Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Thanks for the suggestion Isabella. Dad doesn't like the texture of Greek yogurt. I, on the other hand love Fage 2%. That's what I eat when I want plain yogurt. Glad to hear you are venturing out in the MFP forums. Lots of nice people out there (also lots of snarky people, but I just ignore them).
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    We watched my all time favorite John Wayne movie "McLintock" last night. We had recorded it from TCM. Do you ladies like John Wayne? Have you ever seen "McLintock"? Do you have a favorite?
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Nice day. Last day with this Sunday School bunch of kids. We start a new group next week. I made chicken with black beans, salsa and corn with sounds healthy until you add the cream cheese but it tasted cook. I had tortillas and tortilla chips to eat with them. Then we had a fruit salad and vegetable relish. I did rice krispie bars for dessert since they are gluten free and then Ava didn't have dessert today. Oh well. I know the week will fly by and might stay interesting since we're juggling the car for now. I have my physical tomorrow and Ralph goes on Thursday. I need to figure out what to pack for our family weekend and try and get some things out of the way. Hopefully, Lori didn't wait too long to contact the rental place and there's handicapped van available cause they decided to take Emily along. The girls are planning the food so that's one things I'm not thinking about. Trying to keep it simple. Alan's hired man thinks he might be able to fix our car. They'll check it out more tomorrow.

    Jannie, love the floor. No water for a month - you're a better person than I am. That doesn't sound fun at all.

    Isabella, bummer on having to do a root canal but glad the tooth is not hurting anymore. I like you soft food diet. With Dan in charge now, the wall will have a good finished look. That was quite the project. It's great that he can make sure all the house stuff gets done and that's a money savings in itself.
    Interesting to hear how you do Trader Joe's. I guess we wander cause we only go once in a great while. I used to enjoy wandering stores - not so much most of the time now. Guess I know we have plenty of stuff. :) I had a friend tell me that putting vinegar in helps with hard water build up. I do it every other month - whether it helps or not, I don't really know but figure it can't hurt. Yes, it was a pork tenderloin - about 5 lbs and we sliced it. We do tuna almost every week - I always considered it a pretty cheap meal but I just buy the basic kind.
    Fun that you watched your all-time favorite John Wayne. I've watched some but not in a long time. I enjoy the old time TV shows we get on one channel. To tell the Truth is on now.

    Marcie, I've never heard of quark - fun to try something new though. Keep enjoying the pool as long as you can. It will cool down. Do you empty it out over the winter? Fun to see your progress on the Arizona Trail. I still log on Moonjoggers too but seeing my movement on the trail is more fun.

    Guess I'll go finish up my list and if I have time check out the forums. I read more than comment. It's interesting - lots of different types of people out there.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited August 2015
    Good afternoon everyone, I am definitely back into the not sleeping at night thing and I really dislike it. I feel like a zombie and don't get much done because I can't really function well. I have managed to keep the house picked up and the dishes done so I am good there but I sure would like to get through some closets and such this week. To do that I need a few hours because I will need to pull things out and put them on the bed which isn't a great idea later in the day since hubby likes to take a nap when he gets home from work. He is usually brain fried from thinking so much at work while dealing with contracts all day. Matter of fact, he took daily naps when we were dating, even then he worked with contracts!

    We have had a terrible time with wasps this year and it's so bad that we decided it was time to call the bug guy and let him deal with it. We have been here almost three years and never had so many wasp nests that we couldn't take care of and find my neighbors have them real bad too. We contracted for one year with Terminix and they will come out as many times are necessary to take care of the problem so I called them again today. So bad in the last month they have taken care of 5 good sized nests and my husband has been keeping them at bay as best he could. Now he discovered there is one in the rock guard portion of the car trailer which houses a spare tire and he discovered another one behind the propane tanks of the RV. There are two at the back of the RV as well and none were there the last time Terminix was here. My hubby said they were charging him when he was weed eating over by the car trailer so he watched where they went to. I called and left a message with the route manager to call me and arrange a time for my bug guy to come by. He's a nice guy too, I don't get the Heebiejeebies when he shows up, lol. That's real you know? Heebiejeebies means, "a state of fear or nervous anxiety! He gardens like I do so we have something in common. :)

    Mygnsac_Love Cisco's smile, he is such a cutie and I can see why your heart melts when he wants something, lol.

