Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good afternoon, clean-up for the fair was this morning. Now I'm cleaning up at home so I can go get 4 of Derek's kids around 7. They will be here through Sunday. It has been a good week. Hot the first few days of the fair and then it cooled down yesterday and we got rain today - not as nice for clean-up but that's how it is.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Just another quick pop-in, John is up already. Yesterday got up to 102, record heat for us. I was able to keep John inside from noon til about 4 pm, and naturally, late afternoon is the hottest part of the day. But it cools down nicely at night and sleeping is fairly comfortable. Today forecast is 101. I'll probably stay inside again.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. There is llama sex going on right outside my window, wow, is Bandit loud. Sorry TMI. Some of you who were not on this running post back on NM may not know that when we had the vet come out to geld Bandit, we all discovered that he only had one testicle. The vet said that maybe he was born with only one, or the second one was up inside and it would take major surgery to remove it. The vet said that if there was one up in there, Bandit would still be getting testosterone and think he's a stud, but could never get the girls pregnant. And, that's what happened, Bandit has the best of both worlds, thinks he's a stud and has a harem, but will never be a dad.

    So, even after I said TMI...I continued to give you even more info. I felt the need to explain!

    My sister delivered my Mom's car yesterday. The Volvo mechanic that has serviced my parents' car for years wanted to buy it for his mother. She also found out that Mike is interested in buying the house too. So, now we have two interested parties and it's not even on the market yet. Come September 1st, the bidding war will begin, we'll take the highest offer.
    It will be nice for my sister to get out from under all the pressures of dealing with these sales. She is doing so much work and my mom doesn't seem to appreciate it. Mom tells me how much Norma does for her, but never tells Norma. It's like whatever Norma does, it just isn't enough, Mom wants more. A simple "thank you" would go a long way. Norma is just about ready to tell Mom she can do all her own paperwork.
    I pray Norma can hold up a little longer.

    I'll refill my mug and relax before John gets up and my busy day begins.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited August 2015
    Just popped in to see if anyone stopped by this morning, and I find llama sex. Too funny! Sheryl, that must be so frustrating for Norma.

    Got my car washed and my grocery shopping done this morning and I'm taking the car in for its 20,000 mile service this afternoon (I only have 14,000, but my 2 years free service ends in 2 weeks and I want to get this last one in). I need to be there at 1:45 and it will take a couple hours. I always walk around and check out the new cars while I get my car serviced. Probably frustrates the sales people.

    Dad went to the doctor on Thursday to have some wax removed from his right ear, but they wound up pushing the wax down further into his ear canal. They didnt want to risk damaging the ear drum, so they referred him to a specialist who can get it out. Now he cant hear anything in that ear and his appt is three weeks away. He's definitely not a happy camper right now. He and I went out for dinner last night and the waitress kept talking to him on the deaf side. I told him he needs to put a sign on his NM eatin' cap directing people to the hearing side of his head!

    We got up to 108 degrees on Wednesday, but it cooled down into the low 90s yesterday and today. Nice and cool in the mornings and warm in the afternoon. I wished it would stay like this for the rest if the summer.

    Well, it looks like Fitbit is going to replace my damaged Fitbit. I emailed them a copy of the sales receipt yesterday. Not sure when I'll receive, but at least I dont have buy another one. Yay.

    Last night I was going through the photos I have on my work Blackberry (they are issuing me a Samsung Galaxy S5, so I'm clearing out the personal stuff on the Blackberry before I have to turn it in) and I found this pic I took a couple days after mom died in 2011. At the time I was hating on the rain. I remember toting her around to all her doctors appts and trying to keep her warm and dry. Just look at all the green lawns and the poring rain. Even my car at the time was green! Missing my mom and the pretty green lawns.


    I guess I should eat a little lunch before I head out. My stomach is a little queasy this morning, so I think I'm just going to have some yogurt.

