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Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I slept in until 7 am and got the feeding taken care of before it rains even harder. I have my fresh coffee and am resting here, ready to chat. I never did get back here yesterday. Our neighbors came over with their coffee cups and we sat and visited for over 2 hours. They come over about once a week, it's so nice to get caught up, with us and the animals and the neighborhood. They eat out ALOT, and they told us about another new place that they discovered, called The Puffin and it's a quaint little café on a houseboat on the water on the Columbia River. I think that I want to take John there soon. Sounds fun and yummy. They said they have the best halibut and I love seafood. John doesn't care for fish too much, but he's always happy with a burger and I think he'll like seeing the river.

    My sister called me and we chatted a long time. I'm beginning to love cell phones now, not that I need one, but my sister was at a softball tournament with Simon and while he's all wrapped up in the game, she and I could talk while she's sitting in the bleachers. She told me about her day with Mom on Friday. Sounds like it went well, they got to the new cardiologist and got the pacemaker checked out. Technology is fascinating, they can hook it up to a "reader" and print out the history. It's working double duty to keep Mom's heart going and twice in October, the pacemaker had to "kick start" Mom's heart again. We could have lost her and didn't even know it. At this rate, she has 8 more years of life on the battery, but I think that's more than enough, she's 93 years old after all. Although, she had an aunt who lived to 106.
    Then, they went to have Mom's new glasses adjusted and went to pick up the new shoes. Norma had a roast beef in the oven and they went back to her house and had dinner with Simon. Mom seems to be taking to Simon well and understanding that the relationship may be getting more serious. Norma was so afraid that Mom would be upset about Simon because she always seems so jealous of all of Norma's activities and friends. Simon would be just another thing or person to take up Norma's time and away from her. But, I think Mom is adjusting to her new place to live and finally making friends of her own.

    After I got John and I something to eat, the phone rang again and it was my Mom. She called me this time, instead of me calling her. Great, finally, she is taking some initiative to do something, anything, rather than sit there and mope. We had a good conversation, repeating almost everything Norma had told me. Mom didn't say much about Simon though, just said he was there for the weekend for softball.

    Then, Norma called me back again, to see what Mom had to say. Check about if Mom had as good a time as Norma had hoped. It's hard to tell because Mom will tell me things that she won't tell Norma. And visa versa, so Norma and I always compare notes.

    Today, Simon will go to the softball games alone and Norma will take Mom to the baby shower. I'll talk to Mom tomorrow.

    I had a lot to say about what they are doing, not much about John and me. We brought in more firewood and I think I twisted my back. I have a nagging pain, but I probably won't be doing much today, so it will have time to heal. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, a monthly check with my primary. They called me several months ago and asked if I want to be involved in a new project for "chronically ill" patients. I said yes because I wanted to go in and get the flu shot. And then, the following month, I got the pneumonia shot. But now, I see that they want to see me every month. I want to go in tomorrow to get the results of the blood test that will tell us if I need a colonoscopy and next month, I want the second of the pneumonia shots. But, after that, I don't know if I need to see them every month, I may opt out of this project. When she said that they can come to my house to check on me, I said that I'm not that sick anymore, I really needed them last year, not now. I'd rather go in to the office and then I can do my grocery shopping on my way home. I think that when they talk to me on the phone, with my voice the way it is, they picture a very old lady on her last legs. They can't believe that I can still drive a car. ha ha ha

    Well, I've rambled on long enough, time to refill my mug.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Just thinking of my sister this morning, first day back to work after the shooting. It will be hard to have missing people and see the survivors.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    I hope she is okay today.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good afternoon all, the last two days have been back to sleeping half the day and not getting much done. It seems if I can't get the sleep I need I can't get many things done either. My entire brain function doesn't seem to work very well, lol. I've been lucky in the fact dinners have been freezer meals so they have been easy and not much thought had to go into them. Just reheat and make whatever else was going with them. I did get my rebate documents together for my McAfee and will drop at the post office today. I already filed it online, I just needed to finish it up by sending them the "proof" that I actually did buy the product so they'll cut me a check.

    Arobed53-You'll be interested to know I am making other changes in the refrigerator. I decided to try the tip I have been reading about online to save my produce longer. They say to use flour sack towels to wrap all your produce in because the 100% cotton allows it to breath, absorbs excess moisture and also protects from the extreme cold of the refrigerator. They also say to pack leafy greens into an air tight container but to leave the spinach so it can breathe. So, I moved everything from the crisper drawer into containers but wrapped in flour sack towels. Then I put the peanut butter, pickles, etc into the crisper drawer so I had room for the containers. I'll see how it goes and if this makes it so I am throwing out less greens I'll be happy. I missed not having my salad last week so I want them even if hubby can't eat them, and I can always make his salad without greens.

    I've always wrapped my greens in paper towels and put them into ziploc bags that I let all the air out and sealed well. It worked on the lettuce, but not as well as I would have liked it to because I couldn't get it used before it went bad. The spinach always goes bad too fast so I have found myself freezing half of it just to make sure I don't toss it in the garbage. This leaves me way too much frozen spinach, lol. If I could find smaller leaf lettuce heads I would be happy, lol. Now the containers are marked what is in them and easy to find what I need for a salad or to cook a meal. So doing it this way I now save on paper towels and on ziploc bags, win win if it all works out.

    Headed off to the post office, I'll check back in later. Have a great day everyone!

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I had a great talk with Norma last night. She sounds like she's holding up very well. She said that they had a big press conference first thing in the morning and the Board Heads spoke. Then 3 of the doctors who triaged the victims and helped so many people also spoke. Later, the chairman of the board came in to each office and spoke with each employee individually. Norma was so moved, he said that the whole building will get through this as a family. They will dismantle the offices across the hall and Environmental Development will be moved into another location. She said that the day went fast, so busy because of all the work piled up from being closed Thursday and Friday, but that was good. The only thing that bugged her was constantly being told, all throughout the day, that there were grief counselors to talk to. She appreciated the concern, but being told once, or maybe twice, would have been enough, not constantly. She's gone through a lot in the past year, so she is already able to handle her grief. Everyone deals with it so differently.

