Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Good morning, I have three grands coming here this morning. It's the day for Ava's botox shot. I need to go to El Dorado this afternoon so I don't know if they'll be here for lunch or not. Maybe I'll try and straighten the house - hasn't been touched much since Sunday. Just haven't been home a lot with spare time. Ralph had an appointment Monday and we had to reschedule cause they forgot to tell him not to take his morning dose. We got our other errands done, ate lunch. I went to Lori's after school and we worked on 4-H stuff. Deadlines get you working harder.

    Tuesday we went back for the appointment. It was a long one so got home in time for me to go to a meeting about getting Good News Club again and the evening was a annual meeting with meal so I didn't have to cook all day.

    Yesterday I was home but I spend a lot of time typing up the 4-H info I got Monday. I headed back about 5 and got signatures, did the dishes but got home about 8. Gave me time to do my list without it getting too late. But things aren't slowing down. I'll try to start straightening the house while the kids are here when they don't need my attention.

    Anew, the meal planning site sounds really good but I've never done well with planning meals. Seems like we do a lot of eating leftovers and some weeks end up being out so I just try and keep enough around that we can eat. I had left a frozen meal for Ralph to eat last night and then I got home before him so I was supposed to fix him something. That was a bit of a dilemma but he got tuna and tomatoes and some cantaloupe. He doesn't complain. The plan sounds like it will be good for you. You're doing good at getting the truck taken care of. Although I'm guessing when you and I say trucks, we are talking different things. I'm your truck is our pickup. Then we have the 3 ton truck and the semi. :)

    Sheryl, glad you got your hair more like you want it. Oh my on finding the ladder against the house. Good health or not, ladders should always require two people. Even though your week has changed around, you've gone with the flow and it has worked out well.

    Isabella, I enjoyed your post on the spiralizers. Let us know what you decide to do.

    Marcie, glad you're better and your dad isn't getting it. Glad the house is taken care of. Still plenty of paperwork to come but the hard part is done. Hope it all goes through okay.
    That smart to enjoy the ancestry.com while it's free. My sister does that on my side and Ralph's side has it going way back and quite thorough so it's there if I want to look.
    Bummer on your dad's walking group. He'll just be able to move at his own pace. Cooler weather will be nice for you walking. Our days can warm up (80s) but nights pretty much cool off now. Fall is here. We're combining our corn now - it's finally dry enough - way later than some years.

    Christina had quite the scare with Jason. So thankful he is home. That's good for both. So sorry her mom is not helpful. That's not easy. Those unknown things that hit a person are so hard to figure out.

    Carla, we'll do our best to encourage you. Hopefully, once you get your recipes in, it will take less time but you are doing a great job.

    Better get busy on things - eat breakfast and get ready for the kids to be here. Have a good day.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Forgot to tell you about a good piece of news. Two or three weeks ago Thomas' bike was stolen. He just got it in July. Anyway, the police found it yesterday and in good shape so he is very thankful and happy. He could walk back and forth to school but the bike sped the process up.
  • jlhawki
    jlhawki Posts: 225 Member
    Hi all! Been meaning to come visit but have been having bad reflux and just don't feel like typing :( All the meds I'm taking for my hip are aggravating my GERD and then the reflux comes roaring back. I forgot how bad it can be but am hopefully I've got it back under control. Also, I've been eating healthier and I guess the fiber/roughage isn't helping either.

    The countertops come on Wednesday! I can hardly wait to get the sink and dishwasher hooked up :) It will be so fun to have a fully functioning kitchen again!!!

    Marcie--so glad that you are better! Yeah for clean air :) You and your dad are doing great with the steps, I'm impressed!

    Aero-- so sorry to hear about Ava. Does she have a seizure disorder? That is scary and I'm glad she is better. Did you make my 'Ravioli Lasagna'? My boys love it and we have it at least twice a month :)

    Anew--I am looking forward to hearing if you will continue to like the new meal planning. I hate the planning part and the preparation part, and the cooking part, and the cleaning up part ;) I do like the eating part :):)

    Carla-- always so glad to see you. I will look forward to your monthly updates. You can post it here for all of us to see (in case we miss the FB post!)

    Sheryl-- glad it was a 'normal' checkup and that John didn't hurt himself doing something while you were gone!

    Ivanek-- glad to see you! My friend uses a spiralizing doo-hickey all the time. He loves it :) I think it looks like a pain but I'm not big on cooking!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend :)
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Jannie, so yuck on the bad reflux. But so glad yo dropped in. It will be so exciting to have the kitchen done. Wonder what the first meal of the completed kitchen will be.

    No, I was lazy this time and opened a can I keep on hand. Yours isn't hard but you have to have all the ingredients around. :)

    I was actually able to get the house straightened while the kids were here. They even helped some - especially by picking up their toys. And we put out the leftovers for lunch and they helped empty some containers and thought it was fun to have the choices. After they left I made it to town and got the 4-H stuff in plus errands done. And I made it to Bible study. Good day.

    Yesterday I left the house at 6:15 and got home at 10:30. I took Lori in for a procedure. Even saw some people I know while waiting at the hospital and got some good visiting in. We got her home about 1 and then I went to fill her script while she took a nap. She slept a couple of hours while I started straightening the house and then we went to pick up the baby and the girls. I fixed an easy supper and then took the girls to the football game - they did junior cheerleaders. We stayed until the end of the 3rd quarter when the rain got too much for me so I don't know who won cause the score was so close.

