true, I have VERY little virtue!!!!!

    You are all so busy and I enjoy hearing about your days/weeks.

    Sheryl: Keeping anything on the hand clean is SO hard. I hope the new wraps help a lot. Also, very glad that John isn't in any pain! Love the pics of all your animals :) I think the "D" stands for "Dear" in the DH. I don't always know what the initials stand for either, I usually wait and try to figure it out or ask my boys!

    Aero-- Those 4H'ers really keep you busy! Was the Kenyan visit involving food from Kenya? I had one dish from Kenya years ago and literally ate one bite and had to stop because it was so smoky-hot! I can't do hot so it was not fun for me. Is Ralph feeling any better? I hope it wasn't a TIA, because those are mini-strokes and I wouldn't want him to have a real one! (my dad had a TIA 3 years before the real stroke that killed him)

    Marcie-- I often wonder if the Thundershirt works or not. My first dog would never leave from under the bed (which Is why I finally sedated him) but it would have been nice if I had that to try! We had 3 days of 70 degree weather and now we are back to the 90's! I enjoyed the 70's a lot even though it rained with it. I realized when they said we've had 72% or our days with rain since May 1st that that is 3 out of 4 days :( UGH--so glad I don't live in England. Hope you are still feeling better and can get out and enjoy your lunch breaks!

    Ivanek--always nice to see you and hope the wall is coming along! How was your lunch?

    Talk to you all soon and have a great week!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited July 2015
    Good morning everyone.

    Another weekend has flown the coop. I could have used another day, but that's typical for me.

    We had perfect weather all weekend. Never even made it into the 90s. They say we will be warming up again this week though.

    Cisco is getting better about going out on the front patio at night now, but he still stops are perks up his ears just waiting to hear a loud boom. Last night I was out there with him and Dad scraped a chair on the floor in the house and Cisco thought it was a boom and raced to door begging to be let in. Baby steps.

    I made some watermelon popcicles for the first time this weekend. Pretty good. Just blend about 4 cups watermelon with the juice of a lime and a tsp of sugar.

    Had another lazy weekend. Just did laundry, some light house cleaning, and hardboiled some eggs for the week. Eggs sure have gotten expensive here. Most of the grocery stores are charging $4 for a dozen and $6 for 18. Just can't bring myself to pay that for eggs. It has to do with the new law that requires them to cage the animals in a certain way, so the cost of those changes is being passed on to the consumer. Walmart is the only place I've found with cheaper eggs. $2.87 for a dozen.

    When Dad and Cisco were coming back from their walk last night Cisco found three baby birds on the ground under the tree in our front yard. Looks like they had fallen out of their nest during the windy day and their Mom was gone. They were barely breathing but still alive. We just let them be, but when Dad found they were still struggling the next morning he went ahead and put them out of their misery. So sad, but nature can be tough. After Dad removed them from the yard, Cisco peed on the grass where they had been. Sheesh.

    Debora, my but you had a busy week last week! I'm sorry Ralph has been having such a time of it. I hope that he's feeling better very soon.

    Jannie, 72% rainy days. Wow! We could sure use some of that! Glad you accepted a bid and they can move forward with that. Sorry it was more costly than you wanted though.

    Sheryl, it sounds like it is hard keeping a good John down! I hope that hand heals up quickly! Here's all the pics with names (those llamas are just so darn cute)! Poor little Sienna.








    Back to work. Have a wonderful week everyone.

    P.S. I don't know if she'll post anything here, but just FYI...NM's Leonadance (here she is called LeonaScanlan) just joined the group.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning. Headed out to walk in a bit and while I'm out, I'll pick up the door prizes for tonight (pork chops). Then it's home to make a salad and bake a pie for tonight along with whatever else I can get done. I was thinking through the next 3 weeks and this one is my least busy one. So I need to sit down and think through everything and figure out what I have to do and do it ahead of other stuff. Of course Lori could change that and have the baby this week. :)

    SS went well, we had a good message in church, dinner was good - only enough leftovers for about 1 meal. The ladies meeting was super good - fellowship and speaker. We got another chunk of wax out of Ralph's ear but now he can't hear as well out of it as he used to. He could walk the line for a little bit yesterday morning so we'll see how it is this morning.

