Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    We're home from the party. It was fun. The water was cold but the kids still swam and a couple of the adults. They had gotten bad hail in the morning so the hail in the water and several cool night was why the water was colder than summer days. Derek grilled hot dogs and there was chips and watermelon. Plus a cake. They could not find a unicorn cake but had a unicorn that they stood in the cake. It was too windy for the candles to stay lit but Aven didn't mind. Then there were headbands with a horn for the kids. They had family and the close neighborhood hood friends so quite a few people. She got a lot of nice presents and went and said thank you after opening the gifts from that person. Maggie slept the whole time. She did fuss when Deacon (almost 2) tried to pry her eyes open. :) Madden was a lot of fun. We got home around 8 so wasn't too late either. Lindsey (mom) was tired as Madden has decided to be awake between 3 and 5 am. Hopefully, he'll quit that soon.

    So, Marcie, did you go walking by yourself after the neighbor wimped out. Hope you can do it at least once and see how it goes. I don't have Pam on my trail cause she's not my fitbit friends. I'm enjoying the trail. Really nice to have the distance change on its own. Have fun getting all your weekend stuff done. I still need to put the tenderloin in the crockpot. I start it partly frozen and it goes all night. Works for us.

    Anew, yay for the rain and a good party. Shepherd's pie is a great way to use the mashed potatoes. Smart to take them to the party too. Is there a different flavor when you cook the potatoes whole rather than peeled. Our potato salad recipes are similar except I cook my potatoes peeled and don't use dill. Sometime I do no pickles and have the relish out for those that like it to add. Ralph definitely prefers it to already be in it. I also mash the potatoes and eggs. Might have to try your way sometime.

    Isabella, how was the party? Did you wander the aisles at Trader Joe's or go through quickly? Glad the chair you like waa approved. Trying it out again was smart. Hot salsa - not my taste - I'm a very mild person. Doing 1 coat and two different colors. I bet Dan repaints before long but that's not too hard of a job. Any leads on the job hunt for him? With all his dental work, he's probably just wanted to stay close to home.

    Janie, do you get some sleep in on a 24 hour shift? I hope so. The kitchen looks so good - sounds strange when things are town up but I can see all the progress. How exciting. It's not boring at all. Glad school is going okay so far for the boys.

    Thomas, a freshman, was saying his English teacher plans to call each of her student's homes twice a week. His dad said maybe they'd give her my number (not that I would know anything) but I don't mind talking on the phone. At least he has an English teacher. At another school a friend teaches at and her kids go to, the English teacher/volleyball coach had an aneurysm either the 1st or 2nd day of school and died. 46 years old. What a way for a school to start a new year.

    Okay, off to start the crockpot and head for bed in a bit. Good night.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Forgot to tell you about the cape Lori made for Aven. On the back she put her initial and a unicorn and the mane was loose. It was so cute. Other gifts were nice too. Alan's kids all make their own cards - very simple but fun too for them to do.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    It's quiet here. :smiley:
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Good morning.

    Another weekend that flew by too quickly. Could have used another day. Sigh.

    I got my grocery shopping done after work on Friday, so I was a homebody on Saturday and Sunday. Dad and I didn't even go out to eat anywhere, and we usually go out somewhere between Fri and Sun.

    Yesterday I cooked up 6 chicken breasts. 2 for Dad and I for lunch (with sweet potato, corn on the cob, whole wheat dinner roll, and some fresh veggies) and the other 4 to eat this week. I usually have some rotisserie turkey from the deli on hand to eat throughout the week, but I ran out and didn't want to go to the store. Just used up some chicken that was in the freezer instead. I don't cook chicken very often and Cisco kept looking at me with hopeful eyes the whole time. Even though he's only supposed to be eating dog food right now, I broke down and gave him a little chicken and some sweet potato.

    While Dad and Cisco were out on their final walk of the day yesterday, on of the neighbors who has a garden gave Dad a bag of tomatoes. Wow are they good. Just nothing compares to fresh tomatoes right out of the garden.