    Since Lori can't drive because of the pain med, I'm headed back to take Jeremiah to his football game and then might babysit for Alan this afternoon - depends on when I'll get home. I have a watermelon to cut up for dinner tomorrow but can get by if I don't do much else. Have a good day.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi all, I know I'm posting REALLY late this weekend but I went in to work today because my contracts were getting so stacked up I was starting to feel very overwhelmed. I worked for 7 hours (nice overtime) and got mostly caught up. It felt like quite a weight off my shoulders and so nice to work while it is so peaceful and quiet. I left work at 2:30 and went to Trader Joe's (missed the farmer's market) and Ralph's. I also stopped at Dollar Tree. I'd never been there before. Got some b-day cards for $.50 each and a composition notebook for prayer requests after bible study. You know the ones we used in grade school with the black and white speckled covers? :smile: I don't think I'd shop there very often but it was interesting to look around and see what they sell. We were supposed to go to a BBQ today but my friend got the flu and cancelled so I made us some grass fed beef hamburgers for dinner. I was glad the BBQ was postponed - we were both pretty tired. Dan is still working on the landscaping outside. He is working really hard to improve the drainage on the west side of the yard right next to the neighbor's house. We would not want to be responsible for water damage to their home if we ever actually got a lot of rain. It has been back breaking work for him but I think it has been good for him psychologically.

    Now that everything is said and done with the wall Dan has decided that it looks good and even recommended the contractor we used to a lady on the next street up who has the same wall. She came and asked him who he used and said that her wall is really shaky and about to fall over. It was nice too that the contractor came and asked Dan for his detailed "cad" type drawings Dan made of our wall so he can use them to build the woman's wall. Made Dan feel good. The contractor also volunteered to haul away the rocks that Dan wants to get rid of from working on the drainage. He will only charge Dan the dump fees which are pretty high but we'd have to pay them anyway and now Dan doesn't have to worry about what to do with them. Dan also found out that the association did actually send letters to about 35 home owners warning them that their wall is unstable and may fall over. This makes us feel that our wall problem did serve some purpose and may help others avoid trouble if they take care of their wall now before it collapses like ours did.

    It is really nice that you guys read my spiralizer post. Marcie even commented. :)

    I am considering a spiralizer that is very similar to the hand held one that Marcie uses but it comes with a little knob to poke onto the end of the veggie to hold onto it and also comes with a little brush to clean the blades and has a cloth bag to keep everything together for about $15. It is called the "iPerfect Kitchen Envy Spiral Slicer Bundle. We'll see what I actually end up with but for the amount of times I'd use it I don't want to spend a lot of money and space on a table top model.

    Debora, I can't believe they found Thomas' bike! That is almost unheard of! I can just imagine how happy he is. I am also amazed that you managed to get the house cleaned up with the kids there. You are amazing. :)

    Marcie, glad you're feeling somewhat better. Hope the cough is gone soon. Yay, that you finally have clean air. Thanks for sharing the pretty pics of the sunsets. Yours was one of the prettiest ones! :) Thanks for sharing about your vegetti. I think that is the type I am going to get. Interesting about the ancestry site. You'll have to let us know what you find out. I bet it will be really nice to be able to get back to your walks during breaks and lunch again. I haven't been able to take my usual walks at lunch either due to the heat and LOTS of road construction. Cox cable is cutting up all the streets in the area so businesses can have high speed internet service. Sheesh! I hate when they do that because they never fix the cuts in the roads correctly! I am anxious to get back to a nice walk at lunch again.

    Sheryl, I am so glad the young couple is getting the house instead of the house flippers who usually don't really care about the house. They will be putting lots of love into the house and building happy memories there even if they do have some issues with it. I think it is very fitting. I know what you mean about John and the ladder. I have asked Dan a couple of times to please not do stuff on the ladder when he is home alone. These men can be pretty stubborn! Glad you had another good visit at the doc's. Also good that the next visit is in 3 mos instead of 2.

    So scary to hear about Christina and Jason. They are having to deal with so much! I just can't even wrap my head around it. I have heard some very frightening stories of guys getting a virus like this and not recovering. I don't know how they cope. I must renew my efforts to keep them in my prayers daily.

    Carla, I don't blame you for not joining the Wednesday weigh in. It can be a tough commitment. I think your idea of posting monthly updates is a good one. I also agree that you should share them here with us as well so we can be sure not to miss them. :smiley:

    Jannie, can't wait to see the countertops and hear about your first meal in your completed kitchen. I don't remember hearing about your hips. Are you waiting for a hip replacement? Acid reflux and gerd can be awful. I have a friend who has a damaged esophagus because of her gerd. The doc said it is partly due to the fact that she was eating late at night before bed. Glad you're getting it back in control.

    Well, I've rattled on long enough and it is 1:00am so I'd better get to bed! I'll try to stop in tomorrow too. Good night my friends!
  • cjdigsindirt
    cjdigsindirt Posts: 23 Member
    Marcie, I use Ancestry.com too. For awhile I paid the 20.00 a month then finally decided to go to the next step so that I could access more international stuff. It is so very interesting to find the links. I found the ship manifest that showed when my grandmother came over from Norway. I found a lot of information on my mother's side but not much on my father's past his parents. I really enjoy doing the research though.

