Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hmmmm, then it must be some other show I watch on that channel starting later. Of course, new seasons are starting on all the channels, so I'll have way too much to watch soon. You should be ready to watch the new season when it starts then.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi everyone, I've been lovingly searching for cabinet hardware for both projects and found some old Hoosier cabinet drawer cup pulls. I found three so it's perfect because I will use two on the island drawer and one on the coffee bar cabinet drawer. I've also been searching for some hinges to match and a door knob to match and both of these items are for the little coffee bar cabinet. In my research of Hoosier hardware I came across this forum regarding them and had to laugh but had to think too.


    In this forum there is an ad that says, "the Hoosier Cabinet saves the housewife 1500 steps in the kitchen". When the usual was 2000 steps in a day. So here we are trying to get in the steps to stay healthy and we had it all before the new age kitchen with the Hoosier cabinet to store everything we needed for making a meal, especially the bread portion.

    I also see the correlation between living in the city and not on the farm as part of the reason our country has become so unhealthy. In the name of helping the housewife she really just got less exercise in her day and living in the city meant no outside chores unless she had a house with yard work. It's interesting to me to keep up with the history of our country and how things have progressed in time. Now if we can get all the junk foods brought into our lives starting about the 1940's out of our lives, I think we could all be a lot healthier.

    The final part of that is I am working on this project to make more space in my kitchen and to get that 48" counter space all for myself so I can use it to prep meals in my little kitchen. I think I will keep in mind that all the walking I do in my kitchen now will be less when I get that counter space to use so I need to be mindful to add more steps into my day.

    Just a little "Food for thought".

    Goodnight everyone, well you, I'll probably be hanging out here for a while. :smiley::wink:
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. I actually have the space heaters on this morning, it's chilly. Possible rain later today too.

    My breathing is better than last winter and I plan to let John use the woodstove again as soon as it gets cold enough. It sure does warm the whole house with a really good kind of heat. I'll see if I can get him to leave the door shut for longer periods of time, so the smoke stays in the stove or goes up the chimney and not into the living room. I don't know if he kept opening up the door and poking the firewood out of boredom or he didn't remember that he had just checked it and thought he better check it again, after only about 10-20 minutes. We sure had a very smoky house at times.

    Anew, that is so funny how history shows us that the "olden" days were good for us. Yes, country living is so much more active and healthy. Not all progress is good, of course, it's not all bad either. ha ha ha

    Marcie, Ugh, it's Monday, hope you're feeling better and back at work today. Is Dad feeling OK? Did he get your bug? I don't remember John or I ever giving the other a bug when we've gotten it. Hopefully, it's gone now.

    I also am anxious for Downton Abbey to start back up again. And, was surprised that they advertised Season 6 as the last. I hope they wrap up the story lines with a satisfying finish.
    There's also another season of Doc Martin coming soon, we love that show too, he's so awkward and funny.
    I'm with you, Debora, too many shows to watch. I record a lot and have no time to watch because I'm watching other shows.

    I nuked yesterdays old coffee and now the fresh pot is ready. My mug needs a refill.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    My cheapness just caught up with me once again. I wanted to dye my hair today, get rid of the gray. I had an older box of light brown color in the bathroom and decided to use it instead of waiting to go to the store and buy my usual medium blonde. I just couldn't bring myself to simply throwing the brown one away, knowing that it would turn out darker than what I prefer.
    Well, now I have brown hair, I scare myself every time I look in the mirror, ha ha

    Upside: John says that I look good and he likes it.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Here's the pictures of my kitchen! This is the peninsula and will be where we eat once the countertop is done :)


    This is the main "U" of cabinets--the sink is on the left and the peninsula/family room is on the right


  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    The refrigerator and food pantry:

    This is the end panel that I put up to hide the frig! I really like this feature.

  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    The microwave and stove in place. So great to finally have a working oven :):):)


    These pendant lights make me happy!

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Those pendant lights make me happy too! :smiley:

    I love your new kitchen design.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning.

    Gorgeous kitchen, Jannie, well worth the wait and all the work you've put into it. I love all the special features.

    I'm off to the dentist this morning, I'll try to get back later, or else, I'll see you tomorrow morning.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited September 2015
    Good morning.

    Starting to sound like a broken record, but I'm still not feeling well. Agony trying to swallow, feels like something is lodged in my throat, can't sleep (keep waking up because of the sore throat), coughing like mad. I finally broke down yesterday and went to the doctor. He said I have a viral infection and just need to let it play out. Prescribed cough syrup with codeine in it and advised to me to take that along with Motrin. As usual, I had to remind him that I am allergic to Ibuprofen and can't take Motrin. Since he doesn't want me taking Tylenol with the codeine syrup, he advised I take Aleve. He also prescribed one of those inhalation aerosols puffers to help clear my lungs. After medicining up last night, I went to bed early and did manage to get a little more sleep. I still kept waking up, but not quite as much. Keeping my fingers crossed this works.