    The baby shower on Sunday was very nice. I got a message from Mom on my phone yesterday and she said she enjoyed the shower too. The invitation asked that instead of a card with a gift, please bring a book that Beth could read to the baby and then he can eventually learn to read himself. Mom was so impressed that there were no duplication of books. I'll call her later today and get more info.

    We had record breaking rain yesterday. We are pretty swampy here, but nothing like Portland or south of Portland. Just 25 miles away from us, they have road closures, houses evacuated and rivers and creeks over flowing. A big sink hole in Gresham and mud slides in the hills. The news said that yesterday was the wettest December calendar day in Portland history. Once again, I am counting my blessings and will stop complaining about the "little lakes" in the pasture.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,012 Member
    Hi, weekend went as planned. Ralph took me to Derek's house so they could leave. Then after he got cone at the DAV book sale (3 books for $1), we loaded up the three kids and came home. We used their van so didn't have to move car seats. I kept Madden (8 months) to his schedule and he went down for the night at 7:30 and slept till 7 am. He has an infectious laugh. The girls had fun doing different things and the time went quickly. Thomas went to Bible study and then slept here.

    Sunday School was a different morning. We had two that would not quit crying so finally I took them to the nursery. One mom was there so she kept him and the other one finally slowed the tears down and talked. He said he had to go potty and go a lot he did and then he was willing to go back for the last few minutes of class. It was my day to work in the nursery which worked well. I just took the three there with me. Madden wet through everything (including me). Got him changed and after church we went to McDonalds's. Got there and found out Madden had a blowout. Jim and Lori came to eat with us too so we had a good time and then we took the three home and left them with Julie.

    From there we went to a farewell for a Kenyan couple we got to know about 2 years ago. It started at 2 so we didn't think there would be a meal but we ate again at 3 (hard to say no to them). Then they had a program. The couple is Ralph's age. They and one daughter left for Kenya today and if she can arrange medical care, the couple will stay. Otherwise they'll come back here. From there, we rushed home. Ralph did chores and we went to a friend's 70th birthday party and had good food there. So it was a full day.

    Monday, I babysat for Maggie along with doing dishes and laundry. I fixed a casserole for their supper. Lori got home about 2:30 so I left and did a bit here and then had Bible study. We finished up we had done on food and will not meet again till after Christmas. The sad news of the day was Karl, a brother-in-law passed away but can't be too sad cause he was 96 and ready to move on.

    Today is our Good News Club party and then I'll go to play the 5th and 6th grade is doing. The girl I take home from Good News Club invited me so.... So things don't slow down much. I haven't started decorating and have shopping to do. We'll now have a memorial service to hopefully attend on the 19th plus everything else going on. It's all good but some moments - whew.

    Anew, since your sleep patterns are messed up again, it's nice you have so many meals that are easy to do. How's the new fridge arrangement working. True, you can fix salads for you - just like you could have potatoes and things for your hubby and you not eat them.

    Sheryl, yay on the blood work being okay. What a nice visit with your neighbors. Cool that your mom called you. She is sounding more upbeat. Glad going back to work is going okay for Norma. How's your back.

    Isabella, hope they found all your files. You'll enjoy the Downton Abby special. I taped and watched it too. Work is keeping you busy.

    We are getting up in the 50s this week and down in the 20s-30s at night. My coat feels good. Will check in when I can to write - but I check in often to read. Have a good day.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,012 Member
    Good morning, just wanted to let you know that the Good News Club party went very well. The kids cooperated with the games, listened fairly well to the story and enjoyed the refreshments. In the evening I went to the 5tha nd 6th grade musical. The girl I took home had invited me. I should have gone earlier. I did get a seat but the auditorium was full. It was a cute program. Then when I pulled into our driveway, I noticed a pickup so wondered who was there visiting and then it dawned on me whose pickup it was. It was Julie's boyfriend's and it was just him there cause he had a special question to ask. Ralph had already given him his blessing to ask Julie to marry him and I did too. It's moving quickly but does feel right. He told us this was his fifth trip to the house to try and find us home and when he came last night, there were lights but no one came when he rang the doorbell. He started to leave and then decided to call and Ralph heard the phone.

    Getting ready to head for town. I have an appointment this afternoon and doing a lot of little errands around it. Have a good day.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    A quick Good Morning. As I watch the local news, I'm counting my blessings again that we are not flooded out. So much mess both south of us and north of us. Rivers are overflowing and they are talking about this being worse than the big flood of '96. We are soggy, but OK.

    Debora, my back is better, still a twinge at times, but nothing like several days this past week. I used up the 3 pain pills I had left from last year. Now, all I have is Tylenol if I have pain.

    I talked to my sister again yesterday and she said that she's so busy at work, it still hasn't really "hit" her yet. She said that the office is extremely quiet and that's kind of eerie in itself.

    I better go now, John got up very early today and I think I will actually fix us a nice breakfast together. I have turkey sausage and eggs in the fridge.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hi all.

    I've gotten caught up on the posts on this page. Haven't checked out the previous page yet, so I may be missing something.

    When I got to work today I got a message from my boss (she's been on maternity leave since last July and will be coming back to work next week) that she wanted to take her assistants and analysts out for lunch today and invited me to come. Would have been nice to get a little more advance notice because I had a meeting at 1 pm and wasn't sure if I would make it back in time. We walked to the restaurant (quite a hike), a place called the Iron Horse Tavern, and I got back to work exactly at 1 pm and was able to make my meeting. The food at that was so good. I ordered a "Breakfast Board" which was a cutting board that had on it bacon, a hard boiled egg, fresh fruit, greek yogurt with honey, toast points, fresh peanut butter, dried fruit, and fresh jam. The board looked like a painter's palette. Everyone else ordered stuff like burgers, sandwiches, pizza, and salads. We got there at the perfect time because after we were seated the place filled up quickly.

    My boss had a cold today and I'm keeping everything crossed that I don't catch it. She caught from her kid who caught it at day care. I just don't have time to be sick right now.