    Sheryl, I love all the pictures. Fun to see John too. So you may have lots of outings this week to help you keep John occupied. You enjoy the drives to so hope he'll cooperate about going. The D stands for dear. I have a couple of other places that we use that a lot so it slips in other places. DH - dear husband, DGD - dear granddaughter, DSIL, Dear son-in- law..... Questions are always welcomed. Glad you found the gauze and it's coming fairly quickly. The smaller the area to be wrapped, I think the harder it is. Glad it doesn't hurt. Cool on the glasses - took you a lot to get the procedure done but it was worth it.

    Jannie, yay on getting the cabinets chosen and that you have more selection and in the long run a better deal. You've had lots of decisions to make. I hear you on the patience. It's often forced on me. :) The Kenyans had the goat, ugali, rice, mashed green beans and a spinach dish so all okay and then lots of fresh fruit. There were also hamburgers and hot dogs.
    Thanks for asking on Ralph. He is still having some balance issues but we are pretty sure it's with the ear cause there was a moment yesterday when he could walk a line fine and then we put drops in again. He also has less hearing. We've gotten some wax out - just don't know if it's all of it. I'm not good at being able to see if there down his ear. We just irrigated it again and got out more wax and he is able to hear better so I think we're making progress. I've not heard the rain posted like that. I wonder what our percentage would be. Today is no rain and 100. There is a breeze but still hot.

    Marcie, your eggs are high. I suppose if they have to revamp the building, cost do get passed on. Price are up around here ($3.00-$3.50 a dozen) but we are told it's because of the bird flu and flocks that had to be killed. Fairs around here are not allowing any poultry or pigeon exhibits because of it. So hopefully the prices go back down in a few months when the flocks are built up again. In reality, a dozen eggs weights like 24 oz. I think so per pound, still not a bad deal - we're just not used to paying it. I tend to buy what is on sale meatwise and today I went to the locker to get pork chops for our door prizes. I have a limit to spend so each container gets 8 pork chops as they were $4.50 a pound. That's why I don't buy my meat there. Too high for me.

    Ralph worked on our pressure tanks. We need to get them replaced but don't want them full of water cause that weighs a lot. Got a bunch of gunk out of the pipes. Yuck to see it. Pie and salad are done but I didn't get the rest done that I wanted but such is life. We're about ready to head out now so talk to you all later.

    That would be fun to have Leona drop in.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Wow, all the photos are labeled. You did great with only one exception, the group shot. That was the girls greeting Bandit (Mochdot wasn't born until the following year). Our neighbor purchased Topaz and Bandit and then they stayed with us. So left to right in that group photo is: DEB, Chessie's eye and ear behind DEB, Bandit, Gizmo & Beauty behind Bandit, Sienna, Topaz, Snowflake and Crystal. Crystal is Snowflake, Dude and Gizmo's mother and she has since passed away. Dude is across the street and belongs to our neighbors. Snowflake and Dude are full sister/brother and Gizmo is a half sister. DEB, Chessie and Mochadot are full sisters. This "family tree" is getting confusing.

    John and I stayed home the last two days and he sure kept me busy keeping track of him. Without that tubular gauze, it sure is hard to keep a bandage on his thumb. I think today, I'll gauze him right up and around his wrist, to hold it all on. I changed his bandage twice yesterday and then at one point, he came in and asked if I'd drive him somewhere. My heart sank, I thought another trip to the ER, but it was just around the block to the cul-de-sac behind us to retrieve one of our chickens that got under the fence. We really need to secure our perimeter fences again because John keeps leaving gates open, in the cross fencing, and there's a portion of back fence with a big gap under it and the birds can get out. I've given up on my apple trees this year, John keeps leaving that gate open also and the llamas love those tender apple trees, fruit, leaves, bark and all.

    Debora, thanks for the definition, I thought that it might mean Dear, but wasn't positive. Interesting choice of door prize...pork chops. Yummy, but a bit strange to me. Are they frozen? How do you keep them preserved during the festivities?