    Arobed53-Sorry about the car problem and hope it doesn't sideline you for too long.

    Jlhawki-I love your new tile floor, I see there is texture to those tiles, hubby and I have one we both like and it looks like old barn wood. We might have finally decided on flooring and I think he is holding out for wood but he isn't the one who has to clean it, lol. Whatever we choose is going into the entire house so it has to be what we both want.

    Isyvanek- Glad you have some relief from your tooth pain. I have to buy comfortable office chairs too. Sams Club had one a couple of months ago with a reasonable price tag on it and it wasn't a bony butt chair either. It reclined and had great butt and back support. We almost bought one for hubby but we already have nice chairs so decided to wait and get a couple more years out of the ones we have. Our only problem is the cat likes to dig her rear claws into the furniture so all the chairs are covered with towels to protect them. I remember my mom saving green stamps she got from the five and dime down the street. I don't know that she ever saved enough to get what we needed. Money was really tight when I was a kid so it may have been window shopping.

    Mygnsac-Glad your weather cooled for you and I have never heard of Quark. I like the brand of yogurt called, "The Greek Gods" and we use it for any recipe that calls for sour cream. It's a bit tart but very creamy and I just put a small amount of honey on top which is really good when I have it for breakfast with pineapple.

    Isyvanek, I don't know if I have a favorite John Wayne movie since he was well known and probably at his peak when I was a kid. I do remember my mom watching his movies all the time and swooning over him. I also remember having a black felt painting of him as Rooster Cogburn with the patch over his eye that someone gave her because their kids screamed every time they looked at it. It was pretty scary by my kid standards and was something like this but much more pronounced and scary. Meet that in a dark hallway, yikes!


    Arobed53-Your trip sounds fun and your chicken and bean dinner sounds really good too.

    Well, off to start my day, have a great one!

    I came back to add more, I have been shopping again but this time it was just window shopping. I think I found a ouple of things that will help me to finish off my little coffee bar and my little kitchen island. I needed something for dirty spoons on the coffee bar and found this little beauty, it's white so goes perfectly with the white coffee cups.


    I also found the perfect little holder for potatoes, onions and garlic to use on the shelves of my new little kitchen island. I need to know what size of containers I am using so we can build the shelves at just the right height to hold everything else too, like prep bowls and things.

    Here are the little baskets for onions, potatoes and garlic I found and I shouldn't have to move them around at all except when I add something to them. I see an easy to reach inside and take out area.


    Have a great day everyone!

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Let's talk about more creepy things. Do you find it creepy and odd when you go from one internet page to another and have them asking you if you are still interested in the product you just looked at an hour ago and on a whole different website? I am, I don't like being followed everywhere I go so I found this to opt out of this creepy adware designed for interest based advertising.

    Here you can pick and choose who you want to opt out and keep who you might be interested in. I opted out of all of it but for some reason the Adobe ad isn't completing so I will keep working on it. Opt out on all your browsers if you change from one to another through out your day.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi everyone.

    Typing slow today. I must have bent my right hand back when I was sleeping Saturday night because it was really sore when I woke up on Sunday. I suspect it is sprained. I'm trying not to use it as much as I can, but I'm right handed and it's difficult to not use it. When I took a shower this morning I couldn't even turn the faucet on with that hand. Grumble, grumble, grumble.

    Didn't do much of anything this weekend. Just laundry, my weekly cooking, and a little grocery shopping. Still need to get the house cleaned, but I'll do that next weekend. I should have a long weekend as next Monday our office is closed for Labor Day, and I've requested to take of Thursday and Friday this week. It will probably be my last chance until the first of the year where I can take some days off.