    My section of the office is doing a sweet and savory daily thing again this year. For the next couple weeks, everyday someone brings in something sweet and someone else brings in something savory to snack on. I opted out this year. The last thing I need to do right now is graze! Just not in the mood this year.

    I went to SAS Shoes this weekend. Decided to get a pricey pair of shoes. Came out of that place so aggravated! It's been many years since went to that store and it sure has changed. I just wanted to look around and check every thing out and the sales ladies would not leave me alone. Then when I went to pay for the shoes, she asked me to give her my phone number. I don't give out that information in stores and she said she had to have it in order to ring me up. I declined again and said I wasn't required to give them personal information. She and the other lady finally figured out how to bypass that in their register, but they sure didn't understand why I wouldn't disclose that information. I doubt I'll go back there again.

    Sheryl, glad to hear your back is getting better. Ouch! That's so great that your Mom seems to be adjusting to her new life. I hope she doesn't give Norma any grief over Simon. I sure wish we can divert some of that rain my way. It's supposed to rain here tomorrow and then again next Sunday.

    Debora, your days sure are full! I just don't know how you do it. That's so sweet that Julie's boyfriend has sought your blessing. Don't see that much these days.

    Anew, I'm sorry you are having so much trouble sleeping. I hope you get a good, restful night of sleep very soon. Let us know how the flour sacks work out.

    Back to work. Have a lovely evening everyone.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hi everyone, I've been sleeping most of the day today, I did go to bed early last night only to get right back up because I couldn't fall asleep. I decided to start working on my Christmas treats and made the peppermint candies yesterday. They are done drying so I need to figure out how I will store them until I pack up trays. I am not sure how long they last so I'm going to put them in the refrigerator and see how it goes. I might pack them into the little candy cups I bought and then put those into a zip loc bag. I only made one recipe because it makes about 80 little mints and I figured that was plenty for the trays. I gave hubby a chunk of the candy mix to eat last night when I got tired of rolling them out, and he loved pulling little pieces off and eating it. I suppose I could make a square pull apart mint but it wouldn't look nearly as nice as the little balls do, lol. Hubby said I should coat them in chocolate, but I have too many things in chocolate planned already. Today I am going to start on the cookie bars.

    I got a call the other day about an urgent air bag recall on my husbands truck so I called the dealer and was told their were four recalls on his vin number. They go all the way back to 2009 and I have never been notified before, our phone numbers have not changed since 2004. They said we have to leave the truck for two days. There is a steering linkage recall, two air bag recalls and left ball joint recall. So, we need to decide when we want to leave the truck with them. It's a good thing the weather is cooler, so he can drive the no a/c car and not leave me stranded without a car.

    So far so good on the flour sack towel wrapping of the veggies other than I don't like how the bell pepper didn't stay as crisp as I would have liked since I didn't actually wrap those at all. I just stuck them in a tray and left it to the refrigerator and normally would have kept them in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. I'll be wrapping those next time to see how they do but I am sure happy to say I have not found one bad piece of baby spinach in the whole lot. I laid the towel in the container and layered the spinach on the towel, folding the towel over and putting the next layer on. The towels are huge, I buy them at Sam's Club and I love them because they are 100% cotton and are perfect for in the kitchen, especially baking.

    Sannferris-I'm so glad you aren't flooding out there and I'm glad your sister is doing ok. It sounds like the company is trying hard to address the outcome from the horror of it all. My son told me they weren't affected by it or anyone they know but that he wants to carry his gun loaded all the time now. I don't think he is allowed to because of California state law and I think that needs to change. People need to be able to protect themselves. It's us against the criminal and I truly believe they have the upper hand regarding gun laws since they don't care about the laws, and will do whatever they want to anyway. The regular citizen doesn't want to go to jail so they try to abide by the laws and have no recourse when their guns are at home locked in a safe. I know here in Texas a licensed carrier can open carry and we have a huge percentage of licensed gun owners that do carry out here, all the time.

    Mygnsac-First, I really hope you can manage to stay away from that cold. I've gone shopping and have had the same problem in stores telling me they needed my phone number and I tell them no as well. I can't believe these companies think they can be so demanding of our privacy, it's really frustrating. I've even been told before at some place it had to be my cell number. No way! The lunch with your boss sounded so good.

    Well, I think I am going to get started on the cookie bars, dinner is easy tonight we are having those chicken with apple and raisin sandwich on some of that cranberry bread with a salad. Easy dinner since the chicken was in the freezer already cooked and the bread was in the freezer too. Have a great evening everyone.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good early am, it's about 2:15 and I just finished up making 8 dozen chocolate chip cookies. Yay, I am halfway through the cookie making and when that is finished I'll start dipping some of the goodies in melted chocolate. I did put the little mints into the candy cups I bought and put them in the refrigerator to stay cold and it will make it easy to add them to the trays when I put the goodies on. I figure I can arrange four or five little candy cups to each tray with each cup having two mints in them. That makes 20 per tray and I have four to make, but I have 96 total in candy cups so I'll probably add more to hubbies work tray. Hubby sure loves the leftovers, lol. I must have been really stingy when making those mints because I have at least 120 or 130 of them in total, not including the leftovers hubby ate last night and the four or five I nibbled on for a taste test and they are yummy. Perfect little bites of mint to pop right in the mouth.

    Well, hubby is sound asleep and I wonder if he is dreaming about cookies, lol. I made him up a goody bag of three cookies to pop in his lunch tomorrow, that I am sure will put a smile on his face. I need to go in there and get the rest of the cookies on the tray and get everything cleaned up. Hubby told me if I turn on the fan that points to our bedroom he doesn't hear a thing. So, I did dishes last night while he slept and tonight he told me he never heard any noise. Glad I can do that while he sleeps, lol. Good night all!