    I need to head out for my walk, and will check back when I have more time to read the rest of the post to see what you are all up too. Even if I don't post, know that I am checking in now and then and reading. Just a lot going on right now. I need to start the winter garden at the senior plot soon and am getting seedling off to a good start. We have such high temps again that I have postponed planting. Maybe the first of October, if the heat subsides. Have a wonderful Sunday!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, again, this will be short, John is up already. It also doesn't help that I've been sleeping in later than I used to. The last two days have been a bit stressful, John is needing more and more attention and coming up with weird questions. We were playing CD's and he wanted to know how to turn the CD over to play the "B" side of music. I said there is no "side B" on a CD, it's not like a record or a cassette. He insisted that there is a "side B", almost to the point of arguing with me. He told me that he knows it can be done because he's done it before. I was dumbfounded. How can I prove to him without flipping over the CD and possibly ruining the CD and/or the player? I am amazed that he trusts me with his finances, but can't take my word on a silly thing like this.

    I enjoy reading all about everybody else's activities, even if I don't mention each individual one.
  • cjdigsindirt
    cjdigsindirt Posts: 23 Member
    Sheryl, so sorry to hear that John is needing more attention. I know how patient you are and I can't imagine how you cope sometimes. Of course I know you love him and that in itself would make one patient, but believe me I don't know how you do it. One day at a time, I presume.

    Isabella, good to see you. Will we ever get a break from this heat. We will continue through next weekend in the 90's. I think we may see a break this Tuesday but that is still 88.

    Hi to everyone else too! I am so enjoying being back in the PBS room! And ditto what Sheryl said, please know that I do read as many posts as I can.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited September 2015
    Good morning everyone, I have to warn you this is a very long post with a good explanation of how Gathered Table works and things I have discovered while using it for the last 9 days.

    1. Saving money with Gathered Table. I have definitely experienced some things this lady in the link below has experienced by using Gathered Table for two menus. I am ending my 10 day trial tomorrow and will need to decide to continue on or not. I think I will continue on and here is why.

    2. It has been easy having my menus setup and ready to go each day, especially when I have not been able to sleep. It has made the task of knowing what is for dinner easy because it is right there on the menu which has allowed me to take out whatever I need from the freezer a couple of days in advance to thaw in the refrigerator and have the meat of choice ready to use on the night I need it. I have not had to do any counter top in water defrosting in 9 days.

    3. I purchased a Pork Butt on Wednesday last week so I could do a pulled pork yesterday on Sunday, I knew what I would be using it for, didn't miss the pre-prep because I added the pulled pork recipe along with my regular meal menu for Friday, Saturday and Sunday to remind myself that I had pre-prep to do with the roast and had it on the table yesterday afternoon and had some friends over too. In the past I would have needed to toss in the freezer so it wouldn't spoil and then go through the dreaded thawing in order to make it. Which resulted in "NEVER" buying a Pork Butt because I didn't want to go through that, lol.

    We have plenty of leftovers I froze in two serving packs that will be available on nights we are busy and need something fast and easy on the table. I have done this with three dinners I have made in the last 9 days and I am keeping notes in my "notes" section of my phone with the date it went in the freezer so that I know what meals are available in the freezer and the "best by date" to use them. This will make it so much easier when we are out and asking what is for dinner, I can check and we can go home and not eat out and spend money there since most of this food would easily reheat in the microwave. I have also added two of those meals to this weeks menu which means then I only need to make sides to go with them saving me time in the long run.

    4. Speaking of spending money going out to eat. We haven't spent any money going out, we have usually eaten out at least once per week but mostly once per every other week. Having not gone out we have saved from $25-$50 in just 10 days because we have eaten in and I much prefer to eat what I cook instead of what a restaurant puts on the table for me. I have a menu set for the rest of the week and have purchased everything I needed for the week in one grocery trip. It's all ready to go.

    5. Speaking of grocery trips. There would be at least two of those in a weeks time because I would do the same thing as the gal in the story on the link below regarding the grocery store. Make a list of things I could make according to what was on sale or whatever popped into my mind when I saw something in the produce section. I always bought more than I needed and a lot of the time I would forget what I was going to make with it. I threw lots of fresh produce in the trash because I just couldn't get it used before it went bad.

    A huge savings there because it doesn't matter if I can't sleep, I can still function to get a meal on the table because it's all in the refrigerator and ready to go. He hasn't said anything yet but I am positive my husband is happy not having to stop by the grocery store after work a couple times per week to buy things I need because I don't have everything necessary to make a meal like he did before Gathered Table.

    6. I love how easy it is to add a recipe to my account by using the toolbar helper called "Clip to GatheredTable" or I can manually add a recipe. Then I can put each recipe into a folder according to what meal it is for, main dish, veg side, carb side, dessert, and I can make my own folder such as breakfast or whatever else comes to mind. I can even mark it for recipes it goes with such as a main and a side that are served together often. I can use their recipes or mine and the menu can come blank if I choose or have a few of Gathered Tables recipes and a few of mine or just their recipes.