    Yesterday was our first smoke-free day in a long while. Today it's looking the same. Lots of people have been complaining about headaches lately and I have a feeling it's being caused by the smokey particulates in the air. On top of the wild fires that are hundreds of miles outside of town, we've also had 15 fires along the American River in town. Most of those have been caused by the homeless that camp down there and start fires. I hear Washington state has been having a bad fire season too. Not sure about Oregon.

    Debora, no, I didn't go walking after my neighbor petered out on me. I decided to go swimming instead. My macaroni salad is 4 cups cooked and cooled macaroni (I prefer to use the elbow macaroni), a couple chopped green onion, finely chopped black olives (a couple tbs), clove of garlic, celery (a couple stalks) and bell pepper (about 1/4 of a large pepper), sweet pickle relish (a couple tbs), a couple chopped hard boiled eggs, about 1/4 cup mayo (I don't like macaroni salads with tons of mayo), salt and black pepper to taste. Sometimes I'll add chopped walnuts, pecans or pepita seeds, and/or other veggies, like defrosted frozen corn and/or peas, chopped asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. Just depends on what I have on hand and what I feel like adding.

    Jannie, wow, they sure have made a lot of progress on your kitchen. It will be done in no time! I too hope that El Niño helps pull us out of this drought. The powers that be in CA keep saying they don't think it will, but I suspect they just don't want people thinking they can stop adhering to their water rules. Once they get hold of you, they tend to not want to let go. We'll see how it goes.

    Isabella, I have a feeling when I go to The Habit I will feel the same as you about it. My Dad's taste and mine rarely jibe.

    Anew, my potato salad is close to yours except I use dill and sweet relish, finely chopped black olives, sometimes I add some dill weed, and the little unpeeled red potatoes.

    I guess I should go dig up something for lunch. I made that chicken yesterday and then forgot to bring it! I have yogurt here in my little fridge, so I'll probably just eat some of that.

    Have a nice day everyone.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited August 2015
    Good afternoon all, I had my eye checkup for the pressure testing a couple of weeks ago and the pressures are all good with an average of 12 which is on the low side. My Ocular Nerve is thin in both eyes but I remember being told that 25 years ago by the eye doctor. My doctor says some people are born with them thin and it doesn't become an issue but we are going to keep and eye on it. I go back in 3 months for another check up because he said a thinning nerve can mean glaucoma.

    All is well here at the house, hubby is still working on my kitchen island and coffee bar counter. I set up the wall with yellow tape to see where I would put a shelf and how high the coffee counter and coffee pot would sit. It's a pretty cool mockup, lol.

    I stopped at World Market yesterday since I was in big town and bought some small coffee cups with saucers and some really large (should be gigantic, lol) latte cups which could also be used for soups. They come stacking in a stainless steel rack but I won't be using the rack on my coffee bar because of it's small size so I will be using the rack in the bathroom to hold TP. I saw it mentioned on a review of the cups and thought it what a great idea so I will follow. I won't be doing that until my bar is built and I know for sure the cups will work and leaving them in their original box will make it easier to return them if I need to.

    Here are the cups and saucers I got, they hang straight up and down instead of at an angle so I should be able to hang 5 or maybe 6 across the wall shelf. I will store the saucers below in the cabinet.


    Here are the giant cups I bought that stack into a rack that I will just turn upside down and stack on the coffee bar counter top or maybe on the shelf. I won't know until I set things up how it will all work out in a tiny space, lol.


    I purchased one of these storage caddies with 6 compartments to have a place to put syrups and sugars, etc but now that I have it at home I don't think it will work either. I think it is way too big since the counter is only 20" wide and the coffee pot has to sit on the counter as well. I will try it though and see how things work, if not I will have to return that as well unless I find somewhere else at home I can use it. Like for towels in the bathroom or something, lol.

    Here is the storage caddy in the color zinc, it is grey and reminds me of galvanized steel but it isn't the whitish shiny color of galvanized steel but a dark greenish grey but more on the grey side.


    The sale items were cups and saucers(bought 6 sets) and the tin storage caddy plus I had a 20% off coupon they emailed me making it a great deal. It was like getting the stacked giant cups for free, Yay! I am still working on some kind of art for the wall but I cannot seem to find anything that is wide and short like I need since most of the art is tall and less wide but that takes up too much wall space. The things I am finding in the horizontal design are way too big for my space so I will keep looking but might have to come up with something on my own, lol. I did find a great clock to put on the wall and might just let that be all the art I need. I have included that link below.