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited December 2015
    Good Morning. Anew, I thought it was visions of "sugar plums" danced in their heads. Maybe sugar plums are an old fashioned cookie. ha ha

    We had a stormy day yesterday. I turned off the computer, but left the tv on. I figured a possible electrical surge on the tv is damage I can handle, but don't want to mess around with having to fix a computer. Anyway, with the tv on, we were kept up to date on the weather and "breaking news" told us that a tornado came into our area. It touched down within 3 miles of us, to the north. On the route that we always take to the Mexican restaurant. What a mess. 36 homes and 2 businesses damaged. Trees and fences down and roof tops ripped up. (None completely torn off). Someone's back yard trampoline ended up in someone else's yard 4 streets away. No physical injuries though. They said that most people were at work. What a thing to come home to. The news said lots of people got a phone call at work to tell them to come home and take care of things while it's still daylight.
    We were untouched, well, had heavy wind and rain and hail, but no damage. Today is forecast heavy showers and tomorrow steady rain. The animals got through it just fine, they are real troopers, John worries about them so much, but I see no need, they work things out for themselves.

    My back is much better now. But, I'm babying it, I had John bring in the firewood on his own 2 days ago. John has another new behavior that I find needless, but I'm keeping my mouth shut because it is something that keeps him occupied for awhile. After he brings in firewood, all stacked horizontally, he restacks it vertically and strips the bark off the logs. Weird! And, noisy, thumping those logs around, but at least he's happy doing something. It's all going to burn anyway, so why rearrange it all, several times over. But, like I said, it keeps him busy in the house.

    I hear John getting up early again today, I'll do a quick check of Facebook and get off the computer.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good early afternoon, I had about two hours sleep and then had to get up for a hair appointment My hair has finally grown back from the damage caused by that weird guy that chopped it off so bad around January last year. I am so happy with it that the next time we cut it I do believe I will have the hair I like to have. Wow, I have lived here since 2002 and my hair has always been a free for all to these hair dressers Except two but they have moved on and it wasn't easy finding a new person to cut my hair. I really do like this gal that Misty who cuts my hair. She really listens to what it is I like and does her best to get it there. She is doing a great job of it.

    I decided since I was going to be about 4 blocks from the grocery store I would make my list early and go shopping after my haircut instead of going shopping tomorrow. Saved on the gas for sure but my feet are now killing me. I didn't get off them long enough to make it through the grocery store so I am going to take it easy with some ice packs for an hour or so.

    Sannferris-Oh my, how scary to have a tornado nearby. Is it normal to get a tornado in your area? Hubby laughed this morning when he saw I had the cookies I wanted to keep for trays marked with a little sign that says "Don't eat" and it has a frown face on it. Then I left a note on the ones he can eat from that said "Eat" with a smiley face on it. I don't just stop at a circle with a smile, oh no, not me. I have to add eye slits, a nose and hair, lol. He cracked up this morning and he promptly added his little baggie of cookies to his lunchbox. Sounds like John likes to build things with logs so do you have any lincoln logs, lol?

    I hope you all have a great day!

  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Hi Ladies! Happy to be checking in and SO glad that everyone is hanging in there!

    Quick update on me--I went back to the MD and he had no solutions to help me. Basically said to suck it up! I asked for a referral and that didn't go over very well. Went to a new MD and he gave me oral steroids for 6 days. They have made a GIANT difference!!!! :) By the third dose, I was feeling so much better. The bone pain is pretty much gone and all I have is muscle pain in that tendon/quad area! I am hoping this sticks but AM so grateful for this respite from the constant pain! I really want to hug the new MD and am going to be praising him for his help :) I'm not walking 'normal' but this may be my new normal so I'm trying to get used to it. Also, I'm back to water aerobics and it is helping me both physical/emotionally! I go back to the MD on Wednesday the 16th and hope to be back at work on the 21st!

    Thanks for all your support and kind words. I needed them ;)

    Sheryl-- so glad that your sister is doing well back at work. I'm sure it was a weird feeling that first day or two. My sister's and I always call each other and compare notes about what my mom said to who! Then we have a complete view of what she's been doing or the doctor said :)

    Marcie-- good for you losing the 12 pounds! That's a great thing especially before Christmas! Hope you have been less sleepy!

    Anew--hope you are sleeping better but from your 2am posts, I'm guessing not ;(

    Aero--how is your family doing since the funeral? I'm sure Christmas will be hard. We just had a patient that I loved die--I've been taking care of her for 20 years and her family was lovely! I will miss them for sure :) (since I haven't been at work, I heard it from FB)

    BOys just got home gotta go! Take care and happy weekend!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    A quick response for you, Anew. No, tornados are not the norm around here. The last one I remember was in 2013 in the hills just east of us, commonly called the Hockinson Barn Tornado because it totally demolished a woman's barn and that was it, no other damage. In fact the news stated that our area, Portland and Clark County, WA, has averaged 3 tornados per year for the last 5 years and Texas, yes they actually referred to Texas for a comparison, averages 155 tornados per year.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited December 2015
    I didn't think tornadoes were the norm around there and I wonder if this big El Nino has something to do with the heavy rains and bad weather you are having up there. As for tornadoes in Texas, I am sure happy we don't get many here in our area. The hurricanes are a whole lot of scary but we have been able to avoid one on my coast but I know the chances are high for us to get one. I just hope it doesn't happen anytime soon.

    Dinner was good, we had blackened salmon, cucumber and tomato salad and green beans called Italian green beans, but they aren't from the can. They were frozen green beans I cooked in water in a skillet until well heated and then drained. Then you add some butter to the pan with italian bread crumbs and parmesean cheese. Let that cook for a couple of minutes to brown the bread crumbs and add the green beans back into the skillet. Cook a couple more minutes and the beans are done. They tasted fantastic, I'll add the recipe over on the recipe thread sometime tomorrow.

    Hubby opened a bottle of wine for us and it was good, we picked this wine up the first time in the Texas Hill Country when we went on our anniversary trip a few years ago. We found it at our local HEB about 8 months ago and just finally drank it, it's such awesome wine.