    This system is very easy to setup how you would like it. You can set up a recipe according to how often you would like to eat it. So far I have left everything on 30 days which is the "default" setting but I find it easy to just go through my recipes to add what I would like to. The main purpose of setting up how often you would like it is to have the recipes generate on your new weeks menu automatically. I set my default to "rarely" include Gathered Table recipes in my menu but have found there are a lot of them and it is probably because I have all menu's set at 30 days, the default. I should probably change that so more of my recipes show up on my menu but it is easy to delete what they have added. I have actually had some inspiration from their recipes and it reminds me to add my version of that recipe to my library.

    I haven't used any of their recipes yet because I really like my own so I need to expand my thinking in that area and the time it takes to add a recipe, edit to make sure everything copied over correctly isn't long. Some recipes don't all copy over correctly and those would be the ones that have stories attached to them. So say you have a favorite recipe that starts out with "My family loves this recipe once per week, da da da". Then it goes on to tell you how to start the recipe. Let's say the recipe is a meat with a gravy and the meat portion of the recipe is the first thing you see, then the gravy portion is met further down the page after a long finishing of the story. The Gathered Table program doesn't always catch that there are two recipes within one and will usually only catch the first recipe leaving you with only half the recipe.

    This is easily fixed by going to "switch to manual" recipe add, then copy and pasting the rest of the recipe to the page. There is a notes section for the instructions to the recipe and the missing second recipe is usually included in the entire written story with both recipes included. I usually cut and paste the second recipe ingredients from here and add the ingredients to the first one. I always remove the whole story and just keep the actual instructions in this section. Each recipe that is added to my library has the link to the place it came from except for the ones I add myself. Those you add the link yourself and with both auto download, and manual download, you have a choice to mark the recipe with "From" which would be the actual website it comes from. "Adapted from", which would be if you have edited the recipe to suit your taste and needs for substituting products within the recipe but there will be the link to the original recipe included for it as well.

    An example of this would be the recipe calls for 16 ounces of crushed tomatoes but I have fresh Roma tomatoes I want to use instead. I can add the Roma tomatoes to my shopping list and remove the canned tomatoes from the shopping list. I would like to have a notes section included in the grocery list to remind myself that is the plan to use Roma's instead of canned, lol. I thought I was missing my tomatoes and decided to use the Roma's instead but realized that was the plan all along. :wink: I can also move an item from the grocery list to the pantry if I already have it on hand and vice versa. Then you can also move something to the replenish list as well so it will show up on your grocery list. This will probably work well on things like fresh produce, meats and spices that are regularly purchased such as my husbands apples and oranges or that three pack of romaine lettuce I buy all at once and I will use all week long.

    7. So, the conclusion is this. You get 10 days free trial to see how you like it then you can do a 1 month long trial for .99 cents to see if you really want to use the program. The next level is to pay $10.00 monthly or pay $86.00 at once for a one year program which saves more money in the long run. I have already saved a minimum of $25.00 because we didn't go out and eat anywhere but I have saved more than that because I haven't thrown out any food from the refrigerator so let's just consider that about $5.00. So my savings are already $30.00 in a two week period so if I continue this the program will pay for itself and then some. I will continue the program for .99 cents for one month and report back regarding my experience.

    The best part of this entire thing is when I joined for my free 10 day trial I received an email from my personal coach telling me how to get started and she has answered all the questions I have had very quickly. I like the fact there is a real person on the other side of my computer and not just a place to "ask a question" that goes to anyone who checks those emails. I also like that you can be friends with others and share recipes with others, or you can be private and not share with others. You know me, I want private so that is what I chose but they are looking into implementing a friends section to share with only your friends and family. If they do that then friends and family can share their recipes with each other which could expand our recipe base exponentially.

    Below is the link I talked about above, it is a story about a working woman and her experience with Gathered Table. My experience as laid out above is very similar to hers.


    Here is the link to the page on how to use the grocery list from Gathered Table.

    Grocery List Tips


    Here is the page which talks about how Gathered Table pays for itself and I can say it has already started saving me money in only two weeks of meal planning. I have not only saved money but trips to the grocery store have become once per week as long as I stick with the menu plan. I can save upwards of about $50-$75 per month if not more. This pays for Gathered Table a few times per year so I can see a lot of money staying in my pocket. Using the weekly grocery store sales ad makes it easy to plan meals with on sale items and saves even more.


    Well, there you have it, not in a small nut shell but laid out pretty well. I hope you all join me over there because the time saved meal planning is going to be better and better with the more recipes I get added to my account so the time needed to plan will be a quick menu fill and done. Then on to shopping.

    Have a great day everyone, I'll come back later and read everything I have missed.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member

    I forgot to mention the only bad things I find about Gathered Table.

    1. When the menu is made you have a shopping list and you can take those items on the list and add them to your pantry if you would like to. The problem I have with that is the fresh vegetables or the meats in the freezer are now listed in your pantry without an update when you use an item in a recipe. The system doesn't have a way to take away a portion of what is in there so now you have all your fruits and veggies, any refrigerator items you already have are now in your pantry and should be in the replenish list.

    The only problem with this scenario is that when you are looking at your grocery list and you want to take something off of it and put it in replenish instead of pantry there isn't an option for that. I find going through the pantry taking off fresh items to be too time consuming and would like to see a change with that. As far as pantry items you don't get an update of how much you have of that either but when I need something for the pantry like new seasonings or herbs or such then I just note that on my phone store list so I can keep track of that. It seems a little daunting to do that with everything in your kitchen on the account though.