    By all.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good evening everyone, I only got the laundry room cleaned and some laundry done the other day because I was just too wore out, lol. I noticed some ants in the kitchen all over the floor after I vacuumed in the laundry room and wonder if I disturbed an unknown nest so I called the terminix guy and he put down some of that sugar based poison. The ants were gone last night and now they are back, bummer. Maybe it's too hot out there for the ants too, lol. They won't be liking it when I spray some house cleaner on them and wipe them away though. Ah well, I'm keeping the rest of the house up and will start on the bedroom tomorrow because I have an eye appt on Monday to check pressures. The technicians will be taking pressures every hour for 6 hours minimum to see if my pressures are normal and balanced. A friend has just told me she is coming to town on Tuesday, Yay! I haven't seen her in a few months.

    Sanferris-Llama sex was not what I thought I would be reading about, lol. It sure opened my eyes though! Glad your cooling off in the evenings and I am happy to hear the good news on house buyers who are interested. I hope your sister can hang in there until it's all done.

    Mygnsac-I thought we had it bad, 104 degrees and 99% humidity but I'm not so sure it's any worse than you have it. Good news that fitbit will replace yours and sounds like great customer service. Those green lawns sure are pretty.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi all, thanks for the kind words about my tooth. As it turns out the tooth (which has a crown) is fine. It was the night guard plus apparently my bite has shifted a tad and the "cusp" of the upper tooth was hitting right in the middle of the crown causing the soreness. The dentist shaved down the night guard a bit and also the crown a bit. He said the crown is very old but no need to replace it while it is still good. It feels much better already and I can even chew some very soft foods on that tooth now and didn't have to take any ibuprofen yet today. It should be back to normal soon. Sheryl, the soreness in my jaw was from clenching/grinding my teeth without the night guard.

    Wow Anew, you sure are doing a lot of cleaning and organizing on the house. I'm sure it feels good to have it done and looking good even though it causes lots of pain. Sorry they didn't recover the car. I'm really glad you realized the meds were causing more problems than they were helping and got off of them. The wall is coming along. I think it looks great. Dan is not satisfied with the work. He wants to hire someone else to paint it because he doesn't feel that the current contractor will do a good enough job. I'm leaving that all up to him.

    Marcie, really nice surprise that fitbit is going to replace the damaged one. Great customer service! It's really nice to go thru old photos. Some of my nieces and cousins have been posting some very old photos of my brothers and sisters lately on facebook and it has been really enjoyable to see them! Another guy with ear problems due to wax - first Debora's husband Ralph and now your dad. What's up with that?! It is always irritating when you go to the doc to get something resolved and they make it worse.

    Sheryl, what a crazy way to start the day. :) The housing market is really picking up around here. Have you or Norma checked the value of the home to make sure you get a fair price for it? Although I know it's worth a lot not to have to go thru the process of showing the house, etc. Also nice that someone you know and like will be buying it. Hopefully your mom will be able to show Norma how much she appreciates all she does before it causes a lot of resentment. Things will probably get better when everything is done and the dust settles a bit. It's hard when our folks get old. I'm very thankful that we haven't had triple digit heat here. We've had mid to high 80's with a bit of humidity so very doable. The weather report made it sound like it was going to be much more humid than it was.

    Debora, glad that the fair is done and the kids all did well. Now hopefully you can get back to just your normal busyness - although since you are picking up 4 of the kids for the weekend maybe not so much yet. :)

    I am swamped at work. I think I mentioned that we changed our company name and there is a lot of paperwork involved with our customers wanting new contracts and vendor paperwork as if we are new subcontractors, etc. Plus work is really picking up in general. I went in to work this morning (Saturday) at 5:30am to get caught up. It feels really good to have that load off my shoulders at least until Monday when the next wave of contracts comes back from the review center for me to prep. The overtime will be nice too. After 3 hours at work, I went and got gas at Costco, went to the farmer's market, then to Trader Joe's. Then home to relax, get caught up on facebook, on e-mail, and on here. :) I'm going to finally get my pork country style ribs tonight - I found some on sale that look really good. Then hubby and I will watch a movie we recorded and eat popcorn. We found this bagged popcorn by a company called "Boom Chicka Pop" that is really good. Also, if anyone is interested, someone posted this Christian comedian on facebook named Michael Jr. If anyone wants to check out some good clean humor on YouTube we found him very entertaining.