    Jlhawki-Your project is coming along great. I think I would paint before the floors went in so I wouldn't have to worry so much if I got a few little spashes on it. Putting a cloth down and using the plastic with tape on the bottom near the floor would protect it making it much less worry about getting paint on the new floor. I am kind of anal like that, lol. Garlic mashed potatoes are really easy to make. Crush and peel garlic cloves (i used 5 large for 6-7 pounds of potatoes) and put them in a saucepan. Add your butter to the pan and turn it on low bringing it to a low simmer and turn off the pan then add this to your potatoes while mashing them adding your milk or cream at the same time. Yum!

    Arobed53-You are still so busy-Yes, I think leaving the peels on the potato changes the way the potato cooks but I know a lot of people who peel them first. I added dill and sweet pickles in the potato salad.

    Mygnsac-those fires are wreaking havoc on so many people and I hope you get some relief fast. I get very ill with any kind of smoke but especially smoke from wildfires and BBQ's. I couldn't agree more about fresh garden tomatoes and I like your kind of potato salad with red potatoes and dill so I should make some to see how that goes over with the crowd.

    Well my day only began about an hour ago so I need to get moving. My feet are really swollen after being out yesterday so I need to put them up after I get the dishes from last night done. I was hurting too much to do much of anything last night.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Trader Joes is recalling Dark Chocolate Covered Honey Grahams for undeclared milk in the product. See the announcement at the link below.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited August 2015
    It's my turn arobed53, it's quiet in here, lol.

    Hello everyone, it's 1:00 am and I am hoping to want a bed sometime soon so I can get some sleep and wake up at a good hour. The last few days except Monday have been late sleeping days and it really cuts into my time to do things. My feet are still swollen but it's better than it was on Tuesday.

    I have been even more busy planning out my little coffee bar and found some small glass canisters with wood lids to use for ground coffee, sugar, tea and cocoa. I think they will look great on the shelf and won't overwhelm the space and to boot they are old, at least I think they are from the 70's when they made neat canisters for display.

    All the new canisters are too large, or they don't have a proper seal on them, or they are just going to be too hard to open and close for me so I decided to try looking online and couldn't believe what I found, I am so stoked. It's coming along and I couldn't be happier with the overall look it will have. It's amazing what you can do with a tiny wall, lol.

    Here is a pic of them, aren't they cute?


    These stand about 5" tall and 4" wide and all have a seal on them. I found a larger one as well that stands 8" tall and I'll put coffee in that one. She had two smaller ones as well and I figure I will find something to use them for. Maybe put them in the drawer with decaf coffee and sweetener for those who don't use sugar.

    The shelves we will build are called floating shelves but I want both of them to have a short little ledge to help ensure things stay where they are suppose to. The shelves will be very thick in design as well because I want them to be beefy. I am going for the look I saw on that TV show "Fixer Upper" when Joanna built the Ivy family their own coffee bar. Mine won't have chalkboard but it will have beefy shelves stained a very dark brown.

    Isn't this fabulous? I am in awe of what was done here.


    I'm in dreamy land, lol. I hope everyone is doing well and not working too hard, have a great night or day whichever may be the one you check in on. :)

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited August 2015
    And we are still on page 31? Wow, AMAZING!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Oh my, I've popped in and read but didn't realize so much time had passed since I posted. The days speed by. Sunday was good. We had a good time with the family and they left soon enough so I could relax a bit before we heard from some friends who are missionaries in Italy. Very interesting.

    Monday I went to Lori's. We took their car to the shop and then went through McDonalds. Got to her house and her McChicken wasn't in the sack so she fixed herself a sandwich. Then we worked on going through clothes in the kids' room - removing what didn't fit or thinning out when a drawer was full. I ended up with 2 bags of clothes in the trunk. I did some laundry, did the dishes and fixed what she wanted for supper. Then Ralph picked me up so they could keep my car and we went and visited an acquaintance who had a bad heart attack last week and is surprising everyone. We didn't stay long and it turned out she thought I was someone else (that's happened before). We ate and headed home then.