    Well, I am tired folks and I am headed to bed for some much needed sleep. I haven't had anymore sleep today since I woke up this morning, so I am hoping I can fall asleep and stay asleep tonight. Goodnight!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Got all the critters fed, just light sprinkles right now. Suppose to be steady rain today, but not heavy and no storms. We are having warmer than normal temps and all the weathermen are "blaming" El Nino for the unusual weather. Who knows, weather comes and goes and we have to deal with it, no control over it.

    I reconnected the wireless modem, so that I can have the back bedroom computer back on-line. So far, so good. I had disconnected it months go because the internet kept dropping off, was totally frustrating for John and I got a bit tired of it too, having to constantly reboot the modem. I ended up reinstalling the old modem with the cables so that only the Dell computer was connected to the internet. Now, for however long it lasts, John can be on this computer and I can go in the bedroom and use the other computer. Possibly, I'll be popping in here at all hours of the day. We'll see.

    Not much to do outside, mud everywhere. I go out in the mornings to feed and then only check on things later if John has gone out. I have to make sure gates are closed and lights are off, etc. If he stays in all day, I do too.

    Our good friend, the other John, is having prostate surgery on Dec 22nd. I told him, and his wife, that we are willing to help in any way we can, before and after, but on the day of the surgery, I also have an appointment, with my oncologist. I pray that all goes well and he heals quickly. There is a chance that it can be done "robotically" with minimal invasion, but they will only know that as they try. If it doesn't work, they will have to make a bigger incision and open the surgery area. That will make healing time longer and I'm sure more pain with the recovery. My John probably has an enlarged prostate also, causing him to head to the bathroom all hours of the day and night, but he won't go to the doctor. If it comes to the point that he's in pain, then he'll change his mind. May be too late by then, but I can't and won't force him.

    Mom and I played phone tag yesterday, we talked to each other's answering machines more than we talked to each other. But, we got all the conversations done, when she gets started, she can really talk to the machine. Loooong message.

    Neighbors came over again yesterday, nice to just sit and visit for awhile.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hi everyone,
    This has been a busy week for me (probably about a quarter of what Debora does in a day!). ;)

    Our bible study had our Christmas potluck and white elephant exchange on Wed. I brought Italian meatballs and organic Classico tomato and herb pasta sauce that I got from Costco and put in the crockpot and brought rolls so we could make meatball sandwiches. My bible study teacher always calls it a Spirit lead potluck which means there is no sign up sheet. Good thing I decided not to bring a pie and brought the meatballs instead because my dish was one of only 2 main dishes. Then several side dishes, 1 appetizer and about 4 desserts (so the Spirit really did lead!). :) We will get about 4 more meals from the meatballs so it worked out well. I also actually got a gift I will use, a hand made glass etched pendant necklace. I originally picked a starbucks gift card but fortunately someone stole it from me so I could pick another (I don't know if I've ever mentioned that I am allergic to caffeine so a starbucks card is useless to me).

    On Thursday Dan and I had dinner with an old friend and her daughter. It was really good to see them. We went to our favorite burger restaurant called the Hamburger Factory. I had a burger called the Branding Iron. It had jalapenos, jalapeno jack cheese melted over that, then a jalapeno cream sauce to pour over it. SO good!

    Tonight I am going to a Christmas show at the Escondido Performing Arts Center with 10 ladies from our bible study. We will have dinner at Chin's Szechwan then go to the show. After the show they are going to give us all candles and we are supposed to go outside and go Christmas caroling. One of the ladies paid for her ticket but couldn't go so she gave it to me and refused to take money for it. Then one of the gals insists on paying for my dinner because I gave her a Sunset Western Garden book and she loves it and wants to treat me to dinner so all expenses paid! God is so good! I will drive since my ride share friend isn't up to driving right now.

    I had a sad event this week. The birthday card I sent to my friend Barbara in OR came back return to sender. I tried to call and her phone was disconnected. I got a bad feeling and went to her facebook page to find out that she had passed away Feb 25th. :( I guess her family didn't think to notify us or didn't know how to??

    Work is getting a bit smoother. I had to call IT on Monday but got a guy who was very functional and the rest of my folders were restored within minutes. YAY!! Also, my boss is having me delegate one of my duties that I don't have time for anymore now that I am completely taking on contracts so that will alleviate some stress. I will start to train the other gal on Monday.

    Anew, from what I understand some people are sensitive to nightshades and from your other issues you just may be one of them. Eggplant is also a nightshade. From what little I've read they suggested to only have 1 nightshade per day. For example if you have bell peppers with breakfast that is it for the day instead of having bell peppers for breakfast, potatoes with lunch, and tomato sauce for dinner. My brother has arthritis and was having several night shades each day. I gave him this suggestion and it seems to have helped. Although he's not sure since he also started taking a natural anti-inflammatory around the same time...
    It is amazing how many recalls vehicles can have these days. I know they are trying to be cautious and not have any bad publicity but sometimes it seems over the top. Let us know if they end up replacing anything.
    So glad to hear that you have found a good hairdresser. I really like the one I have now too. She really gets what I am asking for.
    Your pumpkin pie shake sounds good. Next time I get some pumpkin I'm going to have to try it. I'll have to get some milk too since we only drink alternate milks.
    I use paper towels around my leafy greens and then put them back in the veggie bags I bought them in. Plus I learned in a cooking class not to put them in the drawers but to keep them in the main body of the fridge. It has worked well for me.

    Debora, so very many activities this week! Several on the same day! How do you keep up?! The play sounds really nice. Also very sweet that Julie's guy asked for your blessing. Sounds like a good match.

    Marcie, kudos to you for losing 12lbs!! You should be very proud of yourself - especially this time of year!
    I just bought a pair of SAS shoes too. I had a $15 off coupon so they were $85 plus tax. I don't think they asked for my phone number. I'm surprised your store was so insistent. They probably didn't know how to get past it in the register. I think I would have just given them a phony number at that point so I could move on! ;)
    Nice that your boss took everyone to lunch. Sounds like they had quite a varied menu.
    I sure hope you don't catch the crud at work. Your immune system has been on overload this year.