    I haven't priced eggs in a long time, wow, prices are high. I am so spoiled, having my own chickens.

    I plan to get more shearing done today. I only work a couple hours at a time because both the llamas and I get tired. They cooperate pretty well if I give them breaks in between, so we go in shifts and they aren't completely finished for a few days. Yesterday, I worked on Beauty and Gizmo.

    Tomorrow, I go see my oncologist and get the results of the CT scan and the diagnostic mammogram. I anticipate good news, I feel good anyway.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited July 2015
    Good Morning. Got more shearing done yesterday morning before it got too hot and stressful. I started on Mochadot, in the past, she has completely cooperated, but yesterday, she gave me fits. I kept her and Beauty together in the stall, thinking she would calm down with her mother close by, but it didn't help. So, I let her out and did some work on DEB. They sure look funny right now, only partly sheared. The rump is the hardest part to get at, no one likes their rump messed with, so they have skinny middles and big, fat rumps.

    About noon, I found John's bandage in the pasture and found him moving his water hoses around and brought him in to clean and re-bandage his thumb. Part of it had some puss, so we went back to the ER to have it cleaned out again. They said it wasn't bad enough to remove the stitches, but they did give us a Rx for antibiotics to clear up the infection and new instructions...that when he is in the house, he can keep it un-bandaged to let it air out and stay dry. We still go back Sunday to get the stitches taken out.

    I go to my doctor appointment this afternoon and get results from the CT scan. I imagine that it will be another 3 months before I go back again. I will need a new Rx for the cancer medication, I only have one more refill for this Rx, we'll see.

    Beautiful, cool, morning today, but I still feel tired from yesterday, so I may put off more shearing until tomorrow. Like I said, I just take my time so no one gets stressed out. We all have bad hair days for a few weeks.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited July 2015
    Good morning.

    Had yesterday off, so just piddled around the house all day.

    I did have some excitement (not!) though. The gardeners apparently left the gate to our backyard open when they left. When I was making my lunch Cisco kept getting under foot, so I put him out in the backyard until I finished. When I went to get him he was gone and I noticed the gate was open. I walked up and down our street calling for him, then got in the car and drove in widening circles around the neighborhood (just sure I was going to see a dead Cisco laying in the middle of the street!). A couple who live down the street were pulling out of their driveway when I passed. They knew Cisco and helped me look, but had no luck finding him either. When I got home, our next door neighbor (the good one, not Beavis & Butthead) came and got me. Cisco had just meandered from our yard over to his backyard and our neighbor called and left us a message that he had him. All that time I was upset and calling his name out of my car window like a mad woman, and he was just chilling with the next door neighbor. New rule...Cisco must now where is collar when he goes in the backyard. He has a ID chip implanted, but if he get's out again the collar will help too. Suffice it to say, Dad will be having words with the gardeners when they come next week. He's had to remind them in the past to close that gate, and they keep forgetting to do it. Dad missed out on all the fun. He was shopping at Costco when all this was happening. I would be a mess if anything happened to my little guy.

    Made this tuna salad for dinner last night. Turned out really good.
    mygnsac wrote: »
    Tuna salad (tuna, asparagus, red bell pepper, cucumber, white onion, green onion, garlic, tomato, dill pickle, romaine, mayo, garlic salt and black pepper) on a bed of shredded romaine with cucumber slices, 1/2 a small baked potato, and pecorino cheese; and a nectarine.


    Sheryl, I just knew I was getting something wrong when I was labeling all those pictures! I hope you get perfect results today!

    Debora, I've never heard of pork chops being a door prize. I haven't made those in years. Dad likes them but not me and he doesn't ever ask me to make them anymore. I hope you are having a less-busy week this week.

    Back to work. Have a nice day everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Another quickie because John is up already, but wanted to let you know that the scan showed tumors even smaller than before. Good news and I see the doctor again in two months. I'll try to get back here later with more details.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited July 2015

    Is it Friday yet? Slow week. Ugh.