    Tuesday was Ralph's appointment so we went in early enough to go to the thrift store, Walmart, Dollar Tree etc. I also had my mammogram done finally. My appointment was much shorter than his but I had a book along. Then we found out Lori had her car back so we drove in and got my car, hurried home and went to Alan's for supper. It was Clark's birthday but I ended up not giving Clark his present cause they also had the hired man's family there and it didn't work in. Clark had decorated his cake which was a semi.

    Wednesday I walked. On my way to walk, I hit a deer but it bounced off and I kept moving. Cracked the headlight on the other side of the car this time. After walking, I headed for Lindsey's to watch three of the kids. She was home by 11. I grabbed a bit at McDonalds and got them to give me the McChicken. Then I shopped for leggings for my friend and shoes for me. I was getting a hole in the toe of my walking shoes. For fun I figured out that according to my fitbit I put around 1000 miles on them. :) I went to five or 6 stores and got home by 3 so had time to do part of my list.

    Today I have been at home. I started cleaning for Sunday since I have a meeting Saturday. Never get as much as I hope done but so life goes. We are going to a meeting this evening so I'll do tuna sandwiches since they are quick and easy. Tomorrow I will be on the go again.

    Sheryl, forgot to mention that I saw a mama llama and her baby at the petting zoo last Saturday.

    Marcie, you looked up knork after I used in the 5 letter game. One year I bought one for each of the kids and Derek last year got a whole set of the silverware. The guy who invented the knork went to high school with Derek and they are made in a town close to me.
    Smart on using up food in the house. Shame on you for giving in to Cisco but he is hard to resist. I agree, tomatoes fresh from the garden are the best. I've enjoyed the ones I've been given. Have you stayed smoke-free? Swimming works too - gotta do it while you can. I like the things in your macaroni salad so I'm going to hang on to the recipe.

    Anew, glad to hear the pressure is good in your eyes. Glad you are having so much fun with the decorating and figuring it all out. I am not good at that kind of stuff so enjoy seeing what you do. Good deals make it even more fun. Oh, that clock is really cute. You know how to find ideas and work them out. Hope your feet are less swollen and you get the sleep you need and when you want it.

    Ralph just got home so will go visit with him about the list I made this afternoon and then fix supper so we're ready to go. Talk to you later - who knows when. :)
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Anew, the pages in MFP get a lot of comments on them.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited August 2015
    Good morning everyone.

    I hope you all have had a nice week. As usual with me, TGIF!

    The last couple days have been super hot, 105 degree days. Those types of days take so long to finally cool down at night. I just left the AC chugging after I went to bed. Today it's only supposed to be mid to high 90s, and this weekend it will cool down a little more. All I ask is that it cools down nicely at night, and not be smokey, so I can open the windows before I go to bed. Last night smoke had definitely settled in. Smelled awful, but it was too warm to open the windows anyway.

    Dad went to the ear specialist last week to have that impacted wax removed. Said it hurt like the dickens when he was doing it, but that passed quickly and he can hear really well out of that ear again.

    I was playing with Cisco last night and snapped this cute pic of him smiling at me. Actually he just figured out that annoying string is attached to the plastic stick I was holding and he was getting ready to pounce on me to try and get that stick. He's my cute little stress-reliever. He really worked at getting that stick, but I ultimately won that one. If he got the stick, he would carry it off somewhere and chew on it, and the dentist said he's not allowed to chew on anything hard like that. He only gets flexible rubber toys to chew on now.


    Dad was out walking Cisco on Wednesday at dusk and he said a car slowed down and one of the women yelled out that he (Cisco, not Dad) was sooo cute, and then a little while later another car was passing and he heard one of the women say the same thing. Cisco must have been oozing cute again. Ha!

    Cisco is getter better about eating his dog food. He still sits and stares at us with sad doggy eyes while we eat our food, but when we put his dog food bowl down he no longer averts his eyes and backs away from it like it was krytonite. Progress. What I want to see next is him getting excited when we put the bowl down.

    Work is still crazy busy. It's going to be like that for the rest of the year. Oh well, job security.