    Yesterday I saw a microwave mug cake that Lynn Matava posted on Facebook, so gave that a try. Really good, but one of those cakes you need to eat right after it's cooked. It dries out fairly quickly. 1 egg, 3 tbs ground flax seed, 1/4 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp coconut oil (any oil will do) and whatever add-ons you like. I added raisins, pecans, apple pie spice and honey. Microwave on high for 1 minute, or 1 minute 30 seconds if you add wet ingredients. My super-duper picky dad even liked it.

    I watched The French Connection with Gene Hackman (a 1971 movie) Saturday night. It was actually not as good as I remembered. Movies with never-end car chases bore me. Ha!

    I need to stop at the watermelon guy's stand on the way home from work tonight. We've been, gasp, out of watermelon since Friday. I would have stopped then but I went to Whole Foods to pick up that Quark and the watermelon guy is too out of the way from Whole Foods. This is the longest I've been without watermelon since June!

    Isabella, I never was much of a John Wayne fan. I did like the movie The Quiet Man with John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara. His westerns and detective movies, not so much. I remember both my Grandmothers and my Mom used to collect the green stamps. I also remember when they stopped issuing them. I was still a kid at the time, so I never collected them myself.

    Debora, I don't use Moonjoggers anymore. It just didn't like my Ipad and was too difficult to update. At least with Walking 4 Fun, it synchs with Fitbit and I don't have to manually enter my totals. The other day I tried to unregister from Moonjoggers, but couldn't find an option for that. I'm probably just missing it. I'll try again. That's the problem when some websites. They make it really easy to sign up, but make you jump through hoops to unregister.

    Anew, wasps are the worst. We had a nest a few summers ago and had to have our pest control guy take care of it. I don't mind the personalized ads. I rarely pay attention to the ads, but if they are going to be there, might as well be hawking something for me. Every now and then I clear the cashe/cookies on my device to clear all that out. I'm sorry you are having such a time of it getting some rest at night.

    I guess I'm out of stuff to jabber about so I'll close for now. Have a lovely evening everyone.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited September 2015
    All this talk of tuna sandwiches, Dad and I had them tonight. Of course, his consisted of tuna and a little mayo and mine had tuna, mayo, tomato, dill pickle, dill weed, cucumber, mushroom, red bell pepper, onion, garlic, garlic salt and black pepper. He just rolls his eyes at me. Ha!

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning everyone. We're home!! Here's a copy of the email update I just sent to our cousins. I'll read all your comments and get caught up and come back again later today...or, tomorrow morning.

    Thank you for your prayers…they kept us safe, even when you didn’t know what to specifically pray for.

    We had computer problems and I wasn’t able to get an email update out before our trip. Had to have the hard drive replaced and now it’s a matter of tweaking it to get it back to the configurations that are workable for us.

    John and I just returned from Pasadena where we helped Norma and Bob finish cleaning out Mom and Dad’s house and garage. It is now empty and ready to put on the market. Norma, Bob and Aaron did a lot of work before we ever got there, so the time that I had set aside for us was shortened by a few days. That worked out very well for us, I was able to get John home sooner than expected.

    John was a great help, but this trip made me painfully aware of how much he has deteriorated. Taking him out of his familiar surroundings and routine had him panicked. He woke up many nights not knowing where he was or how to get home. I won’t put him through that again, but this trip was so important to me and I needed him with me. I couldn’t leave him home alone for 2 weeks.

    John was fascinated by Dad’s garage, he said there are so many “treasures”, Ha! I just call it “junk”. I had told John that he could bring home anything that fit in the car…we were loaded. The Scion performed miraculously, I thought we might be too heavy to make it over the mountains, but we had no problems at all.

    I have a new GREAT Love…Cruise Control.