    What I have done to fix this is to add all of my fresh and frozen foods to the Replenish section and will have to manually remove each item from my grocery list when I make my new menu's. It will take time but then I will see exactly what I have in the freezer and refrigerator when I go through that shopping list. It would be great to be able to list 6 apples or 9 oranges, or 3 romaine lettuce hearts and have those removed as they are used for the recipes. It would be great if all fresh fruit and veggies along with frozen foods be set up to remove like that.

    Okay, have a great day everyone!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, I get to go have lunch with Carol today. John had planned to go with me, we talked about it all weekend and, after lunch, we were going to go to Portland and stop by Harbor Freight. John made a list of stuff he wanted to get. Well, you guess it, he came out this morning, a little panicky, and said he wasn't prepared to go. I can't quite figure out whether it's lunch he wanted to get out of, or going over to Portland. I said Portland can wait for another day, but I am still meeting Carol for lunch and he's welcome to come along, but he begged off. He relaxed and went back to bed. The poor guy gets so upset when he has to leave home. So, I'll make it a shorter visit (maybe) and come back home. I know that someday, I won't be able to leave him at all, so I'll take advantage of lunches with friends while I can.

    Did I mention that he doesn't remember going to California? I can't imagine how frustrating that must be, to not remember.

    Anew, sounds interesting, thanks for doing all the research. I keep putting off getting back into the "right" routine of eating more healthy and logging it all to keep track of what I'm doing. I know what Carla said is so true, if I just do it, it will all come back to me and become a part of my daily routine and I will want to do it regularly, but that getting started part is so easy to put off.

    Jannie, I am so excited for you about your kitchen. It's really coming together now and you can see the end is near, happy cooking with all new, shiny, appliances. Also, so proud of your boys.

    Debora, you keep your family so "together". They are so fortunate to have you nearby and so willing to be there for what ever they need.

    Marcie, how are you feeling today? Still coughing? I know how that coughing disrupts sleep...waking up exhausted, that gets old real fast.

    I am having trouble getting on to OKP. Anyone else having a problem? I don't know if it's the site or my computer. I guess I'll send an email to Lynn and Susan.

    I'm remembering some news about Sue having knee surgery, has that happened already? I'll need to email her too and get more details.

    I talked to Christina last night on the phone, she is having so many difficulties. I can't imagine that one person can endure what she has gone through and not seeing a "light at the end of the tunnel". No hope of her pain easing up, what a terrible disease multiplied by more than one ailment piled upon another. Jason is doing better, but still needs help at home to recover.

    Well, I better get the dishes done and get a shower and get ready to go, after another mug of coffee, of course.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited September 2015
    Good morning everyone.

    Did anyone check out the Lunar Eclipse last night. Pretty cool seeing a red moon. They say this won't happen again for another 18 years. A bunch of our neighbors were all out in the street last night checking it out too. I wished I had a telescope. Would have been really spectacular. Dad pointed out that the next time this happens, I'll be 68 years old, he will most likely be dead (he'd be 89 then), and Cisco and Simon will for sure be gone. Leave it to my Dad to go there. Sheesh.

    I'm sure feeling better now. I still have a cough, but it's greatly improved now. That was the worst I've felt in a very long time. Glad it's behind me. It looks like Dad may have dodged that bullet as he hasn't gotten sick at all.

    Didn't do too much this weekend. Got my car washed, got my errands ran, groceries bought, etc., cleaned the bathrooms really good, laundry, light house cleaning, and weekly cooking.

    I recorded 6 of the new TV series last week and watched them this weekend. Of the 6, I'm only going to stick with a show called "Limitless" and the latest "Survivor". The rest I couldn't even sit through and just deleted them. I've also started watching Sons of Anarchy on Netflix. There are seven seasons to watch, so that will keep me entertained for quite a while. I'm also watching a series that started a few weeks ago called "Fear of the Walking Dead" (a spinoff of The Walking Dead...one of my favs). Lots to record and watch when I have time. I think I'm going to drop The Big Bang Theory this year. I watched the first episode and that show just isn't as good as it used to be, hasn't been for a couple years now.

    Dad took Cisco to the dog park on Saturday. He said there was this little puppy out there that was fascinated with Cisco and pestered him the whole time. Cisco just couldn't shake him. On the way home they stopped at the pet store and the guy who works there talked Dad into buying Cisco a piece of dried deer tendon. We can't give Cisco hard bones or antlers to chew on anymore (per vet), but there was enough give in the tendon that he could have that. That dog chewed on that thing for hours! In fact, when I got home from grocery shopping, he didn't even come to the door to greet me like he always does. Just kept on chewing on that thing and ignored me! I think he's missed not having an antler to chew on. I finally had to take it away from him for a while so he would quit obsessing over it. He sure didn't want to give it up!

    When I was leaving for work this morning, Cisco was playing with Dad. He's so cute. He gets his favorite purple squeaky ball and puts it on the floor in front of Dad, backs up a little, and waits (with tail wagging). As soon as Dad bends over to pick up the ball, Cisco darts in there and grabs the ball first and runs off. He keeps doing this until he gets bored with the "make Dad bend over" game.