    My neighbor still hasn't asked to go walking. Most nights it's pleasant enough outside to walk, so I'm guessing she's flaking out on that. Too bad. Then again, I prefer walking alone at my own pace listening to my walking music.

    I made another batch of popcicles last night. This batch didn't separate like the last one. This time it's watermelon, red grapes and lemon juice. Once watermelon season is over, I'm going to have to come up with another blend.

    Dinner last night was some heat and eat lasagna. It's the Amy's brand low-sodium vegetarian lasagna. I have it now and then. For frozen food, it's sooooo good. I rarely make lasagna from scratch any more. I usually just want a single piece. Dad sometimes pick up a whole lasagna at Trader Joes that he and I like (that one is definitely not low-sodium). I like to serve my lasagna on a bed of fresh or wilted spinach.


    I hope Sheryl is having a productive and conflict-free time in So. Cal.

    Debora, yow and hitting the deer. Glad it and you were ok. Bummer about the headlight though. If it's not one thing, it's another. That was nice that McDonalds gave you the McChicken. I don't do fast food much anymore, but when I did, I got to the point where I always checked the bag before leaving the drive thru. Usually they got it right, but now and then they mess up. I think the last fast food I got was a few months ago I got a Famous Flame burger at Carl's Jr/ That used to be my favorite fast food burger. It was pretty good, but no where near as good as I remembered. My tuna sandwiches are never quick. I like mine with lots of finely chopped veggies, so it takes some time. My dad says I'm high maintenance when it comes to tuna sandwiches. He just drains the tuna and mixed in a tbs of mayo and, if he's feeling "ambitious" he'll also add a little dill pickle. Sometimes he just eats the tuna plain with a piece of bread on the side...but I think he does that just to show me how not high maintenance he is. Ha!

    Anew, I hope you are able to get some really good rest soon. Your are so good at working on at-home projects. Totally the opposite of me.

    Hey out there to the quiet peeps.

    Better close. I think I'm ready for my mid-morning snack. On the way in to work I had some turkey, a few roasted new potatoes and a cheddar-jack cheese stick. Lately that's been my early morning snack. I usually also have some chilled steamed green beans, but ran out. Mid-morning I usually have some greek yogurt with fresh fruit and granola, or a couple hardboiled eggs and fruit. I think I'm in a rut again and need to change it up.

    Have a nice day everyone.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Marcie, you moved us to page 32 and I just learned to not try and look at a previous page while writing cause it just went by by. So I'll try again.

    Today was a full day. I walked - half outside and half inside since it started to rain (didn't last long). Then I met a friend for breakfast and we visited for about an hour. Then I went off to do my regular errands. I did manage to find 5 more leggings at the Goodwill store and got the opened bottle of dressing I bought last week returned along with buying the other things on my list.

    When I got home, I put everything away - sack by sack. I've come to enjoy that. It gets me steps and it all gets put away as I carry it in. Then I got to the list. I did the dishes, put vinegar through the washer, folded a load of clothes, started clearing the guest room bed of all I'd tossed on it during the week, etc. Then I got a call from Ralph to come get him at the farm as the something "broke" and the right front end of the car dropped down. He wants to get it checked out as he really likes the car so we'll get it checked out if we can get it in. I'm not sure it's worth it. He went to a supper meeting tonight where they are dedicating the new MCC canner so not sure when he'll be home. I've enjoyed a quiet evening here watching it rain lots. Wish we had a rain gauge cause at one time I called my sister (3 miles away) when it was pouring here and she was not getting anything.

    Tomorrow I have a meeting from 10-1. It's about what we'll be teaching at Good News Club this year and a thank-you luncheon so that will be nice. It's at our church so not too far to drive. We'll just have to figure out how to juggle the car. I think I have a plan. Other than that it's to finish cleaning and do food and whatever else there's time for.

    Marcie, yay on your dad hearing good again. Love the picture of Cisco. Glad he's doing better with his food. Guess a crazy busy week makes the weekend that much more fun to look forward too. Are those really hot days to hot to swim or does the water feel good? Your food always look so good. You know how to plate it. I often do check the bag when we've had a mess up and then when it's good for a long time, I slip up. So I'll be doing it now. We do a lot of fast food cause we can eat for cheap and that's what DH likes to do. We still get fruits and veggies in our day and I eat the smaller sandwiches now. I enjoy myself. Never thought about having roasted potatoes cold. Ruts aren't always bad if you enjoy the food.