    Dad heard from his sister yesterday (she lives on the East coast) that my cousin, her 40 year old son, has a brain tumor. Cancer really runs bad in that family. Her husband lost his battle about 5 years ago and his father and brothers all died from cancer too. They have removed most of the tumor, but it's malignant and he will now undergo chemo and radiation treatments. From what I understand, the prognosis is not good. So young. I'm not close to any of them, but it still saddens me to hear he's going through this.

    Tomorrow after work I need to run my car through the car wash. It's so dirty right now. I want it clean for Saturday because the windshield repair guy will be coming to the house to repair that chip I have in the front windshield. They charge $99 for that type of repair. I could go through insurance, but after my deductible I'd be spending about the same amount anyway, so I'm just bypassing insurance on this one. They say they'll be there on Saturday between noon and 5 pm, so it looks like I will be stuck at home waiting on them. Once they arrive, it should only take about 30 minutes for them to get it done. Then the following Saturday I have an appointment to take Simon in for his annual checkup and shots, then the Saturday after that I have an appointment to take my car into the dealership for its 20,000 mile service (I only have 14,000 miles on the car, but I need to get it in while that service is still free).

    Sheryl, that's great news about the scans. I was so hoping you would get good results!

    Have a nice day everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning...IT'S FRIDAY!!!!! I'm just helping you along, Marcie, cheering you on for the weekend. I have never worked a 9-5, Mon-Fri job, but I can sympathize with the drudgery of facing traffic during the work week, Ugh! I like to watch the early morning local news and I see the traffic backed up on all the hwys getting in to and out of the city. I constantly am thankful that I'm not IN it.

    Yesterday was a very good day. Got more shearing done in the cool of the morning. Here's DEB, partly done...


    Later in the day, worked on the automatic waterer that had a leak. John continued to water and found a mole hole that he fed the hose down into and it never filled up with water. He was so mesmerized by that, that he couldn't fill it up...who knows how much water was wasted down that hole. We are having a dry spell, but not officially in a drought, so no one has told us not to water, but our bill is going to be horrendous, I'm sure of that.

    They are building another house behind us and this one is closer and will be visible from our window.


    This house is HUGE. It looked like they poured two foundations, we thought it was for 2 houses, but I guess it was for the garage.

    Today, it's hot already, so I'll probably put off shearing. Maybe I can get John to run away with me for some sort of adventure, ha ha ha, we can always delay doing chores.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi all. Thanks for the FRIDAY shout out Sheryl. You know me and Fridays! You were lucky to have escaped the Mon-Fri daily commute thing. I've been doing it now since 1983 and I'm over it!

    Boy, the green lawn people in our neighborhood sure do stand out now. It's obvious they are watering more than permitted. I don't know how they are getting away with it. I'd say about 95% of the lawns are brown with just a touch of green now and the rest are still fully green. We still have a little green left where the shade of the trees hit the ground. We water the lawns once a week now on Saturday night and the trees on Wednesday. We had 2 kumquat trees, and the smaller of the 2 has died. Must not have been getting enough water. The 2nd tree looks ok still though. We have 5 palm trees on the property, but we're not worried about them. Their roots are so deep, they will get plenty of water.

    Cisco sure didn't want to get out bed this morning, the lazy thing. He usually crawls into bed with me when he and Dad get back from their dawn walk, and when I get up for work he gets up and follows me around until I leave. Today he just buried himself in the covers and stayed there until I made him get up so I could straighten the bed. If I were him, I'd do the same thing! I sure didn't want to get up this morning.

    Here's Cisco last night peering at me wishing I would turn the light out and go to bed already!


    I made some more popcicles last night. They've been really good this summer. This time I blended up about 1 1/2 cups of watermelon with 2 cups of blueberries and the juice of 1/2 a lemon. Turned out really good. It made enough for 6 popcicles and 2 fruit smoothies. Dad and I had the smoothies last night. I blended what was left of the watermelon/blueberry mixture with a couple old bananas, a little milk and some ice cubes. It was a really yummy treat.

    Speaking of watermelons, my watermelon guy is back, yay! I bought a watermelon from him yesterday and it was the best watermelon I've had this season. Perfect and sweet. So glad he's back! I get really good watermelons from him for about 1/2 the price the grocery store charges.