    I think I'm done with the watermelon buying thing now. The last two haven't been so good. I guess the season is over. We sure got some really great watermelons this season. The good news is my favorite apple (Aurora Golden Gala) is back in the stores again. They are only there during the fall and part of the winter. Usually I have to go to one of the stores farther away from home to get them, but this year the grocery store near me is selling them. I was really excited to see them when I was shopping on Saturday. They are crisp, sweet, and have a really thin skin.

    I went ahead and cancelled my Ancestry.com subscriptions this weekend. I wanted to make sure it was cancelled before it rolls over and they start charging me for the service. It was interesting, but I'm not interested in paying $20 a month for it...at least not right now.

    Carla, it's sure great seeing you pop in now. How cool on finding that ship manifest from Norway! I hope the weather cools up for you so you can get your plants in. I'm sure ready to say goodbye to the hot weather! It got up in to the 90s this weekend. I'm really looking forward to nice cool Fall weather. Good luck on reaching your weight loss goals!

    Isabella, what a pain having the streets cut up like that. My neighborhood will be like that soon. They have the streets all marked up right now for an upcoming project on the sewer system. They will even be cutting into the yards. Not happy about that at all. Our poor yard has had it tough enough without being watered enough, and now they are going to cut into it. I've been going to the Dollar Store for lots of years, though I haven't been to one for a few months. Can find lots of good buys there. My Mom would always go there to buy candy to keep on her desk at work.

    Sheryl, I'm sorry it's been a little challenging with John this week. I just don't know how you do it. You must have a tremendous amount of love and patience.

    Jannie, sorry about the bad reflux. How frustrating that must be. You try to eat healthier and this is the result!

    Anew, glad you are enjoying the meal planning site.

    Debora, wow, how amazing that Thomas's bike was found! Busy as usual. Do you ever just stay home and do nothing? I've mastered that. Ha!

    Ok, well back to work. Have a lovely day and week everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Ha, I was finally able to get through to OKP. Have no idea what the problem was. I'm still having my Love/Hate relationship with my computer.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited September 2015
    Good afternoon all, I have been busy with car things and house things so I haven't been here for a couple of days. We are hooking the car trailer to my truck and the RV to my husbands truck today when he gets home. They both need to be safety inspected so we can register them.

    I took my truck to have the new tires put on and have an alignment done but couldn't do that because it needs U-Joints in the front and it would have been useless to do an alignment with that issue. We decided to forego that and fix it in a couple months down the road because my truck wouldn't pass safety inspection because I had 4 tiny holes in my muffler. The alignment is fine on my truck and my old tires were worn evenly but the problem was they were old and dry rotting. I knew my truck was sounding kind of airy if that makes any sense and I had them go ahead and put in a muffler so I could pass inspection. Now it sounds great again with the perfect rumble, lol. Even the tires sound quieter on the road and they are the same kind I had before.

    My husband will register the truck and trailers on Wednesday. He has been working on the trailers and making sure everything is as it is supposed to be so we shouldn't have any problems passing the safety inspection this evening. We discovered the guy who's been working on my truck has a huge 15 acres behind his shop we can pull into and pull straight back out again so it is easier for trailer pulling, I am thankful for that.

    Mygnsac-I'm sure glad you're feeling better, cisco is happy and your dad is morbid, lol. I was just talking to an old friend of mine and he was being morbid the other day too, lol. They are getting old and it's on their minds often. :wink:

    Sannferris-It's good you can take lunch with a friend and I am sorry to hear about John becoming agitated. I think it comes from not knowing where he is, it must be very hard to deal with.

    Isyvanek-I am glad to hear your fallen wall has had some good come from it. Hopefully people will heed the warnings and make sure they take care of that issue.

    Arobed53-The ever busy lady, I am in awe of you.

    Jiljawki-I am so happy to hear your kitchen has really come along. Have fun with that.

    I have done some prepping of dinner foods so that it will be faster to get on the stove tonight after we get home. This is where that pre planned menu comes in handy, knowing what is for dinner and preparing for it so that we don't go out and eat since we probably won't get the trailers back on the side of the house before 8:00 pm or so. This way now I can cook dinner in about 25 minutes or so.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited September 2015
    Whew, got the big RV inspected and it's back on the side of the house.

    I have a story to tell but I don't want to offend anyone regarding religion. My story is about God, he is my religion and I don't practice to preach anything, I don't even go to church anymore because the seats are so uncomfortable that I can't stand up after a service. I still believe though and I pray and sometimes I watch church on TV. I also listen to Christian radio.

    Today was met with some thankful prayer because I really believe God had a hand in keeping me safe today. I had said we were going to hook up both trailers and take them to get inspected, right? Okay, so the plan changed because it was getting to be around 4:00 before the hookup even began for my truck and we had to be there before 5:30 pm. Insurance gave us 24 hours to take the RV out of storage without paying the higher rate for a 30 day period but we had to have it back in storage and on the side of the house by 3:00 pm tomorrow.

    I said to my husband, "let's concentrate on the RV and get it down there, we can do my truck and car trailer tomorrow". He responded with, "OK, so plans are changing?" I said, "yes they are, I don't want to rush and we still have time to take mine tomorrow instead". He agreed it was a good idea. So we hooked up the RV to his truck and were ready to take off around 4:35 pm or so and I was going to follow him in my truck. He asked me if we still had time to do my trailer and I told him no, let's just concentrate on the RV. He feels more comfortable when I follow behind him because the road work is extensive out here.