    Okay, I'm going to go cook those boneless pork ribs and sit outside while they bake. Have a great evening all!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Popping in to say hi. All the kids are down for the last "sleep". Tomorrow we'll do church, dinner here and theyn drive to their house after the others leave so we'll be there when their folks get home. Then we might go visit a friend who just had hip surgery. He's at home but will just depend on how his day has gone. I'll get on for a good long chat (warning) one of these days.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Hi all! Well I made the jump and ordered the cabinets! I also have walls instead of studs in my house! I forgot how to post a pic, I'll try to figure that out and post one soon. I don't think I can post a pic on my phone. The cabinets take 6 weeks to get here and we still have the floor to tile and the bottom cabinets to get out.

    I wanted to send a little note to each of you but I'm working and have to go--take care and I'll try to check in tomorrow. (now my phone is acting up too! UGH) Miss being here!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited August 2015
    Good morning everyone, I am here at the eye docs for pressure testing today. I'm the only one here right now which is strange because the eye doctor is usually quite busy making it hard to find parking. I got the bedroom clean and some laundry done yesterday, then I made a meatloaf for dinner. Hubby was quite happy with meatloaf for dinner because I made it with beef and pork, he misses it because I changed over to ground turkey years ago to lower his off the charts cholesterol and it worked.

    Isyvanek-glad your tooth is better and your wall is up. I hope the finished product is to both your satisfaction.

    Jlhawki-the work seems to be coming along well and cant wait to see photos.

    Everyone have a great day today!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Afternoon. Taking a break from chores, actually, done for the day, I'm taking more than just a break. It's so much cooler today, really nice, typical overcast NW day, in the 70's, but, I'm still ready to quit for the day.

    Kel's sister Peggy is having her lumpectomy today, haven't heard any news yet.

    Got an email from long-time friends from California and they are going to be in Portland on Wednesday. We will plan to get together for either lunch or dinner. It will be fun to talk over old times.

    I also have a lunch date with my friend Carol on Thursday. We made the date weeks ago, (she was going to be busy all of July), so I'll be going out twice this week. What Fun!!!

    I don't plan to do any more work this afternoon, but I better go check on John all the same.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Just have to let you know that my kitchen sink is clean and my counters are clear.

    Now, time to start dinner...
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning...I was very good and cleaned up after dinner, sink is still clean. Boy, that's a first!

    Got a phone call from our friends and we'll meet for lunch tomorrow. They flew up to Eugene to visit with their son and are then driving from Eugene, about 2 hours south of us, to Seattle, about 3 hours north of us, so a stop here is a nice break in the middle of their drive. It will be so good to visit. Funny thing, John and I were reminiscing yesterday afternoon and there is so much that John can not remember from his days with Oscar, I'm hoping Oscar can fill in the blanks.

    John is up already, I better check email and get off the computer.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good afternoon everyone, I have been working hard on the house, my room is clean and organized with my pillow overload on the bed, lol. The problem with my love of decorative pillows is finding a home for them at night. :)

    My testing went well yesterday and I dont think I have glaucoma because my readings were all between 11 and 13 which seems to be in the normal range of 12 and 21. I see the doctor againon the 24th for the results of testing.

    My friend just called, I need to meet them in town. I'll come back later.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good evening, I've enjoyed a couple of slower days and a little catching up so now I'll do the same with you. The fair went well. I didn't spend as much at this year for different reasons. Friday was set up and that went quickly since the honor camp had done a lot on Thursday. I brought Thomas home with me and got him off to Youth Retreat and then went back in and helped with the grandkids baking. Saturday morning started the fair with foods judging so was there to help the grands with that. In the afternoon the hogs came in. Then Lori's, Alan's, Julie and I all ate at Freddy's before going our separate ways.