    After work tonight I'm going to go get my car washed, then I think I'll get the laundry out of the way later tonight so I don't have to mess with it this weekend. Since I'll be home all day tomorrow waiting for that company to come repair my windshield on the car, I'll most likely spend tomorrow cleaning house. Fun, fun, fun. The pool is perfect right now, so I'll be doing some swimming this weekend too. Dad even got in it yesterday, and he rarely gets in the pool anymore. He never actually swims in it, but just floats around with his hat on his bald head. I'm under the water half the time, and doing laps and water exercises when I'm in the pool.

    Sheryl, love the pics. It looks like you have such pretty views from your property. I hope the new neighbors turn out to be good ones. DEB might be starting a new fashion trend there. Looks like a lion cut for llamas! That must be quite a job getting them all sheared. Yeah, if we let water down a hole like that the water police would be throwing us in shackles (or would at least give us fine). I believe the law now is three fines and then they shut your water off. Something like that. So far we've only gotten a warning and that all due to a technical glitch with the sprinkler system going at the wrong time.

    I guess I better get back to work now and get this day over with. Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    edited July 2015
    Howdy, week is zooming past. Tuesday I had the entire day at home so I worked down my list. Wednesday we got an appointment to get my ac fixed, had the guy come out and change out the pressure tanks so didn't have water most of the afternoon and went to prayer group. It got down to just 4 of us so we kind of pushed ourselves to the other couple's house so they wouldn't have to get out. Much nicer for me. Also we took the dryer partway apart cause it wasn't heating. It is working when apart so now have to figure out what's going on with the door on.

    Thursday I loaded up stuff for the thrift store and we went and dropped it off (I need to get rid of more stuff), looked for books, ate, went to DH's appointment and then I shopped at Walmart while he went back to the store with the book sale and went through the Mennonite books. I finished up most of the birthday shopping. The evening was a meeting. We dropped my car off, went to it, stopped by Julie's and dropped of recycling and then came home.

    Today was errands and doing a little at home. Seemed strange but I didn't but any fruit but some bananas and a plum for a snack (which I forgot to eat till I got home). We need to catch up with what's in the fridge. In awhile we're going to leave to eat and go to a baseball game (will watch the college boy staying with Derek and Lindsey) and a couple of my friends that live in that part of town may come. Ralph is having a frustrating day cause his VCR recorder is not working and you can't buy them very easily anymore. So.... I'm working on him getting a TIVO but it's a lot of money. He would like it.

    Tomorrow I hope to be home all day getting ready for Sunday. We'll be celebrating 5 birthdays - one cake , several choices of ice cream. Ham and noodles for the main dish. We're getting closer to next Tuesday when Lori will be induced if baby has not come - that will work out nice to have it planned out. Jannie, I got the stuff for your ravioli dish and hope to use it for the grandkids. Hope they'll be okay with the spinach.

    Sheryl, you're doing great on the shearing. Even in process, they look cute. I'm sure you'll be glad when John gets the stitches out. Sure glad you got good results on your tests.

    Marcie, I'm so glad you found Cisco safe and sound. I wouldn't want to be those gardeners when your dad sees them. You have quite the artistic eye. You plates of food always look so nice. Our club has always had a number of 4-Hers in swine so we started getting pork chops from the locker. They are frozen salad and then I put them in a cooler with ice packs so they stay frozen. We get thicker ones. Then the one who gets them has a nice meal but doesn't have to find a place to put something. It has always gone over well. Pork is eaten a lot here. But we do raise hogs. I like beef too but it's more expensive. I go with what's on sale. Let's see - your work day should be about done now. Your weekend will be full too but it's what you've chosen to do. Hope the guy is early to do your windshield so you don't have to wait around so long. If you do laundry tonight and clean tomorrow, you'll have Sunday for relaxing. Glad you're able to make sure good use of the pool.
    I hope those that are watering get fined. Not really fair to you who follow the rules.
    Yay on the watermelon man. Enjoy.

    Hope you all have a good weekend.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi all, I never did get back here last Saturday.

    Jannie, we had a wonderful lunch together. We all really enjoy each other. Glad your kitchen is coming along even if it is slowly but surely.