    Jannie, so very happy to hear that you decided to go to a new MD and that he was able to help you. Glad that you are able to return to water aerobics. Should be a good Christmas now that you are able to walk better.

    Sheryl, I'm sorry to hear about all that rain but glad it isn't too bad in your area. We had rain for much of the day yesterday and were very happy to have it. Hope your back is feeling better. Aleve and ibuprofen are good for back pain.
    What a neat idea they had at the baby shower your mom attended to have everyone bring books. I love that!
    The new restaurant your friends told you about sounds really neat. Please let us know if you get a chance to check it out.

    I still have Christmas cards to get out and Dan wants to go for a walk in this nice cool weather so I should probably move on to other tasks.

    Have a great day my friends!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,012 Member
    Things have not slowed down. Wednesday I had an appointment at the research clinic so did some other errands too. Left about 10 and got home around 6. I stopped at Lori's and washed the baby things I had pre-treated and got them pizza for supper - took 4 pizzas for us. So we ate and went to church.

    Thursday I took Ava to speech. After a quick lunch, Ralph, my sister and I headed to the big town. I had my yearly check-up with my cardiologist (doing fine), got new glasses ordered (cost plenty even at a inexpensive place), did a little gift looking, ate and went to Paige's Christmas program.

    Friday I did my usual errands. I brought home Chinese for lunch. Straightened the house in the afternoon and went to the Wissman Family Christmas Concert in the evening with my sister and a friend. It was a fun evening and we found a back way to go home so miss all the big traffic.

    Today I had a bit more time at home. Got things ready for Sunday. All the kids are coming this week since next weekend will be a full one. Making BBQ chicken over baked potatoes. It's a new recipe so we'll see if we like it. We also got our picture taken for the new pictorial directory at church. We didn't buy extra pictures - just took our free one. In a bit I'm headed for Lori's to babysit. I was going to pick up supper and take to the house and then realized that I can load up the kids and take them somewhere if I want. When I'm home I always have things to work on so that's why I haven't popped in much and I'm not sure next week will be much slower. :)

    Sheryl, you're sure wet but that's good for farmers. Glad the tornado didn't do any more than it did. Glad things are going okay for your sister. Sounds like visiting with your mother is going better. Isn't if funny when there's a run of answering machine tag.

    Marcie, can't believe you walked somewhere, ordered, ate and made it back for your meeting. No, don't catch a cold or anything else. I used to wear SAS shoes. Sorry for the frustrating experience. My second pair of tennis shoes got a whole so broke out some I had ordered. I've gone through 3 pairs of tennis shoes this year.

    Anew, you're baking up a storm of yummy stuff. I'm sure your hubby appreciates the ones you let him have and it keeps him out of the gift ones. The signs you make are great. Yay on the good spinach. Glad you like your new haircut.

    Sheryl, good to baby your back and let it completely heal. John does interesting things with the firewood. As you say, it keeps him busy. Hope he stays in the house a lot these days so you can stay in more too. How fun if setting up the second computer lets you drop in more.

    Jannie, so exciting that the steroid shots help. Hope this new MD really listens. Sounds like he's trying. Back to work sounds exciting.

    My cousin's son, who had the kidney transplant is doing well. Our neighbor who is waiting on a kidney had been in the hospital cause his body has been rejecting his platets but things are going better for him today. Then my friend who got a new knee in Kenya got an infection and had to go back to the hospital (6 hours drive). She's getting bedsores cause she's not able to move enough to stop them and is very discouraged. She's had two surgeries so far and fortunately, the infection is not as bad as they first thought but she's having a rough time. Hopefully, they don't have to remove the new knee.

    Well it's time to head for Lori's. Have a good evening.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, just popping in to say that the Christmas concert last night was excellent! We were pretty far away but it was still good. There really isn't a bad seat in the house. Did I mention that it was a country music Christmas concert and that it was a fund raiser for Radi's Children's Hospital? An added plus is that many of the artists are also Christians. It was a very long concert. The show started at 8pm and didn't end until 11pm then by the time we got 1200 people outside to sing Silent Night along with all the artists (beautiful!) it was 11:30pm when we headed for home. The food and the fellowship at dinner was also very enjoyable.

    I managed to get all my Christmas cards done yesterday too. I sent out 31 cards this year. I try to whittle it down each year. There was a time many years ago that I used to send out 80 cards! I'm too old for that now! ;)

    Have a wonderful week ladies!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,012 Member
    Whew, I'm tired tonight. Woke up to rain. Got the dinner stuff on. Went to church and practiced for the Christmas program for our class after church. Some cried and we wondered how it would go in the evening. All the kids were there for dinner. The chicken over baked potatoes was good and there's plenty left. Ralph would prefer it over rice so I'll be eating the potatoes and will make some rice I guess. And I'll probably freeze some since we'll be running some this week too. :) Everyone stayed until 4 and then all but Lori's left. She got teacher's gifts ready. I put out cheese meat and crackers to munch on and then we headed back to church. Very nice Christmas program. I didn't know Lucy had a little solo and she did an excellent job. Our class did a better job that at practice (2-5 years olds sing Away In A Manger). We keep the kids with us during the program and they sat pretty well. Afterwards we went back to the classroom, gave them a small gift and let them go off with their parents and then I went off to have refreshments and visit. A number of kids had gifts for us teachers so have a bag of goodies to go through but will save them. Maybe I'll open one a day. On wasn't wrapped and is a hen and chick in a mug - cute idea.

    Jim and Lori realized today that Thomas has to dress as Santa at a program tomorrow night (for a few minutes) so after a internet search, they were going to go to Walmart for a red sweatshirt and sweat pants and add white felt for the fur and a pillow. I'm sure it will turn out fine.

    Last night was interesting. I babysat for Lori and the kids and I went to the grocery store and Taco Bell. When I went to their house is was 51. When we came out of Taco Bell it was 63. Hanging around 39 today. The weather is interesting. Jim and Lori went to a wedding and each person that went was given a reusable shopping bag with a nice bath towel from Costco, 2 chocolates from a nice place and a package of cookies.