    It made the driving so easy and enjoyable. We took Oregon State highways and Hwy 395 and, I’d say about 80% of the trip, we had the highway to ourselves. Beautiful scenery and so relaxing. I will, most likely, never travel Interstate 5 again. Why deal with the stress of all that traffic?

    We came home to a comfortable 75 degrees and scattered showers, far from the triple digits we had in California. I grew to love the air conditioning while we were down there.

    John will be occupied trying to find room for all his “treasures” in amongst all our own “junk” in our garage.

    We brought home a large coffee can of brass fittings, which will be a long process of sorting, identifying and labeling. Better than a jigsaw puzzle in my book and will keep John busy when he can’t get outside.

    I’m glad that I could help Norma just a bit, she has all of the day to day dealings with Mom and still handling paperwork from Dad’s passing. Even with all of Dad’s preparations, there is more to do than we ever imagined.

    We had a great trip, filled with every emotion. And, we had a safe trip. Thank you for your prayers.

    Love, Sheryl

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited September 2015
    Trying to post photos, not working correctly.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Now, it's not working at all, I'll try again later.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good evening everyone, I have lost the battle with sleep and today I slept until 2:00 pm so my day will be on the short side and the headache won't go away, at least it's a mild one. We've been having small rain storms so quiet I don't know it's happening unless I open the door. That is quite different from the very loud and violent storms we normally have here which require me to turn off the A/C unit and unplug things.

    We already had a problem last week with the TV and a loud lightening thunder boom which took out the ability for the TV to connect with the surround sound system via the HDMI port even though we replaced the cable on it. Now we have to use the TV remote to turn the TV down and the cable remote to change the channels, lol. We could sure use a long and slow soaking and I am sure the grass will green up real nice too. We don't water so the rain in the summer is a sure blessing.

    I ordered the wheels I need for my little kitchen island we're building and will probably order the drawer slides shortly. Everything has to be ordered here since there isn't much in choices out here at the local stores. Now I just have to decide on the tops I want, build them ourselves cheaply or have butcher block made for them for lots of $$$. I might decide to go the cheap route and decide later if I want to afford the butcher block, lol. Oh my, I have a cheap mind.

    Mygnsac-The tuna sounds great, I usually add boiled eggs, sweet and dill pickles, mayo and pepper. Yours sounds really good.

    Sannferris-I am so glad your trip went well and that John is going to be busy for awhile. The route you took sounds like a beautiful drive too, I am glad you enjoyed that.

    Have a great day/evening all, I will check back in soon.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Sheryl, welcome home. I was glad to hear you got home a few days early cause I couldn't believe two weeks had passed. Glad you found a good road to travel on, John found treasures and you got the house taken care. Now for it to sell quickly. You haven't used cruise control before? I use it whenever I can. It broke on our big car and we both miss it. Very glad to have you back safe and sound. I figured out how to looks at your pictures. Your before pictures remind me of my dad's place when we started. It's a big job to do it. Good job.

    This week is going quickly and this will probably be my only post. I had my physical Monday so it's out of the way now. I had taken Ralph to the farm on my way to town and picked him up on the way home. He then went to town to get the parts for the big car. Then it was back to the farm and when ready to leave, he had a tire going flat so they put a plug in it - helped a little.

    Tuesday he got it fixed and the hired man got our big car put back together. Ralph said it drives much better now. The ball joint only broke on one side but we replaced both. It's not a new car by any means but Ralph likes it. I had Tuesday and Wednesday at home so worked on things here. I have the house straightened, Deacon's present ready, more bookmarks ready for the meeting and lots of little things. Lori went to went a handicapped van cause they decided to take Emily along and their insurance wouldn't cover it without an increase in their coverage for the next 4 months so we put us on it and we'll do the driving. Our insurance I guess had the coverage they like. (They have a handicapped van but it is developing problems so are just driving it to doctors appointments ant things.)