    Dan and I really enjoyed the concert as well. It was pretty funny - Dan hasn't felt like having Mexican food in quite a while so guess what he wanted to have after the concert last Saturday? You guessed it - Mexican food! It's okay, I had 1 fish taco so it wasn't too bad. Of course I ate every bit of my carnitas burrito at lunch. In my defense, I had them add peppers and onions so it wasn't as filling as it could have been! :)

    Sheryl, so very happy to hear the tumors are still getting smaller! Still praying for you and John daily. Good job on the llama shearing. Is John able to keep the bandage off now? I've been buying eggs from the girl at work. She charges $3.50 per dozen or $5.00 for an 18 pack. Her eggs are SO good!

    Marcie, glad Cisco was OK. So nice that the watermelon guy is back! I'm jealous again! The couple of watermelons I've had so far have been just OK.

    Debora, Hope Ralph's ear is better. I think pork chops for a prize sounds wonderful! I've really had a hankerin' for pork but don't want to spend the money. Maybe this week.

    Well, we've had rain and lightening and thunder all day and now I'm getting ready to go to a summer pops concert with Big Bad Voodoo Daddy playing with the San Diego symphony. Should be great! Hopefully the rain will hold off! I'd better go make dinner.

    Bye for now!

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi everyone.

    Been a nice quiet Saturday. It felt weird not going anywhere on a Saturday, but had to wait for the windshield repair guy. He got here around 2pm and it took him about 30 minutes to repair that chip. I'm just glad it was on the passenger side of the car. Otherwise I probably would have had to take it in and possibly get the whole window replaced. Dad was out there the whole time bugging the guy to explain the process as he was working.

    We have between 7pm and 10pm on Saturday nights to water (12 am to 7 am and 7 pm to 10 pm), so dad is hand washing his car right now. When he goes to his little hole in the wall breakfast place he usually parks under a tree there and recently figured out that something from that tree has been falling and sticking to the truck. He couldnt get it off at the automatic carwash, so hes washing it himself. I took my car to the automatic carwash on the way home from work yesterday, so its nice and shiny for the moment. Wont last long. Birds love my car!

    Dad and I went out for Mexican food last night. It was really good, but I could only finish about half of my tamale/enchilada meal. Dad finished the rest for lunch today. That particulat restaurant we usually avoid in the summertime because the are usually stingy about the AC, but they actually had the place nice and cool yesterday.

    Theres a "post a selfie" thread going on in the main forum, so I risked breaking MFP and posted a selfie last night. Ha! I do not like pics of me, obviously!


    I also posted a selfie of Simon. Really, he was holdie the camera. ;)


    I ate the last of my homemade black bean burgers today (those things are so good). As soon as I get ambitious again, I'll make and freeze another batch. I also need to make and freeze somemore scrambled egg muffins, but just hate using the oven right now.


    I got the floors swept and mopped today and about half the laundry done this morning before it got hot. Will finish the laundry tonight and hardboil some eggs for next week. I still need to vacuum and dust the house, but I think I'll do that tomorrow.

    Sheryl, I'm happy to hear you got good results on those tests! How's your arm by now? Do you have full function of it now? I was going to mention...Dad said the other morning while he and Cisvo were out walking, the ran across a woman walking a couple llamas. That's something you never see here. Said Cisco was fascinated be them!

    Deborah, wow, five birthdays! It's been nice seeing you in the five-letter game out in the main forum. I like running in to NMer's out there. Doesnt happen often.

    Isabella, glad you enjoyed the concert. Wished I could let you borrow my watermelon guy! That watermelon he sold me last week was sooooo good. It restored my faith in melons! Ha!

    Cisco is having a sneezing fit right now and keeps sneezing on me. Yuck! I just pushed him away and now he's giving me the hurt doggy look. Lol

    Well, I think I'll go throw a load in the washer (Im sure I'll have tons if towels to do as soon as Dad finishes with his truck) and then relax and have on of those watermelon\blueberry popcicles I made. Those things are so slushy and refreshing. Will definitely be making more of those? I think I'll post a pic of them out in the recipe forum.