    I hadn't been to that doctor since 2011, and found they had moved offices. Their website though still says they are at the old place, and when I went to the old place the sign outside still shows my doctor is in that building, but when I went into the building his office was gone. I kept walking up and down the halls trying to find his office! I had to call his office, and they told me they moved to an office further down the street. It sure would help if they at least update their website! I was already feeling bad, and having to run around that old building looking for an office that wasn't there anymore didn't help!

    It's hard to talk right now and I wished people would stop trying to engage me in conversation (Dad and coworkers!). Dad was super chatty when I got home from the doctor yesterday and I just wanted to tell him to go play on his computer and leave me alone. Ha! I didn't, of course.

    So far, Dad shows no sign of getting sick. Keeping my fingers crossed he stays well. The last thing he needs is this virus. He made me laugh yesterday. I noticed he was using a separate kitchen towel. He said he's not coming near my germy towel. I told him I don't use it, but he said it's better to be safe. The thing is, I doubt that would be enough to keep my germs at bay. I've still been doing the dishes, laundry, etc. My germs are probably all over the place!

    Our fire season is continuing with a vengeance. We have 2 huge wildfires going right now. Lots of land and animals lost or killed, 20,000+ people displaced, homes burned down, etc. The doctor said I should avoid being outside as much as possible because of the smoky air. Here's a pic I took this morning on the way in to work. Smoke clouds are everywhere right now. Kind of hard to avoid the air. :/ A PAWS sanctuary for elephants, bears, and tigers is apparently right in the path of one of the fires and they aren't able to evacuate the large animals (apparently bad planning on their part). I sure hope the fire doesn't overrun those poor animals.


    Last Saturday was our last really hot day, 105 degrees. It's been cooling down ever since. Yesterday it didn't even make it into the 80s, and we actually got a little rain. Not enough to count, but enough to mess up my clean car really good!

    Everyone is always saying how good Downton Abbey is. I looked for it on NetFlix, but I don't see it there. Hopefully one of these days they will pick up that series. I have lots of series I record on the DVR. I usually don't get to them all though and wind up deleting them. There are about 6 or 7 that I will definitely watch though. Last weekend while I was sick and laying about the house I watched a lot of TV. Mostly movies. I watched Pearl Harbor (good movie, but could have done without the sappy love story), Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (seen that one lots of times); J Edgar (boring!), and As Good As It Gets (one of my favorite Jack Nicholson films).

    Sheryl, your Swiss Steak recipe sounds yummy. Olive oil is a good swap for Crisco. I have a meat tenderizer like yours too. It was my mom's and it was given to her in the 60's. I don't pound out meat much, but I sure have lots of memories of my mom doing that. That's a lot of appointments you need to make! I guess it's good to just get them out of the way. I'll bet your brown hair looks good!

    Jannie, your kitchen is sure coming along, and I love how you hid the refrigerator like that! Love those pendant lights too.

    Debora, Grandparents Day sounded fun, and Paige's reason she loves you was honest and sweet. Makeup sure isn't cheap! I used to use a lot more than I do now. Now it's just lipstick, a little blush and maybe a little eye shadow. I used to use liquid makeup, mascara, and eye liner, but have given those up over the years. Seems the older I get, the less I care about that stuff.

    Anew, I was thinking about that the other day. How so many of our lives in the cities and burbs so rarely involve daily chores or jobs that would keep us fit. Now people seem to race home from their jobs so they can go to the gym to get fit, or just don't add physical fitness into their lives at all. Luckily, and for the most part, junk food consumption is something we can control. Just make better choices and be accountable for the choices we make.

    Better get back to work now. You all have a nice day!

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Afternoon.

    "Marcie's gone viral". Sorry, sick pun, but just had to be said. Hope the medications work their magic and you can get some rest.

    Dental cleaning went fine and I go back Thursday for an evaluation of all the work that needs to be done, and I know there's a lot. I let my teeth go for a long time.
    Eye appointment is scheduled for October 6th and the car gets serviced next Tuesday afternoon. Also, next Tuesday, I meet Carol for lunch again at Kitchen Table Café. Will have a nice meal and visit and then head over to the Toyota dealership.

    Downton Abbey is on PBS, maybe Netflix doesn't offer programs from Public Television.