    Off to do my list. Good night - good morning - or good afternoon - depending on when you read this.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi everyone, just a quick post and I'll come back this weekend.

    I'm on the hunt for a very old Betty Crocker points book from around the late 40's to early 50's. I am trying to find one of those points books which has the Queen Bess ll 1946 release of Tudor Plate Silverware by Oneida. If anyone has a lead on that and it's available for purchase I would be so grateful.

    I am trying to finish my grandmother's set of silverware and get all the info I can regarding it. So far I have an advertisement for the silverware and some points along with a couple of recipe sheets from way back in the 40's showing the spoons on them at the bottom of the recipes. I'd like to preserve the history of this awesome Silver plate for my family. Grandpa gave it to me about 5 years after grandma passed in 1976 and I have cherished it the entire time.

    I used it all while the kids were growing up and set a nice table for holidays and birthdays. I'd sure like to have the ability to teach the little ones about how grandmas used to buy things with hard work and keep the family history regarding the Silver alive through as many generations as possible.

    Do you know anyone who saved their old Betty Crocker catalogs? Some people have them sitting in the buffet even now, lol.

    Have a great day all!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    What an interesting project. Good luck.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    I have a floor!

    And another:

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    ^^ Nice! :)
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Hey! I had a written a bunch of stuff but I hit preview and all of it disappeared :( SO, I'm going to make this quick.

    We are getting done finally with all the pre-cabinet installation items! I'm getting excited to see it all done even though I won't have water for a full month. I can deal with that, I still have to paint everything once the grouting is done.

    Aero-- Hope the car isn't a big deal! I hate car issues :( Good for you using the groceries as a way to get your steps.

    Anew-- I love the silverware project! I hope you can find more things to show your grandkids.

    Marcie-- Cisco smiling is the cutest :) I am impressed you caught him at the right moment! Kringle turns her head if she thinks I am taking her pic. She's a pain! Sorry you are still in the 100's, it's been dipping into the high 50's here at night. I've had the air off for 6 days :)
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi all,
    What a crazy week! My tooth was still giving me problems and developed a lump on the side so I went back to the dentist and it was confirmed that it was abscessed. I was referred to an endodontist for a root canal which was done at 7am Friday morning. I will have to eat soft food for a few days so I had chocolate frozen yogurt from Costco for breakfast/lunch. Also My BFF Jami had foot surgery Thurs to replace the large joint for her big toe. I went to spend time with her today and brought a DVD and a tray of mac & cheese from Costco. Very yummy. This soft food thing is ok. The DVD was "Hot Pursuit" with Reese Witherspoon (who I love) and Sophia Vergara (from Modern Family). It was kinda silly but cute. When I left there I went to Ralph's grocery store and Trader Joe's then home. I heated a crustless quiche I'd made earlier in the week for dinner. More soft food. It was yummy!

    Jannie, the kitchen is finally shaping up. The tile is really nice. I haven't seen anything quite like that. We got our office chair that we use at home about 10 years ago and it is still comfortable and going strong too. They just don't make things like they used to. You should see the crappy chairs work bought for a couple of the other girls. I told my boss I cannot sit in those "bony butt" chairs! :) Glad to hear that the boys' school is starting out so far so good. The graduation party was nice. Not too many people there - I was 1 of 2 friends - the rest was family. They catered in BBQ so of course I had to make sure to eat my share, and then some!

    Debora and Jannie, the wall is almost finished. We are finished with the contractor at least. Dan is just going to do the rest of the painting himself and put on a couple more coats.

    Debora, for my trip to Trader Joe's last week I just grabbed what I came for and left. I don't really walk the isles of Trader Joe's. I go there so often that I know what they have and when they get new stuff it is described in the Fearless Flyer and I'll go and look for those items if anything sounds interesting. Sometimes I wander more than others. Why do you put vinegar in the washer and when and how do you do it? Dan has not been looking for a job because he is busy being the general contractor for all the stuff we've had to do on the house. This is not an old house mind you - it was built in 1985. What type of tenderloin did you make? Pork? Did you shred it like pulled pork? I make my tuna salad pretty basic also. I use mayo, onion and celery. We've always considered tuna sandwiches kinda like a treat for us.