    By y'all!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, I did get to spend the whole day at home. In fact I was in the house except when I went out to get the mail and move some branches that Ralph had cut down a few days ago. It was hot so more pleasant in her but have still managed to walk a lot. I have pathways through my house that I traverse and I tried to move quickly so I've been having a large bedtime snack to use my calories. I might even set a new step record for a day today - aiming for 27,000. I'm close (265 to go) so will do a bit more to make it. Tomorrow starts our missionary conference so will have church morning and evening. When Julie goes home, I'll ride along and bring home my car. She picked the key up Friday so I could get it anytime. Got the mail in and had two letters returned that I forgot to put stamps on. One was a card for my brother-in-law who is 96 today. So I'll get it going again on Monday.

    Isabella, you've been having some fun activities. Did the rain stay away? When we eat pork, it's usually on sale for $1.99 a pound. I wanted to get a pork tenderloin to have some Sunday cause they were on sale and also out of them. The pork chops I bought for the door prize were $4.50 a pound. That's too high for me on a regular basis.

    Better head for bed. Tomorrow will be busy.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited July 2015
    Good Morning. I got caught up in Facebook again early, just browsing. Same with yesterday morning and then John got up and I never got over here. This morning, I'd like for him to get up early, BUT, NOOOOOOO! Not when I want him to. I'll have to go wake him soon because we need to get to the ER to get his stitches removed. They said Sunday morning is quiet there and we can get in and out. If we wait til this afternoon or tomorrow, we'll be sitting in the waiting room for a long time. His thumb looks pretty good, even after a bit of an infection. He's on antibiotics now for 3 more days. He also banged it Friday and started some bleeding again, but that healed quickly.

    It was HOT all day yesterday, I took it easy except for when I had to go outside and find out what John was up to. He just CAN NOT sit still. I tried to talk John into going to the "Rural Heritage Fair", just 10 miles up the road from us and it's enjoyable, old tractors and steam engines and a threshing bee. We've gone several times before but it's been years. Anyway, John said no. He's such a party pooper.

    I better go wake him up and I trust I can get back here this afternoon.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi all, I got an e-mail from Granny yesterday. She sounds really good. The new place sounds nice and she found a nice church too. She is busy with G-ma running the kids to summer activities on the school bus like last summer so she is staying busy.

    The big bad voodoo daddy concert with the San Diego Symphony was wonderful! My friend has season tickets so we were the 2nd table from the stage. Real up close and personal. We had a few big drops of rain fall in the early evening then nothing. It was even warm enough that we didn't have to wear our jackets. Pretty unusual right on the water. They even had lovely fireworks at the end. It was a magical evening made even better by the company of my dear friend who is finally more like her old self since her husband died of a heart attack 2 yrs ago.

    I went on line this weekend and googled how to remove hairspray from clothing. There were a couple of strange methods or they called for products that I would have to buy. I finally found one that seemed doable and I had all the products. I am thrilled to tell you that it worked beautifully! Yay for the internet!

    Also, I've been forgetting to tell you that my company changed it's name to TruTeam this month and it is crazy at work. I know, it doesn't sound like a construction company does it?! Business is picking up as it is and now a lot of our clients want new paperwork and new contracts in the new company name. Oh well, this too shall pass but man oh man was I happy to see Friday arrive! :)

    Today was 91 degrees and VERY humid - like Florida humid! It is supposed to be like this all week so I can't even imagine what Sacto is like this week Marcie!

    Marcie, love the selfie! How fun!

    I'm going to stop rambling now because hubby is waiting for me to come watch TV with him. Have an awesome week everyone!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning, this starts the beginning of two busy weeks (at least in my mind). I have three hours here and then I'm going to Lori's and helping her with grocery shopping and straightening the house. I called last night and offered and am glad I did. She wanted me to come but didn't think she should ask since I will be going on Tuesday. Not sure how long I'll be there today. I'd like to get my house straightened from yesterday. It was fun but always crazy with 20 in the house. I was sure glad I put the AC down to 70 - it was still 79 when they left about 4:30. I rode home with Julie and got my car. I have ac again - yay and the problem with the fan was a dead house - yuck. Have a good one.