    Sunday morning I headed out and went to the County Fair church service. I missed the first Sunday with our new pastor but I'll have chances to hear him. The afternoon was crafts judging for the grandkids and I assisted with the crochet/knitting judging. I wasn't the judge but got the kids up there, helped arrange the things and stuff like that. Our club worked from 8-10 in the concession stand so I got home late. Monday was getting the hogs washed. I had lunch with a friend (we try to get together at the fair every year) and then headed for Jim and Lori's. I stayed with Emily while Jim had a volleyball game and then went to the hog judging. Tuesday was 3 hours in the concession stand and then to an appointment and sopping with Ralph. My plans for Wednesday changed when a friend found out the buyer for her house decided the house had to be emptied even though he had said he would finish cleaning it. So Jim and I and some of other friends of hers went and emptied the house. 2 trailer loads to a church garage sale and three full trailer loads to the dump. Then I went and got a haircut. I just went to a place I had gone to several years ago. I ended up with the one guy which was okay. I've just never had a guy do it and he had a hair style that was not one my boys would have ever had. But I like my cut (after we trimmed off some long hairs later). Kids got purples and blue on their foods and crafts and mostly reds on their hogs. They did very well.

    Thursday morning was cleanup. It rained so I got wet but did dry. Prize money ws handed out about 10:30 and I made a couple of stops and got home by noon. So I had the afternoon to put things away, get the beds ready and rethink meals ad then go get the 4 grands about 6:30. Their time here went well. The first night Aven's diaper came loose and her crying woke her sisters but not me so Taryn came up and she said I was hard to wake up. She thought it was funny that grandpa's and mine noses were almost touching. I made sure the diaper stayed the other nights by putting masking tape around it. It amazed me at how much putting the swaddling cloth on Madden would calm him and then he'd go right to sleep. They all had their moments - and some had more than others but really they did well.

    Sunday I did lasagna for dinner and it was just Alan's, my sister and us. They all left around 3 and we headed for Derek's house after Ralph got done choring. They were happy to see mom and dad. From there we took the flowers from church to Lori and then went to visit a family where the guy had gotten a new hip on Thursday. And they thought they would have more time but they induced the mom to have her baby today. So they've had a lot going on.

    Monday and Tuesday have been at home. I kept up with dishes and laundry (as best you can when the dryer is not working) but let everything else go so plenty to do. Tomorrow we are taking the big car in first thing to get worked on and then we're cleaning the Community House in the afternoon. I'm lining up times to help some of the 4-Hers with their record books and need to get a book bag bought for Thomas. That's his gift for his 8th grade graduation and we ordered one that was too small so I thought I'd take him to Dick's and see what we can find in person.

    Sheryl, I hope your sister had a good trip to Arizona. It was a nice break from everything else she's been doing.

    Isabella, I think most of those who come to our County Fair have some relationship to the 4-Hers. We have very good support for our livestock sale. In fact Lucy got a $600 premium and I think the boys got $500. That's why they want to take a pig - helps with college money.
    I can't imagine a saurkraut pizza. Glad you enjoyed it. Glad you didn't have to wait to long to get your teeth to feeling better. Glad it was a fairly easy fix.

    Anewstart, you have sure been working hard in the house but the results sound wonderful. So nice on your bone density and blood pressure. I've never had a bone density test so I'm hope mine are okay.

    Sheryl, that's fantastic that Christina got her disability. That will be a help. Very cool that a TV station is going to interview her.

    Marcie, never thought about palm trees dropping their fronds. Poor Cisco on having his space invaded. Bummer on your fitbit but nice that fitbit is replacing it. Hope it comes soon. Glad Simon had a good check-up. Slow and steady is a good way to lose weight so tell her to keep it up.
    I don't make it to our State Fair much either. They don't have the big machine Ralph likes and it's too much walking for him. There's plenty else to do.