    My poor sister...the realtor called her Saturday to say that the Pasadena house's lawn looked "shaggy" and it should be mowed before the Open House on Sunday. She called my uncle and asked if he could drive by and check, he laughed and said the green growth is about as tall as the lawn should be and the rest was brown and dormant. (I fertilized and watered the week I was down there) He thought it was fine and would show buyers what the lawn could look like if it was all green and growing. My sister contacted the gardeners to make sure it gets tended to this week and will look good for next Sunday's Open House. He just texted her back and said that his lawn mower is broken, but he'll do the best he can. Ridiculous! That's no excuse. I was in the business for over 30 years, a gardener should ALWAYS have a back up mower. Norma's on her last nerve and the sooner we get rid of this house, the better.

    I've been over at One Kind Planet the last couple of days, a little more activity and Lynn and Susan are planning to add more features to the site. Come and visit.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Thanks for all the kind words ladies! I thought I posted a short update beside the pics last night but it disappeared. I've been painting today (touching up the parts Joe thought needed it) and then putting stuff in the cabinets. Although I have more cabinets they aren't as deep as my old ones so it's been challenging to get stuff put away efficiently! The boys could care less about the kitchen and are so OVER it :) They both loved my dinner last night and the fact that it was made so quickly. I used to have to cook one thing at a time and then keep them heated until everything was done. Yesterday I made everything at the same time and it was wonderful!!!!!!!

    I've been keeping up here on-- you all have lots going on too!

    Marcie hope you feel better soon (have you tried gargling with salt water? It will hurt but may help in the long run!!! )

    Sheryl-- I'll say a prayer that the house sells quickly!

    Anew-- love hearing your updates on your projects!

    I have to go pick the boys up, will try to check in soon :)
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Mygnsac, I just did a search for Downton Abbey, this link for Yidio says it works better with Amazon Prime but not sure if you have Amazon Prime. I don't because I never buy enough to warrant it, lol. I don't watch movies or download music so it pretty much would only be useful to me for saving on shipping costs.


    I hope you are feeling 100% better by Friday.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Plan was to do stuff at home and then have time to chat with you guys. Well, plans change. Not home much most of the rest of the week so I'll get here when I can. I do find time to read but that's so much easier.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited September 2015
    For those who really like to watch Downton Abbey I have come across this pattern for their dresses, it's a "One Hour Dress" pattern.


    I came across it because I was researching flour sack dresses here


    Which then lead me here on a new search for cotton bag sewing patterns


    Which then lead me to the Downton Abbey pattern on Etsy because I was looking at "One Hour Dresses" there. LOL. Funny how the world wide web really gives you the world. :smiley:

    Here is a video teaching how to sew the "One Hour Dress" which was originally designed in 1924, the video is step 1 and it looks like there are six steps with a video for each of them.


    Hahaha, I love this flour sack!

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited September 2015
    I'm on a history kick! I was searching the 1940's housewife budget because I'd like to know how hard it was for a housewife to purchase such a luxury of silverware through the General Mills catalog and came across this website about the 1940's fashion magazine about "Housewives Daily Routine". Boy did she have a lot of work and it seems strange to me that she would serve husband breakfast while the kids were sleeping and then do the same thing all over again when the children were up and hungry.


    I also came across this Today Money article about the 1940's housewife and her budget of only $12.50 per week.


    I received an email today from the Archives at General Mills with a listing for the Queen Bess ll Silverplate 1946 showing how much it cost to purchase the silver pieces and how many coupons were needed.

    Here is an example of what is on there but I will also include a picture of it too.

    19 pieces to choose from using Coupons found on specially marked General Mills Products.

    Each article could be purchased for the "Thrift Plan" price with more coupons or she could pay more with less coupons using the "Speed Plan".

    A dinner fork would cost only 10 cents and needed 69 coupons on the "Thrift Plan"
    She could pay 40 cents and use only 3 coupons.

    A hollow handle knife such as my grandmother had would cost 10 cents and 129 coupons on the "Thrift Plan"
    She could pay 85 cents and use only 3 coupons.

    The solid handle knife was 10 cents and 89 coupons on the "Thrift Plan"
    She could pay 50 cents and 3 coupons.

    I do like the hollow handled knife far better than the solid handle knife because it is very comfortable in the hand and looks a lot more regal. My grandmother paid more for it because she obviously liked it far better than the solid handle knife too.

    Here is a picture of what they sent me today and I have asked them if they had new pieces that came out because I have a youth three piece set which are a little smaller than the regular pieces that includes a knife, fork and spoon but I don't see them listed on here. I await for the answer to that because even replacements shows the youth set as part of the pattern available starting in 1946.


    Our history is so interesting to me. I hope you all don't mind all this jibber jabber.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning.