    This week will be full with two complete days done. Tomorrow I have to get ready for 4-H. And I want to get what decorations out that I will do and I have to clean up the basement first. The grandkids had fun but it looks like that got most everything out - not really and it probably won't take long to clean up - just has to be done.

    Enjoy your week - whatever you do.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. The weekend was fairly uneventful. John watched football on and off both Saturday and Sunday. Actually, there was a basketball game in there too someplace, he likes basketball the best of all tv sports. We also watched the Doc Martin special, Seven Grumpy Seasons. Recap of the previous six to get ready for the new season starting next month. I get a kick out of John, laughing at Martin's mannerisms and at the same time, telling me that he can not understand what they are saying due to the accent. I love to see John laugh.

    I called my Mom and she had company in her apartment. Yay!! She said that she'd call me back, but never did, that's fine, we can talk anytime. She seems to be doing better and better.

    I have to go to the dentist today and get the permanent crown put in. I told John that I want him to go with me, since it's a quick appointment and then we can go to the Mexican restaurant for lunch and possibly see the tornado damage/clean up. Also, drive down the road behind us and check out the drainage ditch. I think it's just about fully filled in, I have called to have them dredge it out, but nothing so far. I hate that I have to be the nagging, complaining neighbor, but we are swamped with the rain water that can not run off naturally.

    I nuked my first mug of coffee this morning, left over from yesterday. I think it's time for a fresh pot, nothing like fresh brewed coffee in the morning. (except for all you tea drinkers)
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hello, I've taken a couple days off from posting here but I've been reading up. Sleep, well that's not any better. :neutral:

    I have to get a couple of packages shipped out so I've been packing and writing notes. Still need to get some cards tonight to mail out too. I'll get it all to the post office tomorrow afternoon in plenty of time for Christmas delivery.

    The vegetable storage is working out great, it seems to be keeping the lettuce from any wilting also. I'll know tomorrow when I make another salad but it was great last night when I was making one then. I used to do the paper towel wrap and left in the grocery bag then I went on and did the paper towel and zip lock bag for the greens. I think this flour sack towel and a plastic container with lid deal is working far better. I have noticed I have condensation I need to wipe out when I open the lid on the lettuce though.

    I bought the last lettuce on Saturday the 5th and haven't thrown anything out. It was a huge green leaf lettuce. I've made 5 salads from it and still have at two or three more to go. That's four leaves of lettuce each along with cucumber, tomato, green onion, baby spinach. I can't believe how huge this lettuce is in the store. Hubby asked me to chop the lettuce and spinach real good to see if it was easier for him to eat and it is. He still has to immediately go brush his teeth after dinner but says he can manage that. He likes salad too, so I'm glad he can eat it this way.

    I'll come back later and finish my post.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited December 2015
    Good early am, it's about 1:00 and hubby is sound asleep. My plans to shop for cards went out the window, I stayed home with hubby and watched The Voice and then Adele on TV. He came home today and told me he has to leave for Port Arthur tomorrow after work and won't be home until Thursday night around 10:00. So, because of this snafu in plans I decided I wanted to spend some time with him while I could. Tomorrow I'll get the packages out and I might shop for some cards, but I told hubby I would make sure dinner was on the table for him so he could eat something before he takes off for Port Arthur. He'll come home from work and get a nap, then head out around 6 pm and be on the road for about 4 hours. I really don't like being alone at home and this has definitely messed up my menu plans, lol. Oh well, a couple changes and things will work out just fine.

    Jlhawki-I am so happy to hear you are doing better, sometimes a doctor doesn't know what to do and just choose to shut us down. I'm glad you got to see another doctor and are getting some help.

    Sannferris-I'm so glad your mom is calling you now, it's great she wants to talk and I'm glad you aren't having too many problems with the storms.

    Isyvanek-I'm so sorry to hear about your friend passing, it's always hard to hear long after it happens. It's good to hear you enjoyed the show at that performing arts center. Gosh, I don't think I have ever sent more than 20 cards out in a year and now it's just about 8, lol. That's it, I guess I'm not really into card mailing. I'm definitely going to do some limitations of nightshades and see what happens and I'll be talking to my Rhuematologist too. She has never said anything about that to me.

    Arobed53-Oh my, how hard it must be to have so many people hurting in your circle of family and friends and I hope it all turns out well for each of them. Our weather has been up and down in temps too, tomorrow it will be in the 80's but last night around 10:30 it was 49 degrees outside. Our electric bill was $60 cheaper than the summer bills are, so that was nice to get yesterday.

    Well, I think I am going to get the dishes done and try to get some sleep. I hope you all have a great day tomorrow.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited December 2015
    Good Morning. Had a wonderful day yesterday. The dentist went smoothly and I go back in 2 weeks to have the fillings done. John and I enjoyed our tostadas and then went for a drive.

    Got a phone message from my sister while we were gone and then later, on her afternoon break, she called and we chatted. She's finally "crashing" from all the hub-bub of the entire year. Got all the legal stuff done and relaxing a bit and it's all catching up with her now. Going to bed early every night and catching up on much needed sleep. She's planning on spending Christmas Eve with Mom, just the two of them, and then, Christmas Day she will take Mom with her to our aunt and uncle's house. Her Christmas with her boys and their family will be Sunday, Dec 27th. That was the best day for all of them to get together. Then, the excitement of the wedding coming up in January. Joel sent her the menu for the rehearsal dinner and she said it's super elaborate and sounds very tasty AND he stayed within her budget. He's so frugal and gets the best deals.

    I guess that's it for now, I sure enjoy reading about all that you guys do, even though I forget to comment on the individual details, thanks for sharing.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good early am, it's 2:26 and I just removed the coconut maroons from the oven to cool. I turned the oven down and the next cookie I'll make are the meringues. Hubby left yesterday evening at 6:00 on schedule for Port Lavaca and arrived at 10:15 pm. He is going to be really tired tomorrow morning.