    Sheryl, I've known quite a bit about animal sex but learned new things about llamas. Nice that you already have interest in the house. I'll pray Norma can hang on a little longer. You're right. Thank you goes a long way.

    Marcie, did you see any new cars you wanted while you looked around. Smart to get that free service in. Oh my, I can imagine how your dad feels after going through that somewhat with Ralph. Three weeks wow. I'd by some over the counter stuff and give it a try.

    Isabella, hope the rush slows down at work - you want the new work but the contracts on the old jobs should get done. Glad the wall is coming along. Hope it holds up for a very long time.

    Jannie, cool on getting the cabinets ordered. Progress. Sounds like you'll keep busy until they come.

    How fun, Sheryl, that you get a couple of meals out this week. Yay on the kitchen counter and sink.

    Sorry for the long post and I realized I did some repeating but it will be more work to try and edit so you can ignore it or suffer through it. Ralph just got home from a field day. We ate before he left but they served ice cream floats. Today was a cooler day so it was a nice evening to be out. I think it's supposed to get warmer again tomorrow. Well, better get busy on my list. Good night.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning.
    Debora, what a busy week you had, as usual, but a little different from the usual. I enjoyed reading about it, keep giving us long posts, love it.

    Going to Shari's Café by the airport for lunch. Will be a nice treat for us and not take our friends very far off the freeway for their trip to continue north. Then, being in Portland already, John and I may run a few errands in the afternoon.

    I got a short email from Kel and her sister, Peggy, came through the surgery very well and was home resting already. She will start radiation soon. She'll keep me posted as she gets more news. Kel said that she wanted to travel to be with Peggy, but instead of being helpful for Peggy, Peggy would feel like she needs to entertain Kel, so staying home for now is best. I completely know how Peggy feels and understand, it took me a long time to accept help, even from Nancy and Norma. But, when I realized I did need help, they were both at the ready and came to my rescue. I know Kel will do that for Peggy as well. Hopefully, without the need of chemo, Peggy will do well and not need too much extra help, although she has a full time job and that will take a lot out of her, energy wise. At least I was able to stay home and pamper myself full-time. My cousin, who also had a lumpectomy and radiation only, had her sister, daughters and nieces nearby to help out.

    I've been neglectful about my regular emails to Granny, so I have no new news there. I'll try to contact her this morning.

    We finally got one of the automatic waterers back in working order, WITH NO LEAKS !!! Yay, it took us all day to finish, (it should have been about a 1-2 hour job), but I wanted John to help and he needs lots of help to help him helping. Ha ha ha, that sounds ridiculous, but that's how it goes. I want him to feel needed and useful even when his help complicates the job. Plus, most times I do need his help to lift things and his strength...he still is doing very well physically for 75 years old.

    I hear John now, so I'll close this out. (I secretly wish for the days when he sleeps in late).

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all.

    I took Monday and Tuesday off work, so today is my Monday. Been catching up at work all morning. I think I'm back on track now.

    Got my car's 20,000 mile service done on Saturday. Other than puttering around the house, I didn't do much this weekend.

    Made another batch of popcicles this weekend. This one has a blended mixture of watermelon, blueberries, lemon juice, and concord grapes. The grapes make them super-duper yummy. I'm hooked on these things!

    Between my Dad and I buying fruit, we have fruit coming out our ears right now. We have apples, bananas, red grapes, concord grapes, blueberries, raspberries, nectarines, oranges, watermelon, Tuscan cantaloupe, and regular cantaloupe. Everywhere I look there's fruit! We both pinky swore that we wouldn't buy any more fruit until we eat what we have.