    Marcie, 3 hours to water is not much. Clean cars - doesn't happen much here. I love the pics. It's fun to see you in person. Simon looks so serious. And the meal, as usual, looks great.

    Sheryl, I'm sure both you and John are glad to have the stitches out. Now you can give him a little more space. I understand the checking on him when it's so hot.

    Isabella, yay on getting the hairspray out. You had good seats for that concert. Amazing that a name change can make so much more work for you. Thanks for mentioning the TV. I need to make sure Ralph knows how to do all he needs on the TV out here since he had me tape more shows. I googled whether he could use a digital converter box to be able to make a analog tuner VCR work - you sort of can but it's not a good solution.

    We found out where Lindsey booked us for a family get-away. I also realized we (hubby and I) can't go till Saturday morning but such is life.

    Have a wonderful day.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hi everyone, sorry I popped in and back out but I had a case of the migraines again with the pain lasting far longer than it has lately. It is still better than having a migraine daily like I used to for years. My head is still hurting a little but I can look at the computer screen without it causing my head to throb.

    Our trip was great, the A/C stayed broken all the way home and hubby had to take the entire dash out(including the seats) so he could get inside there and replace 4 of the A/C control doors that were broken. Well three were broken he just went ahead and replaced all four he received in a repair kit. The whole system had to be taken apart in the dash and under the hood so he could flush and blow out the system to make sure there weren't any damaging dust and particles to clog the system.

    It works like new now and that is a good thing because our heat index has been in the 105 to 110's the last few days and he drove the old car without A/C while he repaired the truck. The cost of this entire repair work would have been from $1500 to $2,000 if we took it to the dealer, whew we saved a bunch!

    I hope you all had a great fourth of July!

    Isabella, I still love my PamBras, they are the best thing I have ever come across to stay comfortable when I have the heat killing me, lol. As always the heat kills me so these are something I use daily and I have two sets so I never run out between laundry days.

    The guys race as the local dirt track and have alot of fun, it seems alot of money is spent by the guys who do the racing, but hubby is pit crew and he enjoys that as well.

    Our house A/C broke entirely this last Saturday and it got to be 86 degrees in the house with 100% humidity. It was horrible for me, I cannot take the heat and humidity at all, it makes me ill. Hubby checked everything out and could not figure out what was wrong with the unit for at least two hours then he discovered that one of the breakers on the indoor unit which is in the attic was corroded from water dropping onto it. This was caused by the a/c ducting tape losing it's sticky and causing a small leak right above the breaker. It's sure a good thing we didn't have a fire in there and it is the breaker you can't see until you open the service door on the unit.

    This breaker is the service breaker used when the technician comes to work on the unit and they can shut off the electrical current to the unit with that switch instead of using the house breaker in the garage. Hubby went to Lowe's down the road and they didn't have what he needed so he went to his racing friends and one of the guys there who sponsors said he would check their electrical inventory on Monday for us. In the meantime the guy told hubby how to bypass the breaker to make it work and he did. We had a/c working at 9:00 that night. Whew!

    Well, I got onto the net and did a search for the part according to the part number on the side and found it for $29.95 with free expedited shipping. Yay! We should receive it on Friday and hubby should be able to undo his bypass and put the breaker in returning the a/c back to it's original function. It was going to cost us $252.75 just for the tech to come out on the weekend to take a look for a minimum of two hours and at a higher hourly rate for the weekend. Another great financial break for us. Whew, we cut that one close and I almost caved but said no way, I will deal with it and pay only $89.00 on Monday for a service call. I am glad hubby is trained in electrical work and cars, and houses, etc. Boy am I a lucky woman. :)

    mygnsac-I wanted to let you know about car washing products that are the best and used by many car owners who have show cars. They are called Greer Distributing here but the product online to purchase is called Kegco, Inc and that is their link. If you call Greer distributing and tell them what the problem your dad is having with his car they can tell him what product is the best for it. I can tell you though, these products are fantastic and it takes only a small amount for each use because it is concentrated.

    4444 Crosstown Expy

    Corpus Christi, Tx 78415




    Well, I am out of time on edits of this thing, lol. I'll address other things next time.