    Anew, very interesting history. I guess coupon purchases go back a long way. I remember seeing that rose pattern as I was growing up, and even today, it's still around.
    I chuckled at the Downton Abbey dresses, are we all to dress up when we watch? I liked the background segment on the dvd about the costumers finding perfection in all the period pieces. They are very particular about that and the actors appreciate it, it puts them into character more easily.

    I'm staying home today and possibly getting a "conference call" late this afternoon with my sister and the realtor. When I talked to Norma yesterday, she said that the realtor said that about 65 people came to last Sunday's Open House and he has 7 offers already. I thought we were going to wait until after next Sunday's Open House, but if the right offer is there right now, we'll take it. We don't know yet if the two people who told us they are interested in the house are included in those 7 offers. One person contacted the realtor last week, but he may not have made it to the Open House and we don't know if the other one has talked to the realtor at all yet. I am amazed at the interest since the house is kind of a mess, but, like I said before, it is prime location, beautiful neighborhood.

    Marcie, hope you feel a little better today, those virus things take quite a while to work themselves out of your system, unfortunately. Funny that Dad thinks all the germs are in the towel, I can see you smirking. I know what you mean about not wanting to talk, I've had days like that, but you're right not to say anything to Dad. I don't discourage John from talking to me either, but, on those days, I do refuse to answer the phone. I am so thankful that I don't have to go into an office daily.

    Debora, hope you have a good week. Looking forward to hearing all about it, love your adventures with Ralph, the books, the kids and all their activities. How's your sister doing? Sticking with the prescribed routine? I know it's hard.

    Jannie, love hearing about your meals from your new kitchen...funny how we take for granted cooking everything at once and getting it on the table hot. Hey, wait, I can't even do that!! I am always scrambling to get everything ready at the same time. I'm sure that the boys appreciate it all, even if they don't say it.

    Once again, I had one mug full of coffee from yesterday that I nuked...time to make a fresh pot.
  • cjdigsindirt
    cjdigsindirt Posts: 23 Member
    Hello friends! I am sorry I don't check in much but I do on FB so look for me there too.

    Anewstart: That silver-plate pattern is the one my mother had when we were growing up! I have a few pieces of it and always wondered what the pattern name was, thanks to you I now know.

    I had a nice walk today and managed to lose 1.5 pounds this week. Who knows how that happened, I am eating and exercising like I always do. I see on the My Fitness Pal groups that they have one called Weigh in Wednesday. I am thinking of joining up with that group. How about any of you, any interest? I would like to get this extra 15 pounds off. I never reached my goal weight when I was using NM, but I only am up a few pounds from that last weigh in there so I have done fairly well on my own. I just need to focus more on the once a week weigh in.

    Okey Dokey friends. Have a wonderful rest of your day. Carla
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited September 2015
    Good Morning, Ahhhhh, a fresh pot of coffee. Smells so good in the morning, warms up the house and the soul.

    I guess I have an addiction!!!

    Hi Carla, I tried to locate Weigh on Wednesday and can't find it. Can you give me a clue as to what category it's in? What page it's on? I get lost in the Message Boards, there is so much to choose from. I need a bit more motivation and accountability, maybe if I weigh in once a week again, it will help. I'm chatting over at OKP and getting encouragement over there too.

    We're having rain this morning, love the smell of that too, so fresh.

    John is getting frustrated with the brass fittings. He may give up on sorting before we get it done. Now, he needs various sizes of tubing to be able to identify what size the compression fittings are, they are difficult to measure with a ruler or even the calipers.

    We had our conference call with the realtor from 5:30 to 6:45 pm yesterday. So far, a total of 23 offers, but only 6 right now that are getting a counter-offer. The others will receive a "thank-you" letter, but unless they want to change the offer, it's being rejected. Very interesting progression, back and forth. Four of the offers are from corporations, so they just want to flip the house. One is from a young couple moving back from South Carolina, with their doctorates. The woman got a job teaching at USC. The other one is a single woman. As nice as it would be to have a new little family in the house, even though they are highly educated, Norma and I both agree that to be saddled with the problems of that house would overwhelm them, they don't know what they are getting into. Probably only a corporation could have the money and the power to push back at the City of Pasadena on getting the improvements needed. Pasadena was a real thorn in my Dad's side and most of the remodeling was done without permits.
    Still going to have the next Open House and still taking offers, the realtor said you never know what may fall through, so he'll keep plugging along. He asked Norma and I if we play poker, (we don't), but he said a lot of the offers are bluffing and he has to call their bluff to see what's reality. Like I said, Very Interesting Process!!!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Sheryl, incase Carla doesn't come back, I'm guessing this is the Weigh In Wednesday group she was talking about (though I don't see her as a member to the group).