    He got into his truck and I ran out of mine and asked him if he had the trailer paperwork? No, he said so he went into the house and got the paperwork. This took about five minutes or so. He said he was stressed because he hates pulling that 40 foot trailer and I know that. I asked him to take some deep breaths, take a drink of water and do some stretching. He did that and said he felt better and was ready to go.

    So, he heads back to his truck so we can leave. I had my truck running with the a/c going already and was getting ready to back out of my driveway. I let off the parking brake and my brake pedal hit the floor and I let it go and thought that was strange so I pushed it again. It went to the floor again so I opened the door and could see fluid on the ground. I put the parking brake on (thankful I was in park the whole time because I am parked on a hill) and ran out to tell my husband there was fluid under my truck and my brakes weren't working.

    Now if that wasn't a divine intervention I don't know what is, I would have rolled right into our trailer and done a lot of damage and maybe someone could have been hurt today.

    Thanks for listening (reading).
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited September 2015
    Good afternoon all, I hope I didn't set you all back with my post above. Sorry if I did.

    We got the car trailer inspected and back on the side of the house last night. I had put some of the Garlic chicken I had cooked this week and frozen into the oven yesterday on low to reheat it and have dinner at a good time again. I also threw in the sweet potatoes we are having twice this week so I won't have to turn the oven on again. Tonight we'll have pork chops with onions and apples with a sweet potato on the side. I like this not having to ask myself what I am cooking for dinner while using Gathered Table. I went ahead and did a one month trial for .99 cents to see if I want to continue and pay the higher rate for it.

    So far so good and I see the savings will really stack up too. I am trying to make sure I only need one shopping trip per week but think I might end up having to go at least twice per week anyway. We had to go last night to get more water, I don't like the overwhelming chlorine smell in my city water so I don't cook with or drink it. We are looking into a reasonably priced reverse osmosis system to put under the sink. I also find my husband asking for more half and half for his coffee and I make him some with my 2% and whipping cream to hold him over. I might just go ahead and make sure to make a second trip to the store for those specific items, I had to steer my husband away from getting anything else while at the store though.

    I've been using my little kitchen island with the boards stacked onto it for height and it's perfect so we can continue on to make the drawer and put the shelves in. I have all the slatted shelf parts primed and painted but still need to do a couple of coats with polyurethane for a stronger protection of the paint since I will be using that shelf often. I also need to stain the bottom shelf tongue and groove boards a dark walnut color. These things have to be done outside as the smell will make me ill.

    I hope you all have been having some good days!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited September 2015
    Hi everyone.

    Just a popping in for a quick hi. I hope you are all having a good week.

    Our weather seems to have turned now. We shouldn't get out of the 70s today, and it's drizzly too. They say we may make it up to the high 80s on Saturday, but it will be back down in the 70s on Sunday. Hopefully we've seen the last of the really hot weather now.

    My cough continues to subside. Mostly just waking up with it now and then. However, now that I'm just about past all that, my new issue is I have a sore tooth. It's the tooth they worked on last Fall and it's been bugging me the last couple days. I went from the issue with my right index finger (that last several weeks, and is still not fully healed yet...doesn't hurt anymore, just still a bit tingly and not quite right yet), right into that awful virus (that last several weeks and I still have the cough), and now the tooth. I'm ready for a couple weeks of nothing at all!

    Anew, I don't get set back by the beliefs of others. Nothing but respect.

    Back to work. It's payday. Yay!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, well we had a good time at Jeremiah's game. He had to be there early so Lucy played on the playground while I walked the sidewalk surrounding it. Jer's team won and then we picked up food to take home for everyone. I did get home early enough to watch Alan's kids and they were here longer than I thought they would be but we had a good time and I got my Sunday stuff done after they left.

    Sunday was SS and church as usual. Only had one fussy child and that didn't last so a good class. Dinner was enjoyed - ham and crockpot potatoes, watermelon and corn. Nice and simple. Everyone was gone by 3 so I worked on my Monday list until time to head for Lori's. They were in the group heading to a evening at our new pastor's. They have to take two cars but it worked. Along with taking care of Emily, I was able to do the dishes, fold a whole bunch of laundry and get in some walking. I also went out and saw the eclipse thanks to the neighbor cause I was turned in my directions. They live in an area with curvy streets so....

    Monday I had at home. Unfortunately, due to tiredness (I guess), Alan got upset with Ralph and they both said some things they should so Ralph was home for awhile. Later all calmed down and they got back in the field to combine. Ralph was done around 6 so we went to town so he could get a new pair of boots, antifreeze and ate out.

    Tuesday was at home too (I could get used to this but won't have a chance) so got some bills taken care of, and a lot of this and that. The list is still very long but it helped. Today was some at home. I also got some 4-H posters to the bank (if the kids bring a poster of their 4-H year, this bank puts $25 in a savings account for them), picked up the invites for Good News Club and met a friend for lunch to celebrate my birthday late and hers early.

    Tomorrow begins the going again. I'll take Ava to speech, go with my sister to her diabetes appointment and then go to Willing Workers in the evening.