    Tomorrow is Ralph's physical and then I have a 4-H thing in the evening. I'm thinking of shocking Ralph and baking some bread in the afternoon. That's something I haven't done in a long time so we'll see. I have my packing list made so can start on it. Then Friday morning I'll go set up for Willing Workers and finish packing. In the afternoon Ralph and I will go get the van and help Lori load and take off about 5 when she's done with work. We'll be the last ones to arrive but supper will be ready for us. It's about a 2 1/2 hour drive. I still need to figure the exact spot we're going. We'll come back on Monday.

    I decided since MFP will start my log in count all over again, I'm not going to track my food for the weekend to log later. I'm just going to go enjoy. This is something I haven't done for a long time but will be good for me to do too.

    Anew, headaches - mild or not - are still not fun. My, you have way too many wasps at your house. Hope the bug guy takes care of them. It's fun to see all the things you find for you coffee nook. Shopping from the comfort of your home is pretty nice. I like doing it both ways.
    I guess I don't pay that much attention to extra stuff like ads and things when I'm on the computer. If I do, I figure it's just cookies. Glad you found a place when you can stop it.
    Bummer on the TV - at least you've figure out how to work it.

    Marcie, you must have been in a sounds sleep to sleep with your hand bent back. Ouch. Is it doing better? Thanks for still visiting with us. Laundry, cooking and grocery shopping is quite a bit. Enjoy your long weekend. Any special planned to do or just relax.
    What!!!!!!! No watermelon at your house. Hope you found another good one. I've been working on using things up this week. I did cabbage and sausage for dinner to get a head of cabbage gone today and roasted the rest of the cauliflower. I did omlettes last night to use the peppers and since I don't plan to buy much for next week, it will be slim pickings for a few days. We'll survive I'm sure.
    I guess I'll stay with both sites for awhile. They both show me different things. I can see you no doing something that doesn't work with the iPad since that's what you use a lot. I've never seen anything about how to leave but haven't hunted. Good luck. Walking4fun is nice in that it's always up-to-date. I synched my fitbit with Walgreens today for their points with it.
    You get a nice full tuna sandwich with all those good additions. It looks good.

    Guess that's about all I have to say for now so I'll let you go. Have a great rest of the week.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Ooh, lookie lookie! I love this rack and already have plans to mount it to the shelf that the bigger mugs will stack onto. This is perfect and I can get two extra hooks to hang the other two cups (one on each side) so all six of my smaller hanging cups will be hanging instead of finding a place inside the drawer. The saucers will still be stored in the drawer.


    Hello everyone, I have been doing some more designing and window shopping for my coffee bar as you can see by the above writing and link, lol. This is the best rack I have seen out there to fit my space and I definitely want to add it to my list of things to buy. I think I have a final design for the wall of my coffee bar and I kind of feel finished, lol.

    My headache is much better but still there, just s-o-o-o much better and the swelling in my feet and ankles is totally gone. Yay!

    Arobed-Hope you get good results from Ralphs physical. The bug route manager failed to call me after I left a message Monday afternoon. I called today and he told me the office manager told him he would call me and take care of it and said he would talk to him and find out what happened. He asked if he could call me back and did with the information that the office manager apologized and would call me back within an hour, that was 2.5 hours ago. I think they need to get a new office manager or route manager or something because I am not happy with this at all. My husband has been getting chased by those wasps.

    Mygnsac-How is your hand feeling?

    Well, I am going to get on my way and get my day started. I hope you all have a great one!

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    I couldn't get on MFP at all Thursday and I can't sleep so I thought I'd try photos again.