    Marcie, you're right - there is nothing like home grown tomatoes. How wonderful that someone gave you some. I love that! Glad to hear the area is smoke free now. Smoke in the air is horrible and ashes all over everything can be a bummer. You probably already know this but after fire season be sure to have your furnace/AC filters changed. You'd be amazed what accumulates in there. You might even want to have the filters in your car checked. Your mac salad sounds really yummy. I copied the recipe for future reference. As I mentioned above to Debora I make my tuna salad pretty basic - mayo, onion and celery. We always feel like we're having a treat when I make tuna sandwiches. Your lasagna looks yummy. I never thought of serving it on spinach. What a great idea! Your food pics are always so attractive too. And speaking of pics, what a cute pic of Cisco! I can see why people stop your dad on the street to complement him. :)

    Anew, you have such wonderful ideas for your coffee corner! Those stackable mugs look great and that clock is absolutely adorable. I love it! Can't wait to see it when you're done. I've never heard of a betty crocker points book. You'll have to let us know if you find one and if/when you get the silverware completed.

    We used to use S & H green stamps to get stuff. That was always so much fun! Did any of you have them when you were young?

    Ok, let me go and take my meds - antibiotics for the abscess and ibuprofen for the soreness. Hubby is waiting for me to watch a movie. Wonder what it will be tonight? John Wayne perhaps! :)

    Good night all!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi all.

    Our weather finally cooled down some today. We didnt even get to the 90s. It was a nice break from that heatwave.

    Kind of taking it easy today. Right now I'm doing the laundry and watching TV. I recorded The French Connection on the DVR earlier today, so I think I'll watch that. Havent watched that in about 30 years or so. Love Gene Hackman movies. Tomorrow will be house cleaning and weekly cooking.

    On the way home from work yesterday I stopped at Whole Foods and picked up some "quark" for dad and I to try. Dad likes to eat yogurt, but doesnt care for the tangy yogurt taste (not me, I love it!). I've heard people on MFP talking about quark (a cottage cheese product, blended smooth, with flavors and the texture of a regular (not greek) yogurt, lower in calories and sugar. It's actually not bad (I like greek yogurt better of course), but its wayyy expensive, but then what isnt at Whole Foods, and not available in most stores. Dad also found it a bit chalky. Doubt we'll be buying that again.

    Jannie, your dog sounds like my cat, pic-wise. He runs for the hills when I point anything at him. Love your floor. Like Isabella, I don't think I've seen anything like it before.

    Isabella, ouch on the abcessed tooth. Been there, done that. One of the worst pains in my life was an abcessed tooth. Your soft foods sound yummy. So far we havent experienced ash, just the smokey air. Tonight was another one. Started out fine, but an hour ago it got smokey again. I think the wind has blown it out again. It comes and goes, especially at night. We have our central air and heating system checked every fall (before we start using the heater) and every spring (before we start using the air conditioning), and in between dad cleans or changes out the filter as needed...he just changed it last week. I just had the cabin filter in my car cleaned this month when I took it in for its 20,000 mile service, so we're good there, for now.

    Debora, on the really hot days the pool does still feel good. The water can feel a bit bath watery, but it still feels good. I never get in the pool during the hottest part of the day. I wait for around dusk when the sun isnt on the pool anymore. I have to be careful of my skin as I cant wear sunblock. I tend to get in a food rut every few months and have to change it up.

    Well, I guess I'll go start the next load of laundry and then watch Gene Hackman go after the bad guys. Ha. Have a nice night everyone.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Marcie, great job on taking care of the filters. So many people forget about them. There are a couple of girls in my office that don't like the tang in yogurt (I'm like you though, I like it) and they use the 2% Fage. They say it is much creamier. That might be a good option for dad. Also wanted to mention to you that I finally read a couple of discussions out on the main board and even participated in a recipe discussion! :) Now I'm really in trouble losing track of time on here! ;) I'm also doing laundry right now but I need to get ready for church. Bye for now.