    Nice weather this weekend. Upper 80s to low 90s during the day and upper 50s to low 60s over night. Loving it. Almost feels fall-like. I'm sure we have more triple digit days on our horizon. I keep a window fan going in my window at night, so my room has been getting pretty chilly over night. I keep waking up to find Cisco has somehow managed to wrap the blanket in his dog bed completely around himself.

    Debora, I liked your long post. We're not getting too many of those these day from everyone. Everyone is busy doing their summery things. Ha! You're days were sure full last week. I hope your dryer is up and running again soon. I would be lost without mine. No, I wasn't real impressed with the new cars at the dealership. I'll hang on to my 2013 Rav4, which so far has been a great car. I looked at the 2015 version of the RAV4 and except for being larger (which is not a plus for me), there doesn't seem to be too many differences. Dad is going to hang in there with his ear until his appt. Since his doctor was concerned about not damaging the ear drum, he thinks it's best to just wait for the appt with the specialist. He'll just grump about it until then.

    Sheryl, that's nice that you can meet up with friends. I hope you have an enjoyable lunch with your friends today. Yay on no leaks and on John being able to help even if he needs lots of help to help him help. Ha!

    Anew, I used to be a throw pillow-aholic too! I hope you get good results on your tests.

    Jannie, sounds like you are making a great progress with your kitchen project. I'll bet you'll be happy to see it finished!

    Back to work. Have a great day everyone.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited August 2015
    Good afternoon early evening, it's been fun the last couple of days with my friends. I met them yesterday at the B&B when they came into town then hubby and I joined them for dinner at one of our old seafood places we used to meet at. This morning I had breakfast with them and they came over for tuna stuffed tomato, leek and potato soup and unsweet tea, I also served watermelon and cherries on the side. Tonight we are meeting them for italian food at their favorite old time Italian restaurant and breakfast tomorrow morning so I will have had my share of restaurant eating for at least a month. They go back to Houston tomorrow.

    Before meeting my friends yesterday I took my truck to the car wash and didn't realize it had cloth beaters instead of brush less until it was too late. I watched my antenna on my truck get totally wrapped up into the brushes and I could have swore it was tore off but it seemed to bounce right back with it sitting at a small angle now. It work's, Dummy me!

    I've managed to keep the house clean and the laundry done as well as getting sleep at night although my feet, legs and back hurt. I think it's a win win situation right about now. ;)

    Arobed53-Wow, I am still amazed at how much you get done in one day. I don't think I could ever keep up with you, lol. Sounds like things went well with the fair and the prize money sounds great too!

    Sannferris-Your lunch trip sounded fun, did you get some errands done too? I love taking trips to other cities and going shopping in places not available here since there is the usual chance of finding something you needed but didn't really need, lol. It's good to hear things went well for Peggy. Yahoo on a working automatic waterer and I am glad you have the patience to let John help knowing he will need help while helping you. Do you play his favorite music for him? I read that people like to hear old music and it lifts their spirits.

    Mygnsac-Glad you got your car serviced and I am drooling at the mixture of fruits in your popsicles, We love fruit too and right now I have bananas, watermelon, golden honey melon, cherries, apples, oranges and pineapple in the house. I am about to freeze the bananas and watermelon before they go bad. We can never finish what we have so freezing is always an option since they work great in smoothies, lol. Oh how I wish I could have your beautiful weather here.

    I hope everyone has a great evening?
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hello again, I had breakfast with my friends this morning and had to say goodbye which kind of made me sad because I only have a couple of friends here and they used to be here, lol. Ah well, I'll see them again next year maybe.

    Hubby is so sweet, I help him install my new supports on the pantry door so all of my utensils are now hanging there which means now I get my 12" counter back and I don't have things falling out of the cupboards at me. I just wish I had more regular storage but I am determined to make a small kitchen work. Maybe all I will need to do is paint the cupboards, install new counter tops and flooring but I really do want a new kitchen laid out how I designed it, lol.


    I hope you all had a great day!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Nice fix on the utinsel storage Anew. I have that yellow strainer too.