    I didn't get the packages out today because I slept too late to be able to get that done and dinner too, I have them ready to go so I will definitely get them to the post office early this am when they open at 8:00. I did make it to the store for cards so I'll have those ready to go as well. It will be nice to be done with this portion of Christmas. I'm glad things went well for you Monday, we all deserve a great day.

    I'll check back in later, have a nice day all!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hello again, it's 8:20 am and I just got home from the post office. The coconut macaroons and the meringues are done so I am heading to bed to see if I can get some sleep. The cold front has moved into our area so I know I will be quite comfortable today. Goodnight all!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hello-oooooo out there! ;)

    Good early am, I just wanted to update on my goodies I am making. I melted 1 cup of Ghiradelli melting chocolate and 1 cup of 60% cocao chips together so the flavor would be less sweet. I just made the chocolate dipped pretzels, added a bit of kosher salt to the tops and and I dipped the coconut macaroons I baked with an almond on top in the chocolate too. Half I completely coated and half I only covered the tops, hubby will be happy with those since he requested I dip them for homemade almond joys. I think I will save them for him and just add the coconut maroons I sprinkled the red and green sprinkles on top of to the gift plates. Have to treat him too, lol.

    I went to the other Wal-Mart in my grocery shopping town and finally found those cellophane gift bags for putting plates of goodies in and I can tie them off with a ribbon, attach a bow and put a gift tag on it. So I packed up the chocolate chip cookies into little goodie sacks (2 each) so that is out of the way and it's enough of those for his work plate and all the other goodies I'll add to it.

    Now I need to let the chocolate harden on the pretzels and coconut maroons then I can pack up those plates with all the other goodies. I need to bake some more chocolate chip cookies using the Ghiradelli chocolate, I haven't done that yet and need more cookies for the plates anyway. It's a good thing I have been working on these goodies because hubby just told me tonight that they will be having their Christmas party at work this Friday afternoon. I guess a lot of people are taking time off for Christmas week. Whew! Glad that will be ready, lol. They usually have their party on Christmas Eve so this was definite short notice for me, lol.

    Goodnight all, I hope you are all doing well.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,012 Member
    Hi, Anew, I'm glad you pop in even when the rest of us don't. The week has been speeding by. I did get ready for 4-H and that was about it. We picked out Thomas to take him early and it took us almost a half hour to go 6 miles cause the street went to one lane. We went home a different way. The concert was very good - it was Christmas joy and based on a sermon by Charles Spurgeon but it lasted 2 hours.

    Tuesday I babysat for Derek and Lindsey for about 3 hours. Went to the bank and checked on the Community House on the way home. Then Ralph and I got the car loaded by ourselves since Alan had gone to town. Ralph took the back seat out and put in a plastic board and with the back seat and trunk, we got 17 boxes loaded. We headed out at 6 Wednesday morning and got home at 9:30 in the evening. We ate all three meals at McDonalds - not healthy but not too costly and we enjoyed it. We went to one thrift store and 3 bookstores and spent 90 minutes visiting the 18 year old boy that got the kidney transplant about 2 weeks ago. He was probably coming home today. And of course, we got the boxes to the shipping place. They'll start their journey next week and arrive in 3 months.

    Today I took Ava to speech but have been home the rest of the day. Alan's boys were here part of the time but I was able to entertain them and keep working. I had three different projects go work on so alternated 20 minutes on each and then walked 5 minutes in the house. It's working well today. I finished picking up stuff in the basement and got the tree up and decorated and set up the nativity scene upstairs. Then I made spots for all the kids so I could get out things I've already purchased so I can see where I'm at. I'm not done but have more than I thought. And I found the one box that I put in a really good place.

    Tomorrow Ralph has an appointment he wants me to go along too so I'll go to the one town with him and then to the other town the other directions when we get home since I have prescriptions to pick up. So far my shopping list is not too long which is nice.

    Sheryl, I missed the Doc Martin special. Bummer. I enjoy that show. So glad your mother is doing better and better. Glad you and John had a nice day out. How was the drainage ditch? Glad to hear your sister is finally able to relax and catch up on some sleep. A slower pace will be nice for her.

    Anew, yay on how well the vegetable storage is working. Glad your DH can eat chopped salads okay. That's the way we both like them. Smart to spend the evening with your hubby before he left and you've done a lot while he was gone. Your house sure smells good. Great job on all you've gotten done. Thanks for popping in and out even when the rest of us don't. I always enjoy finding something to read.

    We're having pizza and salads tonight so guess I can get started on them soon.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hi everyone, it's about 11:52 pm here in my time so I thought I would pop in and catch up with you all. Today I was able to see my lunch group lady friends because I was finally up at a decent hour. I don't get to go to the Thursday lunch bunch very often and it sure was nice to catch up with all of them. We went to a new bistro that serves coffee and sandwiches, quiche, etc. I had a turkey, tomato, lettuce sandwich on pumpernickel bread. I ordered a chai tea with it and I couldn't believe the price, sheesh $15.00? Wow, that is nuts and although the sandwich was good I don't agree with the price for such a small meal.

    I dipped more pretzels and used white chocolate this time. The dark chocolate pretzels aren't setting and I don't know why but think maybe the mix of regular ghiradelli chocolate with the melting chocolates caused a setting problem. I hope that was the problem and I hope the white ones set properly because I need to pack hubbies goody tray for work in the morning. I decided to drizzle some melted white chocolate on top of the chocolate ones to fix it and hopefully I can pick them up without getting chocolate all over my fingers. I'd sure like them to sit on a plate without sticking together.

    I'm making some more chocolate chip cookies and I'll make more meringues because the first batch worked great. It was only two egg whites and I wanted to make sure I had it down before I baked a bunch that wouldn't dry out properly from our humidity here. Now that they have I'll do six more egg whites which comes out to about 36-40 meringues for the other goody trays I am making. I also have the little doggy bed box finished so I started cutting out the materials for the sheets last night. I just pulled out all my sewing stuff so I'll finish that up this weekend. It will be nice to be all done with Christmas preparations.

    Arobed-It sounds like your days are just as full as always. I don't know how you do it all.

    Well goodnight everyone, I'll check back in soon.