    Garage, before

    Garage, after some clean up
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Patio, before

    Patio, after

    I was 4 years old when my Dad poured part of the concrete slab...my sister and I were memorialized

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    This computer is acting very strange, I hope it will let me back on later in the morning so I can catch up with all of you.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited September 2015
    I love your before and after pictures and your concrete memorial. Too bad you can't take that with you and put in your garden. I'm up too of course, cannot sleep but will try in about an hour or so.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning - I have most things done. I'm packed - will double check at noon. Hubby will pack when he gets home (with my help). I have bread in the oven and when it comes out will go to church to set up for tonight. I decided yesterday to try and make some cinnamon bread - used to do it a lot when the kids were growing up. It turned out decently so decided to make the same bread only add raisins. Ralph asks for them a lot more than he used to so this is a surprise for him - they looked nice when I put them in. Dinner is cleaning up leftovers. Then I'll do what dishes I have and we'll be ready to go. We want to go to a used bookstore, pick up the rental handicapped van and then go to Lori's and help her load up when she gets home. And Off we'll go. I started to weight my breakfast and then remembered I'm on vacation from that so recorded nothing. :) Have a great weekend.

    Anew - that is a neat wall deal.

    Sheryl, always fun to see kid's marks in concrete.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Looks like maybe I can post today...yesterday was extremely frustrating, computer-wise. I almost emailed one or more of you to see if everyone was having a problem. I could get on other sites, but not MFP.

    I read through the comments this morning and jotted down notes to respond...

    Yummy on potato salad, macaroni salad and tuna, all my favorites. My neighbor, Gayla, makes a terrific macaroni salad with tuna mixed in, so good. I usually add hard-boiled egg to my tuna, since I have so many eggs and it makes it the consistency that I like. I also like all three on the sweet side, so I add lots of sweet pickle, rarely dill.

    Anew, good luck getting rid of those wasps. I hate them and with all the old trucks we have around, they find all the cracks and crevices for their nests.

    Debora, I first used the cruise control when I got the new car and drove to Walla Walla to see Sue. Since that trip, we haven't gone on any long road trips until this last one and I don't see the purpose of using it in the city, too much braking which turns it off automatically.
    A mama and baby llama is what hooked John and Jack into talking Gayla and me into getting llamas in the first place. A woman down the road raised them to sell and had Crystal, the mama, and her newborn in her front yard. The guys drove by and stopped and then came home and convinced us girls that we simply HAD TO HAVE them. Jack and Gayla bought Crystal and Dude, that's what they named the cria (baby llama) and John and I bought two "maidens", Beauty and Snowflake, two year olds ready for breeding.
    I love the way you unload your groceries, one sack at a time. I try that, but John always wants to help and insists that he can "carry more". Sometimes, I can tell him no, because I don't want the bread squished or something like that, otherwise, he will try to carry as many bags at once as he can.

    Jannie, love the floor. I agree with others, it's so unusual, love the BIG tiles, looks like it might be easier to keep clean and less grout to worry about.

    Isabella, oh yes, I remember S&H green stamps, and also, Blue Chips stamps. When we went on a big family vacation across the US in 1966, I remember my folks got a whole new set of luggage with their saved stamp books. And then, when I was in my twenties and getting my own apartment, Blue Chip stamps had stopped being issued and my mom had a couple books left and I used them to get a set of flatware, still using them today.

    The John Wayne movies that come to my mind...The Cowboys, Rooster Cogburn, and my all time favorite, The Shootist. Another favorite, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (love James Stewart movies too).

    Our friend who is hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, (Mexico border to Canada border), who was suppose to do his last leg of the trail this past month, had to halt his trek after 76 miles due to the fires. So, he'll finish next summer. He said that this last bit was going to be the longest segment, over 200 miles. So, maybe, breaking it up into two segments may be a good thing. If he completes it next year, he will have hiked over 2,600 miles, 2 weeks at a time, over 14 or 15 years. Some people have hiked it all at once, in one fell swoop, taking about 6 months to do it. That just amazes me.

    I better post this, it's getting very long and I don't want to lose it. Plus, you know my mug needs a refill!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Here are a few more photos, John sorting the brass fittings. I have so many egg cartons, I laid them out for separating plugs from elbows from couplers, etc.




    Wouldn't you know it...the photo that shows the most of John won't post, ugh, computers!!!!