    Isabel, what a nice feeling to feel more caught up at work. I love the Dollar Tree for their cards and usually find some other things there too. Dan has been busy in the yard - he'll be able to enjoy the work for years to come. It's nice that he knows how to do so many things. Not fun all you went through but nice that others can take care of things before it's really bad.
    Let us know how you like spirializer.
    :) on the house. You can do a lot when they are watching a taped show and you know a deadline is coming. Due to a big celebration at the one town, no one will be here this Sunday but I'm still trying to finish picking up and trying to keep it that way. And I already have told Derek I'd keep 4 of his kids the next weekend.

    Carla, looks like you've learned a lot for ancestry.com. I think my sister used it for awhile.

    Sheryl, sorry for the frustrating days. I think you handle it better than I would. I know I get frustrated with Ava at times when I think she should be listening better than she is probably able too. It takes a lot of patience. Glad you were able to enjoy lunch with Carol. Oh wow, not remembering the trip - does he just think he's been at home.

    Anew, I enjoy hearing about how thegatheringtable is working out for you. How smart to throw in the sweet potatoes when you were doing something else in the oven. Being able to put all you can on your phone is good too. I enjoyed the story.

    Marcie, so glad the virus is on its way out but bummer on the next wrinkle. That's enough for you. Cool that your dad found something Cisco can chew on. He can be persistent. I love the game he plays with your dad. YAY for payday. Don't spend it all at once. Bummer on watermelon season being past. What will you eat this winter?

    Anew, that is a lot of work for you to get your things inspected and tagged. Glad it all got done safely. So thankful all went well. And a big YAY for being to continue work on the kitchen island.

    Nights are always cooling off now so heat isn't so bad to handle and I'm having to dress a little warmer on the mornings we walk. But we'll enjoy being outside as long as we can. The two of us never seem to run out of things to talk about. Ended up taking a lunch to Ralph mid-afternoon so he can have the plate I fixed for him when he comes in. Of course, I'll have to fix another one for tomorrow cause I'll be gone over the noon hour again. That just the way it goes. I'll head off and do my list and figure out what to take to the potluck Sunday.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited October 2015
    Good Morning, seems like forever since I popped in last. So busy doing almost nothing at all. Took a while to read comments and get caught up, glad John is sleeping in this morning.

    Anew, I see God's Hand guiding all the time, so don't feel like you are offending. You didn't finish your story though, did you simply go in the same truck with your husband and forget about following? I assume there was no time to do a repair and still get there on time. So glad there was no damage and no injury.

    Lunch with Carol was wonderful. I guess it was better that John didn't go...my therapy. The topic of support groups and counseling came up and I decided my lunch out with a friend is what I need. The group therapy offered by the oncologist group was never at a good time for me (and also held in Portland and I didn't want to drive at night) and the one on one counseling cost money that I didn't feel was necessary. Carol said that her son didn't use any of the group sessions either and the one time he went to a one on one counseling, the "counselor" was worse off than he was and he got very depressed and wouldn't go back.
    The groups that I've been told about, regarding dealing with the dementia, also just not convenient and I don't know what good it would do. I already know so many people dealing with the same thing, I can talk to them. Carol's mother had dementia and my aunt and uncle, so I talk to Nancy a lot. And, you let me pour my heart out to you guys too, you're the greatest!

    John and I wanted to take our neighbors out to lunch or dinner to thank them for all they do for us. We all just kept putting it off. Last week, I told Gayla that we NEED to put it on the calendar so we actually do it. She called me yesterday morning and asked if yesterday is a good time...she was off work. We went to a Chinese restaurant that she heard about at work and it was great. Had a great time with good friends, even though we always have a good visit just walking across the street, this was special. And, terrific food, so fresh and tasty, could tell that everything was prepared right before serving. And, lots of it, plenty of doggy bags for all four of us to have lunch again today.

    As I was checking out this week's tv schedule, I see that there is no Recipe Rehab next Saturday morning. It's replaced by a new show, The Inspectors. I am sad, I really liked the recipes. I probably should not even check out the new show, I may get hooked on that one too and still watch tv every Saturday morning. I should use my time so much more wisely.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited October 2015
    Hi all.

    I stayed home today and not doing a whole lot. Just made myself a bowl of ramen (minus the salt bomb seasoning packet) and added my own chicken broth with some turkey, spinach and corn. Turned out really good.

    Cisco was just having a kanipshin. Looks like the city workers who have been working on the sewers in our neighborhood this week have started on our yard, and he's not at all happy about it. Here they are, and that's dad to the right (in the mauve shirt) pow-wowing with a couple of our neighbors. The workers have been moving through the neighborhood quickly, so they shouldn't take too long in our yard. When they are done, you almost can't tell they've been there.


    Sheryl, I'm glad you have such a great support system through your family and friends (and us!). Your dinner out sounds yummy and fun.

    Deborah, no shortage of yummy things to eat now. I'm craving pumpkin, so I think I'll make a batch of my pumpkin, banana, apple, oatmeal bars. I didnt use the oven much this summer and I'm ready to start roasting veggies and baking stuff again. That's good that Ralph and Alan have patched it up. Sometimes we just have to clear the air with our loved ones.

    I think I'll close now and take a little nap. I'd ask Cisco to join me, be he'll be on high-alert until those guys stop messing with his yard!

    Have a nice day.